• Published 9th Apr 2019
  • 8,781 Views, 286 Comments

Firebreather - TAD2

Spike is just a normal teenager who goes to school, tries to find a girlfriend, and is the spawn of the king of dragons.

  • ...

Hello Dazzlings

When Spike walked out of the bathroom, he was completely dressed and looked like he'd never slept on the couch. Spike walked back to his new room and found Shining still standing there. Shining looked at Spike. "You look better, but we don't have time for the long discussion we are going to have about what you said earlier, your mother wants you at the school for the second part of the day." Said Shining as he handed Spike the lunch. "Grab your bag and get moving."

Spike nodded as he took the lunch from Shining and grabbed his backpack. The two left the house and got into Shining's car, he looked at Spike. "Ok, I'm going to tell you this only once, we will never speak about what you said, you will never say that again, and if I ever find out that Twilight actually did wake up in your bed with you, I will hunt you down with a baseball bat and not even your father would be able to stop me, nod once if you understand."

Spike nodded once.

Shining smiled as he started driving to the school. He didn't hold it against Spike, Sombra did the same thing to him a few years ago, except it was during a blizzard, and the bat was a frying pan, it was nothing more than a threat. "Good, we should make it before your lunch hour, so when we get there go see your mother and tell her your back."

"Ok." Said Spike. "I'm going to text Ember that I'm on my way to school."

Ember was sitting in class when she felt her phone buzz, she pulled out her phone and looked to see who was texting her.

Hey, Ember it's Spike, I'm doing better and I'm on my way to school, lets meet up on the roof.

Ember smiled at the fact Spike was doing better. That was until Sassy noticed Ember looking at her phone. "Ms. Torch, I hope whatever you are looking at is important, enough so, to take your attention away from the lecture."

Ember blushed embarrassed as she quickly stored her phone back into her pocket. "Um... not really."

Sassy giggled. "Too bad, I love a good piece of gossip, but back to the lesson."

After class was over, Ember, AJ and the Dazzlings were walking out of the classroom. AJ turned to the trio of girls and Ember. "Well girls, your more than welcome to join me and my friends for lunch today, if you want to come."

Ember smiled at the invitation, but then she remembered that Spike wanted to meet them on the roof. "Sorry AJ, But the text I got was from Spike, he's feeling better, and he's on his way to school. We're going to meet him on the roof for lunch."

AJ sighed, but then she thought of something. "Hey, how about I join you guys for lunch then?"

Ember looked at AJ. "But what about the others, aren't they going to miss you?"

AJ smiled. "Sure, unless I ask if they want to join us, that is."

Ember wanted to reject the offer, but before she could Sonata interjected. "Sure, the more the merrier." Said Sonata as she dragged AJ down the hall with Aria and Adagio following behind.

Ember sighed as she pulled out her phone.

Change of plans, the others are going to be joining us for lunch, I added some coals to your lunch, you’re going to have to lose them.

After sending the text to Spike, it was time for her to catch up.

When Spike arrived at the school, he noticed the text. Spike sighed, as he looked at Shining. "Shining, would you like some diamonds?" Asked Spike.

Shining sighed. "Sure, but unless they are magical, invisible diamonds, I don't expect much."

Spike sighed as he pulled out the two lumps of coal from his lunch bag, he took both in his hands and started to crush them. This was something he learned during his summer in the dragon lands. Dragons could do, what it takes millions of years for the Earth to do, in a matter of moments. Spike relaxed his hands and in the middle of his palm were two small chunks of uncut diamonds, both the size of a pea.

Shining was shocked, Spike just made diamonds in his hand. "Did you just?"

Spike nodded. "Yep, talk to the R&D department and go over some of my old tests. Also don't sell them or you will be arrested, your best bet is to take them to a jeweler and make a pair of earrings for Cadance, think of it as a late wedding present. Thanks for the ride." Said Spike as he got out of the car.

Shining was still shocked, but he nodded. 'I could use these the next time I'm sent to the couch.' Thought Shining.

Spike walked into the school, the halls were packed, but thankfully the front door wasn't too far from the principal's office, so after making his way through the halls, Spike arrived at the office of his mother. He knocked, waiting to walk in.

"Come in." Said Celestia.

Spike smiled as he walked in. "Hey mom." He looked around the office and noticed that Luna was sitting with her. "Hi Aunt Luna."

Both women smiled at Spike. "Hi Sweetie, I'm glad to see you got back from death's door." Said Celestia.

Luna nodded. "Yes, you truly looked like death."

Spike gave a dry chuckle. "Sure, I won't bring up the moments you both were in the same position, like the time you refused to kick dad out of your bed when he came to visit last year, you didn't sleep for three days, or the time Aunt Luna stayed up playing that online game for 2 days straight." Said Spike, this made the two women blush in embarrassment. "I just thought I would drop by and come see my mother and aunt before I go eat lunch." Said Spike.

