• Published 9th Apr 2019
  • 8,781 Views, 286 Comments

Firebreather - TAD2

Spike is just a normal teenager who goes to school, tries to find a girlfriend, and is the spawn of the king of dragons.

  • ...

HQ, Old Faces, And A Meeting (Edit)

After the M.P.A.T.S pod stopped and opened its door, Spike stepped out of the pod and saw a sight that he never thought he would see. He saw a giant hanger filled to the brim with all sorts of vehicles, ranging from small compact cars to military issue tanks, small canoes to 300 foot yachts, and small single passenger planes to massive cargo planes that looked like they could transport several commercial jets with ease. Suffice to say Spike was slack jawed at the sight while Discord was unamused. "I will never understand what the other higher ups were thinking placing the MPATS station in front of the hanger and adding a window that any recruit can see out of, it's like they have never heard of security clearance before."

Discord looked over at Spike and noticed the look Spike had. Discord shook his head in disappointment, then he placed both of his hands onto Spike's shoulders and pushed him away from the hanger window, towards the elevator.

Once Spike and Discord were in the elevator, Spike had regained control of his jaw and asked a simple question. "Uncle D, just...how?"

Discord sighed, the hanger was the newest addition to the DDC's arsenal, and unlike the times Spike went in for testing this was the first time he had seen the extent of the DDC's funding, equipment, and resources. "It's simple Spike, after your mother stopped your father and his army, almost every government in the world came together and agreed to have a contingency plan in case of another dragon attack. They organized the DDC and gave us full amnesty in matters of any situation concerning dragon relations, but once the governments of the world announced the creation of the DDC, multiple multibillion-dollar companies donated a lot of resources. This has allowed us to develop countermeasures in case of another dragon attack. The results of years of government support and trillions of dollars of resources is what stands before you now." Said Discord proud of the agency.

Spike was in awe of what his uncle had told him, almost everything pertaining to the inner workings of the DDC was restricted to the public and what was released is sugar coated so the public doesn't learn too much. Even as much as Spike has been informed about the agency, he has never really learned how it truly worked as a whole.

Discord continued to talk. “But before we go, I need to go to my office to grab some reports that I need to look over."

Spike looked at his uncle. "What kind of reports?"

Discord shrugged. "A few expense reports, a few on some new recruits that need assignment, and lastly one about the newest agent that has been assigned to the Canterlot detail."

"What are you talking about?" Asked Spike confused.

Discord sighed. "It's all pretty simple Spike, I'm only one person, so I can't keep track of you all by myself, so I have created a team that will watch over you when I can't."

"That's actually pretty smart, despite your behavior you are actually pretty organized." Said Spike impressed.

Discord let out a loud gasp at Spikes words. "How dare you, I'll have you know that around here they call me the 'Spirit of Chaos'." But before Spike could ask Discord what that meant, the elevator doors opened to a large reception area filled with over a hundred people. The sound of multiple conversations blending stopped Spike in his steps. But as soon as Spike and Discord walked out of the elevator all the conversations ended and all the people stared at the two.

All the staring made Spike very uncomfortable, but this feeling was quickly suppressed when his uncle placed a hand on his shoulder, comforting him. Spike felt more at ease, looked around and noticed a familiar face sitting at the reception desk, seeing this person causing Spike to smile.

As the two walked over to the receptionist, the receptionist who had a head full of long red hair with two streaks of violet, was wearing a baggy black sweater, a pair of glasses on her face, and was sitting at the desk reading something on the computer. Once she finished reading, she looked at the two men walking to her desk and her mood brightened at the sight of the green haired boy and the weirdly dressed man.

Once the two arrived at the desk, Discord started the conversation. "Moondancer, good to see that you have settled in after the move, you remember Spike, he will be accompanying me around the complex until it is time to depart." Said Discord motioning to his nephew.

Moondancer smiled and nodded. "Of course, I remember him, how could I forget a face like that, he really has grown up into a handsome young man hasn't he." Said Moondancer giving the boy a lidded look.

