• Published 12th Aug 2019
  • 10,594 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony- An Apocalyptic Displacment - King Rose

[Displaced] My life went from cosplaying the black dragon of the apocalypse at a New York Anime convention, to being Acnologia in only 5 short minutes. What the hell? No serioulsly, what the fuck?

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An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 4 Crossover Chapter

An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 4

Zeref’s POV

“Mavis please calm down, you’ll get your cookies in a little bit. You just have to be patient.” I sigh as I try to calm my girlfriend Mavis’ hyper activity. ‘God damnit, who am I kidding? She’s going to be bouncing off the fucking walls, and that’ll be multiplied by millions when she does get her cookies. Why did I agree to this?’ I mentally grumble in annoyance.

Right now myself, Mavis and Zirconis are in café waiting on our orders. Well, me and Mavis are, Zirconis is currently sitting outside looking off into the distance for some reason. Probably because a few hundred miles thataway is where the Dragon Kingdom resides and he can feel the magic radiating from them, while also wanting to avoid Mavis… For obvious reasons. I rub the bridge of my nose in aggravation because Mavis will not calm down. She’s just running around the place like she would as a Fairy Ghost, as she called herself, back when we were still separated in Fiore. Sweet Ankhseram, this is annoying as all hell. I am so tempted to cast my magic on her to calm her down or at the very least render her unconscious but I know that the knockback of the spell could also send the surrounding Anthropomorphic Ponies into the wall. Guess I’ll just have to suffer the biggest God damned headache later, because of the thing called morals.

“Gods this sucks.” I groaned as I leaned back in my chair. Thankfully Mavis had confined herself to the area around specifically me… Joy, well isn’t that just dandy. “Please someone save me from this torture.” I whispered to myself. It was false hope and I may love her dearly, but by every god in existence she can be one hell of a handful to deal with sometimes.

Suddenly a portal opened up on the street. I had no clue what was coming but it felt familiar when I looked out to see what was coming out of the portal, it was Edward. He stopped and turned to make sure the portal was closed and then looked around spotting us in the process. He came over and joined us.

“Hey there, enjoy my world?” He asked with a smile. “Because it looks like she is,” he pointed at Mavis. “Excuse me,” Edward called a waitress. “I’ll have coffee, thank you.” she nodded and left.

“Yeah, how many cookies does this world have, because I can almost guarantee that within the next day or so, half of them are gonna be gone.” I tell him sarcastically, before looking back. “But, how’d you get here? And where’d you come from, besides the obvious portal.” I asked.

“Yeah,” Zirconis began as he stood up and walked over to Ed. “Weren’t you training in swordplay with Quill today? You get done early?” He asked as he sat over at the table we were going to sit at. “Oh, one sec. Hey! Mavis! Edward’s here.” He called out before I heard several rapid footsteps which got louder and louder before a white blur shot past him and tackled Edward to the ground.

“Welcome back!” Mavis squealed as she tightly hugged Edward.

“Good to back,” Edward patted her on the head and got back to his chair. “AS for what’s going on, I did have sword practice with Quill, who won the first round. Then we got into a heated fight, details not needed to be shared, I won that after he gave up and then we hit the bath. Which as soon as we left I was some to another world to help out a kid I met before Quill summoned me to your world,” The waitress brought Edward his coffee and he took a goof swig of it before continuing. “After some heavy duty grafting surgery I was on my way and ended up back here.”

“Hm, seems legit.” Zirconis shrugged as he picked Mavis off of Ed and plopped her onto his shoulders, where she happily sat humming a cheerful tune. “So, what’re you going to do now? I mean, Acno still needs his, er her body, but I guess we don’t have to do everything all at once though. Jeez I’m never going to get used to that.” He groaned while Mavis patted his head.

“Things can be done as needed,” Edward commented as he sipped on his coffee. “The real question is why do you jump everytime I’m near you?”

“Well, uh… The thing is. I think my magic is mutating. It puts me on edge and is putting my beastial instincts on overdrive, saying that I need to run away from you. I know the threat you pose if we were to become your enemy, and it ain’t pretty.” Zirconis sighs, taking a sip of his drink, which I believe is herbal tea. “Also, I think my form is beginning to change as well. I mean for one, two days ago I had wings. Now look,” He told us gesturing to his back, which was indeed missing his wings. “Nothing.”

“Could be,” Edward said nonchalantly. “Staying in a world that isn’t their own can have all types of effects on Displaced and their parties. That’s why we have pokemon here.You might want to see Twilight. I’ll be a little busy with the final adjustments on Acno’s body and royal duties.”

“Yeah, will do.” Zirconis nodded.

“Now,” Edward turned to me. “Why do you look like somepony pissed in your coffee?”

I raise my eyebrow and point to my girlfriend who has now returned to not calming down and continued to give me a headache by doing random things acting without a care in the world, all while annoying the ponies around our area. Right now she had gone into Ghost mode with her magic, and is now jumping on top of the passing ponies heads without them even noticing and every so often she would take one of their hats and place it onto another pony’s head, making the two argue before taking both of them down with her adorableness and if that didn’t work she’d hit their pressure point with a type of magic she learned in Fiore called, pin-point. “That answer your question?”

“Reminds me of Tia when she was small,” Edward chuckled. “Do you want me to do something about it?”

“No, just let her get it out of her system. No one can falter her when she’s wanting to get a cookie even more so when it’s multiple cookies. This way she can get all her energy out and still have some for our training session.” I decline rubbing the bridge of my nose again.

“If you want a break I could use your help,” Edwadr said sipping his coffee again. “Just leave her with Zirconis when he visits Twilight. I'm sure Nyx would love to play with Mavis and learn magic from her.”

“Yeah,” I sigh as I look into the sky with my eyes closed before snapping them open and looking at Ed. “Wait… You know the Three Grand Fairy Spells, right? And you know how to perform them, correct?”

“I wouldn’t be one of the greatest mages of this world if I didn’t,” Edward raised an eyebrow. “It took some time but I was able to master them. It was harder than most others because I only had what I knew and couldn’t rely on the Super Archive that Lex gave, but eventually I got them.”

“Oh good, then you know how to help control them, cause you better be prepared for a… Wait how old is Nyx?” I asked quickly.

“Technically she’s not even a year old but as far as maturity goes she’s about nine or ten,” Edward looked at me. “Why?”

I just looked at him for what felt like twenty minutes before leaning my head back and saying: “Fffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu….” I groaned. “Well Mavis likes to go overboard with her teaching and likes to make sure there’s at least two people at a time who know how to use the Fairy Spells. In Fiore, that would’ve been her and Makarov, but currently now that we’re gone that should mean Laxus, Cana and Makarov can all cast the Fairy Spells. Sweet Ankhseram have mercy on whatever poor soul decides to harm their guild members. We all know what happened with Phantom Lord as well as Jose.” I sighed heavily. “In short, Mavis is going to teach Fairy Sphere, Law and Glitter to a technical baby, but in normal terms she’ll be teaching them to a ten or nine year old child. And Mavis created the base design for these spells when she was only fucking three. Now granted she had help from Zera when she was still alive but still, though I have no room to talk since I taught her how to use them.” I grumbled. “But also Nyx might learn Pin-Point, Illusion, Life, Light and/or Fairy depending on how fast of a learner she is and what Mavis decides to teach her first.” I sigh once more before taking a big sip of my coffee.

“You do realize that Nyx is Twilight’s daughter in more than just name's sake right,” Ed commented as he looked at me. “Making her my niece, She mastered alchemy in less then a day and has started her lessons in basic alchemagic.”

“Yes, I do. But that’s also what I mean. Nyx, is likely to learn every type of magic Mavis knows by the time we leave and I can almost one hundred percent guarantee you an hour after we all leave, one of the Fairy Spells is going to accidentally blow something up. Most likely Glitter, I mean have you seen what it does? It makes what Quill did in that arena look like a god damned firecracker.” I then think for a second. “I wonder what would happen in Natsu fought Quill or one of the beings which I felt in that pillar of light. Something will definitely get blown up if that happens.” I mumble to myself.

“So, you want me to try and stop a knowledge obsessed unicorn’s alicorn daughter from learning, which is one of her greatest enjoyments,” Edward deadpanned before taking another sip of his coffee. “And yes Fairy Glitter hurts like a bitch.”

“No, I’m not saying that you should stop her, I’m just saying you should really have someone strong like Pole or something or even just be there yourself because Mavis’ training can result in collateral damage that puts Natsu’s to shame.” I sighed noticing Zirconis’ absolutely shocked look directed towards me when he mentioned the collateral damage. “Yes, it can get that bad.” I confirm as he just looks at his drink, as if he was contemplating his entire life. It was actually pretty amusing, I even chuckled at his look a bit before taking another sip from my coffee.

“Then stuff will be destroyed,” Edward said as he set his cup down and stood up. I spat coffee in Zirconis’s face at the remark. “And that reaction made it worth my time. You can relax as I can tell you that whenever Nyx is practicing anything that’s of this magnitude that one of her parents is always with her. Aka, Twilight since it’ll be magic. You need not worry Zeref but if you want I’ll have one of the Elite Guard stationed in Ponyville watching then, okay.”

“Yes please, because you know who started the trend of Fairy Tail being the most destructive guild in all of Fiore? That five foot two girl I call my girlfriend. Remember, she’s the one who created a Fairy Spell so strong, it makes the Etherion Cannon look like a toy. And that, my friends is what happens when you teach someone who never grows up, both literally and mentally, as well as someone who is the embodiment of childish nature and all things free spirited, magic. It’s a constant source of headaches and long nights with no sleep.” I rant a little, while continuing to watch the girl I love trolling the ever living hell out of the pedestrian ponies who are passing by us, a cheeky and mischievous grin was laced on her face the entire time.

Edward snuck up beside be with a snide grim as he grabbed his chin, “But that’s why you love her.” He said poking my ribbed with his elbow. I glared back at him. “Relax Zeref, if you didn’t love her so much then you wouldn’t tolerate her antics. I feel the same way about Tia and Luna. It was their constant pranks on each other that I got caught up in the help me fall for them in the first place.” he said crossing his arms.

"Yeah they may be trouble makers that's for sure. But we sure as hell love them to bits." I said, giving a small smile.

Edward nodded in agreement. “One is the mother of my stars and the other I hope to make a mother as well. Tia has always wanted children of her own but never head much luck in the department other than the Blueblood branch of our family and even then that was many years ago. If Blue is blood related to Tia and Luna then it's only slightly.”

"You're still lucky that you've got the Blue Blood you do, cause ours is a straight prick. He woke up Quill in the middle of a nap and from what I know, the last person to do that was his preschool teacher. That was also the last day both the teacher and Quill went to preschool and just napped at home. Yeah our Blue pissed himself I hear the guards were laughing their asses off. At least that's what I hear from Quill." I mumbled while taking one more sip of my coffee.

“It won’t surprise you that my dear nephew was a self centered pompous ass when I first met me,” Edward to a sip of his coffee. “HYe threatened to have me arrested the first time I met him.”

“How'd you get him to change?” I asked in shock.

