• Published 10th Apr 2019
  • 10,221 Views, 221 Comments

The Princess of Chaos - Foal Star

After making a bet with Discord, Princess Celestia must keep her new chaotic powers in check for one week. Seems simple enough

  • ...

Chapter Six: Night two: A Night to Remember

It was now late in the evening as Princess Celestia found herself in her bedchamber, sitting across from her sister with clear regret printed on her face.

Said Princess of the Moon currently had a more than harsh scowl on her face, sharply contrasted by the mischievous smirk Discord was currently wearing as he was watching the pair from the comfort of a floating lounge chair.

As one could expect, Luna was quite furious with Celestia, her eyes narrowing at her sister as she shouted, "So dear sister, now that you’ve enjoyed indulging in your usual vices, perhaps we can finally address the elephant in the room. Namely how you turned me into an infant and left me as such for an entire day.”

The more than harsh tone with which she spoke sent a shiver down Celestia’s spine as she tried to think of what to say to hopefully quell her anger.

"Well...to be honest, it hasn't been a full twenty-four hours yet." The Princess of theSun whispered with a blush on her face feeling a bit embarrassed for having her sister be in such a state.

Sadly, the pint sized princess was not moved by the deflection,., "That makes what you did any better? Honestly!"

Discord looked over at the Princess of the Sun, still leaning back in his chair and eating from a bag of popcorn, as he responded, "Sad to say, little Woona’s got a point little Tia. You really messed up this time."

"Oh, don't you even start! You would've encouraged me to turn her into a baby given a chance!" Celestia snapped back at Discord, not feeling like taking advice from a hypocrite.

"Hey, don't try to make me the bad guy in this scenario? I mean, what do you take me for?" The lord of chaos responded angrily against Celestia's outburst.

Annoyed, Luna angrily turned attention to the Chaos Lord., "Do not think you are off any hooks Discord. ! You're the one who started this whole mess, turning my sister into a draquenous. Honestly, what were you thinking," She shouted, nearly going into her Royal Canterlot Voice.

"What, I thought it’d be a nice way to get her to loosen up a bit. I mean come now, even you, her own sister, have to admit she’s far too high strung for her own good," The lord of chaos scoffed with a juvenile pout and his claws across his chest.

While the Princess of the Night rolled her eyes at the ancient tricksters immature behavior, she couldn’t exactly deny his claims "Yes, even I must admit that my sister has grown rather...stiff over these last thousand years. Regardless of that, this was hardly the best solution.”

Discord prepared to ready another argument only for Celestia to immediately form a large wall of glass between the two

"Alright, enough of this!” Celestia quickly turned to her sister. “Can we please just move past all this incessant fighting? This entire debacle was something I agreed to and won’t last much longer, so for now we just need to bear it.”

Sadly, Luna didn’t seem satisfied and Celestia could already tell she’d need more persuasion to get her to relent. “Tell me Luna, what would it take to get you to forgive my most recent mistep regarding my Chaos Magic...shy of giving up the entire bet?”

Surprisingly prompt in her response, Luna turned to Discord with a devilish grin on her face. "I want her to use her Chaos Magic tonight. However, I get to decide how she uses it!"

The Princess of the Sun immediately rose up in protest, knowing full wellLuna would use this as an opportunity to embarrass her and even the score between the two of them. ,

"No way!” She shouted, her regal composure breaking while her vocab simplified. “There's no way I'm agreeing to this!"

“Well actually...”

Celestia immediately felt a sense of dread at the sight of Discord, currently clad in a suit and reading glasses, looking over some kind of document.

“According to the rules of our most recent wager, which I won as I recall, you currently owe me one. And thus befitting my usual chaotic nature, I’m graciously turning that favor over to Luna. Ergo…”

With eyes peering over the page and his smirk literally appearing on its back. “Thus Celestia, you are required as per our own terms to do whatever little Luna wants.”

The Princess of the Sun reared up, quite angry at what she heard, and shouted out loud." Ugh seriously! I think I would've preferred we just had a crazy date or something?!"

