• Published 19th Nov 2019
  • 3,597 Views, 149 Comments

Mother Moon, Cousin Love - ShadowStar_IMHP

Princess Luna, and Nightmare Moon was saved by the Elements of Harmony. Now Nightmare moon is her own pony a filly just a year old, when the Changelings attack Canterlot. Nightshade has only one thing to say to them... "MINE!"

  • ...

Chapter Eleven

Twilight’s POV

She jolted awake the vision of Chrysalis being killed fresh in her mind. “SHE ... she...”

“Twilight, you alright darling?” Rarity asks approaching her panicking friend.

“Nightshade... she killed.”

“Shoo, it was just a nightmare Twilight.”

“A Nightmare? But it was so real. I... saw it all. She crushed Chrysalis's head.” Twilight hugged Rarity as the panic started to fade. “It was so real.”

“Hmm, I saw her break Chrysalis leg.”

Applejack came over “Ah, think she lost control at the end. I didn’t even see the end of the fight due to my noticing Shining Armor wasn’t there. Twilight in my dream pointed to him being behind me.”

Fluttershy came over “I was so scared, then she made it a lovely glade. She also said she was hurt... Oh no, where is she?”

Nodes looked over “Heading to the Hospital on Luna’s back. Let get Celestia freed then get Lyra here to the hospital as well... Why are you all looking at me like that?”

“Nodes your disguise is gone.”

Nodes lift his holed hoof. “Oh, crap.”

A blue forcefield sprang up around him just before the hoof of Rainbow Dash. “Come on Cadence let me get that Changeling!”

“No Rainbow, that is Nodes and he’s a friend. He helped save Luna’s life.”

“Really? Alright, I guess. But I’m watching you, mister.”

The others still watched with their distrust. Twilight watched as he went to the cocoon and spit on his hoof and then slid it down the side. The cocoon seemed to dissolve and Celestia fell to the floor.

She shakes her head “Sunset?” It took her a few moments before reality reasserts herself and she stands up. “Where is Chrysalis?”

Twilight tilts her head wondering why Celestia was asking if it was sunset. “Gone... um, what did happen Cadence?”

“I got my forcefield back up thanks to Cadence.” Shining Armor nuzzles Cadence. “My lovely Warrior Princess.”

Cadence blushes “Hush you. We got wounded. Luna already heading to the hospital and I bet she’s ignoring her wounds worrying about Nightshade’s.”

Celestia’s head turns quickly. “How badly is Luna wounded?”

Cadence blinks seeing the worry in Celestia’s eyes “I don’t know about Nightshade, Luna’s horn is broken”... Twilight gasps hearing that.

Celestia didn’t wait for more and like Luna before he ran out of the grand hall.

“Times like this I see the family relationship.”

“Can Someone take me to the hospital now. I do have a broken hoof!” Lyra yelled out.

“Come on Sugar cube I carry ya to the hospital.” Applejack carefully lifts Lyra onto her back and with the rest of the gang head out.

Stonewall looks at the others “If you excuse me, Princess Cadence. I have to find my son.”

“Of course Stonewall, you are dismissed. Shining, we have to head to a warehouse to get some survivors in hiding and might not know it’s over.”

“I'll come as well Princess, with me being low on magic I can’t hide what I am. At least you can give credit to me being here.” Nodes look out the door spotting a group of guards.

“Or maybe I hide in a broom closet till it safe...”

“Come on Nodes. You have to be seen sometime.” Cadence sighs already getting a headache.


Luna POV

The Canterlot Hospital was a chaotic mess. This was not surprising given the city just survived an invasion. Several nurses were moving from pony to pony checking wounds from worst to less severe. The amount of treating wounds was low given the Changelings goal was to capture ponies. This still produced a waiting room full of hurt ponies that needed treatment. It was organized chaos.

In such conditions, even a Princess would have trouble getting assistance. That changed when the staff found out it was a filly in critical condition.

It was a blur of activity to Luna as the doctors got her daughter onto a bed and hooked up to monitors.

Doctor Feel Good looked to Luna. “We got her stable. The magical channels in her horn are charred. It rare for a unicorn to use all of their magical reserves. I don’t even think it was possible for an Alicorn. The whole reason foals have magical surges is to prevent this very thing.”

“She... she created a forcefield when the invasion happened and held it.” Luna wanted to tell the whole truth but that would expose the true nature of the filly on the bed before her.

He nods “There is an instinctive defensive surge where a foal would draw in as much ambient magic they can to protect themselves. Mostly it results in teleportation, or extreme rapid flight, or run speeds. I guess if she felt trapped she would have produced a field.” He looks over the medical chart “We can’t give her a magic infusion due to the damaged channels. Injecting fresh magic would cause more harm, and be painful with the channels so raw.”

The door to the room and Celestia rushes in. “Luna... Oh, luna.” Seeing her she rushes to Luna’s side gripping her in a hug. “Are you alright?”

“I've had the worst.” Luna looks down at Nightshade “She's far worst off.”

Celestia looked to the filly. “She did this to herself to save Equestria?”

FeelGood looks at the two Princesses “Alright what aren’t you telling me.”