Celestia nodded. "Ok Spike, we'll see you after school." Said Celestia.

Spike sighed as he walked out of the office and headed up to the roof, to eat most of his lunch.

When Spike arrived at the door to the roof, he was quickly pulled into a hug by Fluttershy, she was crying and saying 'I'm sorry' repeatedly. Spike sighed as he looked down at his friend. "Fluttershy it's ok, I'm fine." Said Spike.

Fluttershy looked at Spike, her eyes filled with tears. "Really?"

Spike smiled at her. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Fluttershy gasped. "Where did you learn that?"

Spike shrugged. "I found a message board one day, some guy posted it saying that if you make a, I think he called it a Pinkie Promise, you can never break it, he also posted a story of how he learned it from a very energetic girl."

Fluttershy giggled. "That's Pinkie's promise, and she doesn't like it when someone breaks her promises."

Spike gulped. "Well, good thing I'm not going to break it." He looked to the door. "So are the others outside?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Yep, and Ember told me about your diet, I'm sorry you can't eat your coal."

Spike shrugged. "No big deal, coals are nice, but a juicy sapphire is way better. Besides I just made some diamonds for a friend of mine, so they’re not going to waste."

Fluttershy smiled at hearing this. "I'm glad to hear." Suddenly her stomach growled, making Fluttershy blush in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Spike chuckled. "Don't be, it was cute, and nowhere as loud as when mine growls. Let’s go join the others." Said Spike as he grabbed a blushing Fluttershy's hand and opened the door to the roof.

Spike smiled at seeing his friends sitting around on the roof eating lunch. "Hey guys, sorry I wasn't here this morning." Said Spike as he and Fluttershy took a seat with the group.

Everyone smiled. "It's fine Spike, we're just glad to know you’re feeling better." Said Sunset.

Spike smiled. "Well I'm glad to know I have so many caring friends." Said Spike. "So, did I miss anything really important?" Asked Spike.

20 minutes of the girls explaining what Spike missed later. Everyone had finished eating their lunches, right now they were just sitting around enjoying the view. Spike then remembered that he got another message from Ember, something about needing to talk to AJ, something important. He looked at AJ. "So, AJ, Ember told me that you needed to talk with me, whatever you need I'll do my best to help." Said Spike.

AJ blushed as she tried to hide her face from Spike. "Well, you see... My family is going to be having our yearly reunion at our farm here, I was thinking you might want to go...with me."

Spike shrugged. "Sure, sounds fun, what time should I be there?"

AJ smiled as she looked at Spike. "10am Saturday, and don't worry about dressing up none, you would look out of place."

Spike nodded. "Cool, it’s a date." Smiled Spike.

AJ blushed again, she was so happy, so happy that her brain went on vacation. She grabbed Spikes shirt and pulled him into a kiss. After a few seconds she released Spike and looked at him. "It's a date, Sugar Cube." Said AJ as she got up. "Well I got gym class next, might as well get changed a little early and practice." She looked at the girls. "Bye girls." She looked at Spike and smiled at him as she walked back into the school.

All the girls sighed as well, each of them needed to get going. "Same here, it's math class for me." Said Twilight.

"History." Said Pinkie.

"English." Said Rainbow.

"Chem." Said Sunset.

"Home economics." Said Fluttershy.

Rarity smiled as she grabbed Spikes arm, snapping him out of his stupor. "Well, Spike and I have Theater, we're going to start auditions for the school production of Hello Dolly today."

Ember growled, not only did Rarity forget that Ember was in the class with her, but she still didn't like Rarity being so close to Spike. "Well, we mustn't be late then, Ms. Chrysalis only wants actors who can keep to a strict schedule." Said Ember as she got closer and grabbed Spikes another arm.

Sonata looked at her sisters. "Is it me or are those two locking horns?" Asked Sonata.

Aria and Adagio nodded. "Yep."

Rarity glared at Ember. "Then we should make haste, but poor Spikey Wikey might find it hard to walk like this, why don't you let go of him and follow behind us?"

Ember glared right back. "Why don't you?"

During this argument, both parties weren't paying attention to the state of Spike, and with each sentence exchanged between the two, it only got worse as they were slowly pressing closer to the poor boy. This made him blush and reach the limit of his control. "Stop!" Yelled Spike, letting lose a small bit of his roar to add volume. This made both girls take a step back, releasing him from their holds. Spike looked at the Dazzlings. "Come on girls I'll show you where the theater is." Said Spike. The trio of girls nodded and got behind Spike. He looked to Rarity and Ember. "I don't know what's going on between you two, but whatever it is, I want it resolved. You both are important to me, and it hurts me to see my friends fight with each other." Said Spike as he started to walk away, not even giving the others a single goodbye.