“A through ass whooping and lots of training as well as giving him a goal to strive for,” Edward smirked. “I told him if he could beat me in a fight that he could go back to his comfy little room in the palace and ever since he trains every day to stay in top form to try and beat me. He is still an ass but treats others with respect to a certain degree at least.”

“Damn, your training must be as tough as Bedrock is in Minecraft.” I mumble in shock, only for that shock to spread over onto Edward’s face. I quickly raised my hand and said: “Don’t worry how I know that, let’s just say that Quill doesn’t sleep talk, he plays games in his sleep. Or well, yeah there’s no real way else to put it, he plays video games in his sleep and he may be a lucid dreamer, I don’t know.” I shrugged.

“You’re not wrong,” Edward chuckled. “Polearm, My Shining, the Elite guard, and even Twilight and her friends went through a regiment ten times what I put Blue through. And they trained for three weeks straight.” He leaned back in his chair, “Blue only had a week. At the time I was much weaker than I am now and didn’t have all the training amenities that I do today. I was able to raise everyone’s strength to my base level that I was at about two thousand or so years ago. Anyone one of my students could give Quill a bit of a workout in a one on one bout as long as he relied on his base strength.”

“Well as Quill has told us many times before,” I start to say before looking back to Mavis and taking a sip of my now empty coffee cup. “He’s unpredictable. I’d wager to bet that he could give many of your students a run for their money if he was going unpredictable. By the energies I felt coming from the arena and that massive pillar of light a few hours ago, I’d say he gave you a pretty tough time, but still lost the second round. Am I right?” I asked, waving over a waitress for a refill. “Thanks.” I told the waitress as she poured me another cup of coffee.

The waitress poured Edward more coffee.”Thank you.”mHe took a sip and looked at me. “No Quill gave up. I lost the first round cause I couldn’t maintain enough focus to keep my sword materialized causing it to weaken and then Quill snapped it,” He smiled. “After a recharge of lunch we went at it again but I used my Keyblade and shit it the fan. Quill put up a good fight but ran out of steam while I was still wanting to go. But you have to realize the Quill is still mortal and I’m not. Also, this was supposed to be another physical fight. If we were going off all my abilities coupled with my magic then I’d wipe the floor with him.”

"Yeah I don't doubt it and I don't think Quill does either, but I also think he wants to get immensely stronger, don't know why but last time I checked his magic it was… well it feels like he was worried about something. But I don't know what." I told Ed while taking a sip of my coffee.

“Then he should train and get stronger,” Edward said picking up his cup. “I train him all day long and push his limits even further but I can’t be the only one to do it Zeref. I have my own life that I live that doesn’t involve you guys.” He sipped his coffee. “Don’t get me wrong now, I like having you guys here but this isn’t your world and you have your own paths back in your world that you all must walk down without my aid.” He looked to Mavis. “Instead of just playing house with her you should really try spending time with her and do what she likes and she could try what you like. Try training with Quill every now and then. You should try to grow beyond that of what you are now, former dark wizard.”

I let out a small sigh before drinking more of my coffee. “I already know you’re right, and I should be training. But… There’s just one thing that stops me from doing that.” I tell him looking down at the drink in my hand. “That one thing is fear. I fear invoking anymore of Ankhseram’s wrath. I already did that once and look at how that turned out in Fiore. My sanity was deteriorated over hundreds of years and every time I came to love life, I killed it instead. So many deaths, deaths I could’ve prevented. If only I hadn’t broken that academy’s sacred law, never crossed the lines of life and death and angered Ankhseram but if I hadn’t… Natsu wouldn’t be alive, and I never would’ve met Mavis.” I tell him. “I do not regret doing what I did, but I do fear doing more. I fear what would happen if I gave Quill’s Equestria its own R-System and its own Lost Magic. I understand that Quill has warned the younger ages of the consequences of that magic but… I still fear what would happen if I allowed Ankhseram’s reach to get to our Equestria. Myself, Mavis, Zirconis and Tyrrios are all examples of good and bad things appearing in Equestria due to some different driving force placing us here, but Serena… He was sent here by Ankhseram at random. She didn’t give a specific location but she now knows where I am.” I say as my hand starts to tremble. “I-I can’t let anyone get hurt because of mistakes I’ve made, I can’t. Because I fear that if I develop my magic further, I fear history may repeat itself.” I explain my fears, my hand shaking uncontrollably with fear. I then feel a hand softly wrap around my trembling one and I look to my side to see Mavis with a soft and calming smile on her face which slowly stops my shaking. I then feel Zirconis’ claw place itself on my shoulder and I see him wearing a grin.

“Zeref, you need to know something. Ankhseram is a bitch, but she wouldn’t mess around with our Equestria, not while we’re alive, and even when we’re all dead.” Zirconis tells me.

“He’s right!” Mavis cheers. “That Goddess will never hurt us again, and Quill knows that if she did she’d have hell to pay. He’d make her pay, even if she is a Goddess he doesn’t care. And I’m here with you, never forget that.” She says kissing my cheek and hugging my neck. “Train and get better with your magic. You’re already a master wielding it, but you’ve never used it properly and you’ve never strengthened it. You were once the strongest wizard from Fiore and you will be at least the second strongest aside from Quill, but you need to work for that title. And I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

“We both will.” Zirconis adds ruffling my already messy hair.

“...” I stayed silent for a few seconds before placing my free hand onto Mavis’ arm. “Thank you, both of you. Thank you for believing in me.” I mumble softly before looking up and seeing the cheeky-ass grin on Edward’s face. “Yeah, yeah I know. Cheesy as hell isn’t it. But that’s just who we are.” I chuckle as Mavis lets go of my neck and sits down next to me, followed by Zirconis who sits on my opposite side.

“I never said a thing,”Edward held up his hands.” But one of the things you said you should hold onto.” He looked at me, his reflection in the dark coffee. “Fear, it’s one thing to fear what our creations do and did. You know what happened once so don’t let it happen again. Erase it the spells from your mind if you must but don’t forget what happened. It our ability to learn and fear our mistakes that keeps us from repeating them, little wizards.” He stood up from the table. “I must return to the castle and I could really use your help in fine tuning Acno’s body. If you’re willing to that is?”

“Yeah, I think I can do that. But I’ll need these two with me because Mavis’ life magic will help with the magical properties of the body and Zirconis with the draconic side. I can help since I literally built E.N.D from scratch.” I say with a slight chuckle.

“Do as you wish,” Edward said stepping to the side. “Just watch out for flying alchemist as I know my girls are going to be pissed with me as soon as they see me.”

“Yeah. Our lovers are the only ones we can never escape and they are the only ones that can scare us. Seriously, have you seen Mavis when she’s pissed?” I whisper the last sentence to Edward. “She can make Fairy Glitter look like a mercy kill compared to what she’s done when pissed before.” I tell him, shivering at the memory.

“Luna shoots lightning at my ass while chasing me around mostly,” Edward whispered back. “I’ve never actually been purposefully punished by Tia before but she did blast a hole right through me in an experiment once.”

“Damn.” I say impressed. “The worst Mavis has punished me was by Fairy Glittering me four times in a row. Thankfully, she wasn’t going full blast or I wouldn’t be here anymore.”

“Yea but I still don’t like the punishment for the fact that I cause their hearts to hurt,” Edward said as we walked down the street. Most ponies would stop everything and bow but Edeard only huffed and annoyed sigh at it. “I wish they’d stop that.”

“Yeah and I’d wish that people in Fiore would fucking stop using childred to build the R-System in order to “resurect” me. I never died in the first place and I actually have now technically “died” and am gone for good. Why do they continue to worship me like I’m a god? It’s frickin’ annoying.” I complain. “But hey, without the tower of heaven Erza wouldn’t have gone to Fairy Tail, so… At least something good came out of that bullshit.”

“Yeeeaa…” Edward raised an eyebrow. “Um… the ponies are bowing because of my relationship with Luna and Tia.”

“Oh I know, but I just had to complain about something because it’s how I vent my frustrations, and right now I’d like some headache medicine.” I say giving Edward a shit-eating grin.

He pulled a flask from his coat and tossed in at me nailing me right in the face causing me to lean back, anime style. ” It’s called Dragon Ale, Go to town.”

“Ow… And thank you.” I said before taking a few sips, while rubbing my head

“Just don’t get hooked on it, even immortals find it addicting,” Edward remarked as we walked.

“Oh, I probably won’t I’ve grown a disliking for any alcohol but I will have it if need be.” I tell him, feeling my headache disappear slowly. “And there goes the headache.”

We soon arrived at the castle. “Ya might want to step to the side,” He said and we did as he said. “I’m bacowowowowowowow!!!!!!!” was how it all went down, literally. Edward was struck with a bright flash of light and then we were looking at a burn and fried human form lying at our feet. “Yep,” It said. “That’s Tia’s Sun Burst.” As he said this Edward form started to repair itself and he was soon back on his feet. He dusted himself off and walked in motioning for use to follow. “Well, looks like Luna found Quill,” he said as we walked into the sight of the Time Dragon Slayer hogtied hanging from the nearest chandelier with his spirit coming from his mouth.

I just look at Quill with such a confused look. “How the fuck did this happen?” I questioned. “And is he dead?”

“Not yet, but I want to be right now.” I heard Quill say, but only barely.

“That’s what happens when you truly scare the hell out of the one who loves you,” I heard from Edward.

“Ed,” we heard from behind us with a tapping noise. Edward slowly and mechanically turn to see a smiling pair of princesses with twitching eyebrows.

“I’m gonna die several times over,” Edward said in fear as he gulps hard.

“Yes you are,” the duo said as they both grabbed a hold of the alchemist by the collar and dragged him into the throne room and shut the doors. For the next fifteen minute we heard the most horrifying and curiosity inducing sounds. The doors open backup and both Edward’s princess walked out with satisfied smiles nodded to each other and left. We stuck our head around the corner to see and Edward laying face down in a pool of blood with his own spirit coming from below him.

“Holy hell.” Zirconis says shocked. “Remind me never to piss Mavis or any girl off ever.”

“Noted.” I say as Mavis just gives the two of us an innocent smile.

“Oh, whatever do you mean you two?” She asks playfully sticking her tongue out.

This is just scary. Two of both our world’s strongest warriors were taken out in seconds, just by their lovers. And- wait… Is that a burn scar on Quill’s face? Nevermind. Sweet Ankhseram women are scary as fuck.

“And that's why you don’t piss off you lovers boys and girls,” said a passing tour guide with a group of small children. “Follow this way and we’ll be in the library next.”

After a while Edward was back on his feet and he cut Quill down, who then landed flat on his face.

“Seriously,”Edward cracked his neck. “If you can avoid it, don’t fall in love with more than one woman at the same time,” He pulled his flask out, took a swig and handed it to Quill.

“You do realize I’m still hogtied right?” Quill asked with a raised eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and used my magic to disintegrate the ropes that tied him. “Oh, thank you Z. Thank you.” Quill said with relief. “Jeez, those ropes were tight, and- W-Wah! Son of a Waluigi!” Quill said stumbling back as his blood ran out of his head and back to the rest of his body. “Holy nut that felt weird.” He mumbled before he regained his sense of balance.

