• Published 19th Nov 2019
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Child of Mine - Starscribe

After discovering a strange animal abandoned in the forest, Kyle is in for far more than he could've bargained for.

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Chapter 60: Side Factor

The Radiant Hope finally arrived at the place that corresponded with home in her world, the settlement she'd been told was called "Flurry's Vigil." From her porthole far above, Kyle saw a few dozen wooden buildings and a temporary wall, along with a huge field for their vessel to touch down. Like the ship itself, it looked like something ripped right out of history.

The one called Princess Twilight arrived to personally escort them out. Kyle's first other Alicorn that wasn't a baby.

It was as obvious then as it had been when she saw her in the Lodge—this was a being of power, to be feared and respected. The very wind seemed to quiet around her, and every creature they passed bowed as she drew near.

"We're preparing for your return trip," she said, tone friendly and conversational. "After everything you did for us, I know Princess Cadance will be offering you a hefty reward. You might want to think about what you'll ask from the Empire."

Kyle followed just behind her, unaffected by whatever aura of magic apparently silenced Kara with nervous fear and made everyone else bow. Or maybe they just had more common sense. "Monday said you were having trouble with a spell that would work on me," she said. "Something about the magic. Alicorns are... different than other types of horses. Isn't that how it works?"

"Other tribes of ponies," she corrected. "Yes, we are distinct from the other tribes. This is generally an advantage, it's the thing that ponies want to achieve when they ascend. More magic to protect their friends, or achieve some incredible goal. But I've been corresponding with Princess Celestia, and she has a solution. You'll be able to go home, and not have to worry about our spell failing and stealing your hard work."

They walked down a long wooden ramp, into a night of icy cold air. Kyle shivered, wings adjusting briefly before folding back to her sides.

Guards stood at either side of the ramp, saluting as they stepped off. But besides Kara, no one got close. Twilight escorted them to a comfortable-looking cabin near the edge of the otherwise-military camp.

"Alicorn magic can be transferred," she continued. "The process must be consensual. After a year and a day without it, the magic will be gone forever. After a year of monitoring, you can go about your life confident that you won't have to be afraid of magic again."

"That doesn't sound..." Kyle hesitated. She didn't know this pony, not like Monday. But even if she didn't trust her, this was her chance to share how she felt. "What if I don't want that?" She stopped in the center of the cobblestone path leading up to the cabin, pawing at the pebbles under her hooves.

"My last few months have been kinda rotten. Locked in a house, locked in a bunker, afraid for our lives... but that wasn't magic's fault. The only things I actually cared about were Fay and learning magic. I probably would've killed myself otherwise."

Twilight reacted to her words like a physical blow. She swayed, eyes wide with shock. An awkward silence stretched between them for several minutes before she finally managed to speak. "I have to apologize, Kyle. Your language is the same, but that doesn't mean I should expect you to use it the same way. In terms of colloquialisms, it sounds particularly morbid."

It wasn't, Kyle thought, but she didn't get the chance to say so. Twilight closed the distance in a flash of magic, speaking more quietly. "There is no ethical way to send you back with your magic intact. Now that you have a cutie mark, you will soon grow to levels similar to Flurry Heart. Magic must be used, it cannot be contained or destroyed.

“There is no productive use for that power in a world like yours. Without ponies to teach you how to control it, you would likely surge periodically, like Flurry has. Even if you managed to exhaust it somehow, doing so would attract attention from hostile actors across your world. Magic there is rare, not abundant as it is in Equestria.

“There are two ways to prevent this: give away your magic, so you have nothing interesting to give them, or... stay here, where you're safe from harm. I'm afraid those are the only choices we can offer you."

Kyle nodded grimly, ears flattening. This would be so much easier if she hadn't become increasingly reliant on her growing magical abilities. "How long do I have to make up my mind? When are you sending us home?"

"A few days," Twilight said, returning to her previously nonchalant tone. "That won't be everypony, given how many people were involved in the final magical surge. But given you two were the ones protecting Flurry, you come first."

She opened the cabin door with her magic. The interior was much of what Kyle might've expected—comfortable, well-appointed, and entirely devoid of plastic walls and security cameras. Her eyes were drawn instantly to the dark wooden box on the kitchen table, next to a few carefully folded bundles of cloth.

"The sorceress called these prosthetics, I believe. They look nearly identical, but please be sure to use the one with the correct name."

Beside them was a fairly substantial selection of clothes, dresses and tops in strange and familiar styles. Some were almost ordinary, while others were open in ways that would've concealed nothing. "My friend sewed these for our trip to your side. She adjusted them to match your size—since you're twins, it should all fit. Well enough for a return trip."

"I know what I want from the princess," Kyle said, levitating the dress she'd been investigating gently back to the table.

"You can tell her when you leave, she'll be there along with my—"

Kyle raised a wing, interrupting her. "I wanna say goodbye to Fay. If I'm never gonna see her again..." She winced, wiping the moisture from her face. "We were a team, the three of us against the world. I dunno if you have kids, Twilight... but I miss her."

