• Published 19th Nov 2019
  • 13,724 Views, 2,383 Comments

Child of Mine - Starscribe

After discovering a strange animal abandoned in the forest, Kyle is in for far more than he could've bargained for.

  • ...


A few years later...

Kara's graduation was almost perfect.

Parents and well-wishers filled the entire stadium, so thick she couldn't even identify where her parents were sitting. But even if she couldn't see them, they'd be able to see her, up near the front of the class wearing gold robes and with every extra sash the school offered.

She understood, at least on an emotional level, that the ceremony was only the formality that came at the end of all her hard work. The spot waiting for her at Berkley's Physics program was the real prize, one hard fought and well earned. Few other students could recover from half a semester away from class, and still achieve their goals.

Thinking about those months sent strange chills down her spine. The dean's speech became noise, and the chill breeze lifting her robes lost its bite.

There were scars, even after three years of healing. Kara felt at the bracelet wrapped around her wrist, where quartz studs pressed faintly into her skin. Jewelry she could remove only once a year, when a replacement arrived by mail from another universe.

Be grateful, Kara. Who else down here got to decide how tall they would be, or their bust size, or that they would never get acne again?

Finally the general procession began, and the names of her classmates were read one at a time. She stood with the first group, turning towards the crowd. Sure enough, when she reached the top, her family made their best effort to be as loud as the others, and she finally found them.

They couldn't fill up a whole wing of the stands with aunts and uncles and cousins, the way some did. But both parents were there, waving energetically. Even Edgar had come, with a single bodyguard nearby in black. He didn't cheer, but his presence was enough. There was solidarity here: even if she couldn't see it, Grandpa had a bracelet too.

Stranger by far was the loudest member of their little group, a young woman sitting beside her mom. How she'd failed to notice hair that blue even from a distance, Kara couldn't tell. But if there was any doubt still left in her mind, the child in her lap settled it.

An adorable little girl, not quite old enough for school, who never took her little fingers from her hand.

Kara almost tripped on her robes in her excitement, returning to her seat with diploma in hand. For a moment at least, her graduation and her upcoming college faded to the back of her mind.

She shared a little eager conversation with Cindy in the seat beside her, discussing the graduation parties they'd be attending over the next few days. Several, naturally.

"I can't do anything tonight," she muttered. "Family stuff."

On her other side, Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Sure about that, Kara? Things are gonna get crazy tonight.”

She briefly considered what might happen if she invited the blue-haired girl up in the stands. "No promises," she eventually said. "Might have my cousin with me. You think Ron would be cool with that?"

"So long as she's cool, I'm sure."

"She's cool," Kara answered. "She just graduated too, actually. Different school."

When the ceremony finally ended, Kara was swept up in the crowd. She hurried away from her friends as soon as she got the chance, afraid that she might've been imagining things. Either that, or maybe her sister would somehow slip away, too ashamed to see her in person but wanting to be there anyway.

She shouldn't have worried.

Kyle hovered near their mom, little girl riding her shoulders and staring around the parking lot in fascination. They both turned as Kara approached, with near-identical expressions of recognition. Kyle twisted to one side, lifting her arms and lowering the child gently to the ground.

She squealed eagerly. "Kara!" She made it a few steps before coming up short, retreating until she could reach Kyle's dress. She cowered slightly behind her leg, eyeing the crowd at either side with nervous fear.

Her family swept up to meet her, cheering all over again. But once she'd given her parents the requisite number of hugs, and even one for Grandpa, she found Kyle waiting shyly near the car.

The bracelet worked well enough, though there were some things it couldn't do, including deaden her strange new sense for magic. Standing this close to Kyle and Fay was a bit like downing a few espresso shots, without the jitters. Her tiredness from a long day of rehearsals and sitting in the sun vanished in an eyeblink.

This is what I gave up. I could've had this all the time. She hesitated, taking a single long breath, crushing that thought down to powder before it could lead her down a path she would regret.

