• Published 21st Apr 2019
  • 9,149 Views, 324 Comments

Death March to Equestria - Toxicfox

After a long death march and his deadline closing Jason Black is finally able to sleep before his next but when he awakens he's not only on another world but a new body

  • ...

Starry Night Pt 3

Deckfort 1:35 am

BlackJack and Crystal Mist dance together. Crystal's moves were so graceful that other ponies stopped dancing to watch almost entranced by her.

Skill Acquired: Entrancing Aura
Skill Acquired: Entrancement resistance

Blackjack noticed the skill alerts but chose not to buff the resistance as the entrancement was not only stimulating but also increasing his buzz. The song comes to an end and blackjack and Crystal Sit at a nearby table and begin to chat, " your quite the dancer" he says with a calm smile as a dog brings them two drinks

"You learn a lot when you travel across the land" she says taking a sip of her drink

"Fair enough, So what bring you here?" he curiously asks

"I could hear the Music from across the Ever free, so I thought I'd join the fun" she says smiling at him.

"I do love fun" Blackjack says leaning closer to her with a flirtatious grin causing crystal to giggle
["I fucking love this charm skill!!!"]

"So tell me Blackjack, what kind of creature are you?" she asks tilting her head in curiosity.

"I'm a human but your people call me an Ancient" he answers taking another swig of his drink.

"Oh? is that right?" she says with a smile "I heard many things about your kind" she says leaning towards him "...many things" she says seductively narrowing her eyes as they slightly begin to glow

Acquired Skill: Eyes of Persuasion
Acquired Skill Psychic Magic resistance

Blackjack smiles enjoying the mares attention while maxing the resistance to her magical stare." Like what?" he asks

"They were the apex among apex predators, that they commanded advanced magic and technology that surpassed the gods." she says knowledgably

"Huh that so?" he says taking another swig. [ "So the humans here must have been something crazy, especially if they had magic."] While he was in thought, Crystal has inched her chair closer to him, when he notices her she is inches from his face with a seductive stare in her eyes.

At Trixie's table

Trixie watches Blackjack and Crystal flirt and rolls her eyes "unbelievable, he's at it again"

"At what again?" Starlight asks taking a sip of her appletini.

"Charming another creature to get into his bed" she says bored as she drinks her mango madness.

"Wait what!?" Starlight says surprised with a slight blush.

Soon the rest of the party begins to spiral down as most of the guests begin exiting in a drunken mass of sauntering, some of them being couples who are either carrying their drunken partner home or seductively nuzzling them, mostly both. The only ones left where the passed out mane 6, the drunken princesses, the decently sauced starlight, and Spike the gorged purple dragon passed out surrounded by mountains of empty plates and mugs.

Blackjack's Balcony, 2:25 am

Blackjack and Crystal sit and enjoy a fine vintage of royal Equestrian wine that blackjack stole from Canterlot castle, before going to Ponyville. "mmm this is lovely" ["Perfect we're finally alone and those stupid ponies are already incapacitated"] she maintains her seductive and calm look only letting a slight grin escape her face as she finishes her glass

"Care for a refill?" Blackjack offers holding his empty glass.

"yes please" she accepts with glee. As blackjack gets up and turns to the table with the wine, Crystal begins to sneak over to him transforming her horn to it's true form as her eyes turn to their true hostile green. Opening her mouth she attempts to drain him but her eyes widen as her spell fails. [ "What!? How? I can feel his love why can't I absorb it?"] she hastily resumes her disguise as blackjack turns back to her.

"hmm? what's wrong?" he asks handing her the glass.

"N-nothing, nothing at all" she says quickly taking the glass and drinking. "I just.... wanted to be closer to you" she says seductively putting a hoof on his chest. ["Ah I see, His love is extremely potent, too dense to drain remotely."] while she's lost in her thoughts Blackjack steals a kiss, her eyes widen at the sudden surge of power jolting into her. "W-well aren't you bold" she says trying to maintain her composure as she drinks her wine.

