• Published 9th Apr 2019
  • 8,781 Views, 286 Comments

Firebreather - TAD2

Spike is just a normal teenager who goes to school, tries to find a girlfriend, and is the spawn of the king of dragons.

  • ...

Lets Go To The Mall

Spike and Ember were walking out of the house on Sunday morning. They were heading for the nearby Canterlot Mall. As they were walking down the street, Spike pulled out his phone and called his uncle.

"Hello?" Asked Discord.

"Hey Uncle D. How are you today?"

"Fine, got an ear full from the other higher ups about the sirens, but aside from that pretty good. What are you up to?"

"Well, me and Ember are heading to the mall to get some stuff for her room. I need you to transfer some cash from the family account over to mine." Said Spike.

Discord hummed. "How much?" Asked Discord.

"How much?" Repeated Spike. He thought for a few minutes thinking of everything Ember could need: clothes, desk for school, computer, decorations, beddings, and other things, which racked up the cost fast. "How about 3 grand? I want to get Ember a laptop so she can learn more about the human world, and she needs some new clothes as well." Said Spike.

"Fine." Said Discord simply.

"Cool, thanks Uncle D, I'll get it in cash at the mall." Said Spike as he hung up the phone. He looked at Ember. "So, we have 3 grand to spend on you when we get to the mall. But I'm putting about 1500 of it away for a laptop and desk."

Ember smiled at hearing this. "Thanks for helping me decorate my room Spike, no offense to you or your mother, but I kinda feel like an intruder in the house, but maybe if I can make my room feel a little more like 'my' room, then maybe I can make your home, 'our' home?" Ember then tried to backtrack the conversation as she waved her arms in embarrassment. "Don't get me wrong, you've been a wonderful host, and I love being able to stay in the human world with you." Said Ember as she started to repeat her statement over and over again.

Spike started to chuckle at how much Ember was trying to take back what she said earlier. But he determined that she was just repeating her apologies. Spike stopped her by wrapping her into a comforting hug, silencing the ranting girl. Spike looked up at her and gave her a small smile. "Ember, I'm sorry you felt that way about staying in the house, I wanted you to feel like that was your home as well. If that meant we go to the mall to get you some new stuff, I would have taken you earlier." Said Spike.

Ember smiled at hearing the heart felt words of her fiancé, she then reciprocated the hug. "Thanks Spike, I would be lost without you near me." Said Ember.

Spike laughed a little. "Your telling me, I still remember your first night at the house, you walked into my room in the middle of the night on accident thinking it was your room."

Ember faked a chuckle. "Yeah, sorry about that." But what she was thinking. 'Yeah, accident'. She then released Spike and he released her. "So, what is this mall place anyways?" Asked Ember.

Spike sighed in realization that it was very common for dragons to run their own shops in a market. "Well a mall is a building with many stores in a single location, it's also a place where most kids spend their time off."

"So, what kinds of shops are in a mall?" Asked Ember.

"It varies from mall to mall, some are larger, and some are smaller, but the one we're going to is the Canterlot Mall. But this will be the first time I actually go in there, I have to get most of my stuff treated by the DDC, so most of the time I just take a picture of what I find at a mall and the DDC just makes a fire proof duplicate. But since you don't have to worry about accidentally setting your curtains on fire when you are cleaning, we should be able to get just about anything you need." Said Spike. He looked at Ember. "So, is there anything that you want to get first?" Asked Spike.

Ember Smiled as she nodded. "I was thinking about getting a set of sheets for the bed, the ones on there right now are a little uncomfortable."

Spike sighed. "Yeah, sorry about that, normally when dad would stay, he would have some problems radiating heat from his body, so on occasion mom would kick him out of the bed and he would go to the guest room."

"Oh, dragon scale temperature is normally around 130 degrees, and I don't know what it's like for humans, but I like to sleep in the cold at night."

Spike shrugged. "Don't really know myself." Said Spike.

They soon arrived at the Canterlot Mall, and the first thing that Ember did when they walked in was drop her jaw at all the stores in her view. Spike looked over at the jawless girl and giggled at how funny she looked. But they were starting to attract the attention of the other shoppers. Spike grabbed Embers hand and started to pull her along with him. He looked around for some sort of mall directory. The place was massive, 3 floors, over a 3.7 mile building, and over 400 individual shops, ranging from clothing to music, so a directory was going to be helpful to get a feel for the mall. It was easy enough to find seeing as it was literally right in the middle of the entrance, framed in a little kiosk.

