• Published 12th Aug 2019
  • 10,554 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony- An Apocalyptic Displacment - King Rose

[Displaced] My life went from cosplaying the black dragon of the apocalypse at a New York Anime convention, to being Acnologia in only 5 short minutes. What the hell? No serioulsly, what the fuck?

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An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 5 Crossover Chapter

An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 5

Acno’s POV

It’s a funny thing when you get your own body after not having one. You get used to being just a spirit but once you get your body it's like being born again but… More spiritual-like and stuff. One moment I’m walking through a portal which Truth opened, who is by the way a complete douche like Quill and Ed said he was, and the next I feel like I’m floating in the middle of an isolation tank. My sense of sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste are completely dull and I can’t feel anything. You’d think that having your soul ripped out from another’s and having a part of your magic taken would be painful as hell but… It’s not really. At least, for me anyway.

I then started to regain my senses slowly as I felt my sense of touch and sound begin to return. I could feel the soft touch of someone holding my body still so I wouldn’t hit the ground. I could faintly hear the soft noise of worrying gasps and shouts as I could hear someone calling my name.

Acno? Acno! Hey!” I could hear the faint call of someone, it sounded male with a slightly deep voice. Deeper and more mature than Serena’s and Spike’s but not as deep as Ed’s or Zeref’s or Quill’s. I then thought about Zirconis and I thought that it was likely him. “Hey, Acno wake up.” I heard Zirconis’ voice call me again as my vision began to return.

I was greeted by the blinding light of the room we were in and the sight of emerald green hair and emerald green eyes. I reach my hand over and cover my eyes to block out the extreme light as my eyes slowly, and I mean very slowly as the lights seemed to take hours to dim before I could properly see anything. Likely the effect of only having this body for a record of thirty some-odd seconds.

“Ugh, Zirconis? That you?” I asked as my eyes finally adjusted to the light.

“Yup, that’s right squirt. It’s me.” He chuckled loosely as if he was worried.

“I’m technically still older than you y’know and also, why do you sound worried?” I remarked and asked before noticing I was wrapped up in a blanket.

“Well… There’s no easy way to say this, but it’s better if you just look for yourself.” Zirconis told me while looking over past me and to the area in front of him.

That’s when I heard them. The screams of someone in agonizing pain. I snapped my head to the side to only widen my eyes in horror as the screaming originated from Quill! He was being pinned down by almost everyone and they, even Ed who is essentially a god, were struggling to keep the Time Dragon down.

His back was arching up in pain and he was thrashing wildly in agony. It looked like an exorcism was happening. I could feel that Quill’s magic was lashing out of his body wildly and randomly like an uncontrollable and rabid animal. His markings and the burn scar I just now noticed he had on the right side of his face burned and flashed with white and blue magical energy like something was fighting for control. His eyes were flickering between Null’s white pupils, Quill’s pupiless, red eyes, the Elder’s colors and a different one… A silver almost holy color with powerful waves of light pulsing off him every so often.


“He’s going into magic shock,” Edward said, kneeling down and handing me a set of clothes. “His body is trying to fill in the empty space that your separation left behind with the nearest available magic close by, I should have foreseen this. Nat and Sora didn’t go through it because their souls were already separated and each had individual magical supplies.”

“Do something!” Luna cried out, “please help him!”

“Not much I can do. His body naturally consumes magic and converts it as needed,” Edward explained. “If I give him something outside his scope of compatibility then I Could seriously hurt or poison him for the rest of his natural life. All I can do is toss him in the tank for a low liquid magic bath until he stops going through shock.”

“Do it!” Luna demeaned.

“Zirconis, take Acno to the bathroom to get her clothes on while I get Quill in the tank,” Ed directed.

“Roger,” Zirconis picked me up. “Come on squirt.”

Ed quickly pulled Quill to where I’d woken up and fixed a mask to his face and gave him a sedative shot then ran to his console and with a few keystrokes had Quill suspend in the liquid magic.

“I have no idea how long he’ll be like this but it’s best if we leave him be for now,” Ed huffed.

“Quill,” Luna trotted over to the tank with tears in her eyes.

I then suddenly feel like something is going to happen, so I whip my head back and see Quill's markings suddenly boil the magic liquid away in a brilliant silver light before a beam of light erupted from Quill and blasted everyone around him back. Serena flew straight into me and I tried to stop his fall but I ended up being the one he landed on. We both looked back at Quill to see a massive pillar of light consuming everything around him in a semi-large radius. It was just a beam of white and silver magic which felt… In a word it felt powerful. Like I was supposed to cower in fear at the mere sight of it and I could tell Zirconis, Serena and both Spike and Es felt it too as I saw them shivering while Es shivered slightly less but still as did the others do so, with wide eyes.

I looked back to the silver light to find a pair of burning, half silver-gold eyes boring into my soul and I could also see that it wasn’t just us Dragon Slayers who felt this, it was everyone who felt this even Ed as his eyes narrowed in what I assumed was a small amount of shock. It felt like when Natsu went up against Gildarts during the S-Class Trials on Tenrou Island. I remembered this because I had a look at Quill’s memories when I first awakened in his mind.

The energy continued for around thirty seconds before the eyes darted over towards Edward and all the gold-silverish eyes conjugated and became one set of two eyes. The silver magic began to slow which aggravated the eyes noticeably. The silver energy began to reach out slowly, acting and beginning to form a hand as Quill’s body arched upwards as he continued to emit the massive amount of magical energy. The silver hand reached out towards Edward before the magic and eyes began to be sucked into Quill.

The eyes looked as if they had finally gotten free and the silhouette of a figure struggling against the strong current of the magical vacuum but it was for nought as not only the figure but several small streams of magical particulates from the air and our own internal magical reserves began to seep into Quill’s body slowly and continuously. The hair on our bodies then began to whip furiously as the suction of the streams into Quill’s body began to pick up faster, faster and even faster until the figure’s silhouette let out a shrill shriek of anger before reaching out grasping at the empty air until it was sucked into Quill’s stomach completely.

The last motion the figure did was to reach towards me, a desperate attempt to latch onto me in order to free itself maybe? I couldn’t tell but a shadow-like-mouth of its own creation seemed to mouth the word “Shi”. It was then silenced as the streams of visible magic dissipated and the magical and etherion particulates returned to us, allowing our hair to fall back into its original position. The powerful magic that Quill once emitted now vanished, as if the force pushing us Dragon Slayers down had been sucked into Quill as well. Quill’s body rested silently on the ground, motionless until his marefriend, the pony Alicorn Luna slowly and cautiously approached him.

“Q-Quill?” She asked with worry. “Quill, p-please, say something." Luna begged as she inched her hoof towards Quill's cheek only for Quill's hand to shoot up and grab her hoof tightly which caused everyone to get defensive as Luna shook in surprise and fear.

Quill opened his eyes slowly before snapping them open, revealing half gold half silver eyes and in Quill's voice, something or someone who wasn't Null or Ruiner spoke. "In the depths of Time's den, an Owl and Dragon shall meet their Dead and they shall find… that there is always something stronger than them…." Quill's head then creaked over to look directly at Ed and gained a malicious and completely insane smile. " Hehehe. Be warned little Owl… they are hungry and they thirst for you and the dragon's blood! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The voice cackled before Quill's eyes became dead and they closed once more and his hand slacked around Luna's hoof, falling down onto his chest. His body, falling completely still once more.

We all stared silently as we were all in shock at what had just happened. Not a sound dared to make any noise in caution until Zeref asked what we were all thinking. "What, the actual, fuck?" He softly asked with slight shock.

I turned to Serena and noticed my arm was tightly wrapped around his arm but he was still shaking at what had happened. I turned to Ed to see what his reaction was and I asked. “Edward… What was that? What was that energy? What the hell happened to my brother?” I rapidly asked him before asking one more. “Ed… Was that voice talking about… The Void Eaters?” I shuddered at the thought. But more for my attention is… Who was that figure? They looked like Quill but before we were split apart… and… Th-They reminded me of the true personality I wore back then. That murderous rage and all that bloodlust… It reminded me of them. Who was it? I thought to myself as I looked at Quill’s unmoving body surrounded by the destroyed remains of the magic tank and wondered in shock, confusion and slight fear. That voice… I-It reminded me of… of Dad… WHY DID QUILL'S VOICE REMIND ME OF THAT BASTARD?!?

“Now I’m really looking forward to returning to your world,” I heard Edward say. I looked over to see an evil grin on Edward’s face that thoroughly scared me to my core. Edward walked over to the console and hit a few keys and strange machines came out and cleaned up the tank shards. While Edward picked Quill up and threw him in a new tank. “As for your questions Acno, that energy was magic that Quill has locked away deep down. That figure was the source of that magic, as for what it is…” he paused as he stared intently at Quill with a serious look of anger. “I’m pretty sure I have a pretty good idea of what it is and I thoroughly intend to have a long talk with your younger brother about it. Lastly, that message was about the Void Eaters and it was meant for both Quill and myself. It just confirmed a lot of my theories.”

"Zirconis… tell me. Who was the first dragon in Fiore?" I asked which greatly confused the emerald dragon turned human.

"Acno, you of all people should know that no one knows the true first dragon of Fiore. Not even Belserion or even Irene knows that. Hell I don't think anyone does, and we may never know but, what does that have to do with Quill and what the hell just happened with him?" Zirconis asked.

"It's just a thought but one I'm not sure about. And Ed, mind sharing those theories which Quill has just confirmed?" I asked, turning to the Alchemist. “I also want to talk to you later… It’s about my theory.” I told him quietly before Serena helped me up.

“H-Hey, Acno… Let’s get you dressed.” Serena told me, making me realize that I was still only wearing a blanket.

“OH! R-Right!” I stuttered, blushing heavily.

“C’mon squirt. Let’s get you dressed. Serena, you stay here with Luna and the others, I’ll be back soon.” Zirconis said while taking my hand and helping me walk over to a place to get dressed.

