• Published 19th Nov 2019
  • 3,609 Views, 149 Comments

Mother Moon, Cousin Love - ShadowStar_IMHP

Princess Luna, and Nightmare Moon was saved by the Elements of Harmony. Now Nightmare moon is her own pony a filly just a year old, when the Changelings attack Canterlot. Nightshade has only one thing to say to them... "MINE!"

  • ...

Chapter One

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza backs away her heart racing as she raised her hooves to protect herself. Sweat matted her pink coat as her fear threatened to overwhelm her. The cause of the fear was before her, stalking her, teal predatory eyes studying her with pure determination to deliver the final blow to end her life.

She tried to block the blow only to have her hoof brush aside. Closing her eyes she prepares for the death blow, her eyes were not even closed fully as a hoof touches the side of her head.

“You did better this time Cadence.” Princess Luna backed up and makes a bow of respect. “You are improving, thought you lost your focus at the end. The trick is to divert the blow not to stop it because you did try to stop my strike I was able to overwhelm you.”

Cadence flan herself with her wings. “Aunt Luna, when would I have to fight? I’m marring the Captain of the Guard.” She sighs and moves over to the table where a butler finished pouring two tall glasses of lemonade with ice.

Luna looked to the crystal heart cutie mark thinking about the Crystal Empire and Sombra. “It’s better to have a skill in self-defense and not need it, then need it and not have it. After all, if you had more skill in the hoof to hoof fighting you could have handled the mess you ended up during Discord’s rampage.”

“I was attacked by stuffed animals. They were full of fluff. I know because I did kick a stuffed bunny head off. I doubt being a black belt would have helped.”

“See, imagine not having the teaching I already gave you.” Luna smiled as she sipped her lemonade. “You are improving. It is a pity that Celestia has been neglecting this in your training.”

Still fanning herself as she sips her lemonade Cadence takes a few moments before replying. “Still it a need that kind of out of date.”

Luna smirk “It part of our deal thought. You help me adapt to this new time, and with what remains of the damage to my soul. I help train you.”

“Remind me why I agreed to this?” Cadence looked over to her Aunt

“Something about trying to bribe me into having therapy and these spars was that bribe. Celestia stopped sparing with me even before the trouble started.” She blushes thinking back “My beloved Shadow Striker was the only one who still spared with me, and could outdo me in the hoof to hoof combat.”

Cadence smiles looking over “Mind telling me about him?”

“It painful I don’t think I would ever get over losing him in such away.”

“If you don’t want to it’s fine.” Cadence didn’t want to sadden her aunt when they were having fun. Though she still wonders about her aunt's version of fun.

“I don’t mind Cadence. The wound finally healing thanks to those therapy sessions. He had a silvery coat like a cloud with moonlight shining on it.” She blinked and look to the castle.

“Well he was a quiet type, but when he showed his feelings it was deep. He confessed his feeling for me during a sparing session. I had him pinned to the ground and he... just leaned up and kissed me.”

Cadence laughed “That better than Shining Armor. He tried to be all romantic, came to my house with flowers all dressed up, but when I opened the door he just stood there. I had to guess he wanted to ask me out on a date.”

“I’m almost afraid of asking how he proposes.”

“That he did much better, a nice romantic dinner, all the...” Cadence stopped as a loud almost whining voice spoke up.

“CADDY! I can’t believe it. You are getting married to that low born Shining Armor?” Prince Blueblood came stomping his way into the private sparing area of the garden. “I thought we had something, What about ME!”

“Bluey!” Cadence gets up and hugs the stallion. “Don’t worry Blue, Mr. Goodlife in on the secret.”

“Oh, thank Celestia. I had to pout and stomp my way from the train. The first thing my so-called friends did was start complaining that you accepted Shining Armor proposal. I’m so happy for you.” The voice of Prince Blueblood dropped to a more normal tone.

“Indeed Prince Blueblood. I take my oaths to serve the royal family very seriously. That includes keeping their secrets.” The butler Goodlife nods “Care for a lemonade?”

