• Published 10th Apr 2019
  • 10,222 Views, 221 Comments

The Princess of Chaos - Foal Star

After making a bet with Discord, Princess Celestia must keep her new chaotic powers in check for one week. Seems simple enough

  • ...

Chapter Twelve The Night of the Seventh day: A Date with the Lord of Chaos

After finally conceding the rather insane bet to Discord and returning herself to normal, Princess Celestia spent the entire day (mostly with Discord’s help) fixing up her palace and reassuring ponies that her reign of chaos was over. Naturally many ponies were extremely happy with the revelation, all grateful to have their sensible and in control leader back.

As the last of her chaos magic was cleaned up the once again Alicorn princess was trotting down the halls like if it were any other normal day. And by all accounts, it was.

Guards going about their duties, maids, and butlers rushing about, with the exception of the large crowd in front of the castle things really did seem like they’d returned to the norm. Though there was still another matter to deal with.

Standing on the balcony overlooking her subjects, Celestia glanced as the many ponies eagerly awaited what she was preparing to say. The princess herself was still a bit nervous about the idea, having trouble thinking of what exactly she could say given all the insane antics she’d gotten up to over the past week. How could her citizens ever forgive her for what she’s done? Would they even forgive her? And if not, should she hand the reins over to Luna?

All these thoughts were running through her head then she found herself suddenly trotting back into the hall. This was all too much for her to handle, she can’t do this! Right now she desperately wanted to head back to her room and hide for the next month, hoping by then everything would just blow over.

Many of her guards were rather surprised and shouting at her but she wasn’t listening she just wanted to run away and never come back. But then Discord suddenly appeared before her with a cowboy hat and lasso. He twirled the rope around and wrapped it around the princess’s abdomen. She squeaked as she was now hog-tied kicking and growling. “Discord release me at once!”

The lord of chaos threw his claws over his chest and scoffed, “Now why would I do that? So you can run from your responsibilities and miss out on watching you squirm before a life audience?”

“I’m not running or squirming! I...I…” Celestia stopped fighting, going limp as Discord then yanked her up and started to tidy up her mane and tail. The princess stood there pouting like a foal not really knowing what she wanted to say. As the lord of chaos went about tidying her up he asked, “So? Are you ready to continue princessing?”

The princess turned around and snapped, “Of course I am!”

She was met with a glance from Discord that immediately snuffed out her fire as she bowed her head and grumbled, “it’s just...I don’t know what to say...how could they ever possibly forgive me?”

The princess stood there looking dreadfully nervous shaking all over. She has fought all kinds of monsters and foes that threatened Equestria but nothing she’s done before prepared her for this.

Discord rolled his eyes as he snapped a claw and the princess was now on top of a yoga mat with a pair of thigh yoga pants. Discord himself was similarly clad in yoga pants and a sweatband, quickly helping spread her legs out as he then came around and asked, “Okay, you’re clearly a little tense. So, why don’t we do some stretches before you say anything else?”

Celestia looked more than a little peeved at the sudden contact, but she did as Discord suggested, bending down into a pose before taking some deep breaths. She spread her wings out and stretched her head up, slowly breathing to calm her turbulent mind. The stretching did help make her feel relaxed and she didn’t notice the guards standing behind her blushing and trying to look away from Celestia’s visibly outlinedrump.

The lord of chaos of course could see this as well, but kept that detail to himself as he flew above Celestia with a smirk. “So, are you feeling more relaxed now?”

The princess stood up and looked behind her at the tight yellow pants. “Yes, and I have to say I love these pants! What are they called!?”

“Yoga pants my dear! The perfect attire for stretching your concerns away. And I must say, they complement your royal tush quite nicely!” Discord exclaimed with a smirk.

Celestia cheeks flushed red as she looked back seeing the pants were quite tight. “Yes, it would seem so. Perhaps it’d be best if I wear these in private?”

“Oh come on, you walk around naked most of the time. Honestly you ponies and clothes, so weird.” The lord of chaos muttered, waving his lion paw causing the pants to vanished.

Celestia shook her butt a little, sort of missing the tight pants, though did appreciate her returned dignity, difficult to give a passionate speech when your flank is on display.

With the pants situation dealt with, the two just stared at each other for a bit then the chaotic trickster came over and brushed some of the light rainbow mane from the princess’s face. “Okay, I don’t really know what to say right now, but you’ve been doing this princess thing for how long?”

“For a thousand years,” Celestia admitted with a sigh, she couldn’t help but chuckle at herself seeing that Discord was right she should be used to this by now. It was honestly odd how comforting he was being right now. The princess always had to assume Discord has something up his sleeve, as he almost always did, but she felt like he was being rather genuine here for a change and it was honestly welcomed.