All the other girls gave Ember and Rarity a glare as they walked into the school, leaving the 2 alone.

After a moment of awkward silence, Ember sighed. "Look, Rarity I know you, you’re not a bad person, in fact you’re a very kind person, I just hate it when you act all flirty with Spike."

Rarity sighed as well. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that, I'll admit I do get a bit over eager around him, but that's just a front, I do care for him, very much so in fact."

Ember smiled. "Did I ever tell you about what Spike was like when he and I first started to hang out?" Rarity shook her head. " Well he was kinda a pushover, and I'll admit it, I was a bully to him. I would steal his toys, snacks, and threaten him to keep quiet. But one day after I was finished putting up my act, I started to cry. Spike found me, and instead of taking advantage, he just sat with me and kept smiling. I was putting him through hell and instead of looking for payback he just comforted me. That's when our relationship changed, after that we were friends. The only problem was, and I guess it still is, he is a knucklehead."

Rarity nodded. "Go on."

"When we were little, Spike was a short pudgy little kid that looked so cute, add that to his kind heart and his personality in general..."

Rarity nodded. "Let me guess, other girls were just drawn to him."

Ember nodded. "Yep, one day, my dad took us into town for some sightseeing, and I ran into a few friends from school, the moment they noticed Spike, they flocked to him and started to get really flirty with him, calling him cute, adorable, and complementing his scales..."

Rarity cocked an eyebrow. "Scales?"

Ember gulped when she realized her mistake. "Um yeah, I made him a bracelet that looked like snake scales, it was a way to say I was sorry for everything."

Rarity smiled. "That was kind of you."

Ember sighed. 'She bought the lie.' Thought Ember as she continued the story. "But all I saw was someone else just trying to get close to him, while not getting to know the real Spike, the Spike that I loved."

Rarity nodded. "So, when I was flirting with him..."

Ember sighed. "I was thinking that you were just a bigger version of them." Ember looked at Rarity. "Rarity, I know you aren't like them, but when you start acting like them, something flips in my brain...." Said Ember as she started to cry. She felt horrible for thinking of her friend like that.

Rarity smiled as she wrapped Ember into a hug. "It's fine dear, I'm sorry for making you feel like I was trying to steal Spike away from you, that was not my intention and it never will be. I care about Spike, very much so that I really didn't think about it. I'm sure by now, you've heard that we're all going to share him, right?" Ember nodded. "That was my idea, I never had any intention of keeping Spike to myself."

Ember smiled at hearing this. "So... are we friends again?" Asked Ember.

"No." Said Rarity simply. "We never stopped being friends in the first place." Suddenly the bell to start the next class rang. "Aw crud." Said Rarity as she grabbed Embers wrist. "We got to run." Said Rarity as she and Ember were late to class.

"...And so, if you are interested in auditioning for any part of Hello Dolly, please just tell me now and we'll start." Said Ms. Chrysalis. Suddenly Rarity and Ember burst into the theater, both were out of breath and panting. "Oh, I see you decided to join us today Ms. Torch and Belle, please have a seat, you'll both be auditioning last because of your tardiness." Both girls nodded. "Good, now let’s start with our new students. Adagio Dazzle, the stage is yours."

Adagio nodded as she got up on stage. "Actually Ms. Chrissy, me and my sisters are a group, would you mind if we sing something together?"

Chrysalis shook her head. "Not at all."

Adagio smiled as she waved up Aria and Sonata, both of whom joined on stage. "Can you give us a moment to harmonize?" Asked Adagio, Chrysalis nodded.

Rarity and Ember found Spike and took the seats next to him. Ember leaned over to Spike. "Spike what the hell, why are you cool with them singing?"

Spike smiled as he leaned over to Ember. "I found out that they lose their abilities when they're in human form, we're in no danger. Did you and Rarity talk?"

"We did, it was just a big misunderstanding."

Spike smiled. "I'm glad to hear."

"Ok we're ready." Said Adagio.

Once the song was over, the whole class cheered as the trio took a bow. "Thank you, and sorry if we were a little rusty." Said Adagio as they walked off stage and took the seats in front of Spike. "So, Spike, did you like it?"

Spike nodded. "I got to say, you three have a great talent." Said Spike.

All the girls blushed as they started to giggle. "Ok, next up is Spike." Said Chrysalis.

Spike smiled as he got to the stage. "Ms. Chrissy, do we have a guitar in the musical equipment room?" Asked Spike.

Chrysalis nodded. "We do, but I thought you were a pianist?"

