• Published 14th Jul 2021
  • 3,286 Views, 88 Comments

Luna's little Rose - Silent Wing

After being saved from the Dursleys, the live of Harry Potetr changes drasticly. Only when he starts his studies at Hogwarts, his life begins to take a slow turn towards normal. The only question is, how do you define normal?

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04 A unexpected visit

Seven long weeks. Seven long weeks have passed since the devices observing Harry Potter stopped working without warning. At first he simply thought that they broke, so he examined and tried to fix them, but whatever he tried, nothing worked. It was two weeks after that day when he finally accepted that it had nothing to do with his creation, but something must have happened to the boy.

He personally visited the Dursley’s residence, only to get an unwelcome surprise. If those muggles living there are to believed, the Dursleys got arrested for child abuse and neglect a few months ago. He questioned a few of their neighbors, but despite informing him that there was something about them in the local newspaper a while ago. He didn’t learn anything useful.

He thought about the situation for a few moments, considering if he should directly go to the Ministry of Magic Archives, or if he should head to the office of the local newspaper and look into their archives first.

He went with the second option and after paying an expensive fee, he learned quite a few interesting things. Obviously, the accusations regarding the Dursleys were correct and they had been indeed arrested. While Dudley had been placed with a foster family, it said nothing about Harry. However, there is a short comment at the end of an article, that the second child in their care had been adopted by someone who wishes to stay anonymous.

While this is indeed interesting, he didn’t get all the information he had been looking for. So it is with a heavy sigh that he leaves the building and he makes his way into a dark alley. From where he aparates directly to the Ministry of Magic, hopefully, unseen by any muggles.

The moment he arrives at the ministry, he is quick to make his way towards the Archives, hoping that he is finally able to get some of his questions answered. Sadly, what he learned there raised only more questions. Truly, the records can’t be right. If they are to be believed, Lily and James never gave birth to a boy, but a girl with the name Nightrose.

After their death, the Guardianship changed to Petunia and Vernon Dursley before around a few months ago said girl got adopted by a Miss Luna Eveningstar. He decided to have a look at this mysterious lady as well, only to gasp in shock at what he learned.

If the documents are to be believed, this woman is older than the school he is headmaster of. It also says that she is princess in a land with the unusual name Equestria, some place he had never heard of before. The latter he is willing to believe, but the former is hard to accept. There's just no way that a person he has never heard of before is twice, if not even thrice as old as his friend Nicolas Flamel.

With all of his resources he could use without gaining too much attention spent, there is only one artifact that could tell him the truth. He aparated back to Hogwarts and went directly to the book of administration. However, as he opened it and skipped through the pages of what would be the year Harry Potter is supposed to enter Hogwarts, he got the biggest surprise of them all. Not only has Harry's name indeed been replaced by that of Nightrose Eveningstar, but there had also been a few additions with unusual names as well.

Still, this was two weeks ago, and just this morning his devices started working again. Informing him about what he still believes to be "Harry's" current location. And now he is standing in front of a large house, you could almost say a mansion, on the outskirts of Swindon, waiting for the door to open, so he can solve this mystery.

“Good evening Professor Dumbledore, how can I help you?” A black haired woman, looking like she is in her mid thirties asks, looking warily at him.

“If you are Miss Luna Eveningstar, then I would like to talk with you. Otherwise, I may have just wasted both of our time.” He asks in response, wondering how she already knows who he is, but dismisses it as nothing important.

“In that case we may just move this to the parlor. I hope you agree that that would be a much better place to hold a conversation.” The large woman lets him enter her house and leads him directly into a comfortable furnished room, not willing to delay this any longer than necessary.

“Now, what earned me the pleasure of your visit,” she asked the elderly man once they sat down for some tea and cake. He on the other hand decides to sample his tea first before he settles on a course of action. True, he had hoped to speak with the boy/girl first, whatever she/he prefers, but he has to work with what he gets.

“I came here to tell you why Harry Potter must return to the Dursleys as…”, is as far as he comes before he suddenly finds himself on the floor, a pair of hooves pressing him down quite forcefully.

“Did you truly just say that Harry shall return to those abominations?” The creature standing atop him asks, its voice full of anger and hatred. If it wasn’t for the green coated body and the blue mane, he would believe that one of the Thestral's at Hogwarts decided to go on a little trip.

“Now I will ask you one question and you will answer truthfully, am I clear?” it addresses him, not giving him the chance to answer the first question. He is curious why this creature atop him is so interested in the boy's wellbeing. While he gets an inkling that there is more to it than you would guess on the first look, he quickly agrees to its demand.

“Are you the one responsible that Harry had to live with the Dursleys for so long,” it asks him coldly, sending shivers down his spine. He considers lying to it for a moment, but decides against it, rightfully believing that this creature would be more upset about the lie than the actual truth.

“Yes, I made sure he arrived there safely,” he admits his involvement. Showing at least a flicker of self-preservation instinct when he wisely withholds the information about Minerva's concern regarding that family. Still, it doesn’t save him from five broken ribs as the creature rears up and slams it’s hooves into his chest.

