• Published 12th Aug 2019
  • 10,594 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony- An Apocalyptic Displacment - King Rose

[Displaced] My life went from cosplaying the black dragon of the apocalypse at a New York Anime convention, to being Acnologia in only 5 short minutes. What the hell? No serioulsly, what the fuck?

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Chapter 6- Our Story

Chapter 6- Our Story

Once upon a time, on a continent called Fiore, two races of creatures lived and reigned supreme. Humans, and Dragons. The Humans, while weak in magical power, they were abundant in numbers. The Dragons, while small in numbers, were powerful in magical abilities. The two races lived in peace until one day, a war broke out. The Dragon race was divided in two, those who wanted to live in harmony with the Humans, and those who want all Humans to be eradicated. This war had been raging for several decades before one day, a woman named Irene, had an idea. This woman along with a Dragon named Belserion, bonded their powers together, and thus the birth of the very first Dragon Slayer. And the beginning of a timer… A timer that counts the days, until the Dragon King Festival.

Our story then brings us to a small village called, Montes Secreta, lived a doctor who was just like any other person. However, fate had a different plan for him. His name was just simply, Quill. His home village was guarded by a peaceful Dragon named Acnologia, and for many years the village lived in peace and safety. During one of these peaceful years, Quill had married and had a daughter named Sonya. Then, betrayal and tragedy confided, and devastated Quill’s home.

Acnologia, the dragon that had protected Montes Secreta, had turned and destroyed the village, killing everyone except for Sonya and Quill, who were out in the woods playing. Sonya and Quill were devastated to watch their home be burnt to the ground. So, they made a vow. Sonya vowed to live her life for everyone who lost their own. But Quill… Vowed to find and kill Acnologia. Thus, the father and daughter traveled to a different village, and found his solution: Dragon Slayer Magic. So, Quill decided to join in the fight in the Dragon Civil War, supporting the coexistence of both Humans and Dragons.

After enlisting in the army, Quill swiftly rose through the ranks and joined the Dragon Slayer unit as one of its most powerful members. But he had to learn the magic. So, in order to learn, he trained under the cruel Dragon known as Tyrrios. Under this Dragon he learned the Lost Magic and hunted down Acnologia. However, during one of the callback missions before Quill could begin looking for Acnologia, he learned of his daughter’s kidnapping. She was taken by two Dragons, but one Dragon had gone to stop them. Quill after learning of this, tried to tell his mentor Tyrrios, but he was nowhere to be found. Ignoring everything else Quill rushed off to find his beloved daughter, and his only family left.

And he did find her. But… She was already on death’s doorstep. She was killed, by two Dragons. The first was called Animus, and the second was one who betrayed Quill’s trust. It was Tyrrios. The Dragon Quill had trusted, the one that had taught Quill all he knew. The one Dragon that was trying to protect Sonya, was named Zirconis. Though Zirconis was a neutral in the war, neither on the coexistence side, nor fighting to wipe Humanity off the planet. The only reason Zirconis tried to protect Sonya was because he does not condone the slaughter of children.

That moment when Sonya reached out to her father, saying just one thing. “Please daddy… I-I don’t want to die.” That moment is when it all changed. This is where our story ends… And begins. In response, Quill murdered Zirconis, Tyrrios, and nearly killed Animus. Animus escaped only because he enchanted himself inside of Sonya’s body. As far as her history goes, she is currently living in a village along with Fairy Tail, and after figuring out that Tyrrios’ name was really Acnologia, Quill took up the mantle, as the King of The Dragons. The Black Dragon of The Apocalypse.

But mere seconds after Sonya uttered that sentence… Quill’s Humanity reincarnated. And this is where Acnori Quill’s story begins.

On the date November 21, 1998, in Japan, a child was born. His name was Acnori Quill.

Over the years, as Acnori grew up, he had no memories of his previous life and had a good childhood. However, that all changed when he discovered a manga, a comic book which depicts an adventure of fictional characters. This manga’s name was Fairy Tail. As Acnori continued to read and grow up with this manga, his love for it grew and continued until he was twenty-one.