Spike nodded. "I am, but I also know how to play the cello, double bass, guitar, clarinet, flute, and trombone, plus I sing a little but I'm nowhere as good as Adagio, Aria and Sonata." Said Spike, he then walked off stage and grabbed a guitar from the equipment room. It was true, the doctors wanted to see if Spikes claws could cut through the strings, so they started off with some thin gauge strings and moved up, in that time Spike learned to play. The clarinet and flute were used to see how much control Spike had over his forked tongue, and the trombone was for his tail. They wanted to see how precise his movements with it could be, and it was determined that the slide of a trombone would be the best and safest bet.

Once he found the guitar, he brought it back on stage along with a small amp that he found and started to tune it.

After Spike finished tuning the guitar, he started to play.

Spike finished playing and smiled. "I hope you liked it." Said Spike as the class cheered at the performance. Spike walked off stage and returned the guitar and amp to the equipment room.

When Spike returned to the stage, Chrysalis smiled at him. "That was fantastic, Spike. Let’s get the next person up. let’s see what you got Rose Luck." Said Chrysalis.

Most of the class tried to demonstrate their talents for Chrysalis, and most were pretty good at dancing, stage lighting, and set design, but so far there wasn't much in the line of singers. Not many people wanted to sing in front of others, but then came Rarity. "Ok, Ms. Belle come on up." Said Chrysalis.

Rarity smiled as she walked up and began to sing.

Once Rarity finished, she blew a kiss to Spike, making Spike blush slightly. While the whole class cheered at the performance, Rarity walked off the stage so Ember could audition. She walked up to the stage and smiled. Ember wasn't much of a singer, she never was, but thanks to being in one of the noble families she had learned to dance in many styles, including Ballroom and Ballet.

When Ember finished, she smiled at the audience. Granted she couldn’t go full out, the stage and her footwear weren't designed for it, but she did her best. "Great job Ember, that was fantastic." Said Chrysalis as she clapped, slowly the rest of the class started to clap as well.

Ember smiled as she walked off the stage and took her seat next to Spike. He looked at her and smiled. "I didn't take you for a dancer."

Ember chuckled. "Not my favorite thing, but it was fun, but dancing is always better with a partner." Said Ember.

Ms. Chrysalis walked up on stage to finish the class. "Ok, everyone did great today. It will take me a few days to determine the cast and crew for the show, I will post it Monday next week, and then we will start practicing our lines, but until then we will be building the sets so make sure to wear some clothes that you don't mind getting paint on." Chrysalis looked at her watch. "Well, we only have a few minutes left so why don't you all just go, have a great day." Said Chrysalis as she walked away.

Seeing no reason to stay, the class walked out of the theater and headed to their next class.

As Spike, Ember, Rarity and the Dazzlings walked out of the theater. Everyone was praising each other for their performances. "Seriously, you three have beautiful voices." Said Rarity.

"Speak for yourself Rarity, your song was great." Said Aria.

"Why thank you, but what about Spike's musical talents, it was well performed." Said Rarity.

Spike shrugged. "It was no big deal; I was more shocked at Embers dancing."

Everyone else nodded as Ember groaned. "Can we please stop talking about it?"

Spike laughed as he wrapped his arm around Ember. "Sure, I won't bring it up again, but I must say, you did look great up there." He looked at Rarity. "Well, I think we all did a great job today, but Rarity it's time for our next class, we'll see you later."

Rarity smiled. "Very well, have a great rest of the day dears." Said Rarity as she walked away, leaving the group of dragons’ alone.

Spike sighed. "Seriously, you three are lucky I decided to call my uncle to hear about the transformations, it would be a pain to explain why the whole class was part of a huge brawl."

The trio nodded in understanding. "You’re telling us, we're happy here and I'm glad to know we can at least do what we love to do without fear of causing panic." Said Adagio.

Spike smiled. "Well, good news is, everything is ready for you girls at the house, and after school we'll head to the mall to get you some decorations."

The trio smiled as they hugged Spike. "That's great." Cheered the trio.

Spike blushed as he felt 6 rather soft things around his body. He cleared his throat. "Well, let’s get to the gym and get ready." Said Spike as he got out of the group and walked to the gym, with Ember and the Dazzlings following behind.

After arriving at the gym, the Dazzlings were given their lockers, and informed that the Principle had delivered their gym clothes after they left them in her office, which was a lie. Right now, Spike was talking with Big Mac about the family reunion that AJ invited him to. "Wait, so I'm going to be under your whole family's microscope for the day?"

Mac nodded. "Yep."

Spike gulped. 'I've gotten the father talk, the brother talks, and the uncle in law talk.' Thought Spike. He looked at Mac. "How many family members are going to be there?" Asked Spike.

