• Published 10th Apr 2019
  • 10,195 Views, 221 Comments

The Princess of Chaos - Foal Star

After making a bet with Discord, Princess Celestia must keep her new chaotic powers in check for one week. Seems simple enough

  • ...

Chapter One: Day One: How To Use Chaos Magic?

Celestia found herself waking the next morning and yawned as she stretched her new arms in the air. The mare groaned as she looked to see the moon lowering outside her window. Muttering out another annoyed grunt, she slowly rolled around in her bed knowing that she was going to have to raise the sun soon.

However, her annoyance quickly turned to mirth as she noticed two things. The first being her transformed state, something she’d forgotten in her tired stupor, and two, she noticed how truly odd her limbs felt as she pushed them through her sheets. However, despite the odd sensation, she actually found the appendages rather appealing.

“I must admit, I was a little apprehensive of this little affair and going from hooves to arms is certainly an adjustment. However, it shouldn’t be too much trouble to get used to.”

Giving her new digits a few quick stretches, she wrapped her new hands around her bedsheets and removed them, taking a moment to marvel at the ease the task was accomplished.

“Well, if I can say anything about this change it’s moving things with your hands is far easier than with your mouth. I can only imagine how relieving this would feel for an earth pony.”

True, Celestia as an alicorn typically would levitate whatever object or item she needed, but she was no stranger to the somewhat awkward task of having to hold or move something with her mouth on occasion. Yes, ponies had been doing that for centuries, but that didn’t make it any easier.

Quietly shaking off her new appreciation for hands, the transformed mare, now out of bed, took a moment to scan her darkened room, finding her to be the only one present, allowing her a momentary sigh of relief.

A quick glance at a nearby wall mirror serving to remind her again of how differently she looked. “And now comes the matter of informing everypony about my current state. Hopefully they won’t react too hysterically to this.”

Her monologue was interrupted the lights in the room came on, and the princess spotted a pink coated, pegasus maid coming walking into the room, a small pile of sheets obscuring her view and explaining why she wasn’t immediately freaking out at the Princess’s new form.

“Forgive me for waking you Princess Celestia, but I felt it was time to change the sheets on your bed.”

A slightly mischievous smirk appeared on the Princess’s face as she plotted her next course of action. She was stuck like this anyway, so might as well enjoy it.

“Oh, it’s no problem. I was already awake anyway and I wouldn’t mind some fresh sheets. Do you need any help by chance?”

Though her face was obscured by the rather large pile of linens, the Princess could still make out shake of refusal from mare, who struggled to keep the pile steady as she shook. “Oh, please don’t trouble yourself your highness. I have everything under con…..AH.”

Her words were cut short as she took a step forward and her hoof getting caught on a nearby rug, sending her body falling forward and the sheets flying.

She braced to hit the ground, only to hear a loud snap ring throughout the room, and her descent halted.

The maid slowly opened her eyes, and finding her jaw slowly drop. Looking down she could clearly see the floor, roughly a foot or so away from her face, yet despite not feeling her hooves on the ground, she wasn’t falling.

Looking around she found to her shock, she was seemingly frozen in place, not levitating, but outright frozen. More eye catching however, were the sheets she’d been carrying.

The once neatly folded cloth was now open and spread in every direction, not unlike a pair of wings, yet they weren’t fluttering in the open air, they, like her, were frozen in the air.

Now utterly confused and more than a little freaked out the maid struggled to let out a word, only to be silenced by the sound of mirthful chuckling echoing throughout the room.

“Oh, ahahaha, I do apologize for that. I just couldn’t help myself. Are you alright?”

Hearing the Princess’s voice managed to snap her out of her stupor. “Oh, Princess Celestia, I’m fine, but what exactly is….going…..on?”

Her words immediately died as she turned to speak to Celestia, and finally getting a proper look at the monarch’s new body. The maid, now completely stunned at the sight of the rather majestic draconequus could only return to stammering as she tried to speak, “Prin...cess C..C...Celestia? What in Equestria happened to you?”

Celestia, still smiling at her surprise, tried to regain some of her usual composure to avoid further terrifying the poor mare. “I know this is shocking and I promise you there is a reason for why I’m like this. However, perhaps we should discuss this while only ground level hmm?”

With a snap from her paw, the maid found herself gently falling back to the ground, her hooves landing with barely a sound. Another snap sounded and the sheets, which had also regained its momentum, appeared once again in a folded pile next to the maid, as if they hadn’t even been dropped. Celestia’s grin grew brighter as she admired her little display, though she quickly recentered her focus on the matter at hand. “Now than, regarding my current state.”

The maid, now able to process what was going on, immediately went into a panic. “Princess! This is serious! We need to inform your sister, or Twilight immediately!”

The Princess however, still maintaining her somewhat aloof demeanor, causally floated onto her bed as the maid was now on the cusp of hyperventilating.

“Now, now, there’s no need to be concerned. Honestly, you’re starting to sound like my mother?”

