• Published 14th Feb 2019
  • 814 Views, 41 Comments

I lived among the forest - bones_of_a_brony

the story of a man named Sam living among the forest hiding from the talking ponies after finding himself in a world that is not his own.

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%4% a letter, a home, and a pet

Twilight sits in her home in deep thought, the human as it was confirmed by Lyra to be had run into the Everfree forest and this could be very bad they have no idea how long it could survive in there for, so it is with a mind weighed by fear for this being that she sits here trying to compose a letter. Now normally this would be easy after all she has composed hundreds of letter before, but this one is tricky it is not often that one writes to the princess of the nation telling her that a new sentient species has been discovered, made contact with then scared off into the most dangerous forest known to ponykind.

"ugh, why is this so hard, I've written to the princess before with ease why is this time so different?" Twilight slumps against her desk.

"uh, maybe its because you are trying to figure out how to say that you lost an entire species in the Everfree forest after discovering said species" Spike offered in the brutally honest way that children do.

"Gee thanks spike that helps so much," she says sarcastically not that Spike notices "your welcome" he goes back to shelving books and tomes which are somehow different than books. Twilight thinks over the events that lead to this moment in her head and finally puts quill to parchment and pens the letter.

It read as such "Dear Princess Celestia, a rather significant event has happened recently that I feel the need to ask you guidance on, you see recently while I was on my way to see my good friend Zecora in the Everfree forest I heard screaming and cries of fear so I rushed to go see if they needed my help. When I got to the place the yelling was coming from I saw timberwolves about to kill someone, I stopped them and drove them off and then went to help them. They must have been under stress because they looked at me once then muttered something about ponies then passed out, now this is not the important bit though it is significant, I conversed with doctors and found out that he may very well be a new sentient species! However, complications arose from the moment he awoke in the hospital, at first he was hysterical most likely at having never seen our kind before, then things got worse, he became dangerously calm as it turns out he believed us to be hallucinations or apparitions of some kind. Dew to some eh complications that were beyond our control he ran away screaming after causing damages to the hospital room and into town, this raised further concerns as we are unsure how he would react to the populace and if he was carrying any unknown diseases, as such I attempted to find him and was unsuccessful until I saw one Lyra Heartstrings chasing him out of town and into the everfree. Miss Heartstrings was unable to coherently form a sentence due to her elation, she then identified the creature as a Human, on a side note I along with most of Ponyville as we as half of Camterlot now owe miss Heartstrings money. I desperately need your help as I am unsure how to proceed with finding him and reestablishing relations.
Your faithful student, Twilight sparkle

"Spike, could you please send this letter to Celestia please?" the little purple dragon ran over to her "Sure I can" with that the little dragon breathed green fire on the scroll and it burst into magical smoke and flew out the window to be delivered to Celestia. "Thank you, Spike" "Hey its no problem that's what I'm here for" with that, he scampers off to go complete some other task that needed to be done.

Back in the forest Sam had been working on his new tree home, at the suggestion of zecora, at first he didn't really know what to do to make it homier but as he sat on his sleeping bag one night it hit him. " that old castle of course, its got loads of old stuff I could salvage and since its abandoned it doesn't feel like stealing, hmm ill have to have Zecora take me back their soon" and with that thought in his mind he fell asleep and awaited tomorrow when the work would begin.

The next day Sam asked Zecora to take him to the old castle and she agreed to help her new friend, they went and Sam made a note of all the things he could use. " wow rugs and curtains and furniture, this is amazing that any of it is still intact" He looks around and fills his bags and Zecoras with anything they could find that could be of use, pots pans, stools, rugs the list goes on, after they loaded up they head back and Sam sets the things up in his house. he thanks zecora and went about his day improving his home, this repeated for days, in fact, the day that Twilight sent her letter Sam was building a little wall and garden boxes from loose stone bricks that he found from a collapsed wall. " Finally this old tree is starting to feel like home" he wipes the sweat from his brow, and admires his work, the tree was now a home, it was decorated just the way he wanted it and was hidden well off the beaten path so only those that knew it was there would know how to find it, and this all brought a smile to his face. " its finally done I think, up until now this tree was just a house, but now its truly a home"

Not far away Sam herd a noise like crying of a baby animal, now Sam knew the creatures of this forest could be dangerous but being the guy he was and how he was brought up he could not stand by without checking to see if it needed help,so against his better judgment he walks over and parts the bushes and sees what appears to be a baby version of the wood wolves that chased him on his first day here, for a moment he felt fear and a little anger but that melted away when it looked at him with those big green eye, it looked at HIM with fear and also a bit of hope, as Sam looked closer he could see one of its legs was badly cut and it was leaking sap which he assumed eas blood for it, not hering any parents around he sighed and took off his jacket and wrapped it around the pup "come on little guy I will patch you up" it seemed to understand that he wanted to help as is nuzzled into him and licked his hand which made him smile.

Back in his tree home he cleaned and disinfected the pups wound and bandaged them, and he got many licks and happy yips for his work, he grinned and he brought it outside. "ok little one you're all fixed up runoff home your mommy and daddy are probably worried about you" but the pup did not move, it nuzzled his leg and whimpered, he looks at it and infers something. " you don't have parents do you?" the pup whimpers and shakes its head, this melts his heart and gets to him as his parents had passed away not long ago as well so he made up his mind as well. " alright what if i adopted you, little guy, we could look out for one another?" the pup jumps into his arms and licks his face all over and his tail wags. " alright its settled then you'll stay with me, little guy ,hmm you need a name, I know how about twiggy?" it barks in agreement. " alright twiggy it is".

And thus ended a perfect week Sam had renovated his new home just the way he wanted it,made it a true home, and finaly made a new friend and pet in this little timber wolf pup twiggy, life was looking up for Sam and he couldnt wait to see what life had in store for him , soon hed wish that he had just left well enough alone.