Mac shrugged. "Not many, just around 300 of the family can show up this year, but that's nothing, we have over 1200 branches on the family apple tree." Said Mac, he then placed his hand on Spikes shoulder. "Also, let’s get this out of the way now. Spike I like you, and you seem like a standup guy. I trust AJ's choice and if she likes you, then I have no grounds to judge. But if you ever think about hurting her, next year’s harvest will be great, fertilizer can make a world of difference." Said Mac as he gave Spikes shoulder a heavy pat.

Spike gulped as he nodded. "You’re not talking about store bought stuff, are you?" Asked Spike. Mac shook his head. "Got it, loud and clear, keep her happy or keep the worm’s company."

Mac smiled. "Good boy. Now come on I think we're about to start class." Said Mac.

Everyone in the class was standing in the middle of the gym as they were waiting for the coach to tell them what they were going to do, Spike was introducing the Dazzlings to Mac as Ember and Rainbow were talking to each other. "Adagio, Aria, Sonata this is Big Mac, he's AJ's brother. And Mac these girls are Adagio, Aria, and Sonata."

Mac smiled at the trio. "It's nice to meet ya." Said Mac bowing his head.

Then Garble and his cronies came up from behind and tried to shove Mac's head to the floor. "Shut it farm boy." Said Garble. He looked at the Dazzlings, he smirked and got uncomfortably close to them. He wrapped his arm around Adagio's neck. "Well hello gorgeous one, two and three. The names Garble, I practically run the school. How about you three beauties ditch the redneck, the tomboy, the wimp and the gorilla and come hang out with me and my boys, maybe we can get to know each other?" Asked Garble.

Adagio giggled. "Sure, that sounds nice, but there's one problem."

Garble smirked. "What is it baby?"

Adagio smirked. "We're not into pigs." Said Aria, as she and her sisters pushed Garble away and got back near Spike.

Garble growled. "What, you'd rather be friends with this..." Said Garble as he grabbed Spikes collar. "Little Wimp!" Yelled Garble as he tossed Spike to the ground. The whole gym fell silent the moment the thud of Spike's body hit the floor.

Ember, Adagio, Aria and Sonata growled in anger. "HEY!" Yelled Rainbow and Mac.

"That's right. Boy's make sure the gorilla, the redneck, and the tomboy don't interrupt." Said Garble. His cronies nodded as two of them surrounded Ember, one grabbed Rainbow, and the other two surrounded Mac.

"Hey let me go!" Yelled Rainbow as she struggled to help her friend, but she just couldn't get a good grip on her captor.

Garble chuckled as he placed his foot onto Spikes chest, forcing him to stay on the ground. "Now grovel." Ordered Garble.

Spike sighed, he could easily kick Garble's ass, and he really didn't feel like he was being forced down to the ground, but it would look suspicious if one kid, beat up 6 juniors.

That was it, no one did that to their prince, their host, their Spike. So, all three of the Dazzlings got up to Garble, and as one, all three aimed for the area between his legs, and kicked him there with all the force they could muster.

The whole gym fell silent once again, but the silence was broken by the sound of Spike breathing in through his teeth. "That's gotta hurt." Said Spike. But that wasn't all the Dazzlings had planned. All three of them forced Garble to turn around, making him move his foot from Spikes chest.

Adagio punched Garble in the face. "Pig."

Then Aria, she slapped his left cheek. "Jerk."

Lastly Sonata slapped his right cheek. "Big Meany." All of this caused Garble to fall to the ground in pain.

Then all three girls walked over to Spike to help him up. "Spike are you alright?" Asked Adagio.

Spike laughed. "Yeah, thanks for the help girls." Said Spike.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON NOW!?" Yelled Spitfire. She looked to the class, three of her students were surrounded by 5 more of her students, Garble was on the floor with a black eye, two red cheeks and clutching his crotch in pain, and Spike was sitting on the ground being helped by the new girls. She sighed. "I'm going to make this quick. Garble get up your going to the principal’s office." She looked at his cronies. "You five are going to detention." She then looked at Spike. "Spike your sitting today out." She turned to address the rest of the class. "The rest of you, we're going to be running inside. Bulk, keep an eye on the class."

"YES MA'AM." Yelled Bulk.

Spitfire nodded as she escorted Garble and his cronies out of the gym.

Bulk looked at the students. "START RUNNING!"

All the students started running as the Dazzlings helped Spike to the bleachers to sit down. "Thanks for the backup girls."

All three nodded as they smiled at him. "Not a problem Spike, that guy deserved worse, just relax." Said Adagio, she then smirked. "And make sure to keep your eyes on us." She then started running followed by Aria and Sonata.

Spike had an idea of why they wanted him to watch them, and he ruled it to be a bad idea. Spike sighed, he was fine, there was nothing Garble could've done to him. At worst, he could've messed up Spikes hair, but he at least, didn't have to run now.