“Your lucky you didn’t get lighting up the ass,” Edward shuddered.

“You do know that I was stabbed in the gut by my Nergal Reaver, right?” Quill asked showing his healing stomach wound, and might I add something? How the hell is he still alive with that big of a hole in his body? I mean the hole was large enough to fit my head in.

“What the fuck!? How are you even alive with a would like that?! No Fioren Dragon in existence not even Acnologia could’ve survived something that big being sent through your stomach!” Zirconis cut in before I could say anything.

“Yeah, that’s the good thing about having five Elder Dragons in your head. You get super regeneration. Mind you, not as good as Ed’s immortality Regen, but still pretty nifty.” Quill sighed as his stomach finished reforming and healing up leaving no scar, except for a new marking, one that looked like a small navy blue wave which traveled along the middle of his stomach. “Yeah, new that was gonna happen, but I didn’t think she’d actually impale me.” He muttered.

Edward then plopped on the ground, “Incoming,” he pointed at the door.

“Oh shit!” Quill said as we hit the deck, dropping to the floor as the door Edward pointed to literally went flying and almost hit Zirconis in the face.

“What the fuck.” I muttered, letting a sweatdrop run down the side of my head.

“Where are they I know they’re here, nopony can hide from me,” our Pinkie yelled as steam came from her nostrils. “Every one new gets a party!” she yelled and flailed her forelegs.

“She’s all yours Quill,”Edward commented as he sprang back to his feet. “Me and the others have a work we need to do with Acno’s body so we can get him out of your head. Have fun with the Pinkiepedo,” Edward waved as he walked down the have and Quill was nailed in the gut by the pink party pony.

“NOT AGAIN! WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE GOD DAMNED STOMACH!!!!?????” I heard Quill yell in the distance as we walked away from him.

“I kinda feel bad for him.” Mavis said as she shuddered at the sight of a pissed Pinkie.

“More sweets for your though,” Edward smirked over his shoulder.

“Yeah but still, dealing with a pissed Pinkie is a fate worse than death sometimes.” Zirconis said as he chuckled lightly.

“Ever been on the receiving end of the party howitzer,” Edward shifted his gaze to Zirconis. “Cause you really don’t want to be,” and that’s when a chill rain down our spines.

“Jeez, and I thought that her party cannon was powerful, but a howitzer? Damn.” I shuddered at the thought.

“Mine keeps it hidden but she’s a genius with weaponry,” Edward chuckled as we walked the halls.

“DADDY!” is all we heard and then Edward was gone.

“Up here,” we looked to see Edward pinned to the ceiling by his kids. “Daddy needs down you two.”

“K,” they quickly compiled and then each took one of his hands.

“Where’s Serena?” Edward asked.

“Here,” Serena said as he come out from around a corner.

“Sorry Ed, they heard your voice and took off,”Chrysalis showed up next. “You know Tia and Lulu are highly pissed at you right now.”

“Yea I know,” Ed nervously chuckled.

“Yeah, we saw it first hand. Actually if you see Quill with a new marking on his stomach, that’s where our Luna, his girlfriend, impaled him and ran him through with his Nergal Reaver. Whatever that is.” I told Chrysalis.

“It's one of the weapons of the Elder Dragons,” Edward explained as he hugged his twins. “Yall go play now, Daddy has work to do.”

“K” they sang and started to run down the Hall with Serena as Chrysalis pursued them.

“Elder Dragons? You mean like the ones from the Elder Wars?” Zirconis asked. “I mean, I thought that they were just legends. Though it does explain why when enraged Quill can access the Extinction Element just like the Nergigantes were said to have, though that happened like, thousands of years ago, way before the Dragon King Festival.”

“Uh ha…” Edward acknowledged as we came to his lab. “Come on,” he placed his hand on the door and in a flash of red it opened. “Hmm… Looks like someone else was in here.” He walked over to a cabinet with chains on it. He did an inventory and then returned after he locked the cabinet back. “Looks like someone took the Ruby Slayer Lacrima.”

I then turned to see Zirconis sniffing a certain spot before he looked at where the Lacrima was and saying: “It would seem that our dear Spike is now the Ruby Dragon Slayer. At least I’m not alone in being a gem slayer anymore.” He tells us, while muttering the last sentence.

“It would seem that they decide to use my Time Chamber too,” Edard said as he pointed out that the Chamber was occupied.

Taking another sniff, Zirconis says: “Yeah it’s both our Spike’s. I smell Fire Rubies all over the entrance and there are ruby crumbs littered here.” He says pointing at my feet. I looked down to see exactly that, ruby crumbs.

“Not surprised since me and Quill were busy,” Edward remarked as he went to a corner of the lab hitting a button and bringing up Acno’s new body. “Here she is.”

“It’s… Female?” Mavis asked. “Did Acno request this?

“Yea,” Edward scratched his head.

“I wonder why.” She mumbled.

“Probably because Acno wanted a new lease on life. A new chance to be themselves. If I’m right, when Acno and Quill drank the Poison Joke stuff they turned into females. But Acno also became a child and looked exactly like this?” I guessed. “Also I’m guessing that they just wanted to be a kid again.” I grinned. “I remember how Acno always said that he never had a proper childhood and wanted to have another chance at one.”

“More than likely,” Edward said bring up a holo-display.

“That’s cool looking!” Mavis cheered as she looked at the holo-display.

"Nothing special,"Edward commented. "It's the same thing as if I'd used archive just this technology instead of magic."

“Still, it looks really neat.” Mavis said.

“Meh,” Edward shrugged. “Zeref, come here please.”

“Right, what do you need?” I asked, walking over to his side.

“Fine tuning her magic manipulation,” Edward said as fetched a vial of crimson blood red liquid and then walked over to Acno’s body’s tank and proceeded to connect it to the top of the tank. “There we go.”

“Right, so her specific magic is a bit tricky as it’ll require anti-ethernano on top of highly volatile dragon ethernano. It’s also what made reviving Natsu a pain in the ass. But with the right timing and placement it should go well.” I say before looking back up to Acno’s body. “Also, I want to know if you’ve gotten the right type of ether-scales for Dragon Force, getting the right ones for Natsu was an absolute train wreck and a half, did you get any of the earlier samples of Quill’s original dragon arm? If so, those should work just fine. I find that it helps in the magic manipulation, as well as helping to control their destructive tendencies as often as possible though, as evident with Natsu, sometimes that is bypassed. Though, it should help with Acno controlling the rampancy of the magic with the first few stages of getting used to her body. I still remember the first days Natsu had come back, I was constantly rebuilding the lab and house as he kept blowing it up every other fucking day.” I grumbled while remembering those days when I gained so many splinters it took weeks to get them all out.

Edward walked over to a control panel and hit a key.” Will these pieces work? They’re leftovers from when I made Quill’s prosthetic arm out of dragon scales back in your world.” a container holding several scales suspended in air floated around in randomness.

“They should work but just in case, I brought a scale from Quill’s Dragon arm after his original fight with you.” I say taking a blue and black scale out of my pocket and holding it in a sphere of magic. “Here, could you add?” I ask, giving the sphere to Edward.

Edward tooke the sphere and placed it in its own container next to the earlier one. "There we go. Mavis that is not a cookie!" Edwad yelled as Mavis ate an unknown pink looking cookie food.

"SOUR! SPICY!" she yelled as she ran around with a sizzling tongue.

“Oh fucking hell.” I facepalm before walking over and grabbing Mavis, holding her and hugging her warmly, calming her down. “Hey Ed, got something to help whatever the hell she ate.” I asked placing my head on her while rocking her side to side.

“Have her eat this one,” Edward pulled another of the cookie isc looking food item out a of a container next to the one Mavis got into. She was a little apprehensive about eating something that looked so similar to whatever it was the she ate before but was soon glad she did.

“Dry and sweet,” she hummed as she wore a smile holding her face as she rocked side to side.

“First off, what the hell, are you so obsessed with cookies that you eat anything that looks even remotely like a cookie,” Edward got on to her causing her to pout.

“That’s Mavis for you. I swear the only other person I’ve ever known to think with their stomach as much as she does is Natsu. And he’s a Dragon Slayer.” I grumbled.

“You’re lucky that you didn’t inthe really spicy ones,” Edward eyed Mavis. “These are called poffins. They’re supposed to be for Pokémon, made from Pokeberries.” He set some more off the poffins in front of Mavis, “Humans can have them but I recommend you stick to the sweet, bitter, and dry ones. Unless you want to have fire breath that isn’t magical. Or a permanent pucker face.”

“Euck!” Mavis spat. “Yeah, I’ll just stick with normal cookies thank you.” She says before hugging my torso and snuggling into it.

“Thought so,” he picked the poffins back up and put them away.

We then heard a ding from the time chamber and out came the Spikes. Ed’s came out with some severely burned clothes and a few scratches while ours came out more mature looking and with quite a bit more muscle than he had before. He also had an X shaped scar on the upper right of his forehead.

“Nice of you two to join us,” Ed said as he went to a nearby table and tossed his Spike a damp towel.

“Sorry for the intrusion Ed,” ED’s Spike or ES as he said to call him remarked.

“No big,” Ed smiled as he looked to Spike. “Looks like he put you through some of his tougher lessons little man.”

“Yeah, he’s really strong. Though not as strong as Quill.” Spike remarks with a smirk. “But anyway, thanks for training me ES.”

“I never said I was as strong as Quill but thanks for the compliment and no problem bro,” Es and Spike fist bumped. “What are you guys doing here anyway? I can understand Ed hiding from mom and Aunt Luna.”

“I already had my punishment thank you very much dear nephew,” Ed huffed.

“How bad did Quill get it?” Spoke looked to Me, Mavis, and Zirconis.

“Stabbed through the stomach with one of his new swords and hogtied to the chandelier.” Zirconis said. “Left a hole in his stomach but it healed, didn’t leave a scar but it did leave a new marking where the wound was.” He sighed. “I don’t even know how that man’s going to survive any Equestria. I mean he can barely walk three feet without getting hurt or gaining a new scar and getting knocked out.” Zirconis complained.

“It’s called being a Displaced and who we are at heart,” Edward was typing on his holo-display again. “You’d be surprised to see what my body would look like if I kept my scars. So far the only one that’s stayed is the one I got when Chrissy slashed me across my chest.” He looked at the screen. “Zeref, come take a look at this.” Edward said pointing at his display.

“What is it?” I ask, letting go of Mavis and walking over, much to her displeasure as I heard her pouting.

“Some sort of distortion in the magic,” Edward looked at his display. “I’m extremely versed with this magitech as I did design a good portion of it but some of it was put together by my nieces. Could this be something to do with Dragon Slayer Magic?”