Discord rose up with red cloak draped over his shoulders, a crown on his head and a scepter in his right claw as he proclaimed, "So, I hereby invoke my right as the winner of the bet to have you be Luna's escort this evening and use your magic in whatever way she wishes...within reason of course."

Celestia offered her response with a snort before slapping the crown off Discord's head.

"At this point I know arguing with you is a pointless endeavour. So I’ll do it."

As expected, the pint sized Princess Luna rose with excitement in her eyes, exclaimed,

"Huzzah, finally now I get to have some fun for a change. And I think I’ll start with how we raising the moon tonight. Perhaps with some,how do ponies in this age say it..pazazz?”!"

Princess Celestia sighed as she slowly drifted over to her sister, feeling peeved and continued in a low grumble. "Well then, come along sister, shall we get started?"

Luna daintily rose her hoof up to let Celestia upward as she exclaimed, "We shall!"

Discord got up with a smile and waved a claw replied, "Alright, have fun you two! Don't go to sleep too early."

Luna scoffed back while her sister decided to be more direct in her annoyance, letting trails of magic hit Discord, making him sport glasses and a handbag. He threw them off, of course, and chuckled at Celestia's little prank seeing his influence was rubbing off on her.

Both princesses were about to head out however the motherly alicorn that Celestia created stood in their way, her wings unfurled outward, eyes full of power as she proclaimed, "Luna can stay up all night, but Celestia definitely can not! She needs at least ei-"

Before she could finish, the alicorn was slowly transformed as her body morphed and shrank down to that of an ordinary pegasus once again.

Celestia gave a deep sigh, partially of regret but also relief. While the situation had provided some amusement it’d gone on for far too long and it was time to finally end it. Still regardless of how relieved she felt, a part of her couldn’t shake her guilt

"Please forgive me Feather Duster. I should've turned you back to normal sooner and I apologize for any trouble I might have caused you these past few days."

"Right, well..yes… Pr...Princess...C...Celestia I...I should go." The maid bowed and ran off as quickly as possible, leaving Celestia’s sense of guilt to only grow.

Luna conversely, possibly a result of her still reduced age, looked more relieved by what’d just transpired "Well, at least that little incident is finally resolved. Though I foresee much therapy in that pony’s future.”

Sad to say but Celestia couldn’t disagree with the sentiment, already dreading the inevitable fall out from the whole debacle.

“Here’s hoping I can atleast salvage things once this bet is over.”

While she’d have preferred to talk to her head maid about everything that'd happened, for now she sadly had other obligations she couldn’t escape from...no matter how much she wanted to.

Thus with her sister in tow, Celestia headed off to raise the moon, not looking forward to what will happen later that evening.

The two sisters quickly made their way to the top of the castle,staring into the orange and red-tinted sky.

Why such a sight would’ve normally be a casual sight to Celestia, tonight it only caused a sense of unease and dread to form. Yet, she had to bite the proverbial bullet.

"So sister, do you have any idea of what you want me to do with the moon? Perhaps give it a face or maybe turn it into a massive glowing disco ball perhaps?"

Luna’s response was a flat stare at such ridiculous ideas. “Oh please sister, we’re not asking for anything so over the top. All I want is for you to make the moon and sparkle and glow, like a diamond of sorts. Just something to make ponies want to look up at it for a change.”

“Huh, that’s actually a pretty benign request, Celestia said as she casually lowered the sun.

Luna in turn quickly ignited her horn and began raising the moon. “Are you so surprised, true we’ve developed more of a playful side since regaining our freedom, but we aren’t so childish we’d cause mayhem purely for the spectacle.”

Her response actually merited a genuine smile from Celestia at the maturity her sister was showing...her current body notwithstanding. Thus, Celestia snapped a claw, and the rising moon began to shimmer like a polished gem,reflecting the sun's rays in all directions.

The sight of the shining moon brought a great grin to the lunar princess, which only grew at the sounds of awe coming from across Canterlot at the display. Though, the princess was so enamoured by her moment of joy, she failed to notice her sister’s smirk and her claw snapping behind her back.