Her sister hadn't changed much in three years, minus for the obvious exception: she was human. The horses had dressed the two of them in clothing that was both casual and subtly regal, with ruffles over her chest and accents of gold thread.

Fay even had a little crown, though the silver metal was more subdued than anything Kara remembered from her brief visit to their world. It looked more like an adorable accessory, and less like a priceless treasure.

"Congratulations, little sis," Kyle said, barely loud enough to hear over the crowd. "I hear you got into Berkley. That's awesome."

Kara stopped a foot away, close enough that Fay cowered behind her mother, only poking out with those unnaturally green eyes. But considering her hair was as shamelessly impossible as Kyle's, that hardly made things worse.

"Little?" She stuck out one hand, holding it over Kyle's head. "I know you're a little shaky with math, but that has to be at least six inches."

Then she saw her face—Kyle was crying. Kara embraced her, and found her sister returned the gesture, poorly restraining her sobs.

It was like they were little kids all over again, with Kara's growth spurt giving her a few years of height advantage before he caught up. But despite the time, and the strange reversal between them, it was the best hug she'd had in ages.

"You have to meet Flurry!" Kyle said, after they finally broke apart. She bent down, lifting the child in her arms. "Well, not meet. This is Kara, remember sweetie?"

"Twin," she said, pressing one clumsy hand flat against her chest. "Kara!"

"That's right." She leaned down, brushing a few strands of hair from the little girl's face. "Sure am! Your mom and I grew up together. Guess it's hard to tell that now..."

She froze, staring at Kyle's arms. Both wrists were bare. She held out her own, shaking the robe down to expose it.

Probably unwise, with thousands of people all around them. But the parking lot was packed with a hundred little reunions, each one entirely self-absorbed. Besides, the studs poked into her arm, so the magical glow was barely visible.

"Did they come up with something better? No more bracelets?"

Kyle chuckled nervously. "That's... kinda the same reason I haven't been able to visit yet. They wouldn't even think about letting me cross to this side until I could do it on my own. Cadance didn't let me cast the spell on Flurry, as you can see."

She lifted the girl's arm, showing Kara the bracelet. Not that it was terribly hard to spot.

"Please, take as long as you like to catch up," Grandpa said. "But perhaps you would be more comfortable in the limousine."

She wasn't, as it happened. It pulled right into the parking lot, forcing other families to spread out and clear the way for it to pass. People would be talking about Kara, and how much better she thought she was compared to everyone else.

She hurried inside anyway, if only to be out of their line of sight. Kyle followed, helping Fay inside ahead of her. They sat together near the back, as the adults settled near the front.

There was one more man than Kara expected, another bodyguard with a square build and short, blue hair, who rode up front with the driver.

"I got my head around it eventually," she continued. "Monday is a great teacher. She's even giving Flurry lessons. Isn't she?"

Flurry grinned, pointing her stubby fingers at Kara's diploma. It lifted in her grip. Fay's hands glowed bright yellow, though it was flickering and unsteady. She settled it in her lap, grinning proudly. "On my own!"

"Fantastic, sweetie." Kyle pried the leather folio gently from her fingers, returning it to Kara. "She's getting really good. Her days of accidentally transforming entire buildings are long gone."

"They went with the old name?" she asked. "That's weird. Maybe not as weird as letting you take her into other universes, but... up there."

Kyle shrugged. "Ponies don't see names the same way we do, so it makes more sense to do things their way." She flushed bright red, suddenly avoiding Kara's eyes. "Flurry and I both changed, actually. It's something we have in common."

Kara grinned, nudging her in the ribs. "Well? If you've transitioned to something better, I should really stop calling you 'Kyle'. Assuming you... want me to."

Kyle shrugged, but the gesture was entirely unconvincing. Maybe she could lie to their parents like that, but not her twin. "Go on."

"I didn't pick it!" she said, raising a defensive hand. "Ponies have a complex relationship with their names and their cutie marks, and that's twice as true for Alicorns. It's a little awkward over there politically, but getting into it all would be a distraction from your graduation. This is your day to celebrate, not be bored with information from Equestria."