“More than likely. In fact, I see some trace elements of….” I began to mutter to myself. “No way… That can’t be right.” I whisper before taking a closer look at what I’m reading. “It appears there’s some trace elements of Anti-Etherion Particulates in her bloodstream, apparently if this goes through and it works she’ll have not only two, but three different elements along with Meteor Dragon Slayer Magic, and Magic Dragon Slayer Magic. The third one is a unique one called Anti-Etherion Dragon Slayer Magic, or for short, Death Dragon Slayer Magic. I ran into a few death dragons in my time back in Fiore and I hear that they were the first ones to go in the Dragon King Festival… Yeah, also apparently this isn’t something that’s new in her bloodstream… Yeah actually it says here that it’s coming straight from her soul, from Acno himself. That’d mean he had a locked Dragon Magic in him all this time, which would also mean that… Quill has a third one, along with being half of the Apocalypse. Yeah I heard of this type of thing, it’s called the four magic merge, I didn’t create it though, essentially what happens is four closely related types of magic combine into one powerful type of magic. So that would mean, Time, Magic, Death and an unknown magic combine to create Apocalypse magic. But currently it’ll be hidden from use until the body actually starts working properly and Acno gets used to it, so I’d say with this development in about… A week or two depending on how many fights happen.” I tell him while looking over the data. “But I wonder what Quill’s is.” I mumble as I looked over the data once more.

“We could always run tests on the leftover blood that he gave me for Acno’s body development,” Edward said type and he then used a mechanical arm then extended out and grabbed a vial of dark blue shimmering liquid. The arm exchanged the earlier now empty vial for the current one. The blue liquid drained into Anco’s tank changing the color of the embryonic magic to that of a deep purple with blue glistens in it. “That should help promote and mature the Anti-Etherion Particles.”

“Yeah, that should help. Though I suggest that we keep a close eye on it in case some new developments arise.” I told Ed as I watched the still incoming data.

“I agree and for the time being that's all we can do,” Edward nodded. “Wanna go see the Pinkie torture of Quill while Zirconis and Mavis go down to see Twi?”

“Eh, sure why not?” I shrugged while going over and hugging Mavis. “See you later Mavis.” I said before walking back over to Edward. “Let’s go.”

“Check Ya later guys, Es take them down via the Rune Transporter,” Ed waved.

“You got it boss,” Es gave thumbs up.

Zirconis’ POV

Right now, Mavis and I are heading down to where Edward’s Twilight is and I’m trying not to get lost while Mavis tries to give me directions. Needless to say it’s going a bit poorly.

“You two do know that you can just follow me to the workshop right,” Es said with a raised eyebrow. “You can easily find Twi and Pole’s place from the when we’re in Ponyville.”

“Yeah that’d be appreciated.” I say while Mavis, who somehow got on my shoulders, pouted that I didn’t take her directions. “And don’t you be pouting missy, you may be the Fairy Tactician, but your sense of direction is terrible.” I tell her.

“I get the same look from Twi when she’s in the kitchen andI take over before she can light the stove,” Es remarked as we walked through the halls.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Spike. “Don’t ever let Twilight in the kitchen back home.”

“Yeah, I already don’t let her near it. Now I have a fifteenth reason not to.” Spike says. I just look down at him with a raised brow. “Don’t ask.” He says.

“Wasn’t going to.” I tell him.

We soon came upon a set of wooden doors in the night wing of the castle. Es opened the doors and ushered us all inside where we came up a a stone strucker, the teleporter Ed mentioned earlier I guess.

“Step on and if you just ate good luck,” Es said as we did as he told us.

Wait, just ate. “Oh crap,” I said as everything flashed blue and we were then in a new shop with many limbs on just about every surface.

“I don’t feel so,” all I heard from the fairy on my shoulders.

“Mavis don’t!” I said rushing out the nearest door leading outside.

“BLRAAAA!” And splat, all over the ground and shoes.

“Awe come on! Not on the shoes,” I whined from outside near a bush. “Fucking damnit Mavis.” I grumble with annoyance.

“I still feel BRAAA!” She started to say.

“Oh god it’s everywhere!” I yelled in horror.

“Should we do something?” Spike asked Es.

“I’m not really sure but if you want to get in on whatever she’s puking up be my guest bro,” Es commented with a flat palm. “I’m not going anywhere near an upset stomach of a fairy though.”

“I feel as if I need to help but my gut is saying stay away,”Spike said. “I need to help out a little.” he ran out “Oh my fucking god, IT’S EVERYWHERE!” Spike roared in horror.

“I told you!” I yelled. “Wait, Spike not you man.” I said as I back away seeing the Spike turn from purple to green in the face.

“RAAAAAA!” And there goes Spike’s stomach.

“OH COME ON!” I yelled. “EWWW!”

Es was still in the shop. “Nope not touching that area,” he said walking out through the front of the shop. He stopped on a side of the shop and leaned against it. “How’s it going back there?”


“Want a mop?” Es chuckled. “Is that bush still intact or is it growing from Fairy upchuck?”

“YOU FUCKING TELL ME!!!!!” I roar as I jump out of my shoes while placing Mavis on the ground as she continues to vomit, I jump away from another vomit bomb. The only vomit that was on me was what was on my shoes, though I had to throw them away as they were unfixable. “Sweet Ankhseram that was disgusting!” I said while jumping out of the bush, leaving the Tactician and Ruby Dragon Slayer to their vomit spree.

“Hello there,” came a familiar voice. “Spike, Zirconis why are you two at the Doctor’s Shop?” I looked to see Pole stand there with a stack of papers in his hands while he was wearing a red variant of the Canterlot guard armor.

“Came down from the Castle via transporter with Spike and Mavis in tow,” Es explained. “Mavis apparently ate something and the jump made her stomach pull a 180. Then Spike went to help Zirconis and saw the stuff and lost his guts too.”

“Where are your shoes?” Pole looked at me.

“They were a casualty.” I tell him.

“Okay…” Pole raised an eyebrow. “Why are you three in town? Here to see one of the Friend Brigade?”

“Yup.” I tell him.

“Say no more than, but I recommend stopping in at Rare’s first to get some new shoes first,” Pole smirked as he continued down the street.

“Later Pole,” Es waved and looked back to me in my misery. “Shoes?”

“Yes please.” I say, while nodding. “Though your getting the two barfers.” I tell him.

“Nope,” He said bluntly. “Rares is on a trip to see her parents and that leaves only one person in town with access to the Beautique. Me, I’ll make a quick pair of shoes but that means the vomit comets are stuck to you like glue.”

“I’ll take a new dress while you’re at it please,” Mavis stammered out of the bush cover in, golden whatever.

“And I don’t wear clothes,” Spike said as he hiccuped.

After a quick stop at the clothes shop I got my shoes and Mavis got her dress we headed over to Twilight’s library tree house.

“Good lord, can we just agree never to do that again?” I asked while pinching the bridge of my nose.

“Don’t worry,” Es said in a bit of a somber tone. “It's only the first time through the transporter you get sick, if you just ate something. Spike had some rubies earlier and he was fine. Must have been the cookies.”

“Well Mavis had a spicy poffin though so, that’s gotta have something to do with it.” I told ES.

“Wait a minute,” He wheeled around and looked straight at Mavis. “You ate Pokemon food?” Es said pointing at her causing Mavis to hide her face behind her hair. “As funny as it sounds I understand why you might think it was a cookie. Pinkie did it and she likes them but that's Pinkie. Twi tried them in the name of science,” Es used air quotes. “She was sick for about a day. So you’re not alone.”

“Yeah, but I just ate a really spicy one. Ed gave me one that stopped the pain and that was that. I really don’t want to go through that again, it sucked. Also before you got out of the Time Chamber we discovered that Acno’s new body will likely have access to another type of Dragon Slayer Magic which relies on Anti-Enterion. It’s called Death Dragon Slayer Magic.” Mavis told Es as she somehow hopped back onto my shoulders.

Es motioned his hand over his head, “Not my field little lady. Twi is the mage I’m an alchemical automail engineer with a minor in fabric making.”

“Yeah, though right now Ed and Zeref are watching our Pinkie party rage on Quill.” Mavis giggled.

We arrived at the Golden Oak’s Library in a few minutes and Es opened the door, “After you.” We all walked into see a familiar little dark purple maned alicorn girl reading a book.

Nyx looked up and immediately sprang to her feet running to Spike, “Uncle Spike!”

Es picked her up in a big hug, “Hey there Nx where’s your mom?”

“The lab,” She giggled as she pointed to a door across the room.

“Thanks,” Es set her down. “You know Mavis.”

“Yea, she’s fun,” Nyx beamed headlights at the Fairy Tactician.

“She’s gonna teach you some awesome spells with your mom’s permission of course,” Es chuckeld.

“Awesome,” Nyx jumped around.

“Come on guys let’s go see Twilight,” Es motioned as we followed him through the door into Twilight’s lab slash basement. We came in to see Twilight in a lab coat and glasses.

“How can I help you four today?” She said not even bring away from her notes.

“Man your perception is good,” I chuckled. “Our Twilight wouldn’t even be able to know we were here until we broke her train of thought.”

“Let her train with Ed for a month and she’ll be able to do the same,” Twilight remarked as she scribbled away.

“Eh, true enough.” I say with a slight shrug. “Okay, so there are a few things that I want to discuss with you.” I tell her as Mavis walks over to Nyx. I walk over to Twilight and stop next to her. “I think my draconic form is changing, or rather… Adapting. To what I don’t know but I’ve begun to lose my scales and my wings have already disappeared. I want to know what’s causing this.” I tell her, showing my now wingless back.

“You could be losing your dragonic power as a side effect from staying in your human form,” Twilight said not even glancing at me. “Don’t dragon’s from your world have a special type of natural magic called the Dragon Force that changes Slayers slightly when they tap into it?”

“Yeah, but the thing is I never used my Human Form, never. I just ended up like this when I arrived in my Equestria, and I haven’t changed anything since being there.” I told her while sitting down, I noticed a few of my scales fell onto the ground with a clatter that sounded like emeralds falling to the ground. “And there goes a few more.” I grumble in annoyance while picking them up and holding them in my hand. “See what I mean. Like this has only been happening for the duration I’ve been here, in this world. I mean, sure I was shedding a few scales back in our Equestria but that was like a few every week, like any other Fioren Dragon we only shed a few scales and even then we shed the most damaged ones. But this, this is by the dozen a day! And even the undamaged ones the scales that I’ve only had for a day are shedding! I don’t understand and it makes me think my Emerald Dragon Slayer Magic is changing drastically or I’m becoming a Human-Dragon Hybrid like the original Acnologia was, I don’t know and that kind of scares me.” I tell Ed’s Twilight as I put my head in my hands, sighing roughly.

Twilight stopped her writing and came over to me placing a hand on my shoulder, “I may not understand what you’re turning into but I do understand that feeling of not knowing and being afraid, Zirconis. I went through the same thing when the same thing, when a cultist kidnapped me to use as a catalyst to revive Nightmare Moon. And even more so when I found Nyx and didn’t know what to make of her and my relationship. In the end all we can do is face what is coming head-on.”

“Yeah, I know that but… I’m also afraid of what I might turn into. But, it’s as you said. I have to face it head-on.” I grinned.

“Don’t forget that you have your friends to back you up,” Spike held out his fist.

“Right.” I said giving him a fist bump.

“As heart warming as this is I still have my magic lessons with Mavis,” Nys said excitedly from over Es’s shoulder where she’d climbed his back.

