• Published 14th Feb 2019
  • 814 Views, 41 Comments

I lived among the forest - bones_of_a_brony

the story of a man named Sam living among the forest hiding from the talking ponies after finding himself in a world that is not his own.

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%2% hospital gowns and Pegasus down

Author's Note:

in this chapter, any speech that is in ( ) is that characters thoughts and any speech in [ ] is their brain responding to him.
I would also like to give credit to karnazom for proofreading this chapter, and viper pit for providing several ideas for this chapter as well as proofreading and coauthoring it as well thank you very much to the both of you.

"the unconscious mind of man sees correctly even when conscious reason is blind and impotent"
(Carl Jung)

Darkness, all I can see is darkness. But not the kind of darkness that makes you afraid of what might be hiding in it, no this is the kind of darkness that deprives you of all your senses and leaves you with nothing but your thoughts and this was where I found myself now, in the dark with only my thoughts

(well that was, something, what the hell even happened, I remember camping and the storm, then I don't know what happened, wait, the wolves now I remember I was running form those crazy wood wolves then I hit a wall. How the hell am I still alive? Oh ya, that lady rescued me by scaring them off, huh I must have passed out from the shock of almost getting eaten, I'll have to thank her for saving me. Now that I think about it wasn't there something weird about her, ya, something about her that I found odd before passing out oh ya she had purple hair, weird but hey who am I to judge.

[hey I hate to cut our thought session short but I think we are waking up]

(Oh god that's gonna suck)

[At least you are alive]


beep. beep. beep. All I could hear was beeping, beeping accompanied by the smell of antiseptic. I feel like I am lying on a bed, and let me tell you it is the most comfortable bed ever, wait, bed, beeping and antiseptic oh I must be in a hospital just like that lady said she would bring me, man I really have to thank her when I get the chance. Huh, what's that other noise?

/faint\ "Miss Sparkle the patient you brought in seems stable but I must ask, what is it?"
/faint\ "Well I'm not sure but it's sentient at least I heard it talking earlier"

As the voices become clearer and I start to fully wake up a certain thought occurs to me. (what do they mean what am I?)
I open my eyes and the first thing I see is the purple horse from the wood staring at me, not exactly the thing you want to see the first thing after waking up. The purple one spoke right at me. Naturally seeing that what I thought where people speaking to me turned out to be tiny horses I did the only natural thing that I'm sure anyone would, I freaked the fuck out.

*Twilight sparkles point of view*
*I spoke to the doctor after getting the stallion, (I assumed it was a male by its voice and appearance,) to the hospital, turns out I was not alone in not knowing what this creature was so as we where discussing it I notice that it is waking up so I prepare to greet a potentially new species for the first time*

"Um hi my name is Twilight Sparkle and I found you in the forest getting attacked by timber wolves, and then you passed out when I drove them away so I brought you to a hospital" now what happens next was both confusing and kind of funny, or it would have been if he hadn't been insulting me but he was panicking at an unfamiliar situation so I could look past that. As soon as the words of my greeting left my mouth he starts freaking out and thrashing around, I believe from what I could make out from his shouting was along the lines of this.
"Ahhhh! evil purple she-demon from hell! you won't steal my soul vile horned beast!* it is important to note that he is completely hysterical and thrashing and then tries to jump out of bed only to fall flat on his face on the floor* I walk up to him with an unamused look

"you about done?"

"almost," he says as he then gets up and proceeds to slap himself a few times as if to affirm he's not dreaming or something "ok now I'm done"

He sat back on the bed and looked at me" so uh sorry about you know calling you a she-demon and all that, brains first response to talking animals" he rubbed the back of his head with a hand.

I smiled my best non-threatening smile. "oh its fine id think anypony would do the same in your position, waking up in an unfamiliar place and surrounded by beings you've never seen before it would freak anypony out." He appeared to be taking this rather well given the circumstances and I voiced as such. his response was concerning

"Oh I'm far from calm, in fact, I'm very close to having a mental breakdown, the only thing keeping me stable right now is the fact that this is all one big drug-induced hallucination, I injured myself camping my friends found me and brought me to a hospital and I'm so drugged up I'm seeing things,that and there are only two of you,I'm just trying to figure you what part of my subconscious you represent."

The doctor and I look at each other worriedly then back o him. "uh I don't know how to tell you this but your not hallucinating" He looked at me incredulously "that is exactly what a hallucination would say"

I had no comeback for that, it was obvious that I could not convince him that im real so id just have to prove it.

"Come here for a moment would you mister?" I inquire to get a name just in case things go south. Knowing my things will go south.

"Sam, just Sam ." Ahh, good progress is being made.

"Sam?" It is a bit of a weird name but different races different customs I suppose.

