• Published 12th Aug 2019
  • 10,554 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony- An Apocalyptic Displacment - King Rose

[Displaced] My life went from cosplaying the black dragon of the apocalypse at a New York Anime convention, to being Acnologia in only 5 short minutes. What the hell? No serioulsly, what the fuck?

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An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 7 Crossover Chapter Finale

An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 7

Third POV

The sun rains light down on a giant set of marble doors just outside the Quill family homestead. With a slow opening out of the doors, there was the reveal of a black empty void inside then out came the party of Quill accompanied by their teacher slash host from the other world Edward Elric. After getting themselves situated, Quill and Edward ordered most of the party aside from themselves to stay behind as they headed out to the Time Crater, knowing of what awaited them. In the meantime however, Quill decided to strike up a conversation to cut through the high amount of tension.

“So… what do you think will happen once we beat the Void Eaters?” Quill asked out of the blue as he and Edward traversed through the soft brush of the Everfree.

“No telling,” Edward shrugged. “I’ve never dealt with Void Eaters before but I have heard some legends about them in my travels through the void.” he ducked under a branch. “One legend says that if you can best them in a fight then you gain a life long friend that is eternally loyal to you. While another says that they can turn into outright beasts that are nearly impossible to destroy during some form of an eclipse.”

“Christ… that’s definitely a shitty day if I’ve ever heard one.” Quill grumbled with an exasperated sigh, as he moved his left and right arms in a circular motion, stretching them as not to have them hindered during the fight. “How bad do you think they’ll look? I mean I know they’ll look somewhat like us but enough to make them distinct if someone saw them.” The Time Dragon Slayer wondered as he stepped over an exposed root in the ground.

~Well, I for one think that they’re gonna look like mangled corpses.~ Ruiner proposed in Quill’s mind as Null agreed by saying: ~Yes, you’re probably right. I mean they are called Void Eaters for a reason, which means that they’re going to likely have some sort of Wendigo-like properties.~

“One thing is for sure though,” Edward crossed his arms as he looked up.

“What?” Quill looked confused.

“Their power levels should be equal to when we left meaning they could be quite the handful, especially for you,” Edward pointed at Quill. “I was wearing my suppression gear when I was here and only used menial power while here. So I can handle mine but there is the chance that things go south.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty terrifying when you really think about it. Beings that could rival and even, well from what Acno’s told us, outmatch us.” Quill sighed as his bare feet pressed onto the Everfree’s soil. “Though as long as we don’t give up, I’m sure we can come out on top. And don’t you think it’s kind of fitting that we have this fight in the Time Crater?” Quill chuckled absentmindedly.

“There is another, more personal question I wanted to ask you,” Edward stopped. “What will you do if you end up marrying Luna?”

Quill’s eyes softened considerably and his mouth grew into a loving smile before he answered Edward. “Well, I’d likely someday down the line to have a kid with her aside from Serena so… that’s there. Though, I’d likely have to retire from the teaching job I have in Ponyville in order to move to Canterlot to be with Luna more as it’d be pretty hard to continuously go from place to place.” Quill sighed softly with a smile.

“Why is it hard?” Ed looked at Quill. “Find a way to do both Quill, I did.”

Quill blinked a few times before letting out a small chuckle. “Of course you did.” He mumbled before giving Edward a confident nod. Quill’s eyes then drifted from Edward to behind him, and his smile dropped, his eyes sharpened and both the metallic and bone-like spines on his left, Nergigante arm hardened considerably. “They’re waiting for us.” Quill told Edward as he pointed behind the immortal Alchemist.

“Of course they are, Void Eaters usually only answer to their counterparts or other Displaced,” Edward shrugged. “But before we go down there Quill, you need to know if you marry Luna then you become Royalty. While you will have the rank of the prince that doesn’t mean you have to go with it, but eventually you’ll be drawn into that world.”

“Yeah, it’d be bound to happen… but, luckily I’d have not only Null and Ruiner to keep me in check, but most definitely I’d have Luna as she can chuck my Nergal Reaver straight through me.” Quill huffed with a slight laugh.

“One last thing before this fight, should you need it I have a backup plan for you, but that’s only if you need it or want it,” Edward explained. “It’s up to you okay?”

“Got it.” Quill nodded with a grin. “Now… let’s go kick some Void Eater ass.” He told Edward, cracking his neck to the side.

“Your world so you lead.” Edward motioned forward.