This comment made Spike blush slightly. "It's good to see you too Moondancer, it has been a while since the last time I had to come in for testing, how have you been?"

She shrugged. "All things considered, I've been doing good, work is boring, coffee is cold. Sophie still hates that I work late. So, what brings you here tonight?"

Spike sighed. "I told you, stop trying to give your cat a bath. As for why I'm here, apparently, my dad needs to talk to me tonight, so we need to grab a plane and head out."

Moondancer nodded as she looked at her computer. "Yes, I got a request for the use of the mark VII Gulfstream a few minutes ago, it was approved so we can head over to the hanger and board the plane after Mr. Discord heads up to his office and meets the newest agent for your security detail." Moondancer then looked to Discord. "Agent Armor is waiting in your office for his briefing and has also been assigned to your current mission, so please inform him of mission policies and guidelines, while you're there."

Discord nodded. "Thank you, Moondancer, we'll be back in a few minutes, so wrap up anything you are working on and have air control have the plane ready to depart, when we return."

"Of course, Sir." Moondancer then looked at Spike. "It was good to see you again Spike, I hope your meeting with your father goes well."

Spike nodded as he rubbed his head. "Yeah, so do I."

Discord then looked to his nephew. "Follow me." Said Discord waving his hand at Spike, who nodded.

Spike and Discord walked over to a wall that housed several elevators as one of the elevators opened, the two walked in. "We are going to the eleventh floor." Said Discord as he pressed the button for the eleventh floor.

The elevator ride was quick as the two arrived at the eleventh floor. The door opened to right in front of another woman whose hair was both silver and blue, wearing a black business suit, and sitting behind a large wooden desk. Discord walked over to the woman and greeted her. "Evening Minuette, I have been told that Agent Armor is in my office, is he still in there?" Asked Discord.

"Yes, Mr. Discord, Agent Armor is in your office and is waiting for his briefing on his mission, am I to assume that is why you are here?" Asked the woman

Discord nodded. "That is correct, also I would like to introduce you to my nephew, Spike. As you know, he is the reason the DDC is now in Ponyville, he also has priority access, so he can access my office even when I am out, do you understand?"

She nodded. "Of course, Mr. Discord." She then turned to Spike and offered her hand. "It’s a pleasure to finally meet 'The Spike', honestly for the first week I worked with your uncle, I thought he was crazy with all the nonstop talking about his nephew. That was until I talked to some of the others in the coffee room, and they confirmed your existence. And might I say, the rumors don't do you justice."

Spike sighed. "Do I want to know?" Ask Spike accepted the gesture and shook her hand.

Minuette giggled. "Moondancer was not lying when she said you were cute." Said Minuette with bedroom eyes. This comment made Spike's blush reappear, and for Minuette to start laughing her ass off.

After Minuette stopped laughing, she showed her other hand to Spike, he saw a small diamond ring on her finger. "Don't worry kid, I'm a happily married woman."

This new piece of information helped Spike clear his thoughts. "It’s good to meet you Mrs. Minuette, but unless you want to use the fire extinguisher on me, please stop the teasing, it’s bad enough dealing with Moondancer when she does it."

Minuette smirked. "She also told me about the time you caught fire in the middle of the lobby when you were five, all because she called you adorable." Then Spikes face turned a bright red and his clothing started to smoke. Discord popped up behind Spike holding a cup of water and he promptly poured it over Spike's head, cooling him off.

Spike was brought out of his embarrassment and looked at his uncle. "Thanks, I needed that."

Discord nodded. "No problem, I don't want to have to explain to your mother why you needed another pair of clothes already." Then Discord looked at his secretary and sighed. “Please refrain from embarrassing my nephew in the future, I don't want to have to send you down to the mail room as a punishment for starting a fire in the building. You’re a lot better than my last secretary Ms. Twinkleshine? She wouldn't stop messing with Spike, so she was relocated."