Finally feeling a proper sense of relief and calm wash over her, Celestia walked up and gave Discord a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.”

The sudden act left Discord’s eyes filled with static and his mouth silent, allowing Celestia to smile happily as she trotted off to the balcony, not properly ready to resume her duties.

Cameras flashed and reporters flew upward the second she came into view and practically assaulted her with questions. Effortlessly maintaining her composure, Celestia held out a hoof and declared in an even tone, "Everypony, please be still!”

The crowd then all became silent as the princess settled back down, confirming for all she’d returned to her more serious demeanor.

“Now, all of you have questions and I'll do my best to answer them. However, I do feel I need to clear some things up first. As to my odd behavior these past few days, I, in a somewhat unbecoming act of petty behavior, agreed to a silly dare by Discord and was transformed into a draconequus for a week. This in turn is what resulted in the rather chaotic and odd way I acted that.”

She took a second to collect herself, everypony seemed to be listening intently with only the sounds of scribbling from reporters marking things down and the occasional camera snap.

Celestia cleared her throat giving herself a pause then continued. “Despite the fact the chaos magic had an effect on my emotions and actions, I should have ended it long ago after things go so out of control. My reckless actions put all of you in harm's way and I take full responsibility for all the harm I put you through.”

Again there was silence, save for moving pens and cameras, The princess shifted and continued, “As you're all aware...this morning letters were sent to everypony in Equestria announcing my decision to surrender my position as your ruler. If you wish you may vote me off as your princess and I will gladly step down and give the crown to another of your choosing. Now I’ll read the verdict.”

The princess was given a giant letter with her seal and Celestia stood there quivering as she broke the seal, Discord, finding snapped from his shock, came by with a giant snare drum, which he proceeded to play with a pair of padded mallets for dramatic effect..

Celestia glared at the chaotic clown, which thankfully caused him to stop, allowing her to focus on the letter. The princess then slowly took it and unveiled it only to see it was just a long shopping list. “Cake, ice cream, balloons!? What is this!?”

“Sorry, I think that’s Pinkie Pie’s shopping list,” Discord snickered as he took the scroll from Celestia’s hooves then the princess sighed seeing the vote count. Her eyes went wide, it was ten thousand to zero. Not a single pony in Equestria, or atleast Canterlot, voted for her to resign!

“B...bu...but I did so many horrible things…” the princess stammered as tears came to her eyes. Everypony all turned to the princess of the sun and then everypony bowed as Celestia stood there shocked.

Silver Dollar came forward from the crowd then growled, “Despite your misgivings and your recent abhorrent behavior, you’ve served honorably for over a thousand year and made a conscious effort to correct your mistakes. We believe you many past deeds more than make up for a single week of immature behavior.”

Princess Celestia looked down at the brash noble being rather surprised. However, she had to keep in mind this was the same stallion who stole bits from Canterlot elementary and embezzled royal funds. “I hope you don’t believe that simply voting for me is going to absolve you of your crimes?”

Surprisingly Silver Dollar shook his head. “Of course not. I’ve learned my lesson after all that’s happened and fully intend to pay back the school. Of that I do promise you.”

Celestia smirked seeing that things were ending well on a solid note. She then peered over the crowd once more with a smile, she raised her wings and declared, Thank you all for giving me a second chance! I honestly don’t deserve it and from this day forward I will do my best to uphold the values of being your princess even more so than before!”

Everypony started to clap and cheer with Celestia beaming a smile at her subjects. She honestly felt like she didn’t deserve their devotion even now. But she did love seeing their smiling faces and admiration. They deserved to be happy and live their lives in peace. Celestia was willing to do everything in her power to make sure that happens.

Filled with relief Celestia headed back inside the castle with the doors closing behind her and gave another giant deep breath.

Discord came over with a massive fake tear coming down his eye., “Oh that was so adorable, did you write that speech or did it come off the top of your head?”

Celestia gave the lord of chaos a playful smirk. “Oh shut up, it’s not like you're partly to blame, now before we go on our date there’s one more thing I need to do.”

She trotted off with Discord following behind the guards,saluting her as she went by. Celestia simply waved a hoof with a smile as they went about their duties. After everything that'd gone on, it was like most of her staff and subjects were acting as if nothing happened.

Then again, with her back to normal, both physically and mentally, it shouldn’t have been that big of a surprise.
Celestia however, wouldn’t dwell on this for very long as she found her path crossing with Bronze Helm and Feather Duster.

