• Published 21st Apr 2019
  • 9,150 Views, 324 Comments

Death March to Equestria - Toxicfox

After a long death march and his deadline closing Jason Black is finally able to sleep before his next but when he awakens he's not only on another world but a new body

  • ...

Slow Grind

Castle of Friendship, Library, 8:37am

Twilight walks down the stairs with a mug of coffee floating next to her " Alright time to get ready to open the library" she says taking a sip of the drink and opening the libraries main doors. Upon opening the Doors she almost spits out her coffee as she's surprised by the sight of Trixie floating through the library aisles. " Trixie!? what are you doing here so early?" she yells out catching the unicorns attention.

"Oh good morning Twilight" Trixie says casually greeting her " Master Blackjack asked Trixie to borrow some books for him"

"Trixie the library hasn't opened yet and besides you know the rules, You can't borrow any more books until the previously borrowed books are..." before she finishes Trixie floats the books Clover borrowed to the table next to Twilight."....Returned." Twilight says deadpan. " Sigh ok what kind of book does he need this time?"

"Books on Equestrian engineering and the history of the Industrial age." Trixie says Floating to another aisle.

"....Why?" Twilight asks raising an eyebrow.

"Don't know, but if he wants it I have to get it" Trixie shrugs as she continues to browse the shelves.

"...Ok." Twilight says slightly taken back at Trixie's words, she'd never seen the unicorn so devoted to anyone not even starlight. "Well your looking in the wrong area, that's the renaissance section" she says as her magic to the opposite end of the row grabbing several books and stacking them on the table." Here, the 4 volumes of the Industrial Revelation, and the complete Biographies of Greasy Gears and Tin Tinker."

"Oh perfect." Trixie says floating down to twilight and handing her Blackjacks library card.
They both walk to the front desk and twilight begins stamping the book cards.

"So where's Blackjack now? Twilight asks curious

Party's R Us, Same time

Blackjack is in the back room of the store sitting in front of a white board with Star Sparks the manager and Fireworks maker of the store explaining the basics of crafting fireworks. Sparks was a Teal unicorn with a orange and blue mane cut short. "... And that's the arrangement of materials that create the crackling effects." The unicorn explains pointing to the diagram.

["Sigh, this is dull at least with Trixie's progression in potion brewing my alchemy skills were already developed."]

Alchemy: Level 20 <Skill Unlocked: Advanced Potion Brewing>
Recipe Acquired: Bottle rockets
Recipe Acquired: Poneman Candle
Recipe Acquired: Willow rocket

BlackJack had paid the pony a large bag of bits for information and lessons on the art of explosives. His boredom aside he actually learned some very useful things such as the recipe for fire powder, the pony equivalent for gun powder as well as how to install delayers into the fireworks and craft colored smoke bombs.

"Alright, next we'll begin your course in crafting fire crackers, great for sudden celebrations and loud pranks" the unicorn passionately says erasing and drawing a new diagram.

[ "God this is boring, I wish there was a faster.. way....to..."]

Blinking twice BlackJack open his inventory and selects the item: XP Enhance, Drinking the potion as he continues the lecture, his skill levels were increasing at a much faster rate.

Alchemy: Level 25
Alchemy: Level 30- <Skill Unlocked: Poison Crafting>
Alchemy: Level 35
Alchemy: Level 40- <Skill Unlocked: Pyrotechnics>
["Never thought I'd say it but thank god for pay to win items!!"]

Canterlot Castle, Throne room, 12:45 pm

Celestia and Luna were holding court going over the weeks schedule. Standing before them were the Captain of The Solar guard Gilded Wings, Fancy pants and Prince Blue Blood. "Alright, our preparations are complete for our trip to the crytal faire. Captian you will keep Canterlot's security at mid level while we are away" Celestia announces

"As you command,Princess" the Stallion respond bowing

"Blue Blood will lead all court proceedings in our absence, be sure to inform the court Fancy pants" Luna commands

"Of course" Fancy responds with a courteous bow"

"Auntie, how should I handle the....creature" Blue Blood asks

"You will continue to monitor him and report any and all findings upon our return, only contact us directly if it's and emergency" Celestia responds with a regal tone. " He is no threat to Equestria at the moment, so do try to avoid antagonizing him."