Not long, I was changed into the clothes that Edward had given me and I was back with our friends. Quill was quietly sleeping in his magic bath and Luna was staring hard at him.

“Questions need to be asked now,” Edward said flatly.

“What was your theory?” I asked equally as flat.

“That the time crater in your world is not just an unstable time area but also a link to the Void in some way, but not a constant link,” Edward explained. “More like where you have water damage to a house for a center period of time weakening the overall integrity of the fabric of your world. It was where many anomalies have occurred on top of one another and then I should finally bursting your worlds structure when I took Quill through the Portal of Truth the first time around. That’s when the Void Eaters were first created. Then I opened my own portal here to my world, and weakened the Void Barriers of your world once more allowing the creatures to force their way into your world.”

“So, our little test run was that powerful?” I mumbled to myself. “Then that means… More Void creatures could leak through at any point in time.” I realized. “But… I still feel a small connection to the crater itself and I can feel something or someone keeping that leak from bursting wide open. Like someone as powerful but not as powerful as even Truth and The Merchant. I-I don’t know who or what this power is but they are extremely powerful and I don’t think they want to reveal themselves.” I explain my theory. “In all essentiality, my theory is that some force that is much, much more powerful than anything Truth or Merchant could dish out, is keeping our world’s fabric together. Though I’m not sure but I do want you to analyze it to have some kind of idea.”

“I wish it was that simple Acno but it’s not. Truth is by all accounts the void and everything in it and at the same time it is nothing at all, just as the Void is in its own nature,” Edward looked at me. “It knows all and is all, but is nowhere and no one too. It’s really a headache that I don’t like to get into,” Edward scratched the back of his head as he let out an annoyed sigh. “But what’s your theory Acno?”

“My theory is that there is some entity out there. An entity that is watching us all. Some entity who in all actuality is outside and inside of the void at the same time. Someone who helped create the void. It’s just a thought but… I can still feel something like that and every so often I can hear a soft voice whispering to themselves, and they keep repeating the same thing. “I must recover what I have lost, and I must keep him safe from what is hunting them all”. It’s something I can’t control or ignore. But it’s something I want to look into also.”

“Hmmm…,” Edward closed his eyes and crossed his arms as he thought before looking back at me. “It sounds like you have some sort of shaper, elder, or outer god of some kind. I’ve never had any personal dealings with these types of Void beings before outside Truth, but again I really prefer to keep away from them altogether. I’ve heard of a type of these shapers or ‘Authors’,” Edward did air quotes. “As they call themselves, that tends to play, influence, or manipulate others around Displaced to get some form of gain out of our actions. They can’t affect us directly but can stir us through our companions or family members. Which is why Acno can hear the little voice and Quill can’t, I’d say this is one if not the only time an Author could use a Displaced directly and he did do it on his own though. Truth probably let him use Quill’s Portal as a type of intercom.”

“These Authors, how much power do they hold?” I heard my Celestia ask. “And is our world threatened by this ‘Author’?” She asked with slight worry.

“I don’t know how much Power they have. They’re shapers like the Truth is but unlike the Truth they take an active role instead of a passive one,” Edward shrugged. “Usually it’s to some greater gain for themselves as a whole. There’s a legend that my master once told me amongst the older Displaced that there the Authors were once a singular entity. Their goal is not evil but merely to fulfill themselves and a Displaced once they’ve done that one Author will meet another and they merge together. I don’t think you have to worry about your world being in danger from them either as he said he has warned us of the Eaters. He probably the main reason more evil intentioned Void demons haven’t shown up yet.”

“Yeah, I agree with you on half of that.” I interjected. “I agree with you about him being the reason Void demons haven’t attacked yet but I don’t think what we saw with Quill a few minutes ago was the Author. It felt more ancient and it had a Fioren origin. When us Slayers were looking at it, I’m guessing you felt a massive amount of force beating down on you as if you were meant to bow down to the power like it was your King, right?” I asked looking over at Zirconis.

“Yeah, it felt like I was meant to fear it. Like it was forcing me to comply to its will. It took all I had not to just fall to the ground unconscious.” He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

“I can see that. He’s probably the one who created your worlds in the first place,” Edward added.

“No, I don’t mean that what came out of Quill was an Author. The entity holding the Time Crater together is an Author, I agree with that but what came out of Quill was of Fioren origin. Whatever came out of Quill was not of Void origin, it was of pure Fioren origin and it was very ancient. It reminded me of my father back in Fiore and I don’t know why but it also reminded me of one of the Five Dragon Gods but it was much more powerful and when it was being sucked back into Quill it mouthed the word “Shi” towards me like it knew me. That sets off a lot of red flags but not on Author level flags. “Shi” in Japanese means two things, City and Death. I’m thinking that whoever that figure thought I was, had something to do with Death. Now is there anything I should know about my new body? Particularly in the magic department? Because I feel a new type of magic in my First and Second Origins.” I corrected Ed and asked both him and Zeref to which Zeref started to sweat bullets as I gave him a sharp death-glare.

“Death Etherions have been infused into your new form, giving you a new type of Dragon Slayer Magic all your own,” Edward explained.

My eyes widened and I had an epiphany. "I-I think I may know who the figure thought I was." I say slowly. "It's just a theory but they might've thought I was the first female dragon in existence. Shi Perishing, the Death Dragon." I breathe loosely.. “Death Dragon Slayer Magic is the second type of Dragon Magic ever born into the world of Fiore. At the time, only Dragons had access to magic and then Irene and Belserion came around giving birth to Dragon Slayers. But no one, no Dragon Slayer could access Death Dragon Magic without being destroyed on a subatomic level due to its use of Anti-Etherion. The only being who could’ve used it was Shi Perishing and her King, the first dragon. No one knows who his name is but they know that he and Shi took that name to their graves or at least, to their assumed graves as no being in Fiore nor Ankhseram knows what happened to them. Most consider them to be a myth but if I’m right, then they’re not just a myth and they are awakening once more, but I don’t know how or when.” I sighed after explaining.

“One mystery at a time young lady,” Edward interjected as he placed a warm hand on my head. “Right now you need to eat.”

I then hear my stomach grumble loudly. I blush slightly and cover my stomach. “I-I guess you’re right about that.” I giggled with embarrassment.

“What would you like to eat?” Edward asked as he walked into a dining area.

“Some macaroni and cheese would be appreciated!” I cheer happily immediately jumping away from the serious and stressful mood.

“No problem,” Edward grinned. “Anybody else want something?”

“I’ll take a salad!” Mavis yelled out.

“I will also take a salad.” My Celestia interjects.

After a few shouts of suggestions, with Serena ordering a simple plate of spaghetti, Gilda, Mali, Zirconis and Zeref ordering a helping of sushi, my Luna sat quiet and didn’t really answer. She just sat in front of the magic tank that held Quill and she just watched with worried eyes as he floated in suspended animation.

“Luna, what would you like?” I asked, walking over to her, albeit it was more like I stumbled over as I was still getting used to walking normally.

“I-I don’t think… I don’t think I’ll have anything right now. I’m not too hungry at the moment.” She replied with a sigh.

“Hey, he’ll be okay. You know Quill. He’s as tough as they come. ‘Sides Edward of course but he’s a living Philosopher’s Stone and immortal.” I tell her while hugging the sad Alicorn.

“Acno’s right y’know.” We heard Ruiner’s voice interject. “May not have known the guy for long but he’s a tough bastard I’ll tell you that. Hell, he could probably tank at least a couple hits from both an enraged Savage Deviljho and a pissed off Rajang and walk out relatively fine. Though that’d be reduced to at least a hit or two but still. Point is he’s very powerful and I know he’ll wake up soon. Nothing’s keeping him down for long.” Ruiner told Luna as his crystal walked over to us.

Yes, I did say he walked over to the two of us. I say that because a relatively smaller phantom version of him was formed with his Elder Energy, which created an orange phantom version of himself about as tall as my full height when on all fours. The orange glowing crystal in the center of him and on his ethereal back were the other four crystals which contained the energies of the other Elders.

“Yeah, it’s exactly what Ruiner said.” I agreed before whipping my head over towards the ethereal Elder Dragon. “Okay, but now I have to ask: How long have you been able to do… That?” I asked, gesturing towards all of him.

“Oh, I’ve only recently discovered my ability to do this. The others don’t want to use their versions of this because even though they’d be much smaller than their actual bodies, their ethereal forms would still be fairly large.” Ruiner explained before he laid on the ground. “Anyway, I really wouldn’t worry about Quill. He’s a tough guy, he’ll pull through. He always has.”

“They’re right ya know,” Edward said with a warm smile as he placed a fruit salad in front of Luna. “And even if you say you’re not hungry you need to eat something to keep your strength up Moon Princess. You can give Quill a hard time when it comes to being an idiot but you should know he can give it back just as hard if you’re going to do the same. I know it’s hard seeing him like this but you need to stay in shape so you can support him when he comes out of that tank.” Edward sat down next to us. “I felt the very same way you do now just a few months ago after Luna gave birth to the twins.”

Luna let out a soft sigh before responding. “Thanks for all that you’ve done for us Edward.” She thanked the Alchemist before saying. “And for food, I wouldn't mind a salad and some hay-fries.” She told us with a giggle. “I just hope that Quill wakes up soon.” She mumbles.

“C’mon Luna, we all hope he does. Plus if he doesn’t I’ll drag him back to consciousness myself.” I reassure her with a giggle of my own. “Well, let’s go and eat something! I’m starving!” I cheered as I jumped and landed on Ruiner’s ethereal form, getting a chuckle from the Elder Dragon.

“Just enjoy your food and stay by his side for the time being,” Edward said as he got up and returned to the kitchen. Not long he brought back Luna’s order then turned to me, “And you Missy are going to train alongside your brother when he wakes up. So be prepared to have your butt in the fire.” I gave a heavy glup as I looked at his smiling face.