"hehe,is that bad?" he asks drinking his entire glass of wine and smiling.

"No, I like boldness" she says getting closer ["Amazing with that one kiss I feel twice as powerful. I must have more"] " I feel like we'll need more wine if we're going to be even bolder." [ "If I can get this brute drunk enough I can drain him without resistance."]

"you had me at more wine" he says tossing his glass and taking a swig from the bottle then passing it to Crystal who giggles at his disregard for class and etiquette .

["Hehe,this will be easier than I thought."] her grin returns as she takes a large swing from the bottle finishing it. Blackjacks eyes widen in surprise and he begins to applaud.

"Wow and here I thought all you ponies where light weights" he says with a chuckle.

"Don't underestimate me! I am a...Qu...Qualified Unicorn after all" she says almost blowing her cover." you'll do best to remember that Blackjack" she says with a smug smile and a regal tone. Blackjack raises an eyebrow at her confidence and smiles

"That so? well then how bout we upgrade to something stronger" he says moving toward the cabinet in his room. and Pulling out a diamond shaped bottle filled with a light brown liquid inside." Here we go" he says placing it on the table.

["This is perfect with that much scotch he'll be out in no time and Then I can feast upon his love"]. Crystal is unable to hide her grin as her plan begins to align itself perfectly. " you think you can out drink me? Scotch just so happens to be a favorite of mine" The Disguised mare says confidently, she had used drinking contests to catch her prey before, creatures are far more submissive and loving when they're completely smashed.[ "This fool underestimates the power of the Changeling Queen"]

"What a Coincidence, Same here" Blackjack says reminiscing of his younger years going shot for shot with his coworkers and friends always having room for more whiskey, and never turning down a drinking challenge.[ "Hehe Silly Pony, you underestimate the power of an Overworked Game Developer!"]

The two stare intently into each others eyes eager to defeat their challenger. "Three, Two....One!" they both yell as they chug their glasses and slam them in unison then immediately reload the cups and go again.

3:16 am

"hic...you're certainly a durable one" Crystal says with a strong buzz ["pass out already you Beast!"]

"I could...hic.. say the same about you." Blackjack responds refilling their cups

3:48 am

"I....can see you drifting hehehe" Blackjack drunkly chuckles

"Oh....Please..this is nothing" Crystal responds.[ "How is he still conscious? We're already halfway through the bottle"]

4:23 am

The Bottle lays empty on the floor of the patio as Blackjack and Crystal make their way to the bed kissing passionately
["Finally….Now….To drain...His..."] her thoughts are interrupted as she sees the glow in his eyes. ["…..His....His...."] her thoughts drift in the passion of the situation and their mutually drunken state as they share another kiss before falling to the bed.

Canterlot Castle balcony, 6:25 am

Celestia and Luna have teleported back to the castle after their long night of Sweet Boozey drinks. Luna drunkenly saunters back to her chambers while Celestia begrudgingly raises the sun." Well....hic that was a fun failure" she say as she saunters herself to her chambers " No secrets, No Evil magic, Just a birthday present" she sighs and flops onto her bed. "Oh well.....at least he...knows how to throw a party." she falls onto her bed as she begins to pass out."....defiantly...Inviting...to...gala"

Deck Fort, same time

The sun shines through the curtains of blackjacks room and onto the face of the Sleeping Crystal Mist "Ugh....Damn you Celestia" she says using her magic to close the curtains and attempt to resume her slumber but seconds later her eyes burst open after realizing where she was, laying in the grasp of the slumbering Blackjack. Chrysalis turns into a snake and slinking out of his arms and returning to her true form. ["what? how did I?"] she slowly backs away and her back hoof bumps into the large empty scotch bottle on the floor " Oh no, I didn't?" she says denying as blackjack rolls over revealing his bare body to the queen. " Dear Hive, I did" she says face palming and suddenly noticing that all the holes in her legs were gone. realizing that she accomplished her goal chrysalis smiled and began to approach Blackjack with the intent to cocoon him but as she approached she sensed that his power remained unchanged but his love was gone. Not wanting to risk waking the sleeping human, Chrysalis transforms into a bird and flies to the far end of the ever free.

