• Published 10th Apr 2019
  • 10,221 Views, 221 Comments

The Princess of Chaos - Foal Star

After making a bet with Discord, Princess Celestia must keep her new chaotic powers in check for one week. Seems simple enough

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Chapter Three: Night One: Luna's New Moon

Celestia looked longingly towards the sun slowly setting in the west with the sky cast in a warm orange glow. The princess was feeling lost and unsure of herself, reflecting on her usage of chaos manage up to this point, and tons of questions of what happened were going through her mind. Why did she transform Luna into a foal? It wasn't like her to suddenly lose control and let her raw emotions take over? The mare knew what she did to Luna was inexcusable, and what she said to her sister was much worse. The princess of the sun groaned just thinking about her actions and feeling a pang of regret as she rubbed a claw down her face and cried out, "I can't believe I turned my sister into a foal what was I thinking?! I must be seriously losing my mind."

The princess of the sun then took a bunch of her mane in a claw and pulled at it with frustrated with herself and screamed out. "What's wrong with me! Why can't I control myself!" The princess slowed down and took a few deep breaths trying to calm herself. After regaining her composure. The female draconequus gave one long final deep breath and looked up to the sky catching the last glimpses of her sun setting in the west with a depressed look on her face and gave a deep, exasperated sigh. "The least I can do is raise the moon seeing Luna can't do it now. But it has been a while since I had to do this."

The princess then slowly raised a claw, and for some reason, before she snapped her claw, a funny thought entered her mind thinking how ridiculous it would be if her sister's butt rose up from the horizon instead of the moon. Then just as if what she imagined instead of the moon rising over the horizon, it was Luna's giant rump! Celestia gasped in horror as her sister's thick dark blue coated rump slowly rose in the air showing it off to Equestria in its full glory with her sister's big crescent moon cutie marks printed on each side of her "sister's" thighs. Despite the scene being quite embarrassing, it was also quite amusing with the princess of the night's sparkling dark blue tail flowing in the wind. The princess found this so hilarious that she had to place her claws over her mouth, trying to stop herself from bursting out laughing. But, that could hold out for so long seeing her sister's butt jiggling in the sky made the princess start laughing hysterically at sight, and after gaining some composure, she exclaimed. "Oh my Faust! I can't believe I'm actually considering just leaving the moon like this!"

After Celestia shook her head at the thought and gave a small chuckle. She realized that leaving the moon like this would embarrass her sister even more than it probably already has and quickly sent a wave of pink tendrils filled with chaos magic straight at the "new moon." However, this only caused the giant rump to start swaying from side to side as if to show off her enormous flank. This only made Celestia place a claw to her face again as another bout of laughter was going to come over her. The princess then sent some more pink tendrils of chaos magic at the large tush. But this only caused the rump to grow plumper with fat. The large tush was now even thicker than usual, and it was still swaying with sass from side to side. Celestia burst into even more laughter, holding her belly and doubling over, unable to contain herself. But chaos magic tendrils then suddenly turned the giant butt back to a typical silver-colored crater filled moon. Celestia gave a big sigh of relief, seeing that the moon was back to normal and whispered meekly to herself. "Oh my Faust that was crazy, I hope nopony actually saw that."

"Nice work with raising the moon! But, Luna's rump was nowhere near as big as your tush." Discord commented suddenly as he appeared out of nowhere in a giant puff of smoke with his claws crossed across his chest with a smug grin.

Celestia rolled her eyes, recognizing the voice of Discord, knowing the draconequus only came here to mock or mess with her. The princess turned around to face Discord with an unamused look, not really wanting to endure more of the lord of chaos's antics and scoffed out. "Haha, you're hilarious; thanks for the help, but seriously, you're the last pony I wanted to see, I just want to be alone right now alright?"

Discord didn't heed Celestia's demands at all, seeing the former alicorn princess looking quite depressed and had a look of loneliness, giving him the feeling that she needs somepony to talk to. The draconequus simply flew over towards Celestia's side anyway and asked, "it looks like to me you need some help controlling your chaos magic. I think that it would be best if I gave you some one on one training."