Acnori had gotten a pass for a convention called an Anime Convention, which was being held, in a place called New York. He dressed up in something known as a cosplay and went as his favorite Fairy Tail character. His cosplay was handmade, and it was detailed to the smallest detail, however, Acnori didn’t get enough time to find something. A red Dragon Tooth necklace. But he knew he could find it at the convention.

So, once he entered the convention, he walked and searched for the necklace, and he had finally found it. He approached the stall, and bought the necklace from the merchant, and put it on. But this necklace was enchanted as was all of The Merchant’s wares. For you see, The Merchant is known as a Displacer, a Void Dweller who sells his wares at ridiculously low prices, and then those wares send the buyer to a different universe with all the abilities of the original owner of that specific item, causing them to become a Displaced. The Displaced, formerly known as Dimensionally Misplaced, then explore and journey through the universes they’ve been sent to and communicate with one another using the Tokens. The Tokens, are the items that sent the Displaced to their new universe and have been imbued with messages and are sent into the Void to find different Displaced, so they can be summoned, or they can receive another Displaced Token, and have the ability to summon them. While in their original universe, a clone takes their place, or they just simply just disappear.

So, once Acnori placed that enchanted necklace around his neck, he fell unconscious, and after waking up, he found himself a Displaced, and in a new world, called…

Luna’s POV- Quill and Acnologia’s Dreamscape

“… Equestria.” Quill finished telling me.

I had listened intently to their story, and… I… I didn’t know what to think, or what to say. Displaced? Reincarnation? Tokens? The Merchant? I don’t understand any of this. My mind was running all over the place trying to stay calm, and not have a mental breakdown, but… It wasn’t going all to well. I start to hyperventilate, and tears form in the corners of my eyes. I-I can’t take it! I-I don’t know what’s real anymore!

“Hey.” Quill says catching my attention, placing his hands on my shoulders. “Calm down. It’s all okay. Nothing bad is happening. It’s a lot to absorb all at once, I know. I felt the same way when I realized that I was a reincarnation.” He soothed, pulling me into a comforting hug.

I couldn’t respond, except for returning the hug, and my tears began to flow uncontrollably. I then cried and cried. My tears dropping onto the grassy plains. I felt as Quill softly ran his hand through my mane in a lulling way, which started to calm me down. As my tears slowly ceased, I pulled back from the hung and looked into Quill’s eyes. They were no longer a menacing, and intimidating crimson red, but a calm and relaxed rusted color. I felt myself get lost staring into them. In response Quill tilted his head to the side a small bit and gave me a small smile. Getting lost in the moment, I moved closer to him. And my head continued the journey, until our lips met each other.

I kissed him.

I felt his body flinch in shock, before he as well, melted into the kiss. After twenty seconds, we had to break apart the kiss, because of the cursed need to breath. His expression was one of sweetness and kindness.

“Well… That was a little unexpected.” He said. “But it was a welcome surprise. I love you Luna.” Quill told me.

“I love you too, my dragon.” I responded.

In the back, I could hear Acnologia chuckle and mumble something about, “Took them long enough.” I ignore him and focused on the moment. But… once again, fate had a different plan. Because the Dreamscape of Quill’s mind was slowly starting to fade.

“Luna? What’s happening?” Quill asked.

“It seems that you’re waking up.” I told him. I then gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “I’ll see you when you wake my beloved.” I giggled as Quill’s face became red, and I exited the Dream, and entered Reality.

Real World- Third POV

Luna’s eyes opened slowly, and as the brilliant light of the sun shone into the room, Luna’s attention quickly found itself drawn to the small five-year-old Dragon Slayer who had slept in her bed. Serena let out a small yawn before his eyes groggily opened and he looked around slowly, his eyes landing on the smiling Princess of The Night.

“Good Morning Woona.” Serena slurred, as he slowly sat up. “Where am I?” He asked.

“Well, your father was injured, and we brought him along with Zirconis and you to Canterlot, so he could heal. You fell asleep on the way, and I brought you to my room so you could sleep peacefully.” Luna explained. “I also visited him while Dream Walking, and he should be waking in a little while. Come, let’s go get some breakfast.” She suggested.

Serena gave a simple nod before trying to get up. Only to find his legs, still asleep.

