• Published 14th Jul 2021
  • 3,285 Views, 88 Comments

Luna's little Rose - Silent Wing

After being saved from the Dursleys, the live of Harry Potetr changes drasticly. Only when he starts his studies at Hogwarts, his life begins to take a slow turn towards normal. The only question is, how do you define normal?

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03 Reunion 2/2

A week has passed since the Summer Sun Celebration took an unexpected twist and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is extremely worried by now. While her beloved aunt continued to raise the sun and moon regularly, even if not always on time, she hadn’t returned to Canterlot yet.

That is the exact reason why she had put Raven Inkwell, Princess Celestia’s personal aid in charge of everything until both of them return to Canterlot. While Miss Inkwell wasn’t pleased with this decision, she complied reluctantly.

Ponyville had been her first stop, and as much as she enjoyed meeting Twilight again, the mare wasn’t as much of a help as she had hoped. The only thing Twilight was able to tell her was that Princess Celestia had followed a mysterious black alicorn in the Everfree Forest.

Without further ado she made her way into the Everfree Forest as well. While it didn’t take her too long to find the ruins of an old castle in the forest, a detailed search of the castle ended empty-hoofed.

Annoyed by her lack of success, she decided to take a short break on one of the castle’s balconies. However, she had barely set a hoof on the balcony when it collapsed under her weight.

Taken completely off guard by this, she falls down and crashes hard on the ground of a gorge that just had to be there. Once she gets up again, she takes a look around and is surprised to spot a set of stairs on one end, while the other end leads into a cave. After a short moment of consideration which way to follow, she slowly walks into the cave, wondering how she could have missed that earlier.

Barely five minutes in she finds her aunt, standing right in front of a crystal tree, horn aglow and surrounded by mountains of used parchment. "Auntie, what are you doing here? Everypony is worried sick about you."

"Why should they Cadence, I have not been gone that long," the white alicorn replies instantly, not really paying attention, still focused on her task, whatever it might be.

"I think a week without any word from you is long enough for everypony to start worrying.” Cadence replies, while looking over her aunt's shoulder, trying to make out what her aunt is currently working on.

"It is that long already? It certainly didn't feel that long," the solar alicorn replies once more, surprise evident in her voice.

"Yes, it is. Some of the nobles are already trying to take advantage of your long absence. Raven has so far kept them from doing anything rash, but there’s only so long that she can delay them.” The hint of annoyance in this statement alone is enough for her to convince Celestia of the truth. “You really should come back and take a break from your research. Even if it’s just a day or two, to put the nobles back into their place. “

Much to the Princess of Love’s surprise, the solar alicorn picks up, picks a small stack of papers up in her magic and incinerates the rest before she walks to the cave’s exit. “Then let's not dawdle anymore. I think I have learnt everything I can here and my studies can continue back home over a nice cup of tea.

Celestia then explains to the pink alicorn why she had been down here, examining this tree and where that alicorn from the Summer Sun Celebration went. Much to Cadence's surprise, Princess Celestia breaks out into a fit of laughter, when she replies that it ‘Sounds easy enough.’

“Tell me Cadence, what do you know about dimensional travel?” Celestia responds sternly. A short look at her aunt's face makes it clear to Cadence how important this is to Celestia. It also makes Cadence realize that she has to deal with the nobles far more in the future than she is comfortable with, should her gut feeling be correct.

Three months have passed since Rose was freed from her horrible life with the Dursley's and after a process of healing, her daughter is for the first time content with her lot in life.

Luna however isn't. While money isn't an issue for them, she never expected to be so bored, after everything had been arranged. True, there is plenty to do raising a child, but nothing so challenging as when she used to pick up her sister’s slack.

Still, she wouldn't change it for anything in the world, unimportant if in this world or Equestria. And while she begins to miss her sister again, she is in no rush to visit her. Still, for now she just wants to finish the current chapter in her book before she starts to prepare lunch. True, she could easily hire a cook, but she enjoys it far too much to do so.

However, her plans for the day are thwarted when she hears the annoying sound of the doorbell. She takes a look at the clock over the fireplace before she gets up with a heavy sigh, knowing that it’s far too early for Rose to come back from school.