“Indeed my good stallion.” Prince Blueblood turns to Luna. “Good to see you again Aunt Luna. Sorry, I haven’t been able to make your acquaintance, but someone had to go to Yakyakistan with Cadence here staying to assist you that task fell to me. To tell the truth, I love the Yaks such a proud people, the trick is to do things in a way to not let them feel shame.”

“Quite alright Prince Blueblood. I also understand why you... put on airs as the modern saying goes.”

Blueblood chuckles as he accepts the glass of Lemonade from Goodlife. “Indeed, I do find staying home so boring. The Nobles thinking they are cunning, I can only stand so much talk about finding tax law loopholes. Not one thinks that me being a Royal my income is from those very taxes. That and a few side businesses I invested in.”

Cadence sat back down “I’m glad you got back in time. Oh, how your mare friend in the Everfree?”

“Everfree... wait is that rumor of that Zebra, Zecora being your mare friend real?” Luna asks looking at the Prince.

“Well... hmm. I guess I didn’t keep that as hidden as I thought. She doing much better now that the Ponies in Ponyville aren’t afraid of her.” He then looked to Goodlife “You didn’t hear that.”

“What sir? All you been doing was crying over the loss of the love of your life to that... what did you call him? Low born Shining Armor.” The butler's face showed no emotion standing as straight as one of the royal guards.

“I met her briefly during our trip to Ponyville during Nightmare Night. She was an impressive display, even though I had an issue with the story she told.” Snorts “Nightmare Moon didn’t gobble down or threaten to gobble down foals.”

“It just part of the tradition that developed the last thousand years Luna.” Cadence brushed her wing over her aunt’s back.

“I know and I don’t blame the mare. Just a touchy reminder of a time long past.”

“You might like her Auntie. Zecora enjoys a bit of mysticism about herself, really plays up the wise Shaman even speaks in rhyme. Thought she drops the act when we are together, kind of hard to rhyme I love you after all.”

Cadence tilts her head “Well it could be done, but not sure if it would make sense.”

“Well, I best be heading off. Got to make a whole grand appearance reporting to Celestia about the trade deal with the Yaks.” Prince Blueblood sets down the glass and looks to Goodlife “And that was wonderful lemonade.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“CADENCE HOW COULD YOU!” Prince Blueblood turns and runs off for the castle “I’m telling Auntie Celestia about this!” He whined as he heads for the throne room to put on a grand display of his broken heart.

“I think he enjoys putting on a show as he does traveling,” Cadence says as she covers her mouth laughing.

“I must say he had me fooled when we first met. Now that we rested... back to your lessons.”

“But... Luna, I need to shower before the cake tasting. If we spar again we will be late.”

“Alright, just because you are getting married,” Luna says as she stands. “Mr. Goodlife please clean up. My niece is correct we both need a shower before we sample these cakes Buttercream been making for us.”

“Of course Princess.” Goodlife lifts the tray and walks his way to the kitchens.

“NO!” the royal purple foal screamed as she fought against the seamstress trying to get her measurement.

“Please, Princess Nightshade just wait a little longer.” The seamstress sighs and tries once again to get the tape measure around the filly’s barrel. “Princess your friend Cream Puff seemed to enjoyed being measured.”

“That because she doesn’t know you are making Froufrou dresses!” Thought Nightshade spoke a few words most was still baby talk the seamstress Cross Stitch couldn't understand.

The door to the nursery suite opens Luna walks in followed closely by Cadence. “I heard my daughter from the hall. Is everything alright?”

“Just seems our little Princess does not enjoy being measured for a new dress.” Peppermint Heart spoke up from the play area where he was keeping an eye on Cream Puff. Who seemed to be playing seamstress measuring her stuffed bunny.

“Nightshade if you behave for the seamstress I make a batch of those moon pies you like,” Luna said to her daughter.

Nightshade stopped her squirming thinking over the deal. “Very well” Standing still to get her measurements done.