"As you wish" Blue blood responds, before he and the other two exit leaving only the princesses in the room.

"Should we be worried Tia?" Luna asks concerned

"Blue Blood may be...is a complete ass but he at least knows how to follow orders when given" Celestia says leaning back in her throne "So long as he remains in Canterlot the odds of him upsetting Blackjack are zero."

Suddenly a scroll appears by messenger breath. Celestia opens it with Luna leaning in to read with her.

Dear Princess Celestia,

After an interview with Blackjack I have made several discoveries in my study of his magic system and abilities.

First off his control of dark magic, it seems in his system dark magic is just class of elemental magic and has no corruption effects whatsoever.while he specializes in Dark magic he is still fully capable of casting other elemental and arcane spell which I intend to investigate further.

His magic seems to be purposed for practical reasons rather than convenience as all his spells fall into at least one of these three categories:

Attack: Spells use to cause physical or environmental destruction
Defense: Spells made for protecting from attacks of numerous types
Support: Spells made to enhance a person and their allies or weaken enemies

While I feel as though it's more complicated, the three categories are the basis of his types of magic.

Secondly with his abilities, his magical power is separate from his physical strength meaning that if his magic is drained there will be no cost to his body or mind. According to Blackjack it's due to his training in a unique class of occupation known as a Mage Knight; a Warrior who is trained in advanced magic as well as martial arts, similar to the Elite Royal Guard and Royal Mages.

I have confirmed that ponies can perform his spells and vice versa as both Starlight and I were able to perform his basic attack and defense spells but at a higher energy cost than our usual spells. I believe that an average unicorn will use most of their magic to perform a single one of blackjacks spells while advanced mages will be able to use multiple spells before magic depletion occurs.

I am honestly surprised how Blackjack was able to perform our unicorn spells with little to no issue and in some cases he even seemed to enhance the spells effects. I also have a theory that he has some kind of ability to transfer his knowledge to others as just this morning Trixie arrived at the library using the same advanced levitation magic that we showed blackjack the previous night, I believe that it may have something to do with the Spade Mark enveloping Trixie's cutie mark as it emits the aura of his magic. I will need to further study this.

I feel as though we have only scratched the surface of this and I will continue my reasearch after the crystal faire.

Signed Twilight Sparkle

Celestia rerolls the scroll "Perfect, we've not only confirmed that unicorns are fully capable of learning his spells but basic analysis of his skills." she says pleased.

"Indeed, but do you think he'll willingly share that knowledge with us? Luna asks

"he was generous enough to share his magic with three ponies already, so I can't see why not?" Celestia says optimistic

"Tia you know as well as I do that no creature does anything for free." Luna states

"True but what can we offer? He has plenty of gold and jewels from his mine and that pack of Diamond dogs ease his burden of work. "Celestia says rubbing her chin.

"And I feel that the Gala would only bore him given his taste in parties" Luna adds with a slight chuckle. "What if we share our magical knowledge with him?"

"Out of the question we can't risk him gaining control over the sun and moon." Celestia responds sternly.

"Fair enough but if these new creatures continue to appear we will need his assistance" Luna responds

" They are no grave concern so long as they keep to the wilds." Celestia answers. "We may need to ask Twilight and the others on this matter they seem to understand him better than either of us."

"We'll have plenty of time for that after the Crystal Faire." Luna adds placing a hoof on her sisters shoulder "Let's focus on that for now." Celestia nods in agreement as they both exit the throne room

Pony Ville, 1:33 pm

Blackjack walks through the town looking through his new recipes and skills.

Acquired Title: Expert Alchemist
Alchemy 75
The mixing of nature and science for the betterment of ones self and others


["Sweet, that went better than I expected not only did I learn how to make gun powder but I also gained more alchemy skills"] Blackjack grins proudly as he walks eager to get home and test his new skills. As he continues to scroll his eyes keep wander back to the count down. He was less concerned for himself and more for the low leveled denizens of Pony ville but he was unsure of how to warn them when he himself had no clue of what was coming, the best he could do is prepare for the event and aim for minimal casualties.

Deck fort, 1:57pm

Blackjack sits in his chair reading the engineering books that Trixie had obtained from the library.