"There's nothing boring about seeing my sister for the first time in three years. Seriously: Mom and Dad? Best surprise ever."

"But not the only gift," Grandpa said. "It's waiting for you at home."

At least Grandpa's gift wouldn't be bought with the ill-gotten gains of who knew what criminal enterprise, not anymore. Now he had the entirely legitimate gains of managing the traffic between two universes.

"It's Mitera," Kyle said hurriedly. "Her family adopted me, technically. The public fiction is that I'm her sister. They all have a love thing going on, and it was close enough to be a human name, so..."

Flurry had behaved herself quite well up until that moment, but the more they spoke, the more she started to fidget. "Mom, I'm bored."

Kyle—no, Mitera—reached one hand out in front of her, which started glowing faintly purple. She reached down into open air, and it vanished, sinking down to the elbow. She bit her tongue the same as Kyle ever had while concentrating, then drew it out a moment later, with a huge stuffed doll.

She was human shaped, though her skin was strange, and she had Flurry's colors. "Here, pumpkin."

The child squealed with delight, embracing the doll, before sliding over a seat to make room for her. She started whispering into her ear, though Kara couldn't make out the words.

"Well, Mitera... does this mean you'll be visiting more often? If you can just pop from one universe to the other like that?"

"No," said the blue-haired bodyguard, so abruptly that Kara actually jumped. She hadn't even thought he was listening. "Not so long as she is governess to the princess. Her hooves are entirely occupied."

Mitera shifted in her seat, angling slightly away from the guard. She rolled her eyes, speaking in a low whisper. "Flurry never really got better about her birth mom. But that gave me a reason to be involved in their lives more than I expected—she’s nicer than we thought after last time. They won’t be putting me in any leadership roles in the Crystal Empire anytime soon, but I don’t want any, so that’s fine.

“Anyway, Cadence is trusting me more and more as my magical training goes further. I think I'll be able to get a visit every Christmas. Well, Hearthswarming, but it's the same thing."

"And you..." Kara matched her sister's tone, watching Flurry nervously as she did so. "You don't mind being a teenage mom? Hell of a full-time job."

Mitera followed her gaze for a moment, before pulling the child gently into her lap. Flurry Heart seemed relieved to be back, letting go of the toy without protest. Despite how brave she'd been acting, Kara could see the constant air of fear lingering around her.

Under the circumstances, she was doing fantastically well. How many other three-year-olds could transform into aliens and visit other universes?

"I wish it had happened a decade later," Mitera said. "I wish I could've done the things you're doing. College and parties and... all that stuff. But I wouldn't change it. Hey, Flurry, what are we?"

She held out her fist, just over the girl's.

Flurry grinned, balling up her own tiny fingers. "Team!" she exclaimed. "Right, Mommy?"

"That's right," Mitera said, squeezing her in a tight hug. "Best team in two worlds."

Grandpa wasn't lying about the gift waiting for her when she got home. But no BMW could compare with seeing her little sister.

Author's Note:

And that's the end of Child of Mine. As with all these stories, I know there are things people would like to see more of--many mysteries out there in the world. But the story of Kyle and Flurry is over, or at least this story.

I'd be remiss if I didn't offer special thanks to Crescent Pulsar, for making this story possible. They gave me enormous freedom to tell the story I wanted with Child--so please lay any mistakes at my feet, not theirs. No story I've ever written was perfect, but I like how this one turned out. I learned a great deal about setting scope. It's amazing how many words you can spend in what were essentially two different rooms.

Thanks so much for everyone who made it this far. This story was a commission, but I never take projects I don't like. Thanks for sticking it to the end.

I can't promise a sequel is in the works, but I will probably be writing about these themes again. The next big project I'm working on in this vein is more focused on the adopt-ee than the parent, though. To follow updates on that and other future projects, feel free to stop by my Discord server, or just follow me here on fimfiction. I'm sure I'll blog about it when the time comes.


Comments ( 96 )

This was a good story.