Without realizing it, Celestia unconsciously snapped her claw, causing tendrils of magic to wrap around the maid. With a bright flash of light the mare started shifting in appearance. Her mane began to flow outward, her horn growing through her forehead while both her body and wings increased in size. The simple pegasus maid was now transformed into a tall, graceful alicorn with a white apron strapped around her midriff as she came over and spoke in a reassuring tone. “Yes, I am your mother. Now tell me what’s happened?”

Celestia blinked in surprise, her jaw momentarily opening before blushing in slight embarrassment at her mistake. “Okay, guess I need to be a little more careful with what I say until I get a better grasp on this.”

For a moment she debated whether to simply undo the spell she’d just cast, but her mischievous side opted instead to have a little fun with this unique scenario. That was the point of this after all.

So, taking a moment to contemplate her response, before finally responding to her mother’s question...in a tone not unlike a young teenage mare. “Oh it was nothing, I just had a wonderful time last night with Discord!”

The transformed alicorn chuckled as she lit her horn and began to fix Celestia’s bed. “Oh, that’s lovely to hear dear. I’m guessing he’s the one to thank for your new look?”

Celestia rolled her eyes at the mare’s tone, almost sounding like she was being interrogated over a boyfriend she’d just gotten. “Well, I did technically have a bit of a hand in this. I guess you could call it a friendly wager between old acquaintances.”

The maid merely continued with her work, fluffing the princess’s pillow while humming a little tune. “Well, as long as it doesn’t keep you from your responsibilities as princess, then it shouldn’t be a problem.”

The draconequus quietly brushed off the comment and levitated over to a nearby mirror, getting a more detailed look at herself and realized something. True her new appearance was...eye catching, but it lacked the regality and elegance of her alicorn form.

“Hmm, perhaps I should put on something formal before I reveal myself to everypony. Help ease the public into it, if only a little bit.”

Drifting off to her closet, again enjoying the benefits of hands, she opened it up and examined her wardrobe, only to immediately remember something vital. None of her current attire would fit seeing they were all designed specifically for alicorns.

Feeling a sense of annoyance start to form, she tried to calm herself with a quick breathing exercise. “Okay, so not everything about this is going to as smooth as I’d hoped.”

Her eyes shifted from her wardrobe to her paws before a smirk returned to her face. “Well, looks like I’m going to have to change out my wardrobe for the week. Shouldn’t be too difficult.”

However, a quick glance at her still transformed maid reminded her of how easily her new powers could work against her. So, taking another breath to focus herself, she held her hand towards the dresses.

“Just concentrate Celestia, think of nice gowns that’ll fit me.”

The princess gulped, shutting her eyes tight as she snapped her claw. Another snap rang out in the room, though this was followed by an odd, poofing sound. “Oh, that didn’t sound comforting.”

Slowly opening her eyes, she almost immediately regretted her decision, finding her rows of once elegant gowns and dresses, designed by some of the finest seamstresses in Equestria….had been turned into a collection of what could only be described as blindly colorful, frilly monstrosities designed by a group of school fillies.

Celestia could only pick up her jaw and groan at her latest blunder. “Ugh! How in Equestria does Discord control this and make it look so easy!? I feel like newborn filly just starting her first magic lesson.”

Letting out another annoyed groan, the Princess quietly floated in the air, tempted to try and make a chair, though restrained herself out of fear of what would happen.

As she continued to sulk in the air, she failed to notice the motherly alicorn slowly walking up behind her. “Oh, stop that now, you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. This is just something you need a little time to get used to that’s all. After all, if an oaf like Discord can handle this, you should have no trouble whatsoever.”

The Princess’s face softened as a smile returned to her face, enjoying having a supportive shoulder to lean on...even if the circumstances were a little odd when taking context into account. Still, didn’t mean she wouldn’t play along for a little while long.

“I appreciate the confidence, but I'm still not especially confident. I’ve only had this magic for a few hours and so far things have been….” Her glance focused on the motherly mare still trying to comfort her. “Unpredictable.”

The alicorn mother merely scoffed at Celestia’s reply, using her own magic to bring the Princess back to ground level. “Well, one thing you might want to consider is not relying on it so much. Try to use it in small ways until you get a better handle on it, and with a little practice you’ll have it down pat.”

Taking a moment to shift her attention to Celestia’s attempt at fixing her wardrobe, her demeanor became slightly more strained. “As for that little debacle, let’s forget about magic of any kind for now. I’ll contact a tailor to try and salvage what we can so you have some proper attire for the week. However, for now we need to get you prepared to raise the sun.”

Celestia couldn’t help but feel a little bit of childish glee at being patronized, having grown so accustomed to everypony speaking to her with reverence, it was quite a refreshing change. “Very well, thank you mother.”

Almost immediately she slapped her paw over her mouth, her entire body turning red in embarrassment. “I am so sorry about that, it just slipped out….”