Minuette had a sheepish look. "No sir." She then looked at Spike. "I'm sorry Spike, I just couldn't resist trying it once, especially after what Moondancer told me, but I promise it won't happen again." Said Minuette.

Spike just waved it off. “It's fine, trust me you’re not the first person who has caused this to happen, and you won't be the last, but you only get one warning, Twinkleshine kept doing it even after the warning." Said Spike.

This confused Minuette. "Then how has Moondancer kept her job? She has tons of stories about embarrassing you, and she's one of the longest working people in the agency."

"She's the exception." Said Spike with a shrug.

"And why is that?" Asked Minuette intrigued.

Spike sighed as he blushed slightly. "I might have had a small crush on her when I first met her, I always thought her attention was nice." Spike then glared at her with his eyes shifting into slits. "And if you ever tell her that I had a small crush on her, the mail room will be the best scenario you will find yourself in, am I clear." Said Spike.

The look Spike was giving Minuette caused her to start shaking in her seat, as she slowly nodded. Spike calmed down, seeing the response. "Good, and sorry for scaring you so much, it's the only way for people around here to take me seriously." Said Spike his eyes changed back to normal.

Minuette took a deep breath. "It's fine, I understand, I am the youngest of six and the only way my siblings ever took me seriously, was when I made them take me seriously. But I have a feeling that Agent Armor has been waiting long enough, so I won't take any more of your time, it was nice to meet you, Spike and I hope we can become more acquainted with each other. But until then, have a good day."

Spike smiled. "Thank you, and I would like to talk to you more as well."

Discord then chirped in. "Thanks, Minuette, take the rest of the day off, I will be out until tomorrow."

Minuette smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Discord, and good luck."

Discord was about to push open the door to his office, but he heard talking emanating from inside his office. Discord motioned for Spike to stay outside and wait for his cue to enter. Spike nodded and leaned against a wall until he was called in. Discord on the other hand, smirked. Instead of doing the courteous thing and letting the agent finish talking, Discord pushed the door open and interrupted the conversation. That plan was thrown out the window, because the agent didn't even notice Discord enter the room, and just continued the conversation. "...Yes Twi.... Yes... No... I know you liked him, I am your brother, I liked him too, it was cool to have someone around that was like my little brother for a while. Yes, I can’t wait to see him now, but I got to go, I'm about to meet my boss for my assignment. I'll talk to you when I get back. Tell mom and dad I love them... Yes, I'll tell Cadence you said hi. We'll have a housewarming party this weekend... Yes, you can bring him.... Yes, really. I want to see him again and give him the overprotective brother talk..." He then let out a sigh. "Ok, I won't hurt him, but only because you asked me not to, but I can’t vouch for dad..."

Seeing that this conversation was nowhere near over, Discord cleared his throat. This sound snapped the agent out of his thought, and he started to sweat bullets. "GOTTOGOLOVEYOU." Said Agent Armor very fast as he quickly hung up and gave his full attention to the man in front of him. "I'm so sorry sir, Agent Armor reporting for assignment!" Said Agent Armor giving Discord a salute.

Discord cocked a brow. "Care to explain the lack of awareness?"

"Sir, my family is proud of me for becoming an agent and wanted to know how this briefing went. That was my little sister who called me. I got engrossed in the conversation, and was completely unaware of your entrance, I will accept any punishment you think is acceptable." Said the agent as he kept his position.

This display made Discord chuckle. "At ease, but we are running a tight ship, so let’s skip the pleasantries and get started." Discord then opened one of his drawers, pulled out the file marked Armor. S and opened it. "So, full name is Shining Armor, previous training: ROTC, two years in the military, proficient in both hand to hand and firearms combat. 3.8 GPA in both upper and lower education, one spouse; Mi Amore Cadenza AKA Cadence, no kids, both parents still alive and one sister, just moved to Canterlot with spouse for this job and will be assigned to the VIP's security detail, am I missing anything?"

"No sir." Said Shining.