In an instant, countless fireworks exploded into the sky, pictures of Luna posing lite up the sky with a combination of violets and blues. The light in turn was further reflected by the still shining moon, actually causing the light from the fireworks to overtake the night sky completely.

Celestia turned to face Luna with a playful smirk on her face and asked, "I trust, you’re satisfied now?"

Luna couldn't help but laugh out loud, seeing the night sky filled with vibrant colors as Celestia couldn't help but smile, seeing how wide-eyed and astonished her sister looked. "You said to make a presentation."

The Princess of the Night looked up to see her shiny new moon with the explosions of herself filling the air in such vibrant colors and gave a nod of approval.

"Indeed sister, you did an amazing job. Now onto the rave!"

The smile Celestia had immediately turned completely flat as her mind needed a moment to catch up to what was just said.

"A...a rave?"

"Yes, a rave with the bat ponies! It's actually in support of your little party later this weekend. Don't forget the bat ponies are also a part of Equestria." Luna explained as she eyed her sister.

"I know...and thanks for keeping them happy...many ponies tend to forget they even exist," Celestia responded with a deep sigh as she sat back. Sadly, despite all they had done for the kingdom, the bat ponies had been the black sheep of the pony tribes for centuries, not helped by their connection to Luna after her banishment..

"To be fair, they like to keep it that way. I’ve already been informed how their relationship with the other tribes is...well...shaky at best."

"Alright then...what else would you like me to do with my magic," Celestia asked with a concerned tone in her voice.

"Just turn us into bat ponies for the night. What better way to show appreciation for the bat ponies then to spend time interacting with them and having a fun time. It certainly couldn’t hurt," Luna responded with big puppy dog eyes.

Celestia thought it over for a bit and seeing that the request wasn't too terrible..or completely crazy she shrugged

"I guess it's not a bad plan."

The Princess of the Sun concentrated on herself and Luna, trying to keep her mind clear while also making sure the magic was flowing freely as it danced around their bodies.

Encased in a cocoon of magic, the two slowly regressed in size as their feathery wings dissipated and transformed into leathery bat wings. In a flash the two were free, though not as Bat Ponies...but an actual pair of A screeching bats flapping in the air. And as one can imagine, the blue bat of the two was currently glaring at the white and pink one.

"I said Bat Ponies, not actual bats!"

"Well I’m sorry! My Chaos Magic likes to do what it wants! We’re lucky it just decided to turn us into bats," Celestia snapped, feeling a bit peeved she was still struggling with her magic.

Once againPrincess allowed her around her and Luna's bodies, thankfully growing in size. However, their bodies were now muchshorter and stalkier with pointy teeth and slanted eyes.

Celestia looked over her new body with a look of astonishment as she felt her new leathery wings flapping against her body.

"Well, I have to say I wasn’t expecting these wings to feel so heavy in comparison to our normal ones."

Luna meanwhile, simply laughed as she flapped her wings and flew into the air with a smile on her face before slowly gliding across the night sky.

"They feel wonderful! I do believe that I should've been born part Bat pony!"

Snorting slightly at her sister’s childlike glee, Celestia shot herself upward to meet her sister in the air, squeaking as she stumbled about getting used to her new leathery bat wings.

Eventually getting the hang of it and meeting her sister, who brushed the light rainbow-colored mane from Celestia's face and whispered, "You look good."

"Thanks...y...you also look rather stunning as well sister," Celestia whispered, hiding her face behind her hooves, feeling embarrassed for just saying that out loud.

Luna took her sister by the hoof, and two flew off together into the night,soaring to the mountains around their castle.

As they drew closer Celestia could hear the sounds of loud EDM music and bright lights coming from one of the caves as they both slowly flew inside, finding numerous Bat ponies swarming about dancing with the lights flashing overhead.

The intense barrage of bright lights, thumping music and ponies dancing left Celestia feeling well out of her element. This was certainly a far cry from the elegant...and quite stuffy, gala’s she was accustomed to. Thankfully Luna, was there to off a hoof.r

"Why are you so nervous? Come on, you're going to miss all the fun!"

"You...are you sure?" Celestia responded with an uncertain tone, naturally nervous from all of the external excitement.