Luna giggled as Serena tried once more to get up. Luna then noticed that Serena was still holding Quill’s tattered cloak: “Here, how about you sit on my back and I carry you?” Luna suggested.

Serena literally had stars in his eyes as he was lifted up with Luna’s Midnight-Blue magic and placed onto Luna’s back. The toddler Dragon Slayer was almost bouncing with amazement. Luna, with Serena on her back, trotted down to the dining hall, to find Celestia, Zirconis, and Quill already eating breakfast, with the latter’s right arm being wrapped in several bandages, and his chest having many, many bandages wrapped round it. Luna blushed heavily, trying to hide it and succeeding partially behind her Midnight-Blue coat. However, due to their keen eyesight, Zirconis and Quill noticed. Zirconis just ignored it, while Quill smiled softly.

“Good morning Luna, Good morning Serena.” Celestia greeted her younger sister. Celestia then levitated a stack of waffles with whipped cream, and some blueberries and strawberries up a little gaining Serena’s attention at the mouthwatering breakfast. “Would you two like some breakfast?”

“YES!” Serena shouted.

“Serena. Manners please.” Quill told his son. “Now get over here and give your old man a hug.” Quill stated, as Serena’s eyes widened and started to water.

Serena literally leapt off Luna’s back and, with Quill’s tattered cloak remaining in his ever tightened grasp, dove into a Dragon Slayer hug, wrapping his small arms around the neck of the wounded Time Dragon Slayer, and flooding his tears of relief and joy into the shoulder and bandaged chest of his father.

“Dad! You’re okay!!” Serena cried.

Quill sighed and patted Serena’s back as the crying child coughed while stuttering against his words. Quill could feel the emotion, the happiness, the joy, the worry, and every other emotion. “Hey… It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m fine. Thanks to Zirconis, I’ll make a full recovery.” Quill soothed, as he felt the magic of Dragon Slayer emotion begin to ever so subtly leak from Serena.

Quill knew how powerful and wild Fioren magic can get it used purely based on emotion. It had helped Natsu, defeat Gajeel, Jellal, and Acnologia. But it could also cause mass destruction, but with Serena being at a still young age, the emotion magic wouldn’t cause as much destruction, but the room would’ve been trashed.

Serena had soon calmed down and sat next to his father. Quill had begun cutting Serena’s waffles when Serena said: “Uhm... Dad?” Quill looked down to his son and waited for what he would say. “You forgot this when you were asleep. And I wanted to give it back to you.” Serena explained while holding up the tattered cloak.

Quill took the cloak his five-year-old son handed him and looked nostalgically at it. Quill smiled and looked back to Serena. Serena looked at his father expectantly, and much to his surprise, Quill responded by wrapping the tattered cloak around young Serena.

“You can have it kid. It’s gotten a little destroyed, and if I keep getting into fights like that… Then I’d rather you have it, and it not get as destroyed.” Quill explained.

Serena smiled brightly, and thanked Quill, before beginning to eat his waffles hungrily, causing Luna and Quill to giggle at Serena’s childishness. After a few minutes of eating, Celestia had to leave for Day Court, which Quill would be joining in a little, after he had finished his breakfast. Zirconis took Serena, to go play in the Royal Garden, which Serena was ecstatic about. Until finally, the only two left in the dining room, was Quill and Luna. The two looked at each other, and their memories flashed to the kiss they shared when in Quill’s Dreamscape. The two blushed at the memory, and an awkward silence enveloped the room.

After an unbearable minute of awkward silence, Quill decided to speak: “So… uh… About what happened in my, uh… Dream last night… When we, uh… When we kissed.” He began awkwardly.

“Um… Yeah? What about it?” Luna asked, also incredibly awkward.

“I… Enjoyed it.” Quill admitted while his markings were faintly illuminating, with a blush red hue.

“Oh… I… I also enjoyed it.” Luan admitted also, while trying to hide her blush, and being very unsuccessful.

The two sat in awkward silence, once again. Neither of them willing to utter a word. Until after a few more minutes, Quill decided to speak once more.

“So… God, this is so awkward. What should we tell the others, Lulu?” Quill asked, addressing Luna with a nickname.