It took Spitfire 10 minutes to get back to the gym, she was followed by the nurse, an older woman with light pink hair. "Ok, for the rest of class we're going to be doing some free play outside. Head to the field and I'll grab the balls." Said Spitfire as she walked over to Spike. "Spike, hopefully you don't know Nurse Red Heart already, she's here to make sure you didn't get hurt. Also, Garble has been expelled, his behavior was just way too out of line. If you are cleared by the nurse, you are free to join us outside, but you don't have to."

Spike nodded. "Yes Ma'am." Said Spike. Spitfire smiled as she and Bulk walked out of the gym to attend the class. Spike sighed as he looked at the nurse. "Hey, Doc Red, didn't think Uncle D would've brought you in?"

Red Heart smiled. "Well why wouldn't I be, I've been your doctor since you were a little kid Spike, it only made sense. You know the drill; I just need to make sure that nothing happened." Doctor Red Heart was, and still is, Spikes medical doctor. She supervised conducting pre and posttest evaluations on Spike, along with being his normal doctor.

Spike nodded as he removed his shirt. Red Heart grabbed her stethoscope and checked Spike's breathing. "Breathings sound fine, and your flame glands don't sound active." She then grabbed a pin light and looked into Spikes eyes. "Eyes are human, no sign of changing and no problem focusing on the light." Red Heart smiled. "Well your fine, unlike that poor boy that I saw in your mother’s office. Also tell Ember and the Sirens I want to see them some time in the next week to give them a physical, have a good day Spike."

Spike nodded. "I will." Said Spike as he shrugged. "Might as well head out to the others." Said Spike as he walked outside to the track and field. He walked around for a moment and smiled when he saw his friends at the soccer field, helping Rainbow practice. He ran over to them, it was a 3 on 3 match. "Hey guys, room for one more?" Asked Spike.

Everyone looked over and smiled when they saw Spike. Sonata nodded as she walked off the field. "Take my spot, I'm tired."

Spike nodded as he took Sonatas place, now it was Spike, Mac and Adagio vs Rainbow, Ember and Aria. Spike and Rainbow met in the middle of the field. "You good Spike?"

Spike nodded. "Yep, but just because I got hurt, doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you."

Rainbow smile. "Good."

The winner was Spike's team, with a combination of Big Mac's goalie skills, and Spikes skills that were second to Rainbows, it was a final score of 7 to 6. After the game was over Spitfire called the students back. "Ok, we're done today, head inside and get changed for the last class of the day." Said Spitfire.

All the kids walked into the gym and separated to head into the locker room.

After a quick shower, Spike walked out of the locker room with Big Mac. "So yeah, Garbles been expelled, and shouldn't be a problem for us again."

Big Mac smile. "Good, he was a pain for years, I'm surprised he didn't get the ax before this."

Spike shrugged. "Who cares, see you Mac, have a good day."

"You too Spike, and remember, fertilizer." Said Mac as he walked out of the gym.

Spike gave a halfhearted chuckle. "Sure." He looked around and he was now alone. "Well might as well wait." Said Spike as he leaned up against the wall.

It didn't take the girls long to walk out of their locker room, and when they did Rainbow walked away from the group and headed for her next class. Ember and the Dazzlings walked over to Spike. "Hey Spike." Said Ember.

Spike smiled. "Hey."

"You’re ok right?" Asked Ember.

Spike nodded. "Yep, nothing to worry about, and I'm proud of you for holding back, for a moment I was expecting you to go dragon and go nuts." Said Spike as he smiled at Ember.

Ember growled and punched Spike in the arm. "Hey, I was in full control of the situation."

Spike laughed as he took the punch. "I know, that's why I was surprised at your control."

Ember grumbled as she just left Spike and the trio. Spike looked at the Dazzlings as he chuckled. "Come on, let's head to chemistry class."

When Ember reached the chemistry lab, she was still a little miffed at Spikes comment. "Ember is something wrong?" Asked Twilight as she noticed the girl looking upset.

Ember looked at Twilight and her expression softened. "Yeah, sorry Twi, gym was just a little more than what we bargained for."

Twilight looked worried as she started to think of all the things that could have gone wrong. "What happened, did you get hurt, did Adagio, Aria or Sonata get in trouble..." Asked Twilight as she started to enter the 'Twilight Zone'.

Ember noticed this and tried her best to calm down Twilight, but Ember wasn't as attuned with the 'Twilight Zone' as Spike. "Calm down Twilight, nothing happened to anyone." But this didn't work.

At this point Spike and the trio walked into the classroom and noticed Ember and Twilight, he sighed. "Ember, I got this." Said Spike as he wrapped Twilight in to a hug. He looked down at her. "Twi, listen to me, 1...2...3...8...4...9...12...7, repeat what I said."

