• Published 9th Apr 2019
  • 8,781 Views, 286 Comments

Firebreather - TAD2

Spike is just a normal teenager who goes to school, tries to find a girlfriend, and is the spawn of the king of dragons.

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Before The First Day (Edit)

"It was the last days of the war between humans and the giant beasts; The Dragons. But to me, it's more than just history. It's family history."

"People say that due to one woman's bravery the city was saved from being destroyed by the dragons and in turn she saved everything. That woman was my mother, Celestia Solaris, but that day was also the day she met my dad."

*BEEP*BEEP*BEEP*BE...Crack was the sound that brought Spike Solaris into the waking world, he just smashed his alarm clock that was on his nightstand into pieces. With a groan, Spike slowly opened his eyes, he was greeted with the sight of his now dead alarm clock. Spike sighed. "I really need to move the clock over to my desk; this is the third one this month. I'll have to tell mom that I need another one after breakfast." Said Spike as he lifted himself off his pillow so he could sit on the edge of his bed. Spike needed to fully wake up, so he stretched out his body, where he heard his bones crack. Spike sighed in relief. "We just moved in this month, today Is the first day of the new school year, and I'm going to a new school. Greeeeat." Said Spike sarcastically. "Whelp, I need to get up or I will have to face mom's wrath." Said Spike. With that he got up and went to the bathroom.

Entering the bathroom, Spike looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. "The only 16 year old in the world with natural spiky green hair and bright emerald eyes, not to mention a set of rock crushing teeth." Spike shrugged as he continued. "I'll just have to say I dye my hair and my eyes are from a weird genetic defect, like I have at every school I've been to." Turning away from the mirror, Spike turned on the shower and proceeded to clean his lean but muscular body.

After a nice 20 minute shower set to the hottest temperature, Spike walked out of his bathroom and proceeded to get dressed for the day. Donning his favorite green shirt, a pair of plain blue jeans and his favorite purple hoodie, Spike walked down the hall to his mother's and aunt's bedrooms, to wake them up for the day and so they would both be ready when breakfast was done. "Mom, it's time to wake up, we need to get to school before everyone else so we can get my schedule and decorate your office." Said Spike talking through the door of his mom's room. Spike heard a groan from the room’s owner, meaning that she was somewhat moving. Spike smiled as he turned to the door behind him. Spike knocked again. "You too Aunt Luna, we need to decorate your office as well." And again, Spike heard a groan. With that, Spike walked back down the hall and headed to the kitchen to prepare some food.

25 minutes later. "And there." Said Spike as he placed the last pancake of the stack on the plate. "MOM, AUNT LUNA, BREAKFAST IS READY!!!" Yelled Spike and almost on command, he heard the sounds of high heel shoes on the wooden floors, they grew louder, and louder until 2 women stood in front of him. One was 6feet and 7inchs tall with blue, green, and pink hair. She was dressed in a professional yellow blazer, purple slacks, and gold high heel shoes. This was Celestia Solaris, Spike's mother. Next to Celestia was her sister, Luna. Standing at 6feet and 3inchs tall with a head of blue hair, she was sporting a pink short sleeve polo shirt with a white collar, a black belt around her waist, dark blue slacks, and white high heel shoes.

Both women smiled at Spike. "We're both here Sweetie, and thank you for making us breakfast, but have you already eaten?" Asked Celestia.

Spike nodded. "Yeah, I already ate."

Celestia smiled. "Good, so after breakfast, I'll pack our lunches and then we'll head to the school."

Spike nodded. "Ok mom, I still need to get my school supplies ready, so I'll be in my room until we leave. Can I have a BLT with mayo and 2 lumps of coal?" Asked Spike.

Celestia nodded. "Of course, now get upstairs and pack, we leave in fifteen minutes." Said Celestia.

Spike smiled. "I'll be ready mom." Said Spike as he walked up the stairs to his room.

15 minutes later. "Spike are you ready?" Yelled Luna. She was waiting for her nephew to get downstairs so they could get to school.

