• Published 14th Jul 2021
  • 3,267 Views, 88 Comments

Luna's little Rose - Silent Wing

After being saved from the Dursleys, the live of Harry Potetr changes drasticly. Only when he starts his studies at Hogwarts, his life begins to take a slow turn towards normal. The only question is, how do you define normal?

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I am frightened, hoping that mom knows what she and Auntie Celestia are doing.

I understand that they need to do something, once mom confirmed what her sister told us, but I certainly don't like it. Their description of what they plan to do didn't help to calm my nerves either. In fact, it had the entirely opposite effect.

There is just no thing that makes, "and then we shoot a rainbow colored laser beam at you," sound good. To be honest, it scared me far more than when they explained to me, why this is necessary in the first place.

According to them, I have a parasite living in the scar on my head, who is slowly feeding on my magic. Auntie Celestia says that its presence won't influence me for at least twenty years. That it could take on a spiritual form in maybe fifty years, and another fifty years before the parasite in it would be strong enough to create its own body.

At least, that's the case without any outside interference. Should someone, or somepony, decide to help this parasite, it could get its own body any moment.

Since neither of them nor Canterlot’s top mages, have any idea how it would affect me should this parasite forcefully be freed by an outside force, they want to play it safe and remove it.

That is exactly why I am currently spending time with my new, and favorite, cousin, waiting for mom and Auntie Celestia to return from wherever these "Elements of Harmony" are hidden.

With all these things going through my head, it is surprisingly hard to focus on my current task at hoof, making it even harder for me to find her. Now, where did Cadence hide? I mean such a big pink pony can't be that hard to find.

Or at least she shouldn't. Especially after we agreed that she isn't allowed to use magic to alter her appearance, or to turn invisible. Again.

Having searched most of the castle, and the entire gardens, I realized my mistake. Just like me, Cadence has wings! And since we never limited the hiding area to something ground bound, she could be hiding in even more places. Including the castle's roof, and the countless clouds.

It takes me only a few moments and I am up in the sky, rapidly gaining altitude. At least what counts as rapidly for an inexperienced flier like me.

After a thorough search of the castle's roof, which turns up empty of course, I turn my attention towards the clouds, methodically checking them. Only leaving those out that are brought in by the weather team.

When I finally spot her, I decide that she needs to be punished, for expanding the search area like this without even telling me. I land behind her, careful not to make any sound while sneaking up on the unsuspecting alicorn.

This may not be an easy feat, but I still manage to get into position unnoticed. And after a final moment of calm, I blow a raspberry in her wing-joint.

Or at least that was the plan. Instead she turns around, grabs hold of me and presses me into the cloud, a devilish smirk on her face. "Did you really believe you could sneak up on me like this?"

"Cady, this isn't what it looks like," I plead futility, as I realize all too soon when she blows a raspberry on my tummy before assaulting me with her wings. Her feathers make quick work and it doesn't take long for her to turn me into a giggling mess.

Two alicorns watch in amusement at what is playing out in front of them, certainly not having expected this from when they returned from their old home.

"Shall we let them have their moment," the white one asks, slightly tired from the longer than expected journey.

"No Tia, I have a better idea," the second alicorn replies with a devious smirk on her face. While skeptical at first, Princess Celestia's face lights up, certainly liking the plan her sister came up with.

I don't know how long Cadence kept her attack up, but it was certainly long enough to exhaust me.

"How dare thou to attack our daughter in such a manner," I hear mom shouting, causing the two of us to turn around. Coming face to face with mom, Cadence quickly shuffles back a few paces before her hooves get locked in position when they are engulfed in mom's magical aura.

While she tries to find a way out of the trouble she is in, trying to break mom's magical hold, she fails to notice the third alicorn Princess landing behind her.

Auntie Tia looks briefly to me, a devious smirk on her face before focusing her attention on the distracted alicorn of love.

Unlike me, she manages to sneak upon Cadence, succeeding where I failed earlier, making the youngest of the three alicorns squeak in discomfort as she blows a raspberry into Cadence's wing-joint.

After they allowed her a short moment to recover from the unexpected attack, Mom once more addresses Cadence, while Auntie Celestia flies up to a different cloud, only a few meters above our position.

"Cadence, I don't want to see you doing something like that to my daughter again," before, with a bright grin on her face she turns towards me. "This is my job after all."

Realizing far too late what she is up to, mom easily pins me to the cloud with her magic, robbing me of any chance to escape her. Approaching me with her wings raised threateningly, I am able to get a short glance at Cadence, ending up in a similar position, courtesy to an impressive dive bomb tackle Aunty Celestia pulls of before mom goes to work on me.

"Boss shouldn't we go back to work," one of the weather ponies, relaxing on a cloud asks, concerned about getting the rainstorm set up in time, and not ending up late for his date. Again.

"Thunder, if you want, you can go and tell them to get moving," the mare in charge of the weather team replies. "I certainly wouldn’t."

While she normally would never consider slacking off, or extending her lunch break like that, these are special circumstances.

