• Published 26th Dec 2018
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The Human Pet - RushyFiction

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Chapter 48

Crimson Star smiled as he woke, last night's deeds still fresh in his mind. The heroic last stand, a last minute rescue party led by his sister and the battle to escape the Caverns with their lives. For the first time in his life, Crimson was truly satisfied with himself.

And then he heard the snoring.

The bat's eyes sprang open and he stared down at his chest in total disbelief. Redheart's sleeping head rose and fell to his increasingly rapid breathing.

"How...? What...?"

Something shuffled on Crimson's right side. He gulped and turned to look. To his shock and embarrassment, Lighthouse was lying there, a look of contentment on her face. By now, Crimson was almost hyperventilating. He wasn't the type to invite a mare into his bed and then forget about it. But two?? That was beyond the pale. Had they been drugged?

"Wait a minute... this isn't the infirmary. This is my parents' bedroom. In the Caverns. Where I just escaped from. What the hay?"

Too embarrassed (and wary) to wake the mares, Crimson gingerly extracted himself from between their hooves. He noticed that he didn't hurt as much as he should have. All his injuries had healed, all the wounds turned into old scars. Obviously, a huge amount of time had passed and somehow he'd forgotten it.

In the living room, he was greeted by a maid he'd never seen before and addressed as General Star.

"General? When'd I become a general?"

To his surprise, the maid immediately replied: "After your valiant victory over the forces of your mother, Crystal Star, and her Changeling allies. That's four years ago now, sir."

"I, uh, I don't remember that." You confess. "I mean, I remember winning. But not the promotion."

She licked her lips nervously. "Um, you earned it. You're very brave and strong. If I may say so, sir."

Crimson shrugged. "I guess I did earn it. Thanks. But I'm still confused. Why are my memories gone? And those two up in my bedroom-?"

"It's not my place to speak of such thing." The maid demurely bowed. "Besides, I cannot help you with your memory, sir, I know nothing of medical matters! I'm beneath that sort of thing." Before Crimson could protest, she'd apologised and cringed her way out of the room.

He looked through the mansion for more clues relating to his current predicament. There were some things he did not recognise: a pair of golden wingblades mounted on the wall, shiny new armour behind a glass display, several portraits of himself in heroic poses. Crimson stared at a stuffed Changeling head with particular disgust. Then his eyes landed on a piece of jewelry sitting on a velvet place of honour on the mantelpiece. "The Alicorn Amulet!" He gasped. Was the cursed necklace behind it all?

"My love, you're awake." Lighthouse hopped down the stairs. "Red's gonna fix us some tea."

Crimson sank into an armchair, rubbing his temples. "Lighthouse! I need your help."


"Is this real? This place, and us here?" His voice sounded so scared that Lighthouse took notice. She trotted over and nuzzled the corporal."

"Silly colt. Of course it is."

He shook his head. "But I don't remember it. Any of it after the battle. After we got out from the Caverns with Skinny and my sister."

She began to stroke his wings. "That's okay. When someone's been through all that you have, these things are bound to happen. Why don't you wear your Amulet?"

"No! It isn't mine! It's dangerous!"

Lighthouse's yellow eyes twinkled with amusement. "Okay then. No Amulet."

"Maybe we should get a doctor?" Crimson suggested.

"A doctor for what?" Redheart entered the room, carrying a teatray on her back.

Lighthouse turned to her. "Our general says he has some memory loss. He doesn't remember anything after the battle."

"Ohh." She set the tray down and took his temperature. "Well, nothing seems to be physically wrong. I think you should relax. Enjoy yourself. If anything else happens, we can call the Princesses. Or any other expert you want. The whole of Equestria is at your disposal."

"The Princesses would be nice-" Crimson started, but he was interrupted by Lighthouse nuzzling under his neck.

"You don't need them. You don't need anyone at all." She hummed into his fur.

Red nodded, a pinball smile on her face. "YOU are the bravest, best pony who ever lived!"