The new alicorn, herself equally colored red with embarrassment merely gestured the princess to not speak, trying to process what was said. “It’s fine, after all, this is what you wanted to happen when you used your magic earlier.”

“Right….probably should do something about that shouldn’t?”

Celestia prepared to snap her fingers again, only for the alicorn to quickly grab the paw and push it down, a strained smile barely holding her face together. ”While the gesture is appreciated, let’s wait until you’ve got a better hold on your magic shall we dear? After all, we don’t know what exactly will happen.”

The pair shared another glance at Celestia’s wardrobe before the Princess nodded. “Yes, that probably would be the wisest course of action.”

The two stood roughly in silence for a moment as they contemplated what to do next. “Well, I suppose we should just treat this as normal I suppose. Though, what should I call you...other than...you know.”

An embarrassed blush came over Celestia’s face as she was reminded again of her little slip of the tongue, only for the alicorn to chuckle in response.

“Please, don’t worry about that. Honestly, I don’t mind you calling me that if it makes you comfortable. Though if you prefer you can call me that in private. As for while we’re in public, just call me Feather Duster. That is technically my actual name”

Celestia debated the compromise for a moment before offering a slightly hesitant nod. “I suppose that should be alright. After all, it’s only for a week anyway, so we should be fine.”

The alicorn giggled as she brushed Celestia’s mane. “Though, if I’m going to be your mother Celestia, than technically that makes me Luna’s mother as well. I don’t suppose we could let her in on the joke as well could well?”

After working out the details of the new arrangements Celestia opted to freshen herself up and had just finished exiting the bathroom, only to turn and see Princess Luna, who wasn’t in the best of moods. Beyond the angry scowl on her face, there were some noticeable bags under her eyes, which were also partially red and bloodshot. Add on the shaking and she looked to be somewhere between exploding in anger and passing out. Though for now she seemed to go with the former.

“Oh, good morning dear sister. How are you this lovely morning? I’m fine by the way, I just finished lowering the moon an hour ago and have been patiently waiting for you to raise the sun.”

Luna, likely due to her half crazed/half awake state had yet to even acknowledge her sister’s new appearance and merely continued on with her rant while her sister listened on.

“Oh, and I forgot to mention, several ponies have been oh so kind as to voice some of their concerns with me regarding the sun. It does feel so wonderful to converse with my subjects, I mean normally I’d be sleeping at this time, but really who needs eight hours of sleep anyway?”

By this point Celestia could barely keep herself from laughing out loud at Luna’s rather poorly concealed jabs at her, with her eye twitching rapidly all the while. Were she not restraining herself from using Chaos Magic, she could think of all manner of ways to make this situation more amusing.

However the fun came to an end when Luna, having finally taken a breath after her little tirade, finally got a long, good look at her sister.

“Ce...Celestia? Is that you?” The Princess of the Moon asked, before quickly holding her head and trying to stay on all four hooves. ”I know I was somewhat jesting with my earlier remark, but perhaps I am in need of more sleep than I realized.”

Celestia quickly swallowed a laugh that threatened to burst from her mouth as she placed her paw on her sister’s shoulder. “While I agree you do tend to overwork yourself dear sister, I do assure you, this isn’t a dream or a hallucination. I have become a draconequus.”

Luna took a moment to rub her eyes clear, just to make certain she wasn’t hallucinating before doing her best to massage away her growing headache. “May I be correct in assuming Discord had a hand in this?”


Letting out another sigh, the Princess of the Moon finally sat herself down, too exhausted to yell, scream or freak out. “All right, then dear sister, may I ask why Discord has done this? And explain to me why I shouldn’t immediately be concerned.”

“Oh, it’s rather simple. We made a bet is all.” Celestia said, matter of factly, like it was no big deal.

Luna however, didn’t seem satisfied, her still bloodshot eyes twitching as she remained seated. “A bet?”

Her sister continued to smile, still floating in the air, and now doing a casual backstroke as if she were in a pool. “Mhm. All I have to do is stay like this for a week and not lose control of my magic. Simple enough.”

Luna, taking a single glance at the alicorn mare in the room with them, and currently fluffing Celestia’s mane while still airborne, didn’t look convinced. “Really, and I’m assuming she’s an example of you keeping yourself in check?”

The alicorn immediately turned her attention towards Luna and was quick to scold her. “Excuse me young lady that was rather rude.”

Luna’s jaw immediately dropped, stunned at being talked down to, though she quickly recovered and immediately snapped back. “I beg your pardon! I don’t know what insanity my sister has caused, but I will not be talked to like a child, especially not by some mare who isn’t even my mother!”

Feather Duster glared harshly at Luna, making the princess step back, fearing some kind of corporal punishment. Celestia, finally deciding to return to the ground, and formed a barrier between the two with one of her hands, now the size of a small wall.