"1....2...3...8...4...9...12...7." Repeated Twilight.

"Good, 9...8....7....5....12....3...42....4."

Twilight took a deep breath. "9...8....7....5...12...3...42...4."

"Good, one more time. 7...6...4....2....8....9...13...67."

"7...6...4....2...8...9...13...67." Repeated Twilight, she looked at Spike and smiled at him. "Thank Spike, but what happened in gym class?"

Spike sighed. "Well Garble tried to hit on Adagio, Aria and Sonata, when they rejected him, he turned to me, and forced me down to the ground and pinned me down. That didn't sit well with everyone, but Garble made sure to take care of Ember, Rainbow and Mac, but he didn't account for them to give him a swift kick to the crotch, then Adagio punched him in the face, while Aria and Sonata both slapped him."

The trio smirked. "And we'd do it again, he was a real jerk." Said Aria.

Twilight giggled as she looked at Spike. "You’re ok, right?"

Spike nodded. "Yep, the nurse checked me out, I even got back to class and played a game of soccer with Dash, and we kicked her butt."

Twilight smiled at hearing that Spike was fine. "Good, now let’s get ready for class." Said Twilight.

Everyone nodded.

Five minutes later, the class was setting up for an experiment dealing with the creation of compounds, and after talking with Ms. Zecora about the Dazzlings permission slips getting signed by their 'aunt', Moon Dancer, the class was enjoying the experiment. "Ok, now add the iron salt to the mixture then heat it up using the O ring, and the Bunsen burner, until all the liquid is evaporated off, let it cool and then weigh it, if you did everything right you should notice that there was a change, then convert it to its mass and then to moles." Said Zecora. "I will be going around to help any groups that need my help."

After the class was finished, Twilight was going over why they got a B+ on the assignment. "But how was I supposed to know that the solvent was gone, and we were burning the salt?" Asked Twilight.

Spike laughed. "Smoke is a good indication." Said Spike. He looked to Twilight. "Well Twi, I'm going to go see my mom and ask what they want for dinner."

Twilight nodded. "Ok, Spike, have a great rest of the day." She looked at the other girls. "What about you guys?"

Ember nodded. "Yeah, I'm out as well, stuff to do, things to get done."

Adagio nodded as well. "Yeah, same here, we just moved to town and most of our stuff got lost. We're going to the mall to find some replacements." said Adagio. Aria and Sonata nodded.

Twilight nodded. "Ok, I'm sorry to hear about your stuff, but the Canterlot Mall is pretty well stocked so finding what you need shouldn't be hard. I'm going to head home and get my homework done. Have a good day girl." Said Twilight as she walked away from the group.

Spike smiled as he watched his friend walk away from the group. He looked at Ember and the Dazzlings. "So, you guys get a vote as well, any request for dinner tonight, and no, tacos are not an accepted answer." Said Spike.

Sonata sighed; she was hoping to have tacos again. Adagio shrugged. "Well, we heard about a human dish called pasta with sauce, and I'm curious to find out what it is."

"I'm good with that." Said Ember.

"Same." Said Aria.

Spike nodded. "Sure, that's a simple dish, and we should be able to head to the mall and get back so I can cook. But let’s get my mom and aunt’s to vote as well." Said Spike as he walked to the principal’s office.

When Spike and the group arrived at the office, they heard three women talking inside. Spike knocked on the door, halting the conversation. "Come in." Said Celestia.

Spike opened the door and noticed that the third woman in the room was Red Heart, all three women were staring at the group of teenagers. Spike sighed in relief as he and the others walked into the room. "So..."

"So..." Said Celestia as she sighed. "Ok, I'm not going to beat around the bush, Garble got what he deserved. I looked at his record and this wasn't the first time he was 'forward' with the female student body. But since I took over, I gave him three strikes, and they are all gone now. So, he shouldn't be a problem anymore." Celestia looked at the Dazzlings. "And you three, I know you girls only did what you did for Spike, that's why I'm not counting the trauma you three did to his crotch, but I am giving you all, a half strike for those slaps and the punch in the eye."

The Dazzlings nodded. Celestia smiled. "But I must say, he's lucky I wasn't there, I would have broken his arm for laying a finger on Spike." Said Celestia, and she meant it. When the governments of the world asked to monitor Spike, Celestia asked to be trained in a few martial arts styles, self-defense, and firearms handling, just in case she was needed to protect herself or Spike from people who found out about her relationship with the dragons.

Spike sighed. "Ok, well we just dropped by to ask about dinner tonight, so far we have spaghetti as the favorite to win."

Celestia nodded. "Ok, I'm good with that." She looked at Luna. "What about you Lulu?"

Luna nodded. "That's fine, we'll pick up a loaf of bread on the way home."