Overcome with a sense of excitement, she trotted over and gave the two a hug and wrapped her wings around them. The two were rather surprised by the gesture as she held the hug for a bit. She couldn’t express how thankful she was for these two snappings out of her chaotic moment and confronting her when she was at her darkest point. She then broke the hug and looked down at them in a more regal manner.

“Apologies for the sudden contact. I just wanted to express how grateful I am to both of you for helping snap me out of my madness. As a thank you for your efforts, for the rest of the month you two are on paid leave.”

Ever the professional Bronze Helm gave a bow. “Princess it’s my honor to serve you, I don’t require any time off...but a pay raise is always welcomed.”

“Same for me,” Feather Duster responded with a curtsey.

Celestia bowed her head and replied, “Alright then, I'll make sure you two have that pay raise...though please, if there’s anything you two need let me know.”

“Thank you, princess,” both ponies chimed, bowing their heads once more before going off on their business.

She then trotted off with a sigh of relief, considering that things are coming back to normal it’s great to have ponies she can rely on. Princess Celestia headed up the stairs and came to her bedroom as she was going to get ready for her night alone with Discord. There Luna was sitting on her bed with a look of smug satisfaction.

”Hello Princess of Chaos, how was your day?”

Celestia rolled her eyes, despite things going back to normal that nickname was starting to get thrown around it was starting to annoy her. “Come now Luna!? How long is that nickname going to last?”

“Who knows, maybe for another thousand years,” Luna teased as she got up and trotted over to her sister. She gave her a hug and nuzzled her. “You don’t think I have the same regrets about turning into Nightmare Moon? At least you don’t have an entire holiday reminding you of your failure.”

“Of course not, and that was different...I...I wasn’t there for you. You helped me despite everything I did to you and got Discord to come and rescue me from myself.” Celestia whispered, her eyes tightening as she fought off any tears.

Luna wiped the tears from Princess of the Sun’s eyes and teased, “Does that mean I'm the best princess?”

Letting off a chuckle, Celestia crossed her hooves across her chest with a cute pout on her face as she scoffed. “Of course not, I'm the best princess.”

The duo laughed and hugged each other once more wrapping each other in their wings. The two sisters held their embrace for some time. As they broke off Luna asked, “So, I think we should get you ready for your date?”

The princess of the sun’s cheeks flushed pink as Luna took out a magic wand. “Well, Discord gave me this and basically he’s letting me use a bit of chaos magic to doll you up...His words, not mine.”

Celestia rolled her eyes, already not crazy about messing with Chaos Magic again, but she threw a hoof and replied, “Alright, just make it quick.”

Hesitantly, the monarch,watched as tendrils of magic flew around her she saw a beautiful yellow gown dress over her body as four gold slippers were placed over each of her hooves, she squeaked and cried out as her mane and tail were tugged, combed, and brushed. Then she saw make-up fly over and started doing her eyeliner, and applying lipstick. She then had her normal crown replaced with a sparkling tiara and she was placed back on the ground looking rather surprised.

Luna stood back look just shy of awestruck at the display. “My goodness, you’re adorable!”

Celestia looked over at a mirror and saw her reflection. She was indeed dolled up and looking like she was a storybook princess from a foal’s tale. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Sensing her sister’s distress, Luna walked over and nuzzled her. “You're beautiful, now go out and have fun….that is restrained and otherwise normal fun.”

The princess of the night took her by the hoof as they flew out the window to a literal pumpkin made to look like a carriage.

Celestia sighed as she was placed inside with Luna giving her one last kiss on the cheek. She then hoofed her a can of mace and whispered. “Just in case Discord tries to do anything funny.”

“Seriously, I can handle myself just fine,” Celestia snapped as she rolled her eyes as the doors shut and the carriage shot off into the night.

In what felt like a matter of seconds Princess Celestia found herself in Discord’s crazy pocket dimension with random objects flying around her, from cats to clocks, and she even spotted a strange pink coated pony flying around with a helicopter hat. It honestly made her grateful for the transportation as she was a little unnerved by the odd setting

The pumpkin chariot eventually made its way to a rather crazy-looking house with dozens of windows, and doors placed all over. Wanting to atleast start things as soon as possible Celestia walked across a lawn and knocked on the door then waited. She shifted about in her outfit as she felt rather uncomfortable standing all dolled up as Discord put it. Despite nopony being around, she still felt exposed.

Luckily for the more than a little embarrassed princess, It didn’t take long for her “date” to open the door sporting an interesting patchwork tuxedo. “Ah little sun butt, you’re looking rather lovely this evening.”