Quill gave off a malicious grin before stepping past Edward and walking out of the forest brush and into the Time Crater, to which Quill’s sharpened eyes widened slightly and his mouth went agape momentarily before Edward followed Quill out of the forest and stood next to the stunned Time Dragon Slayer, to which the Alchemist’s eyes furrowed in disgusted surprise at what he was viewing.

Standing in the middle of the Crater were two grotesque figures, both looking like either the Alchemist, or the Dragon. The first walking corpse known as a Void Eater looked like Edward, but instead of purely amber eyes, this disgusting mockery of the Alchemist had crimson amber glowing eyes and the lookalike was missing his entire arm and an entire leg but they were replaced with bone prosthetics that were leaking an ugly blackened blood that streamed from the ripped open muscle where the disfigured prosthetics were connected to the main body, and half his face was gone, revealing some of his bloodied and extremely sharpened teeth, along with part of what could be assumed was his skull. The second Void Eater looked almost like Quill and had the same crimson eyes, although the eyes of this lookalike were extremely bloodshot to the point that a blackened blood literally leaked out of the pores of the Void Dwelling creature. Quill's lookalike, just like Ed's, was missing a large portion of flesh but unlike the Alchemist’s, Quill’s was much more gruesome, as it's left arm from the elbow down was stripped of whatever type of flesh once sat there and now all that there was, was bleeding muscles which were stained by what seemed to be rot and disgusting stand-ins for what Quill’s markings were, and this creature’s chest was split open like something had blasted a cannon ball straight through it, leaving a gaping hole in the middle of the creature’s chest which oozed and spurted out streams of blackened crimson blood that seemed to never stop at all and the hair of the creature was stained with the blood of whatever was its previous victim.

Both Eaters glared intently at their respective Displaced and waited patiently for the pair to walk into the Crater, so their fight could begin. As they waited, Quill could only mutter out in horror and much disgust. “Nantekotta i?” Quill whispered. “I knew that they were going to be fucked up, but not like this.” He mumbled to himself before sharpening his eyes further and hardening his resolve even further as he looked at his Void Eater counterpart.

“I can honestly say I’ve seen worse on the battlefields back home but at least then the corpses weren’t alive,” Ed added with disgust in his voice. “I honestly think I’m way better looking in my true form over that thing.”

"The art I've seen of fucking wendigos looked less terrifying then these horrid messes of monsters." Quill mumbled.

“I remember hearing another story that Void Eaters are incomplete, seeking out Displaced to feed off their powers in order to become whole,” Edward rubbed his chin. “Much like how we share powers but in their case, they take it by force consuming the Displaced in the process. It explains why they look like they do.”

“Yeah, not a pretty image to imagine.” Quill huffed, looking at his patiently waiting counterpart that every so often jerked its head in some direction or another.

Ed turned to the Eaters. “So do we play this, you two?” He asked.

Ed’s counterpart only growled in response while Quill’s counterpart simply stood, never taking its bloodied eyes off of the Temporal Dragon Slayer.

“I guess it’s up to us to make the first move,” Ed said. “Tell me Quill, do you know the rules of how to start off a game of chess?

“Never been much of a chess player.” Quill admitted.

“In chess the player with the white pieces moves first,” Ed explained. “And can tip his hand to the player of black. I never liked making the first move which is why I alway went second but in situations where you have to go first what should you do?”

“Well, honestly I’d try to set myself up in a way in which I’d always win but right now… it’s almost like we’re facing our worst selves.” Quill grinned with a slight huff of a chuckle.

“For you that may be,” Edward looked forward, placing his hands in his pockets. “But for me this isn’t anything close to the darker aspects of myself, more like one of the bad dreams you have as a kid and once you wake up and give a sigh of relief and then go right back to sleep.”

“Fair point.” Quill sighed as he stared directly at his counterpart, who only stared back with those bloodshot crimson eyes.

“I don’t think we can reason with them at all,” Ed sighed and looked at his copy. “Let’s see if you can hold a candle to the real Crimson Sage.” he cracked his knuckles. Ed started to walk forward and a sword blade shot from his right arm. “It’s been a bit since I pulled this out and I never once used it here so I know you don’t have it in that knock off bone,” Ed pulled his back and thrust his blade forward and it shot forward wrapping around his copy. ”Get over here!” Ed pulled the Eater to him and landed a solid blow to its gut. “MARS BANE 70X NAIL PUNCH!” The void eater was sent flying and all that was heard was the repeated strikes of 280 punches in a single spot.

