• Published 19th Nov 2019
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Child of Mine - Starscribe

After discovering a strange animal abandoned in the forest, Kyle is in for far more than he could've bargained for.

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Chapter 61: Child of Mine

What could've been Kyle's final moments in Equestria did not come in quite the way she expected. For all the ponies talked about (and feared) Princess Cadance, ruler of the Crystal Empire, she didn't call Kyle to some grand throne-room for their farewell.

But when the day of their departure arrived, she and Kara walked the strangely oversized pony frontier town, attracting stares and curiosity from the horse-sized people. At least with Kyle's alicorn features hidden, they didn't bow and cower before her. She could certainly count her blessings.

Through a set of gigantic double doors, she found a laboratory abuzz with activity. Scientific (or magical) equipment of all kinds lined the walls, all arranged haphazardly around a central platform.

Kyle didn't need to be told to know what she was looking at. She didn't even need her magical senses, which suggested an incredible pressure built around the platform. The sparking machines and glowing wires were poised to unleash who knew how much pent-up energy.

At first even the Alicorn Kyle knew wasn't there, only Monday and another familiar figure.

How Grandpa had somehow arranged for the transfiguration jewelry and managed to have a suit tailored in another universe, Kyle might never know. Likewise, how his bearing somehow allowed him to command such respect from the creatures all around. Maybe he was just bullying them.

"My grandchildren!" he exclaimed, hurrying over to take their hands one at a time. Hardly someone Kyle would've been excited to meet, under any other circumstances. But considering he was the only other human in the room, she'd take it. "They did mention to me some complications they had adapting your human form, Kyle. Er... forgive me, I can't tell you apart."

He looked to Kara, who gently nudged him in the other direction. "Ah, apologies. They did mention there would be some issues with reconstructing your proper, uh... arrangement. I wasn't aware they would be so serious. I can't imagine the discomfort this must be causing you."

"I'm fine," Kyle said. "Don't worry about it, Grandpa. I'm just happy to be human again. That's all you need to know."

"You don't sound happy," he said. "But never fear. We've been discussing things, these aliens and I. Quite reasonable folk, really, once you approach with the right incentives. I believe my organization may be exactly the sort of eyes and ears they wish to have in our world. It looks to me like the beginning of a long and productive working relationship."

"I notice you're not, uh..." Kyle hesitated. But Monday was busy speaking with some of the local scientists, and not paying her much attention. Actually, the decision seemed deliberate. She wasn't close, so she wouldn't be there to pressure Kyle into one course or another. "I thought everyone else could just be changed back. You're wearing one of these things." She held up her own bracelet, rattling it just slightly."

"Yes, well." Grandpa grinned. "A previous employee provided life extension. To her... hostage, to maintain the organization she sapped for resources like a leech." His hands clenched into fists, then released. "You would not believe how long ponies live, child. Returning my employees might be possible, but it would be doing them no kindness. The present arrangement ensures loyalty and discretion in exchange for a commodity more precious than any untraceable currency or gemstones."

Kyle nodded, though her expression remained dark. Of all the people and organizations to receive a gift like that, this just turned her stomach.

Not enough that she intended to change her request. The ponies weren't stupid, they would make their own decisions.

"Sounds exciting!" Kara said. "Does that mean no more... crime stuff? Stealing, or... I don't actually know what you did."

"Lawbreaking is all a matter of perspective," Edgar answered, patting her once on the shoulder. "But no, the Equestrians have strict stipulations. Many otherwise lucrative operations will be terminated. A waste, but I'm sure you'll be happier. Your brother too."

"My sister," Kara corrected. "That's the narrative from here on out. Kyle's not changing back. She'll probably want a new name, but she hasn't told me her ideas."

"Other things on my mind," she said absently. As she said it, the doors opened again, and several figures appeared in the doorway.

At once all activity in the room ground to a halt. Scientists and assistants all bowed to the newcomers. Even Monday and Grandpa, both with deliberate, political respect. Kyle and Kara shuffled to do the same, though they were several seconds behind the rest of the room.

"My deepest apologies for not meeting with the one who I owe so much," said a pink Alicorn, approaching her. She looked... a great deal like Kyle, though she was several years older. Her hips were wider, her mane a more unified mix of pink and purple rather than blue. “We were deeply distracted, and didn't have the opportunity before now."

Kyle straightened to her full height, looking between the Alicorn and the unicorn beside her. They were both quite a bit bigger and taller than she was, obviously far more so now. The white unicorn beside him could easily have pulled the old Budweiser carriage by himself

"Good to meet you," Kyle said. "You... Guess you heard who I am, from your historian. But I'm Kyle... sister's Kara... and you're Princess Cadance?"

She nodded. "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza," Cadance said, circling slowly around Kyle. "And this is my husband, Shining Armor. Flurry is his child as well as mine, and the rescue was as much his doing as mine. He managed affairs back home in the Empire while I was more directly involved."

Shining Armor nodded deferentially. But unlike the Alicorn, Kyle felt none of the pressure against her forehead from him. Whatever magic he had wasn't that different from the other unicorns. Wonder how their relationships work. "I did the easy stuff," Shining said. Then he lowered his head, dropping quite low indeed to be below Kyle's eye level. "You saved my daughter's life. There's no word, no payment, no favor great enough to repay you for that."

Cadance nodded, far less a show of open obsequience. "Shining is right, obviously. We've done everything we can to repay that kindness. We're returning you to your family as swiftly as we can. We've sworn to give you anything you ask for returning Flurry Heart to us, before you make your return trip."

"How is she?" Kyle asked. "Flurry... I haven't seen her since we crossed. How is her recovery?"