“Thank you, it’s nice to see you dressed up too,” Celestia said somewhat half heartedly , still feeling awkward as she trotted inside before being seated at a dining table...by one of the chairs. Again par for the course with Discord.

Properly seat, Celestia admired the spread. Including a giant piece of tofu shaped in the form of a turkey, a giant fruit salad with of course a giant cake in the middle of the table. She was rather impressed and squeaked as portions of food were cut and served to her, a glass of wine was poured as a napkin was tied around her neck like a bib.

Celestia looked over at Discord serving himself and scoffed, “You know I could’ve easily served myself?”

“Of course, but you are the princess after all. I figured being waited on hand and hoof was something you’d be used to.” Discord commented as he took another bite of his food.

That earned a scoff from Celestia. “Be that as it may, I’m perfectly capable of handling this myself. And please, don’t call me princess, for tonight at least just call me Celestia”

“Alright, alright,” Discord teased, though refrained from any further cracks. The two continued eating for some time in almost complete silence. Taking a moment to spare a glance at Discord, Celestia could see that he was as nervous as she was about this “date” as she was. That thought alone brought her some relief, though still left the matter of things being awkward.

Taking a moment to wipe her mouth with a napkin and proposed an idea to break the ice. “Say, Discord. Since we’re by ourselves, why not have a little fun while we’re here. Like asking each other some embarrassing questions?”?”

“A little clumsy on the delivery there Celestia” Discord said with a smirk, with Celestia bowing her head slightly. “Still, it sounds intriguing, always happy to dig up some new dirt on your little subjects.”
Princess Celestia wiped her mouth with a napkin. There was a rather embarrassing question she meant to ask as she placed the napkin down with a smile. “Wonderful. Now there’s been something I’ve been wanting to ask you since we started this little game of yours. Did you find me more attractive as a draconequus or an alicorn?”

Discord scoffed as he choked on some food he started to slam his claw and paw into his chest with an exaggerated Heimlich maneuver on himself. Celestia sat there with a concerned look on her face as she asked, “Do you need help?”

The draconequus immediately grabbed a handle on his throat, opening a small hatch that he reached into and immediately pulled out the offending food item. His throat clear, he took a moment to clean his lips with a napkin before speaking. “Sorry for the dramatics, wasn’t expecting you of all ponies to be upfront and out of the gate like that.”

Given another moment to clear his head and another glance from Celestia, Discord looked down at his glass of chocolate milk and whispered, “Well, I have to admit you are quite beautiful as you are…”

The princess took a sip of her wine with a smirk.“Well, I appreciate the compliment. However, you didn’t answer my question.”

Seeing he was cornered and knew he needed to answer, he grumbled out a reply. “Honestly, I did prefer your as a draconequus. Happy.”

The princess burst into laughter and slapped her knee then cried out, “I knew it!”

The lord of chaos clapped his claw and paw together and scoffed, “Congratulations you realized I prefer my own species. What a grand reveal.””

]Giving Celestia moment to calm down her rather loud laughter, Discord’s face turned devious as it was not his turn. “Alright then, you want to play fine with me. Tell me, do you miss anything from your draconequus body, perhaps missing something from behind?”

To emphasize his point, Discord snapped a rather large picture of Celestia’s transformed boy, specifically from the back, emphasizing a more generous part of her body. Celestia bowed her head and covered her face with a wing. She didn’t want to admit it but they promised to be truthful to each other. “Fine...yes…”

Discord threw his head up and snickered, “Guess all those times I called you sun butt were more appropriate than I realized!”

“Shut up!” The princess snapped back, throwing her glass at Discord’s face who simply turned the wine into grapes and tossed them back at Celestia. She squeaked using her plate as a shield with the grapes smacking into the platter.

“Alright my turn,” Celestia replied as she lowered the plate she stammered. “D...do you really want me to stay as a princess?”

Again Discord paused and seemed hesitant to answer. “Discord….please, be honest,” Celestia almost pleaded.

Discord sat there as his expression changed, it wasn’t anger, sadness, he just looked serious. “I’m pretty sure you know the answer. No, frankly I feel like you’ve held the job long enough. You’re so serious and by the book these days, I was honestly happy to have the old Celestia back, the one I knew from before.”.”

Celestia blinked rather surprised by the answer as she placed her plate down and asked, “Even if I had agreed to that, then what?Just stay here in your pocket dimension?”

Discord threw his claws in the air, “There’s your problem! You’re talking to the lord of chaos for crying out loud, we can go anywhere you want and do anything you want. But no, you stayed here and became a princess of ponies.”

Celestia lowered her head, she knew it deep down she felt the same. She looked over across the table and asked, “Do you still feel that way?”