”Alright, that’s enough from both of you. Luna I know you’re tired and this situation is a lot to take in, but you are still a princess of Equestria and should behave accordingly. As for you... mother, still weird getting used to that, you don’t need to get angry at Wuwu. She’s just cranky is all.”

At hearing the nickname, Luna face erupted into a blush, before stomping her hooves not unlike a child and practically whined like one to. “Don’t call me that! You promised you’d never call me that again when we were still children.”

“Indeed I did. So just behave and I won’t have to.”

Floating over to her still pouting sister, she offered her a few simple pats on the head, which only served to make the princess pout harder.

“Now then, you listen to Mother and be a good filly. Now if you’ll excuse me,” she then looked up at the night sky and sighed at her good mood being shattered. “I have a sun to raise.”

Luna however, still wasn’t amused, eye twitching and hooves stomping harder into the floor, looking about ready to leave hoof marks in the polished wood. “Stop treating me like a baby.”

Celestia simply ignored her and headed towards the balcony, picking up her phoenix, Philomena before flying out the window. This left Luna in the care of Feather Duster, who’d quickly taken her by the hoof and started leading her towards the door. “Well, now that all the excitement has been handled let’s get you something to eat and finally put you to bed. A good day’s sleep is important for a healthy mare and will brighten your spirits in no time”

Luna grumbled a little, but for some reason, the princess begrudgingly followed the strange alicorn. With all that happened, she was too exhausted and drained to care anymore, content to just play things by ear for now.

“Hopefully once I’m rested I can better deal with this situation. Besides, it’s only one day and Celestia is a responsible mare. How much trouble can she possibly cause in a single day?”

While Luna was being babied by her new “mother” Celestia was slowly coming down from the sky and landed before a crowd of ponies all eagerly waiting for her arrival, her pet phoenix by her side. As to be expected, when they saw, not the regal form of their princess but some strange, patchwork creature with Celestia’s head attached to it, there was a share of gasps of surprise and shock….along with a few ponies screaming hysterically and one outright fainting.

Celestia looked among her astonished subjects, quickly adopting her more serious royal tone and raised her claw, which thankfully managed to calm them somewhat.

“Citizens of Canterlot, I know that this may be strange to all of you. However, rest assured that your eyes do not deceive you, I am Princess Celestia and I am currently a draconequus. Do not be alarmed as this is merely a temporary arrangement I have made with Discord, and I shall return to normal by the end of this week. As such, I would like for things to proceed as they normally would. I’ll still hold court, go about my other engagements, the meeting over the tax deal will be completed still. As will the party at the end of the week which I'll be hosting at the palace. If there are any questions or concerns, I’ll take them one at a time in my throne room.”

The mare smirked as she raised her surprised pet phoenix in the air. “For now it is time to raise the sun!”

She then took Philomena and raised her in the air, before lifting her claw up and snapping, releasing tendrils of magic that wrapped around the phoenix, who looked more than a little concerned with the strange action. She had but a moment to squawk before blinding flash of light replaced the fiery bird, with...an equally fiery rooster.

Everypony looked on in stunned silence at the odd display, though Philomena looked the most stunned, her head twisting and checking every part of her new body. A foul glare quickly appeared in her eyes, directed at Celestia, who only chuckled at her pet’s anger.

“Oh please, this is hardly any worse than the way you teased poor Fluttershy back in Ponyville. And it’s only for a little bit. So, stop being all huffy.”

The former phoenix remained unamused, but swallowed her pride and turned to the sky. A look of shame appeared on her face, before she reared her head back and let loose a loud.. “Cock a Doodle Do!”

As the call echoed across the land, the sun slowly began to rise making everypony around look up with astonishment and confusion at the most bizzare sunrise anypony had likely witnessed in a thousand years...save for when Discord ruled that is.

Of course, while the ponies were still distracted by the strange celestial rising, they didn’t notice Celestia practically giggling herself silly, hugging her rooster close to her chest before flying off back to the palace and squealing with laughter. “Haha, that was amazing ! Did you see the look on those stuck up nobles faces!”

The former phoenix however, didn’t laugh instead pointing her wing at her face, a deep frown etched into her beak like a piece of marble.

“Oh come on, it’s not that bad. I personally think you look lovely Philomena.”

The rooster/phoenix immediately started furiously squawking in protest, flapping her wings, trying desperately to fly into her owner’s face with little success.

Undaunted, Celestia finally ceased her mirth and offered a pat to her pet’s head. “Yes, yes, alright I’ll change you back. Though, I honestly do think you look quite dashing as you are now.”

With a snap of her claw, the rooster immediately burst into a large fireball, before spreading her wings out, dispelling the flames, revealing the again proud and powerful phoenix she was originally.

Restored she offered an annoyed squawk to the draconequus ruler, who quietly brushed it off. “Oh, calm down. It was a simple, harmless prank. Stop making such a big deal of it.”

The phoenix, again didn’t look convinced, which only served to annoy the Princess further. “Well, fine, be that way. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the gardens for breakfast. And I’m rather excited to see what Mother has prepared.”