"Is it just me or can both Mavis and Nyx use some kinda teleport magic to just 'appear' on our backs at random?" I ask.

“Nyx can teleport with ease.” Twilight proudly stated.

“And I felt here climb up my shirt,” Es chuckled as he rubbed his niece's head causing her to smirk and giggle slightly.

“Well… Mavis’ is going to get along with Nyx just fine I’d say.” I sighed.

“May I ask, What spells are you planning on teaching her?” Twilight got in Mavis’s face with eyes the size of saucers. “And can I learn them too?”

“Sorry, but for the spells I plan on teaching Nyx, it’s best if you start very young. I started the base design for them when I was three and was only able to perfect them when I met Zeref and he taught me Law.” Mavis told Twilight.

“But magic,” Twilight pouted.

“Twilight, she’s older than you and knows more about magic, no offense,” Es said stepping in and holding his sister up by the back of her collar. “You know how Ed told you that there are just some standards you don’t meet, will this is one of those times.”

“But-.”she retorted.

“No, I’ll get the chains,” Es shot back.

“FINE!” Twilight huffed. “ButI’m still coming to make sure she’s not in danger.”

“No complaints from me there,” Es shrugged and looked at us. “What about you guys?”

“No arguments, but… What chains are you talking about?” I asked fairy worried about that.

“Yeah I’m slightly worried about that too. Also Twilight, some of these spells require the right aim of thinking,” Maivs told her. “It takes a child like mind to use them because a kid’s mind is more susceptible to information and they need that in order to absorb everything. And when I say everything I don’t mean everything as in all the information, I mean everything, as in all of the details around you all of the light, all of the people and ponies and dragons, everything!” Mavis says as she floats around. “Plus, when I taught Makarov Fairy Law, it was as a child. I didn’t teach Pretch or as he called himself back on Tenrou, Hades because he was too old. A child’s heart knows right from wrong each time and it is a very, very hard thing for an adult to replicate. When I child decides you are an enemy deep from within their heart, it doesn’t come from just emotion, it comes from everything that ‘enemy’ has done it comes from everyone’s perspective. Not just logicality, but the sight of every being on the planet. That’s why I’m teaching Nyx, her heart is one of the clearest ones I’ve ever seen, her affinity for magic will also help her with the focus needed for some of the magics and I believe that even when she grows and becomes an adult, her heart will guide her to the right thing to do. Even if it’s not the most logical route.” Mavis tells Twilight with a soft smile.

“About that, are you really sure it's okay for a reincarnation of Nightmare Moon to learn this stuff Mavis?” Spike pointed out.

“She’s not Nightmare she’s Nyx,” Es said defensive with a scowl. “She’s nothing like the Darkness that tormented my mother and aunt.”

“I am sorry,” Spike threw his hands up.

“It’s okay,” Nyx said. “I know I was partially born from the remnants of Nightmare’s magic but I know who I am and I have none of the negativity that was what changed my aunt. I’m me and that’s who I’ll be for all time.”

“Actually, there are still remnants of Nightmare in you but that is not a bad thing. It is those remnants that helped me decide whether to teach you my magic or not.” Mavis told Nyx, giving almost everyone a bit of confusion. I say almost because I know the reason. Mavis’ magic is special after all. “My magic, especially the Fairy Spells requires the user to know some kind of pain. Some kind of darkness. Since you are the technical reincarnation of a being born from, quote on quote, “darkness” it makes you the perfect one to learn it.” Mavis says as she smiles at Nyx. “For one to use, say, Fairy Law, the person must have emotion behind it, they must know right from wrong, friend from enemy, good from bad or else it will go out of control and it will destroy everything around you. When Makarov was still a child, his mother died in front of him. This was his darkness and it gave him faith in his heart to know who was an enemy or friend. When I was a very, very young kid and my best friend Zera passed, it gave me the darkness to harness the light of the fairies to make the three Fairy Spells. When Cana learned Fairy Glitter, her darkness was from all the things she had gone through. Her mother’s passing, and all of the pain that had befallen my Guild. Laxus learned Fairy Law on his own, yes. But, the darkness that Ivan tainted him with when Ivan implanted Laxus with that Dragon Lacrima was where he knew right from wrong. He may have betrayed that during the Fantasia parade and the battle of Fairy Tail, but his magic, no. His heart could never lie.” Mavis continued with her speech as she sat next to Nyx. “The darkness that had touched your heart, is what allows me to give you this knowledge. And there is nothing to be ashamed or scared of when facing the darkness. Darkness is not a bad thing, it’s just been pushed aside by the truly bright, the ones who want all the light for themselves, but this also goes back to the Fairy Tail Guild name. Fairies are said to be beings made of the light, and as such people think that they are the bane of evil the enemy of darkness but that is as far from the truth as you can get. Fairies are also halflings, they were born from the light, and the dark. Just like how real Fairies were said to be like this, my Guild looks into the darkness and helps it up, we don’t hurt those in the dark we help them get back on their feet. We help them see the light and make amends with it, we help bring balance to both sides. Good and bad, right and wrong, peace and destruction. Although that last one is mostly accidental but still.” Mavis finished as she giggled lightly.

“It's the same way we teach at Luna’s school basically,” Twilight said as we walked out of the library. “ Everything has a good and evil but it’s up to those who wield it to choose that path.”

“It’s one of the principles of Ed’s school too,” Es said as he hefted a bag onto his shoulder. “I’m bringing the chains.”

“We don’t need those,” Twilight said in anger.

“Yes we do,” He crossed his arms. “Where should we go for the lessons?”

“What about the Badlands? There is nothing out there for miles?” Nyx said as she fluttered in the air.

“That should work just fine.” Mavis nodded.

“Okay, that’s good and all but can either of you tell me what the hell the chains are for?” I ask, motioning to the bag with said chains in it.

“There for Twilight if she gets in the way,” Es explained as Twilight hid her eyes behind her bangs. “Even when she’s told she can’t and explained to in detail, she still has a tendency to try and learn when it comes to magic. So Ed came up with these,” Es pulled a crystal chain from the bag. “Simply wrap her up in these and she can’t cast magic due to the Nule spells infused with the magic suppressing crystal. They use a heavy duty version in the prisons here. These are Twilight’s spell set for when she wont lesson, among other things.”

“Well, that’s nifty.” Spike says while walking beside me.

“Try hanging from a cliff for a whole day,” Twilight deadpanned. “Hold on.” She said without warning teleporting us all to the Badlands.

“Not fun,” Spike said bluntly as he fill to his face.

“And again some warning would be nice Twi.”Es remarked only for Twilight to stick out her tongue. “You guys cool?”

“I think I’m okay,” I respond while placing my hand on my head, before shaking it. I look back up to everyone to see them staring at me. Spike’s were wide with utter shock and confusion. Mavis and Nyx had one of wonder as their eyes held stars in them. Es’ and Twilight’s were one of simple confusion. “What?” I asked, before seeing a long lock of emerald green hair in my hand.

Wait… Hand? Hair? Where are my scales? And where are my spines? I questioned as I looked at my now scaleless hand. My skin was fairly pale and I had a white and black sleeve going up my arm but it didn’t go down past my elbow. I look at my other arm, seeing that it too had changed. On my left wrist I saw a silver metal band around it and my right wrist had a small emerald green rubber band-like object but when I touched it, it felt like an actual emerald. Both of them did.

“C-Can someone give me a mirror?” I asked, in pause at what I think might have happened.

“Here… ya… go,” Twilight said slowly as she popped a mirror in front of me with her magic.

I looked into the mirror and stared at myself, jaw dropped as I moved my hand up to my cheek and felt that instead of rough scales, there was smooth skin. Like a human’s. I looked like a human. I was a human.

My eyes were a steel grey and my hair was an emerald green as it rested on my head looking untouched by anything. My skin was a very pale color and I was wearing a black and white multi-striped shirt with the etching of a sun in the bottom corner of it. I had on magenta jean-pants and black shoes with white soles. Finally, resting around my neck was a necklace, which held a cylinder-like emerald shard.

“H-How?!” I asked as I fell onto my butt. “H-How the hell did this happen?!” I cried in shock.

“Equestrian magic or Void Energy infusion,” Twilight said as she started to examine me and take notes.

“Not the time,” Es grabbed her by the collar and dragged her off me.

“But learning,” She whined. Es reached into the bag and secured his sister with the chains we brought.

“Stay, Good Girl,” He patted her on the head.

“Let me out SPIKE!” Twilight roared in anger.

“Need a shirt and some pants?” Es asked me. “Cause those you have look to big.” As he said that my pants fill around my ankles. “Yep to big, give me a sec.” he went to a nearby patch of grass and pulled some topaz from his pocket and with a flash through me a pair of shorts and vest. “That should do till ya get back to the castle for a real fitting.”

“U-Uh, thanks… B-But, I think the clothes I’m wearing, well the pants at least are… changing themselves. If this makes sense.” I point out as they slowly start to tighten around my waist and the pant legs rise up to be perfectly comfortable. “The shirt isn’t changing but it feels pretty comfortable.” I tell him as I take off my shirt and immediately, I feel odd and letting go of my shirt I suddenly feel weak and defenseless, which causes a large chill to run down my spine and around my back. “H-H-H-Holllllyyy guach!” I gasped, flinching at the sudden chill. “What the heck was that?” I asked, picking my shirt back up and putting on the vest. Okay now that chill is gone, but I still have that strange feeling. It’s… Uncomfortable.

“I think it’s called being bashful,” Nyx giggled. “You’ll get used to being in your new body.”

“Yeah, that I got that but it felt more… Painful. Like I had lost all my scales, and not in the way of shedding, it was more as if they were all forcefully removed from my body all at once and then a Dragon Slayer shot Ice Breath at me.” I shivered at the moment that happened mere seconds ago. “Also, why is this vest so uncomfortable?” I asked fidgeting with the vest.

“You just feel a chill for the first and the second I worked with what I had on hand,” Es explained. “Grass that grows here is rigid and stubborn. I was able to turn it into a cloth material but nothing high end, just form fitting.”

“No, I can handle that, it’s more of… It’s just uncomfortable. Like, it feels uncomfortable in my magical Origin, like it’s irritated.” I mumble as I feel my magic drawn over to the shirt I wore. I focus my vision and now I can see the magical aura around my shirt and I sigh as I see that my specific and unique magical signature is literally in the stitching of the shirt. That means my scales are my clothing. So my underwear, pants, socks and shoes, including my shirt, literally are a part of me. “Well that explains the pain and uncomfortability.” I whisper as I take the vest off and put my shirt back on, before putting the vest back on. My body lost the strange feeling and now I feel much more comfortable. “Okay, that’s much better.”

"Must be a Void thing," Spike shrugged.

“Maybe, either way this is just strange all around.” I say, as I notice my voice sounds a bit younger.

“I’d really just stop trying to understand it all and just go with it,” Es crossed his arms before looking over his shoulder to his sister. “Or risk having a mental breakdown like Twi almost did when she interviewed Ed for the first time.”