It's sad to see it finished, but I suppose it had to happen at some point. At least the ending was satisfying. Very satisfying, indeed. :3

Lovely ending

Mitera shifted in her seat, angling slightly away from the guard. She rolled her eyes, speaking in a low whisper. "Flurry never really got better about her birth mom. But that gave me a reason to be involved in their lives more than I expected—she’s nicer than we thought after last time. They won’t be putting me in any leadership roles in the Crystal Empire anytime soon, but I don’t want any, so that’s fine.

oh so flurry never accepted her birth mom as her real mom then I mean if flurry is calling materia mom then apparently her parents got her back a little to late then?

Gotta say, my thoughts on the story is very mixed. It was hard for me sometimes to focus with the conversation between the characters, because Kyle was such a Blank Slate who seldom ever gave an actual thought on their situation other than just be a protective mother to Flurry. There were moment that you would almost expected to be some heated tension between Kyle and Kara, but that never came. So instead most conversation was just are you ok? and i was very bored with it. I did like the setup of the hidden magic organization and the ponies rushing against time to save Flurry.

Munro #6 · Jan 12th, 2021 · · 1 ·

awesome ending

I'm still going with my wild guess of flurry heart playing the game to have two moms. She can play with one while the other is busy working, thus she never has to choose between one.

it is sad to see a story come to a ending but all story's end in there own way and i love how this ending happens.

Hmmm, is Sunburst still involved (Crystaller?)

More than a little bittersweetness, but still a lovely conclusion. Good to see Cadence cooled off once Flurry got back home. Thank you for a most engaging adventure.

Well, that was a satisfying conclusion. Though I would like to see more of what happens in the future in this setting now. Lots of potential for shenanigans I think.

This is a little unsatisfying to me. The fact that Princess Cadence never truly recovered Flurry because she imprinted on another is heartbreaking. She worked so hard to get her foal back from another universe, sure it was practically all Twilight, but that doesn't mean she didn't sacrifice too, and then when she finally regains Flurry back she's been given a different name, a different mother. Then after 3 years and certainly been told that Mitera isn't her mother but Princess Cadence is her mother she still calls Mitera "mommy". I feel for Cadence, nobody should have to lose their child like she has.

Somewhat disappointing that Flurry never really reconnected with Cadance, but what can you do?

A little sad for Cadence that her relation with Flurry never repaired but it was good

My guess was that because Kyle was the mother figure Flurry made herself. An ideal figure she thought her mother should be in time of need. That's probably why she could accept Kyle a little better than most.

For all that we know Flurry will still bond with Cadance later in life.(Flurry is 3 years old at this point?)
During a combined rescue mission when Kyle is kidnapped by a dark evil guy that came back after being defeated 1000 years ago.
Or Cadance gets pregnant again that's what some mothers do when loosing a child.

Got just one question left do the crystal ponies( or Kara) of this universe age or are they some kind of construct?

Aww, that was cute (though not unexpected) to have a little reunion between Kyle Mitera and Kara; they went through a lot together. It is kind of a bummer that Flurry bonded so much with Kyle that it seems she hasn't accepted Cadance as her true mother, but I guess it was a time in her life that it really was bound to happen. Sorry, Cady.
I know some are saying that the story was boring at times, but I really liked it. I'm a big fan of Slice of Life stories, and having the action/adventure of Cadance and Twilight's search added in was cool. I could absolutely understand Cadance being the freaked out mother to a lost newborn.
Overall, t'was a fun story. Very happy to have it in my 'Favorites' shelf!

And so it ends. With Kyle/Mitera having a full time babysitter role in the Empire and Kara going off to college, it appears everything is at peace. At least for now.

The spot waiting for her at Berkley's Physics program was the real prize, one hard fought and well earned. Few other students could recover from half a semester away from class, and still achieve their goals.

Perhaps Kara can reconcile science with magic one day.

"I got my head around it eventually," she continued. "Monday is a great teacher. She's even giving Flurry lessons. Isn't she?"