“Luna resorting to bribery? That just going to make her more stubborn.” Cadence says as she walks over to nuzzle Nightshade only to get a hoof bopping her snout.

“I’m surprised that worked. I don’t think I ever have seen a foal who could understand so much.” Cross Stitch sated as she was able to finish her job.

“Our Princess Nightshade a very clever pony. We think it’s because of her Alicorn nature, even Princess Cadence has a sharp mind she did the graduate top of her class.” Luna says as she picks up Nightshade.

Just to have Nightshade push her away with her little hooves. “Ugh you both stink”

“And she has a sensitive nose. Alright, I need to have a shower, just finished sparing with Cadence.”

“Oh, how did you do this time Princess Cadence.” Peppermint Heart asks as he takes Nightshade from Luna.

“Terrible, I didn’t even make one hit.” Cadence ears lay down thinking about how poorly the sparing was going.

“Not too bad she lasted a whole three minutes this time,” Luna states impressed by her pupal improvement.

“Just be glad she doesn’t try teaching you the Zebrica style of fighting. I doubt you like trying to balance yourself on a staff.” Peppermint chuckled he sets Nightshade down beside the now curious Cream Puff.

“Well, since you are here Princess Mi Amore Cadenza any particular style of dresses you want for the fillies?” Cross Stitch asks as she puts her stuff away and with a wave of her horn brings up her note pad to make quick notes.

Cadence opens her mouth when another voice cuts in. Nightshade loudly states “NO Fru fru!”

“I wonder what Nightshade fussing about. Almost like she said froufrou.” Cadence reply.

“Does she even know what froufrou means?” Confused Cross Stitch looks to Luna.

“I doubt it, I saw some new dresses that others call froufrou when I took her for a walk. She might have heard the word then. Thought it more like she mimicking the sound you know how baby talks at that stage.” Luna sighs Nightshade wasn’t being careful, another sign the mind behind those teal eyes has become more like the foal she was now. She then looks at the royal purple filly. “After all Nightshade just a year old.”

Nightshade blinks it was now dawning on her that the seamstress might get suspicious. Quick need distraction.

“What with that face she’s making.” The seamstress asks looking at the purple filly right before a clear fart was muffled by the dipper she made.

“Perhaps she was saying poo-poo, not froufrou.” Peppermint waved his hoof in front of his face before he picked up the now soiled filly. “Well, the faster I get that air cleansing gem on the better for us all.” Then it was off to the changing table.

“That our cue to go. Take care of the little ones, Peppermint you are a lifesaver!” Cadence says as she hurries out of the suit, following soon after Cross Stitch.

Luna looks over to her daughter “Really?” Shaking her head she goes for the shower. There was cake to be tasted and harmony forbid if they were late Celestia would freak.

Author's Note:

I and my muse have finally got back together and started the second story of Mother Moon saga. The butterfly effect has taken place and I wanted this chapter to reflect one of the major changes. That Luna been teaching Cadence hoof to hoof combat.

The reason for the change is simple. Instead of Cadence going to the Yaks, my reason for why we didn't see Cadence in the show till the wedding happened. It was Prince Blueblood who went. Truth be told I'm kind of loose on the timeline here. Part of me wants to make it after Nightshade starts talking just so she can yell a few things mainly "MINE!"

Some timelines I seen have placed the Canterlot Wedding in early October of the first year of the show. Others lean to the one year for one season idea.

I'm placing the Canterlot Wedding after Discord and Luna Eclipse, why just because I want to! So I reject your timeline and substitute my own. Besides the butterfly effect on going the Wedding might have been delayed in this Universe.

As always I have a few disabilities that make it hard for me to write. Mainly Dyslexia, really can you imagine how hard it is when the bleeping letters move on their own! For a quick help in understanding is this Dyslexia I'm the Scotopic sensitivity type. I can see the words but as I focus on writing they move around on me. This makes my own spell checking and grammar difficult. I do use Grammarly however I can't pay for the full function so only use the Free version. So if you find it hard to read because of typos I do apologize and blame my messed up biology!