“R-Right!” I stuttered nervously under the terrifying smile’s pressure, like it was saying, ‘you’re gonna die!’

“HAHAHA,” Zirconis belted. “If I didn’t know any better I ‘d say you’re terrified of the guy squirt, HAHAHAHA BOOMF-”

The jade Dragon Slayer soon found a bowl buried in his face as he hit the ground, “Am not,” I yelled back in anger trying to hide my fear.

“The hell was that for!” Zirconis glared at me with a red circle on his face.

“You wanna go carrot top?!” I said getting in his face before my eyes shrank to the size of pin pricks and and I shot to other side of Luna before slightly popping the top of my head from behind my hiding spot,

“What so scared I spank that new butt of yours?” Zirconis chuckled with a slight grin.

I shakily pointed in his direction and he slowly followed it to where I was pointing only for his grin to quickly fade in to a look of sheer terror as his chuckle faded yo a stutter. There was Edward standing behind him with the same close eyed wide smile on his face standing above Zirconis. The alchemist then bent down and got in Zirconis’s face, still keeping the the same scary look as the dragon started to shake.

“And why would she be scared,” Edward remarked as he ever so slightly cracked his eyes open. He raised his metal hand and placed it on top of Zirconis’s head slightly rubbing it. “It’s not like I plan on putting her through hell itself,” Edward patted Zirconis lightly. “Perhaps I’ll come up with something for you too.”

Edward then stood up right and walked away, I could feel Luna shaking from the experience, “I wonder who's scarier? Him or Tia?”

“If you're this scared of Edward when he’s pulling a prank, I’d really hate to see the mess that happens when he’s serious,” I said shakily, and that’s when it hit me as if Natsu head just remembered he could eat fire. “He’s going to be serious when training me and Quill!” I cried out as I grabbed my head.

“Oh I’m not going to be very serious, just enough to make you work for your power,” Ed popped up next to me still smiling.


“Sorry, but I think I scared Zirconis a little too much,” He pointed to Zirconis who hadn’t moved at all since Edward got in his face. “Yea he's kinda stuck.”

I then hear one of the crystal spheres, sigh with annoyance. I looked back to find that it was the red one. “Fatalis damnit Edward.” The red sphere sighed heavily. “W-Why the hell are you-. Y’know what, I’m not going to even ask. One sec, Acno could you place the sphere which is now glowing red on the ground?” The sphere asked, their voice ancient and deep as well as fairly young and wise.

“Um… Sure?” I hesitantly say, picking up the red sphere and placing it on the ground.

“Okay, now roll me away from everyone and I mean far away!” The sphere says, emphasizing the word ‘Far’. I raise my eyebrow and like a bowling-ball I roll the sphere very far away, hearing the sphere scream. “THAAAAaaaaaannnnkkk yyyoooouuuuuuu……!!!” The sphere thanks as his voice grows much more distant.

I then see a small bang of red light and just like Shenron coming out of the Dragon Balls, a massive ethereal red serpent with large arms slithers out of the light and when I say massive, I mean MASSIVE!!!!! It was at least seven hundred feet big and then some! Who the hell and what the hell is this thing?! The serpent then slowly stopped slithering as it landed on the ground before it slowly slithered towards us as it’s head landed only around a hundred feet away from us. I noticed that the red sphere I had rolled away in the middle of the serpent’s head and the serpent looked at Luna and I’s incredibly shocked expressions. Zirconis was still frozen in fear of Ed who was looking up at the serpent with a slightly impressed look, his hand holding his chin.

“Huh,” Ed says looking up at the serpent who wore a shit-eating smile. “Well you’re pretty big. But I’m guessing this isn’t your full size is it Shah?” Ed asked as he looked up at the serpent named Shah.

“Not even close. This is only at least half of my full size in all actuality and believe it or not, I’m still fuckin’ growing. My body is only about half-way to its maximum size right now or… as far as I can tell.” Shah confirmed and added. Shah then swung his massive head over towards me, Luna and Ruiner who was wearing a small smile. “I see you haven’t been introduced to me. Anyway, hello Acno, I am Shah Dalamadur. The Serpent Elder Dragon and the original-.” He begins but is cut off by Luna who had snapped out of her stupor.

“The original Element of Loyalty. One of the six creators of the Elements and the Tree of Harmony.” Luna says with a soft smile, her eyes filled with nostalgia. “Hello Shah… It’s so good to see you again.”

“As is it to see you too, little Princess.” Shah grins. “How’s your sister?” He asked with the same nostalgia.

“She’s fine but… What happened to you and the others?” Luna asked.

“I’ll say that later but right now,” Shah tells her as he moves his large hand over towards Zirconis. “It’s time to give him a rude awakening.” He says before a small amount of lightning shoots down and zaps Zirconis, causing the Jade Dragon to leap up and scream in a small amount of shock and electrical pain.

YYYEEEEEOOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!” Zirconis yelped. “What the hell? W-What happened?” Zirconis asked, returning from his frozen state. He then notices Shah and yells. “WHAT THE ACTUAL FULACIDAL IS THAT!?!?!?!” Zirconis cursed in Fioren Draconic tongue making me gasp and look at him with the stink eye.

“Zirconis Jade Draconis! Watch your language!!!” I scolded him.

“I am an adult Acno.” He retorts. “But seriously, what’s with the big-ass snake-thing?” He asked with slight confusion and fear.

“You didn’t listen to Acno but you will listen to me,” Edward grabbed Zirconis by the back of his head and applied pressure. “Watch your mouth and listen.”

“OWOWOWOWOW! I’ll watch what I say just stop crushing my head please!” He cried out and Edward let him go.

“Please continue,” Edward smiled.

“Thank you.” Shah thanked Ed. “Anyway, I am Shah Dalamadur, one of the six makers of the Tree of Harmony and The Serpent Elder Dragon and the original Element of Loyalty. And please, do refrain from saying anything even remotely related to a female dragon’s genitalia scales ever again. I really don’t want flashbacks of that day. Sweet White Fatalis I still hate the fact that Dalamadurs have the memories of all their ancestors.” Shah shivered before curling his body into a ball like a normal snake would. “Anyway, I’m kinda bored and a bit hungry. You have anything to eat Ruiner?” Shah asked.

“Yeah, made an energy ball a few hours ago just in case this happened. Catch!” Ruiner yelled, tossing up a white ball of energy which Shah slurred up using his equally big-ass tongue before his figure glowed then settled back to the continuous glow of crimson red.

There was a slight stir from Quill in the tank. Ed went over and started to drain away the liquid magic and lifted the tank up off it’s base. “You back in the land of the living,” He said, flashing a small light in Quill’s eyes. “Pupil dilation is good, how’s your head.”

“Shizuku mayakuna dracunasis darkos.” Quill grumbled, causing Ruiner and Shah’s jaws to drop to the floor.

“What?” Quill groggily asked looking up at the two beasts.

“Okay, when the fuck did you learn how to speak Elder!?” Ruiner asked in shock. “I mean, I’d understand Fioren Draconic tongue but ELDER TONGUE!?! How the hell did you learn that shit?! I mean, I can somewhat speak it but you just spoke it fluently and with the exact accent you’re meant to speak it in. How!?” Ruiner shouted in shock as Shah just mumbled to himself.

Quill only shrugged in response. “Heck if I know. All I said was, “My head feels like it was run over by twelve bullet trains at once but otherwise I feel relatively fine.” And that was it.” Quill sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Can someone explain why I feel like I had a seizure of some sort?” He asked us all. “Oh and I see you’re in your body Acno.” He noticed.

“You pretty much did have a seizure moment,” Zeref said flatly.

“Luna! Two o’clock,” Edward said as he jumped back as Luna tackled Quill.

“QUIIIILLLLLL!!!!!!” Luna screams with tears in her eyes as she sends Quill flying backwards. “I was so worried you baka!” She yells as she cries into Quill’s chest.

“Luna, I’m so sorry for that, I never wanted to worry you.” Quill’s whispers as he hugs his Marefriend tightly while running his non-scale hand through Luna’s mane. “What else happened during my ‘seizure’?” Quill asked as he looked back up at Ed.

“We got a warning from something confirming the Void Eaters are in fact waiting us back in your world,” Ed held out a cup of coffee to Quill. “In short there’s something holding your world together and protecting it from other Void Entities. My arrival and forced departure weakened your Void barrier allowing the Eaters to enter it.”

“Well, shit. That’s something that I didn’t want to happen but I guess we don’t always get what we want. That’s life.” Quill grumbled as Luna let go of him and sat next to the Time Dragon. Quill then took the coffee and sipped a bit of it. “This is good stuff.” I could hear him mumble. “Anyway, is there something else you want to tell me about, I don’t know, say… Seconds before the warning. Because I can feel something new in my body. Like something’s awakened, and I want to know why. That and I can feel a much more massive pool of my magical origins inside me. My reserves are bigger and I need to know how. I should’ve been reduced to half of my original strength after getting Acno in her body. That should have been a definatie and unstoppable thing,” Quill sighs before looking down at his coffee. “So why are my magical reserves so much bigger now? And why do I feel a small bit of everyone’s magic in me? Ed I can feel a small portion of your Crimson Dragon Magic inside of me, not enough to cause magical sickness but enough to be noticable. I have to figure out what the hell’s going on.” Quill told Ed, his eyes not lifting up, but instead stayed staring at his reflection in the coffee.

“Follow me,” Ed motioned to the time chamber. “Because I fully intend to get to the truth myself. I know you're both still hiding something from me Quill,” he looked at both of us, “and I want to know what is, one way or another. Finish your coffee and get some food. You’ll need it.”

“…” Quill stays silent before finally replying. “Alright. But when we speak and I tell you, I want us alone. No one else will even attempt to try and figure out what it is I’ll tell you, and this is not a requirement. This is an ultimatum. I have only trusted two other people with the information I’m going to tell you and you will be the third.” Quill tells Edward harshly as he finishes his coffee.