Philomena now perplexed at the mention of a ‘mother’ sadly couldn’t get another sound in as Celestia teleported with a quick snap, leaving the phoenix alone to mull over the trouble her owner was likely to get into.

Celestia immediately appeared in the kitchen with a flash, and took a moment to look herself over. “Well, even if I still have trouble with some of the more complex way to use Chaos magic, nice to know teleportation is still relatively simple...now then.”

Her expression turned to childish excitement as she turned her attention to the plate that the motherly alicorn made for her. It contained all manner of fruits, including strawberries, oranges and grapefruit along with some scrambled eggs and a simple mug of coffee on the plate.

Celestia’s previous look of excitement immediately deflated like a beach ball, practically moaning in disappointment. “Ugh, what an utterly boring, healthy looking breakfast.”

Taking a seat and quietly poking the large pile of produce, she groaned loudly. “I suppose I should’ve expected as much. I did essentially turn her into a perfect mother, and keeping her child healthy is probably the most motherly thing she can do. That being said.”

With a grin returning to her face as she took a quick scan of the room. “Today, I’m feeling more in the mood for something a bit sweeter.”

Hesitating for a moment, she raised her claw and with a clear picture in her mind, she snapped, transforming the large fruit platter into a giant, chocolate covered, fruit cake, adorned with various strawberries and oranges. Her eggs disappeared completely, while her coffee turned into a huge, frothy frappuccino with 2 cinnamon straws, a hefty topping of whip cream and caramel drizzled on top.

Celestia squealed at the sight of her new breakfast, clapping her claws eagerly in delight. “Oh this looks just amazing and I did it without any misfire! Good Job Celestia.”

After patting herself on the back….literally just for fun, she began to dig into her meal, taking a moment here and there to take a long, cinnamon laced sip of her frappuccino.

As Celestia continued to indulge in her favorite vice, Discord saw fit to appear in a flash, eyes literally rolling out of his sockets at the sight of Princess’s sugary banquet.

“Well, if this isn’t a lovely image. And here I’d thought you’d have a little more self control than this? At this rate, I’d be impressed if you lasted before half the week was up.”

Celestia, taking a moment to wipe away some crumbs from her cheeks and take a more, refined sip of her drink, merely smirked at her adversary’s claims. “Come now Discord, I figured you of all creatures would understand the need to have a little fun with Chaos Magic.”

“Oh I do, believe me.” With a snap of his fingers he pulled up a photograph of the earlier sunrise. “And I must say, that little stunt you pulled earlier was a nice showing for a first timer.” He quickly flipped the picture over to reveal a scorecard with an 8.0 on it.

“Well then, what seems to be the issue here?” Celestia took another sip of her drink, only to find it empty. So, she quickly snapped her fingers, causing a portal to who knows where, to open above her cup and more coffee to flow into it before she snapped it shut again.

She leaned in to take a sip, only for Discord’s claw to pot out of the cinnamon straw and stop her. “That right there is what I mean. You just got your magic yesterday and you’ve practically used it nonstop...and that’s all without me getting into the whole ‘mother’ situation you created for yourself.”

Celestia had the decency to blush over her slip up, but refused to back down. “Oh come now Discord. All I’ve done is use my magic in relatively harmless ways. Hardly what one would call, losing control...minus that little mishap this morning.”

Discord sighed in annoyance at how stubborn the Princess was being, sliding his hand down his face...and actually peeling it off as he did, planting it on the floor. “Oh sure, you say that now. It starts out small and harmless, but you’ve already seen how easy it is to misuse this magic. And I’d rather hate to see you hurt yourself just because you decided to bite off more than you can chew.”

The Princess, having lost interest in her drink, wiped her mouth clean and stood up, quickly snapping the dirty dishes and utensils into the sink. “You’re concern is greatly appreciated Discord. However, despite a few bumps here and there, I’m more than confident I can handle things.”

Quietly making her way to door leading to the throne room, she offered the Spirit of Chaos a parting glance. “Now then, I have more than a few important matters to attend to. Though, you’re more than free to stay around the castle as much as you like….I’d hate for you to not be around once I win out little wager after all.”

With a smug smile and a flash of light she was gone, leaving Discord alone. “My, my, seems like somepony’s starting to get a little full of themself.”

Fishing around inside his ear, the mischievous spirit produced a small hand mirror, the reflection of which showed Celestia now in the throne room. Pulling a lounge chair out of thin air and sneezing out a box of popcorn Discord took his seat. “Might at well enjoy the fireworks while I can, and see just how far she falls.”

Celestia slowly wafted into the throne room, mildly perturbed at Discord’s lack of confidence. As she sat on her throne, she looked around and saw that many of the guards and other staff were still somewhat put off by her being a draconequus.

She looked around with a sigh as she tried her best to look professional. “Please listen everypony. I understand this is a bit of an adjustment, but as I said, this is only for the week and then I’ll be back to my usual self. So, the best we can do is continue on as normal. Let’s start the day as normal.”