“I don’t know but we will tell them eventually, and ‘Lulu’? Where did that come from?” Luna asked.

“Well… I just thought that, since we’re now dating, that I would give you a nickname.” Quill sheepishly explained, while rubbing his neck.

Luna stood up and totted over to her new lover. She then sat next to him and awkwardly leaned on him before giving him a quick kiss to the cheek. “Well… I-I think it’s cute, and I like it.” She stuttered out, waiting for a response.

When she didn’t get one, she looked up at her silent lover, only to find him completely unresponsive. When she tried to get a response by shaking him a voice which came from nowhere resonated and above Quill’s head these words appeared:

“Acnori Quill. EXE is not responding please try again later.” The voice stated.

“Oh, Mother damnit.” Luna grumbled. “SISTER! I THINK I BROKE QUILL!!!!” Luna called for her sister using the Royal Voice.

In response Celestia also used the Royal Voice and asked: “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU BROKE HIM!?”

“JUST GET IN HERE!” Luna told Celestia.

After a few seconds Celestia walked back into the room and looked at the crashed Quill, and the words that hovered above him.

“What in Mother’s name is this DogShit? What the Tartarus happened?” Celestia asked.

“Well… You see…” Luna began sheepishly.

Meanwhile, outside and in the Griffon Kingdom, an old griffon sat watching the grey sky pass endlessly on. It was a peaceful day until:
“YOU TWO ARE WHAT!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!”

The scream rattled several windows, and the elder griffon looked up and saw the sun shining much brighter.

“It’s suddenly so hot. I wonder why.” The elder griffon wondered.

“You two are dating?!” Celestia yelled in question from the sudden news.

In response to the Sun Princess’s rage, volatility, and confusion, the sun itself heated up beyond measure. Luna tried to calm her older sibling down and gained only little progress, but steadily, Celestia calmed down enough that the sun wouldn’t burn everything.

“Yes, we are dating now. It happened last night, when I visited Quill’s Dreams. Once I got there, I learned of his past and… We started to date. I was the one who made the first move.” Luna sheepishly explained while Celestia listened quietly. “But right now, we need to fix Quill.” Luna reminded.

“Right.” Celestia sighed. “But could you elaborate on what you mean by, you learned his past?” Celestia asked.

“That’s for him to tell.” Luna told her. “For now, let’s focus on fixing Quill.” She said.

When the two sisters looked at Quill, above his head, the words had changed. They now read: “Reboot in progress…” They quickly changed to read: “Reboot successful.” And Quill began to move again.

“What the hell happened?” Quill muttered softly.

“Well…” Luna started. “When I kissed your cheek, you had an error message above your head.” She said plainly.

“So, I rebooted.” Quill summarized.

Luna nodded in response, and added: “Also, sister now knows we’re dating.”

Before Quill had a chance to respond, he was met with the towering figure of Celestia glaring down at him. Quill retracted his body and shrunk beneath the towering Princess. What. The. Fuck!? Was the only thought running through Quill’s mind right now. Celestia gazed at Quill for a moment before, Quill felt a pair of wings envelope him in a hug. He looked to see Celestia giving him a hug.

“What took you so long?” Celestia asked.

“Wut?” Quill muttered.

Celestia explained that she knew Quill liked Luna, and vice versa. She was just bidding her time and waiting for this to happen. After some annoyed glares from Luna and Quill, Luna walked off to go find Serena and Zirconis, while Celestia and Quill walked off to Day Court. But just as Quill began to leave, he remembered something.

Quill’s POV

“Oh, crud. Hey, Celestia wait a sec.” I told her before turning around. “Hey! Lulu!” I called, causing Luna to turn back around. “Do you want to see me make my Token?” I asked her.

“You mean you haven’t made yours yet?” She quizzically asked.

“No, haven’t had the time to. But I figured now would be the best time to do it.” I told her while taking my necklace off.

Let’s see if I have the process down right. I thought while holding the Dragon tooth necklace, dangling in my grip. I focused some of my magical power into it, and it became outlined with a magical Navy-Blue glow.