Spike nodded. "Thanks." He looked at Red Heart. "Your welcome to join us Doc."

Red Heart giggled. "Why thank you Spike, but I got to get the report to the R&D department head, he should hear about this."

Spike shrugged. "Sure, Sombra might get a kick out of it. Oh right." He looked to Ember, Adagio, Aria and Sonata. "Girls this is my personal physician Doctor Red Heart; she's been looking over me since I was 2. Doc Red, this is..."

"Ember Torch, age 17, Dragon type: Wing, height: 50 feet, 7 inches. Father is General Torch of Clan Torch and the general of the Royal Dragon Armed Forces. Mother is Sapphire Torch, Information unavailable. Current Captain of the Royal Dragon Guard. Fiancé to Prince Spike Solaris, the current residence is the Solaris household." Said Red Heart as she looked at Ember.

She looked at Adagio. "Your Adagio Dazzle, age 16. Dragon type: Siren. Other information is to be collected. The same goes for Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk, both age 16, both Sirens. All three are part of Clan Harmony, but their current status is classified as runaways."

Ember and the Dazzlings were shocked, but Red Heart giggled. "It’s nice to meet you girls, I would like for all four of you to be at the DDC main office this weekend so we can run some tests, take some measurements and gather information for your files."

All four girls nodded. "Sure, no problem." Said Ember.

Everyone smiled. "Cool, well, I'm going to take the girls to the mall to get some decorations for their room."

Celestia nodded. "Ok, but just make sure to check in with me when you’re on your way home."

Spike nodded. "Not a problem."

Red heart smiled. "Well if that's the case, why don't I give you guys a ride, I have an apartment not too far from the mall that I'm using as my cover."

Spike smiled. "Thanks Doc." Said Spike, he looked at his mother and aunt. "Ok, we're going to get going then, I love you mom, love you Aunt Luna. We'll see you when we get home."

Celestia smiled. "We love you too Spike, be good."

Spike nodded as he, Ember, The Dazzlings and Doctor Red Heart walked out of the office.

After driving to the Mall, Doctor Red Heart dropped off Spike and the group. Spike did the exact same process as he did the day before, they headed for the sheets shop, where Spike left the group with Deep Sleep. Spike went to withdraw the cash from his account to help pay for the shopping trip.

He withdrew over 6000 dollars for the girls to buy some computers, and some decorations for their room and lastly one desk for the three of them to use. They wouldn't need that many clothes thanks to the small bits of the bloodstone. So, after an hour and a half the group walked out of the mall with their bags being carried in the hands of Spike.

He looked at the girls, they went through most of the 6000 dollars, only leaving Spike 60 bucks and some change. "Well girls, let's head home, it's only a 15-minute walk back to the house." Said Spike, they nodded.

When Spike and the group arrived at the house, Spike noticed that Celestia and Luna weren't home yet. So, Spike and Ember helped the girls quickly decorate their room.

When they finished decorating, all three girls smiled at their new home. They turned to Spike. "Spike, we can't thank you enough."

Spike shrugged. "Don't mention it, I'm just glad that you girls are happy here." Said Spike.

Adagio smiled. "Well that still doesn't change the fact that we need to repay you for doing this." Said Adagio as she got close to Spike. "And that's why I think you deserve a reward." Said Adagio, she then kissed Spike.

Once she separated from Spike, Aria took her place. "A reward for taking us in, feeding us, protecting us, and giving us friends." Said Aria as she kissed Spike.

After Aria was finished, she broke the kiss to let Sonata take her place. "Um... Aria pretty much hit most of the points, so I'm just going to do this." Said Sonata as she kissed Spike.

All three kisses sent Spike into shock, but because of everything that has happened to him in the last week of his life, the hamster counsel that ran Spikes brain were prepared for this, so Arthur, after finding the legendary food pellet, Excalibur, gained another life.

Spike blushed as he looked at the girls. "Um... I'm just going to start dinner." Said Spike as he ran out of the room.

All the girls giggled at Spikes behavior. Ember looked at the girls. "I'm going to my room, call me when dinner is ready." Said Ember.

The girls nodded. "Sure thing, Ember." Said Aria.

The rest of the night was normal, after dinner was finished and cleaned, Spike and his now even bigger family were sitting around watching the news, then it was time for bed.

Spike was laying in his bed, staring at the ceiling. "I hope I don't screw up this weekend at the reunion."

Author's Note:

Big thanks to Darth Wrex (Go check him out, he's a reviewer), he came up with the idea of how Garble would interact with the Dazzlings. I'm sorry for the long wait. I'm working on many stories, but the next chapter will be a real doozy, with the next girl to find out about Spike, Babs finding Spike by chance, and a fire brakes out on the farm.