"... I am?" Crimson asked sincerely.

"You aaaaare!" Both mares declared in unison. "We'll show you!"

"Here you are!" Red shouted triumphantly, and hoofed him a diploma from the cupboard.

Crimson raised an eyebrow and read: "To the bravest, best pony who ever lived. Keys to every city in Equestria... and the Castle?!"

"Some months ago, the Princesses officially announced that they're pretty hopeless at managing this tiny speck of land we call a home, and could someone really cool and snazzy handle it? Everypony voted you!"

He scrunched his fuzzy face in confusion. "Why? I mean, I was pretty awesome when I fought off the Changelings... and I suppose I have good looks and a winning personality... but ruling the whole of Equestria? That can't be right."

"You have leadership qualities!" They both said in eerie sing-song voices.

Crimson considered it for a moment. "But I don't know what..." He couldn't finish the sentence. If he admitted he had no clue how to rule, they'd surely laugh. "Well, what am I, a prince then? Do I have an office?"

"How does Supreme Emperor sound? And you definitely have an office! With big buttons and a swivel chair!" Lighthouse said.

"A swivel chair?? Well! That's something. I can't be Supreme Emperor, though. That's a bit pretentious."

Red shrugged and led him to a bed. The two mares presented him with grapes and ice-cold bloodpacks, which he accepted graciously. He was a war hero, after all. "You can change the title, if you want." The nurse suggested, patting his mouth clean.

"I think Administrator will do fine." Crimson said thoughtfully. "No, make it General Administrator. I'm still military, after all. Prince implies royalty."

The mares nodded, writing his words down.

"Hang on. Red, you didn't like me drinking blood? What changed?" He asked.

Redheart faltered for a moment. "The law was repealed. I may not have to like it, but I understand it as part of your thestral nature. I wouldn't be a good physician if I rejected biology. Besides, it tastes like iron." She licked her lips. "I always had a thing for iron. Iron taste, iron will, ironing..."

"Huh. Me too. Funny, that." Crimson frowned.

The two pony Princesses bowed as Crimson Star was carried into the throne room. He'd intended to walk in dressed in full military regalia, but the two mares had insisted that it would be inappropriate for a pony of his stature to walk. Crimson didn't really know the proper procedures, so he let them decide. He had to admit it made him feel superior to be carried. Especially when surrounded by fanmares who had obviously heard of his exploits. Everypony wanted his autograph, or even just his attention. It took all of Celestia's and Luna's guards to keep them contained outside of the Castle.

"Our husband, we welcome thee." Luna said.

Crimson fell off his carriage. "Husband??" He yelped as Redheart and Lighthouse picked him off the floor. "WHAT?"

"Dost thou not recall? We married Thy Greatness shortly after the battle at the Caverns." Luna said gently.

Redheart trotted up in front. "He's suffered some memory loss. Probably an after-effect of post-traumatic stress disorder."

Celestia gasped, and covered her forehead with her hoof in a dramatic gesture. "Oh, this is terrible news! We must see that our husband has all available care! I assume you've been taking care of him well on his holiday?"

"Well enough, your majesties." Redheart and Lighthouse winked at each other.

The bat pony jumped in-between the princesses and his entourage, shaking his head. "Ok, no, time out! What the hay is going on here?? I'd never do any of that! I mean, sleep with two ponies, and while I'm married? That is thoroughly immoral!"

"But a pony of thy stature can do anything!" Luna said slowly, as if talking to a foal. "Moral considerations do not apply to a being greater than the goddesses themselves. Truly, it is thy own will that establishes how a pony should behave."