Discord closed the file and placed it on the desk. "Then let’s start this briefing, Agent Armor you will join the emergency mission that has just come up tonight and you will be subject to agency security protocols. After this briefing, you will be allowed to make one call to one person of your choosing and inform them that you will not be coming back until tomorrow. Your mission is to accompany me and the VIP to the Dragon Portal and stand guard until the VIP returns from the meeting. This mission is of the highest importance and is so classified that the report will need a warehouse full of black markers to be redacted fully. Any detail of the mission may not be revealed to anyone, if it is, you will be labeled as a traitor, shot and removed from all records, is this understood?"

"Yes sir." Said Shining.

"If any information about the true identity of the VIP is leaked, you will be interrogated and then shot along with whoever you might have confided in."

"Yes sir." Said Shining.

Discord nodded. "It’s time to tell you who you will be protecting, are you ready?"

"Yes sir."

Discord placed his elbows on the desk and cradled his head with his hands. "Good. The VIP is the son of the King of Dragons and a human woman, he has the appearance of a normal human but can transform into a dragon at will. He is also my nephew and he is waiting outside this office." Said Discord. "Spike come in and introduce yourself to Agent Armor." Yelled Discord, so Spike could hear him.

As Spike opened the door, walked over to his uncles’ side and looked at the agent in front of him. The agent was a rather tall man in his mid-twenties, he had cobalt colored hair with an aqua streak, and he was wearing the standard DDC fatigues given to all agents until proper attire is provided.

(AN: Think US Navy Fatigues)

But the moment Spike saw the agent, one thing crossed his mind. 'Aww Crap.' Thought Spike, as he was about to run out of the office, but he was stopped in his tracks as Agent Armor yelled. "SPIKE?!!"

Spike swallowed the lump in his throat. "Ummm, hey Shining, long time no see, how have you been?" Asked Spike. Shining Armor promptly passed out.

Discord looked at his nephew. "Explain."

Spike seeing no way out of it responded. "He's Twilight's older brother."

Discord let out an annoyed sigh as he gets up and walks to the door. "Stay here and watch him, I'll go grab some water."

Five minutes later Discord walked back into his office, carrying a cup of water and noticed that Shining Armor was still passed out. Discord sighed as he splashed Shining Armor in the face. "SPIKE IS THE VIP!!" Yelled Shining Armor in disbelief. "THERE'S NO WAY THE COOL LITTLE GUY I USED TO PLAYED WITH YEARS AGO IS THE SON OF THE DRAGON KING!!!"

Discord had enough for the agents freak out, he walked over to Shining, grabbed the collar of his fatigues and started to slap him. "Calm.... *SLAP*…. Down.... *SLAP*…. Right.... *SLAP*…. Now.... *SLAP*!" Said Discord as he slapped Shining.

After the third slap, Shining Armor had regained his senses and was about to speak, but he was slapped one more time. "Hey, what was the last slap for?" Asked Shining.

Discord shrugged. "Good measure and for earlier. Now that you've calmed down, is there anything you want to know?"

Shining Armor looked at Spike and asked one question. "Is it true?" Spike nodded. "Prove it?" Spike sighed, walked over to Discord and grabbed the paper cup his uncle used to wake Shining Armor up. Spike then tossed it into the air, inhaled some air and released a small stream of emerald fire towards the cup. The cup was instantly engulfed in the fire and was turned into ashes in milliseconds, leaving Shining slack jawed.

Once Shining regained use of his jaw, he looked at Spike. "Does Twi know?"

Spike shook his head. "No and she can't ever know." Responded Spike.

"Well, who does know then?" Asked Shining.

Spike shrugged. "Aside from everyone in this room, the whole of the DDC, both my mother and aunt, my father, and all of the dragons. My identity is told to all new agents once they are given their assignments. You were just lucky to meet me on your first day." Said Spike.

Shining Armor took a deep breath, slowly exhaled it, and his face returned to normal. “Ok, I still have a lot of questions, but they can wait, we have a mission to get done."

Discord nodded. "Good, now let’s get to the hanger, we have a plane to catch." Said Discord as he walked over to the door and opened it.