The way he said that… It didn’t sound like the normal usually joking even in serious situations Quill I know and had grown up with. No… That sounded like someone who’s hiding a very large secret, something that may be better left forgotten. I didn’t want to get on Quill’s bad side and just looked at Edward and gave him a nod before getting over to my food and finishing it.

“Aren’t you going to eat anything Quill?” Ruiner asked.

“I was stuffed with about seven pieces of cake. And you can thank Pinkie for that, so I’m pretty full.” Quill says, his tone letting up a small amount but still retaining that dead serious, no bullshit tone. “I’m ready to talk when you are Edward.”

“Fairy Sphere,” Edward snapped and a red sphere of magic with a human transmutation circle on it encompassed all three of us. “There, now no one can hear us and no one can enter without my permission, even if they have your power level they’d have to use all the magic to break the Sphere.”

“Good,” Quill nods as he stands still. “Now. I guess it’s time I tell you about my secret.” He sighs before holding out his non-draconic hand. He then states something I wished I would never hear again.

“SCP-001 Scarlet Armament.”

Suddenly his arm is wrapped in pitch-black armor and his shoulder now sports a black with red highlighted spaulder. His entire arm was eaten by the armor of the first evil being and the biggest bad in all of SCP history. The Scarlet King.

“H-How!? When!?!? I don’t remember any of the SCP’s being in our world or in Fiore! Especially The Scarlet King!!! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT ARMOR!?!?!” I screamed in a panic.

“Acno… I’ve always had this… I discovered it back on Earth. I knew I was different from the start and this only confirmed my thoughts that I had magic. Two days after my parent’s funerals I was drowning my sorrows in a game which was called S.C.P. Secure, Contain, Protect.” Quill explained as his now armored arm clenched itself into a fist. “When I was playing I discovered reports about the SCP known as SCP-231 also called SCP-001 or The Scarlet King. I wish I never had looked into it. When I was reading the reports in the game, I felt something grab me from inside the game and I was forcefully rendered unconscious. That’s when I met him… The King himself.” Quill stated. “He didn’t say anything but the look on his face said it all. I was going to be a catalyst. A vessel to house him. I couldn’t refuse but I wanted to. He tried to meld his armor onto my body and into my soul but he was only partly successful. I was able to force myself conscious but when I looked at my arm it was much too late. He had implanted my arm with the Scarlet Armor. I couldn’t take it off or make it disappear and I hid myself in my room and in the house for around three weeks, that’s when I discovered I had magic. I casted a permanent illusion spell on my arm which hid the armor’s presence but… It seems it was not good enough. I know what you’re going to ask Acno. ‘How did the Scarlet King get to you from inside a game?’ Well you need to know Acno,” Quill says, reading my mind and looking at me with a dead cold stare which sends shivers up my spine. “The Scarlet King is not just any SCP. He’s the end of us all. He can travel to any realm, any dimension and universe with just a thought and he can end ours in less. He doesn’t listen to logic or the fact that he was made in a fucking game, he goes where he pleases and it just so happened that I interested him enough to become his vessel. I’ve been fighting him and stopping him from eating me this entire time and sometimes he gets me. But just like that goddamned lizard SCP-682 I won’t die. I won’t go down, I will just get back up and fight harder. It’s taken a toll on my sanity and mental abilities but I’ve persisted and I won’t stop fighting.” Quill states harshly as he clenches his fist tightly and recasts the permanent illusion spell. “Ed… This is my secret and I don’t want it to get out and I’d hate myself if the SCP’s got into either of our worlds. Your choice how you react now.”

In a face Ed had his metal hand around Quill’s neck and easily lifted him off the ground, “You had something like that inside you and you let me bring it into my kingdom, my world,” Edward roared in fury as he slammed him against the Sphere. Edward’s arm started to change into a twisted red metal as shadows and multiple eyes opened up along the cracks in Ed's arm. The eyes weren’t his golden color but a dark red. “Give me one reason I shouldn’t throw your carcass into the Void Dragon Slayer?” Edward glared with a deep rage.

"I don't have any reason but one thing to say…." Quill says with a freakishly calm face. "Something new inside of me is pushing him back at an exponential rate. Someone is defeating the Scarlet King and I don't know what. I can't hear that constant and annoying voice of his anymore, and that voice of his, which has been taunting me for almost fifteen years, stopped speaking the second I stepped foot into this world." Quill tells Ed while staying calm despite the situation he's in.

The shadows, eyes and metal began to cover Edward’s form even more and he pushed Quill against the Sphere and it began to crack, “I SAID GIVE ME A REASON, THAT DOESN’T SOUND LIKE A REASON,” Ed said in a multi toned voice as if multiple people were speaking through him.

“Ed stop!” I yelled as I jumped up and grabbed onto his arm. I looked into the eyes on his face and felt rage, anger, loneliness, longing, just about every negative emotion there ever was, and such bloodlust and killing intent.

“Get off,” He told me and I fell to the ground shaking in terror. “Back to you.” he shifted back to Quill.

I then heard the echo of something bending. I looked at Ed's arm and saw that the Scarlet Armament claw was bending and gripping Ed's arm tightly. I looked at Quill and saw something I never thought I'd see from him. Blinding and physically visible and tangible fury and rage. He looked straight into the eyes on Ed's face and spoke six words with such a voice that it felt like three powerful voices on top of his were angrily staring down on the scene.

"Do. Not. Ever. Touch. My. Sister." He stated as his eyes went to a scarlet red and bore down. "You can harm me, and my being all you'd like. But you won't ever harm my sister again." Quill glared back down onto Ed with something new.

“I never touched her, she jumped on me,” Edward remarked. “Nice to see out the surface and you really can’t do anything to us even if you want to.” Edward tossed Quill, next to me. His hand started to twitch. “Down boy,” he said to himself as Ed’s body changed back to normal. “Damn tha Malice, always trying to get in control,” Ed looked at us. “That earlier fight is still taking its toll. Now,” He sat down. “Why’d you keep this a secret from me for so long?”

Quill’s rage and bloodlust then swam and circulated back into his Scarlet Armor before vanishing completely and the illusion was placed back again. However the release of rage caused the markings on Quill’s arm to stain a faint scarlet red and he sat down himself. “I hid this from you because… Because really I have to deal with this myself. It’s something I must do alone. I don’t want any speech or inspirational quote on how I can’t just rely on myself and I have friends and family now. I-I can’t drag anyone into this. I’ve told you and that’s all that I will let you do. I need to rid myself of this monster myself. It’s my demon… It’s my poison. And I’ll see it through to the end.” Quill explained as the scarlet sclera in his eyes flushed from his eyes, returning them to their natural white.

Edward stood up and walked over to Quill and slugged him hard. “Idiot,” Edward looked down at Quill as he held his head. “You can’t do this alone. I tried that and look what happened to me, I ended up having thousands of souls hating me then form Malice along with my own self hatred. You want to make it worse,” he poked Quill in the chest. “Then keep it up dumbass. At least lean on Acno and Luna or does loving her and her returning it really mean so little to you?”

Quill forcefully shot up and looked at Edward before furiously yelling. “Luna is the love of my life and I would jump into the largest pit of hellfire and die if it meant protecting her and Acno is my little sister! I would murder anyone who harmed them if it meant they’d be safe!” Quill roared at Ed before his eyes went to pricks and he stumbled back, clutching the left side of his chest right where his heart would be. “F-Fuck, n-not now! Why n-now of all t-times?! I thought there was more time than that!” He gasped with a slight amount of pain. I rushed over and noticed that a trickle of blood slipped out of the corner of his mouth.

“What else is there?” Ed looked at us.

“I-I don’t know, but something's wrong here.” I answer, turning to look at Quill. “Big bro, what's wrong?” I asked.

“U-Uh,” Quill paused before he covered his mouth and blood began to seep through the cracks in his fingers. “S-Shit!” He cried muffled by his hands. “C-Can you get me a bucket and fast?! LIKE NOW!!!!” Quill cries as his body lurches forward like he’s going to throw up.

“Here,”Ed snapped and a bucket appeared in front of Quill. “Arc of Creation is still one of my favorites. Let’s drop the Sphere,” Ed smiled as the Fairy Sphere faded away.

Quill then released his hand from his mouth and let out a literal wave of crimson blood and threw up violently. I reeled back in cringe at this and oh boy was it ugly. He lurched over and puked up blood into the bucket before he slowly claimed and wiped his mouth.

“Yeah, I fucking hate that part.” I could hear him whisper softly as he sighed.

“Looks like body rejection,” Edward stroked his chin.

“Not really… It happens when I force my body to release my rage and make it tangible and visible. It really sucks when I use it in tandem with the Scarlet Armament because it forces my heart to beat too fast causing too much blood to enter my system and the expulsion process to getting rid of that excess blood is what you just saw.” Quill groaned. “And boy does it fucking suck.”

“Like I said, body rejection. You poison your own body releasing that anger and force it to undergo a transformation that it wants to reject and is completely foregin to it,” Edward explained.

“Yeah, that wasn't any transformation, that was me trying to stop all movement in the sphere because I didn’t want anyone getting hurt or hurting anyone else. It's effective but also drastically hurts my heart. That time it was so compact and that was boosted by the armament and as I said, this is the result.” Quill sighed as he fell onto his back. “I’m so tired right now.”

“Get over it,” Edwzrd said in a harsh tone. “You have a lot of work to do and only a few days to do it. That power you said you have, isn’t there anymore.That’s why you're tired.”

“Meaning what exactly?” I asked.

“It’s gone, whatever that entity did to him when he was possessed by it is no longer there,” Ed explained as he placed his hands in his pocket. “The only reason you felt my slayer magic was because I used it to heal you in the tank. Your power level is down to where it should’ve been when Acno operation was done. Will you get the power back? At some point in the future most likely but not anytime soon and not here.”