Deck fort, 9:48 am

Blackjack awakens to a bitter headache and the sight of another set of Status updates.

Skill Acquired: Essence Drain
Skill Acquired: Drain resistance
<Crystal Mist has been conquered>
<Unicorn tree Unlocked>

"Ugghh, I haven't drank that much since that office party" He says sitting up and rubbing his head. After orienting himself he noticed that he was in bed alone and Crystal was no where to be seen on his mini map." Huh.. I guess I got Hit and Quitted." Blackjack shrugs and dresses himself lazily hanging his jacket over his shoulders like a cloak and walking down the stairs. Blackjack is greeted by the hilarious sight of the dogs cleaning around the passed out rainbow dash and applejack.

"Oh! Good morning master!" Ginger says turning to Blackjack and bowing her head.

"ughh morning Ginger" he says patting her head as he walked past her.

"Your coffee is on the counter" she says gesturing to the goblet

" *yawn * good girl " he says scratching her ears as he walks to the patio. upon exiting he see's Trixie and Starlight sitting at the table enjoying their own cups of coffee.

"good morning master" Trixie says casually " will your friend be joining us for breakfast?"

"Nope she's already gone" he says stretching as he sits to join them. "Too bad, she was a great drinker"

Ginger arrives with Breakfast, a platter of eggs, hay bacon, and fruit salad for the group and for Blackjack a plat of eggs sausage and bacon.

"Where are the others?" Blackjack asks beginning to eat

"Twilight took spike and rarity home, Pinky left to open sugar cube corner with the cakes and Clover is still asleep with Flutter shy and angel in her room." Trixie answers.

"Me and Starlight were going to take Applejack and Rainbow Dash home after Breakfast." Starlight adds

"Cool" Blackjack says nodding and continuing to eat.

"So Blackjack, Trixie says your great at magic would you mind showing me some of it after we take those two home?" Starlight asks with a bright smile.

"Sure, I promised Trixie some master student time but first.." he summons a small green Potion from his inventory and chugs it

<Stamina restored>

"Whew much better" he says relieved from his hangover, leaving starlight surprised

Was that a? she asks before being cut off by Trixie

"A minor stamina potion" it can restore any creatures stamina, and even relieves minor status ailments" Trixie says expertly

"Gold star" Blackjack says praising his student while chewing

"Wow Trixie I didn't know you were an expert on potions" Starlight says impressed with her friend

"hehe the Great and Powerful Trixie, has learned to brew all manner of potions thanks to Master Blackjack" she says confidently.

After breakfast Starlight and Trixie feed potions to AJ and Rainbow and walk them out of the compound.

"That was an awesome night! I can't remember the last time I drank that much" rainbow says excitedly

"I think that says more about you than you think" AJ says with a snicker as they exit the compound.

"We gotta do that again!" Rainbow say looking at blackjack with a bright smile

"I don't see why not? might make it a monthly thing" Blackjack says smiling

"Aw yeah!!!" rainbow responds excited with applejack rolling her eyes.