No, she certainly won't interfere, not when seeing Princes Celestia clearly enjoying herself for the first time. Considering the fact that she worked right under Princess Celestia's muzzle for over thirty years now, this isn't without merit.

Her mind made up, she turns her focus back to her team, crushing everypony's will to disturb the royals with her next argument. "Come on guys, Donuts Joe is calling. My treat."

She waits for the cheers to ebb down and the first ponies to take off before approaching Thunder." You can leave early today. Just make that filly happy."

""I haven't had so much fun in ages," Auntie Tia announces happily as we walk into one of the more private parts of Canterlot Castle. Well Mom, Cadence, and Auntie Celestia do so, while mom carries me on her back. After all the fun we had, I struggle to stay awake.

"That's great Auntie," my cousin replies, not sounding particularly happy. "But did you really have to team up on me like that?"

"Yes," mom and Celestia reply in perfect sync before bursting out in wild laughter, making Cadence groan in annoyance. Clearly, there is more like this in store for her in the not so far off future.

"Didn't we come here for a reason," she asks in an attempt to turn the attention away from her.

"You mean besides tea and cake," the solar alicorn asks, unstrapping her saddle bags and setting them on the ground before unloading them.

"Are those the things you have been talking about," I ask at the sight of the six different crystals that are carefully placed on the coffee table. "They don't look like much."

"You shouldn't let their appearance fool you, Rose. They may look harmless, but they are quite the powerful artifacts."

"Let me guess, you want to use them on me immediately," I ask worried, suddenly being far more awake than just a second ago. Quickly I jump down from mom's back, trying to make my escape.

"Please don't make this harder than it has to be," Mom says when I am already halfway to the door, using her magic to seal every possible exit from the room at the same time.

"But I don't want to be turned to stone," I blurt out my biggest fear of what might happen, should something go wrong with these elements.

Before I even realize what's going on, the crystals begin to glow, and a spiritual pony materializes, approaching me slowly. "Don't worry little one," it whispers, "no harm will come to you."

"However, that thing in your scar has to go," the spirit declares harshly, in an entirely different voice before switching to its calm and soothing tone again."

"I know you are scared of this, and this is okay. Everypony is afraid of something, but I know that you can be very brave as well. Please be brave for us," the spirit finishes before disappearing into thin air again.

I look over to these six crystals before turning my attention back to my family, and while I am still scared, I can't forget the words the spirit said. "Do it," I say to them, my fear momentarily forgotten.

If what mom told me is true, the spiritual pony that said all of this, was one of those that gave mom the power to help me. Without their help, I would still be living with my so-called relatives.

So with them having helped me already so much, it isn't hard for me to put my trust into them. After all, they promised that no harm would come to me.

Not wasting any time, Mom and Celestia raise the crystals and they begin to circle around them, getting faster and faster with every turn around them.

At some point I can't make out the crystals themselves anymore, only a rainbow colored ring surrounding them.

When the crystals, or elements achieve, what I assume to be their top speed, a strand of light separates itself before hitting me.

However, unlike what I have been told, it isn't done after ten seconds, and something completely unexpected happens.

Much to all our surprise, Cadence's horn suddenly begins to glow in her blue aura and a beam is fired into my direction.

However, halfway to me the magical beam from Cadence's horn, and the rainbow powered laser beam met. Unlike what Auntie Celestia told me about magic, these two beams don't neutralize themselves, but instead intermix with each other, creating an entirely new form of magic in the process.

But as interesting as this may be, it still leaves me at the receiving end of a spell. An entirely different spell, that for some reason is now wrapping me in some kind of cocon.

At first, I don't feel anything, just floating there in the middle of my new, "hopefully temporary," home, but at some point, something is pulling on my forehead. Right where my scar is.

Unlike expected, it doesn't hurt. It just feels strange.

How much time passes until everything has been pulled out is something I can't tell, only that when it's done the cocoon around me breaks apart immediately.

I need a few moments to get my bearings back, only realizing where I am, when I spot the others. While Mom and Princess Celestia are fine, except for the shocked expression on their faces, Cadence is shaking, gasping for air.

I am so lost in thought, wondering what has happened while I was trapped in that magical cocoon, that only when I feel somepony tapping at my leg, I realize that there are now five ponies in the room.

Looking down, I spot a unicorn, seemingly being one head smaller than me, looking up at me. "Are you my mommy," the most adorable colt I have ever seen asks me, his eyes full of wonder.

Of course I deny this, but when I see him deflate, all the previous joy leaving his eyes, I point towards where Mom, and Auntie Celestia help a completely exhausted Cadence up, saying "she is."

Instantly his formerly deflated ears perk up again, and his eyes are filled with joy before he turns around and races towards those three.

Author's Note:

Sorry if the chapter is a bit confusing to read, due to the many pov switches, but I honestly didn't know how to write it better.
Now, to the important parts. First off, thanks to Javarod for editing this chapter, and to Little Tigress for the amazing art.

There has been some confusion regarding Luna, due to her coat being black at the beginning. To make this clear. There is no Nightmare Moon in this story! Luna simply used a color changing spell to annoy her sister.