“Damn,” Ed grabbed his left hand as red sparks came off it. “One blow at max in base form probably did more damage to me than it did to the Eater’s body. I really can’t pull my punches with this thing. If I play by the rules I could be in for some real shit from this thing.” Ed looked at his now healed left hand. “It’s like they drain your power just from touching them. Quill don’t hold back.” Ed called out.

Quill stayed silent for a few seconds before grinning widely, before releasing a slightly unnerving laugh of pure sadistic joy as his bangs overshadowed his eyes. After letting out that creepy laugh, Quill looked down to reveal one crimson red eye, and one violet magenta eye which kept switching between purple, and orange every so often.

“Ed… it’d be my genuine pleasure.” Quill growled with a smirk as Ed could also hear Ruiner and Null speaking at the same time. Suddenly the Time Dragon Slayer rocketed off the ground he was standing on with high speeds before slamming his foot towards the stomach of his Void Eater counterpart, only for said counterpart to barely counter the kick with a punch from its bloodied muscle arm. The small shockwave of the clash resulted in the two being pushed back to separate sides as Quill lost his smile and the air around him became more tense.

Quill looked at his counterpart before dashing at the monster and yelling these words. “Temporal Dragon Blades!” Quill shouted as two blades made from his Time Magic erupted in a flame-like appearance, jutting out of the top of his arms.

He then launched himself at his counterpart who countered by grabbing one of the blades with its hands and tried to retaliate by sending a punch directly into Quill’s stomach, only for the Time Slayer to avoid being hit by stabbing the Void Eater’s arm causing the Eater to huff in annoyance as it then kicked at the ground and sent off its own version of Time Quake. This caused the two to once again drag off a few meters away from one another as Quill dispersed his blades which caused his markings to glow slightly.

Ed jumped with his back against Quill. “Try to refrain from physically touching them lest you lose more power,” Ed said from the side of his mouth. “We need armor.” Ed invoked his first demon form. “Quill take this,” Ed held up the Incursio Sword to the dragon Slayer. “Every king needs a sword and armor after all.”

Taking the sword from the Alchemist, Quill looked at the blade and immediately knowing what it was, he momentarily smirked and recognized the blade as a living being who should be treated with respect. “Thank’s, he’ll come in handy against these suckers.” Quill thanked his friend while looking at the blade momentarily and saw the sun shimmer off the blade before Quill looked at the gem in the middle of the blade before Quill turned the blade into a reverse grip, so that the blade faced downwards towards the ground and stabbing the blade into the ground and calling out the weapon’s name. “INCURSIO!” Quill roared as a dozen chains both large and small shot out of the ground and encompassed the Dragon Slayer.

After a minute of the chains running around the Dragon Slayer, they all dispersed into a metallic blast of sound which pushed back the Slayer’s counterpart a few feet, and revealed Quill in the Incursio armor which looked almost exactly like Tatsumi’s armor from Akame ga Kill. Except that instead of a red cape, the armor now donned a battle tattered black cape which was accompanied by a slow bleeding aura of navy blue and pitch black wisps of killing intent that everyone could see, and feel, Quill’s crimson red eyes becoming red orbs or killing intent through the shadows of his helmet.

Ed’s doppelganger clapped its hand and threw them on the ground and sent spikes up from the ground at the duo. “Two can play that game,” Ed smirked and sent red sparks out along the ground and counter with his own spikes. Suddenly Ed was pulled to the Eater grip and it started to absorb his energy. The Eater gave a wicked grin, “What the hell are you smiling at?!” Ed roared using the force. He immediately backhanded the Void Eater into the wall. “Little bastard has the force to. I won’t be put off by that again.” Ed shot off and grabbed the Eater by its head and dragged it along the ground, face down. “Eat rock!” He tossed the demon into the ground and threw out his hand, “ I RELEASE YOU FROM YOU CHAIN. DEVOUR THE KNIGHTMARES TO BRING FORTH THE SWEETEST OF DREAMS TO MY FRIENDS. SHINE THE LIGHT IN THE DARK AND UNLOCK THE DOORS TO THE KINGDOM, THE KINGDOM HEARTS!

A column of light came down and Ed reached in to pull out his keyblade and Void Eater showed a look of actual surprise. “That’s right dumbass I didn’t use but a couple of tricks when I was here last time, and this next one Quill hasn’t even seen,” He spun the around then separated it and threw the two halves up and then landed and locked onto Ed’s back. The blades ran down Ed’s arms extending into death scythe claws while the guards turned into bladed wings. “Baku: Nightmare Ripper!”