Spike looked at the malls layout and started to memorize a few stores that peaked his interest like the game shop, some clothing shops, and the music shop, while also finding the location of some shops Ember might like to go to.

After a few minutes of finding the location of the shops, it was time to start shopping. But first, Spike needed to find an ATM and get the cash that his uncle sent to him. He looked at Ember who had found her jaw and was looking at the directory. She was trying to find a certain store that Luna told her about last night. "Where is it?" Asked Ember as she ran her finger down the list of shops in the mall.

Spike leaned over. "Where is what?" Asked Spike. Ember froze the moment he asked his question; she became nervous as she quickly retracted her hand from the directory.

"Nothing." Said Ember blushing in embarrassment, as she walked away from the directory, leaving a confused Spike alone. But he didn't stay there long. Spike knew that Ember was most likely going to get lost in the mall if she was left alone and asking mall security to help him find a 17 year old girl was just sad. So, he quickly tried to catch up to her, completely unaware that he was being watched by a trio of girls dressed in jeans and hoodies, all of whom were standing in the corner.

When he did catch up to Ember, she was looking around for him, she looked scared. "Ember? What was that all about?" Asked Spike who was standing behind Ember. He looked at her with a mix of Upset and confused.

Ember turned around and breathed a sigh of relief as she calmed herself down. But then she got a look of Spikes expression. She looked down in sadness. She was already a burden on Spike by running off on her own. "I'm sorry Spike." Said Ember.

Spike sighed and smiled at her. He pushed her head up. "Ember. Are you ok?" Asked Spike in a serious tone.

Ember nodded. "I am." Said Ember as she looked at Spike smiling at her.

Spike sighed in relief knowing that nothing was wrong with Ember. "Well no harm no foul, but please don't run off like that again, the mall is a big place and it's easy to get lost in." Said Spike as he took Embers hand in his. The two walked back to the directory so Spike could find the closest ATM.

A few moments later Spike found what he was looking for. There was an ATM not too far from them, it was even by a shop that sold mattresses and sheets, so win win.

Spike smiled at Ember who was waiting patiently. "Found it." Said Spike. He grabbed Embers hand again and led her to the mattress store. They walked through crowds of people still unaware that they were being followed.

They soon arrived at the shop. The show room was filled with different models of mattresses, while the wall was lined with every color, style, thread count, and thickness of sheets one could imagine. Spike smiled at the selection as a short man dressed in a pair of black slacks and an orange polo shirt approached the two. "Hello, and welcome to Sunset to Sunrise Mattresses. My name is Deep, Deep Sleep. Is there anything I can help you find?" Asked Deep.

Spike nodded as he pushed Ember in front of Deep. "She's looking for a new pair of sheets, nothing too hot, she likes to sleep cold. You got anything?" Asked Spike.

Deep nodded. "Of course, we have a large selection of sheets that are high quality." Deep then looked at Ember. "What is the lady looking for in terms of color and thread count?"

"Um... I'm looking for some sheets in a blue color, and as soft as possible."

Deep thought for a moment. "I see, please follow me I think I know exactly what you're looking for." Said Deep.

Ember looked hesitant to follow Deep as she looked at Spike, who was not moving. "Aren't you coming?"

Spike shook his head. "Nope, I'm going to the ATM right around the corner, to get the money. I won't be long, just pick out a set that you like and it's yours." Said Spike as he waved to Ember and walked out of the shop.

Spike walked past a few shops as he looked for the ATM. He found it not too long after leaving Ember in the store. "Finally, found it." Said Spike as he walked into a small alcove of the mall's layout. It wasn't too large, only about 8 feet wide and about 15 feet long. Next to the machine was a set of doors. They weren't bathrooms, but maybe they led to the janitors closet and the back of the shops.

"Found what, Spike?" Asked Pinkie who just so happened to be right behind Spike at this very moment.

"The ATM, Pinkie." Said Spike. He then thought for a moment and realized that something was off. He turned around and stared straight into the eyes of the pink ball of energy herself. "PINKIE!?" Screamed Spike in shock. The small alcove area of the mall Spike was in instantly became like an oven as his natural dragon heat popped up.