Crimson growled furiously. "Okay, enough! Everypony, stop talking! I can't take this!" They all immediately shut up until he'd caught his breath. "Princess Luna, jump on one hoof."
She hopped around on one thin leg, as everypony else struggled not to laugh. All except Crimson, who was in no laughing mood. He ordered them all out. And they left. It was as if they were puppets, existing purely to obey him

He sunk into Celestia's throne (assuming she wouldn't mind) and tried to gather his scattered thoughts. Equestria, his to rule? Morality, his to define? He'd never aspired to power. But then don't ponies say that power is thrust on those who don't ask for it? "I guess that makes some sort of sense. And it'd be rude to reject authority. Might as well enjoy it. I mean, I'm a good pony, I think. I can name responsible ponies to the right positions. I'm a decent manager. What could go wrong?"

Crimson Star lounged happily on his personal yacht, the Crimson Star. This week, he'd chosen the Mane Six as his personal attendants and entertainers. The Princesses had assured him that Equestria was capable defended, and he looked forward to getting to know some of the most famous ponies in history. Although not as famous as him, of course.

The blue pegasus was particularly dazzling, pulling off display after display of fantastical sporting prowess. Pinkie bent down in front of him. "Donuts, sir? Made to your specificiations."

"Ahh, chocolate, my favourite!" Crimson exclaimed. He'd been receiving a most rejuvenating massage from Fluttershy. "I don't really like that they're filled, though. Try again, and bring some tea while you're at it, there's a good filly."

Twilight giggled. She was lounging next to him, wearing sunglasses. "Yeah, Pinkie, hop to it! Oh, and some lemonade!"

The pink pony descended into the cabin below, mumbling to herself. Crimson frowned. "That was rude. I forgot my manners. I should go apologise to her." He tried to stand up, but Twilight pushed him back onto his chair.

"Let it go! It's an honor to serve the General Administrator. Pinkie knows that. After all, it's your wisdom that keeps Equestria as happy and carefree as it is now. We haven't had any conflicts since that glorious victory in the Caverns!"

Crimson smirked. "Yeah, that was pretty good."

"Good? Good?!?" Twilight squeaked in disbelief. "It was the BEST! They teach it at school now. You changed the course of our history."

The bat pony blushed. "Well, I wasn't alone."

Rarity - who was lounging on the opposite side of him - tutted loudly. "Nonsense, DARLING! It was your victory, and you should own it! Where on earth do you think my business would be if I didn't promote my own success?!"

"Probably a lot closer to home." The purple unicorn narrowed her eyes. "Rarity, your business has become more cutthroat than a detective novel."

"So long as it's not my throat." Rarity squeed in malevolent joy.

"Girls, girls!" Crimson Star chided. "Can't we all agree on one thing? That everypony likes me? That I'm a handsome devil with eyes that make your hearts pump faster than a squirrel kicked in the nuts?"

Rarity and Twilight's eyes widened. "Deal!" They shouted and slapped each other's hooves together. "Applejaaaaack!" Rarity called. "Some air for the administrator, please!"

"Comin' right up, ma'am!" Applejack trotted over and used her hat to wave air over Crimson's blissful face.

Pinkie returned with the donuts, which Crimson quickly scarfed down. The other ponies did not take any. He presumed they had their own somewhere. "Why is no one talking?" He wondered out loud.

"Well..." Rarity said. "We were simply wondering if you have any grains of wisdom to pass down to your loyal followers?"

"Oh!" Crimson couldn't help but be touched, and puffed his chest up. "Yes. Of course! Wisdom!" He cleared his throat. "Err... never, and I mean NEVER, mix grain-based alcohol with grape-based alcohol. It's just a winning combination for a hangover."

The ponies applauded and cheered. Crimson grinned boyishly. "Huh. I never realised how smart I am."

Time went by, and the General Administrator (later known as the Supreme Emperor) began to forget that he'd ever been anything but the most adored and successful pony in history. No one ever suffered under his rule, and he never had a reason to feel bad about anything. Everypony he met claimed to have a much better and easier life since his ascension.

Sometimes Crimson would say or act in a way that he felt was unworthy of him. But even those events were praised as charmed eccentricities or even new fashions.

