• Published 21st Apr 2019
  • 9,150 Views, 324 Comments

Death March to Equestria - Toxicfox

After a long death march and his deadline closing Jason Black is finally able to sleep before his next but when he awakens he's not only on another world but a new body

  • ...

Dark Discoveries

Deckfort, training clearing

Trixie stares into the sky, still amazed by the great and powerful spell she unleashed. she couldn't help but smile. " that was really me!" I wasn't even trying to do that and yet the great and powerful Trriixie has truly displayed her power." She says to no one as she strikes a pose. Realizing how awkward her self monologue is without an audience she powers up her horn again and around her 5 more clones appeared and began applauding.

Canterlot, Balcony

Celestia stares at the everfree, hoping to figure out what BlackJack is up too. Soon enough Luna steps out breaking the tense silence.

"Don't do it" she says walking to Celestias side.

" I don't know what you're talking about sister" Celestia says sarcastically as she teleports a parchment and quill and begins writing.

"You've always been cautious of Ancients ever since the Equestrian civil war." Luna says causing her sister to briefly pause her writing. " I understand your concern but we can't be rash in this."

"I know and that's exactly why I'm taking your advice" she says calmy as she sends the freshly written scroll. " I've asked twilight and the others to investigate, If it's nothing then we won't need to worry." She says waking off regally.

"Sister you forgot this" Luna calls, as Celestia looks back she blushes at the sight of Luna smuggly holding up the half eaten plate of strawberry cake she had hidden behind one of the decorative pots on the balcony.

Fluttershy's backyard, 2:23 pm

BlackJack awakens from his nap to see not only Clover but Fluttershy resting thier heads on his chest while the other animals are nestled beneath the tail of his coat and harry beneath his head acting as a large and furry pillow

Acquired Title: Snuggle Buddy

[That's one title I won't be using]

BlackJack still pinned under the weight of pony and dragon begins to pet the two trying to gently wake them until suddenly a massive pillar of dark energy shoots up in the distance. Waking all the sleeping creatures.

W-what is that?" Fluttershy asks shaking and holding the little animals.

"*yawn * Probably Trixie" he says standing as the dark beam subsides." But knowing sunbutt, she's probably gonna blame me." He says giving another yawn

"Well she did seem paranoid about you even after we told her how sweet you are." Fluttershy says petting angel." I'm sure she'll understand once we explain things.

"I hope so" he says stretching " I'd hate for you to turn me into stone" he jokingly says right before Twilight and Spike appear in between them facing fluttershy, Twilight was wearing her element of harmony and carrying a sky blue chest, clearly containing the others.

"Fluttershy, did you see that massive magical light?!"

"I'm pretty sure everyone saw it" he says grabbing both creatures attention. " don't worry I'm sure it's just trixie, practicing her spells."

"Trixie? No way, she could never do anything that.."

"Great and powerful?" BlackJack says finishing her sentence." I know, she's come a long way in so short a time." He says impressed as he watches the parted clouds fade.

"Did you have anything to do with it?" Spike asks suspiciously looking at him.

BlackJack turns and grins at the dragon runt. " Duh, who else?" he says pridefully as he turns back to the fading clouds

Well whatever you did we have to stop it before...

"What I did, was help that mare unlock her full potential" he says turning to them and smiling "what's so wrong with that?"

Twilight wanted to oppose but helping ponies was her and her friends entire role in equestria although she felt uneasy she wanted to give blackjack the benefit of the doubt. " I'm glad your helping a pony reach her potential, would you mind if we check it out?" she asks with an accepting smile.

"sure, we can have a nice lunch after" Blackjack says calmly smiling

Angel whispers into fluttershy's ear, "oh angel wants to know if he can go too, he really likes playing with Clover" fluttershy says with a sweet smile speaking for her pet.

"Pleeease daddy can he?" Clover asks giving her cute puppy eyes causing blackjack to roll his eyes and nod with a smile. "Yay!!" she says as the bunny hops onto her head and holding onto her horns.

"Come on, let's go" he calls as the others join his side.

Skill used: Teleport

a dark purple aura forms around them and in an instant they vanish

Deckfort courtyard, 2:47 pm

Trixie continues to show off her magic with an audience of clones and diamond dogs on break. she performs a combination flips and dark spells. Black Jack and the group appear on the patio of the Deck fort.