“Here goes nothing.” I mumbled. “If you have found this necklace, it means you have found my Token. You now hold the power of The Apocalypse in your grasp. If you wish to use my power for nefarious plans, then it shall be you, who is eradicated. If you wish to use my power for peace, then place this necklace around your neck, and call the name of The King of The Dragons: Acnologia.” I finished, creating my oath.

Luna looked at it as it resonated with my magic. I smiled and my hand, which held the necklace, and I threw it at the wall. But before it hit the wall, rip in the Void opened and the necklace flew into it and the rip resealed. Before it closed, I had gotten a good look at the Void and all I could see was an infinite darkness. That was kinda scary, but as soon as the rip closed, I felt the necklace reappear around my neck.

“Is that it?” Luna asked.

“That’s it.” I confirmed.

Luna giggled at my uncaring confirmation and waved with her hoof. I then proceeded to walk to the throne room with Celestia, and once we arrived, I stood in the same spot I did when I was first in Canterlot. After getting settled, Celestia turned to me.

“I think most cases will be about what transpired yesterday. I’ve also wanted to ask; how did you recover so quickly? It took three days for you to recover last time you fought.” She asked.

“Well, it seems my magical resistance has returned. I don’t know how else I could phrase that better.” I told her sloppily. “Well, anyway. Shall we commence?” I asked, gaining a nod.

Little did I realize, that almost the entire city had gotten in line. When I finally did realize it. Oh, it was too fucking late, because the first pony that walked up, made me want to sleep for an entire month.

The Pegasus that walked up had a pitch-black mane and tail, with a crimson red stripe going down the middle, and her fur was all crimson red, and her Cutie Mark was a circular ruby, with a glistening shine.

“Ah! Duchess Ruby! What a nice surprise! To what do I owe the pleasure?” Celestia forced a sweet smile.

I leaned close to a guard, who was standing close to me: “Who is this? And why is Celestia forcing a smile?” I whisper very quietly.

“Duchess Ruby thinks that the Pegasus race is above all including the Alicorns. She is also suspected of owning a slave trade ring, but there is no definitive evidence.” He told me.

I looked at the Duchess and I heard Acnologia actually choke. What the actual FUCK!? Acno screamed, as I stayed quiet in reality just staring at Duchess Ruby run her mouth. What is it, Acno? I asked. That, that BITCH! Has killed so many living creatures, and innocents! I can literally smell the blood she has on her hooves! Acno gagged.

I immediately listened into the conversation Celestia and Ruby are having and the first. FUCKING. WORD. Is all I hear before I decide that Ruby needs to die.

“Peasant Celestia, you know why I’m here.” Ruby remarks with a proud smile. “We pegasi should be the commanding race, for we are above all, and you all are beneath us. Give up the throne peasant!” Ruby commands.

I just stare at her blankly. Is this a fucking regular thing? I continue to stare at Ruby, and then she looks at me.

“Also, who is this? Your new pet?” She asked snidely. “I’d be glad to take him off your hooves~. He seems like a fine specimen~.” She swoons, looking at me in a very, disgustingly seductive way.

Okay this has gone from zero to a hundred too fucking quick. All I wanted was to help out Celestia with Day Court, but now I’ve got a horny bitch of a Pegasus wanting to fuck me? HELL NO! I’m dating Luna for Christ’s sake! I hear that Acnologia is about to vomit, and I honestly am too!!!

“Okay.” I say as I raise my non-bandaged arm. “First of all, no… I’m not her pet. I’m an actual living thing, with sentience. Second, my name does not matter to you, as you will not be taking me home so you can relieve your painfully obvious horniness, and last, if you ever. And I mean EVER! Try to come near me or any of my family, I will personally, sucker punch you into the sun.” I tell her, before turning to Celestia. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go throw up. And I’ll be with the others in the Garden.” I say before I walk out of the room.

I calmly make my way to the bathroom, which is conveniently marked by the crack marks I made last time I visited it. I, with a calm and collected manner, open the door and walk in. After turning on the lights, I close the door. I then walk over to the toilet and lift the lid up, before dropping onto my knees and projectile vomiting into the toilet, and I swear to everything Holy, Acnologia’s puke was in that toilet too. After getting all of that out of my system, I stood up and flushed. I then walked over and washed my hands, before looking up and staring at myself in the mirror.