Pinkie began to sweat as she pulled the neckline of her shirt to let out the hot air. "What happened, why is it so hot now?" Asked Pinkie panting like a dog.

After the initial shock wore off, Spike was able to calm himself down enough that the area was able to return to normal temperatures. This meant, Pinkie was able to go back to normal. That is for Pinkies standards. Spike looked at the girl and became confused. "Pinkie, what are you doing here?"

Pinkie just smiled as she responded. "Well, I was just passing by the mall, while I was on my brake from the bakery and I saw you and Ember walk in, then I thought 'hey it's Spike and Ember, maybe they are having fun, I want to have fun with them and maybe make it even funner', so I followed you guys into the mall where I ran into three girls dressed in jeans and hoodies, and they were meanies, telling me to get lost. So, I did, and then I found you saying, 'Finally found it' then I got behind you and asked, 'Found what Spike'. Then you responded, 'The ATM, Pinkie', then it became quiet for a moment as you turned around and screamed 'PINKIE!?'. Then the place got really hot for some reason, but then it went back to normal and you asked me why I was here, and then I started to tell you all about how I got her and I'm still telling you, but now I'm done." Said Pinkie finishing her story.

Spike nodded. "Ok, but aren't you going to be late for work now?" Asked Spike.

Pinkie gasped loudly. "You're right, I have to go." Said Pinkie as she became a blur of pink. Spike sighed thinking his secret was safe. But just as quickly as Pinkie left, the same pink blur showed back up. Somehow only Pinkies head stopped being a blur. "Sorry, I forgot to do something before I left." Said Pinkie as she kissed Spike's lips for a second. She then rushed out of the mall, leaving a silent Spike in her wake.

"What just happened, did she just kiss me?" Spike then smacked his lips. "And was she eating a cupcake?" Asked Spike. Spike stood there thinking about the last 3 minutes of his life, now 3 of his friends have kissed him, 2 of them in just as many days. He just stood there and sighed. 'What is my life?' Thought Spike. But he remembered that he was here with Ember. Who by now, was probably waiting for him right now, with bed sheets in hand, waiting for Spike to come back?

Spike pulled out his wallet from his pants. He pulled out a black debit card with the DDC logo, which was coincidentally his eye when he was in his dragon form. This was the card to the DDC's expense account that they gave Spike and his family. They rarely ever used it, but normally it was for groceries, car maintenance, new clothes for Celestia or Luna when Spike would burn down the house. You know, normal stuff. But for today, it was for Ember and her alone. He placed it in the machine and instead of the normal interface there was a black screen with only a single line of text. 'Whose account?'

Spike used the keypad and typed his name, 'Spike' and pressed the enter button. The screen changed back to the normal interface and showed Spikes personal account. He had 2.7 million dollars in his account. All from the DDC. He got paid for all the times he was tested on by the DDC scientist, who would report to Sombra, now that Spike knew who he was. And he got a lot of tests done on him in the early years. So, he had a lot of money, but he never found a need for it. He was given all his clothes by the DDC, all the furniture in the house was crafted by the DDC or they outsourced it, and his mother never used the money in her account to pay for anything, besides when Spike messed up.

Spike sighed at seeing the amount. "One day I'm just going to donate all this cash to a charity." Said Spike as he pressed the withdraw button, punched in 3000, and the machine popped out 30, 100 crisp, brand new, dollar bills. He pulled the bills out of the machine and ended the transaction, pulled out the card and placed both the card and money into his wallet and walked back to the mattress store. Still unaware that he was being followed by the trio of girls.

Spike walked back into the store and noticed that Ember was waiting at the counter. She was leaning back on it, waiting for Spike to get back. Once she saw him, she glared at the boy walking up to her. Spike chuckled nervously as he looked at the girl. "Where have you been, you left like 10 minutes ago?" Asked Ember.

Spike chuckled. "Um, Pinkie kinda followed us into the mall, she scared me, and I almost let my powers run free, then she ran away when I told her that she was probably going to be late for work. Then it took me a few minutes to get the money." Said Spike. He looked at the small package on the counter. "So, Deep helped you find a set of sheets?" Asked Spike.