".... Agent Moondancer will brief you on the equipment you will be given for use on this mission." Said Discord as the trio walked out of the elevator and towards the mentioned agent.

Moondancer was standing in front of her station until she spotted the trio. “Mr. Discord, how did the meeting go?"

Discord shrugged. "Slapped the new guy four times."

Moondancer let out a sigh. "Why did you slap the new agent four times?"

Discord pointed to Spike. "Ask the boy and inform the whole background department that they’re fired."

Moondancer nodded. "Yes sir." Moondancer then fell behind and continued walking next to Spike. "What happened?"

Spike pointed to Shining. "I know him, he went into a brief bout of craziness, and me and his younger sister are old friends and current classmates."

"Oh, is this sister of his cute, do I have some competition?" Asked Moondancer.

Spike blushed. "No comment." Said Spike.

Discord groaned. "Cut the chit chat you two, Agent Dancer please inform Agent Armor on what equipment he will need for this mission." Ordered Discord.

Moondancer nodded. "Yes sir."

Once the group arrived in the hanger, Moondancer directed them to the appointed plane and informed the group that the plane is stocked with all the necessary equipment that they will need for the trip. "...Lastly there are two heat resistant hazmat suits in the plane’s cargo hold, they are needed to combat the overwhelming heat of the dragon lands, stocked with them are two standard issue Glock 7 pistols both with two clips full of diamond tips rounds for dealing with dragons, but those are only for use in emergencies. That should be it sir." Said Moondancer going over the checklist of equipment the plane is stocked with.

"Good, be on standby for our return, then take the rest of the day off and don't report in until Wednesday morning, it’s going to be a long night." Said Discord as he boarded the plane.

"Understood sir." She then looked at Spike and gave him a hug. "And you stay safe, I don't want to lose my favorite little lizard." Said Moondancer as she hugged Spike tightly.

Spike returned the hug. "Your worst them my mother, but I will." They broke the hug, and Spike followed his uncle on board.

Finally, Moondancer looked at Shining Armor. Moondancer grabbed Shining's collar. "If anything happens to Spike, I will personally hunt you down and feed you to his father, is that understood Agent Armor?"

Shining was shocked at how quickly her mood changed and gulped. "Yes ma'am, Agent Dancer." Moondancer let go of his collar, and not wanting to be near the receptionist alone, Shining quickly ran to the plane.

Once everyone was ready to go, the plane quickly departed and headed to the DDC outpost near the dragon portal dubbed ‘GATE'. "ETA to outpost GATE: three hours, thirty minutes." Announced the pilot.

Discord looked over to Spike. “Spike why don't you get some rest, you've been up all day and your mother will have my head, if a teacher writes you up for falling asleep in class tomorrow."

Knowing full well that he has indeed been up since five, and that he won't be able to get some rest until way past midnight, he agreed with his uncle. "Yeah, you're right, I'm going to head to my room and take a nap, wake me up when we get there."

"No problem, now get some rest, you’re going to need it." Said Discord as Spike walked down the cabin and opened the door to his room.

After Spike closed the door, the rest of the cabin fell silent as the two agents just waited for the plane to arrive. That was until Shining Armor decided to break the silence. "Sir, may I ask a question?"

Discord seeing how this was going to go sighed and nodded his head. "Sir, just what is Spike?"

Discord sighed. "Spike Solaris is the son of the current King of Dragons and my sister, Celestia Solaris. But he is just a normal high school student, who just happens to have the ability to change into a dragon. But to me is a kind hearted, gullible, lovable idiot who is willing to distance himself from others if it means saving lives."

Shining became confused. "What do you mean? 'Distance himself from others'?"

"When Spike was born, he looked like a normal baby, but when his father first saw him, he knew that Spike was different and that one day his dragon half would awaken. But at the time, humans were very reluctant to accept Spike as he truly was, so one of the first orders the agency received was to observe Spike for any changes. But after a year of observation, the orders changed to training Spike as the last line of defense for humanity. He was only two years old when his powers first awakened."