Ed used the force and pulled his copy in then slammed a bladed claw down on him straight into the earth. The alchemist didn’t give the Eater time to react and grabbed him and tossed the Void Eater out but the Eater shot force lightning at Ed. Ed countered with his left claw. “Poor thing, Thunder Rain.” Ed threw the lighting up and an arrow of lightning rained down on the field.

Looking back, Quill didn’t say anything nor did he react before turning his head back to his counterpart who was mere inches away from his face. Though oddly enough, Quill didn’t react at all and simply swung his right arm diagonally across and upwards from the Void Eater’s body before closing his hand in a way which mirrored a way one would hold a sword as suddenly, the air in Quill’s closed hand warped into the form of one of his blades. This form was that of the Dark Repulser which phased into existence as Quill’s counterpart was blasted back in a large amount of blood which hit Quill’s armor as the Slayer didn’t flinch as his counterpart looked at the now armored Slayer with a small growl as it now sported a massive gash across its still gored chest. Suddenly the monster sprinted at Quill and tried to tackle the Temporal Dragon Slayer to the ground, only for Quill to quickly side step away from advancing Void Eater and hold out his left hand, summoning his Bloodskal before slashing at the Eater with both swords, causing his counterpart to roar out in frustration and wildly lash out in rage which Quill ducked out of the way of by rolling to the right.

After doing so, Quill let go of his swords and let them disperse into energy before he reached behind his back and pulled out his Nergal Reaver before wielding it with both hands as his Void counterpart sent blast of its own Temporal Magic at Quill who blocked the attack with his sword and got pushed back a few feet, uprooting a bit of rock from the ground. After the magic faded, Quill looked at his counterpart and dispersed the Reaver before running at the Eater and ramming his fist directly into the face of the Void Eater who recoiled in shock as if was grabbed by the hair and had its face slammed into Quill’s knee before being Spartan Kicked into the side of the crater.

Ed tossed his opponent next to Quill’s and landed next to the Dragon Slayer, “Battle Mediation of sorts but you won’t last long in that state with the armor on. Best wrap this up before you time out.,” Ed remarked as he reverted back to his base form with keyblade in hand. “The ripper puts too much strain on me even while in my armor. Best if I use the normal mode while my body repairs itself, drink,” He held up vials of red and green potions.

Quill took a vial before his armor’s facepiece opened up to reveal Quill’s face as he simply wore a passive expression as he slowly drank the contents of the vial. Once he was done he took the second vial and drank that one too before handing both empty vials to Edward, and after doing that his facepiece closed once more before he held out his right hand and summoned his Time Reaper Scythe. After doing so, the scythe began to bleed off the same aura which had bled off the newly armored Quill for the first time before Quill swung the scythe around as he walked towards his counterpart before raising his weapon above his head and bringing it down onto the head of his counterpart with enough force to break the ground below the two and cut through several trees which were behind the Eater. Seconds passed before Quill’s body was sent flying back past Ed and being slammed into the ground by Ed’s counterpart which forced the Dragon Slayer to revert back into his non-armored form.

“Kuso.” Quill mumbled as he was grabbed by the neck by Ed’s Eater before the monster ginned maddly and tossed Quill towards his own Void Eater who sprinted at Quill’s airborne body and caught the Slayer before biting down onto the Slayer’s neck and ripping off a chunk of flesh.

Quill released a pained roar before pushing himself out of his counterpart’s hold and grabbing his wound. The Slayer then noticed a shadow from behind him and looked back to see the counterpart of Ed looked at him with a maniacal look on his face, before the Void Eater slammed its fist into the side of Quill’s head, throwing him to the ground once more as Quill’s counterpart picked the Slayer up again and the two Eaters began to mercilessly attack Quill, ganging up on the Dragon Slayer and causing Quill to spit up a glob of blood before Quill’s counterpart grabbed Quill by the face and slammed the Slayer into ground before repeating the action over and over again. With one final and massive slam onto the ground, Quill’s body began to fall limp with both the tiredness and fatigue of fighting in the Incursio armor and the damage he was currently receiving as the ground beneath Quill began to break apart as the Slayer desperately tried to fight back to no avail.

Two shadow hands slammed into the face of the Eaters sending them flying,”I’ve had enough of you two monsters ganging up on someone I consider a brother.” Ed looked at the Eaters with disgust as he knelt down to check on Quill. “Christ they really did a number on you,” Ed placed a hand on Quill’s back and used a combination of Alchestry and magic to heal the wounded Dragon Slayer. “Body is fixed but you won’t be fighting anymore.”