Ember nodded. "He did, and they are perfect." Said Ember.

Spike smiled, "Cool, where is he so we can check out?" Asked Spike.

"You rang?" Asked Deep Sleep as he popped out of nowhere shocking Ember. "Are you ready to check out?" Asked Deep.

Spike nodded and Ember beat her chest to get her heart to start beating again. "Yep." Spike pulled out a 100 dollar bill as Deep rang up the sheets.

"Ok your total is 63.50" Said Deep. Spike handed him the 100 and moments later, Deep handed Spike a bag with the sheets and his change. "Thank you for choosing Sunset to Sunrise, have a great night's sleep." Said Deep. Now that the first stop was done, Spike and Ember walked out of the store.

Spike looked at Ember and smiled. "So where to now?"

Spike and Ember spent the next few hours walking around the mall. They stopped at a furniture shop to order Ember a desk, which would be ready and delivered to the house by Wednesday. They stopped into a computer shop and bought a laptop with all the programs she would need for school. And lastly, they stopped into a few shops that Ember was interested in. Spike ever the gentleman, was carrying all the bags. They walked into their last stop in the mall. A clothing shop. Spike smiled as they walked into the shop. "So, Ember, we have about 800 bucks left for you to buy some clothes." Said Spike.

Ember nodded as she started to look around the shop, trying to find some new outfits that would make Spike look at her. Spike sighed. This was not the first time he was dragged to a clothing store by a woman and unless he dies right now, it won't be the last. So, Spike found the ever present but rarely ever vacant. 'Guy Seat' and just waited for Ember.

Ember was walking around the shop when a cheery teen with wild blond hair, dressed in a bright yellow sundress and a very depressed teen, with dark black hair, dressed in a dark blue pair of jeans and tee shirt, walked up to her, the cheery one was smiling and the depressed one was looking sad. "Hi! My name is Sunshine Smiles, and this is my twin sister Moonlight Raven, and welcome to Day and Night, where we have all your clothing needs for the sun or the moon." Said Sunshine.

"Hi." Said Moonlight as she gave Ember a quick look.

Ember was confused at how these two could be related. "Thanks... Um, I'm looking for some new clothes for school, plus I'm trying to make that boy over there notice me." Said Ember as she pointed to Spike. Both girls looked at Spike who was sitting in the 'Guy Seat'. "Oh, he's cute, but he looks familiar." Said Sunshine as she looked at her sister. "Didn't he used to go to our old school with us Moonie?" Asked Sunshine.

Moonlight nodded. "Yeah, he kinda looks like Spike. You know after he stopped those bullies from picking on that little girl, Babs Seed by beating them up, he was expelled, but it was just a rumor. I was wondering where he went after that happened." Moonlight looked at her sister. "Do you think he would remember us?"

Sunshine shrugged. "We'll never know until we ask?" Said Sunshine. She walked over to Spike who was just listening to some music on his phone, unaware that Sunshine was getting closer to him. She tapped the boy on the shoulder, making him turn his head. He was expecting to see Ember holding two outfits and asking for his opinion on which one looked better on her, or which one made her look less fat. But to his surprise stood Sunshine.

"Um...Hi." Said Spike as he removed his ear buds.

"Hi. Um do you know who I am?" Asked Sunshine.

Spike shook his head. "I'm sorry, I don't."

"Oh." Said Sunshine who actually looked sad but rebounded just as fast as Pinkie. "Um, did you used to go to Manehattan Public Middle School?"

"Yep, I did, but only for a year." Said Spike. "But now that you mention that educated rats nest of a school, you seem familiar. By any chance did you have a sister who was always mopey, but in a good way, that made her stand out from the crowd?" Asked Spike.

Sunshine gasped. "Yes. Spike it is you." Said Sunshine as she wrapped her arms around the boy, trying to squeeze the life out of him.

Spike tried to gasp in realization, as he looked down at the girl hugging him. "Sunshine 'Spine Snapper' Smiles?" Asked Spike.

She looked up at him with a huge smile. "Yep." Said Sunshine. Spike laughed a little, as he gave the happy girl a hug.

After a few moments the two released each other. "What are you doing here?" Said the two in unison. "Jinx."