On her way over there she can only wonder who it could be at this time. It's definitely not the mailman, since he came by an hour ago. However, once she opens the door she freezes in shock upon realizing just who is visiting her so early in the day. Truly, nothing could have prepared her for that so she does the only reasonable thing. “Tia, what the fuck are you doing here?”

"Luna, can I come in please?" The mare turned woman asks pleadingly, desperation evident in her voice.

It may be a bit reluctant, but she still leads her sister into the living room, already having a guess why she is here. If she is right, it would definitely not be a topic you should discuss on your front porch. "If you are here to convince me to come with you to Equestria, the answer is no."

The owner of the house asks her guest, not pleased in the slightest by the prospect to return to that place. True, Equestria used to be her home, but it has changed so much from the last time she was there that she highly doubts that she could ever feel at home there again. When her sister confirms her guess is correct, it is easy for her to say no.

"What, why?" Celestia replies in absolute shock, never having expected to be denied just like that.

"I can't. I have responsibilities here that I can't just drop out of a whim. Also, it isn't a decision I can make alone," Luna replies, enjoying the look of confusion on her face that comes from the second part of her answer.

"Take a look around the house and you will understand. Once you are done, come into the kitchen and we can talk. For now, I have a meal to prepare." While they both go their separate ways, Luna can only wonder how her sister will react when she finds her niece's room.

When Luna asked me to take a look around the house, I was indeed curious about how my sister lives. A lot of the things I expected my sister to have, I did indeed find around the house. However, the room I entered only moments ago isn’t one of those.

I wonder if Luna did take up foal sitting like Cadence, but a closer look around the room suggests something different. Unlike in Cadence’s room, there aren’t pictures of all the different foals she foalsat, instead they are all focused on one.

Besides, there had been pictures of this human foal in other rooms as well. Slowly, I get an inkling to what exactly is going on here and just how much of an impact this would have on Equestria, if I don’t return with one, but two new princesses accompanying me.

It would also explain what Luna meant when she said that “it isn’t a decision I can make alone.”

I inspect this room once more very thoroughly, but the only other thing I notice now is a framed adoption certificate, confirming what I already suspected. While I am curious about how it came to this, it also makes me wonder if Luna is still single or if she is engaged in any way.

As I meet up with Luna again, I immediately begin to ask away, hoping that I get at least some of my questions answered. What I get in response is a long story, in which I learn many terrible things. Things I never imagined somepony could do to another. After all, Luna didn’t just simply tell me about her daughter, but she also gave me a quick summary of this world's history in the last 800 years.

All those things from the crusades, the witch hunts, the mass enslavement of the African people, the Death Eaters, and the Nazis made ponies like Sombra look like a foal throwing a tantrum.

With all that knowledge, I have to fight the urge to grab her, and immediately drag her home by her tail. Even if I know that she would never forgive me for this. Besides, I don’t know if she can come back here on her own. No, if I want her to leave this place behind for good, I need to convince her, which will be very complicated. Still, I have to ask her. “Luna, will you return home with me?”

“Permanently? Not any time soon, but maybe Rose and I will visit you during the summer holidays, how does that sound to you?”

“It’s a start.” I reply to my sister's rebuttal, which also gives me a great idea. Why focus on my sister? I am sure that if I can convince Nightrose to stay, Luna would stay as well. Also, I want to have a look at this dark mark on Rose’s head Luna told me about. Maybe we could use the Elements of Harmony to get rid of it.

True, I took them back to the tree after I foolishly attacked my sister with them, but would they still accept me as their bearer? I can only hope so. If not, the consequences could be fatal, should a new threat arise.

“Tia, how did you even manage to come here? The Spirit of the Elements mentioned a third person with Rose’s and my ability, but I can’t imagine that to be you.”

I freeze in absolute horror at her question, having hoped to avoid it for much longer. “I may have convinced a certain draconequus, that helping me is wiser than drawing my ire.”

“How?” Luna asks surprised, not having believed something like that to be possible.

“When he broke free out of his stony prison, I threatened to resurrect his mother, should he not behave.”

Author's Note:

Thank you for editing Javarod.