"What happened?" Asked Shining.

"Spike was playing with some toys on Christmas and he got upset when he hit his forehead on the coffee table, the next thing we knew, the coffee table was on fire and Spike was curled up asleep in the middle of the blaze. Thankfully his father was visiting for the holidays and was able to pull him out and stop the fire before it got out of hand."

"WHAT? His father was here on Earth?" Asked Shining in shock.

"Yes, he was. Dragons can change their size depending on their emotions. Also try picturing how the relationship between six-foot-tall women and a two hundred foot tall dragon would result in a child, but Spike's father is a special case, he has in his possession a relic that allows for more advanced changes. He has the power of the Bloodstone Scepter which allows for its wielder to change their appearance fully."

"So, you're telling me that Spike's father has been disguising himself as a human for years to visit your sister and Spike?"

Discord nodded. "Pretty much, he's a nice guy once you get to know him, a little hot headed but unlike other dragons, he is more into finding a peaceful solution, instead of destroying his enemies, and Spike is proof of that. But Spike has always been an outcast among humans, mainly because of his eyes and hair. So, when Spike was 5, the agency was very reluctant to let him go to school, but somehow Celestia convinced them to let Spike attend school. That is when he first meets your sister, Twilight, if I am correct and they became good friends afterwards. Everything was going great for Spike, he was happy, had a good friendship with Twilight, got good grades, but that all changed when he started second grade."

Shining nodded. "Yeah, I think I know the day you’re talking about. You’re talking about the day someone started a fire at the elementary school."

Discord nodded. "It was Spike who started the fire that day. We found out that some older kids started bullying Spike, teased him about his eyes and hair. It got so bad that Spike let his emotions loose, then he started to heat up to the point that he was setting things on fire on accident. Thankfully since we were watching him by this point, we were able to calm him down quickly, but the damage was done, so following agency protocol we detained the bullies, had their minds wiped, then relocated their families and we still have them under observation. We created a cover story about the fire, then moved Spike and my sisters to another city, but that incident proved that the agency was ill prepared for teaching Spike about controlling his powers. Celestia and Spikes father agreed to allow him to spend that summer in the Dragon lands, so Spike could be taught about his powers. Spike learned that his powers, unlike normal dragons who can only change their size with emotions, are linked to his emotions. When he's scared or embarrassed his human body temperature changes over to his dragon temperature, when he's angry his more draconic side is let loose and his nails change to claws while his eyes change into slits. When he's hungry his teeth harden and he can crush rocks and metal, and digest them, he is also able to change between his dragon form and human form by just imagining the change." Said Discord.

Shining leaned back into his chair. "So that's what happened, Twilight was worried about Spike when he didn't attend class when the school reopened... Wait, you said that only the power of the Bloodstone Scepter was able to change the appearance of its wielder, so how come Spike can?"

Discord shrugged. "I don't know, but when Spike was conceived the link it had with his father was passed down to him somehow."

"That seems plausible, I guess, so what does Spike look like as a full dragon?"

"Well, the last time he changed fully was years ago, he was a small, pudgy purple dragon with green head spines that run along his back and tail. But even I don't know what he'll look like once he changes now."

Shining nodded.

The two agents continued to talk about what Spike had to go through over the years, that was until the pilot announced that they were starting their descent to the outpost. "Starting final approach to DDC outpost: GATE, landing in five minutes."

Discord sighed. "Spike has had to deal with many problems over the years and if you ask me, I think that he has gone through more in the sixteen years that he has lived, than ten normal people would go through in their entire lives. But enough talk about his past, Spike likes to live for the day, and he rarely focuses on the past. Right now, it’s time to wake him up, so Agent Armor, get the equipment ready and be on standby for your orders."

"Yes sir." Saluted Shining as Discord walked to Spikes door.

Inside the room, Spike was laying down on the bed, asleep as he was talking in his dreams. “No! Mom, for the last time you can't eat cake for breakfast every day, you need to have some vegetables, and no carrot cake does not count."