<Lore Acquired: Industrial Revelation>
<Lore Acquired: Greasy Gears Biography>
Skill Tree Unlocked: Engineering

["Seems the ponies industrial developments are based on old human designs and relics they found over time. that explains their industrial age technology."] Blackjack continues reading through the book carefully studying greasy gears reverse engineered designs for steam engines and other industrial age machines as well as original designs from greasy gears himself.

Schematic gained: Minor Steam engine
Schematic gained: Prosthetic limbs (Pony)
Schematic gained: Steam Zeppelin
Schematic gained: Wing extenders
Schematic gained: Automatic chariot

"Interesting, these should be useful.....with some Improvement" he says closing the book and placing it on the table. "Sad that most of his more interesting inventions never made it past the design phase. Then again the best ideas are often the hardest to make."

Hills outside of Pony Ville, 3:25 pm

Trixie and Starlight enjoy a nice picnic on the hill chatting about the goings on in their lives. "....and after a whole mess of convincing I finally got my dad to stop using his dumb filly talk." Starlight says sipping her tea.

"hahaha, wow and I thought twilight was pushy" Trixie laughs.

"Not as pushy as you apparently, Twilight told me about this morning" she says snarky

"Did she mention how the great and powerful Trrrixie !!! Mastered the levitation spell" she boasts confidently.

"She did, after spending three hours complaining about how you broke into the library and messed up her stacking system. But I am proud of you for advancing your magic." Starlight says with a smile.

"Yep Master Blackjack is a great teacher."

"I'll say, his attack and defense spells are far more advanced than your average unicorn spells and the ones he showed us are just the basics" she says excited "I would love to learn more."

"Then why don't you join us?" Trixie says with a big smile

"Oh come on BlackJack already has you and Clover why would he want to add the stress of teaching me?" she says nervously

"To be honest, he doesn't really teach so much as make you work, and bring out your potential" Trixie explains.

"Really? then how do you know all those spells?"

"Well...I just...kind of...know them" Trixie says slightly confused of her own statement. "I think it has something to do with the pact."

"Pact? you mean the spade surrounding your cutie mark?" Starlight asks motioning her eyes toward Trixie's flank

"Yep, Master Blackjack says it gives him the ability to see ones abilities and apply ones inner strength to their preferred stats."

"Stats?" Starlight asks confused

"Statistics; Strength, Endurance, Vitality, Intelligence, Dexterity, and Luck. Each of these stats make up a creatures physical traits and abilities." Trixie explains with starlight eagerly listening to her. "Master Blackjack said I had a lot of unused potential and after making the pact I he used it to make me even more great and powerful." she say confidently.

"That is amazing but it seems weird letting someone else control your abilities" she adds concerned. "Isn't it kind of like enslaving you?"

"Hehe I thought the same thing" Trixie says with a chuckle. "But it's not like that."

"Then what's it like?"

"It's kind of like having a manager" she says pouring another cup of tea. " He manages my work and helps me progress while I help him with his goals" she finishes taking a sip.

"What are his goals exactly? From what I've seen, all he does is sleep, eat, drink, and sit in his workshop" Starlight asks curious.

"I don't know." Trixie says shrugging casually before taking another sip leaving starlight with a confused look on her face.

"Wait, if you don't know what he wants how can you help him?" Starlight asks tilting her head.

"The same way I help every creature. With my great and powerful presence!!!" Trixie boasts

"We're so grateful for your generosity" Starlight says sarcastically rolling her eyes causing Trixie to glare before they both burst out laughing." Hehe ok ,say I do join what could I expect from the great and powerful Blackjack" she says air quoting

"With master BlackJack everyday is an adventure and every night is a party." Trixie answers causing starlight to raise her eyebrow with skepticism. "Well at least once everyday we venture into the Ever free to hunt monsters, He calls it grinding."


"Yeah I don't get it either" Trixie responds with a shrug "I think it's human for training or something but after grinding and other stuff we enjoy the night with music, drinks and a short performance from the Great and Powerful Trrixie!!!"

"That does sound pretty fun" Starlight says scratching her chin "But I really shouldn't rush into this."

"Fair enough" Trixie responds " But the offers always open"

Deck Fort, workshop, same time

Blackjack stands at the Crafting station surrounded by the scattered parts of disassembled clocks, speakers and lights from the main room.