Spike smiled. "I moved to town over the summer with my mom and aunt. What are you doing here and where's Rave?"

"Hey Spike." Said Moonlight as she walked to the two. She walked over to Spike and gave him a small hug. "Been a while hasn't it Spike?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah, what are you guys doing here?" Asked Spike. "last time I saw you two, your parents were planning on opening a new shop out of town, then I got expelled for giving Rover and his little puppies a taste of his own medicine, and we lost contact with each other."

Sunshine smiled. "Well, you're standing in our family’s shop. 'Day and Night', named after us."

Ember walked over to Spike confused. "Um Spike, you actually know these girls?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah, about a year ago I was living in Manehattan, I met these two girls on my first day, and for some reason beyond my comprehension we just clicked together." Spike then motioned to Sunshine. "This is Sunshine 'Spine Snapper' Smiles." Spike motioned over to Moonlight. "And this is her twin sister. Moonlight 'Rave' Raven." Spike motioned to Ember. "And Girls this is one of my friends, Ember Torch."

"Yeah we already met." Said Ember.

Spike nodded. "Cool." Spike looked at Rave and Sunshine. "Would you guys mind helping my friend Ember find some clothes? She just moved to town this week and the movers lost most of her clothes." Asked Spike.

Sunshine and Moonlight both nodded as they grabbed Ember and started pulling her around the shop. They were grabbing a mountain of clothes from all corners of the shop, and once the mountain was more fabric than Ember, they shoved her into the dressing room. Spike was laughing at the sight of a confused Ember quickly getting obscured by the clothes. But Ember was going along with it.

Soon Ember started to walk out of the dressing room to show off some new clothes to Spike. "So how does this one look?" Asked Ember. She was dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans, a sky blue crop top showing off her midriff, and an aqua hoodie.

Spike looked at the outfit. He blushed and the temperature in the store started to rise slightly, but it was hardly noticeable. He nodded his head. "It looks good on you." Said Spike. Ember Smiled as she walked back into the dressing room to change into the next outfit.

Next Ember walked out wearing a blue sun dress, with aqua leggings, and a pair of blue low heel pumps that showed off the top of her feet. She did a twirl and the dress lifted slightly as she smiled. Spike dropped his jaw at the sight, Ember looked at Spike as she smiled at him. "I love this one, what do you think?" Spike could only nod in agreement. She turned around and smirked as she walked back into the dressing room.

Spike was trying to regain control of his jaw but failed when Ember walked out dressed in a black sports bra and a black pair of sweatpants. Ember interlaced her hands and stretched her arms up as she moved her waist to stretch her sides. She looked at Spike and smiled at the still dropped jaw boy. "I think I'm going to get these for when I am training." Spike nodded again, as Ember walked back to change into the last outfit.

While Spike was waiting for Ember to walk out again. Spike felt a small tingle in the back of his neck, he turned around. In the crowd, he noticed a large blur retreating behind a support pillar. But he clearly saw a hint of red in the blur. Spike became worried, he reached into his pocket, and started to hold the VPA fob. He was debating if he should press the button twice, getting an army of agents to his location and opening all the emergency dragon shelters. But Spike decided against using the VPA. It would create a massive panic in the mall, and someone could get hurt. But he decided to tell Ember when she got out of the dressing room.

Ember walked out of the dressing room, dressed in a pair of seafoam colored shorts, a dark blue belt with two rows of notches, a light aqua crop top with a v design that shows off her midriff, and a blue crop top leather jacket. She looked at Spike, but she noticed that something was different about him, something she didn't like. She walked over to Spike and looked at him. "Spike, what's wrong?" Asked Ember.

Spike looked at her showing that there was something off. "Ember, I think they're here." Said Spike.

Ember growled as she looked ready to change into her dragon form. But she was stopped by Spike grabbing her shoulder. "Ember, not here, not now. I have a plan, just grab all the clothes that you want to get and then we're leaving." Said Spike.

Ember nodded. "Ok Spike, I trust you." Said Ember as she walked back to the dressing room to change back into her own clothes.

Spike was still sitting in his seat; He was thinking about how this so called plan was going to go. He quickly got up from his seat and started looking around the store for a set of clothes for him. Just in case he needs to go dragon. He found a cheap pair of pants and a red shirt. Spike walked over to the counter, where Raven was waiting for Spike and Ember to check out. "Hey Spike, you getting these as well?" Asked Raven.