“Yeah, that’s probably for the best.” I shrugged before thinking. “I wonder….” I mumbled before holding my hand out with my palm facing up.

I focus my magic and wouldn’t you know it, a ring of emeralds that are glowing bright green are floating around my wrist. I smiled before despawning them watching as they disintegrate away in the small breeze. At least I now know that my magic wasn’t affected by my change in appearance.

“Nice to know that you still have your power,” Nyx said as she lands on my shoulder.

“That’s for sure, but I wonder where this necklace came from.” I say holding up the necklace containing the emerald. “Eh, I think it completes the look.” I huff while letting it drop around my neck once more. “What do you think about my new look Nyx?” I asked Mavis’ protégé as she sat on my shoulder swinging her legs.

“I think you’re the you, you should be,” Nyx smiled as she jumped down. “Best not to think too hard on it like Uncle Spike said,” she smirked at me. “But I can say your hair looks like it should be spikier.”

“I think he looks good enough,” Es interjected. “No need for a dragon to look like a porcupine when he just became a human.”

“Hey, I ain’t turning into no porcupine! I can tell you right now this is how it’s going to stay for two reasons. One, it likely has always looked like this and two, mmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaggggiiiccc.” I told him, giving jazz hands.

“I know this is the last thing I should be saying, given I’m chained up,” Twilight interrupted. “But now that we’re on the subject of magic, shouldn’t Nyx be the one we’re focusing on not Zirconis.”

“Yeah, but this was a welcome distraction since it’d take a few minutes for Mavis to set up that.” I told her pointing at the new make-shift magic training center. “It’s a wonder what she can do with almost nothing,” I mumbled.

“You should see what Ed can do when he sets his mind to it under time constraints and various other conditions,” Es remarked as he rolled his eyes as he walked over to Twilight and undid her chains.

“When he first got Arc of Creation the first thing he did was stock up his shop then he made a custom weapon called a Noble Phantasm,” Twilight added as she dusted her dress off.

“Wow, that’s pretty neat.” I say.

“Neat, try overkill,” Es rolled his eyes. “That thing gave him access to a vault that stores any weapon that ever existed or will exist. The weapons are Noble Phantasm all their own.”

“Okay, yeah. That’s pretty badass and overkill.” I admitted.

“Uncle Ed has a lot of stuff that is overkill,” Nyx added.

“Yeah and I think that overkill is rubbing off on Quill a little more than what Quill already has, cause when he defeated Tyrrios he used something equivalent to half of a god damned meteor!” I grumbled before continuing. “And that’s how our world got the Time Crater and one of the most devastating Dragon Slayer Secret Arts to date. Mayan Calendar Devastator.”

“Let’s just say that there is a good reason Ed hasn’t become a Void Dweller other than his family,” Twilight said darkly. “It’s the real reason Quill wouldn’t stand a chance in battle against Ed if he was backed into a corner and couldn’t use either his magic, weapons, and other skills.”

“Yeah, but you know Quill would go down swinging. He wouldn’t give up nor kneel to save his ass, he’d just throw everything he had at his enemy till either he died, his enemy died, or both died.” I chuckle at Quill's personality.

“You can’t kill the Truth,” Es added. “Ed literally channels Truth into his body becoming the Truth incarnate. He then uses straight Void Energy in the state. Something I haven’t seen nor do I ever want to see.”

“Fair point.” I sighed.

“Back to better things,” Mavis said with a grin. “Let’s get to me newest student.”

“Yay,” Nyx shouted as she jumped up and down.

“Okay,” I say while letting Nyx get off my shoulder. “Go on and train with Mavis, I’ll be over here talking to Es if you two need anything. Mavis,” I say while pointing at her. “No blowing up the entirety of a forest like you did back in Fiore.”

“Please don’t,” Twilight’s eyes shrank in horror.

“Mom would kill us, not to mention Solar would feel it,” Nyx looked at Mavis in worry.

“C’mon Zirconis, that was only one time and it was the first time I had ever used Glitter! You can’t blame me, plus the forest grew back in a day due to all the Life Magic residue.” Mavis complained to me while pouting.

“Mavis Vermillion, I do not care! There is a reason this place is perfect for you to train with Nyx. You tend to go a bit overboard when it comes to training.” I retorted, folding my arms and letting loose a heavy sigh.

“I guarantee that no one lives here anymore, not even the changelings can survive out here,” Twilight explained. “I can also so that you can not destroy a forest either. Nyx is right when she says Solar would feel it. He’s young but very in tune with his surroundings, even when he visits other worlds he can sense his environment.”

“And the last thing I want is for a pissed off Aunt Luna or worse her husband, a highly volatile man when it comes to his children,” Es shuddered. “To be on your case let alone my own. He has tortured beings far more powerful than any of us before for messing with those he considers a part of his family.”

“Yeah, scary thing is that Quill and by extension Acno are both the same as Ed when it comes to family. They’re nice when you're around them but touch his family in any wrong way and hurt them… Well we all know what happened to Animus, Tyrrios and myself.” I say shivering at the memory. “Lord have mercy. I was just trying to save Sonya but I was too late and I paid heavily for it. Literally and metaphorically.”

“No more depressing crap!” Yelled Mavis as she pouted. “It’s in the past,” she turned to me then the Es, Spike, Twilight, and Nyx. “I’m here to teach not listen to who has more power and you get all teary eye by bringing up the past. So help me I’ll use Fairy Glitter in your ass directly Zirconis. We might need a practice dummy that has some resilience,” Mavis fumed with steam lines coming off her head while she scowled at me and the others.

“Oh! OH HELL NO!” I screamed as I ran away leaving a puff of dust. “SCREW THAT!!!”

“That's what I thought,” Mavis snorted. “Back you though,” she looked at Nyx. “Can you bring that idiot back before he gets lost?”

“Sure,” Nyx giggled as her horn lit up with dark blue magic and then there was a pop and I was floating next to everyone running in place. “There you go,” Nyx said, dropping me with a thud. “Don’t want you getting hurt Mr. Zirconis.”

“Ow….” I mumbled before sitting up. “Yeah well, if you’ve seen Mavis training, her practice sparring is just her shooting at you with thousands of volts of magic as you wear seven four thousands pound metal weights. That’s how she helped Natsu and Laxus train and I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried it again. Though I doubt she’d do that with Nyx” I complain as I rub my head.

“If she did she'd be dead in under a minute,” Es said. “You think Ed doesn’t keep an eye on things when he’s not around but you better think twice when it involves this type of stuff, on top of it he has a… unique connection with the Badlands, seeing as how he made them.”

“... What?” I asked with utter confusion. “Ed… Made the badlands?”

“It’s part of the story of how he became the Minotaur King,” Twilight added. “He went berserk for weeks and in that time, his draining ability was constantly active draining all of the magic and life force from this very spot of the planet. The minor planets that grow here now are signs that the recent activities here have started to revitalize it.”

“Damn.” I whisper in slight shock.

“Not a good memory for him but he says it opened a lot of doors that laid the groundwork for the current times,” Twilight added. “But enough of that, Nyx needs to start learning. Me, Es, Spike, and you well just hang back and watch, as much as I don’t want to.”

“Yeah, I’d feel way more comfortable watching instead of being the test dummy.” I mumbled in agreement.

“I don’t think she meant for you to take it as seriously as you did,” Es chuckled.

I look at him and then look back at the cheerful smile Mavis is wearing. Then I look back to Es. “When you’ve known Mavis as long as I have, you learn to define when she’s being serious and when she’s not… And she’s being as serious as Acnologia was about killing all the Fioren Dragons back home after going insane. Which is to say, dead serious.” I tell him while taking a few steps away from Mavis. “And I ain’t going to be on the receiving end of her anger. That’s Zeref’s job.”

“Speaking of Zeref, I wonder how he and Ed are doing with Quill’s Pinkie torture,” Spike looked to the sky and shuddered. “On second thought, I’m glad I’m here.”

I turn and look into the sky before closing my eyes and focusing. I then hear the shrill screaming of Quill’s terror and I snap my open and cut that shit off because that was terrifying. “Yeah… You don’t want to know.” I agreed with Spike.

“Well, while Mavis is training Nyx why don’t you train Spike,” Twilight said. “He did just become a dragon slayer and was given more or less the basics by Es as well as a few moves. So it should fall that he can hold his own in some way.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence Twilight,” Spike said crossing his arms.

“Uhm… You do remember that I’m still actually a Dragon… Right?” I asked while focusing my magic into revealing my left arm which is now entirely covered in emerald green scales with my dragon form’s claws for my fingers. “And I’ve lived for a very long time. Twice as long as Tyrrios had before myself, he and Animus kicked the bucket due to Acnologia’s rage.” I tell her while focusing my magic once more and making my arm return to its human appearance. “Though I do want practice at using my magic in this form for offense and defense, that way it’ll be easier to defend myself. I already know the roar and all that jazz but I still need a bit of practice.” I say.

“So basically Spike would be teaching you,” Es said with a chuckle. “OH NOW THAT’S FUNNY!” he yelled as he hit the ground laughing.

“Well, back to practicing. As for the dragon part,” Twilight said. “Spike is a dragon to and so is Es for this world.”

“True and Es? Fuck you.” I say holding up the middle finger before lowering it once more and turning to Spike. “Also it’s not that I need the practice in my Dragon Form because I’ve been a dragon for longer than both of you have been alive, combined. The average lifespan of an unhealthy Fioren Dragon with Magic Deficiency from birth is at least three hundred. And I can guarantee you I was healthy and I didn’t have Magic Deficiency because I was well over four hundred years old at that point in time when I died, so… Yeah. I really just like practice in this form.” I say. “But, there are a few things I could say about different types of gems and the magic they can contain.” I whispered to myself.

“Really,” Twilight got in my face as her eyes got big and sparkly.

“No,” Es said as he dragged her away by the collar.

“But I wanna learn…” she cried flailing her arms about.

“Chains,” was the next word I heard and Twilight quickly shut up. “Now stay here and pay attention to Nyx and Mavis in case they need you.”

“Actually, it’s kind of essential for someone outside of a Gem Dragon Slayer to learn about the magical properties of different gems but only to an extent least you unleash something truly terrifying by accidentally experimenting on what us Gem Dragons in Fiore call, “Soul Gems”.” I say shivering at the last incident I know of when I was in Fiore. “It took months to clean up the last mess someone made when they experimented on a Soul Gem and I don’t think you want to go through something like that here.”

“That’s why I’m here.” Es said. “I may be a dragon slayer but I’m not a mage. Alchemist slash engineer.”

“Yeah, that’s what I’m glad about. I don’t want either your Twilight or mine to go science crazy over it.” I say with an agreeing sigh.

“Why do you think i put her over there yo go gaga over just watching magic,” Es thumbed to his sister over his shoulder who was intently watching her daughter and Mavis.

“Is that drool?” I said taking a closer look.

“More than likely,” Es rolled his eyes.

“That’s kinda gross but expected.” I tell him while focusing on watching Mavis and Nyx train.

“Let’s get started Ms. Mavis,” Nyx said, throwing her hands up in the air.

“Please, just call me Mavis.” Mavis told Nyx, giving her a sweet and caring smile which could rival Celestia’s.