“Rose, stop!” The woman yells, and much to his surprise, he is saved from another attack by it, allowing him to bring some air back into his lungs. “Now, turn back!” She continues her orders, and much to his surprise it takes not even a second before a young girl stands at the same spot, that thing stood before.

Normally he would be amazed by this instant transformation, asking her to repeat it so he can learn more about how it worked, but there is something else that gets his full attention. The girl has a scar on her forehead. A scar that looks suspiciously similar to a scar he saw on a boy’s forehead many years ago, allowing only one conclusion.

The information he gained two weeks ago is indeed accurate. Somehow, young Harry managed to turn himself into a girl, mastering a kind of transformation he has never seen before. However, that is something he has to think more of later. With how the girl reacted to his suggestion to go back to the Dursleys, there is no chance he can convince her to agree with it. So, how can he ensure Lily and James’ child’s safety from now on without drawing their ire?

When he gets up again many moments later with his thoughts back under control, he notices that Rose has joined Miss Eveningstar on the large couch she had been seated on before Rose’s outburst. He also notices that the armchair he sat in is standing upright again and from the gestures Miss Eveningstar is making, she wants him to sit down. “I believe we have gotten off on the wrong foot. If you allow me, I would like to explain why I decided to place Harry with the Dursleys.”

“That is the best idea you have had since arriving here, professor,” Miss Eveningstar replies in an annoyed voice and he has to agree with her. Would he have approached the matter more carefully, maybe he wouldn’t be in so much pain from his broken ribs right now.

“In May 1980 I was at a job interview, when the woman I met made a prophecy regarding a child born at the end of July. Proclaiming that the one with the power to defeat the dark lord was born on the last day of July.” Looking at Nightrose, “Believing that this would be you, Voldemort killed your parents before he tried and failed to kill you.”

“Upset about the supposed death of their leader due to the hands of a child, many of his followers wanted, and still want revenge, and are searching for you. Never would they have imagined that a young wizard with the ability to defeat their master would be living with a pair of Muggles.”

“People without the ability to see and use magic,” he adds a few moments later upon seeing their confused expression at the term Muggle. While Rose sounds genuinely surprised at that, he notices that his explanation of both, the word Muggle, and the information he just revealed, doesn’t have the same effect on Miss Eveningstar. Making him suspect that she isn’t as uninformed as he believed her to be.

“If this is true, why them and not another family,” Rose replies after letting this information sink in, not sounding pleased at what she considers an oversight in his plans.

“True, this might have worked, but I hadn’t done so for two reasons. That I never expected your Miss Dursley to treat you so poorly should be obvious. However, the second reason is far more important. When your mother sacrificed herself to protect you, very old, powerful magic got invoked, which protected you from Voldemort's curse.

And while this magic is still protecting you to this day, it comes with a price. To sustain it, you must either live with someone having magic, even if it’s barely noticeable, or in a very loving environment. Believing that Petunia fulfilled both requirements, it seemed like the best option at that time. I may know just how much she despises magic, but that doesn’t change the fact that she is a Squib.” Professor Dumbledor finishes his explanation before either of them is able to voice any protest about her aunt fulfilling both factors.

“Thank you Professor, this has indeed been very enlightening.” Miss Eveningstar says after several moments of silence, definitely not pleased at all with what he just told them. “But from your own words, I suspect that Voldemort isn’t as dead as many believe.”

It’s with a heavy sigh that he admits that she is correct before he tells them about his suspicions and his search for the Horcruxes. Sadly, he doesn’t know how many Voldemort made and that except for one, he doesn’t know where he could have hidden them.

It’s then that Rose leaves the room, with the excuse that she still has to take care of her homework. “Make sure you are done before we leave,” Miss Eveningstar reprimands the girl before turning her focus back on her guest. “As interesting as your theories about the Horcruxes are, you avoided telling us what happened to Voldemort’s followers once he was defeated?”

“Some went to Askaban, but many of them got free under the excuse that the Imperious Curse forced them to commit all these despicable acts. It is more than flimsy, but no one ever bothered to look further into it. What’s even worse, most of the accused still hold important positions in the Wizengamot.”

It takes him some more time to explain what Azkaban and the Wizengamot are, but the more he tells her, the more he gets the feeling that he just made a terrible mistake. Cold shivers run down his spine when she announces with a predatory grin, “I may have to converse with my sister about this first, but dabbling in politics again could prove to be fun.”

In a not so far away dimension, a certain Draconequus ensures he is well stocked in popcorn, eagerly anticipating the chaos his two favorite princesses will unleash on the wizarding world.

Author's Note:

I rewrote this chapter at least twenty times, let's hope it's good enough now.

Also, this is the last scheduled update and future updates will be only occasionally for two reasons. One, I have other stories I write at the same time. Second my writing time is reduced since from tomorrow, I finally have a new job after over two years of permanent rejection. :twilightsmile:

Edited by Javarod