"There's nothing to be afraid of now, come on and let's join in!" The Princess of the Night cheered with the same excitement in her eyes as all those around them.

The two flew to a nearby bar carved into one of the walls, it’s shelves filled with all kinds of fruit.

The mixture of sweet and exotic scents actually caused drool to start to form around Celestia’s mouth, finding the smell almost intoxicating. A loud squelching sound broke her trance and diverted her eyes, finding her sister who was sinking her teeth into all kinds of fruit before sucking their juices dry.

"You should go on and drink, it's all so juicy and sweet," Luna said, half sucking on a mango without so much as turning her head.

Hesitantly grabbing one of the fruits, Celestia sank her new fangs into an orange and sucked out the warm sweet liquid from within. In an instant, she felt her body begin to shake with euphoric bliss unlike anything she’d felt before.

With a new found desire she quickly began grabbing one fruit after another, drinking heartily to where juice was dripping down her chin. It didn't take long for the white-coated Bat alicorn to realize that she was losing her balance, swaying about as was becoming quite tipsy.

Luna couldn't help but put a hoof to her mouth and giggle, "I forgot to tell you they were soaked in liquor."

"Oh really, and you couldn't tell me that before," Celestia more goofily asked then demanded, realizing she was now quiet inebriated. Yet, neither she nor her sister seemed to care, happily laughing with each other amongst the many other patrons.

Now properly emboldened by the alcohol, the two made their way to the center of the dance floor and began moving in whatever chaotic manner their bodies could.

With colorful lights flashing overhead, it was like a never-ending stream of music and sound with Celestia's heightened senses, making it all the more deafening. With the added mix of fruit and liquor in her belly, the Princess of the Sun quickly lost herself amidst the music, along with losing her sense of time.

After a few hours of dancing and sucking on enough spiked fruit to fill several trees, the Bat ponies started heading off.

As the dance floor was nearly empty, Luna was about to leave as well as the music had long ceased, and the colorful glowing lights were shut off. The Princess of the Night turned to her sister, still drunkenly stumbling about shouting.

"Come on! Who said to stop the party!?"

The younger sister shook her head, coming over with a smile and whispered, "Hey, come on, sister; we should get going."

After a bit of gentle persuasion, and a promise of some alcohol from the royal wine cellar, Luna was able to lead her drunk sister out into the night skies. As one could expect, the duo stumbled and tumbled about as they flew through the air.

Thankfully, the pair quickly descended into an open field with the moon glowing overhead crickets chirping and the soft grass blowing in the wind.

Celestia, still very drunk, and feeling emotional turned to her sister and stammered, "Th...This was rather fun. but I have to admit I should've cared for the Bat ponies more than I did when you were banished."

Amidst the haze of intoxication, Celestiafelt a wave of emotion thinking of her sister's banishment and started to bawl almost spontaneously.

Luna,quite surprised as she hugged her sister close, while whispering, "There, it's alright, you have no reason to feel guilty sister. You provided for the Bat ponies and gave them a new home. I'm proud to see that they have flourished so well while I was gone, and for that I thank you."

"Well, to be fair, they see you as their mother, and I banished her for a thousand years," The Princess of the Sun whimpered, still feeling terrible.

Luna, managing to stand back up,asked, "Well, to be fair, If Nightmare Moon ruled over them, do you think they would be hosting raves?"

Celestia shook her head as even Luna accepted that she had to be banished, yet it was a decision she always regretted, regardless of the outcome.

“You have a point...but still...even so” Celestia’s train of thought quickly started to become muddled due to the alcohol kicking back in, though her guilt still remained.

Luna, wanting to change the subject,looked up and decided to ask, "Hey, this might be sudden, but can you turn me into something large and majestic?"

"Huh?" Celestia asked in a moment of sobriety, utterly baffled by the odd request.

The younger of the two sisters in turn twirled a hoof in the air.

"I mean, I just want to be like how you feel as a draconequus, though without all the crazy Chaos Magic."

Celestia, feeling progressively more clear headed,reared herself up as her bat pony body faded, returning to her draconequus form with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Alright, what do you wish to be?" She asked, though a part of her already likely knew the answer.