Luna looks to Celestia then to the Doctor. “We have to tell him. It for her safety.”

Celestia nods and seals the door with magic. “Dr. This filly has memories over a thousand years old. The magic that took my sister away from me...”

“No tricks Celestia. Doctor Feel Good, this filly has the mind of Nightmare Moon. The cursed that doomed me wasn’t some dark spirit, it what you now call dissociative identity disorder combined with the dark magic of Sombra. That became the being history knows as Nightmare Moon. When the Elements of Harmony freed me it spared that other identity, now free of my sadness and anger. Nightshade is as much Nightmare Moon as I am, for we are both free of that cursed magic. Celestia twisted the facts to protect me for when I could be freed from the curse. She didn’t expect my other half to be spared as well.”

“Doctor I know it a lot to take in. Some would judge her for what she was, not what she is. I understand if you would want to be reassigned but I request that you keep this secret.”

Doctor Feel Good closes his eyes and softly “I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:

I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.

I will remember that there is an art to medicine, magic, as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife, unicorn’s spell, or the chemist's drug.

I will not be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.

I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my frailty. Above all, I must not play at being a God.

I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems if I am to care adequately for the sick.

I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.

I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.

If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter? May I always act to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.”

He then looks to the princesses. “I made that oath when I became a Doctor. I made it again to you. Your daughter, Princess Luna, well being is my sacred duty. Betraying her privacy and revealing this knowledge will break my oath and duty. Now that is over I got another patient to check out.”

“Of course doctor and thank you.” Celestia drops the spell holding the door but was surprised that he didn’t leave.

Walking over to Luna “now let me look at that horn, I can already tell you tried to use magic after it was damaged. You also have a wing I need to double-check and those burn marks. Alicorn healing factor aside unless properly tended to and treated you could end up with nasty scars, or even a useless wing.”

“I’m fine.”

Doctor Feel Good looks at her “I will be the judge of that.”

Celestia smiles seeing her family was in good hooves. Then she looks into the direction of the castle, thinking about one member who was still lost somewhere on the other side of a magic mirror.

Peppermint Heart’s POV

Looking out the window at the recovering city Peppermint Heart noted the guards on patrols. It looks like the problem was over.

The suite door burst open “Peppermint Heart is my son here?” A panicked looking Stonewall shouted as he entered the room.

“AGH it’s another one! Protect me!” Prince Blueblood shoves Goodlife in front of himself.

“Sir, it’s just the father of the colt, Mr. Stonewall. No need to panic, don’t want another accident now do we?”

“That was the foal’s accident. I did not pee myself.”

“Of course not sir.” Goodlife rolls his eyes.”

Stonewall took a moment to noticed both foals were diapered. “Um, sure Prince Blueblood.”

“Your son here safe and sound.”

“Don’t trust him you nanny. Test him, he could be a shapeshifter.” Blueblood states from the safety of Goodlife.

“If you insist. Stonewall this will remove any illusion or magic hiding the truth of who you are.” He dabs the green paste on Stonewall’s shoulder. “See Prince he’s a Pony.”

Stonewall goes to the playpen containing the two foals and picks up Buster. “My little colt.” He hugs his son the emotions welling up tears came to his eyes.

“Guard, do you know any information about my cousin Nightshade? This incompetent nanny lost track of her.” Blueblood asks worried about his cousin, at the same time not wanting to expose the secret.

“Luna took her to the hospital.”

“Took who to the hospital?” Walking into the suite was Buttercream. She took two more steps before a scream of “MOMMIE!” Cream Puff even dropped her stuffed bunny to try to get out of the playpen to get to her mother. “Oh I feel much better now” she picked up Cream Puff and then the dropped bunny.

Peppermint Heart sighed “Nightshade seems to have been hurt during the attack. Luna took her to the hospital.”

“You can tell me on the way.” She turned seeming to ignore Prince Blueblood as she marched out. Only stopping at the door. “Well, are you coming too Peppermint Heart?”

“Oh, of course.” Peppermint hurried out of the suite following Buttercream “I was wondering something. Would you like to have lunch with me sometime?”

Buttercream stops and looks back shifting Cream Puff onto her back where the filly gripped on tight. “Peppermint are you asking me out on a date?”

“Well, just lunch... I understand if...”

She put her hoof to his mouth. “I will be delighted, but only if Cream Puff can come along. We are a matching set.”

“Of course, I enjoy spending time with little Puff.”

“Good, then in two weeks it's a date. That Friday, I know this wonderful place called the Tasty Treat it off the main strip, so doesn’t have that horrible snobbish food.”

“Sounds lovely.” Peppermint Heart couldn’t help have a spring in his step as they head to the Hospital.

Author's Note:

I got another chapter done this week! Things are wrapping up on this story. I have a third full story idea in mind, and I have the Joys of Parenthood ongoing side stories. So the adventures of Nightshade isn't ending.

I'm asking now, should Nightshade go through the Mirror into the EQ universe? Or not?

AGH I noticed a major error! A mistake via cut and past I already fixed it. It was in the part where Applejack talked about what she saw. If you already read that it fixed now.