"See ya round Blackjack!" Aj says as they clear the Ever free forest

Deep in the Ever free forest, Same time

"Curses! how did I let that happen!?" Chrysalis says pacing back and forth complaining to her log friend. "I'm the Queen of the changelings! the Mistress of seduction, No creature should be able to seduce me!" she says looking head on at the purple log sitting atop a stump." how was he able to drink so much, No creature has that much tolerance for pure scotch!" she says kicking a rock but soon the Log calls her attention seeming to explain." I guess the legends were true about the ancients durability, but that still doesn't explain how he was able to seduce me!" she looks back to the log and begins to blush " ahem, I guess that's true it has been a while." she says acknowledging the logs point
Chrysalis walks to a nearby stream and gazes at her reflection. Her body was much more dense and developed, her wings had increased in size with the holes now filled and her size was equal to that of Celestia. "mmm I haven't felt this powerful since the I lost my Hive." she says smiling as she admires her enhanced form " With this power I can to reclaim my hive and destroy starlight Glimmer! once and for all, Muhahahahahaha!!!" her excitement is interrupted again by the purple log. "what?" she says moving closer to hear the log as if it could talk. " what do you mean I, should wait?" her eyes widen as she stares at log seeming to hear it explain a grand scheme and at the end Chrysalis could only smile" You're right, this dalliance may have worked in my favor after all." she says picking up the log and walking further into the forest.

Deck fort, backyard, the training clearing 11:35 pm

Blackjack, Starlight and Trixie stand in the clearing. with Milly standing to the side holding Blackjacks coat.

"Ok so you want me to show off my magic, right" Blackjack asks stretching

"I mean if it's not too much trouble?" Starlight says a bit nervous "I've never seen Dark magic that wasn't unstable or being used by an evil villain."

"Fair enough" Blackjack says as he plants his feet and points his finger like a gun "Dark Bullet" he says as pitch black orbs fire out of his finger at great speed impacting a tree and piercing apple sized holes into it. Starlight and Trixie's eyes widen in amazement. but before commenting Blackjack raises his head to the sky and casts another spell "Dark Press!" a pitch Black sphere with a spiraling white ring aiming it at a nearby rock it floats over to the rock and once it reaches just above the rock it begins to sink into the ground from the increased gravity." Now for a bigger one, you may want to move" he says gesturing to the girls to step out of his view. "Dark Pillar!" he says pointing two fingers up in the direction of another tree, a dark magical circle forms beneath the tree and a massive column of Dark Purple magic rises from the ground and into the sky twice as high as Trixie's, and coloring the sky in the same dark Purple resembling the night sky before fading seconds later. Starlight and Trixie's Jaws are hung low in shock from the sight as Blackjack walks to Milly taking his coat.

Canterlot Castle, Same time

"Princess another Spike of Dark energy, It's coming from..."

"It's Bucking Blackjack, Leave it be and leave me be!" Celestia says annoyed at the guards loud voice as she lays in her bed still extremely hung over. The guards exits as quickly as he came not wanting to feel the wrath of the Princess of the Sun. "Honestly how can he be awake after all those drinks" she says grabbing her aching head " Ancients are truly confusing"

Pony Ville

The Masses of Pony ville panic at the sight of the pillar, with all of them running all over the town. Twilight slowly walks out to her balcony still tired from the previous night and uses her magic to enhance her voice. "Attention Every pony, Don't Be Alarmed the Pillar is coming from the Deck fort, I repeat this is just Blackjack showing off!" realizing the fact the residents breath a sigh of relief and resume their daily activities.

"*sigh* I'd love to learn more about his magic but first I need to find a spell to stop this headache. ugh" she says going back into her castle

Back at the Deck fort

Starlight and Trixie stare into the sky in awe at the human's display, while Blackjack walks back over to Milly who places the coat over his shoulders. "Come on let's break for lunch" he says calling out to them as he pets the dog girl.

"....Right" they say in unison as they begin to follow him.

Blackjack walks toward the house, but when the Clock strikes Twelve a new status update appears

<Event Update>

Invasion Event imminent
A Dark shadow festers within the frozen tundra.

[Hmm, what could this be?]

Far to the north in the dark caverns of the icy mountains

"hmhmhmhmhmhmhm so much darkness in the air, I can't wait."

Author's Note:

This One was more difficult to write than I expected, But It's done and we can finally move into the next Arc with our first Big Bad. Thanks for your patience and More to come soon.