I liked to annoy my sister as well, when I was younger, and everypony that has at least one sibling has probably done so as well at one point in their life.
Now, about Tom. I believe that nopony is born entirely good or bad in their life. It's all the experiences we have in our life where we base our decisions on.
In Tom's case, I believe that something horrible happened when he was still a young child and that this is the basis of his hatred towards others, which then at one point of his life focused on the non-magical population.
As for this story, I believe that he still had some good in him, and that when he tried to kill Harry, he unintentionally preserved that part of him.
I am yet not entirely sure how I will continue writing him, but he will appear only sporadically. But at least three other times.

Comments ( 29 )

Looking down, I spot a unicorn, seemingly being one head smaller than me, looking up at me. "Are you my mommy," the most adorable colt I have ever seen asks me, his eyes full of wonder.

Of course I deny this, but when I see him deflate, all the previous joy leaving his eyes, I point towards where Mom, and Auntie Celestia help a completely exhausted Cadence up, saying "she is."

Instantly his formerly deflated ears perk up again, and his eyes are filled with joy before he turns around and races towards those three.

i'm not gonna say that i did not expect that , but i'm gonna say that i didn't expect it to happen so soon.

[As Emperor Palpatine] "Yes Rose, adopt the colt. It is your destiny." All in all good job! Keep up with the good work and welcome back mellonin.

Thanks. Writting this story becomes more difficult each day. Especially when I want to keep the tin line between what I consider apropriate HP canon and MLP canon for this story.

Huh, ain't that gonna throw a mother of all wrenches into Voldemort's attempt of self-resurrection only to learn he's already alive? :rainbowlaugh:

Hope you'll have more time and inspiration for this story in the future. I'd really like to see how it'll unfold.

Time and inspiration aren't the problem, the problem is a lack of foccus and choosing the right idea for the next chapter, from all those floating around in my head.

What is canon to the original is that Tom Riddle was born with no love or empathy due to his mother's use of a love potion. His mother died in childbirth in a community where such a thing should never have happened. Pride and vengeance can be powerful motivators, and it's not much of a stretch to think he might want vengeance on the community that allowed his mother to die. If a small part of him were to be reborn with the love he was missing, and no memory of past debts against him, he might grow up perfectly normal.

There is just one wee little problem. Voldemort can never be defeated while any of his shattered pieces of soul yet remain. And now I'm wondering if being in an alternate dimension might negate that rendering the fragment cut off?

Bugger, where'd you catch this, so I can go fix it

here is an excellent idea for a next chapter have Rose discover the existence of MANGO

First off, I am already too far into the next chapter to consider this, second off, why let her discover something she already news about?

On second thought, this just gave me a great idea to prank one of the M6.

Added to my read list. :twilightsmile:

omc yes yes yes yes so much yes
gotta recheck to make sure i liked this the first time around
yes yes yas yas yesssss
Edit: now i did

what happens if one of his soul fragments becomes whole without the rest
and considering the theory that this is the fragment that held his potential for love
is he going to be a perpetually peppy foal

Let's face it Rollings had a lot of trouble writing redemption pilots. Basicly with the questionable exception of Malfoy (and walking away from the dark side rather than fighting for the good guys, was as far as his redemption went) anyone who "earned" some form of redemption (Snape, Regulus and Wormtail come to mind) had to pay for it with their lives. Being from a fairly conservative side of English politics (which admittedly is still far to the left compared to US politics) "redemption" or anyone out to change the status quo, are not high on her personal priorities.

So... what are the odds of an update? :fluttershysad:

To be honest, I don't know. While time isn't an issue, I just barely can bring myself to write something at the moment.

I'm kind of having that issue myself. I've got a project in production, but when I sit down to write... nothing. :facehoof:

But as interesting as this may be, it still leaves me at the receiving end of a spell. An entirely different spell, that for some reason is now wrapping me in some kind of cocon.


Why cancle the story here?

I didn't, I just have trouble writting at the moment.

is there any particular issue/problem, or just writer's block?
though I think "Hiatus" is closer to the mark than "Cancled".
I assume you do intend to continue this story?
I'm not the only one who wants to see this story continue to it's natural conclusion?

Mostly writers block, but also, too many distractions atm.

I guess we can wait, for you to deal with these distractios.
However, it would be interesting to see where you are going with the story right now.
And on't hesitate, I'm sure someone is wiling to lend an ear and sugest something to help you along.

Harry potter as a changeling? Book names?

But as interesting as this may be, it still leaves me at the receiving end of a spell. An entirely different spell, that for some reason is now wrapping me in some kind of cocon.

cocon = cocoon ??

Here are links to the two stoies I remember

The Queens Nymph

Harry is a little hoarse at Hogwarts

But I must admit, the queens nymph is the better of those stories

I hope that you are able to continue this.

that's difficult one, since currently, I can barley focus myself to write more than a few sentences. Though ideas there are plenty ieas how to continue this.

Interesting how the elements achieve their goal, while most likely solidified Rosie/Harry pony magic. I read some comments in dicating about the update and all I can say is good luck with your life. I can only imagine getting harder due to school/bills/personal stuff/etc.

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