The majority of guards only offered few blinks here and there, never breaking their role, while the few attendant ponies offered a hesitant nod or smile, which only earned a frown from the Princess.

“Well it’s not like I didn’t anticipate some minor resistance. Hopefully my next few appointments will go a bit smoother.”

They didn’t.

From dawn to midday, many a number of different ponies, from nobles, to officials to ordinary citizens met with Celestia and each had their own...unique reactions to her change. Sure, at first it was a little amusing, but after it happened for the tenth time or so, it’d already long worn out it’s welcome and the day only continued to drag.

The Princess’s most recently appointment was a rather dull grey pony in a standard black suit, mainly interested in discussing various forms of budget information...and it was taking all of Celestia’s willpower not to groan out loud at how painful the entire experience was.

“Ugh, he hasn’t stopped talking for the last forty minutes. What I wouldn’t give for a distraction right now. Maybe I’ll get lucky and some monster will pop out of the Everfree Forest and give me an excuse to leave.”

She immediately banished that thought for her mind, she shouldn’t be hoping for potential harm to her subjects, just to get out of a meeting. “Still, this wouldn’t be so bad if he wasn’t so...bland. Do only drab looking ponies take on career paths. A little splash of color wouldn’t kill him that’s for sure.”

Immediately an image came to Celestia’s mind...it would be really funny if the stallion was wearing a dress. Without realizing it, she snapped a claw and the suit the stallion was wearing transformed into a flowing, golden gown. The stallion gaped in horror as Celestia squeaked in surprise at what happened.

“I...I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

The stallion slowly stepped back with an embarrassed look on his face. “It’s..quite alright your highness. I understand you're still getting used to your new powers and all that... I’m just going to go home and change. We can finish this meeting at another time….preferably when you’re in a less chaotic state.”

He’d whispered that last part, but either through some side effect of Chaos Magic or some other force, Celestia was easily able to hear it.

Many of the ponies snickered as Celestia scoffed, “Now, now. There’s no need for that. I’m perfectly capable of fixing this minor misstep. If you’ll just hold still for a moment.”

She sighed and breathed slowly. “Think about a suit..suit…” She snapped her claws turning and the elegant gown was gone in a flash...now replaced with a red and white striped clown costume complete with big red shoes, an orange bow tie and baggy pants. As the noble stumbled about in his squeaky red shoes. Everypony around burst into even more laughter.

Celestia, stunned and embarrassed by her latest magical misfire, quickly held her flaw out again.”Forgive me, let me try again!”

Celestia narrowed her gaze on the now panicking and growled, "Come on Chaos Magic, turn it into a normal suit!” She snapped her claws and the clown suit now shifted into a pair of white swim shorts around his waist with Celestia's cutie mark printed all over the fabric. He also had inflatable sun floaties on his arms and a sun styled inflatable ring around his abdomen. As everypony snickered Celestia was now fuming...literally as there was steam coming out of her ears and one of her horns appeared to be on fire, along with her eyes.

Looking ready to explode, she readied another snap, only for the stallion to hold both his hooves up, almost like he was trying to surrender. “Your highness. I greatly appreciate your attempts, but it’s unnecessary….I’m perfectly fine with what I’m wearing. I was actually planning to go to the beach later this week anyway.”

Celestia could easily tell he was lying to spare her feelings, but gave a long exasperated sigh and nodded in agreement. “Very well, though I do hope you’ll accept my apologies. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

The stallion, with a blush on his face, stepped back and replied, “Oh, there’s no need for that Princess, it’s fine. Now then, if you’ll excuse me I’m needed elsewhere...tata!”

The stallion quickly bolted out of the throne room, leaving a visibly exasperated Celestia to slouch in on her throne, a small hand fan appearing to help cool her off. ”Alright, I believe that’s enough meetings for now and I’m sure we could all do with a little lunch break. We’ll reconvene in an hour!”

Everypony nodded and quickly dispersed as three fancy looking unicorn mares entered the throne room. One of the mares Celestia recognized Fleur de Lis, who was quick to greet the Princess after offering a customary bow.

”Princess Celestia, a pleasure to see you again. We heard about your predicament and wondered if you were still going to join us for tea in the garden.”

Celestia gave a smile, seeing an opportunity to relax a little chirped excitedly, “Of course I am! After everything that’s happened so far today, aa relaxing lunch in the garden sounds positively heavenly.”

Celestia sat with her fellow mares drinking tea together in the garden. Things were relatively silent as the mares occasionally gave Celestia odd looks. The princess, trying to enjoy the peace sighed as she lowered her cup.”Well I know my appearance is something to adjust to, I’d like to try and enjoy our time together, so can we shift focus to something else?”

Fleur offered a quick nod while the two other mares silently mumbled into their cups, who Celestia turned her attention to..”