Engineering: Level 10- < Basic Machinations>
Title Acquired: Apprentice Engineer

["Guess I was right, taking other machines apart boosts the skill points."] blackjack closely observes the engineering's status bar as he crafts the numerous small parts from the menu.

<Iron Screws x40 crafted>
<Small steel spring x40 crafted>
<Iron tube x 20 crafted>
Engineering: Level 15
With each part the bar slowly raises." let's give this a try" he grabs a design from his desk and places it on the crafter

Schematic gained: <Small Iron Bomb>
<Small Iron Bomb x7 crafted>
Engineering: Level 17

"hmm" blackjack grabs one of the bombs and lights the fuse and surrounds it in a small magic shield"...Three…Four...Five" suddenly the bomb explodes coating the interior of the shield in soot. "Sweet, it works" He says pleased blacking the rest of the bombs into a chest before grabbing one of the diamond dogs iron spears from the wall and places it on the crafting table. "Now lets try the lance"

<Iron fire lance crafted>
Engineering: Level 20- <Basic Mechanisms >

"Nice, now I just add the powder" he says pouring the gunpowder into the iron tube. "next I need ammo, in olden days these lances used rocks but I'm better than that." Blackjack sets the lance on a nearby weapon rack and exits the workshop and walks to his chair. "lets see what did they use before bullets? rocks are too imprecise and arrows would just burn up." Blackjack sits and ponders his options when suddenly clover bursts through the door.

"Hi Dad!" she says suddenly entering on a skateboard while holding a box in her arms.

"Hey kid where've you been?" he says watching her roll in.

"I made friends with the cutie mark crusaders and they showed me all kinds of fun things to try" She says rolling up to his chair.

"I can tell, cool skateboard."

"Thanks, Scoots let me borrow it" she smiles spinning in place on the board

"that's nice, but no skating in the house" he orders

"Aw why not?" she wines slouching

"One. your going to break something, Two, you'll hurt yourself and Three because I said so." he says leaning forward.

"humph fine" Clover pouts kicking the board to her hand and walking off.

[I'm glad she's making friends with other kids]

Blackjack smiles watching her walk to the stairs before returning to his thoughts.[ "hmm gems would be good but the dogs value them too much."]

"Oh Buck!" clover yells as the sudden sound of shattering glass fills the room "I lost my marbles!" Blackjacks eyes shoot open with sudden realization.

["I'm so dumb"] he face palms as he shakes his head ashamed before getting up from his chair and levitating over the scattered marbles and glass to the young dragon looking nervous. Landing on the stairs in front of her he pets her head and hands her a broom. " No fire" he says before floating back to his workshop grabbing one of the marbles on the way, closing the door behind him he activates the crafting table.

Outside Pony Ville, Near the Ever free, 5:54

Trixie and Starlight walk towards the deck fort continuing their conversation about blackjack and his antics. "So he just drinks it black?"

"Every morning..." Trixie nods in agreement "...from a goblet."

"Wow I'm surprised his head doesn't ex..."


"...splode" starlight finishes before her and Trixie run to the deck fort. Upon bursting through the door they're greeted by the sight of a dozen dog guards lined up and covering their ears from the loud boom some even whining. The two ponies walk to the front of the crowd and spot blackjack standing at the front holding an odd staff with smoke emitting from the top.

"..and Voila " Blackjack says pointing over to a practice dummy sporting a diamond dog chest plate with a decent sized dent in it, seeing the results of the shot the dogs begin to clap their paws while starlight and Trixie look confused and surprised at the event.

"Oh hey Trixie. back already?" he says seeing his student and starlight at the front row.

"h-hey master what you got there?" she says nervously pointing at the staff.

"The newest advancement in home defense." he says casually leaning the staff on his shoulder." It's called a fire lance, it uses fire powder to launch metal at a target at high speed." he explains before grabbing the dogs attention. " Alright I'm going to explain how it works so pay attention" he announces. "you take one vial of powder and pour it in the tube, then load one shot" he says performing the acts. " then you place the fuse in and light it" he lights the fuse and points the lance at the dummy and right as he does the lance blasts another shot into the chest plate making another dent. The dogs applauded at the demonstration impressed." I want you all to practice with these everyday so you can get used to loud noise and the concept of fire arms." he says gesturing to the crate holding a dozen more lances.