"Yeah Aunt Luna." Said Spike as he walked down the stairs to meet his aunt, with his backpack full and ready for the day. "Has Mom finished our lunches?"

But before Luna could respond, another voice responded. "Yes, I have Sweetie, one BLT with mayo and 2 lumps of coal for you." Said Celestia handing the sack lunch to Spike. "One ham and cheese with a salad for you Lulu." Said Celestia as she handed the lunch to Luna. "And one salad and a piece of cake for me." Finished Celestia grinning at the idea of eating her special treat. This made Spike and Luna roll their eyes at the fact that Celestia packed a piece of cake for lunch. Snapping out of her daydreaming Celestia motioned for everyone to get out of the house so they could head to school. "Sorry, I spaced out for a moment. Let's head to the car." Said Celestia. After everyone was outside, Celestia locked the door to the house and then unlocked the car. “Ok guys, get in the car, today is a big day for all of us." Said Celestia, and not wasting a minute, all 3 were in the car and on the road.

On the drive to school, Spike was going through all the lies he had to remember, in hopes of keeping the fact that he wasn't fully human a secret. Celestia looked in the mirror and saw how anxious Spike looked, so she started to ask Spike the questions that were going through his head. "Spike, why is your hair green?"

"I dye it like this, because I like the color."

"Why are your eyes so green?"

Spike shrugged. "Don't know. When I first saw the doctor, they said it was probably some random genetic mishap."

"Are you new to town?" Asked Luna, trying to help calm down Spike.

"Yeah, I just moved to town with my mother and aunt."

"What about your father?" Asked Celestia.

"He was killed in the war with the dragons, before I was born so I never got the chance to meet him."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Asked Celestia with a smirk.

Hearing this caused Spike's mind to return to reality as a blush started to form on his face. This caused both his mother and aunt to giggle, which caused Spike to groan in annoyed that the 2 adults in the group were acting like little girls. "Mom don't joke about that, you know that I can't date anyone until I get a better hold on the more abnormal part of my life." Said Spike giving his mother a deadpan look.

After the giggling subsided, Spike needed to ask his mother a very important question. "Hey Mom, have you talked to Uncle D lately? I still need to thank him for finding us the new house, after the last one burnt down." Asked Spike.

"Yes, I have, I was wondering when you were going to ask about him. I was told that he and the whole of the DDC (Dragon Defense Council) will be making the new headquarters in the next town over, I think it's called Ponyville. So, if anything happens, we will be able to contact him quickly and he can resolve the problem. Like I don't know, needing to replace another alarm clock?" Said Celestia giving Spike a grin. "Or someone finding out about your powers again, or maybe fixing the house, so we have a nice place to live, especially after the last time you had the flu and were sneezing fire balls." Said Celestia.

"Ok, ok, I get it, don't be careless, and in case of an emergency call Uncle D. Sorry about the clock." Said Spike with a sheepish look on his face as he rubbed the back of his head.

Celestia sighed as she nodded. "It's ok Sweetie, just remember to keep your emotions in check. High school can be a very stressful time for a young teenager."

Spike nodded. "I'll try Mom."

Celestia smiled. "Good, also we just arrived. Spike welcome to Canterlot High School." Said Celestia as she drove the car past the front gate of the school.

After they parked the car, all 3 made their way to Celestia's and Luna's offices, so they could get Spike his classes and decorate, before the students arrived.

After an hour searching for classes and decorating, all 3 were ready for their first day at CHS. "Ok Mom, class is about to start and no offense, but I rather people not find out that I'm the principal's son on the first day, so I'm going to go before you start introducing yourself to the students." Said Spike.

Celestia nodded. "Ok, have a nice first day Sweetie. I hope you make some friends, and I want to hear all about it when we get home tonight." Said Celestia.

Spike chuckled. "Yes mom, I love you guys." Said Spike as he gave both his mother and aunt a hug before heading to class. As Spike was about to open the door to leave, someone started knocking at the door. "Well there goes that plan." Said Spike to himself.