Luna, despite not having the benefit of magic sobriety, thought for a minute before giving her answer, "I don't know...I think that I want to be like a dragon, something large and majestic? I mean, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity after all?"

Her lack of a proper response the elder of the pair confounded as to what to do. "So you want to be a dragon then?"

Luna paused, weighing her options as best as her still dizzy mind could, before relenting.

"Yes, a dragon seems like a proper choice? Please, don’t delay,I'm ready whenever you are?"

Celestia, now with a set image in mind, focused her magic into her eyes before firing them at her sister. The resulting flash created a massive burst of smoke that lingered in the air for several seconds, before finally disappearing to reveal Luna...nownow a pudgy, dark violet scaled, baby dragon.

Naturally as one could expect, Luna was not especially amused with her new form. Growling under her breath with green flames snorting through her nostrils,she her stomped a foot and shouted, "I said big and majestic!"

"Oh, sorry, Spike was the image in my head when you said dragon, and you are big at least" Celestia snickered despite her sister’s glare turning icy.

Her fun had, Celestia unleashed another blast of magic upon her sister.

This time Luna's body grew giant and bulky as her limbs extended out, growing far more stocky while her eyes now glew bright with power.

The now properly majestic violet dragon looked upwards into the sky and sent a green flame in the air.

Celestia, now having to stretch her neck up and lean back just to see her sister’s face, immediately was starting to regret her decision.lo

"S...So, ho...how do you feel!"

"I feel amazing!" Luna bellowed out as her opened her massive wings and gave then a test flap to get a proper feel for them before taking off.

Now soaring through the skies, Luna couldn’t help but feel almost overwhelmed by the power of her new body. It was indescribable to the ancient pony, yet she was certain she didn’t need a word to tell her it felt amazing. .

After spending a few more moments flying back and forth The Princess, flew close to the ground and hovered within site of her still shocked sister.

"Care to join me sister? It’s quite exhilarating!"

Seeing little reason to argue, and hoping perhaps the cool air would clear up what remained of the alcohol, Celestia flew into the air with her sister, with the pair quickly soaring in the direction of the Everfree Forest.

It was a rather long flight with both just appreciating the cool breeze of the night air before they landed at the remains of the castle they once ruled together so long ago.

The sight of their former home now serving only as a lasting reminder of their times together and the moment when they were forced to sever their bond, left the pair all but silent as countless memories of better times flowed back over them.

Luna broke the silence turning her reptilian head towards her sister. “It’s been so long since we last came here. Such a shame to see something that was once so grand reduced to such a state.”

Celestia nodded, her eyes drifting to what was once the throne room, where she and Luna had that faithful duel that drove them apart. “Indeed, but after what had happened, I couldn’t stay here. It was too painful.”

Seeing Celestia’ quickly begin to descend back into depression over the past, Luna quickly thought up a diversion.

“Well then, since I’m back why don’t we do something with it. Perhaps make it our own secret hideaway, just think of all the things we could horde away here from everypony in Canterlot.

"Oh, somepony is acting like a dragon already?" Celestia responded with a snicker seeing her sister becoming more dragon like

Luna lowered her head and nuzzled Celestia as she whispered, "I have this sudden urge to grab you, dear sister, snuggle you, then curl up with you in those ruins and sleep for another thousand years."

Despite the rather….odd suggestion, and perhaps it was simply from being exhausted from the nights events, but Celestia willingly lowered herself into Luna's warm embrace in spite of the many hard scales.

"It would be nice, but we do have obligations to fulfill like raising the sun and moon, running a kingdom all that."

Rather than offer a counter argument, Luna instead simply looked at the countless trees in the Everfree Forest with a smirk.

“You think I could burn down these creepy dead trees?”

Celestia rolled her eyes at such a notion hoping her younger sister wasn't being serious.

"Don't even try or I'll turn you back into a baby dragon."

Luna nuzzled her older sister, brushing a claw through her long silky mane. "You know, I could keep you as a pet, seeing that I'm bigger and stronger now."