What I saw wasn’t Acnori, nor was it Acnologia. What I saw was Quill. I only saw myself. I smiled as my markings illuminated slightly, signifying that my wounds were healing. Slowly, but surely, I was getting better. I finished cleaning up, before walking out and heading to the Gardens. When I arrived, I saw Luna sitting next to Serena, while Zirconis was leaning against a tree smiling at the scene. I walked over to the Jade Dragon, and he quickly noticed me.

“Hey Quill. Day Court done already?” He asked.

“No.” I let out an exhausted sigh. “Just some entitled Pegasus who almost ruined a good day.” I told him.

“We all have those creatures in our lives. We just don’t who they are.” He summarized.

“Pretty sure I met Celestia’s mood killer so.” I concluded with a smirk. I watched as a butterfly landed on Serena’s head, causing him to giggle. “But also, I did kinda turn my mood killer into a Nuclear Shadow [1] though.” I pointed out.

“Well, anyway.” He changed the topic. “What do you think about doing today? I mean, we still have time.” He reminded.

I looked up thoughtfully for a moment, staring at the sky. I then looked back down and to Zirconis.

“Well, we do need to get your living situation out of the way. But I’m pretty sure you could stay in the house with me, Serena, Mavis, and Zeref. If you don’t care about sleeping on the couch, cause we don’t have any spare rooms. Eating won’t be a problem because I found that Dragons here eat gems, and they’re not that bad.” I told him.

“Well, I’m good for sleeping on the couch. And the gems I’ll have to try later. But we do have to check on Gilda and Mari too.” Zironis told me.

“That’s right. Hmm…-“ I thought while putting my bandaged hand under my chin thoughtfully. “-Oh! I got it!” I exclaimed, while not yelling it. “Since Mari and Gilda likely won’t be able to go back to GriffonStone anytime soon, you, her and Mari could buy a house. It would fix that living situation and you could better protect them.” I suggested. “Hey, maybe if you’re lucky, you and Gilda could get together.” I remark slyly.

“W-What?” Zirconis questioned while his cheek scales grew bright red. “W-Why would you even suggest that?” Zirconis asked while blushing madly.

“C’mon bro, I know you like her. I could tell when you freed Gilda, and when you healed Mari and Rainbow. Plus, you did help her daughter. That’s got to count for something.” I shrugged. “Also, -“ I tried to say before Zirconis cut me off.

“I know that you’re Acnologia’s reincarnation. Yeah, Acno only used Magic Dragon Slayer magic while you used Time Dragon Slayer magic. It wasn’t that easy to figure out though, I mean you both do look the exact same, but it would make sense.” Zirconis told me.

“Right, well you know how I went to earth when reincarnating?” I asked receiving a nod. “Well there was this show I liked back there called, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. And the world we’re in right now, is the world that show takes place.” I told him, gaining wide eyes. “Now, please don’t tell anyone about this. Not even Serena, I don’t want to make things any more complicated than they already are, and plus… What would the others say if they knew I knew this world’s future, or at least…? What this world’s future might look like.” I asked him quietly, while Serena continued to play with the animals in the Garden.

“I see what you mean, but like you’re insinuating, just us being here has likely altered this universe’s future, and timeline. Best case scenario, we stop all the bad here, and we live in peace. Worst case… Well, let’s just hope that Mayan Calendar of yours doesn’t reach an end anytime soon.” He replied.

I gave him a nod and continued watching Serena and Luna play with a new addition to the Gardens. Philomena had arrived, while me and Zirconis were talking and she began to play with my son. I smiled while watching them, but my attention was soon draw by a slight breeze, which pointed my attention near Ponyville. More specifically, towards my house, where Zeref and Mavis were currently residing. I look over towards the direction, and Zirconis places his hand on my shoulder, I notice that Serena is down next to my leg, wanting to be picked up. I hear Luna trot up beside me and I pick up Serena and he giggles playfully, and I feel an enterial Acnologia standing behind me. We all look off into the direction the breeze blew, and we smile.