“So, I know who Fleur but I don’t believe I’ve ever had the pleasure of either of your company? May I have your names?”

One of the two, a blue coated pegasus with glasses blushed at being called out, but managed to whisper a response. “My name is Rainbow Quill and I’m the head librarian at Canterlot’s Royal Library. My friends just all me Quill for short.”

The second mare, a white coated earth pony and clearly the move confident of the two, offered a smirk and head bow to the princess. “And my name is Snowflake, I’m a curator for Canterlot’s Grand Gallery.”

Celestia bowed her head in turn, a smile on her face. “Well, it’s wonderful to meet you two. Actually, I was discussing the fact that many ponies think we should have decreased funding for the gallery and library, though I’m hesitant to do so. Though, if you could get your individual reports on the matter to me by Friday, I should be able to work out the details and hopefully convince the other nobles to continue funding these endeavours.”

Snowflake gave a nod, taking a bite of one of the crumpets on the table before replying. “Rightly so, thank you for your cooperation Princess Celestia. My report has been finalized and is ready for review.”

Quill also bowed and replied, “Yes, that goes for me as well. My review is complete and is ready for your approval.”

Celestia blinked and burst into laughter. “Well, if that’s all the business we need to discuss what are we going to do for the rest of our lunch break?”

The three mares all blushed and gave each other embarrassed looks. Fleur then turned around towards the princess and whispered, “Well..to be honest we actually rather enjoyed your little performance when you raised the sun this morning.”

Snowflake actually started chuckling and needed to take a sip of tea to keep from choking on one of the pastries she’d been eating. ”Oh yes, it was amazing. Though, the three of us were wondering, if it’s not too much trouble. Could you perhaps use your Chaos Magic to fulfill a little fantasy of ours.”

Celestia eyed them cautiously, noting that Fleur and Quill were equally invested in this idea. “I’m not sure, I’m still getting the hang of it and I’m worried about what might happen. What is this request?

Quill quietly looked down at the grass below, but still managed to eek out a response. “Um...could you turn us into fillies for an hour?”

Celestia blinked in surprise as Fleur nodded eagerly “Yes, please! It would be a dream to relive our foalhoods for a little bit. We always had tea parties when we were young and they were so much fun. Sadly, it's not the same when you're an adult.” The elegant mare looked at the Princess with glistening and pleading eyes, practically begging without saying a word.

“Will you do it. please?”

Celestia sighed as she explained solemnly, “Look… while I would love to grant such a request and it’s well within my power, my Chaos Magic isn't the most stable at the moment and I’m afraid of what might happen.”

Snowflake’s previous enthusiasm dried up instantly., “Oh, well that’s alright. It was stupid idea. Besides we don’t need magic to have fun right?”

Fleur and Quill offered half hearted nods, but even a blind pony could tell they were just a hair's breadth from devastated.

Celestia felt her resolve immediately crumble.”Oh, what’s the harm. It’s not like age spells are something I couldn’t do before. So it should be fine, right?”

“Fine, I'll try, but if something goes wrong please understand that it was an accident and not intentional.”

The trio, though excited, gulped nervously as Celestia raised a claw and slowly whispered, "Think of little fillies, come on a little filly tea party.”

She snapped a claw sending a burst of energy through the area,transforming the table, making a small tea fountain appear where the pot was. The porcelain cups turned a bright pink while the plates of small sandwiches turned massive, filled with all manner of delicious looking pastries. The mares sitting there had tendrils of magic slowly wrap around them, before a flash of light revealed them to be transformed into little fillies, each wearing light blue dresses, white bonnets tied around their heads, with white stockings and black mary jane shoes placed on each hoof.

Celestia couldn’t help but giggle as the fillies looked down at their dresses with blushes growing on all their faces. The princess cooed, “Oh just look at you little fillies, now go on and play tea party. When your ready to turn back into adults just let me know.”

All three fillies squealed, “Okay!”

Seeing things going smoothly the princess fell back into her chair, sighing happily in relief. “Oh, thank goodness it actually worked this time!”

Her moment of relief only last a second before she felt someone tapped her on the shoulder, and she then turned around, only to squeaked surprise upon seeing one of the servant ponies now dressed as a giant bunny in a waistcoat.

She barely was able to react to the odd occurrence before he spoke. “Princess, I’m sorry to interrupt but I must say I’m feeling a little strange right now and I feel that I’m late for an important date. Please tell me, am I?”

Celestia groaned and dragged a claw down her face, but then she quickly formed an idea. “Yes you’re late for our tea party. Can you stay here and watch the fillies while I go?”

The butler bunny took a paw and saluted. “Of course princess! I will perform my duties with honor!”

The big bunny then hopped over to little tea party and started to serve the little fillies, much to their delight. Celestia sat back and smiled watching the fillies giggle, talking about embarrassing facts about their husbands as the princess sighed. “Well I almost got it...a little misfire here but not as bad as I thought. Now that just leaves the question of whether I can turn them back without incident.”