"Does that mean I lose the bet?" Celestia responded in deflated tone, looking down at the ground with an angry look on her face feeling quite bitter for failing to control herself and having to admit defeat to Discord.

Discord did feel like gloating a little, seeing he did technically won the bet. But the lord of chaos saw that Celestia was looking quite downtrodden if this were only a few months earlier, he wouldn't have cared. But for some reason, the lord of chaos didn't want to make Celestia feel even more depressed than she was feeling now. The draconequus turned away as he reluctantly replied, "we can put a pin on the bet for now. I'll give you a free day to help you with your chaos magic tomorrow."

"You would actually do that for me!" Celestia replied back with a blush glowing on her cheeks, feeling both confused and also grateful for Discord's offer.

The lord of chaos was now feeling unsure of how to feel seeing Celestia with her face now a bright red. Discord turned away, attempting to hide his own blush trying to hide his emotions through a demeanor befitting the lord of chaos. "But don't think that you're getting away with just return. We get to have some fun with it deal?"

"Sure, that sounds fine with me. I actually need to go out tomorrow and go taste testing some cakes for the gala this weekend." Celestia chirped out, feeling a bit better at the idea of Discord, helping her get control of her chaos magic.

Discord clapped his claws together, seeing that this excursion would be excellent to not only teach Celestia about using her chaos magic but to have some fun with the princess as well. It's been over a thousand years since the two were able to actually talk and hang out with each other like this. The draconequus rubbed his claws together and exclaimed, "Excellent! I would love to go do some cake shopping!"

"You can meet me outside the castle tomorrow morning after I raise the sun, ok?" Celestia responded with a smile on her face feeling quite happy and excited for hanging out with Discord tomorrow.

"Alright! just don't go turning the sun into your giant rump." Discord snickered as he snapped his claws and disappeared in a poof of smoke once again. Just as Celestia gave the dissipating smoke, a glare not trusting the draconequus as she grumbled under her breath. "I wonder what he means by fun? I hope he won't go overboard with his chaos magic."

Not long after raising the moon, Celestia returned to her room and found Luna still giving her the stink eye for turning her into a foal. Luna did look quite cute using her stubby hooves to stand (with her clearly struggling) in her pink barred crib, showing off her pudgy body and thick diaper with her cutie mark printed on the padding. Celestia dawwed and then took out a baby bottle filled with formula out of thin air with Luna's cutie mark on it and snickered, "I bet your hungry huh cutie?"

Celestia slowly picked the foal up in her pink aura of magic and watched as Luna waved her hooves and flapped her wings angrily, wanting to get back at her sister for turning her into a foal. But the baby alicorn was powerless only able to kick about in her diaper and babble incoherent gibberish. The princess of the sun then slowly laid herself on the bed and let her sister nuzzle into her side. Celestia then plopped the bottle gently into her sister's mouth and watched as she suckled on the bottle methodically. Luna still glared at her older sister despite actually enjoying the sweet and creamy formula going down her throat. The female draconequus chuckled, seeing her sister's cute pout and decided to tease her little sister as she responded in a snarky tone. "Oh, hush, don't act like you don't want this. We haven't been pampered like this in over a thousand years."

Luna did like being babied just a little, but she was still angry at her older sister, it didn't take long for the foal's instincts began to take over as she whined and kicked some more. But the warm creamy milk went down her gullet and she couldn't but feel comfortable and relaxed feeling her sister's warm body pressed to her's. Celestia brushed the baby alicorn's mane and sighed, "I'm sorry for doing this to you and even trying to say that me becoming a draconequus and you becoming Nightmare Moon were the same thing. I know we both had a lot of stress on us since we were crowned princesses of Equestria and... I...I'm sorry."

Celestia started to tear up, and this caused Luna to start feeling worried as her foalish instincts took over as she whimpered as she began to tear up as well. The female draconequus squeaked, seeing her sister started to get fussy kicking about and wailing. The princess started to rock the baby alicorn foal nestled in her claws and shushed her trying to calm the foal down. When Luna started to settle down, becoming gentle and quiet. Celestia felt a bit guilty for making her sister get so fussy and apologized, whispering under her breath. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to get all fussy."