The scientists and scholars returned to their work, getting their distance from Kyle and the others as rapidly as they could. What could they be so afraid of?

"Not well," Shining Armor said. "Hasn't slept since we got back, so far as I can tell. Isn't eating, or..."

Cadance turned, glowering at him. "Flurry is recovering," she said. "The process is difficult, we knew it would be. She was taken from us during a critical time in her development. Through no fault of yours, but... nevertheless. The road to recovery will be long."

"I thought you would... I guess nobody told you, but I know what I want. I don't want anything physical, nothing you haven't already gave us. Just... I wanna see Fay again... Flurry Heart, I guess? Whatever her real name, I want to see her before I go."

"You've decided, then?" Monday asked. Her voice was flat, not overbearing or harsh. "Giving up your magic to return to a normal life? A shame—you showed such promise."

You're not making this any easier. Kyle nodded sharply. "Please. I want to see her before I go. That's my only request."

There was a sudden, nervous silence. Ponies looked away, focusing as much on their tasks as possible. How much work could it take to open a way between their worlds.

"I would prefer if you ask for something else," Cadance said, after a long silence. "The baby... Flurry is doing badly. We might undo all the progress we've made if you see her again."

Kyle nodded, shoulders slumping. Her face was wet, though she kept her voice somewhat steady when she spoke. "I hope she can recover quickly. She deserves a better life than my world could've offered her."

"No." Kara took her hand, squeezing it. "You don't get to tell her no like that. You people promised my sister anything. She gave up her whole damn life to keep Fay safe. You're gonna let her say goodbye."

The princess froze, glowering at Kara. But she didn't look away. This pony commanded a whole empire, to say nothing of her magical might. But where Kyle faltered, Kara only grew more resolved.

"This request will have consequences," she said. "Her recovery may be lengthened by weeks."

"And if she leaves without saying goodbye, my sister might never recover," Kara said. "Don't look at me like that, Kyle. I'm not stopping. You matter too."

More than anything else, Kyle wished she could vanish. It didn't matter that her sister was right—but this pony obviously didn't care. "Please," she added. "Just a few minutes."

The princess slumped in response, wings out along the ground. Then she turned to her husband. "Bring her. Twilight should be here to prepare for the transfer of power. We can perform that procedure as soon as your time with Flurry is complete."

Kyle had only moments to prepare. Granted, she wasn't surprised the baby would be so close. After losing her once, these two ponies would probably keep her within arm's reach as often as possible.

Shining returned, levitating a bundle in the air in front of him. Fay's voice echoed from inside, cries shrill and harsh in the strange building. Each one was separated by a long pause, and rattled in her throat like she'd been going for hours. Kyle's body tensed as she heard them. Her chest began to itch again, and both hands balled almost to fists.

"We used a sleeping draught last night," Shining said, speaking over her tears. "But we had to force it down. As soon as she woke, she was right back to this."

He held the bundle out in front of Kyle. Without thinking, magic rose within her, catching it in a faint purple glow. She held it there, probably far heavier than her arms could've supported anyway. She bent down, inspecting the bundle.

Her searches on parenting websites had suggested swaddling as one potential solution to fussy infants, though it clearly hadn't worked here. Flurry squirmed and shifted, fighting against her bonds. A thin metal ring wrapped around her horn, with a single gemstone near the base. Kyle needed no explanation of what that did.

"Hey, sweetheart." She bent down, reaching one delicate hand into the bundle and brushing the mane out of her eyes. "You're feeling grumpy today."

Fay stopped crying. Her eyes scanned the room suddenly, looking past her to either side.

Looking for me. Kyle bent down, lifting her out of the carrier and into her arms. She was right—the baby was incredibly heavy. She managed, somehow.

The baby squealed, making a familiar inquisitive sound. But she stopped squirming, and didn't resist being picked up.

"Right. I should've realized you wouldn't know how I looked." Kyle held her close, then started to peel away at the layers of soft fabric holding her. Cadance twitched once, but ultimately let her do it.

Flurry sniffed at the air again, scanning the room. Her eyes glazed past her parents, who watched in stunned silence, before finally returning to Kyle. "This is our last time together," she said. Her voice cracked—her own tears now made up for anything the baby lacked. "But that's okay. You don't need me anymore, Fay. You've got your real parents now. I know they'll take good care of you."

Was that... recognition? Fay blinked, then started crying too. It was a different sound—not confused, not scared. Mournful. How could she possibly know?

"That's... this is quite enough," Princess Cadance said. "Kyle, this is exactly what I meant. You're going to do more harm to our daughter."

The last of Fay's fabric tumbled away at their feet. But despite her strange form, the baby didn't try to get away. As Cadance approached, she clung tighter to Kyle's shoulder, wrapping her forelegs around her neck. She squeezed harder and harder, nearly suffocating her—but Kyle didn't care.

She reached down with her free hand, sliding her wrist free of the bracelet. As it tumbled to the floor, Kyle's makeshift outfit tore to ribbons around her. She settled back onto four hooves. Flurry clambered up onto her back, where she'd spent so long over the last few months. Then she laughed.

Kyle looked back at the princess, and the noble white unicorn beside her. She judged her sister's face, looking on with an expression she could only describe as “resolved.” Had Kara seen this coming when she couldn't?

"I can't go back to my world," she said, voice tearful. "No matter what it costs. Do you think... would you consider a royal babysitter?"

Princess Cadance approached, eyes stern. Returned to a pony, Kyle was still a full head shorter than she was. This was still a being that could crush her to paste, magically speaking.

Cadence’s eyes settled on Fay, giggling on Kyle's back. Instead of shouting, she deflated like a tire. "It seems my daughter has already made her decision. Very well."

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