• Published 14th Feb 2019
  • 814 Views, 41 Comments

I lived among the forest - bones_of_a_brony

the story of a man named Sam living among the forest hiding from the talking ponies after finding himself in a world that is not his own.

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close encounters of the dragon kind

Do you ever have one of those days where you think that you have personally pissed off the gods and they have made you their personal plaything, I mean like a day where absolutely nothing goes right, ya I'm having one of THOSE days right now.

I Sam am having what could arguably be called the worst day in recorded history, why you ask? Well let me sum it up for you, firstly my tree home almost burned to the ground this morning because the diamond dog that I made a deal with knocked over my firepit, then after that twiggy got stuck in a hole and I spent 3 hours in scolding heat digging him out, then more still there was this sea serpent in the river I bathe in that wouldn't shut up, I'm all for friendly chit chat but not while I'm bathing, oh and did I mention the heatwave? Ya a global heatwave that I am told by zecora is not the work of the ponies, so they can't fix it, ya not great,

But that is not even the worst of it oh no the world seems to have a hate boner for me today, the worst of it was that while I was gathering fish I got attacked by timberwolves again and because of that I happened to cross paths with what could generously be described as a dragon though to me its a lizard. This dragon was up to my belly button and the moment it saw me it freaked out about the thing that purple horse found, and how he needed to tell someone, this lead to arguably the worst thing to happen to me today, I may or may not have decked a kid, though in my defense I panicked and didn't know it was a kid at the time so don't look at me like that, Aaaaanyway so i decked this kid which hurt me more, he kind of just looked shocked but not hurt, what surprised me was what he said which made me feel like a duchebag.

"Um ow but ya I guess I deserved that, twi said that you startled easily and here I am screaming about you and telling everyone."

Of course, he didn't know this but the more he talked the worse I felt, he wasn't even mad and was literally blaming himself so I put a stop to that*

"No no no no none of that I'm at fault I panicked but that did not give me the right to hit you and I'm sorry"
That seemed to satisfy him for the time being.

" Now listen here you are not gonna tell anyone where you saw me, go report to your ponies if you must but do NOT tell them where for personal reason id rather remain unfound for the time being"
Before he could even object I continued* " now then I expect you don't want to lie so let me incentivize you, I'm lead to believe by the mythology that you like these" * I proceeded to hand him the gem bag I was gonna give to zecora to trade, it was bursting with gemstones* if you won't take it as a bribe consider it gifts for your silence

Spike looked at the admittedly large bag of gyms in his hand, it was rather full now on one hand it would involve omitting the truth from twilight which he was raised to know that lying even by omition was wrong, on the other hand he was still a kid and the bag he held did represent about a weeks worth of snacks and allowance that hed normally be paid for chores and things so while he was conflicted it didn't take him long to rationalize it in hit head that he could not tell twilight where or when he saw him but still mention that he did, thus in his childlike mind fulfilling both things so he nods at him

"Uh ya ok sure i guess i keep mostly quiet, and sorry again for you know um freaking you out"

Of course this makes Sam flinch "no no as I've said startled or no I had no right to hit you so once again i apologize so um we cool?"
He held his fist out in the universal sign of peace and after a moment spike knocks his knuckles against his

"Ya were cool dude and don't worry I wont tell any pony where i saw you"*he smiles and tucks the bag under his arm and then checks the sun through the trees*

"Oh man i need to go ,uh nice meeting you dude I don't get why everyone is so freaked out you seem fine to me"
*and with that he runs off the way he came making Sam sigh in relief. he felt somewhat like he could sort of trust spike as he was or at least seemed to be a kid and in his experience you could generally bribe them to not say something as money is hard to come by as a kid. Sam turns and heads back home to go lay down and cuddle with twiggy and try to relax as while he wasn't antisocial dealing with anything related to those ponies or his spot being found out drained him as it stressed him out so with one last look in the direction that hed come from he headed back deeper into the forest that had become his home.

"hmm dragons ill have to add that to the list of crazy creatures I've seen here. What's next chimeras? *he chuckled at himself as he entered his home and as he did his pup greeted him* yip yip yip* he smiles at this and pats his head*

"Hey buddy did you guard the place while i was gone? heh ya you did whos a good boy whos a good boy?"

*twiggy barks at this happily knowing that he was indeed a good boy* Sam looked around his home taking in all he had made for himself. he had an awesome tree home, at least one friend in zecora and maybe that diamond dog ,plenty of food, and finally his beloved companion twiggy. As he pets them and thinks on this he smiles and chuckles some*

"heh today maybe have started rough but thinking on it maybe I don't have it so bad afterall" * he smiles as he pets and plays with his pet, no he thinks today was bad but this little life I've made for myself , its good. He thinks and smiles as he lets his days troubles fade away*

Author's Note:

hey guys I'm back after entirely too long away, sorry for that but i hope that this chapter was worth it for you all.

Comments ( 3 )

Read the description* .... Don't feel so good.

*Start to read* Hope that just a cover

*After reading* Rage 50%

rage is it? i take it that perhaps you do not aprove of the hitting of dragons?

Then you have to know how to reply to me. The reason I rage is your writing here. Have you fix it yet because I can't read if you write like this? You change the POV without any notice for the reader, which makes me very confused.

P/S: Hitting dragons is normal to me. Dragons is being a punching bag in most animes and cartoons.

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