• Published 19th Nov 2019
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Child of Mine - Starscribe

After discovering a strange animal abandoned in the forest, Kyle is in for far more than he could've bargained for.

  • ...

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Chapter 50: Refactor Approach

It took almost an hour for Theresa to finish explaining the sad story of what had happened to Flurry in the time since she'd appeared here in another world.

At first there were plenty of details she'd prefer not to write—Cadance might very well have a heart attack when she learned just how narrow Flurry's survival had been. Twilight could neglect those parts of the story in favor of the more positive aspects.

As strange and frightening as this particular universe seemed, there was enough good news here to be worth sharing. Even a child from this world had been willing to help Flurry. Apparently they had continued to protect her, even after suffering consequences that only the strongest ponies could've endured.

The story did not get less tragic the further it went, or less troubling. By the end, she could sense her friends growing anxious to leave. Flurry Heart might have a helpful guardian with her at all times, but from the sound of it this “Kyle” was in as much danger as the baby.

But Twilight had made a promise, and this woman had clearly been incredibly forthright with them. Not once did she get the sense that they were having details altered to make the story seem more favorable towards them. But then, she didn't have to alter much to keep this child sounding like a hero.

The mother seemed to be thinking along similar lines, because no sooner had she finished speaking than she folded her arms, glaring. "Now are you going to tell me how to help my kids, or not?"

Twilight slipped the clipboard away. "Your children were transformed, and the spell did not fade after a day or two. Alicorns are capable of magic like that. Pony foals of all tribes in stressful situations tend to release all their magic at once, like a baby snake releasing all its venom."

Theresa winced. "I think we figured that out on our own. Can we do something about it? Will my father-in-law be able to fix it?"

Twilight wanted to lie. The fastest way to return to the trail was just to tell this woman whatever she wanted to hear, then transport back to Equestria as fast as possible. They could recall here, though anywhere that wasn't back on the platform would be a gamble. If any living thing happened to be on the opposite side of an emergency transport, it would end up swapped to this side with no way to return. She didn't want to think about some poor guard on the edge of Flurry's Vigil dumped into a replica of the crystal palace's nursery, utterly confused.

But Theresa and her family had sacrificed terribly to protect Flurry, without even knowing what she was. Even through a Worldgate to a world of apes instead of equines, kindness existed. Was the Body Invisible kind to us too? Or does it have some other purpose?

"There's no spell to reverse with true transfiguration," Twilight said. She saw no sign of comprehension on the woman's face, but she braved on anyway. "I should be able to help your daughter, with enough planning. I am one of two ponies in Equestria who can cast a spell like that."

And you better pray to whatever you believe in that we don't have to ask Discord for help. "But your son, Kyle... will be trickier. I don't know what kind of Alicorn he is. Alicorn magic is a kind of energy—it can't be created or destroyed, only transformed. Or transferred, maybe..." She trailed off, thoughtful.

"I don't think that's a very helpful explanation," Fluttershy said. She'd been one of the most invested in Theresa's story. Maybe something about everyone here being a tiny, adorable animal. "But Twilight knows magic like nopony else. If anyone can help your children, she can."

"But we'll need to find our way there," Rarity added. "Please, can you give us any details? This strange place that Flurry and the, uh... new ponies are trapped in. What will it be like? Do you think your father-in-law will allow us to help?"

"No," Theresa snapped, without hesitation. "Edgar isn't cruel, but he's... stubborn doesn't even begin to describe it. He thinks that he has a way to help Kara and Kyle. Even if you can prove everything you've told me, he still might not hear you out. That would require trusting someone who doesn't work for him. That's hard, even when they're family. You're not that."

Twilight frowned. That fit with the details from the story, but it didn't make her optimistic about their odds for a peaceful resolution. "You think your children and Flurry are still there? This... bunker, in the north?"

She nodded. "Can't be sure, but there's no reason to bother moving them. He's got people in the Canadian government who look the other way. And there's no one for us to run to. What are we supposed to do, call the police and tell them our children are horses and they've been kidnapped by organized crime? Until you walked in, Edgar was the only chance Kara and Kyle had. Hearing that he thought he could fix this... it was a life preserver. We're drowning in all this. Still am."

This Edgar might retaliate against this family if we succeed. If his motives aren't as helpful as he says, we're taking away something he wants.

It was another troubling detail to add to the growing list. But they were already pushing up against the clock. It was time to get back to Equestria.

"We'll bring them back to you," Twilight said. "Your son is going to be the hero of the Crystal Empire for this, if Flurry makes it home safely. If I know her mother, she'll want to help your family after all you've done."

She rose, and at that signal, so did everypony else. Well, the ones who hadn't already been pacing nervously by the door, like Rainbow.