Pretty sure she's getting some Human-style magic as well. Yup, a cultural mixing is happening.

"It's Mitera," Kyle said hurriedly. "Her family adopted me, technically. The public fiction is that I'm her sister. They all have a love thing going on, and it was close enough to be a human name, so..."

Figured they're going to have to spin it somehow.

"Flurry never really got better about her birth mom. But that gave me a reason to be involved in their lives more than I expected—she’s nicer than we thought after last time. They won’t be putting me in any leadership roles in the Crystal Empire anytime soon, but I don’t want any, so that’s fine.

That's unfortunate, though I guess that happens often enough in real life. Though I wonder what sort of life Kyle will want later on. Flurry will eventually grow up and while Kyle will remain a motherly figure, she'll have enough free time to either jump between universes and live double lives or continue her magical studies to become a skilled Alicorn in her own right. Heck, if Kyle can live centuries, a continued presence in Equestria would make princesshood an inevitability.

Flurry grinned, balling up her own tiny fingers. "Team!" she exclaimed. "Right, Mommy?"

"That's right," Mitera said, squeezing her in a tight hug. "Best team in two worlds."

We might be seeing the start of a powerful Diarchy well-versed in the magic of two worlds. But for now, it's one of the best "mommy-daughter" duos you'll see around.

I don’t think it was just from imprinting Flurry heart i think may have suffered intense physiological damage so as soon as Kyle found about what human twilight or at least this version of her was doing to her it was already too late it’s sad but when Kyle said she never fully recovered that’s kinda what he meant. In other words twilight and her friends didn’t get to flurry in time.....they failed flurry may be fine physically but she was forever mentally traumatized by her ordeal and is blocking the memories of what happened causing a triggering effect I’m guessing if she tries to remember but it’s just a theory

I'll miss having a regular update to this story! I really enjoyed the adventures of Mitera Née Kyle. I hate being greedy, but sequel please? Her further adventures in the Chrystal Empire, perhaps? :twilightsheepish: But thank you so much for the entertainment regardless, it was most appreciated.

Amazing story and an interesting one. So Mitera is now an alicorn, her family is very weird. Fitting ending.

Was a bit confused at some points hahaha. I thought Kyle was the one graduating. Hahaha

Detest. FF is still the sole exception to an overwhelming rule, the only tale I can think of where things did get set right.

The series Once Upon a Time was far more satisfactory. Kid is much closer to his surrogate mother than his blood one, but once latter is in the picture, it is pretty clear she's not leaving it again. And they both are important to him. And the one who had him often treats him more like a best friend than a son, and the relationship is mutual, and they are both good with it. No one came out of that dissatisfied.

This birth mother isn't at all pleased to have been all but rejected by her blood, and is still bitter after several years. She's been spurned and burned. What's not to be disappointed about being generous? Who actually thinks this is a pleasant outcome? If a beetle and horse like being sucked all the feeling out of her, and they simply did not return to her, that might have been less unpleasant.

It is a fact that children won't remember much of their early years further down the line. Flurry latched on to the only figure that offered her a sense of safety (most of the time) and such things are very important to the psychological development of children. Flurry clinging on to Kyle/Mitera isn't that far-fetched. I wouldn't even have doubted Flurry forgetting Cadance entirely if they had never managed to find her, as sad as that would be.

I think everyone would love to see a sequel. This was a good story. Pony on earth with a twist and a good twist at that. Well done.

Another great story coming to a close. Bit sad Flurry never bonded back with her mother though. Like most of your endings it seems rather bitter sweet. The story also seems to leave a lot of sequel hooks as well with those bracelets and all. Thanks again for another good story

d'awws this is a nice sweet ending :pinkiesad2::twilightblush:

This ending just feels kinda abrupt. Hope theres gonna be a sequel, but we'll never get an answer till its nearly already upon us. Ah well.

