• Published 21st Apr 2019
  • 9,125 Views, 324 Comments

Death March to Equestria - Toxicfox

After a long death march and his deadline closing Jason Black is finally able to sleep before his next but when he awakens he's not only on another world but a new body

  • ...

Broken Hearts

The princes' vision was hazy as he roused back to consciousness his first sight was of the sunny sky being slowly overtaken by dark clouds, with galloping ponies running past him on both sides of his peripheral vision. His eyes widened as his memories snapped back to his mind, as he leaned forward a sharp pain struck his side, his torso was wrapped in bandages along with his right forehoof which bore a splint within the wrappings.

The surviving crystal guards had rallied to their chokepoints and were retaliating against the horde from behind their barricades, as the pegasi forced divided into a dozen squads of nine bombarding the attackers from above with arrows and rocks to provide cover for the unicorns to grab whatever wounded they could and move them behind the makeshift barricades with many others on the attack, throwing spears and firing spells at the charging yeti and wolves who dared to attack their home. while the wolves face many casualties the yeti block the onslaught with their shields only facing minor wounds and even fewer casualties.

Shining gazed across the area as he attempted to grasp the situation, to his sides where the other survivors of the gate collapse, the more severely wounded were being treated by the medics and the others moving to return to battle. Shining quickly began to rise only to stall from the sharp pain in his side and right foreleg.

"Sir! you're too wounded to enter the battle!" yelled corporal Healing Splint, placing a hoof on the stallions back.

"Let me go… I have to... help the defense," Shining spoke between pained groans as he took step after grueling step forward.

"Your forehoof is broken and you've got a fracture in your side!”

"Let go, that's an order corporal!" he looked back to the medic in frustration as he took another painful step.

The corporal was unfazed by Shining’s firm tone. "Sir, as a medic, when it comes to the health of my patients, I outrank everyone - including you."

The prince sighed, dropping to a sitting position as the medic gave him a pain relief potion. "Who's in command?" he asked before chugging the red elixir.

"Lieutenant Light Crest," he informed, pointing to the unicorn guard clad in silver trim crystal guard armor. She was standing atop the wall, shooting spells down at a charging wolf who was about to pounce on a guard.

"Keep them pinned!" she commanded before moving toward the back to address the rear guard. "Start moving the wounded to the barrier, once they're clear we'll make a slow retreat thinning the herd as we go.”

"Yes ma'am!" The troops mobilized together as their commander went to join the prince.

"My Prince, are you alright?" she asked, a betrayal of concern underlying her martial tone, delivering a salute alongside her words.

"I'm not dead," he joked grimly, wincing as the chuckle that threatened to rise hurt his side. "What's the situation?"

"It's been fifteen minutes since the breach; all troops have fallen back to the second and third positions and we're currently holding them to the first 3 blocks of the breach."

"What of their leader?"

“The pegasi are keeping him pinned with regular bombardments but it's only a matter of time," she informed before glancing to the sky, another air team zipping overhead, arriving at the gate where they dropped their payload of rocks and shot their hoof mounted crossbows. The Yeti stood in a porcupine formation around their leader blocking the attacks with their shields, spears, and their own bodies...

"My prince, we must get you and the other wounded to safety before mounting a counter-attack." the lieutenant suggested.

"I agree sir, you must get back to the princesses we'll need support." The corporal agreed.

Shining could only sigh knowing there were no better options." Alright, but be careful these aren't normal yeti." After a brief salute, Shining is taken by two pegasi and carried to the rear barrier, accompanied by numerous carts carrying the other wounded.