"Help my children," Theresa said. "Give them their lives back, and send them home. Nothing else matters."

They left the home soon after, the weight of what they'd learned heavy on their shoulders.

"Do you really think you can reverse it," Applejack asked, as soon as they'd left the homes behind, and were back to walking along the road. "Little Flurry might not like losing somepony she thinks is her mom. She doesn't know it, but she's been here longer than Equestria. Little pony stays with someone, eventually they get attached. Saw it in my sister."

"I told her the truth. The sister won't be easy, but at least we're firmly in well-understood magical territory. Alicorns make everything more complicated. Our power doesn't usually come from just ourselves. If that's true about Kyle, trying to change her back will be like trying to extinguish a fire by wrapping it in a paper bag."

And it's probably not moral to try, even if we can. If Flurry made him immortal as his reward for saving her, we'd be evil to take that away.

She trailed off suddenly, eyes widening as they rounded the corner back onto the road. Instead of relatively deserted and closed off, half a dozen cars had appeared apparently from nowhere. They were mostly unmarked black vans, though she saw a pair of police vehicles with the same black and white pattern she'd seen in the other version of this planet.

"Horseapples," Applejack muttered. "They're standin' right between us and where we're going."

"Uh..." Fluttershy squeaked, struggling for words. "I don't mean to be impolite, but... they're pointing at us."

"You, stop right there!" someone yelled. A group of humans in tan uniforms began jogging towards them. They had weapons slung over their shoulders, though they hadn't pointed them yet.

Uh oh.

Flurry didn't have time for this, and neither did they. "Stay close," Twilight said, her voice grim.

Of course she could probably fight the warriors from this place—but they didn't seem all that different from her own royal guards. They didn't deserve to be harmed, even if they might've ruined their chances of saving Flurry. But that didn't mean she just had to stand here.

Twilight was the Princess of Friendship. As she knew better than anypony, friendship was magic.

In a single instant, Twilight dismissed the transformation. Her body had barely finished returning to normal, tearing through most of Rarity's hard work in the process, when she cast her second spell—a teleport.

In a flash of light, they were high above the road, so high that the row of houses seemed like distant points of light. As soon as they appeared they started falling. With their wings and instincts, her group would soon split in half. There was no time to wait. I hope nobody's taking a leisure flight high over Flurry's Vigil right now.

"Going back!" Twilight said, smashing the emergency return on her necklace. She barely had time to see the startled humans, pointing upward at her in utter amazement. Then they went tearing back across the Worldgate.

The world twisted and distorted, turning her stomach out from under her. But Twilight had made this trip enough times to expect it. Her friends... not so much.

They reappeared in the air above the city, with no sign of other ponies passing nearby. Just the open sky, and pine forest below growing rapidly larger.

Even barely awake, Rainbow caught herself, drifting away in a slow glide. Fluttershy didn't, and the others didn't have wings.

Twilight grabbed onto all of them except Rainbow, slowing their descent with raw magical force. Thanks for showing me this one, Starlight.

The tents were still growing closer, but the rate began to slow, until they touched down lightly in the empty parade-grounds.

Ponies all around dropped what they were doing to stare at their group, flustered by the upper air and wearing clothes torn to ribbons on bodies that were far too large. Good thing Rarity didn't use stronger fabric. That could've gone ugly.

Twilight stepped forward, watching Rainbow's descent carefully. The pegasus looked like she'd already recovered, as she was angling herself down for a proper landing. But so had Applejack by now. The others would soon follow.

"What happened?" somepony asked. One of the crystal guards, Twilight hadn't even caught their name. "Princess, aren't you in another world?"

"Not anymore, clearly." She strode past her, eyes scanning the parade ground for Princess Cadance. Sure enough, she was emerging from the portal room, expression falling from hopeful back to her usual manic fear in a matter of seconds.

"She's not with you," Cadance said, as soon as she arrived. She looked them over once, apparently satisfied they hadn't been hurt, then continued on. "What happened?"

Twilight raised a wing. "Before I tell you, please let me order all my ponies and crew aboard the Radiant Hope. We have more sailing to do—hundreds more kilometers. I don't want to waste time."

"You heard her!" Cadance shouted, not waiting a second. "Spear Point, wake everypony. I want the princess's gear and ponies loaded in one hour. Do whatever it takes to make it happen."

He saluted, then galloped off, with every other watching soldier in tow.

"She wasn't on the other side?" Cadance asked. "Flurry's Vigil was supposed to be on the spot. Was your tracking wrong?"

"No," Twilight said. "This was where a family of aliens found and cared for her. But she was recently moved. That family is in danger, and Flurry with them. I'll explain on the way."

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