Spike nodded trying to play it cool. "Yep, just thought I could get me a new shirt and a new pair of pants while I'm here. Ember should be out any minute with what she wants, but completely random question, does the mall have a full surveillance system inside and out? I think I saw a guy stealing some stuff at a different shop earlier." Asked Spike.

Raven nodded. "Yeah, the mall has a great security system in place, both on the inside and outside, do you want me to report the robbery to security?"

Spike shook his head. "Na, don't bother, me and Ember are heading out after we check out, so I'll find a security guard as we leave."

Raven nodded, she started to scan the clothes Spike had. "Ok your total is 38.42." Said Raven.

Ember walked out of the dressing room and noticed that Spike was standing at the counter, she walked over and placed all her clothes next to the register. "I'll take these as well." Said Ember. Raven nodded as she added Embers clothes to the bill.

"Ok, now the total is 568.78" Said Raven.

Spike nodded, as he got his wallet out and gave Raven six of the last 8 bills. Raven started to fold all the clothes and placed them into a large bag. Once she was done, she gave Spike his change. "Hey Spike, are you going to CHS now?"

"Yeah, so is Ember. Are you and Sunshine students there?"

Raven nodded. "Yep, we noticed a guy that looks exactly like you walking the halls, but only for a moment."

Spike smiled as he grabbed the clothes, "Well, that's cool, at least I have some more friends looking out for me at school." Spike looked around for a moment. "Hey Rave, where's Sunny?"

Raven shrugged. "She's out to lunch, I was planning on joining her after you guys checkout."

Spike nodded. "Cool, hope you have a nice lunch. If you see me in the halls, come over and chat, maybe I can introduce you guys to my friends."

Raven smiled. "Cool, I can't wait to meet them. Have a nice day." Said Raven as Spike and Ember walked out of the shop.

Spike looked around the front of the store. He was looking for the sirens, but he didn't see them. Spike looked at Ember. "Ok, Ember were going to leave the mall and walk around it to find a secluded place. If my hunch is right, then they will follow us, and we can confront them there." Said Spike. Ember nodded. Spike pulled out his phone and called his uncle.

"Uncle D, we might have a slight problem?"

"Did you burn down the house again?"

"No, worse, I think the sirens that Shining told me about are at the mall right now."

"What! I'm sending out the agents, hold tight-NO! Don't. They haven't done anything yet, me and Ember think they are following me, so I need you to intercept the Canterlot Malls security video feed and loop it. I have the VPA in my pocket. If they are hostile, I'm going dragon, if not, I'm going to negotiate with them and see what they want." Spike then had a thought. "But just in case, have all the agents on standby."

"Fine, just be careful, if you get hurt.... Let’s just say I'm less scared of your father and more scared of your mother, but remember 1 for the agents, 2 for the shelters, 3 for the fire."

"I know. Love you Uncle D."

"Love you to kiddo."

Spike hung up the phone, grabbed Embers hand, and the two walked out of the mall as the three hooded figures followed behind. But all of them were unaware of another figure following behind them all.

The two walked along the malls perimeter, until they reached the malls loading area in the back. Spike looked around to see if there was anyone around, but thankfully there were no employees around.

Spike then looked at the camera and noticed it was not transmitting a signal. Spike sighed as he looked at Ember. "Ember I need you to hide somewhere to trap them, when I give you a signal, you jump out, and we try to get them." Said Spike.

Ember nodded as she hid behind a large pile of moving palates.

Spike pulled out his phone and pretended to make a call, as a small tingle ran down his spine. 'They're here.' Thought Spike. Spike closed his phone and put it in his pocket as he gripped the VPA. Spike turned around and noticed that there were three figures standing behind him out in the open. "Hello." Said Spike. "I'm guessing that you are the ones who have been following me and my friend today, and since you have been following me, that can mean only two things. You know who I am and you’re the Sirens that crossed over to the human world. Which might make you Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze." Said Spike as his eyes changed into slits and his nails changed into claws, waiting for a fight.

One of the figures squeed in delight. "He's heard of us." The other two just facepalmed at the stupidity of their companion. Well that killed Spikes preparation as his eyes and nails returned to normal.