Seeing no way out of this, Spike opened the door to let whoever was on the other side in. Spike was greeted by a sixteen year old girl with dark hair that almost appeared to be purple with 2 highlights, one was a violet and the other was dark pink, she was wearing a light blue blouse, a purple mini skirt with a six pointed star on one side, a pair of knee high boots, and who was about half a foot shorter than he was. 'Who is she? She looks so familiar, but I couldn't place it.' Thought Spike.

"Hello, is Principal Solaris in?" Asked the girl standing in the doorway with Spike.

Snapping out of his thoughts he responded. "Yes, she is, she's the tall one with the 3 colored hair, the shorter one with the dark blue hair is the vice principal." Said Spike pointing over his shoulder to both women.

Looking to see if Spike had left, Celestia turned to the door and became worried seeing him just standing in the doorway. "Spike, why are you just standing in front of the door? Are you nervous Sweetie? Remember if anything happens, you just need to come tell me or Luna, and if something really bad happens just call your uncle." Said Celestia in a worried mom voice.

Spike sighed. "Mom, the cats out of the bag." Said Spike as he stepped to the side to reveal the girl to his mother. Wanting to get this over with, Spike decided to go for broke. "Hello, my name is Spike Solaris and yes the principal is my mother and the vice principal is my aunt, but I gotta run, classes are going to start soon, so bye." Said Spike as he tried to run out of room. That was until he heard someone giggling. Turning around to see who was giggling, he found that the unnamed girl was the one who was giggling at him.

"You haven't changed at all, still the easily embarrassed, loner aren't you Spike. I know it's been ten years since we last saw each other but you don't even remember me, it's a shame. I came all the way to meet the mother of my first and best friend, only for said friend to not recognize me and try to run off. You were always so nice to me when you helped me get books from the library, what happened to you?" Asked the girl with mock hurt in her voice.

She turned around to speak to the 2 older women in the room. "It's great to see you both again Ms. Celestia and Ms. Luna, I know you 2 probably don't remember me because someone who shall not be named only introduced us one time. My name is Twilight Sparkle, it's nice to meet you again." Said Twilight holding out her hands to the 2 principals.

Hearing that name caught Spike's attention. 'No, it can't be her, can it?' Thought Spike.

Taking the outstretched hands and returning the gesture, Celestia responded. "Ms. Sparkle of course we remember you, you were the only person who was able to get Spike out of his shell, it's so good to see you again and I must apologize for my sons poor manners, things haven't been the best since we last met." Said Celestia turning her attention to her son and gave him a glare.

Knowing exactly what to do to calm both his mother's anger and his curiosity, Spike took a deep breath. "Are you the same Twilight who has a mother named Velvet, a father named Night Light, a brother named Shining Armor, and was known as the biggest bookworm known to man?" Asked Spike. She nodded. 'Ok there's hope.' "Did you accidentally drop a book on my head back in kindergarten because you tried to grab the book from the top shelf instead of going to get the librarian?" Asked Spike. She nodded again but now looked embarrassed. 'There is only one more question.' "Are you afraid of quesadillas?" Asked Spike.

"N...No I...I'm no...no...not." She said while shaking.

Spike then pulled her into a hug. "Twi it is you. I know only one person who is scared of quesadillas. I can't believe it; it really is you." Said Spike happy to see his first friend again.

Twilight smiled at seeing that Spike remembered her. "It's good to see you too Spike, but can you let me down I'm getting nauseous?" Asked Twilight. Spike looked at her face, it was clear it had turned a shade of green, so he slowly put her down.

After a minute of Twilight getting the room to stop spinning, she turned her attention to him. "Spike I missed you so much, I can't believe that your mother and aunt are the new principals. But why did you move away in the first place?" Asked Twilight.

Spike sighed. "I will explain later, ok? First we need to get to class right now or we'll be late." Said Spike. He turned to his mother and aunt. "Love you guys, have a nice day."

"We love you too, have a nice day." Said both his Celestia and Luna. With the goodbyes done, Spike took Twilights hand in his own, and they both walked out of the office.

Author's Note:

The big question is who is Spike going to meet next and who’s going to find out about Spike first.