“Not anymore, I don’t think this was ever going to work out...besides you saw through the illusion I set for you...in the end, I’ll probably be alone forever,” Discord sighed as he laid back in his chair.

Celestia paused and realized for once in her life she had an actual choice. She could stay with Discord and leave Equestria behind and find herself having crazy adventures...but she knew deep down that was wrong and selfish for her, especially after everything that’s happened in the past week.

“Discord, at this point I’d love nothing more than to truly enjoy some of the freedom you have every day, but my little ponies need me. Maybe in a few hundred years...or maybe not ever...not until I’m one hundred percent sure I’m leaving the ponies in Equestria are in good hooves.”

Discord sat back up as he snapped a claw clearing the table as he sighed in defeat. “Predictable as always, I guess even a week on the wild side with me wasn’t enough to change your mind. Pity.”.”

Celestia paused as her heart skipped a beat with the realization this whole time...Discord didn’t just turn her into a draconequus for fun. She got up from her chair and trotted over to him. “I know...that we can’t really ever be together but...you don’t have to be alone you know.”

Discord smiled and flew over to her, “Yes, I suppose you’re right. That’s why you freed me from stone and gave me a second chance, right? Fluttershy drove that lesson home that’s for sure.”

The princess bowed her head with a smile. “Of course, I always knew deep down there was good inside you...you just needed somepony to believe in you….but it wasn’t me who reformed you it was Fluttershy...I failed not only my sister but you as well...maybe I’m the ba-”

Before she finished Discord came over and placed his mouth on her mouth as they held each other the lord of chaos picked her up and looked down at her. “Enough of that, we’re going to enjoy our evening, not wallow in self-pity.”

Celestia was quite taken aback by being picked up like a bride on her wedding day. Her cheeks flushed red as they headed to the lord of chaos’s bedroom. But she was surprised to see the bedroom looked exactly like she’s back in her castle.

She squeaked as Discord lifted her up in his magic and undressed her and placed her back down in all her natural beauty. Celestia stood there smiling back at the lord of chaos. “So, that’s it?”

“There’s nothing left for us right, I also thought it would save the trouble of another chariot ride, those pumpkin chariots aren’t cheap I had to find this fairy go-”

Before he finished Celestia gave him a kiss on the lips and she held it there they both hugged each other unable to break off the embrace. Celestia then laid down on the bed exposing her belly to the lord of chaos knowing full well what was going to happen next.

Discord then turned his gaze and pulled a sheet with The End printed on it in red ink.

Comments ( 16 )

Discord came over with a massive fake teat coming down his eye.

This. Made me. Laugh. So. So. Hard...

...DAMNIT, i thought I fixed that. Stupid auto correct.

I fixed it lol

Sigh. It's always a thousand years.
And all the events of MLP are nonsensical condensed into one year.


The events of GEN 4 take place within a Decade around the same time as the show ran. Just saying

Congrats on making it this far. Actually finishing a story is exceptionally hard. Congrats on crossing the finish line.

And it ends with some good old fashioned character interaction. And it doesn't want to overstay its welcome. Wise decision.

If i'm being honest I suck at clop lol and i'm not very comfortable with it. :twilightsheepish:

And it ends with a surprisingly warm romance.

I was actually 8 seconds too late to view what you wrote when I clicked on the notification.
However, I am sorry for going beyond stating just the facts.

Its fine, I just came to a realization yesterday that I never wanted to be a better writer. Fimficiton is more for me a way to vent out my emotions and if people enjoy what I write then I appreciate that. I got lucky that this story blew up. I just want to spread joy to people and have fun writing crazy stories. Im not sure what im doing in regards with storytelling. I'm super immature at heart and I don't want to get better. I just want to make people happy and be content with that.

You've already grown, by finishing this story you're now a step forward from where you started. It doesn't matter where you took that step as long as you gained some insight and found what parts of your story worked right. Find those parts and break them down and think back to how grade school used to tell you all about a story having a message, a story has stages, what are those stages? Did you use them? Was there a point in skipping? Did you use the other tools that were taught? So on and so forth. Keep asking yourself these questions and try to expand on the answers as much as possible. If you keep going down that direction you'll learn how a behemoth like MrNumbers (You might want to search that up here and read those stories) operates. Anyways, that's the long-about way of saying to just keep practicing. Congrats on this, I've just been around for too long now.

Comment posted by Foal Star deleted Oct 14th, 2021
Comment posted by Foal Star deleted Nov 26th, 2023

That was a good and heartwarming ending :pinkiehappy:.

thank you. I appreciate it!

#draconequus now exists! please help it grow by tagging your fiction with #draconequus!

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