"Really Sonata." Said the other two. They both sighed as all three dropped their hoods.

All three bowed to Spike as a girl with large puffy orange hair spoke. "Hello Prince Spike, my name is Adagio Dazzle of Clan Harmony."

Next was a girl with purple hair with blue streaks done up into twin ponytails. "Greetings your highness, my name is Aria Blaze of Clan Harmony."

Lastly, the girl who squeed, she had long blue hair with dark blue streaks, done up in one long ponytail. "A pleasure to meet you, Prince Spike, my name is Sonata Dusk also from clan Harmony." Sonata then smiled at him with wide eyes as she quickly wrapped her arms around Spikes arm and pulled him close.

Sonata squeed again. "I can't believe that the prince knows who we are." She then looked at Spike. "I mean you have only been to the dragon lands twice, what did you hear about us? Nothing too bad, I hope. What do you do here in the human world? Do you want to stay with us? We can sing for you if you want. let's get lunch first we haven't eaten for a while." Said Sonata.

Adagio walked up to Sonata and pulled the collar of her hoodie and tried to pry the girl off Spike. As Adagio was trying to pry Sonata off Spike, she looked at him and blushed a little. "Sorry about her, your highness, she's a little over excitable." Said Adagio, as Aria joined in on the pulling.

"Yeah, sorry about her, she has rocks for brains, but a personality as warm as lava."

Spike couldn't help but laugh slightly at the sight. Spike looked at Sonata who was still hanging on to his arm. "Sonata was it?" Sonata looked at Spike and smiled at the fact that the prince knew her name as she nodded. "Sonata can I please have my arm back?" Asked Spike.

Sonata blushed intensely as she released his arm. Spike took a few steps back and got a good look at them all. "Ok, now that introductions are out of the way, someone please tell me why there are three Sirens, in human form, standing in front of me." Said Spike.

All three blushed again as Adagio answered. "Well, you see, we kinda ran away from home when our clan leader tried to marry us off."

Spike sighed. "Let me guess, you all hated who she picked." They all nodded.

"She chose a fat dragon who was known for having a lot of treasure, but horrible manners." Said Adagio.

"Mine was a dragon, who was very powerful, but he was into dragons not dragonesses." Said Aria

"And Mine was super serious and just an overall downer." Said Sonata.

Spike groaned as he looked at the place Ember was hiding. "Ember you can come out now, they don't mean any harm, at least they don't intend to, but one has a killer grip." Said Spike as he rubbed the arm that Sonata was on.

Ember walked out of her hiding spot, she growled at the girls as they growled back. "Adagio, Aria, Sonata." Growled Ember.

"Ember." Growled the girls.

Spike sighed. "Stop that right now." Said Spike. "I have to make a call, and if you all don't behave, I will get my father here and both of us will drag your tails back to the dragon lands." Said Spike in a serious tone. Spike sighed as he pulled out his phone and called his uncle.


Spike sighed. "Uncle D, crisis averted."


"Yep, turns out they are runaways, their clan leader tried to marry them off to dragons. They didn't like that, so they crossed over."

Discord Sighed. "Really, that's it, no one is trying to kill you?" Asked Discord.

Spike shrugged. "Not this week at least."

"Ok, so now what?"

"Umm...." Spike looked at the girls, "I'll call you back when we get that far." Said Spike as he hung up. Spike looked back at the group and sighed. "So, small problem, what do we do now?" Asked Spike.

"We're not going back, we're happy here living in our cave." Said the trio.

Spike sighed. "Then what do you expect to do then? live the rest of your lives in that cave? What about food, three dragonesses can go through a lot of food, and I doubt that you three have been eating regularly." Spike sighed as he removed his shirt and tossed it in one of the bags.

All the girls blushed at the sight of a shirtless Spike. The sound of a light EEP emanated from behind a wall, but it was forgotten. "SPIKE!" Yelled Ember who was blushing but looking away.

Spike sighed as he looked at Adagio. "Adagio, you're taking me to your cave and were gathering everything you brought that we can, I refuse to let any of my subjects sleep in a cave while in the human world, fugitives or not. But we’re not done talking about all of this." Said Spike. He closed his eyes and started the process of sprouting his wings.