“Yeah, I expected as much.” Quill mumbled. “Though I can still feel….” He then notices Luna trotting up with slight worry, so he implies what he’s talking about. “It.”

“Quill! Are you okay? What’s with-! QUILL, WHY’S THERE A BUCKET OF BLOOD?!?” She yells.

“Sorry, just a feedback of something going strange with my heart. It happened a lot back on earth but I’ve dealt with it and it doesn’t happen as often anymore. It’s nothing really.” Quill tells her while she just glares at him both with worry and suspicion making Quill’s neck sweat profusely.

“Yes well, I’ll leave him in your hooves for the time being princess,” Edward smiled warmly. “The idiot needs his rest and I can think of no one better to nurse him than the pony closest to his heart. But be prepared for harsh treatment once you’ve recovered Quill. I won’t be going easy on you, this time.” He walked off to another part of his lab leaving us alone.

“Lord have mercy, because we all know that Ed won’t.” I could hear Quill whisper softly.

“No really have no idea what Ed can do when he sets his mind to it,” we heard a voice that sounded like Ed’s but smaller. I looked around only to see a small cloud af shifting silver besides us.

“What is that?” Luna said with a bit of confusion as she tilted her head. She then reached her hove out and poked the silver cloud.

“HAHAHA! Please stop that, it tickles!” The cloud laughed. The cloud then stops shifting and condensed down to a very small humanistic shape. It shaped itself and formed into what looked like a tiny Edward. “That’s better,” he said as he looked at us while standing on Luna’s hoof.

“It looks like Edward but much smaller and cuter,” Luna pulled her foreleg closers to her face.

“Hello, I’m what’s known as a Chibi Ed,” Chibi smalied. “I’m a completely independent clone made of nanomachines, I neither degrade nor disappear no matter how far apart I get from my larger counterpart. I have access to most of his knowledge even when outside this world and have many brothers set out into the Void and it’s various worlds.”

“Okay, this actually makes me wonder if Chibi-Dragon-Acnologia is a thing.” Quill mumbles before looking directly at me. “Is it?”

“Um… I may or may not have done a few tests to see if I could turn into a smaller version of my dragon form and gotten some… Interesting results.” I say awkwardly rubbing the back of my head. “Is there a way to project memories? Specifically a certain one I’m thinking of ....”

“If you would like, I could change my form, though I would maintain my personality traits of Edward,” Chibi stated. “I can infuse myself to your body, giving you access to nanomachines and your own Chibis.”

“Sure, I’m pretty sure that’d be kinda cute.” I accept.

I look at Quill and see that he seems like he’s having a vietnam war flashback, meme-style. “Oh, god have mercy on my heart.” I see him mouth silently.
“I could help with that,” Chibi said floating to my shoulder.

“Ready when you are!” I cheer with determination. It must’ve been adorable because I see Quill grab his chest and lean forward, his hand on the ground in the ‘So… CUTE!’ pose.

“Can I access your memories young lady,” Chibi murmured to me.

“Mmhmm!” I nod.

“This might tickle,” he placed a small hand on the side of my head and felt a small tingle. “Download complete. Beginning shift,” he shifted back into a silver cloud and I felt him land back on my shoulder with a set of small claws. “Shift complete, ready for prank, Ms. Acno.”

“Okay, now let’s see everyone’s reactions!” I cheer with a giggle.

“One second please,” Chibi whispered as he climbed to the top of my head and laid down on his belly gripping onto my hair slightly with his arms. “I believe the atop the head position will be the most effective means of cuteness with you then slightly tilting your head to the side my lady,” he commented as his tail swished behind my head.

“Yes we shall conquer the world with our combined cuteness!” I giggled even more.

“There is only one in the way of this operation, my lady,” Chibi said as he looked down at me.

“Who?” I asked.

“Edward Elric and he would not falter to our cuteness due to one reason,” Chibi said as he swished his tail lightly.

“Why?” I pouted.

“His children my lady, and then there are the princesses,” Chibi reported. “when combined with the twins he can’t resist them no matter how much he’d wish upon a Holy Grail.”

“Yes,” I say as I rub my hands together. “Combined with the cuteness of the twins we’d be able to rule this world without any wars!” I say.

“Is that so,” I heard from behind me. I mechanically turned my head to so see Ed standing above me.

“Uh… hi Ed,” I stuttered nervously.

“Don't make threats like that little one,” Ed smirked as he flicked my head. “While it’s a fine joke, I take threats to my world with a grain of salt, each and everyone.” He picked the Chibi dragon up by his back. “And do remember you're still my Chibi,and directly linked to me. So, anything that remotely sounds like a threat is sent directly to me. Feel free to continue your gag but leave my children out of it.” He set Chibi back on my head while I rubbed my forehead. Ed patted my shoulder, “you best get Quill and Luna while they’re distracted,” he said walking away again.

“O-Okay!” I said back. “Geez, why the heck is he so flippin’ scary?” I whispered to myself. “Anyway, let’s get big bro and Luna!” I tell the Chibi before jogging back over to the two.

“As you wish my lady,” Chibi chimed as he swished his tail.

“Alright guys, were back!” I cheered happily while waving my hand at Quill, Luna, Ruiner and Shah. “Hide in my hair, and when I tell you, jump out and make a cute pose, it’s bound to make one of them faint.” I whisper to Chibi.

“As you say my lady,” Chibi whispered as it quickly duck into my hair.

“Oh, hey Acno. What took you and Chibi so long? Actually where is the little guy?” Quill asked.

“Here I am,” Chibi said as he popped out of my hair and landed and the top of my head. “Hello!” he said ahs he sat up right and grabbed his tail looking at Luna and Quill with big anime eyes.

“FUCK!!!” I heard Quill yell through his teeth as he grabbed his heart and fell onto his back, fainting.

“It worked!” I cheered.

“Indeed,” Chibi floated to my side and we gave each other a high five.

“Quill?” Ruiner and Shah asked.

Dude… Really?” I could practically hear Null facepalm.

“Cuteness prevails,” Chibi flexed as he spat fire.

“Yus!” I say, raising my hand for a high five.

“Excellent form my lady,” Chibi returned my gesture.

Mavis’ POV

I yawned loudly as I sat outside in the garden, swinging my legs back and forth as I sat on a tree branch looking out at the landscape in front of me.

“What ya thinking about?” I heard from above me. I looked up to see Edward crouched upside down on a branch above me.

“Oh, just thinking about how Tenrou is. It was my home for hundreds of years after all, I wonder how my guild has been taking care of it.” I say looking off at the blue wonderous sky.

“I can’t say I know,” He jumped to the ground. “But the Fairy Tail Guild that my niece started is doing well and they adhere to the principles of Fairy Tail rather well.”

“Yeah, but also I’m wondering,” I sighed, my smile dropping slightly. “I’ve been wondering about my world, Quill’s world. With all the dangers that are out in the void and all of the dangers that are brewing every second in any world, I’ve been wondering what dangers are following me. I’ve also been wondering how Zera is.” I tell him as I look at the distance.

“You’re scared that you don’t have the right means to protect your home,” Edward remarked as he leaned against the tree. “That your spells aren’t enough.” he slightly looked up at me through his left eye.

“Yeah… That’s about the jist of it but… I also keep hearing a voice every so often, telling me to go beyond the world. It creeps me out as everytime I hear it, it becomes louder until it stops, then it screams in my ears that I will find it or my entire family will die, burning and withering in the depths of hell. It scares me and I don’t know what to do.” I tell him, curling my knees up to my chest and burying my head into my knees.

“Hmm…” Edward looks at the sun. “Come with me,” he said waving a hand as a portal opened up in front of him. Ed walked in and soon disappeared into the portal that remained open. “Are you coming willingly or do I have to get the chains?” I heard Ed’s voice come from the portal.

“OH HELL NO!!” I yelled, using the branch to leap off directly into the portal.

I closed my eyes tightly as I went through, it felt like I was thrown through slime until I felt the softest grass I’ve ever felt under my feet.

“Open those eyes Fairy Queen,” I heard Edward next to me as he placed a hand on my head. “You need to see the forest in front of you.”

“Fairy Queen? Eh?” I asked with confusion before opening my eyes and looking off at the forest, my eyes literally made the ‘shing’ noise as stars formed and I looked at the massive and beautiful forest below. “OOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!” I gasped in wonder.

“Welcome to the Fairies Forest. Home to the very Fairy race itself,” Edward gestures. “Here all fairies come from all worlds to live in peace or to receive a gift from the forest itself. That’s why we’re here,” Edward explained as he bent over and pointed to the horizon where I saw a massive beautiful tree. “The World Tree, it gives all fairies their gifts that are a living extension of the tree and the fairy it gives the gift to.”

“We’re here to go to see the tree?” I questioned.

“Yes, but you have to lead the way,” Edward smirked.

“How?” I waved my arms.

“Follow that voice in your little blonde head girl,” He pointed at my head and then moved to my chest. “And that’s in your heart.”

“My… Heart.” I mumbled to myself before closing my eyes.

My eyes stayed closed and I could see myself floating in a sea of darkness. Everywhere was pitch-black until a small spark appeared in my vision, that spark then turned itself into a star and I reached out to grab it, unknowingly creating a bright golden magic circle underneath both me and Ed. The sudden summon momentarily startled Ed before he smirked again. I reached out and grabbed the star, which activated the magic circle and teleported us to the top of a massive tree.

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself face to face with a small pond and in the middle of that pond, was a white cup, which overflowed with a pink liquid. It’s name resonating within my mind. “The fountain of… Youth?” I whispered quietly.

“Hmm… we made it half way up, nice” Ed smiled at me with a thumbs up.

I couldn’t hear him as I then saw the pink water start to swirl into a figure, my eyes widened and tears welled up in them as I recognized the figure. “Zera?” I asked breathlessly.