She then removed the bottle with a cute audible pop and gently placed the foal over her shoulder and patted Luna's back until she spat up a little. Celestia giggled, not even phased, but the puke running down her back and slowly placed Luna back down in the crib while tickling the foal's exposed belly with a claw. This made the baby alicorn squirm kicking about in her diaper making it crinkle while giving out an adorable laugh and blowing bubbles from her mouth.

"Oh, you're so cute!" Celestia exclaimed out loud, unable to contain her excitement seeing her sister being so giddy as a foal.

Then all of a sudden, another mare came through the door. It was Feather Duster, the pink coated alicorn that Celestia turned into from a maid, and she was looking even more beautiful than before. The motherly looking alicorn was wearing a pink colored sparkling apron encrusted with gems, the alicorn's mane flowed around her body like a waterfall, and her horn and hooves sparkled gleamed in the light being perfectly polished and manicured. Feather Duster strolled into the room and went about starting to babble on about her day not unlike a teenager coming back from a date. "Oh, thank you for sending me to the day spa in Ponyville. I met with this lovely mare named Rarity, who was such a lovely spa companion showing me the wonders of being pampered."

She gasped upon seeing Luna as a baby kicking about in her fresh and crinkling diaper. The motherly alicorn stomped a hoof and shouted in anger. "Celestia! how could you turn your sister into a foal!"

The draconequus was quite surprised and nervous, suddenly feeling like a foal being scolded by her mother as she whimpered nervously. "W..well...I have to say that it was on accident-"

"And not tell me! Do you have an idea of how long I've waited to care for a foal!" The motherly alicorn exclaimed as she rushed over to Luna's crib and picked the squirming and blushing foal up and into her magic. Celestia had to hold back her laughter once again as the motherly alicorn nuzzled the filly against her cheek, making the foal kick and whine. This only caused the former maid's maternal emotions to come over her like a wave as she pinched Luna's cheek and cooed. "Oh look how cute and chubby you are! I can't resist pinching those cute chubby cheeks!"

Luna gave the motherly alicorn a death glare being entirely unamused by Feather Duster's antics. All the while, Celestia tapped a claw to her chin as an idea was forming in her mind. A thought then suddenly popped into her mind why didn't she just have Feather Duster watch Luna tomorrow. Her little sister could be cared for until she got control of her chaos magic. The princess turned to Feather Duster, nuzzling Luna, with a smirk on her face as she replied, "You know what? How about you take the foal and be her caretaker for the night and tomorrow? I have an important date with Discord, and after he teaches me to control my chaos magic, I'll transform Luna back to normal."

"Of course, that sounds amazing!" Feather Duster chirped out in excitement, unable to wait to care for a foal. The mare walked off, lifting up the fussy Luna in her magical aura as she cooed in a sweet motherly tone. "Come on lulu, I can try some new parenting techniques I've been teaching myself."

Luna tried to escape flapping her wings and kicking about in frustration but yet again was powerless to escape from Feather Duster's magical grasp. Right after both her sister and Feather Duster were gone Celestia plopped into her bed as she chuckled to herself just thinking of Luna being babied for a full day and turning the moon into a giant butt.

"I wonder how Luna is going to feel after I turn her back to normal? Hopefully she won't be mad at me for turning the moon into her butt." Celestia snickered as she snuggled under her blankets and slowly closed her eyes. As the princess drifted off she couldn’t help but to continue to giggle as she thought about her sister's thick rump peering through the night sky.

Author's Note:

So, If you've read my blogs I've been put on a night shift at my job for the past 2 months and its been exhausting making it hard for me to give this story adequate attention. Again, I apologize for the wait and this was actually part of a much bigger chapter but I was hitting around the 8,000 word mark and its going to be a while until the rest of it is edited and polished up so I decided to publish this portion at the very least to show the story has not been abondoned. So, thanks again for all the likes and comments I hope you enjoy the chaos to come.