Later that afternoon, Celestia, having been pulled away from the fillies due an apparently urgent matter, had to wait until the day was practically over before she could return to the transformed fillies, now in her room along with the alicorn mother and rabbit butler.

Feather Duster turned around and asked, “So are these three fillies staying for the night?”

Celestia sighed as the fillies sat quietly, no longer enjoying their self imposed youth. “No, I'm going to try to turn them back to normal. But...I’m still a little concerned over what might happen. Everytime I try to do something even a little complex it almost always goes wrong.”

Her musings were interrupted as she felt Snowflake tugging at one of her legs. ”Please hurry, if you don't mind. As fun as this was I do have a meeting tomorrow with some famous artists.”

Both Quill and Fleur eagerly nodded, wanting to get back to normal promptly, only adding to Celestia’s concern.

Seeing no choice, she took a deep breath and concentrated, “Alright, calm myself and think about what I want.”

She raised her arm towards the fillies. “Mares, think of them as grown mares.”

She snapped a claw and they were all transformed back into mares….extremely elder mares currently sitting in rocking chairs.

Celestia groaned in frustration, glaring at her paw angrily. “Come on Chaos Magic, just work!”

As Celestia contemplated getting a new arm, Discord poofed into the room, snickering loudly at the frantic and frustrated princess who could only scoff at the trickster. “Ah, Discord. I was wondering when you’d show up. What are you doing here?”

Discord smirked. “Well, enjoying the show for one. You’re ceaselessly entertaining to watch.” A snap of his fingers revealed a large projector, which turned on a played a highlight reel of every mistake Celestia made over the course of the day, much to her annoyance.

Angry now, Celestia immediately snapped her own hand, causing the projector to explode in the Chaos Gods face, though he was quick to shake the soot off.

Celestia’s glare returned to her paw. “Oh, so now you decide to work.”

“You're concentrating too hard my dear princess.” Discord, now clad in a professor’s attire, snapped a chalkboard into existence along with a pointer he was quick to use. “Chaos Magic is all about freedom and unpredictability. The more you try to control it the more chaotic it's going to be. Understand?”

Celestia scoffed as Discord returned to his usual look.”So, how exactly does that help me? I’m just supposed to snap my claws without thinking, and everything will turn back to normal?”

Discord only offered a half nod. “Eh, either that or it might turn everything into cotton candy, pillows and acid spewing wombats. It is unpredictable after all.”

Now more nervous than ever, Celestia closed her eyes and did her best to empty her mind, trying not to think about anything at all.

“Don’t think, just do it. Don’t think about anything. Just clear my mind and...”

A loud snap echoed through the room, and Celestia hesitated for a moment before finally opening her eyes. To her amazement the old mares had finally been transformed back to their normal ages, much to the trio’s great joy.

“Thank you, Celestia!”

“Yes, that was fun...in spite of everything.”

“Indeed, we should maybe do it again….or not.”

The three quickly ran out of the room as Discord clapped his claws together, while another pair of arms held up a scorecard with a 10 on it. “Well done Celestia! Bravo! Bravo!”

Discord then turned to the big bunny thumping his foot on the ground and smirked, “Oh, looks like you missed one.” The scorecard quickly changed to a 9.0

She sighed and casually snapped a paw turning the rabbit into a penguin with a bow tie. Discord burst into laughter as Celestia rolled her eyes and snapped a claw, finally turning him back to his normal pony form.

Finally back to normal he nervously bowed. ”Um...thank you Princess. If you need anything else please don’t hesitate to call...somepony else.”

The butler then quickly ran off as Discord came over landed next to Celestia. “Well, that was quite the day you had. A little bumpy near the end but hey, now that you have the hang of it I'll leave you alone and watch from a distance.”

Celestia turned towards, visibly drained, but a small smile on her face. “Well, don’t get too comfortable. When this week ends, you’re mine.”

Discord smirked as he snapped his claw and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Celestia, finally able to relax, immediately fell back on her bed, moaning in exhaustion as if she’d just teleported all across Equestria. “I thought this was going to be easy. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Thank Equestria the day is finally over.”

A soft cough caused her eyes to open and her to sit up, spotting Feather Duster not too far away. “Oh, right, sorry about that. I’m guessing you’d like me to turn you back to normal as well?”

The mare merely shook her head in the negative. “I had originally, but after seeing how much stress you were under today, I think it would be in everypony’s best interest if you had somepony to lean on during this whole affair. Plus, it’s only for the week so I don’t mind.”

The motherly smile she offered the tired Princess almost caused her to weep with joy, recalling memories of long ago of her own mother for a moment before returning the smile.

“Thank you.”

“It’s honestly not a problem. Now, why don’t you get ready for bed. I have to find Luna and make sure she’s ready to raise the moon.”

Celestia couldn’t help but giggle and nod as she made her way to the bathroom, feeling the smallest bit better despite all that had happened today.