“It’s so nice to see you again Mavis! Are you ready to find those fairies we’ve been looking for all this time?” She asked, holding out her hand.

I smiled and reached my own hand out, taking it in mine. “Absolutely!” I cried happily.

That’s when the leaves around us began to pick up and swirled around the two of us, swiftly the wind blew harshly and a tornado of leaves began to spin around us. I could barely hear Ed’s voice as I was focused on Zera’s smiling face. I had missed her so much, and finally holding her hand again made me so happy! My sister was back, my older sis was back with me!

“Mavis!” I was called back to reality by Ed. “WAKE UP!”

“What!?” I cried out.

“Hey there, you were under the influence of the Mirage Bloom,” Edward explained as I looked around.

“Where’s Zera? SHE WAS RIGHT HERE!” I yelled as tears filled my eyes.

“So that’s what you saw,” Ed handed me a handkerchief. “Sorry Mavis,” Ed said shaking his head, “but she wasn’t really here. The Mirage Bloom, as its name implies, shows us an illusion of things we want to see. Sometimes its treasure or those we deeply miss closest to our hearts. Still,” he knelt down. “You must have a strong affinity for it if you were caught up so deeply in that illusion.”

I looked down and clenched my fists tightly. My smile was completely gone and my tears became mist as my body temperature raised increasingly, like a burning flame. I looked down and stared at the ground with a death ridden stare.

“She… Wasn’t… There?” I asked aloud slowly as the vines in the tree began reacting as if projecting my rage. I unclenched my fist before the vines twisted themselves in front of me and formed the thing I most hate in this world… A liar. “GOD DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I roared as my fist became charged with billions of particles of light, thousands of times greater than anything Fairy Glitter could pull off. I sent my fist directly into the stomach of the vine created liar and a massive explosion erupted from the impact and a wave of light was sent out into the distance, visible for everyone to see my rage. Somewhere in Canterlot, I could feel Zeref looking at the light and screaming in terror, it didn’t help my mood though.

“Mavis!” I heard Ed as he placed a hand on my shoulder. “I didn’t bring you here to fight with the World Tree. I brought you here to see if your worth of its gifts and the title of Queen of the Fairies. The tree is not lying to you. It’s testing your heart by seeing what you hold closest to it. Anymore violence and you’ll fail the tests all together. You passed the first with flying colors but you upset the tree with your accusations. Stop this now.”

I turned my head to face him, and my face wasn’t full of rage at this moment, but it was full of absolute sorrow and pain. Tears bled from my eyes like a waterfall and I sniffled heavily, falling to my knees I could feel the pang of pain in my heart as it felt like a knife was driven into a slowly still-healing scar, and then violently torn out, then sent back into my heart and twisted. I fell to my knees and sobbed my pain vocally. I remembered the flashes of that moment, the moment when I lost my friend, my family….

The moment when Zera died in my arms. “Why did she have to go?” I mouthed to myself. The heat of my body leaving and being replaced with a shivering cold. “You said you would stay with me… You promised, but… you lied to me.” I said looking back at the figure the tree’s vines had formed, seeing that it was Zera’s body. Her stomach was relatively untouched except for the small dent of a punch, which is what I had done. I had expelled my anger in the wave of light and that explosion was of my raw emotions passively trying to expel my rage.

“Guardian,” Ed smiled as he pulled me to my feet. “An image of a spirit that is unseen by all and given form by the tree.” Ed looked at me. “She never left your side Mavis.”

I sniffled a few more times before looking up at the smiling figure of Zera the tree’s vines made. I walked over and poked the figure in the chest hard. “You better visit us or I will kick your ass Zera.” I mumbled with the remnants of my anger now disappearing completely.

The wooden statue tilted its head and smiled at me while placing a hand on my face wiping away my tears, before pointing to my heart and placing it’s free hand over where it’s heart would be.

“You pass the second trail,” Ed walked up next to me as the statue turned back into vines. “Which means we go up another level,” a giant leaf came down and Ed stepped onto it. “Come on, we have seven more trails for you to face. “Then we reach the top and you receive your gift.” He smiled at me.

“O-Okay.” I said stepping on the leaf and wiping the tears away.

“The trees shows use what we want to see to see if if we’re worthy to be tested Mavis, if you would’ve seen some without meaning to it then it would’ve rejected us right away,”Edward explained as we came to another area but it was dark and there were large thorns coming from the walls of this chamber. In the center was another spring but it was a gleaming yellow. “The Nightmare Thorns,” Edward said with a dark undertone. “Becareful Mavis, this chamber well truly tests your resolve and shows you things that you’ll have never known.”

“I-I think I’m ready.” I say, stepping off the leaf and immediately feeling something was different. “Woah!! Why’s it so cold!?” I asked, shivering comically.

“The most beautiful things often bloom in the cold of darkness,” is all Ed said as I stepped off the leaf into the new chamber as thorns shot up behind me forming a door, “Good luck.”

“T-Thank you?” I said with confusion. “I mean, we got Natsu from darkness so yeah… But what could that mean?” I mumbled to myself as I heard the tapping of wood. “Hmm? Who’s there?” I asked.

A small figure began to appear from the dark until a small child walked out to be right in front of me. “Mother,” he said as he looked me in the eyes.

“ ….” I stayed silent for a few seconds before tilting my head in absolute confusion. “Eh?????????????” Mother? What? I had a child… but I didn’t know about it? Wouldn’t I remember the pain? I am absolutely confused.

“Why’d you leave? Where were you? Dad and I were all alone,” he looked at me with tears in his eyes. “All alone for so long.” as he hit his needs and started to ball.

“AhhhhH!!!!!” I said running over and scooping the child up in my arms, hugging him. “P-Please don’t cry, please don’t!” I pleaded. “I-I’m sorry if it felt like I abandoned you, I’m so sorry for that. I just didn’t know about you being my son, honest! Also, don’t ask how I didn’t know because not even I can decipher how that works.” I told him.

He grew silent and then threw me away. “Get away, we didn’t need you,” he looked at me with rage filled eyes. “I didn’t need you, dad taught me to be strong on my own,” he scowled as he rapidly aged up to an older man with long hair and a beard. “You weren’t necessary.”

“Wha-!? Hey!!” I yelled back with a puffed up pouty face. “I didn’t know that you were my son, and I doubt that Zeref did either. I think… Anyway, you can't blame me for something I didn’t know about! You can never do that to anyone young man! Or should I say old man?” I scolded him while mumbling the last sentence to myself.

He bent down and scowled at me, ”Hmm…” he pointed his staff at me, “My name, what is it?”

“Um… Hm….” I thought, thinking about back to when I popped the topic to Zeref all those years ago. We had discussed a few things after he had calmed down from his minor panic attack, I remember him saying that if we were to have a boy, he’d want them to be named after the last summer month and after his brother whose name meant summer. “Is it… August?” I asked with another tilt of my head.

His face softened into a warm smile, “Yes, mother. It is.” He moved to the side and motioned to the pool. “Inside is the Lunar Spring and the next trail, be careful my mother,” he said as he faded away.

I smiled softly as August finally faded. “See you later August.” I waved goodbye before walking towards the Lunar Spring.

“Ye who approach the Spring, state thy name,” a voice came from every direction.

“W-Woah!” I gasped looking around. “Cool echo.” I mumbled before looking back at the spring. “My name’s Mavis Vermillion.”

“What do ye seek in this sacred place?”

“Well… To be honest I want to know who’s calling me. I want to find out who is calling me and threatening my family with damnation. I want to confront them.” I say.

“Incorrect, two more times may thee answer. What is it ye seek here?”

“Huh?” I said tiling my head once more. “Maybe, the answer lies within me.” I whispered to myself, closing my eyes once more.

As I searched myself, I could see my family smiling at me. Quill, Luna, Serena and Acno stood side by side looking at me as the others stood beside them and in front of them all was Zeref, smiling softly at me. I know what my answer is now.

Opening my eyes I look at the spring and say confidently. “I want to protect my family and all who I love.”

“The answer is correct, e pass the fourth trial, drink of the spring and return from whence ye came,”

“O-Okay.” I say picking up the spring’s cup. “Bottom’s up.” I whisper before placing the cup to my mouth and drinking it. After a couple of gulps I had finished and placed the cup back on its pedestal. “Hmm… It’s… Kinda sweet.” I mumbled.

“That would be the nectar of the Midnight Black Rose,” I heard from behind me as I found myself outside the chamber next to Ed once more. “It's a flower that allows the drinker to rest without resting and recover their magical power.” He looked at me, “Did you see the blooms of the dark?”

“Mmhmm! I apparently have a son!” I told him with a smile on my face. “And Zeref’s the dad!”

“Good for you two,” Edward smiled. “Children are our lives and should be cherished for all times.” He stood back up as the leaf moved us upward again. “Three more to go Mavis,” He said, pulling a short sword out of nowhere. “Here, this is for you.”

“Okay,” I said in confusion as I took the sword. “But why? All of the tests are tests of the spirit and heart aren’t they?”

“Yes, but the next two are also physical and magical tests meant to push you and see what kind of affinities you have,” Ed explained. “I’d go with you but I can't help in these trails other than giving you advice and a single weapon that humans have. The rest is up to you,” The leaf stopped as he said this and I walked into a large open area with many slashes and various other signs of battle in it. “Good luck in there.”

“I feel like I’ll need it.” I mumbled, stepping into the middle of the room. “Um, hello!!” I said, as an echo of my voice rebounded.

Suddenly from the middle of the room, a massive dog-like monster came out of a purple swirling portal. The god sat in the middle of the room calmly before it looked directly at me with red beady eyes.

“Ooooooohhhhh fuck.” I said aloud as the dog pounced at me, it’s teeth snapping at me. “Shit!!” I yelled avoiding the jaws and swinging at the dog’s arm, giving it a small cut. “Welp, this is gonna take a while.” I mumbled.