At the gate

Frost Maim’s gaze was locked on the palace, his prize sitting behind another barrier immeasurably stronger than the last. "Hmmm," icy mist escaped his nostrils as he tightened the grip of his ax, a thoughtful expression appearing behind his mask of fierce stoicism. His eyes scanned the battlefield, taking in the scene of battle like a lover of art would take in the details of a painting. The ponies were attacking from the sky and barricades kept his horde from advancing to the barrier. He tried to summon an answer to his dilemma. However, his concentration was soon broken by a stray arrow whipping past his face, coming close to scratching his cheek. His eyes flicking up to see a squad of pegasi flying in place, hastily reloading their crossbows. He grumbled, not particularly annoyed, just inconvenienced at best. He wound up his ax, preparing to swing just as the ponies were ready to unleash their next volley.

With a deceptively quick, one-handed swing, the ax unleashed blistering winds towards them. It scattered the arrows, causing them to land ineffectually against the raised shields of his soldiers as well as coating the surrounding area in the frigid cold. However, it didn’t stop there. The same winds continued forward, the powerful, frigid gusts knocking them out of formation and causing them to scatter.

He gave a satisfied smirk, hugging out of his nostrils as he settled his gaze back on the palace, returning to contemplation before a grin struck his face as he stared toward the barricade blocking the central path to the castle, he wound the axe back again charging it with power.

Inside the Barrier

The palace was surrounded by barricades and tents to aid in arming and deploying the next wave of troops to the front. Twilight, Trixie, Rarity, and Starlight were using gate spells to ferry citizens to the safety of Ponyville and Canterlot.

Spike, Clover, Applejack, and Pinkie were helping fortify the defensive walls with carts, crystals, and rocks while Fluttershy was helping the med ponies tend to the wounded being wheeled in from the frontline.

Within one of the tents Celestia’s horn emitted a soft golden glitter that filled the room, the wounded surrounding her calmed to a blissful slumber as their pain subsided.

“How goes it, sister?” Luna entered the tent clad in her royal armor with two night guards accompanying her.

“I’ve healed the grievous wounds and soothed their pain but they won't be reentering battle anytime soon.” Celestia sighed deactivating her horn. “I wish I could do more, but there are too many hurt to use more focused spells.

“I know sister, but we must return to the War tent.”

The Royal Sisters entered the well-guarded tent, Cadence stood at the head of the table clad in her own Royal Armor, to her sides stood The Crystal captains now sporting extra plates. They walked up to the opposite end where Rainbow dash stood dressed in the same light armor as the pegasus soldiers.

“From the reports we’ve gotten, our troops are holding them at the second defensive position.” Flare blast spoke moving a piece on the map. “But they’re pushing through.”

“How is it they were able to destroy the gate?” Cadence asked, her eyes locked on the map.

“They’re using Dark Magic!.” Shinings Voice suddenly rose as he limped into the tent supported by one of the guards.

“Shiny!” Cadence trotted to her husband, “ You’re alright!” tears filled her eyes as she nuzzled his head.

“Hehe...I’m not dead yet Candi” he winces from the pain of both his ribs and his wife's grip.

“You say they're using Dark Magic?” Luna questioned breaking the tender moment.

“Yes,” he answered, limping to the map. “The crystals within their catapults were powered with dark magic, when their leader attacked he triggered an explosion.”

The Ponies looked to each other concerned as they knew where dark Magic laid so did a certain unicorn.

“Do you think Sombras is behind it?” Rainbow asked.

“Definitely, The Yeti wouldn’t be able to mount this kind of attack without magical assistance. Shining responded before looking back at the map. “Their leader had a very strong dark aura, similar to the aura we sensed from Blackjack.” his words brought concerns to the table.

“Where is he now?” Celestia asked with a look of suspicion on her face.

“Still upstairs,” Rainbow replied.

“Let's get him down here, he may be able to assist us.” As Celestia finished the sentence a sharp chill struck the room. The lighter clothed ponies began to shake and clouds formed in front of their breath. Quickly they exited the Tent to find snow falling from the shielded sky.

“What the heck!?” Rainbow flew to the sky hoping to find the source of the sudden cold, her eyes sprang wide at the sight just beyond the barrier. A sheet of ice was coating the lower half of the barrier and rising, the normally clear sky of the city was now full of grey snow clouds that grew darker as the ice rose.