"Ok let's go see" he says walking toward the show with the others following behind. They arrive from behind the audience one of the dogs notice but Blackjack puts a finger to his mouth ordering to keep quiet so Trixie won't stop the show, sitting behind the crowd the group watch Trixie's display of magic. Trixie Powers up her horn and whips her head creating a spiral energy around herself, then raising her head to the sky the energy flows back to her horn and forms a large indigo blade around her horn. Twilight's eyes widen at the sight of Trixie slashing an Ever free tree in half with one swing then back flipping back to the audience causing a mass round of applause.

"Thank you! for my last trick the great and powerful Trrrrrixie will perform a card trick." she says pulling out a deck of cards from her cloak. the cards orbit around her at all angles like a celestial body ." Behold the power of the great and powerful Trrrrixie." she says orbiting the cards around her in numerous patters and styles, as they circle around her the cards begin to glow a bright indigo. she points her hoof and one by one the cards slide across her arm and to the trees exploding on impact in bright purple and blue lights. All except Twilight join in the applause as she sat there shocked by Trixie's display.

"Great show Trixie" Blackjack says standing and walking to her.

"Master! when did you get back?" she asks excitedly hugging him.

"a few minutes ago, I saw your light show" he says smiling.

"hehe yeah, that was an accident" she says with an embarrassed smile. " but I did master some new spells she says happily looking up at him.

"I noticed, very impressive" he says as he scrolls through her stat list.

Trixie Lulamoon <Apprentice Illusionist>
Lvl: 32
HP: 500/500
MP: 210/300
Affinity: Dark Magic
Specialization: Illusion

Shadow Clones
Dark Blade
Dark Buff
Ender Beam
Illusionary Fireworks
Object Transformation Minor
Telekinetic Magic

[Not bad she's picking these spells up faster than I expected]

"Now that the shows over let's get some lunch" he says walking back to the house with Clover and angel right behind him.

"So Princess, What did you think of new Great and Powerful Trrrrixie?" she say confidently to twilight who still in disbelief of what she saw. It wasn't the fact that her spells improved, it was her use and mastery of dark magic. Ever since she was a filly she was taught that dark magic was one of the most dangerous and unpredictable type of magic known to corrupt any and all creatures who attempt to learn it.

"It was interesting, I've never seen those spells before. Did Blackjack teach you them?" she asks trying to better understand the blue ponys new power.

"No, they....just sorta came to me" Trixie answers with slight confusion, she was fairly certain that the spells she used belonged to her master but he never showed or taught her any of those spells. maybe there was more to the pact than she thought, but she was sure that it couldn't be bad.

"Girls hurry up before we eat it all!" Blackjack yells from the patio causing the two to simply laugh gallop to the house.

Canterlot Castle, 7:43pm

Celestia stands on the balcony preparing to lower the sun for the night. Luna walks up behind her with a pair of lunar guards who change shifts with Solar guards that were guarding Celestia.

"Evening sister." Luna says greeting Celestia. "How did twilight and the others fair?" Lunas question was answered as Celestia passed her a letter from twilight.

Dear Princess Celestia,

It turns out that the dark magic wasn't coming from Blackjack but from Trixie. Apparently Blackjack has the ability to bring out a creatures potential. Trixie displayed many combat spells in her show, I'm still unsure of what blackjacks teaching methods are according to Trixie he'd never once given her lessons on magic and when I asked her how she learned them she claimed that she just knew them. This will require further research but I believe Blackjack's magic uses a completely different system to ours. I will begin my research after His house Warming party.

Signed, Twilight Sparkle

"Interesting, I knew his magic was unique but I never expected it to be completely different." Luna says rolling up the scroll

"what's interesting is how controlled his magic is, he has full mastery of dark magic and shows no signs of corruption." she says lowering in the sun " and the fact that he can train a Unicorn to use it, is truly fascinating" she says looking at Luna.

"Does that mean your paranoia has finally subsided?" Luna jokes as she raises the moon.

"Somewhat, he's still raises caution but we can at least confirm that he's Sane and capable of helping others, from what I've heard Trixie Lulamoon's magical power was limited to special effects and minor transformation." she responds as the moon illuminates the night sky. " but the energy from earlier was more powerful than even my graduates at the academy, Imagine what he could unlock in a fully trained unicorn mage." Celestia says with a bit of excitement.

"I can only imagine sister, I can only imagine."

Author's Note:

This one was a little here and there but i enjoyed it, Next chapter is party time and Starlights intro to Blackjack. more to come soon :)