Flurry's going to need a LOT of therapy in the future to get over her traumas and reconnect with Cadence. Good thing they have all the time in the world to do it.
So does Kyle/Mitera to do the entire graduation/college shtick. Still so young, but she'll learn that life's so much more yet. Specially when you're an immortal embodiment of Magic.

Loved the story, nice sending all in all.

Mitera? Literally, a Mother?

the ending is too abrupt. But hope for a sequel


"I wish it had happened a decade later," Mitera said. "I wish I could've done the things you're doing. College and parties and... all that stuff. But I wouldn't change it. Hey, Flurry, what are we?"


Well, since you're both immortal, it's not like you won't get the chance to do that together again after Flurry grows up!

Charming story, glad I read it.

I’m open to a sequel, but I won’t be able to fund it myself. Honestly, I shouldn’t have funded it in the first place, ‘cause it required taking a chunk out of the grocery budget for over a year, but... eh.

Do you have ideas for a sequel?

Yo seguí la serie desde que salió hasta el final me encantó cada episodio que salió

I couldn’t help coming up with a few, but I’m perfectly fine with Starscribe or someone else using their own ideas if a sequel is ever made.

Another great story has ended. Thanks, to the shelf you go : )

I will agree with the broad sentiment that the epilogue is way too short. It doesn't feel like it truly wrapped things up so much as just gave us a follow-up scene with Mitera and her sister.

I get that it's a story about Flurry and Kyle Mitera, but it might have been nice to see how Cadance went from Astarte, back to Aphrodite, and from "No, you certainly may not see the child." to "I'm just going to adopt you and rename you 'mother'."

It did not help that I had to quash my knowledge of how mother/child imprinting works, or what a child's developmental milestones 'should' be by age three. At least with the latter bits, I can just hoofwave it as either A) developmental issues from early trauma, or B) alicorns just develop more slowly.

Save up then. Do 't need a sequel right away but save up

I see the sequel covering Kyle's relationship with Flurry's family and the politics of it

"That's right," Mitera said, squeezing her in a tight hug. "Best team in two worlds."

The epilogue was just so incredibly wholesome and pure, that I really want to continue reading.

Great story. I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks bunches to both you and your patron for making it happen. :twilightsmile: My only complaint is that now I have one fewer story to look forward to every week. :fluttercry:

I’m sad it’s finished, but it was a good read. Thank you for the story!

Loved it, and love it. I think there's a lot that could be built on, but I love the ending nonetheless. I'd love a sequel, but I'm satisfied. This story was an absolute blast to watch unfold, I really like it. Definitely a continued favorite, one of my personal favorite stories overall. Well done. :heart::twilightsmile:

Maybe consider crowdfunding the crowdfund!

well we thank you for funding this story either way, was a ton of fun to read and keep up with :twilightsmile:
Its always refreshing to see a human turned alicorn fic like this that dosent become bogged down into something like a dreaded mary sue situation, and I was never bored of exhausted of it, always looked forward to Tuesday mornings with it

I live from hand to mouth. But aside from that, it’s almost futile to save money because I’m not the only one who has access to the account and they have a terrible habit of creating situations where they need more money if there’s money available, if they don’t straight up “accidentally” spend more on something than intended and eat into it that way. So, I spend my “expendable” funds ASAP.

I couldn’t ask others to spend money on something, even if it’s not solely for my benefit. And, honestly, I’m completely clueless on managing something like that, so I wouldn’t trust myself to handle it.

You’re welcome. Mind you, aside from the funds, all I provided was a premise and options for the ending, with minimal input beyond that, so this is essentially Starscribe’s story that you enjoyed. That’s partly why I’ve kept a low profile until now. In a way, I gave up my baby so it could have a better life with a better parent.

I understand that Flurry imprinted on Mitera instead of Cadence. Still, I would assume that by the time she's talking that they would have impressed on her to at least call Cadence mom instead of Mitera even if she looked to Mitera more as a mother figure, and she would be asked to call Mitera something else (Nanny or Nana maybe? perhaps Sissy?) It seems like something Cadence would have fought for.

Oh man. That is something you need to change

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