“Yeah, I figured.” Quill chuckled as he looked up into the sky, before he felt something cold on his face and saw a few flakes of snow fall onto his body. “Snow?” He mumbled before noticing that the snow stopped as soon as it appeared. “The hell was that?” He muttered to himself.

“Not just time seems to flow differently here,” Ed took off his coat and folded it up then placed it under Quill’s head. “But it seems to be a convergence into many points in different times of this world. Past, future, and present all exist at some point and come together here, but who's to say they aren’t all the present.” Ed looked at the Eaters as he stood back up. “You rest I’ll finish this. Any objections?”

“Definitely not… I don’t think I can move all too much.” Quill chuckled breathlessly with a small smirk. “Kick their asses.”

“What you’re about to see only Displaced have seen Quill so you must keep it to yourself, alright?” Ed looked ahead as Quill looked at his back.

“Got it.” Quill responded as he looked at what was about to happen.

“It takes something from the Void to defeat something born of the Void,” Ed slowly walked toward the Eaters as they growled and his at the alchemist. “BE QUIET!” Ed demanded and the Eaters backed off and started to shake from fear. “There is a reason why I play by the rules when fighting, because if I didn't I wouldn’t have any fun. But there are those times like this when that logic goes out the door.”

Ed stopped just before the Void Eaters and they pounced on him siphoning his energy, “Go ahead and snack because in a minute you won’t eat anymore.” He brought both fists up and sent the monsters flying in the opposite direction.

The Sun doesn't shine down here in the valley
The moon doesn't glow beneath the trees
Oh, heartless nature of transience
Yet, I love the heartlessness and transience deeply
Fire discriminates, neither against good nor evil as it burns and purifies in ferocious mercy
Let the cremation begin
With red hands and black deeds damning me
Red hands feed my rage
By the sound of a thousand horns I come
Black deeds fuel my resolve for I know that they must be done
They'll take my breath but not my deeds
Before they come and dig this grave
They'll see my face in every dream
All must die and return to dust and bone
My body will become a serpent with its mouth wide open, and level everything.
Insatiable, endless emptiness
The trumpets blare and bring the moment of judgement
None in this world will live forever
Not even time itself can escape
The inescapable deeds of life as declared by God
Now open the door to the end and the start
Come forth from Nothingness and grant me everything
I am infinite and yet I end
For I am the Oroborus

Void Link, Truth.” Ed spoke in a calm monotonous voice and his bad blackened until all he was was a black form, the opposite of the Truth.

The eaters shot at the Blackened Displaced but before they could hit it he vanished and the Eaters cross countered each other.

“Pathetic beasts,” It appeared from behind, grabbed the heads and slammed them down. “Let’s play Patty Cake.” The creature begins to slam the Eaters' faces together to match the rhythm of the old rhyme.

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker's man

Bake me a cake as fast as you can

Pat it and prick it and mark it with "B"

Put it in the oven for baby and me

For baby and me

For baby and me

And there will be plenty for baby and me

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker's man

Bake me a cake as fast as you can

Pat it and prick it and mark it with "B"

Put it in the oven for baby and me

The blackened Edward tossed the Void Eater to the opposite side of the crater. He slowly approached the trembling beasts. “Do you yield?” He asked with a wide toothy grin. “Because I can keep playing if you don’t. You can even handle this power at fifteen percent, eheh. pathetic.”

Quill was speechless at the spectacle and could only manage a few words. “Holy… fuck.” He mumbled, shocked at how much power Ed really held.

“Want to play some more or are you done?” The blackened Ed asked the Void Eater. They rushed the alchemist again as he countered, throwing up his hands and two massive black balls appeared and swallowed the Void Dweller, “Truth’s Playground,” Ed said as black lighting streamed from his palms into the sphere torturing the Void Eater. It was like this for nearly five minute until Ed retracted to the sphere and the Eaters fell to the ground unconscious.

“We are finished,” Ed said plainly as he reverted back to his human form and rushed to Quill’s side. “You okay there buddy?”

“I-I think I’m okay… though I might need a bit to process whatever the fuck just happened. Other than that, I think I’m fine… though I may or may not be able to walk.” Quill chuckled while rubbing the back of his head.

“Yes well, have a drink to dull the pain,” Ed pulled his flask from his pocket and handed it to Quill. “What do we do with those things,” Ed referenced the still unconscious Void Eaters.

“Don’t know.” Quill responded as he drank from the flask.