I dodged another attack from the monster dog but unfortunately, its claw left a gash along my arm. Allowing my blood to seep through my dress. Aw shit. I thought. This is going to suck.

“It’s called a black hound,” I heard Ed’s voice in my ear.

“I thought you said you said you weren’t allowed to help me,” I ran dodging the Hounds bite.

“I said I can give you a weapon and advice, that doesn’t leave out the possibility of continued advice,” Ed explained. “I slipped a few nanomachines on the shortsword I gave you, just enough to form an earpiece to speak with you.” He said before clearing his throat. “Back to the Hound, it is a rare type of fairy that lives in between the realm and acts as a literal guard dog for the Forest. It stops intruders by gobbling them up and sending them…. Somewhere that isn’t where they are now, or the Hound just ends up eating them. If you can befriend one you can have a life long friend and a convenient portal between your world and the Fairies Forest. This one is one of the World Tree’s Guards and his name is Fenrir, and he is very reluctant to trust and take his jump to guard the tree very seriously.”

“So I’m gonna have a hard time no matter what?” I deadpanned.

“Correct,” Ed chirped.

“Great.” I sigh with a small amount of annoyance.

I then immediately have to jump out of the way of a claw swipe from Fenrir and I have to duck out of another jaw snap. Jeez, he won’t give up. Though I’d be kinda disappointed if he did give up, guardians of something especially the Fairy Forest Tree should never give up.

“Quit getting lost in thought and get your head in the game,” I heard Ed. “Behind you,” I front flipped forward as Fenrir’s jaws tried to ensnare me again. “He’s a portal fairy and can dive in between the spaces of this world and others at will to reappear in this one at different spots. On top of this Fenrir is the oldest of the Black Hounds, most consider him to be the first of his kind and the progenitor of the entire race.”

First of his race? Hmm… Maybe I could use this. I think before getting into a stance, placing the shortsword’s pommel in the air as I rest the blade part on one of my arms. Let’s see. I think before allowing Fenrir to pounce. Just before his jaws ensnare me, I dodge to the right and quickly lay a slash to his paws, damaging a bit of his claws and dulling them quite a bit. I then looked at my blade to see it had taken a blow, not a big enough one to break the blade but enough to chip the blade a small bit.

“This thing won’t last much longer if I take any more blows like that,” I nervously smirked Fenrir and saw that his claws had already grown back. “Now, how is that fair.” I scowled.

*ROOF* Fenrir barked and sent a concussive blast at me.

I managed to jump out of the way but trip and fill on my face, “Ow,” I rubbed my face. “Urah, smells like rotten cheese in here.” I complained as I stood back up.

Fenrir leapt at me while I was stunned and tried to claw at me once more. I quickly snapped out of my shock and had to swing to the right in order to redirect Fenrir’s attack away from me. Doing this I managed to come eye to eye with the Black Hound and stared directly into his eyes as he did the same for all of three seconds. It was as if I could read into his soul and he could do the same to mine.

“Woah.” I say softly with a little surprise, looking back to Fenrir I could tell he was thinking the same thing as his eyes were widened slightly.

“Incoming,” Ed said as Fenrir swiped at me. “He might have made some sort of connection with but he’s still the guardian here so he’s still got a job to do.”

“Alright, let’s do this.” I whispered to myself before swinging the short sword into a backward grip.

I then charged at Fenrir as he once again swiped at me. Dodging the attack I leapt upwards and came down towards his side as a spinning tornado of sword slashes. When I heard him let out an off guard yelp I stopped and jumped back, sliding across the room and looking directly back at Fenrir, noticing several sword slashes allowing a few streams of blood to slowly but continuously flow and seep from the wounds. I noticed Fenrir began to stagger a bit but he regained some semblance of balance as he shook his head. At least I made some use of my pressure point magic, cut a few nerves and they can be healed… Just takes a bit of time, less with magic.

Fenrir snarled at me and raised his paw up in the air and swiped in my direction sending black claw slashes towards me.

Iready myself when I heard Ed, "MOVE!" and I immediately jumped out of the way and turned my head to see entire chunks missing from the attack's path.

"For the love of all that's holy," I said in horror.

"Spacial Claws, it's what gives the Hounds their abilities to travel between dimensions," Ed explained.

“Well… Shit.” I mumbled while seeing a hint of a shit-eating grin growing on Fenrir’s face, I slumped my shoulders and let out a sigh before dodging another swipe attack.

“I suggest you stay on your toes and wait for your techniques to kick in,” Ed said as Fenrir’s eyes followed my movements. “He’s already showing signs of limit movement. Just keep him moving.”

“Alright.” I say softly while continuing to dodge Fenrir’s now limited movement.

We went back and forth for a while and Fenrir was showing definite signs that my earlier blows were taking effect but his attacks showed no signs of letting up/ If anything they only seemed to become more powerful with each passing second.

“It’s his magic power, Grudge,” I heard from Ed. “Any damage Fenrir takes adds to his own attack power.”

“Hmm… Interesting.” I mumbled while dodging another of his attacks.

Fenrir turned towards me and started to gather all of the light around us into his jaws to charge some sort of super attack.

“Can you use a shield?” Ed asked. “Fenrir can’t move his body any more after this and he knows it. He’s using Swallow the Moon. An attack that consumes all light in the area and fires a highly dense beam at the opponent. If you can weather it and stab the sword into his forehead you win.”

“… Well, I might be able to fire a smaller version of Fairy Glitter from my hand and not from the sky but I don’t know if it’ll be consumed or not.” I told him with a bit of worry. “I also might be able to blast it from the sword.”

“You might want to do it, NOW!” Ed said as Fenrir opened his mouth and sent a massive beam of energy at me.

“OH SHIT!!!” I yelled before dropping the sword and shoving both my hands outwards creating a large golden magic circle with the Fairy Tail symbol in the middle. “FAIRY! GLITTER!!!!” I yelled as a massive beam of golden light shot out of the magic circle and collided with the Swallow the Moon beam, creating a fight between the golden Fairy light and the silver Moon light.

“He Mavis you still there,” Ed asked.

I staggered a bit as I got to my feet, “Yea I’m here, and so is the guard dog,” I gave a slight chuckle. “What now? He’s as stiff as a board.”

“Stab him in the forehead, Ya have to get a good blow in on him to pass the test,” Ed explained.

“A-Alright.” I said with a stumble, picking up the short sword and running over to Fenrir. Letting out a small gasp of breath I jumped up and stabbed his forehead.

There was a sudden flash and I found myself back outside the chamber standing next to Ed “Hey,” He smiled. “That was a bit of a thing for you, here,” he handed me a red potion. “That was it and now we have to get the gift from the top, but that’s also the last test. Honestly, that one scares the hell out of everyone.”

“Wait… Does it scare you?” I asked slowly before drinking the potion slowly. Once I finished the potion I looked back at Ed and asked once more. “Also what’s happened to Fenrir? Is he going to be okay?”

“If I ever took or could take the test I bet it would but the tests are different for each one the takes it. The trails that everyone who takes them are different. No two are anything alike, even if people go through the exact same things as one another the testes would still be different,” Ed said as he sat down on the leaf while it moved us upwards toward the summit of the World Tree. “And the old dog will be just fine. The Tree takes care of him and he’ll be back to normal before we even reach our last stop.”

“Alright, so… What’s the final test going to be?” I asked with curiosity.

“A test of the darkest corners of your heart,” Ed said flatly as the leaf stopped moving. “We’re here,” he said getting to his feet and walking off the leaf into a large open area filled with thick branches covered in bright shimmering leaves of varying colors. “Come Maivs, we need to get to the center,” Ed said, breaking from my frozen mindset.

Well, fuck. I mentally sighed, accepting my fate and walking forward with Edward.

“Ya ready?” he looked down to me through the corner of his eye.

“As ready as I can be.” I respond, taking a deep breath and exhaling

“Then it’s your ball park,” Ed said pushing me forward with his hand on my back.

“Why have you brought this child here Alchemist?” A booming voice came from all around us.

“She came for her treasure,” Ed answered. “She’s taken and passed the other six tests you put her through now it’s time to face the last trail.”

“Hmmm…. Are you positive you have the strength to wield one of my gifts, girl?” the voice asked. I couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from. Every time it spoke it felt as if it was everywhere even below my feet. “ANSWER ME!” the voice demanded.

“Y-Yes, sir! O-Or ma’am!” I answered standing straight up in silent fear.

“Very well, Are you ready to see the darkness that lies in your heart girl?” the voice asked sternly.

I take a few seconds to collect myself and I take a few deep breaths. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” I tell them, looking back up with confidence.

Vine limbs, and roots came from all around and began to wrap around my body and encase me in a cocoon of sorts. My gaze shifted to Edward who mouthed ‘Good Luck’ to me until I could no longer see and there was only darkness. I have no idea how long I was in that thing but it felt like it was years. Suddenly I felt a warmth pulling me until I saw a dim light in the distance, so I ran towards it thinking it was the entrance to the final testing area.

I burst through a door of some sort and took in a deep breath of what I thought was fresh air only to hack and cough on the smell of smoke and burning flesh. It didn’t take long for my eyes to adjust and I saw the bodies of everyone, Luna, Rainbow, Zirconis, Glida, and everyone else all lying dead in front of me in a pile. In the distance there was a black shimmering flame that danced on everything. Then my vision saw what I never wanted to see, Quill but not Quill at the same time was standing atop the mountain of corpses that were our friends and family with Zeref hanging on his dragonic arm. Quill was clad in some sort of crimson demonic armor and to my greatest horror his arm was straight through Zeref’s chest holding the man I loved still beating heart in his claws. Quill looked back at me with crimson eyes and smiled as he started to squeeze Zeref’s heart until it burst in a rain of blood.