Celestia in turn calmly snapped her claw the and appeared above her sister.

"I'm a draconequus now, dear sister, and I have more magic in a single talon than you have in that entire massive scaly body."

Luna reared up her nostrils, blaring out green flame and shouted, "Is that a challenge!" The princess raised her large-scaled wings and flew right up into the air to meet her sister, smoke and heat bursting from her nostrils.

Celestia rolled her eyes at what could best be described as tantrum and, with a simple snap of a claw, transformed her sister with a poof back into her original alicorn form.

"No fair! You barely gave me a chance even to try out my dragon body!"

Her sister merely looked at her with a look of smug condescension. , "Perhaps, but I’d rather not try to explain to everyone in Ponyville why the Everfree Forest is suddenly on fire."

The violet coated alicorn rose crossed her hooves across her chest with a cute pout on her face, grumbled, "You were antagonizing me! And besides, I thought you wanted to snuggle?"

Looking back once more at their old home, Luna finally started to feel the same sense of guilt set in when looking back on her past deeds.

"Even though this was our home, this is little more than a monument to pain and mistakes. It’s time we made something special out of it, something that spreads joy, not misery."

As the princesses flew back down the forest floor below Celestia felt a grin grow on her face, contemplating her sister’s words .

"You know, you’re starting to sound like Pinkie Pie, but I can see where you're coming from."

Looking back at the castle, Celestia felt herself struck by inspiration. “Sister, give me a moment. I think I might have an idea.”

Luna excited at what was to come, stayed silent, content to let her sister concentrate on whatever idea she was forming.

It only took a matter of seconds before Celestia’s hand was out and the snap was made. In mere moments the once ruined castle reformed into a grand palace of purple and white stone with the towers standing overhead bearing two flags with Celestia's and Luna's cutie marks overhead looking like something out of a fairytale.

Excited, the two sisters walked inside, seeing the walls now adored with many photographs pictures of Luna and Celestia’s many prior times together

The Princess of the Night’s eyes widened and stared to shimmer with tears as she looked over the photographs reflecting her life with Celestia, their time together after her sister's return from her banishment, even those with Twilight and her friends.

"So...did, you plan this?"

Celestia, feeling a bit unsure of what to say decided to simply be honest , "Not really? This kind of just appeared with Chaos Magic."

Shook up by the sudden change, but intrigued to go further, they walked further inwards until they came to the center, which was now a giant ball pit full of plastic balls half purple half yellow.

The two blinked in surprise, before Celestia burst into laughter, throwing any sense of grace or majesty to the wind as she jumped into the well of plastic balls, shooting them outward all over the place like a giant wave.

It didn’t take long for Luna to join in the fun and jumped in as well, squealing happily asshe flapped her wings, sending many of the small plastic orbs at her sister. The two rulers quickly descended into a childish battle, pelting one another with as many balls as they could grab, though Celestia’s larger body made for an easier target, a fact that filled Luna with a great deal of pride.

"I totally won! You couldn't hit a target to save your life."

Mildly annoyed, Celestia stood up from the ball pit, shaking countless orbs from her mane, even smacking a claw to the side of her head, spilling countless more from her ear canal. .

"Ok, I'll admit it, you win this time,” The Princess sighed in defeat before taking a glance out a nearby window.”It's probably getting late, guess we should head back?"

Luna turned her head and replied, "Yes, though this has been enjoyable, we are still the rulers of Equestria. It would be rather undignified of us to shirk our responsibilities after all.”"

Exiting the ball pit, the pair continued through the next set of double doors to the back of the castle. However, instead of an exit, they found another room with a massive couch and some strange device attached to a giant screen.

Celestia was quite stunned upon seeing the strange object, not knowing how her Chaos Magic could have created something she didn't even know the name of. Her eyes then drifted over to Luna.

"Sister is this one of those T.V game things you play?"

"Game TV thing! Dear sister, that is the new Game Colt 64!" Luna snapped angrily as she plopped down and raised a controller with her magic.

Celestia rolled her eyes as she should've known her sister would get defensive about her game machine. Sadly, she also knew how once she started playing it was impossible to pull her away, thus opted to simply take a seat next to her sister and pick up one of the controllers, which was surprisingly easy with her new hands.