Just beyond the barrier, the pony ground force stood frozen solid in their positions encased in solid ice with the Yeti army marching past them unopposed with FrostMaim at the front, his ax held high emitting a miniature dark tornado surrounding its blade. His eyes glowed red with a purple aura emitting from them.

“Heh...Snow...globe.” he chuckled as the magic dome was coated in ice.

In the Palace

The bedroom was darkened by the closed curtains, sprawled atop the bed still fully dressed, the human lay with a bottle next to his face.“AH! What the hell?!” Blackjack shot awake pulling the blanket over his shoulders as he sat up trembling from the cold.

Status Ailment:
Hangover Lvl 3
Frostblight Lvl 2

“Ugh! My head, damn sugary crap.” he drinks a stamina potion dropping the Hangover by a single level.” But what's with the cold?” He rose from the bed still wrapped in the blanket slowly walking to the door. Suddenly Clover burst through the door with a worried look.

“Dad! The city’s under attack, they need help!” she yelled, grabbing Blackjack's attention, causing him to sprint out the door.

Outside, the barrier was 75% covered in ice, the ponies were reading their defense. The Solar and lunar guard held their positions behind the raised barricades, the dropping temperature was taking its effect with everyone shivering, the pegasus had it the worst with their lighter bodies, with some being too cold to take flight. Twilight and the other unicorns have returned to the palace after completing the evacuations. Now only the guards and those who volunteered remain in the empire, but even though their people were safe it left them more vulnerable.

“The crystal heart's power is fading.” Cadence somberly spoke looking to the barrier as it flickered.

“The evacuation of the citizens greatly reduced the love magic powering the barrier” Luna added

“They would’ve broken through eventually, this cold is fueled with dark magic.” Shining armor sternly spoke as he joined them now fully healed by his wife's magic. “At least now we don’t need to worry about civilian casualties.

“Indeed Shining armor,” Celestia spoke now exiting the war tent clade in her own set of royal armor. “ Which is why we will hold the palace and show those beasts the power of the Ponies!” she raised her hoof with the cheers of all surrounding her.
As the barrier continued to flicker the ponies took their positions. Unicorns lined the barricades with their horns charged and ready with the grounded pegasi wielding crossbows. The earth ponies had bolstered their defenses with every loose object they could from bookshelves to pieces of the surrounding crystal buildings. Cadence had also ordered the bows from the Equestria games to be brought from the arena and mounted as turrets as well as the ice arrows.

“Fighting cold with cold, very clever Candi” Shining complimented.

“I’m not sure if it will work but we have to use everything we have.” she commented as she used her magic to position the bows.” if we can't freeze the yeti we can at least freeze their feet and slow their charge.

“Then we can have pegasi attack them from the sides,” Shining commented causing them both to look at each other in awe of their tactical genius.

“I love you” they spoke in unison before embracing in a passionate kiss.

Celestia and Luna were in the sky along with the stronger pegasi working to remove what snow clouds they could to reduce the cold's effects, while on the ground twilight and spike were coordinating the positions of troops and distribution of the resources. Rarity and Fluttershy were hard at work modifying the armor for the cold by lining the insides with ewe wool prioritizing the pegasi given their lighter bodies.

However their time ran out as the ice finished coating the barrier, the sky became darker as the barrier faded away. At the edge, the yeti beat at the ice causing it to crack from the base to the top. The ceiling was the first to begin crumbling with massive shards of ice falling down. Celestia and luna used their magic to blast the larger shards while the crystal royals raised a barrier to block the smaller ones.

“They’re coming!” a guard yelled from the barricades pointing down the main road. Through the snowy fog, the wolves and yeti charged in a mighty yet narrow horde down the main road of the crystal city roaring with their weapons raised. The ponies were nervous but held their positions, many with a rage-filled focus in their eyes as the invader grew closer. Shining armor joined the troops at the barricade.