“N-No… No! Quill, what have you done?!” I yelled at him, only for Quill to turn around and let loose an oozing chuckle with a sadistic grin.

“Shouldn’t you already know my dear, Tactician?” Quill asked with blood soaked hair. “After all, you are the one who let me out~.” Quill chuckled as he walked towards me, the black flames that danced in his path moving to reveal a path and I looked back only to see that I had no way of escaping.

I whipped my head around only to find the smiling face of Quill right in mine. His eyes were filled with a sadistic lust for death and destruction. Yearning for more was his fanged, blood soaked teeth as he gave me a piercing toothy smile. His marking no longer illuminated with navy blue light but now burned with crimson scarlet blood. I looked into his eyes and saw that there was a body in them and it wasn’t mine. It was the pleading figure of Quill shackled in chains, bleeding eyes filled with tears. His hands severed and his feet crushed I could see him begging and pleading, of what I don’t know. I then saw a different figure enter Quill’s body’s eyes. A blood drenched figure who wore the same armor Quill’s body now donned but he wore a helmet, with horns growing out of the sides like trees and an eyeless face with a crooked and twisted fanged smile plastered on their face. And lying in between the two tree made horns was a hovering scarlet crown.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of little one….” The monster told me while grabbing my chin, caressing it as he looked at me with a sadistic gaze. “After all….” He spoke softly before lifting me off the ground while still holding my chin. “YOU’LL BE JOINING THEM ALL VERY SOON!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He howled with laughter as he raised his free hand to go through my chest.

“I WON’T LET YOU!!!!!!” I screamed back as a golden magic circle appeared in my hand. “FAIRY GLITTER!!!” I yelled as a beam of golden energy impacted Quill’s body, sending him skidding back and causing him to drop me.

The monster possessing Quill made his body stand up straight before dusting himself off seemingly unaffected by the blast of highly condensed magic I just hit him with. “That wasn’t very nice at all. But this should prove interesting at the very least. The most entertaining of them all so far was that fool you called a husband who I eradicated not but mere moments ago, that draconian female child and those orbs of bio-energy. They didn’t stand much of a chance though. After all, in order to get rid of me you’ll have to kill your best friend, and I know you won’t be doing that anytime soon. I mean, the first to fall to me was that child Serena!!!!” Quill’s body roared with laughter as he released a sickening glare of joy. “SO, LET’S HAVE A LITTLE FUN!!!!!!!!” He yelled as he ran straight for me.

“GRAHHHHHH!!!!!” I screamed in a furious rage as hundreds of magic circles appeared behind me, all different colors. “YOU’LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU’VE DONE!!!!!” I screamed as I blasted off towards the monster possessing Quill.

There was a blinding flash of light and I found myself back in the Fairy's Forest with Edward standing next to me. There were tears coming from my eyes as I couldn't hold back the fear and sorrow that I’d experienced from the vision. My knees began to shake and I fell to the ground and Ed grabbed my arms.

“Easy Mavis,” Ed asid in a soothing tone as he knelt down and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Here, dry your eyes,” He said, handing me a handkerchief. “I take it you saw a bit of the truth on that vision.”

“You have the will to face your friend possessed by his demons, and to face your own end for others sake you pass the test young fairy,” the voice said as it pulled the tree's appendages back. “I the World Tree, bestow upon you the title of Fairy Queen. Here is your gift, the Spirit Spear, Zera.”

A branch off the tree came down and held itself in front of me. Slowly I took in my hands. The branch suddenly changed into a spear with a rather large double bladed head.

“May it aid you in your times of necessity ,” The World Tree said as it fades away. “Good luck on your journey you fairy.”

“Cone on Mavis, you look like you need a big hug from Zeref and a bigger mug of Dragon Ale,” Ed said as he helped me to my feet as I clutched my new spear ever so tightly.

“Yeah, I feel like I do. Also I want to know what the hell that monster was.” I told him using the spear as a make-shift walking stick as I was still a bit disoriented.

“I’m afraid I have no idea what it is you’re talking about,” Ed said honestly. “I couldn’t see what you saw in there as the vision came from you. Your tests remember.” He remarked as a portal opened up in front of us and we walked through and came out in Ed’s Lab. “I’ll leave you here with Zeref and the other Ed clone. My time is spent,” he said as he exploded in a puff of white smoke. I saw Zeref and another Ed working on something at a lab table.

“Look who's back and needs her man.” the other Ed elbowed Zeref in the side.

“Hm? Oh! Mavis, you’re here! Quick question, why do you have a spe- WAH!!!” Zeref began to say before I tackled him and enveloped him into a tight hug. “Woah, Mavis what’s wrong!?” Zeref asked in a heartbeat.

“I-I just missed you that’s all.” I told him as tears slowly melted from my eyes.

“I call bullshit.” Zeref told me as he looked at me. “You don’t cry when you see me, now what happened?” He asked.

“I-In order to pass a test I had to face my heart’s deepest fears. That was seeing you and everyone else die.” I mumbled softly.

“Oh Mavis….” He mumbled back, planting a kiss on my forehead. “I’m not going to die. Now what was this test for?” Zeref asked as I let him go and picked up Spirit Spear Zera which was floating upright.

“Oh, well I guess I should tell you that I am now the Fairy Queen.” I told him with a giggle.

Zeref simply stood there, pretty much unresponsive for about four minutes until he finally registered what I’d said. “Wait, wut? Y-You’re the Fairy Queen????” I bursted out laughing at his expression because he looked like a poor confused puppy mixed with a confused Natsu.

“I, well, another Ed clone took her to the Fairy’s Sacred Forest,” Ed explained. “There we climbed up the World Tree where Mavis faced seven test to see if she was worthy to receive a gift from the ancient tree, and she passed. Do me a quick favor while I get you a drink and check your pockets Mavis.” Ed said as he went to a nearby cabinet and pulled out a bottle of amber ale and a large glass and set them on the counter in front of me. He then poured me some of his ale and passed me the cup. “You might have something else and not even realize it.”

I down some of my ale and then patted down my pockets and found a lump in my left front pocket. I reached in and pulled out what looked like a small pink ball.

Looking it over I then turned to Ed and asked, “What is this and how did it get in my pocket?”

“I thought so,” Ed said leaning up against the counter behind him. “It’s the seed for a Fairy King’s Tree, or Fairy Queen’s Tree in this case. The start of your own Fairy Forest, people, and kingdom. Your highness,” he said with a heart felt bow.

Now it was my turn to be absolutely confused. “M-My own… Kingdom?” I said looking down at the seed I held in my hands.

“Fairies are born from the nature of the Forest around the tree,” Ed said. “Once you plant that seed it will take root and grow to a massive tree similar to the World Tree. You being the Queen are in charge of the Forest and the fairies born in it. Thus your kingdom.”

“Woah….” Both me and Zeref said in unison.

“As your tree grows so will your kingdom and the fairies born into it,” Ed continued. “Like people and ponies, fairies can come to exist in your Forest. Would you mind me filling your back Mavis?”

“What for?” I asked.

“I want to confirm something and in order to do so I need to poke you a bit,” He pointed at me. “Of course I could just have Zeref do it for me and instruct him on what to feel for. It’s up to you?”

“I-I think I’d like to have Zeref do it.” I tell him with a small blush.

Ed shrugged, “Alright, first take off your jacket and Zeref would you please stand behind her and place your hands on her shoulders, as if you were going the give her a massage with your thumbs.” we did as Ed instructed, my face getting hotter and redder with each passing second. As soon as Zeref touched me I let out a small ‘eep’. “Adorable,” Ed smirked at us, “now Zeref, apply a little pressure just above the inner outer of her shoulder blades, right about here,” Ed showed us, turning his back to us and pointing. I felt a sharp pain shoot through my shoulders as Zeref applied the slightest bit of pressure. “Mhm. Just as I thought.” Ed nodded. “You can stop.”

“Ah, w-what was that.” I asked.

“Those would be your wings,” Ed smirked, pointing at me. “You didn’t think that the tree wouldn’t make you the Fairy Queen without turning you into an actual fairy now did you. You can also fly without them now.” Ed walked over to me and picked me up by my dress. “Just think of floating,” he said as he let go. I half expected to hit the ground but never did. “Open your eyes.”

“Oh my god I’m floating!” I yelled out of pure joy. “What else can I do?”

“Lots of stuff, but you’ll have to figure those out on your own,” Ed smiles cheekily at me.

I perk up with a cheeky smile and Zeref jumps for cover. “NOT AGAIN!!!!!!” He yelled.

“EXPERIMENTATION TIME!!!!” I yell out as Zeref screams in fear. I hold out my hand and notice that Spirit Spear Zera flew right into my hand. I let out a cheeky laugh as Zeref ran away.

“NOOOOoooooo!!!!!!!” He yells as he runs from me.

“Hold up their missy,” Ed said as he grabbed a hold of my dress. “I may be a clone but that doesn’t mean you can experiment in my lab. And you sir,” He snapped and Zeref appeared in a flash being held in a crimson aura. “Have learning to do and are needed here meaning She has to wait her turn with you. So save it for the bedroom foreplay.” Both of us turned bright red. “And don’t you have a question or something you wanted to ask about.” he turned to me, truthfully I had completely forgotten. “Now get,” Ed said as he tossed me out and placed Zeref back behind the counter.

“I guess I’ll have to ask Quill,” I said, rubbing my head as Zera came flying out of the laband hovered above me. “That’ll have to wait though,” I grabbed onto Zera and then looked at the Fairy Seed. “We did it Zera, we found them. I wonder what the others are up to?”

Meanwhile! In another Universe!

Elsewhere in the universe an entire building shook as everyone collectively sneezed before falling unconscious once more.

Suddenly as the screen faded away, a small seed on a pink leaf fluttered down into the middle of the screen before landing and blooming into a beautiful pink rose. The rose then glowed with a golden aura before a symbol appeared behind it. The symbol of Fairy Tail.