Discord knocked on the door. "Spike we're starting our descent, it’s time to wake up."

The knocking awoke Spike from his dream rant, but he was still half asleep. "For all that is holy, if you don't eat an apple right now, I will never bake you a cake again." Yelled Spike.

The weird response from Spike confused Discord as the only response he had for that was to tell Spike about the bowl of fruit that was next to the fridge in the main cabin. "Um, Spike theirs a bowl of fruit in the main cabin if you’re hungry."

Spike, now completely awake and aware, only responded with an equally confused response. “Uncle D, I'm not hungry so why bring up a bowl of fruit?" Asked Spike.

Discord sighed. "Never mind, it's time to get ready, we're about to land so grab your bag and strap yourself in."

"Ok, give me a minute to get ready."

"Ok." Said Discord as he walked back and took a seat next to Shining.

Spike walked out of his room with his bag on his back and took the seat across from his uncle as he greeted Shining. "Hey, Shining, I miss anything?"

Shining shrugged. "Not really, just learned more about my assignment and you."

Spike groaned. "What did he tell you?"

Shining chuckled. "Not much, he told me about the coffee table, what you looked like when you go full dragon, and why me and Twi lost contact with you after the elementary school fire. I don't blame you for what happened by the way, I just wish you told me earlier, I could have handled them for you."

Spike sighed. "I know you would have, but I needed to learn to take care of myself, but when I tried to stand up to them, they said they would start teasing Twilight too, the thought that she would stop being my friend, scared me and I lost control."

Shining sighed. "I understand Spike, the past is the past, but I'm glad that you and Twi reconnected after so many years, also she is going to ask you to join her and the rest of the family for me and Cadance's housewarming party this weekend."

Spike started to laugh. "So, you actually got together with Cadance, I knew it was only a matter of time, congratulations, when was the wedding?"

Shining chuckled. "Last year, and thanks, we're very happy, I know it would mean the world to Twi and Cadance, if you joined in on the fun."

Spike smiled. "I would love to; I can’t wait to see everyone again."

Discord cleared his throat to stop the two as he began to talk. “Mission now, party later, we are about to land, so Spike when we get off the plane, head straight for the building with the medical cross on it, the building should be near the landing strip, once inside get undressed, so the doctors can give you a look over, you can leave your clothes there and they will be washed and returned to the plane before we get back. While you’re doing that, me and Agent Armor will be getting on our suits and going over what will happen with the base commander."

"No problem/ Yes sir." Said Spike and Shining in unison. Just then the wheels on the plane touched down and the plane quickly slowed down and began to taxi to the designated arrival point. "We have arrived at outpost 'GATE' the time is 2154 hours."

"Ok, we have about two hours until the meeting. It will take about twenty minutes for Spike to reach the palace once he enters the portal. Spike and his father will have an hour to have a casual talk before they talk business, so there is no time to delay, let’s move." Said Discord.

The trio quickly departed the plane and the smell of sulfur and brimstone quickly overpowered Shining Armor as he started to cough. Both Discord and Spike looked over at their companion and realized that they forgot about the environment. Discord sighed. "Sorry, should have mentioned the smell, some of the air from the other side seeps out into this world, I'm used to it after years of visiting the base, and Spike is immune to it because he can breathe fire." Said Discord with a sheepish look.

Once Shining Armor became accustomed to the smell, his breathing returned to normal and he was able to get a good look at the outpost. There were hundreds of buildings around them and in the middle of the compound was a large metal dome, then Shining remembered that they were on a time crunch. Deciding to inquire about it at a later time, the trio separated as Spike walked over to the white building with a red cross on the side, located next to the landing strip, as the two agents walked to the side of the plane and opened the cargo hold.

Spike walked into the medical building and was greeted by a doctor in the lobby. "Awe, you must be Spike, my name is Dr. Cross and I have been assigned to give you a medical exam, before your entry into the portal, now follow me."