“Unicorns will focus on suppression, slowing their charge. Pegasus will focus on precision and aim for their eyes and legs, and if you can their hearts. When we got 'em slowed the longbows will freeze them in their place. After that, we rain Tartarus upon them!”

“Yes Sir!” the troops yell steading their shaken bodies.

“Fire!” shining’s command prompting the unicorns to fire their spells into the horde taking out the front line wolves and slowing the yeti’s charge. “Now!” on cue the longbows fired their ice arrows into the air and marched right into the fold of the Yeti horde, many striking some of the beasts in the head freezing their entire bodies in an instant, while the rest fell pierced the ground causing many yeti to slip or become stuck in the ice.

With the hordes' advance had slowed to a crawl the ponies stationed atop the neighboring buildings began raining arrows and rocks atop the slowed middle of the horde. Frost Maim’s anger built before snapping into a loud blood-curdling roar. Shattering the nearby window and stunning the roof ponies, the roar had awakened a primal fury in the front line yeti causing them to throw their weapons aside and charge on their arms and legs like wild beasts towards the fortified barricades with their Ax-wielding leader behind them.

The ponies found new fear in the sight of the beast's charge but refused to relent continuing to fire into the stampede. Celestia and Luna blasted at frost maim from the sky but the Frostblight was dampening their spells' effect, reducing them to only a step above average unicorns.

“We can’t bring him down,” Celestia shouted as her blast was deflected by the ax-wielding brute.

“We can still stall his approach” Luna responded blasting at the Yeti again keeping him from approaching the last barrier as his horde continued.

Within moments the horde collided with the barricade bashing and clawing at the makeshift walls. shining and cadence focused their magic to prevent the brutes from breaking a hole in the defenses forcing them to climb, while the ponies bombarded them with rocks, spells, and arrows. However a few yeti managed to get over the barricade and began to lash at the rear guard, The crystal monarchs and front ponies couldn’t leave their posts lest the rest of the horde storm in.

The invading Yeti began lashing at the ponies but were quickly stunned by sudden bright flashes and colored smokes. Confused the yeti coughed up rainbows as the smoke surrounded them.

“Ha ha ha, foolish yeti, you have no idea who you’re messing with,” a voice echoed around the beasts causing them to look around the smoke engulf the area.” Now prepare to face the wrath of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” on cue a flurry of cards engulfed in an indigo aura flew through the smoke striking the beasts with a small explosive impact, while the damage was minor the consistency wore down the brutes, then through the smoke a black blur zip through the beasts stopping behind one.

Clover stood confidently, her Katana in hand with blood staining the edge as one of the yeti collapsed to the ground. “Scratch one!” yell boasted not noticing the other yeti to the side as it attempted to strike her but was suddenly knocked on its back with a golfball-sized hole in its chest. A loud bang echoed through the air omitting the clashing of metal and the roars of the Yeti. Those behind the barricade were in awe as their gaze moved to the source, at the doors of the crystal palace clasping his aching head blackjack leaning on his smoking polearm, looking like the yeti struck him.

“Ugh... why did I do that.” he shook his head from the throbbing pain.

Regaining their senses the Yeti roared and rushed to attack him, further irritating his headache.

“Too loud.” he strained, raising his hand to torch the rest with his black flames. The blaze engulfed the beast before fading leaving the scorched yeti sprawled across the ground. “Guess the frost blight does more than just freeze my balls,” he commented reading the stat effect as he reloads his fire lance

Frost Blight Lv2
“Plague of the frozen burn.”

-All non ice element magic effects are reduced by 40%
-Boosts cold damage by 30%

Across the Barricade, Frost maim continued to block the princesses' magic attack. His front line horde was on their last winds.

“Do it Now!” Sombra commanded, prompting the brute to slam the pole of his ax to the ground. As the ponies put down the last berserking Yeti the crystals of their armor began to glow purple.