“Yummy,” Nyx said as she pooped the candy in her mouth. “NOW LET’S LEARN!”

Quill’s POV

“Having fun?” Ed said looking at me tied to a chair with streamers while he and Zeref watched me with giant grins.

I simply let out a moan of pain as I had a splitting headache, too much partying. “He says, ‘screw both of you’.” Ruiner interpreted through his crystal.

“Funny,” Ed said with a chuckle. “Don’t forget about the Pink next time.”

Yeah, I don’t think any of us will be doing that anytime soon. Though it is getting increasingly dull between the five of us Elders that no one is laughing. Usually she would be the joker around us but… We do not know if she’s been crystalized or not.” Ruiner sighed as I regained my ability to talk.

“W-Wait, what do you mean?” I asked with a sore throat. “You mean a sixth Elder Dragon came with you guys?”

Yes, there were originally six of us. We all represent the Elements of Harmony in your world Quill. We were the ones who planted the seed for the Tree but that took a lot out of us and that was a while before we became crystalized.” The Extinction Elder explained.

“As fascinating as this sounds,” Ed said as he cut the streamers holding me in place. “We have bigger fish to take care of than a missing Elder that doesn’t exist in this world.”

“I agree,” Zeref nodded. “We are just about ready for Acno’s rebirth.”

“Really?” I heard Acno is his… Her spirit form fly out from behind me to look at Ed and Zeref with stars in her eyes. I say her because she was now in her rebirth sipit for from when she drank the poison joke alcohol. “Is it really almost ready?” She asked giddily. “Oh, I’m so excited!” The child version of Acno squealed as she floated in the air like Ururaka from My Hero Academia when she’s flustered.

“Never thought I’d see an Ochako incarnate.” I whispered to myself.

“We finished the fine tuning earlier today and I set it up in the time chamber setting up the time for a few days,” Ed explained to Acno. “You're very cute when you're sleeping in liquid magic. I’d hate to be the guy that hits on you and won’t take no for an answer when you're a teen.”

“Oh trust me,” Acno says while grinning before cracking her knuckles and still wearing that smile. To be honest it was terrifying. “They wouldn’t try a second time even now.” She says while somehow releasing a massive killer and threatening aura.

“How the hell does that work?” I mumbled to myself while watching the aura. “I don’t understand how she can affect no one while affecting everyone at the same time.” I whispered in acceptance of this apparent fact. “Can you guys help me out of this?” I asked while struggling to get out of the surprisingly strong and tight ropes that held me. “Sweet Fatalis what is this stuff made out of?”

“It’s Pinkie so yeah,” Ed said placing a hand on the rope and in a flash it fell to the ground. “Seriously, if you then this is bad then don’t let her tag team you with Luna in the room.”

“Dude, it’s Pinkie Pie… She defies all laws of physics, motion and pretty much anything. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if she could use the Toon Force.” I mumbled the last sentence.

“Shall we depart,” Zeref said flatly.

“Seconded,” Ed said, walking to the nearest door way. We all made it to Ed’s lab in no time flat. “Shall we bring the others in too?” Ed asked Acno.

“Um… I don’t know, I kind of want to surprise them.” Acno replied sheepishly.

“Okay, what’s wrong Acno? Don’t try and hide it, you’re attached to my soul so spill.” I told her while crossing my arms.

“I-It’s just that… Ed you said we’d have to give something up to Truth and when your nieces Nat and Sora did this, they had to give up a lot which included the bond they shared… I’m just kind of worried about what we’ll have to give up Quill.” Acno told me with a hefty sigh.

“Well… I don’t have an answer for that.” I sighed while looking down. “I honestly don’t know what we’ll have to give up.” I admitted. “I doubt even if I met him a trillion times I’d know anything more than what I already do. That being he is a literal god that gave me the ability to use Alchemy.” I sighed while transmuting Ruiner’s crystal’s shape into a sphere. “Though it’ll be a definite thing that we’ll have to give something of equal value up and really that could be anything. But we don’t know what that thing is.”

“Not even I know the answers to that,” Ed admitted. “It could be a number of things Acno, ranging from diminishing your power to taking on a crippling deformity. The Truth is an ass but it gives as good as it gets. At least it’s fair, in most ways.”

“Yeah. That’s one of the only plusses to Truth. It’s fair in most ways but it can be a bitch to deal with.” I nodded in agreement, as Acno floats over and sits on my shoulders.

“Still, in this case it’ll be worth the headache of dealing with the evil bastard,” Ed remarked as we entered his lab. “And see as how I don’t want Pinkie torture,” he said snappin his finger and everyone in my group was then teleported in. “I’ll have them here.”

I looked over at the group from my world and saw them all looking around confused. I smiled at their confusion as Serena and his new Eevee partner ran over to me and Serena wrapped his arms around my neck giving me a large hug. I chuckled as Serena’s Eevee leaped very high and landed on my shoulder, before nuzzling her cheek into my own. My eyes then landed onto Shining Armor or rather, what was on his back. It was… A shield? I focused my vision with my Dragon Senses and my eyes widened at the realization I came to. That wasn’t just any shield, that was the shield. The Shield of Rage. The Demon Shield from the anime called, Rising of The Shield Hero. How the actual hell did Shining get that shield?

It was odd, but I could smell a new Dragon Slayer in the room and I was both worried and curious about this. I followed the magical smell before my eyes landed on a much more mature Spike the dragon. It probably had something to do with a Lacrima as I couldn’t smell any other Fioren Dragon anywhere even remotely close to here. I say any other as I knew that Zirconis had changed. He was now a human. How you may ask, well I have no fucking clue. I’d just chalk it up to Equestrian Magical BS or some other excuse.

“Looks like we have a few changes amongst your friends Quill,” Ed noted as he eyed my friend. “Sorry for the sudden transport everyone but I thought everyone should be here for Acno. She needs your support as it’s time for her to be born into the world.” Ed waved his hand to the side as a trap door opened and out came a tank with a blue haired girl floating in a glowing blue liquid that simply reeked of pure magic, making my mouth water.

“Why is that liquid making my draconic senses go insane?” I asked as I wiped my mouth and held Serena back as he didn’t have as much control over his draconic instincts and senses. “Serena, calm down buddy.” I told him while he eyed the liquid hungrily.

“It’s liquid magic,” Ed explained as he walked to a nearby console. “Since this is not a direct clone but more of an artificial inciptation of the body of a powerful wizard, it needs massive amounts of magic in order to not only age it but to keep it stable and well fed with nutrition. So I design this tank to gather magic and compress it down to a liquid state.”

"Well, that's actually pretty cool." I heard the now human Zirconis say with a smile.

“Nerd.” I heard Gilda call Zirconis as he whipped around and faked a shocked look with an exaggerated gasp. This caused Mali to giggle in her mother’s arms. Claws? Whatever the hell you’d call them. I wonder where they were during this entire fiasco. Probably sleeping over what they’d just gone through, I know I’d do that.

“It was designed in part by a Foiren mage to account for the body’s natural magical state,” Ed explained as he typed.

“Meaning what exactly?” Luna asked tilting her head.

“It means that the person who designed it this made took in mind the needs of the magic user, and that it would work best for crafting any form of suitable and stable body specifically for worlds that are rich in magic,” Zeref explained. “It would’ve made bringing Natsu back on the first try a shoe in.” He remarked looking at the girl floating in the tank as an air bubble frothed in his face inside the tank.

“Exactly,” Ed said. “And if you need I can send you back with one. Zeref is already familiar with it enough to work it and I can transfer the knowledge of how to repair and build them directly to you via Archive download.”

“Yeah, I’d appreciate that, it’d make it much easier to expand my magical range as my specific type of magic gets a boost when it does certain things like creating a Demon or other things like books of Demons among other things.” Zeref sighed contently as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Wait you created life?” Gilda asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Oh, yeah. That’s right, you don’t know about Natsu.” I facepalmed at myself not realizing this earlier. “So essentially, back in Fiore Zeref and his family along with his little brother Natsu Dragneel were living in a village until one day a group of pissed off dragons burnt it to the ground killing everyone except for Zeref. Zeref in his grief then sought a way to bring his little brother back to life, and eventually he did while also creating the basis for magic and etherion. Though he failed the first few times he eventually brought back Natsu as a Demon called E.N.D and erased Natsu’s memory giving him to his old friend Igneel, the Fire Dragon King then a bunch of other things happened and it ended with the insanity version of me, or the Evil Acnologia dying by Natsu’s seven slayer powered punch which sent Evil me’s soul back to me when I was in our world.” I summarized quickly while Gilda nodded slowly as she absorbed that info. Mali on the other-hand actually understood all of that except for the Zeref creating magic part.

“W-Wait, what do you mean Mr. Zeref created the basis for magic and etherion? I thought it was always in Fiore?” Mali asked.

“Oh, no, no, no. Common misconception actually, Zeref didn’t create magic per say but he did create the basis for it, which is the magic he uses right now. Devoted cultist-like followers of his like Hades calls that magic “The One Magic” when it’s really called dark magic. Though it’s not evil dark, that’s just its name. Eventually over the next four hundred or some-odd years Fioren magic would evolve into what you can see today with people like Freed and his Dark Ecriture Magic, Levy and her Solid Script Magic, Reedus and his Picto-Magic, Makarov and his Titan Magic, and Maker Magics like Gray’s and Laki’s, just off the top of my head. Each one is very unique and they fall into three different categories of magic though if you want to learn more than attend Cheerilee’s school in Ponyville. I’m a teacher there and I teach Fioren Magical theory. When we get home I’ll catch you up on what you need to learn.” I explained nonchalantly like it was nothing, this time Gilda understood nothing while her daughter once again understood all of it, somehow. Probably because the kids are usually smarter than most adults… Yeah it’s probably that.”

“Your going to need more mages on your side though,” Ed said as he typed. “I know you have the knowledge Zeref but do you have access to some form of Archive magic?”

“Dude….” Zeref said with a deadpan as he held his hands out and summoned Archive Magic terminals. “Created the basis for magic remember? You think I’d just stick with a single category of magic? I know almost all types of magic besides the slayer magics, but I do have my favored ones so I don’t use them all regularly like I do my Dark Magic. Though I will admit, Archive Magic would’ve been helpful when making Natsu. Getting the papers in order to not accidentally blow something up was a pain in the ass.” Zeref remarked before sighing and snapping his fingers, making the magic terminals despawn.

“Was just asking,” Ed remarked as his own display popped up next to him. “Would you like info on demon and holy weapons used by spiritual beings from the past and future known as Heroic Spirits. These are called Noble Phantasms from the Fate universe.”

"Oh, I think I remember some of those but I'm not too sure, it's been a while." I mumbled with my hand under my chin.

“They could come in handy as Foiren magi cis limited to dark and light magic,” Ed explained. “Normally a human has to undergo Demon Conversation or use Takeover magic to use Demon or Holy power. With a Noble Phantasm you can do it without this risk but there are still limits like the basis on who can wield what weapons and if you have enough mana to invoke the weapons fullest power.”

