• Published 14th Feb 2019
  • 814 Views, 41 Comments

I lived among the forest - bones_of_a_brony

the story of a man named Sam living among the forest hiding from the talking ponies after finding himself in a world that is not his own.

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%3% an unlikely ally

I ran as fast as I could hoping and praying that that crazy green one would not fallow me into the forest. As I ran I had a lot of time to think and so think I did (hey brain you still there?) {yes Sam, I am always here for you} (aw thanks man, ok so I'm not going back there any time soon) {that is what I gathered from your reaction and running from them, yes, so I'm guessing that you want me to help you figure out what to do next?} (that would be great ya) {alright so what I think you should do first is find you camping gear, then once you have that you need a home base to live in while you gather supplies to live until such time as you can locate a means of getting home, I suggest someplace hard to get to or out of sight as it is clear to me that you wish to be left alone} (ya that sounds about right brain, so I've got to find my stuff establish a base then survive I can do that thanks brain) {your welcome Sam now get out of your own head and watch where you are going} Unfortunetly I had neglected to do just that and ran right into a tree whith a loud thwack

"fucking ow who the hell puts a tree in the middle of a forest?!" Of course, I knew the question was dumb I just wanted to complain. I then became very aware of the feeling of being watched, now I don't know if you know that feeling but it's hard to explain its, primal is the best to describe it something that you can't explain but you know to trust and right now it was telling me that I had eyes on me and quite frankly I didn't much care for it.

I stood there feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and listened waiting to see if I could tell where my observer was. Sure enough, I could feel that my observer was next to me close so I turn and stare at the bushes,I froze as all I could see was two eyes staring back at me,then slowly the owner of the eyes emerged from the bushes and my muscles tensed as it appeared to be another one of those poney things but different,then I recognized it from Zoology textbooks I read in school, it was a freaking zebra. It must have sensed I was ready to run as it spoke.

" there is no need to fear for I am as gentle as a dear."

"Right, why would I believe you, your one of them and I've been attacked by them before."

" while I do not know your plight you have no need to fear my bite."

(skeptical) "right well I don’t know you so I'm not convinced, but you do seem different and I guess you haven't made a move against me yet so I suppose I will believe you for now."

"thank you zecora is my name and rhyming is my game. While you are on edge it won't help why not relax with a cheese wedge."

(he chuckles slightly at this) "cheese? Oh I get it you had to rhyme something with edge, well you told me your name, I'm Sam and uh sorry if its rude to ask but are you a zebra?"

"yes, I am not many know of us the fact that you are well read is a nice plus."

"thanks but even if I wasn't the stripes kind of give it away."

"my stripes may give me away but you have brightened up my day.
(she pauses) you know what I am it's only fair that you do the same Sam"

"I am what is known as a human or homo-sapien meaning wise man in the old tongue."

"I never heard of your kind but if you could tell me more I wouldn't mind. Are you out of town perhaps then you would look like less of a clown"

"uh, ya your right I'm not from around here, to say the least. Is it that obvious?"

" yes your plight is obvious but it matters not were you're from but I do hope you have a knapsack with some spatters"

"well not as such,I have what I came in here with, you see I ran in here to hide from the natives because for reasons id rather not divulge to one I just met I have a fear of them and this is where I woke up originally and they seem to avoid it so as such I came here."

"fear is a common thing to hear and I can see why a lost man would be near. I judge by the look on your face you lack knowledge of this place?"

I was a little freaked out by this but I guess it was in my facial features "well I know some basic survival skills like how to make fire and foredge for food if that's what you mean."

(she nods her head at this) "this is good but still you roam, if you stay here you will need a home, this I have the answer to but only if I get something from you"

I mull this over in my head weighing my options " alright what do you want?"

she smiles and says " nothing much my friend, you see I have some needs nay devotions I need help making my potions, ingredients I seek but an obstacle lingers I need the help of some fingers, hooves you see are not the best in the Everfree"

* I mulled this over in my head for a while, weighing the pros and cons* "hmm well I guess that sounds fair, so I help you pick some herbs and berries and things and in exchange you'll help me find a place to call home, alright that's more than reasonable you have a deal Zecora."

(she smiles at this) "wonderful, if you come with me to roam I have time now to find a home. And if your help I need for a brew I will simply come to you."

And so that was how I befriended the only equestrian resident of the Everfree forest. After we made our deal she lead me through the forest showing me many places that could be made safe and into a home, among them where a seemingly abandoned dragon's cave, an enormous dead tree that had been hallowed out by lightning, and the ruins of an old castle in the forest.

I ended up going for the tree because one I didn't know if the cave really was abandoned or if the dragon was simply gone for now, and two the castle belonged to the ponies once, whos to say they won't come back for one reason or another, so I am now living in a tree, Zecora tells me that she too lives in one so she showed me how to fashion a door into a hole in the side and how to punch a hole in the top to vent the smoke from my fire,as it turned out Zecora had found my original campsite and taken it apart and put it in her bags so she could take it into town to find the owner, which worked out for me because when I mentioned that I had to go out and find my stuff she handed it to me with a smile, I thanked her and she left for her own home for the night, which left me alone in my new home with all my gear and as I sit on my camping chair stairing into the fire before me I think to myself what a godsend meeting Zecora was, if it wasn't for her I'd be sleeping on the ground outside excposed and vulneruble, but now im warm sheltered and have my camping stuff,maybe just maybe life here won't be as bad now I have an ally now,an unlikely ally sure but one nonetheless and who knows maybe we might even become close friends, only the future can tell but those are thoughts for another time for now it is time for sleep. I let the fire burn down to coals and drift off to sleep in my sleeping bag dreaming of what lies in the future.

Author's Note:

this chapter was interesting to make in that I had to learn how to rhyme when talking as zecora, but it was made a hell of a lot easier with the help of my awesome editor Viper Pit thank you a ton this would not have been possible without her, go check her out if you want she does amazing work.