"Yes Sam, I was named after my grandfather thank you very much," Sam informs me and now I feel a bit bad for him.

Urg to write rising. "Well Sam can you come here I want you to see something." I ask politely and all tho Sam does seem hesitant he does indeed come over to me. "Hold out your claw."

"Hand." He says suddenly. "It's called a hand."

Urge to write still rising. "RIght my bad can I see your hand then?"

"Okaaaay??" He then holds out his hand to me and I cast a quick transmutation spell on it turning it into a hoof. When I say quick I meant it by the time he gets done shaking his hand around like there is a bird trying to attack him and screaming like one to its back to normal. As this is happening the doctor looks at me with an unamused expression.

"Miss sparkle in his state of mind he was already fragile, what could have possibly possessed you to think that was a good idea?" he asks "uh well I had to prove that we were really real right it was just the first thing that came to mind" I say as I use a hoof to rub the back of my neck sheepishly. Now while we where talking Mister Sampson or Sam as he introduced himself as was still quite freaked out and had in the period of time the doctor and I had spoken had gotten out of bed, broken the heart monitor, smashed the decorative vase on the nightstand, shoved the mattress off the bed frame, and was in the process of trying to chew off his own hand in a fit of panic,so I changed his hand back but that seemed to only freak him out more, so much so that in an attempt to get farther away from me he actually threw himself out the window and ran away screaming from both me and the glass he stepped on. I then of course panic "wait stop you don't know the area!" Of course, we also knew nothing about him so the doctors were worried that he might be carrying some unknown disease, I was worried because in his state of mind he might hurt somepony or himself.

*point of view Sam*
I ran as fast as I was able to, as the head injury from smacking into a stone wall was still making me woozy. It also occurs to me that I jumped through a window, but that's neither here nor there. I run from the hospital and to the edge of town trying to figure out where the hell I am, unfortunately for me, the town seemed to be of just ponies,I dropped to the ground and snuck into an alleyway to hide.
(damn this is freaking me out like really bad, I mean a hospital full of them is bad but an entire town?) [you think you have it bad how do you think I feel, I have to process this shit and let me tell you it ain't easy ] (oh ya sorry brain I totally forgot how this must be for you) [its fine just focus on getting the fuck out of here,maybe back to the forest except for the wooden wolves that place seemed safe] (hey ya that's a great idea thanks brain) [your welcome, oh shit don't look now but I think one of those pony things is looking right at us in our hidey hole] I slowly look up from my prone position in the alleyway to see that to my horror a pony creature is indeed staring right at me and with a rather creepy grin on their face, I think its a she but I'm not an expert on equine anatomy. she? looked at me and just smiled, kind of unsettling. she was a mint color and seemed to be of the ones with horns on their heads, I slowly began to scoot away but she just got closer so I moved again and she followed yet again, so at this point I'm weighing my options when suddenly she crouches like she is going to pounce (oh shit) she jumps while talking excitedly rather fast,I didn't understand her but I think it was something about humans and finally being proven right and hands,a lot about hands, now while I'm processing all this my brain kicks in and I roll to the side, jump to my feet and runs screaming away like a mad man.
*point of view Lyra*
I am walking along in the market when I see something weird, by ponyville standards anyway. I turn my head just in time to see something large dash into an ally, so being curious I walk over to see and my jaw drops to the ground, there in front of me mumbling to itself was a living breathing human. Now in hindsight what I did next may not have been the best idea of first contact but I could finally prove I was right all those years. I just stood and stared with a smile on my face, unfortunately, it looked up and saw me staring at it and was naturally freaked out and my next actions didn't help much. I pounced at him rambling about first contact and being proven right and his hands and well, in my excitement I may have sort of caused it to run away from me screaming, ya not one of my better moments. I vowed that I would find him and befriend him so I could finally prove that I was right.

*point of view twilight*
"Oh, where could he have run off to?" I ask myself this as I search, I had the chance for first contact with an unknown species and I ruined it, I had little hope of finding him any time soon until that is I heard a very loud scream come from one of the alleyways in ponyville, followed by Sam as he called himself, running screaming away from ponyville and into the everfree forest, this, of course, sent me panicking, what could have provoked that reaction, and he just ran into the everfree forest he could die,I had to find him as it was not safe in their so I would have to write to Princess Celestia about this, looking to ponyville I then found the source of his screaming as a mint green unicorn ran after him,so I grabbed her in my magic and glared at her.
"Lyra would you mind explaining why you were chasing the first known member of an undocumented species screaming out of town into one of the most dangerous forests known to ponies?" she looked sheepish at my wording of exactly what she did and then simply said "but but hands,a-and human, I was right" at this I drop her and face-hoof as I just realized that half of ponyville know owes Lyra money.
"this is going to be a long day"