“Technically I beat them so we shouldn’t have any trouble from them,” Ed pondered. “But we can’t leave them here.”

“Yeah, though I don’t know where we’ll put them.” Quill said, taking a breath. “I don’t really care what happens to them, I just don’t want them anywhere near my friends or family.” Quill grumbled.

“I understand but we can’t just lock them away either Quill,” Ed helped Quill to his feet and made a cane for him to steady himself with. “They’re a part of this world, even if they were born from the Void to defeat and consume us. Think of them as white blood cells, they were just doing what they were made to do.” Ed thought for a moment. “They say that Void Eaters become eternal friends upon their defeat. Perhaps there is a part of the Void in which more of their kind reside in?”

Quill paused for a few seconds before sighing. “That last bit… is a truly scary thought.” He responded. “Though with how insanely demented those two were, I could tell that they are damn loyal. To each other, to whoever made them, or who they befriend.”

“The fact remains that we can’t leave them here.” Ed said again snapping his fingers as two chairs appeared behind the Displaced.

“I know that, I-I just don’t know what the hell to do!” Quill grumbled, sighing as he struggled to pick himself up, before giving up and leaning back onto the ground once more, looking up into the infinite sky just as he had always done on earth when he was looking for answers. “I do want them to be okay in the regards that they aren’t neglected but… honestly their appearance just wouldn’t give anyone any type of reassurance as my counterpart has a cannonball sized hole in his chest.” Quill mumbled to himself as he breathlessly chuckled.

“I know just having them seen is a risk, but in this incomplete state it could cause quite a panic,” Ed leaned back and pulled a brown bottle of shimmering blue liquid out of his magic bag at his waste as a table and glasses appeared in between him and Quill. “I do have a solution if you’re willing to allow it.” Ed poured the two of them beverages. “I just can’t replicate Pole’s brew so I have to carry a bottle with me when I leave.” Quill was hesitant to pick up his glass. “Don’t worry it’s not one of his joke bottles. Back to my solution, wanna hear it?”

“Sure, let’s hear it. I’ve got no other idea.” Quill sighed before taking a small sip of the beverage, letting the liquid sit on his tongue for a few seconds before swallowing it.

Ed took a swig of his own glass and then held up his right hand and a slot opened and out of it floated a couple of small black crystals. The one on Quill’s right had a green aura outlining it while the other had a white aura coming off it. “We can complete their forms enough to where they aren’t missing pieces of their bodies by giving them these void crystals. I make them when I find worlds I like to visit until I have the signatures programmed into my portal I have back home. This one is from a Zoro world,” He held up the green one. “And this one is from an Optimus prime.” Ed pointed to the other.

“That’s… actually a really good idea.” Quill admitted, taking another swig of his drink.

"Then it's settled," Ed said as he left the crystals floating for a second in the air and then flicked them over to the Eater, to which they began to hover over the Void Eaters. White, Green and Black lighting flowed from the void gems and into the Void Eaters completing their bodies and altering their appearances.

Quill looked at the Void Eaters and their new altered appearances and whistled a little before Ruiner spoke up. ~Wow, that’s pretty handy.~ Ruiner mumbled in Quill’s head before Null took this time to speak. ~Indeed.~ Null agreed.

"When you're as old as I am and have as many tricks you tend to use a few to amass more power to experiment with." Ed gave a smirk as he shrugged. “Now that we got these things looking decent what now?”

“Honestly… I don’t know. For now I just wanna kinda take a nap. Incursio may be one of the most badass and coolest Teigu I’ve ever seen but damn… it drains energy outta you faster than some of your training regimen. Albeit not by much.” Quill sighed, as he heard Null and Ruiner mumble a few words in agreement as well.

"Let's get you back to the house," Ed smirked as they blinked and appeared in front of Quill's home. Luna rushes out and embraces Quill, nearly knocking him over. "Easy there. He needs some rest but other than that he'll be just fine."

"Dad!" Quill's son, Serena Acnori, shouted with tears beginning to form in his multicolored eyes.

The young Dragon Slayer sprinted over to his father as Quill crouched down, wincing a small bit due to the still lingering pain of fighting his Void counterpart, but still enveloped his son tightly into a loving hug.

"Dad, are you okay!?" Serena worriedly asked Quill who huffed out a loose chuckle before responding.

"Yeah… other than feeling extremely sore and worn out, I'm fine kiddo." Quill told Serena, patting the top of the child's head.

"Y'know… you almost gave me like, several heart attacks with the stupid shit you pull." Quill looked up to see Zeref with a small smirk, his girlfriend Mavis floating with her Spirit Spear Zera right next to her, the living weapon floating as well.