“Get Down!” Shining yelled, grabbing his wife as he jumped from the barricade wall prompting the rest to do the same with only seconds to spare the Sparkle siblings raised their shields. The other unicorns did the same as the wall burst in dark energy, the shock of the blast wave crashed against the barriers. The ponies were protected from the blast itself but the kinetic energy from the attack broke through blowing away the remaining guards. Only the siblings' shields held strong.

“What happened?” Twilight asked shaken

“He blew them up...His own soldiers.” Shining growled angered by the Yeti’s brutality

“What kind of monster does that?” Rainbow added

“A Boss Monster.” Blackjack stepped forward drinking another stamina potion, the hangover didn’t leave but it at least helped with the distracting pain.

The princesses rejoined the group behind the barriers as Frost maim Marched through the cloud of dark smoke and scorched crystals.

“Heart!” he grunted, pointing his weapon towards the crystal heart before entering a combat stance.

“Your master will gain nothing here” Luna shouted as she stepped forward charging her magic

“And you will go no further!” Celestia joined her sister’s side.

“Yeah we’ll kick you and your armies flanks” Clover yelled, flying next to Rainbow Dash with her sword ready.

“Thin the herd,” Sombra ordered, instinctively the Yeti violently waved his hand casting a massive gust of frost wind, within moments everyone and everything in the immediate area was coated in frost, the average ponies were frozen solid, Twilight and Luna were dropped to a kneel, shivering with frost patches across their bodies, thanks to the powers of the sun and the potent warmth of Love, the elder sisters were able to stand strong against the cold.

“That was close. These two aren’t made for the cold.” a bright light came into view as Blackjack spoke up from the back of the group, the alicorns looked back, and surprisingly the human's entire body was engulfed in flames holding the shivering Clover and Spike under his now blazing arms.

Used Skill: Flame Mantle

Twilight signed in relief that the dragons were safe but her concern for the rest of her friends. As she looked toward their frozen forms, their expressions were still confident and ready for a fight.

“They’re still alive, just trapped.” the inflamed human said, joining the Alicorns at the front.

“W-what k-kind of m-magic was t-that?” a shivering Luna asked.

"Frost Wave, A burst spell that covers an area in an icy wind, freezing unprotected opponents solid.”

“How do we stop it?” Celestia asked as she helped her sister to her hooves

“Wait for it to wear off,” Blackjack placed the dragons upon the night princesses back as she moved behind them.”Or kill the caster.” he finished unsheathing his sword.

“Heh, finally something Simple” Cadence chuckled brushing the ground with her hoof as a mini cloud exited her angrily flared nostrils.

“Uhh, C-Cadence?” Twilight spoke surprised at her sister-in-law's new face of aggression.

“Go check on Flurry Twilight, make sure she’s warm and has her whammy,” Cadence said in a horrifyingly calm tone “I’ll be there soon, Mama just needs to try on her New. Fur. Coat.” Her comment caused both the human and sun princess to briefly look at each other with concern.

The book pony gulped before immediately trotting away to join Luna at the palace doors, together they combined what magic they could muster to move the rest of the frozen ponies into the palace before slamming them shut.

The Yeti Lord stood proudly amidst the icy winds. His eyes locked on his three remaining opponents, a toothy grin spread across his jaw. “Strong...You...are...Strong” his tone was oddly respectful despite its ferocity as he assumed his combat stance. Blackjack could see his health bar as it loaded above the beast's head.

Frost Maim: Yeti Lord
HP: 10000/10000

“Any advice for this foe Blackjack?” Celestia asked, preparing her magic attack.

“Stay warm, avoid the ax, and hit it till it dies,” he responded, drawing his Jian as he rushed to the beast.

“Good advice” Cadence chuckled following the human.

Blackjack's iron blade clashed against the crystalline mass as the yeti blocked his strikes with decent precision while the spells were launched off target by the frigid winds emanating from his body.