A few minutes later Spike was kneeling on the ground panting with his wings limp and draping over his back. Ember ran up to Spike worried. "Spike are you ok?" Asked Ember.

Spike nodded as he stopped panting. "Yeah, it just takes a lot out of me to limit my change to a single part of my body." Spike then got back to his feet and spread his wings out to their full size. He looked at the Adagio. "You change as well; I don't know the way to your cave."

Adagio nodded. A red light around her neck glowed. Her skin changed to yellow scales as her hair was replaced with a long transparent spine with webbing that ran down her spine. Her legs and arms changed as they grew slightly longer, and her feet changed to webbed claws with talons. Then her tail grew out as a webbed fan like tip formed, lastly two thin but long wings sprouted out of her back. She then looked at Spike as she struck a slightly sexy pose. "So how do I look?" Asked Adagio.

Spike blushed slightly. "Um... you look good, in either form." Said Spike as he shook his head to refocus. He then looked at Ember. "Ember you take Aria and Sonata to the house and try your best to stop my mother from freaking out." Said Spike as he handed Ember all the stuff they bought today, he then smiled. "And once this is all set straight, we'll decorate your room."

Ember nodded. "Just stay safe ok." Said Ember as she gave Spike a quick hug.

Spike laughed. "Yeah." Said Spike. He then looked at Adagio. "You ready?" Asked Spike. She nodded as Spike started to flap his wings, he left the ground and started to hover. "Adagio, we're going to be flying above the clouds, less people that see us, less hassle." Adagio nodded as she flapped her wings and hovered off the ground. Spike flapped his wings harder as he ascended into the sky and disappeared above the clouds, Adagio followed behind.

Ember looked at the two remaining sirens in front of her, as she sighed. "Come on, you heard Spike, we're heading to the house." Said Ember, as she started to walk out of the loading dock area, followed by Sonata and Aria. The trio were walking out of the loading area but stopped when they heard the sound of someone crying. Ember quickly ran to the crying person and found Fluttershy curled into a ball as she was shaking in fear. Ember winced at the sight of the scared girl, as she tried to touch her. "Fluttershy, calm down." Ember sighed. "Fluttershy, I know you're scared and very confused right now, but I promise, if you come with me, I will explain everything." Said Ember.

Fluttershy stopped crying as she looked at Ember. "Promise?"

Ember smiled. "Promise." Said Ember as she held out her hand to help Fluttershy up. She took the hand and Ember pulled her up to her feet.

Fluttershy smiled slightly but then she noticed Aria and Sonata standing there. She quickly hid behind Ember out of fear. Ember sighed. "Sorry, I forgot to introduce everyone." Ember moved away from Fluttershy, showing her to Sonata and Aria. "Fluttershy, this is Aria Blaze and her sister Sonata Dusk."

"Hi." said Fluttershy quietly.

Ember sighed as she looked at the two. "Sorry but that's the best you're going to get, she's very shy."

Aria groaned. "I have a feeling that life just got more difficult."

Spike and Adagio arrived at a medium sized cave at the base of the nearby Mt. Canterlot. The two touched down at the caves mouth. They walked in and Adagio used her fire to light a small fire in a small fire pit. The light from the fire was lighting the surrounding area and giving Spike a good look at the inside of the cave. What he saw was sad, actually what he didn't see was more saddening. Around the cave, there was practically nothing aside from a few cheap gems in the corner, a large blanket that they probably took with them when they left, and a small stone tablet with a carving of who he assumed to be their mother hugging them when they were younger. "God, it's worse than I thought." Said Spike.

Adagio sighed as she gave a half hearted chuckle. "Yeah, didn't have much time to gather much more than all this before we ran away."

"Ok, first we're going to have to get all the gems, we'll store them at the house, as for the blanket, I can pack the gems and the picture in it." Said Spike, he looked at Adagio. "Is there anything else?"

She shook her head, "No."

Spike sighed as he opened the blanket, grabbed the gems and the stone tablet, and placed them in the blanket. He tied the blanket and created a makeshift bag. Spike grabbed the blanket as he looked at Adagio. "Ok, follow me to my house, there we will figure out what we're going to do." Said Spike as they left the cave and flew back to town, heading for the house.

Author's Note:

Well, the secrets out.