"Alright, what are we playing?"

The game booted up as a fat earth pony mare in a red hat and overalls in a cart with "Mareio Kart" placed overhead.

"Alright, you ready to begin," Luna spoke with a devilish grin on her face, knowing full well that she'll school her sister in any game.

"Well, dear sister, I have opposable thumbs now. Even if you have far more experience with these games I'm sure I can stand a chance," Celestia growled under her breath, ready to tackle the game.

Sadly despite her boast, it proved to be little more than empty confidence. Despite playing the strange racing game for what seemed like hours, Luna managed to get first in every race while Celestia was perpetually in last place.

As another round proceeded Celestia managed to get one of the mystery blocks and asked, " Sister, what do the red shells do again?"

Luna was engaged in winning as the computer players were giving her a hard time making her shout, "They hone in on their targets! Just shoot them out!"

Sighing at her sister’s intense competitive nature, she complied,shooting one at a reptile creature in front of her despite getting eleventh place. It didn't take long for the weird reptile to shoot a green shell at her and zooming past her.

The Princess turned to see her sister was still in first and grumbled under her breath "So...I see you're pretty good at these games."

"Oh please, this is nothing, the last Mareio kart was a lot harder!" The Princess shouted with her tongue stick from her mouth, trying to drift the last corner of the stage.

Celestia snickered, the sight of r sister so engrossed in the game being quite an adorable sight...atleast when she wasn’t shouting angrily at the screen. However, the knowledge regarding the mystery box caused the Princess to grow a devilish grin on her face as she hit another mystery block. The mare then suddenly was granted a blue shell, shot it out and watched as it zoomed to first place, slamming it into Luna’s character.

The Princess of the Night watched as "Mareio" was thrown in the air, flailing her hooves as a few other racers zoomed past, and she had to take fourth place begrudgingly. "Dear sister, you will pay for that."

The Princess of the Sun laughed heartily as she took her twelfth place. "I'm already losing dear sister; I can only make you suffer as a result."

"Oh, yes, I see." She turned to see Celestia's screen, and cringed to she achieved twelfth place yet again. "Oh, Celestia! I must teach you how to play these games!"

"Ugh! Well, fine, we can do that later after the party this weekend if you wish," Celestia sighed as she placed the controller down. Luna followed her as they flew out through the front doors, and when they got high enough they stared back at the newly furnished castle with warm smiles on their faces.

"I think we can keep the castle like this, perhaps can even add more rooms...I was thinking of a jacuzzi or even a movie room." Luna whispered as she nuzzled her sister's fluffy white body.

Celestia snickered as she pet her sister's mane through her clawed hands and whispered, "Sure...I think that's a good idea…"

The royal pair quickly flew back towards Canterlot Castle,Luna landing back in her room, utterly exhausted from the evening’s activities..

"Well, I'm tuckered out. I think I'll get some shut-eye now."

"Oh! Are you tired? I just stayed up all night to hang out with you against my will, and now I have to go all day doing my duties," Celestia grumbled under her breath, exhaustion evident from the bags under her eyes.

Luna only offered her sister a kiss on the cheek and a light hug.

"I know...and I'm sorry, should've got you back sooner to get you a few hours of sleep."

Celestia shook her head not wanting to make Luna feel bad for taking her out all night and responded, "No, it's fine... I've managed sleepless nights before and this was quite fun. Hopefully next time, we remember to leave some time for me to sleep."

“Agreed, though for now I shall retire for the evening. I hope that your day goes well," Luna responded as she went down to her bed, and Celestia helped tuck her sister under the sheets,watching Luna fall into a peaceful sleep. Despite herself being quite exhausted, she had to admit it was one magical night.

"Princess Celestia! The foals at Canterlot Elementary have a photoshoot for a field trip, and the sun isn't up yet." One of her guards shouted, running over with a worried look on his face.

Celestia's eyes lit up as she quickly realized just how late her little night of fun had been and immediately sped towards the Palace Gardens as fast as she could to raise the sun.