“Hehe… sorry about that.” Quill sighed in awkwardness, rubbing the back of his head.

"With a few days rest he'll be fine, " Ed smirked as he sat on the steps of the house. "We left the Void Eaters back in the Time Crater, but their bodies are completed, so beyond looking like evil clones of us no need to worry. They may come by to see Quill once they regain consciousness, don't attack or act hostile, They'll take it as a threat and trust me, even though you're all a lot stronger than you were before you left this world you're still no match for them, especially when Quill had a harder time fighting them. Luna twelve o'clock." Ed ducked down as the Princess of the Night shot from the house and tackled Quill to the ground embracing him hard while nuzzling his face.

"Quill, I was so worried!" Luna expressed as she squeezed Quill's body, constricting him as he tried and only just barely succeeded to return the hug from the worried Alicorn.

"I-I'm okay Lulu. Just need some rest… that's all." Quill chuckled with a weak tone of voice as he then let out a large yawn of fatigue.

“I’ll stick around until you’ve recovered a bit more,” Ed said as he pulled a cigar from his coat he stuck it in his mouth then snapped and the end lit up. He took an inhale and blew with the wind away from the others. “Just in case they don’t answer you, Quill. I don’t want them to cause any trouble and I’m the only one here who can handle them, I also have a few questions that I’d like answered and this is the best opportunity to do it. Luna, make sure he gets to bed and have him drink these.” Ed pulled a few red, green, and blue potions from his pouch and Luna took them and Quill in her magic and brought him into the house.

“I can walk ya know." Quill commented as he dangled.

“Hush, you don’t even have the strength to fight a mere telekinetic field at an extreme low level.” Luna looked at her man with squinted eyes.

“Don’t fight with you girl when you know she’s worried about you. Remember what happened last time?” Spike said from the porch, hinting towards the relatively new marking directly in the middle of Quill's stomach.

"Y-Yeah, yeah." Quill yawned out once more. "I get it."

Ed puffed on his cigar, “Then be a good boy and rest for now." He chucked as Luna floated Quill into the house. Celestia soon joined the group outside. “Hey there Sunshine, how are things looking?”

"Sunshine?" Celestia giggled before recomposing herself, letting out a loose sigh before saying. "When we got back, everything seemed to continue just as we never left." The solar diarch told the otherworldly prince. "I believe that'd have something to do with the 'Time Crater', as Quill called it, freezing time or showing it to a near crawl before releasing it's grasp. The others are doing just fine. Zirconis, Mali, and Gilda are all inside discussing and talking about getting a house here in Ponyville, due to something happening back in Griffinstone which caused Gilda and Mali to flee. From what little Gilda has told me about it, it likely had something to do with Tyrrios."

Looking up into the sky, Celestia took a deep breath before continuing. "There's something new in the air. I can feel it." She hummed with a small smile.

“This world has started to wake up for the first time in a long time,” Ed commented as he put out the cigar. “Many things have started to move that had laid still for many years. You all have been through quite a few changes to. You’re all much stronger than before but you can still grow. It'll be a week in my worlds outside but GUARANTEE that you were all gone within the time frame of a few years,” Edward stood up. “If you want I CAN make a house for the three of them.”

"I think they would rather that they make their own house." Celestia smiled down at the Alchemist. Suddenly she looked up and squinted her eyes before asking a single question. "Is that a flying cat?" She mumbled causing Acno to choke on air, before shooting her head up into the sky and staring directly at a small shadowy figure flying above them all.

"Holy crap." Acno mumbled, eyes wide at what she saw, before the shadow quickly flew away. "I-I never thought that this would happen when I sensed that building." She breathed out with widened eyes, falling back onto her butt in shock at what she'd just seen.

Edward got to his feet ansmirked. "I should've known you'd get Exceeds here. Lex has them in her world but I only met the one."

“I-It can’t be… was that him?” Acno mumbled under her breath as she looked at the spot where the Exceed had previously been. “Does that mean he’s here too?” She questioned as she looked down at the ground in front of her.

"You think that was Happy, Anco?" Ed came over and knelt down placing a hand on her back.

"Y-Yeah. I do. And plus, I could smell a bit of a Dragon Slayer's scent on him which means that he was around one of the Dragon Slayers recently." Acno sighed shakily, taking Ed's hand and getting raised off the ground and back onto her feet.

“You wanna go check it out?” Ed asked.