“Ugh! These winds are throwing off our aim.” Cadence complained as another blast missed the yeti.

“Then we must try a more direct approach,” Celestia responded by charging at the beast herself, Cadence grinned as she took to the sky. Just as the yeti was about to strike at Blackjack he was struck in his chest by a bright pink blur before being buck in his back by Celestia, pushing him straight to the human's next attack.

Used Skill: Rising Moon.

From a kneeling position, Blackjack slashed upwards creating a flash in the shape of a crescent moon. With barely seconds of time, the Yeti managed to turn its body, pushing the ax and his arm to take the harshest part of the attack before responding with a quick punch, pushing the blocking human back a few feet. He was wounded but still eager for battle, resuming his stance as the Princesses made another attack.

Celestia bombarded him with blasts of light magic, holding him in his position for cadence to begging her next swift charge from the sky but as she made her pass the yet managed to dodge grabbing her neck as she flew in.

“Cadence!” Celestia yelled ceasing her fire

“Kgh-Keep….shooting!” The struggling Alicorn yelled, keeping the Yeti's grip from tightening with her forehooves. Blackjack was quick to respond by continuing his attacks, focusing on close piercing attacks to prevent the beast from using his hostage as a shield. Celestia ignited her horn but was unwilling to fire and risk hitting her niece, so instead, she brushed the ground with her hooves before Galloping at the brute, her horn glowing with light as she approached.

Frost Maim continued to block the human's slashes while attempting some of his own before a sudden sharp pain struck his side. Letting out a pained roar as he looked down to see the alicorn's horn piercing his side.

“Got you!” Celestia yelled, but before her spell could fire the yeti quickly bashed the alicorn with her niece dislodging her from his side and throwing the crystal princess to the side. Before he could catch another breath he was assaulted by another attack from Blackjack.

Used skill: Diamond slash.

Four cuts skewed across the Yeti's body forming a bloody diamond into his chest, as it reels back in pain Blackjack raising his hand toward his target.

Used Skill: Incinerate

A torrent of flames burst from his hand and covered the yeti in its blaze, but they quickly dissipated as fresh icy winds blew from frost maims body. The wounds upon his body froze red before shattering away revealing the healed flesh. His breath was deep and his eyes filled with rage. As the winds increased their strength spread like a typhoon.

“Calm yourself Frost Maim. you still have your task to complete” Sombra commanded bringing his beast back to his senses. “ you will have your moment to slay the ape, steal the heart and he will come to you.”

With his orders clear the Yeti let out a deep exhale bringing out more icy mist as he hoisted his ax into the air, the weapon began to glow with energy as the storm receded into it. “Dark...Blizzard!” He road swinging the ax with all his might unleashing a heavy blast of dark clouded snow. Before anyone could react the area became engulfed in a dark fog snowfall and heavy winds as it spread wide to the outer area of the palace and to the still ongoing battle just beyond, everything was covered in the blizzard, and amongst the bellow of the winds.

“Hehehe, Now...it’s mine.” the king laughed as the city was covered in the dark icey fog.” it’s all mine!”

Silence, the frigid wind blows through the snow-covered streets of the once-great crystal empire, the entire city matching the frozen tundra that surrounds it. Frost Maim's eyes opened to see the results of his attack, dark black clouds above a pure white blanket with his prize sitting just ahead. He savored the moment of his victory as he slowly moved towards the crystal heart, the crunch of the snow echoed in the silent air as he trekked towards his prize. He took a moment to appreciate the floating gem before removing it, almost instantly the crystalline material of the palace and surrounding buildings began to dim in luster and shine. He marched away with the heart clutched in his grip and his ax rested on his shoulder disappearing into the icy fog passing the severed claw of spikes statue holding a broken heart...

Author's Note:

Wow, that took longer than expected but after a ton of rewrites I finally got this one out. Its been a long year but im hoping to keep improving.

Screw you 2020 and as always there will be more soon.