"Uh Master?" a guard speaks up catching everyone's attention. " Why not use crossbows? They're faster and easier to use." this comment surprised the rest of the guards as they all feared the punishment of questioning Blackjacks orders.

Blackjack stared at the dog for a brief moment before gesturing for him to approach, the dog obeyed and step forward, starlight and Trixie were just as nervous as the rest wonder what blackjack would do. "What's your name?" he asks the dog with a calm but stern tone.

"B-Bones...Sir" The dog nervously says immediately shaking as the human approaches.

"Take off you helmet" Blackjack orders, the dog slowly removes his helmet and removes his helmet. Bones was a Doberman type dog with a black and brown coat and pointed ears. all eyes where on both of them the dogs where shaking in their armor as they watched blackjack raise his hand toward bone's head. Bones closed his eyes and winced in fear before feeling Blackjacks hand gently pet him.

"Good question Bones." he says petting him with a proud smile. Starlight and Trixie sigh in relief along with the rest as blackjack continued to pet the frightened guard. Bones tail began to wag as his fear subsided. " You're right crossbows would be much easier to handle but that's not why I want you to use the lances."

"It's not?" Bones asks curiously tilting his head

Blackjack shakes his head and walks next to him to address the rest. "it's for this.." he says throwing one of the iron bombs high into the air and blasting it with his magic. the loud explosion causes all the dogs to yelp, cover their ears and duck. before looking back at their leader. " To train you to resist the stunning effect of loud noises" he says as the dogs return to their feet, "If you want to be stronger you have to adapt to your weaknesses, that way their effect won't be as drastic." hearing this the dogs nod and murmur acknowledging this fact.

"I see, you are very smart master" Bones says bowing his head.

"and so are you" Blackjack says petting his head once again. "you're a good boy Bones" hearing this praise caused the Doberman's tail to wag rapidly. "Don't be afraid to ask questions. Freedom of speech is the right of all creatures" he announces causing the whole fort to erupt in applause and cheers and Starlight's eyes to widen in Amazement even though he treats them like pets he values their opinions and talks to them like equals, Starlight watches the dogs and even Trixie clap and cheer and with that she began to understand why Trixie accepted his pact.

["Score one for the constitution"] Blackjack Smiles as he lifts Bones helmet into his hands, after examining it his face shifted from a smile to cringe. The design of the helmet triggered every bit of his artistic mind. [ "God this is ugly, it's like a cartoony bike helmet.] his vison shifts to his guards seeing them all sporting the same helmets and chest plates.

["I guess I was so busy with other stuff I never really noticed"] Blackjack looked back down at the hideous helmet before a sudden strike of inspiration brought a smile to his face as he searched through his list of pony spells. [ "There it is."]

This Spell allows the user to alter the form of an object to new form of the users choice. <requires a mental image of the new form in detail to complete>

Closing his eyes Blackjack begins to cast the spell, his hands glowing with the dark purple aura of his magic as it envelops the helmet. All the creatures take notice and watch as the helmet begins to change. After a few seconds Blackjack was now holding and Iron samurai like helmet with ears and a masked shaped for a dogs muzzle.

(basically this but with a little less detail and a spade on the headdress)

Blackjack removes the mask part and places the helmet on bones head." There much better" he says admiring his work. "how does it fit?" he asks Bones holding up a hand mirror he conjures up.

"Amazing Master!" he responds rapidly wagging his tail.

"Perfect" he says smiling as he casts the spell on the rest of the guards helmets. the dogs admire each other overjoyed at their new helmets. "The masks are for combat only, so there's no need to wear them while your on duty" he says before turning away walking back to the house. "I'll design some new armor to go with it later. now get training." after that the crowd disperses to resume their duties with the guards each grabbing a lance and ammo from the crate. Trixie and Starlight follow blackjack into the house.

"That was amazing master!" Trixie says as blackjack plops into his chair "you really know how to work a crowd."

"yeah, I thought you were going to punish him or something" Starlight adds

"Why would I do that?" Blackjack asked confused

"Well usually when a creature questions their leaders orders, they're usually punished." Starlight adds

"Why? it's not like one question ever ruined a whole system"

"hehe ..yeah...I guess...your... right." Starlight laughs nervously remembering her actions in her village. "Ahem any way, I had a question of my own."