Whatever this world has in store for us in the future… We’ll be ready. I may be just a reincarnation, and I may not be the real Acnologia. But I’ll tell you this… My arriving here was… well… it was An Apocalyptic Displacment. I think proudly. Merchant, wherever you are… Thank you, for not only bringing me to my new family, but for also showing me, who I really am.

As the breeze continued to blow, it blew past these words:

To Be Continued...

The screen glitches to show a static figure. A Pony. The Pony was an Alicorn whose fur was grey, and his mane and tail were pitch-black, with snow-white stripes going through it. His Cutie Mark was covered by a cross slash scar, but it was a burning golden sun covered by a dark-silver moon. It was an Eclipse. All over his body was littered with scars, and their color was silver. He had several silver scars running down his back, chest, and legs. His left eye was a brilliant, and glowing silver, but his right eye had a massive scar stringing from the base of his horn, to the base of his chin, his right eye had dulled into a faded white. His horn looked scarily similar to King Sombra’s but instead of a crimson red, it was a vibrant gold. His wings were pitch-black, but his left wing had three scars each one differing in length, and his right only had one, six-inch scar. He wore a dulled white scarf, with three different Cutie Marks on it. The first was Celestia’s shimmering sun Cutie Mark, the second was Luna’s beautiful moon Cutie Mark, and the last… was his Cutie Mark.

This was King Rose. This… Is me.

“☟︎♏︎●︎●︎□︎ ❍︎⍓︎ ♐︎❒︎♓︎♏︎■︎♎︎⬧︎✏︎ ♓︎ ♋︎❍︎📬︎📬︎📬︎ ✋︎🕯︎❍︎ ⬧︎◻︎♏︎♋︎🙵♓︎■︎♑︎ ♓︎■︎ ⬥︎♓︎■︎♑︎♎︎♓︎■︎♑︎⬧︎ ♋︎❒︎♏︎■︎🕯︎⧫︎ ♓︎✍︎” I spoke, before letting out a sigh. “⚐︎🙵♋︎⍓︎📪︎ □︎■︎♏︎ ⬧︎♏︎♍︎📬︎📬︎📬︎ ❄︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎ should do it!” I exclaim. “There! Okay, that’s better. Let’s start over. Hello, my friends and viewers! I am King Rose! The creator of this Fic and a few others. One such Fic is fairly new, and it’s called My Little Crusader. If you want you can go check it out, but before clicking away, I’ve got an announcement. As you’ve seen in this chapter, I sent out Quill’s Token. Which means, and other displaced author, is welcome to message me, so we could do a colab and either Quill could go into your story, or your character could go into mine. If you want to use him in a fight scene these are his current magical abilities:

Time Quake: Channels a large amount of his temporal magic into his kicks or his punches and either attacks his opponent, or stomps the ground causing a miniature earthquake, or shattering a full-grown Dragon’s bones and scales.

Temporal Dragon Iron Fist: Is like the Fire Dragon Iron Fist, but instead he uses Time magic.

Time Twisters: Sends a large amount of gale winds towards his opponent with enough force to shatter boulders.

And finally, the most powerful ability so far:

Time Dragon Secret Art: Mayan Calendar Devastator: Magic from anywhere and everywhere swirls around Quill, and Acnologia and it condenses into a small sphere as between his hands when they are set in front of his chest. As soon as enough magic has gathered into the sphere he slams his hands together and a shockwave of magic is sent outwards in all directions hitting his opponent and the surrounding area, however the collateral damage can be on a grand scale, but the casualties are kept at a minimum only harming those who deep in Acnologia’s heart he deems as enemies, but it drains all of Quills magic leaving him essentially defenseless.

These are his current abilities, and message me if you want to crossover with me. I’d be more than happy to allow you to use him. And just for a reminder, this is Quill's Oath: If you have found this necklace, it means you have found my Token. You now hold the power of The Apocalypse in your grasp. If you wish to use my power for nefarious plans, then it shall be you, who is eradicated. If you wish to use my power for peace, then place this necklace around your neck, and call the name of The King of The Dragons: Acnologia." I finish. “That’s all I have for now so until next time, I bid you all, Adeu~"