The Alicorn's expression became an unreadable mask. She nodded once, then made her way to the door. "I'll tell her. Princess Cadance won't be happy about... Well, I'm sure she'll grant it. You kept her daughter alive in another universe for months with only your wits."

"And my sister's help," she said. "Couldn't have done it without her."

"Right." Twilight retreated another few steps. "Monday and I will be returning in a few hours to make final adjustments to the jewelry. But I've come to understand humans value their privacy, so... take the next few hours to test it yourself. Make notes of anything unusual. It would be better to delay your return than send you back with faulty magic."

The door clicked closed behind her. But at least there weren't any guards waiting on the other side this time.

"I know I'm supposed to be supportive," Kara said, locking the front door with a click, before walking back to the kitchen table. She began sorting through clothes, tossing a few absurd pieces to the ground, and separating the sane-looking parts into two piles. "And I'm trying to be, don't get me wrong. But you've got an “empire” offering to give you your heart's desires, Kyle. Are you seriously asking for a slice of infinite pizza with your time wish?"

"Yes." She folded her wings flat to her sides, just daring Kara to argue. She didn't. "I already got them to fix how I look when I change back, remember?" She clicked open the box, exposing the set of jewelry inside. After only a few more days of travel, the design had improved substantially. Each one was crafted from a narrow silver band, with tiny studs of rock crystal poking inward, each one about a quarter inch thick. One had her name etched into the box, the other Kara's. She lifted her own out from inside, holding it close to inspect.

Power radiated from it, a spell tightly woven around a central metal band. But she felt no fear from it this time. For the first time, she was around wizards they could trust.

"Guess this will take a little of the pressure off coming out," Kara said conversationally. "We came back alive, and we're human again. The rest is incidental."

Kyle levitated the jewelry up over her foreleg. She felt a brief moment of disorientation, her world twisting upward and somehow thinning in the same moment.

Suddenly she was standing on bare feet in an icy cabin, skin rippling with gooseflesh. "You're right about the cold. They're spoiled by having fur." She looked down, but not for very long. Just long enough to confirm that Monday had followed her instructions in every respect.

"I'm just about finished going through these clothes," Kara said. "Two outfits. Which one are you feeling? Most of this is completely unwearable, Mom and Dad will think we really did get trafficked."

One was a dress, short enough to make it to the knees, though Kara's keen eye for fashion had paired it with a few other layers. A ruffled blouse, long, bright pink stockings, and plain flats.

The other was a pseudo-military outfit, with a complex jacket with padded shoulders and tassels, mixed with a short skirt, tall boots, and various other accessories she couldn't even name.

"I believe the name for all this is 'avante garde,'" Kara said. "My friends and I would probably call it an explosion in a thrift store. It's more fun than it sounds. You'll have to come along. The doubles Halloween costumes are going to be insane."

She hesitated a moment before selecting the simpler skirt and blouse combination. Kyle dressed only a little clumsily, made easier with her sister's help. As the soft fabric settled around her, Kyle could see at least one case for her return to Earth. She'd need a better name, and some excuse for her identity. But Kara was probably right: after everything they'd been through, one transformation that stuck wouldn't be so bad.

"Perfect," Kara declared, dragging her to the mirror and posing with her there. Without such distinct outfits, even she might've had a hard time telling them apart. "But will it matter?" she asked. "You're giving up a lot more than I would be. Are you going back with me or not, little sis?"

"Big," she corrected. "I'm still older."

"Older, sure." Kara stood straighter, gesturing at her boots. "But if you wanted to be the big sister, you should've picked the boots. It's really just arithmetic here."

Kara's laughter wasn't enough to make her forget the day waiting for her... but it helped. There was at least one person out there who would support her no matter what she picked.

The next few days went by in an eyeblink. There was plenty of testing and configuration for their new jewelry, along with ample warnings about never swapping them by mistake. There were interviews with a few royal servants, who asked her at length about everything she and "Flurry Heart" had done over the last few months, for the purpose of historical record.

Kyle told them everything, at least when it came to the baby. The ponies didn't need to know about her struggling with her own identity, but she was happy to tell them about every difficulty Flurry had been through, and all the things Kyle had tried to care for her.

"That's quite the story," said Sunburst, finally settling the quill down atop his oversized notebook. The royal recorder was about what Kyle expected her pony body might've looked like, if Fay hadn't tried to make herself a new mom. Gangly, nerdy, and clumsy. But he'd been polite the entire time, never interrupting or criticizing her.

"Honestly, uh... Kyle, you said? Not many ponies could've endured all that and returned to tell about it, let alone feeble aliens without any magic. You should be proud."

"Thanks," she said flatly. "I... think?"

"You're welcome." The unicorn rose to his hooves, bowing to them both again. They had both been human for the entire conversation, if only because Kyle's nursing pains were far more manageable that way. Maybe that was something else she'd have to ask about when their final meeting came.

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