"Shoot" Blackjack says pointing to starlight

" Why'd you make those lances when you could craft magic weapons instead?"

"Yeah I was wondering that too?" Trixie adds "I mean you could have easily made them magic weapons to defend the fort so why those loud lances?"

Blackjack sat back to think of a reason, he had to admit making magic weapons would be far easier to mass produce but telling them that the lances were better at killing things seemed like a terrible idea ["Dammit how do justify this?] BlackJack quickly scrolled through his menu to find something to help his case and right when he was losing hope he found his reason in the Diamond dogs lore tab. " The dogs don't have or understand magic, they only have thier brute strength, instincts, and knowledge of metals. So before I make them use something they don't understand I'm giving them something that they are at least familiar with." ["Please buy that. "]

"Oh, I think I understand, you want to help them slowly adapt to magic by showing them how it works scientifically" Starlight says understanding

"Y-yeah that's it" [ Thank God!"] BlackJack responds.

"That's an amazing method" starlight says with a smile "I bet twilight would love to hear more."

"Ugh great more prying questions" BlackJack says slouching in his chair

" Hehe Don't worry,I'll try to tell her what I can so she doesn't bombard you with too many questions" Starlight responds with a snarky laugh before exiting the house. "Trixie don't forget, the train leaves at nine tomorrow."

"I won't" she says waving goodbye.

"Train?" Blackjack asks confused

"Yeah for the crystal faire. didn't you read pinkies invite?"

"Uh..." he says glancing over to the piles of invitations for numerous events and celebrations dating into the next five years. "...must've missed it."

"Right.." she responds also looking at the pile of pink envelopes." Well Starlight told me that it's a three day event in the northern kingdom of the Crystal Empire." Blackjacks eyebrows raise after hearing this

"Crystal Empire?" he asks curious"

"The Kingdom in the north where the crystal ponies live under the rule of the Princess of Love" Trixie explains " I've never been there before so I'm excited to go and I know clover will be thrilled"

"True a change in scenery will help" he says leaning back in his chair [ "plus, the flavor text mentioned something about the threat being in the north."] Blackjack begins to smile and whistles within seconds Ginger, Milly and the stooges all rush to him.

"Yes, master?" they say in unison kneeling before him

"Trixie ,Clover and I will be going away for a few days to attend the Crystal Faire." he announces

"Master what shall we do while your away?" Rover asks

"The same as usual, Continue the construction of the smeltery as well as the training with the lances. I'll leave written instructions for you before I leave." Rover nods acknowledging his orders. " You five will be running the fort until our return, Ginger and Milly will be In charge of the house while you three will manage the compound."

"Master what if the Ponies come to the fort?" Ginger asks watching him walk to the table to read the invitation.

"Well according to this all the important ponies will be at the Faire but just in case place guards at both entrances to the workshop and mines. Until we return only diamond dogs are allowed in and out of the fort." he say walking back to them. "Now be good doggies and guard the fort while I'm away" he says kneeling down to pet them all much to their joy.

"We won't let you down" Milly says nuzzling his hand

"I know you won't" he says smiling. " now back to work"

The Stooges exit the house while Ginger and Milly await further orders wagging their tails eager to server their master." anything else you need Master?" Ginger asks.

"Yes actually, knowing the ponies there probably won't be any meat at the faire, so pack me and Clover some jerky for our trip....and a little extra"

"Extra?" she asks curious

"For the runt" Blackjack says with a chuckle.

While Blackjack was addressing the dogs Trixie had gone upstairs to tell Clover of the trip and of course the young dragon was excited. "YAY! we're going on a trip!" she yells hugging Trixie

"Yep there's going to be food, games and all kinds of shiny stuff." Trixie explains petting the dragons head

"Will there be monsters to fight?" She asks with sparkles in her eyes

"Hehe I doubt it..." she says before her smile turns deadpan remembering the mane six's track record. "But, bring your sword just in case." Clover nods happily and the crew begin their preparations for their trip to the Crystal Empire.

Author's Note:

sorry for taking so long with this one, had a lot of rewrites and personal things to worry about. Next chapter is the begining of the main Plot arc of the Crystal empire and a certain King of Darkness. I'll try not to take too long and as always more to come soon