• Published 14th Jul 2021
  • 3,285 Views, 88 Comments

Luna's little Rose - Silent Wing

After being saved from the Dursleys, the live of Harry Potetr changes drasticly. Only when he starts his studies at Hogwarts, his life begins to take a slow turn towards normal. The only question is, how do you define normal?

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After a very long time, the mare imprisoned on the moon was finally able to patrol the dreamscape again, taking care of the favorite of her royal duties again. It took her a long time, 200 years to be precise, to regain the strength necessary for this, but now she is eager to start again. Still, when she enters the realm of dreams again, she notices immediately that something isn’t quite right. She wouldn’t go so far as to call it wrong, just a tad different then when she entered it for the last time.

However, she decides to push these thoughts aside, and to focus on the task at hoof. While she is on the search for dreams in need of her attention, she ignores most of them. Dismissing them as harmless, or worse, things she doesn’t want to interfere with.

Only when she enters the first true nightmare, does she understand why this realm feels different, these aren’t her ponies dreams. No, these are some weird bipedaled creatures with a distinct lack of fur, cloven hooves, and no tail to cover their private parts. Still, even if these aren’t her beloved ponies, they shouldn’t have to suffer during their time of rest.

Without much to do, and a lot of time to kill, she spends almost every moment in the dream realm, helping all of the humans in need and learning quite a lot about this violent, but nonetheless fascinating species.

The most notable aspect of this species is certainly their separation between magical and non-magical folk, with the former being driven into hiding by the actions of religious fanatics, something she was all too familiar with. She saw how over time, the distaste for them grew in the magical community, and while most only take preparations to defend themselves should the need arise, some of them demand retribution.

So it doesn’t come as a surprise to her, that one day those demandes become too strong to be ignored and wizards gather around one powerful man, who plans to lead them out of hiding to fulfill their desire. However, his plans are thwarted by an equally powerful opponent.

The following peace doesn’t last long and a new evil takes his place. The hypocrite Tom Vorlost Riddle, or more commonly known as Lord Voldemort, is possessed by the idea to clean the wizarding world from those that aren’t ‘pure’.

Once more she witnesses the rise and fall of another tyrant. Still, unlike Grindelwald, this one isn’t really dead. No, he used extremely dark magic to create seven powerful artifacts. While he is still somehow alive, he doesn't possess a body of his own. Unable to do anything else he is forced to wait until he is strong enough to take command of his followers once more.

However, unknown by himself he created an eighth artifact when he tried and failed to kill a child. Curious about what this young orphan has to endure, Princess Luna studies the dreams of the young human colt Voldemort tried to kill. While they don't stand out from all of the other dreams at first, it saddens her just how much darker they turn with each passing day.
At first she doesn’t interfere with them, but when the nightmares get so strong that she can’t simply end them anymore, she decides to take a more active role in ensuring the child's well-being..

Unlike usual, he didn’t just have a bad day, no, today was much worse. He really believed that when he had to go back to school, he would finally be safe from his cousin. Sadly this isn’t the case. No, Dudley and his goons already cornered him at recess and beat him up, simply because they had been bored.

While he called for help, his classmates either didn’t care or they were too afraid of Dudley and his gang. Expecting the worst, should they be foolish enough to help him. Either way, he came home with a new set of bruises, only to get yelled at by his uncle for being late once more, who purposefully ignored his slight limp.

However, once he had prepared dinner and cleaned everything afterwards, without being allowed to actually eat anything, he was left to his own devices for an hour before he was locked into his room once more.

Unable to do anything else, he went to bed early, hoping that he could get some more sleep than usual. Sadly, this proved to be more difficult than he expected, due to the loud noises coming from the living room. When he finally fell asleep, something odd happened shortly after his usual nightmares began.

His cousin was holding him against a wall with his left hand, while pulling his right hand back in preparation to deliver yet another blow, when he heard someone shout, “BEGONE FOUL BEASTS!” Much to his surprise, it worked, causing Dudley, his goons, and everyone else that had been watching to vanish into thin air.

Since it took him a moment to comprehend what just happened, it doesn’t come as a surprise, when he only notices that something is approaching him once it stands directly in front of him. Taken completely off guard, he stumbles back in fright and falls on his backside, which forces him to look up and right into the eyes of this winged, black, unicorn.

“I am sorry young one, I didn’t want to scare you,” the horse-like creature says much to the boy’s amazement, who didn’t expect this creature could talk. On the other hand, someone had just shouted something and its voice sounded incredibly similar to the one he just heard.

“It’s okay,” he replies after a few moments, now having noticeably calmed down, once he realized that this creature doesn’t bear any ill will towards him. “But, who are you?”

“I? I am just somepony that thinks that a colt that already has a hard life in his waking hours, doesn’t deserve to have one in his dreams as well,” she answers. While he understands what she is saying, it confuses him slightly to be called a colt, but In truth, he doesn’t mind this at all. “Now, how about we do something fun instead?”

Even if her proposal comes unexpectedly, he doesn’t decline it. Never had someone asked him to do something fun, well expect Dudley of course, but their definition of ‘fun’ differs to the extreme. Unable to come with anything of his own, he asks this creature for suggestions, knowing that it can’t be worse than his usual nightmares.

“Let’s go flying,” she answers immediately, sounding so sincere, that he actually believes her. It leaves no doubt that she is truly planning this, but there is still one big problem.

“How? I don’t have wings.” The young boy voices his thoughts in confusion, curious how she plans to solve this problem.

“This is a dream Harry, here you can be whatever you want to. Just focus on it and we can make it happen.” The mare replies confidently, knowing that the human colt will be able to fly, if he truly desires this.

Slowly the dream begins to change, but unsatisfied with the slow progress, she uses a bit of her own magic to assist Harry in his endeavour. Where they used to be in a dark schoolhouse corridor earlier, they quickly find themself in a vast open mountain range. While she expected something along this line, she certainly didn’t expect him to choose the form he did. Where a young human boy stood only moments before, there is now a green Bat-Pony with a two-toned blue mane, tail, and a green coat, in his place.

“This feels weird,” he replies, closely inspecting his new appearance. He gives a few careful flaps with his new wings before turning his attention to the now significant larger mare. “So, how does this work?”

A short instruction later, the two are up in the air, flying for all its worth. They play various different games before Harry lands on a hilltop, quickly followed by who he now knows as Luna.

“That was great, can we do this again someday, Luna?” He asks her, laying in the soft grass, taking a bite of the sandwich, that had been in a conveniently placed basket. For once, he is content with the world and he tells himself that this may just be a dream, but it’s a great one.

“Of course, Harry,” the mare replies happily, glad that the colt enjoyed the time they spent together as much as she did.

From that moment on, they spend almost every night together and a great friendship forms between these two, until everything changes one day.

Author's Note:

This is some older work I did as a distraction whenever I have trouble with writing my main stories. Currently there are a few more chapters written but they aren't approved by my editor just yet, but will be updated as soon as I get the okay.

Please understand that there won't be updates on a regular basis after this, since this is just one of my side projects. this chapter has been edited by javarod, once more many thanks for your great help. Honestly I have no idea where I would be without you

Your Wingy