Twenty minutes later Spike walked out of the medical building in only his boxers, a robe, and the heart around his neck. He returned to the plane where he saw his uncle and Shining dressed in red hazmat suits. Discord noticed the boy walking towards him and gave a chuckle. "Hello, Hawkeye." Spike gave his uncle a glare.

Once the chuckling stopped, a military issue Humvee drove up to the trio, ready to transport the group to the portal. "Get in." Said Discord as he opened the door and took a seat. The other two followed suit.

After a five-minute drive, the Humvee arrived at a large pair of hangar doors guarded by two soldiers. Once they were cleared for passage, the Humvee drove past the checkpoint and the first sight that greeted them was a red 100-foot tear in the fabric of reality hovering in the middle of the dome. A whole platoon of soldiers was standing at attention on the side of the portal, the Humvee drove to the platoon, and stopped and the driver talked for the first time. "Ready to depart, Base Commander Will is waiting."

"Thank you." Said Discord as he opened the door and left the vehicle, followed by Spike and Shining. Discord then turned to Spike. "Spike, I'll talk to Commander Will, you get ready to cross over." Spike nodded and walked to the center of the portal as he removed his robe and boxers.

As Spike removed his clothes, he closed his eyes and imagined his whole body changing into the form of a dragon. Spike concentrated, sweat started to roll down his face, his skin changed to a dark purple color. Spike's face was the first to change as his mouth slowly became longer, two sets of razor-sharp teeth replaced his teeth, then his ears receded, disappeared, and were replaced with two green frills on the side of his head. Then the sound of bones breaking was heard, as both of Spike's arms grew twice their normal length, his fingers were replaced with claws, then both of his legs extended as well, his toes then morphed into talons as his feet widened to match his size. Spikes chest changed to a light shade of green as the sound of his spine snapping in multiple places echoed in the dome. His midsection grew to twice its size and his lower extremities retracted back into his body. Spikes back began to produce his wings as the wing bones extended to over fifty feet in width and the leather like membrane connected the joints. Spikes then sprouted a tail that measured twenty feet long with the tip changing to the shape of an arrow head. Then a single green spine popped out of the tail, then there was two, then three, then multiple green spines lined his backs center appeared and ran up his spine only to stop once it reached the top of his head. Then Spikes skin hardened as they morphed into scales, and the inside of Spike's body changed, his muscles became larger and more compact, as his throat became larger followed by all his organs growing to match his new size.

Once the transformation was complete, Spike opened his eyes, he was staring at the portal. Spike examined his body and found that he was the size of a four-story building. Spike looked at his back and noticed his 20-foot tail, so he started to swing it around. Spike looked at his hands and examined the razor-sharp claws and scales. Spike smiled at all the changes that his body went through.

As Spike was transforming, Discord was talking to Commander Will. "How have you been, Will?"

"About as good as can be being stationed next to a portal filled with giant, flying, fire breathing, tanks, that is. I heard about what the kid has to do, you think he's ready?"

Discord sighed. "We can only hope." Then the sound of Spikes bones snapping interrupted the conversation.

All the soldiers cringed at the sound of bone snapping as they quickly dropped their jaws at the forty-foot purple human changing into a dragon. But both Discord and Commander Will looked unaffected at the sight.

Discord looked over at Spike and gave a smile at the sight. "Spike, you look great, you've really filled out well, no more pudge, and look at that tail, it’s probably twenty feet long, and your size, I'm guessing you are about forty-five feet tall with the spines. You gotta weigh over ten tons, by now."

"Thanks, Uncle D, I try to keep in shape, but I'm still only sixteen years old, dad only just reached two fifty last year and he's still only in his early two thousand, I still got a long way to go till I can match his size."

Discord chuckled. "I know, but are you ready to see what your dad needs?"

Spike nodded and approached the portal. Discord gave Spike a salute. "All Hail Spike, Prince of Dragons."

Spike rolled his eyes. "I always hated that title." Said Spike as he walked into the portal.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay check out the blog to see what it took so long. But now I'm looking for an editor, post in the comments or PM me if your interested.