"Yup, powerful items they are indeed." I whispered to myself.

“Here,” Ed pulled two single handed longswords from two glowing portals behind him. “This is Enki, the bow wielded be Gilgamesh in Fate Prototype. It triples as dual swords, bladed tonfa and bow.”

"Oh, damn." I whisper quietly as I remember something.

Okay… fucking Gilgamesh… yeah I hope I don't run into him and piss him off. He's one of the first OG OP Displaced out there and he's pretty damn powerful.

“And I’m not talking about the Void Dweller Gil either, though I would like to have a match with him at some point in my life as long as it doesn’t tear my world apart,” Ed remarked as he placed the bow back from where he pulled it from.

"Yeah, I've heard about him and uh… okay of what I've heard is true then he's about as strong or stronger than you. But that's really all I know about the dude but he was one of the first displaced. And I'm talking about when the Merchant first appeared." I told the others. "Yeah he's one displaced I don't wanna screw with."

“I’ve heard the legends Quill, and so has my master,” Ed crossed his arms. “And his not a Displaced anymore, he’s a Void Dweller.” Ed returned to typing on his console, “And trust me when I say there is a huge difference in between a born Void Dweller Like the Truth and evolved one like Gilgamesh. Huge power gap,” Ed winced before giving a sigh of relief. “It looks like everything is insync here.”

“Well, on the topic of Gilgamesh, holy shit… Dude’s a Dweller now? Damn.” I say impressed. “Also that’s good. Let’s hope that everything goes as planned because when I get back home, I’m flopping down onto my bed and passing the hell out. I am very tired right now and unfortunately, I’ve got work the next day.” I sighed with content before thinking in the back of my mind. And let’s hope that the Void Eater theory proves to be false. I know I’m testing you Murphy but if you screw me over on this and someone in my family gets hurt I swear to every deity out then in all Multiverses and all the Void I will find you and rip face off. “But I really shouldn’t get my hopes up should I?” I silently questioned. “Being Displaced is more work than anything else.” I silently sighed to myself.

I felt a pat on my back and looked over to see Ed, “It doesn’t get easier either. The more power you get the more attention you draw to yourself,” Ed placed a hand on my shoulder. “A little advice to you Quill is to not gain too much power too quickly as most Displaced tend to do. Enjoy walking around your home with your friends and family. Soon enough something will happen to change it all. Especially since you’re you.”

“Yeah, I have a feeling whether I’d like it or not I’ll get a power boost at some point in the near future. But based on what you just said doing this will half my power as well as Acno’s so it should reduce the target I have already right?” I sighed while smiling. “And yes, I am me and things can in mere milliseconds when it comes to me and life,” I admit shamelessly. “And I just roll with what I have.” I then look back up at the tank holding Acno’s new body. “Let’s get my new sister her body.” I mumble with a determined grin.

“Yea,”” Ed nodded as he hit a key on his console and the liquid magic inside the tank began to froth with bubbles as the magic drained from the container and lowered Acno’s body to the floor. Once the magic was drained away Ed hit another key and glass cylinder lifted off the tanks base. “Come over and say Hi,” Ed waved to me as he threw a blanket over Acno’s body. “I need you over here so I can open your portal.”

“Right.” I say walking over with a soft smile on my face. I smile brighter as I feel nice to know that I have a new family member. “Hey there.” I whispered to Acno’s body before turning to the spirit herself. “So, what do you think of your new body Acno?” I asked as Acno hugged her body tightly, which since she was a spirit didn’t move the blanket as she phased through, while her spirit cried in joy.

“I-I love it!” She exclaimed happily. “Thank you Ed!” Acno yelled as she launched herself at Ed and hugged him tightly. “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!” She thanked the Alchemist rapidly.

“Don’t thank me yet, this was the easy part now comes the hard part,” Ed said seriously as he clapped his hands together. “All I can do from here is open the door for you two. From there, all you can do is walk on your own two feet,” He looked at us. “You ready?”

I looked over to Acno to see her nodding rapidly. “I guess as ready as we can be.” I tell him as I smile at my excited sister.

“Very well,” Ed said as he pulled his hand apart and red electricity came from his palms. He held his hands out and the electricity flowed from Ed around us and a human transmutation circle appeared below us as thousands of tiny shadowy hands sprang from the circle. The a huge eye opened and the hands pulled us all into it.

“Quill!” I heard Luna screamed in horror.

“Stay back!” Ed countered. “They’ll come back, I’ll be there with them to make sure of it but don’t come any closer or you’ll be pulled in,” he said as I looked over to see Luna in tears.

Soon everything went quiet and we were inside the whiteness that Truth called his home. Ed no longer looked like the Fullmetal Alchemist. He now had shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, and was wearing a long grey trench coat, red t-shirt, black pants, and black boots. Most notably he had a grey fedora with a purple and bright blue band on it.

“What are you two staring at?” The man asked.

“So… Is this what you looked like before becoming Displaced?” I asked.

“Yes this is who I was,” He answered. “This is Allen Ferris, who I was when I was human, but he died about a year or so ago now.”

“Well, could I go into what I looked like before I became a Displaced and before all the reincarnation stuff?” I questioned.

“Like how you look now,” came a snide voice from every direction. Suddenly Truth appeared floating upside down in front of me with its toothy smile.

“Hello again, Truth. I’d say it’s good to see but really I just don’t want to.” I remarked with a huff.

Looking down I noticed that I had a black hoodie on with red roman numerals on my sleeves that read the numbers four hundred on both sleeves. I reached my left arm up and saw that my Nergigante hand was still there but I also felt that my hair was shorter, much shorter. Looking down to see myself wearing grey jeans and black tennis shoes with red laces. I then noticed that my right hand was the normal dark tan.

Letting loose a sigh I smiled before hearing a feminine groan behind me. Looking back I saw that it was a girl with long navy blue hair that fluttered down to her knees and in her hair she wore a small red bow which tied a portion of her hair into a ponytail. Her skin was a pretty fair pale and she wore a black and red dress but she didn’t wear any socks or shoes. She opened her eyes and I noticed they were pupiless and a vibrant blue color and she stood a few feet shorter than me. I’m five foot six so, that’d mean she was around a foot and a half shorter than Mavis who I knew was five foot two.

“So, how was your first trip to Truth’s domain Acno?” I asked, helping Acno stand up.

“It sucked… A lot.” Acno groaned in annoyance.

“So this is the other one of you,” Truth floated over to Acno still smiling then turned its head to me. He floated over and whispered into my ear. “I know you have one more in there.”

I feel my eyes gaining white pupils as Null takes over and looks at Truth. “Yes, I already know that you, Truth, know of my existence. It’d take a Void Dweller much more powerful than you to hide one’s existence from you. And I nor Quill know of any such Dweller aside from The Merchant.” Null sighed as he let me have control once more, the white pupils fading and returning my eyes to a pupiless menacing red.

“The merchant is nothing to one who was born of the Void, Displaced,” Truth remark and I knew he was right. “Now, what is it you want this time Dragon Slayer? Wait, you want to split apart, hahaha, why should I do this for you two?”

I look over to Acno who shook ever so slightly in an increasing anxiety. I take her hand in mine and this calms her down as she looks back up to me and smiles before I turn back to Truth and Acno says this: “I’ll give up my Meteor Dragon Slayer Magic.”

Then we both say in unison. “And we’ll both give up the spiritual bond we share.”

“OH,” Truth looked at us in mock shock. “Hmm…” it rubbed its chin, “Not enough,” it snapped. “You must give her half of yourself in order for things to be equal. Half of everything, even your responsibilities and darkness.”

I look down slightly so that my hair over shadows my eyes and I contemplate what Truth just said. Give Acno half of myself. My darkness… I look back up and with conviction I let go of Acno’s hand and I tell Truth calmly. “Then I will give up... I-I’ll give up my Extinction Dragon Slayer Magic.” I say knowing that it’ll hinder my use of the Dragon Force

“Are you positive?” Truth smiled as I looked to Allen who merely bumped his chest with his fist and gave me hearty glare. “Allen has no say in this Slayer. You know she will not only have the magic but equal share of the others. She is a Displaced and must go where you go when summoned.”.

“B-But Quill, giving Extinction up might mean you’ll never be able to be the Apocalypse Dragon Slayer ever again!” Acno protests pulling my hoodie to make me look at her.

“Acno… I’m giving that magic up because it’s as Truth says. I have to give up half of myself in order for our souls to be split and so you can have a body.” I tell her while placing my human hand on the top of her head. “If it’s for family, I’ll gladly give up half of my being.” I tell her while ruffling up her hair. “So, do we have a deal?” I turned and asked Truth, my smile fading slightly.

“Why yes we do,” Truth continued to smile at us as it snapped its fingers. “You came here as one but must leave as two, through your own portals,” it pointed behind us at two portals appeared behind us.

“Well,” I start turning to Acno. “I’ll see you on the other side, I guess.” I say while looking down at Acno. “Go ahead, I’ll go through in just a moment.” I tell her, getting a nod as she walked through one of the portals causing it to close once she completely passed through. My smile then faded entirely and I turned around to face Ed. “Ed I need to know something,” I told him. “Are the Void Eaters in my world?” I asked with a dead serious tone. “If you don’t know… Then I need help to prepare for them. Cause as Acno told us, they are very powerful.”

“There is a high probability of it Quill,” Ed said. “They could be the interference that caused the destabilisation of the portal.”

“Why are you two here still?” Truth looked at us.

“We’ll leave in a moment,” Ed remarked annoyed before looking back at me. “What else do you want to ask?”

"That's about it. But Acno said two void eaters might be there when I get back. One of them according to him is extremely powerful. More so than the other and I think that one might be yours. You stepped into the Temporal Crater allowing your void scent to get it there. It might happen but I need to be prepared for mine. I want to train non-stop until we get home." I request.

“We have about three days back home and a time chamber,” Ed said with a smirk. “If your willing to put up with my regiment and all out assholism I can whip you into shape and get you back up to a decent level, not as high as your were maybe half way.”

"I'll do anything to protect my family and my world. I'll put up with any pain so bring it, my brother." I chuckled as I walked through the portal. "See you then." I say with a smile before my vision goes white.

The white void that Quill was once in enveloped the scene as slowly, a black baby dragon, and a golden owl could be seen playing happily under the shade of a large oakwood tree. Their faces, wearing expressions of pure joy and happiness as they flew around in the air.

The scene changed to find looking over the two were the ethereal forms of two smiling figures. Both were adults and they were human. The first was a blonde male with his eyes overshadowed by his golden hair as he wore a hooded red robe and underneath that was a black suit with silver trim accents, and he wore white gloves on his hands.

The second man was very tall and he wore a simple black cloak which covered his torso and he was wearing black and blue pants with no shoes. His skin was a dark tan with six markings on his cheeks, three to each cheek. On the right side of his face was a fairly large facial burn scar, but the top half of it as well as his eyes were covered by a shadow as well, as his navy blue hair messily hung down to his lower back.

The scene grew 'till the baby dragon and owl as well as the two figures were seen smiling happily and these words appeared.

An Apocalyptic Alchemist

To Be Continued...