Acno paused and looked in the direction the Exceed went before sighing and shaking her head. “I… don’t think we should do anything as of right now, with what’s already happened. Plus, I’m sure that Quill, Serena, Zeref, and Mavis will want to check out if it was really Happy or not.” She told the Alchemist.

Ed placed a hand on her head and gently tousled her hair. “You guys can handle them, just don’t kill them. And you have my watch to call me if you need me. K.”

“Hey! I don’t want to kill anyone from Fiore anymore, so I won’t.” Acno pouted cutely, folding her arms and puffing out her cheeks. Looking at the young child, Celestia released a small giggle, causing the former King of the Dragons to pout even cuter.

“Acno, you’re adorable,” Ed picked. “But I wasn’t totally joking either. You guys easily out match the Fairy Tail in terms of pure physical strength alone. You could knock Natsu out for days with one punch, the only chance he’d have is if he was in Dragon King mode.”

“Yeah, I get what you mean.” Acno said, letting her pout fade away. “Though it would be kinda nice to see the daughter of Grandeeney. She was by far one of the cutest creatures I’d seen in an incredibly long time but sadly, I didn’t get to tell her that due too… well… y’know.” Acno told Ed awkwardly, rubbing her arm.

“It's fine Acno,” Ed gave her a confirming pat on the head. “We all have things in our past that we would rather forget, but it is how we use those experiences to our advantage to better ourselves and others in the present and future. You’re not Acnologia The Apocalypse Dragon anymore. You’re Acno Quill, the cute little dragon slayer and Quill’s little sister. I hope you see me as a brother as well.”

“I do see you as a brother, Ed.” Acno told the Alchemist, hugging his waist. “But also, I found something out which I don’t think Quill gives a shit about. His last name isn’t Quill, it’s Acnori apparently.” She told him, letting go of Ed. “Yeah, I don’t know if he really cares about that or not but… -” Acno huffed, giving a small shrug. “-hey, that’s his choice.”

“Will if he's from Japan that makes sense,” Ed scratched the side of his face. “I’m not one to use them. Make sure he stays in bed for a few days though. He’s much worse off then he let on.”

Ed’s vision was then obscured by writing. “ The hell?” he squinted, he recited the writing for everyone to hear.

You have been invited by [Deltorix the gamer] do you wish to join?

Yes? No?

“I guess someone else found my token,” Ed sighed looking at everyone else. “I’d like to stick around guys but duty calls. Don’t be strangers either.” Ed pointed to the Gateway. “If I’m not around Tia and Luna should be. Feel free to come by though.” He hit ‘yes’ and a door appeared and opened. “See ya,” Ed waved as he walked through the door and shut it before it digitally disappeared leaving everyone else confused.

Zeref, however, was left unphased by the Alchemist's exit as he stood in the frame of the door to the house, sipping from a coffee cup, before speaking. “Huh… that’s honestly kinda cool.” The former Dark Wizard hummed before turning on his heel and walking back inside, leaving the Mane Six, Acno, the Sister Princesses, and the future rulers of the Crystal Empire outside, staring in slight confusion.

Suddenly Pinkie Pie broke the silence, with a few words. “What a nice guy!”

Author's Note:

And that is the end of Alvasa and I's crossover! I hope you all enjoyed it, and until next time, I bid you all, Adue~

Comments ( 18 )

Speaking of time crater...we now have a new form of matter that changes everything..


And yeah,it was named by nerds.XD

Holy shit... This is actually exactly how I imagined the time crater would work. Huh.... That's actually pretty damn cool.

It actually gets a bit more interesting.



This stuff opened an entirely new branch of technology and science. It helps that it interacts on the Quantum level, which means the laws of physics partially go out the window entirely. It's also possibly a true form of perpetual motion.

I'm sorry, I couldn't get passed the third chapter, you are bringing way to many people into the story, I was pumped that Acnologia had a displaced story, but the fact he wished to be called his original name, and like thirteen other people where brought in, that seriously too many people, it was a great idea, I just wished it had more Ompf to it

is this story dead?

No, I've just been having troubles with managing my school life and my writer life. Plus, my inspiration comes in waves and I try my best to get my ideas down before they vanish.

pardon my asking but when will we receive the next chapter

Honestly, not particularly. But I'm managing. What with school getting in the way.

Yup, but currently, my dude Quill and two of his friends are fighting in a Certain Tournament, and I really recommend you take some time and read it. I'm really proud of how it's been going so far.

I was unaware of this development thanks

More good

It's been a bit still good?

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