There was one particular time when he visited Ponyville. Having spent months (or was it years?) in the lap of luxury, the sight of the dilapidated Apple farm was a shock. Crimson turned to Princess Celestia and asked "Are the peasants - I mean, the less fortunate - doing alright?"

Celestia assured him that they were just fine, in the process of moving to a better establishment. He apologised for referring to the Apples as peasants, but the slip of the tongue became popular amongst the working class and soon enough, everypony he met called themselves peasants. It didn't sit right with him, so he issued a command banning the word. From that day forwards, every pony who wasn't him was a "worker". Amusingly, he never met anypony who'd used the word "peasant" again. They were probably too embarrassed to see him again.

Noticing that his every indulgence was catered to without complaint, Crimson gradually began to exercise his authority more and more for personal interests, such as converting all of Manehattan into an astronomical research centre. He'd obviously questioned the logistics of it, but Luna, Twilight and everypony else he trusted promised that it would be perfectly feasible, and his popularity remained so high that they could organise it within a few days. All anypony needed was his name to become a willing worker.

He enjoyed returning to his childhood pastime so much that he began to explore other possibilities. Half a continent converted into war games? Done. Ponyville redesigned into one massive spa? No problem. They all loved him so very, very much. There was no limit to their dedication at all. He began wearing the most ridiculous clothes and mane-styles that he could imagine, but all that accomplished was to make them popular until he changed his mind. He insulted them, spat into their faces, and they took it as an honour. He shut himself away for days, months, who knows how long. And every time he opened the door, they were waiting with slippers, hot tea and the finest breakfast choices.

"Who am I?" Crimson asked idly. He was sitting in the throne room. The throne itself was long gone. He'd decided to sit on Luna and Celestia instead. Luna was the back support, Celestia the seat.

"The greatest pony alive!" They sang.

Crimson whacked both of them with his hoof. "I know that! Idiots. I meant, who am I beyond all this? All of Equestria yields itself to me. There's got to be something else out there, something that doesn't. If I could just struggle, just a little. If I could make a decision that matters... maybe I'd remember."

"But there isn't anything else out there, my lord." Celestia said. "And if they were, they would know to love you."

Luna tried to nuzzle Crimson, but he turned away, not in the mood. "Perhaps the Emperor is looking in the wrong place. Perhaps it is not something out there that is worthy of conquest, but within."

"What do you mean?" Crimson asked.

"Thou sets oneself boundaries in the way thou lives. A code, a set of personal rules. By breaching them, by conquering oneself... thou wouldst perhaps find out who thy truly is?"

The bat pony's face furrowed. "I think I know what you mean. I'm capable of anything... but I haven't proved to myself I'm capable of anything. Even..." his voice faltered. "No, I shouldn't. It's not right."

"All is right to the Emperor." Celestia soothed him. "There is no wrong, not for you, dear Crimson. It's just a choice. You either make it or you don't. Not good, not evil, just... something to explore. But you'd feel such a thrill... doing something you feel is taboo to your nature. Call it a personal conquest of yourself!"

"I call it murder." He said flatly.

"You're thinking about it."

"There's nothing else to think about. I'm bored."

"So have fun..." Celestia tittered.

"Oh, Crimson..." Redheart cooed as she stood on the balcony of Canterlot Castle. She looked so kind and innocent, framed by the sunrays. Like a lamb... to the slaughter. She, of course, had no idea that the Emperor had chosen her to be his victim. For all he knew, she'd jump off the edge in his name. He didn't want that. He wanted to do the worst thing possible, so he could feel something. Anything. "It's been so long since we got to spend some time together. Of course, I know you've been very busy making such a success of yourself..."

Crimson watched her intently. He could jump ahead at any moment now, and push her over. He knew it would make his mother proud. Not that it mattered. None of them did. None of them had gotten as far as he had. And once he pushed her over, he'd defeat his own conscience, the last remaining thing that held any power over him. Crimson wondered what kind of pony he'd become. He'd probably be just like his workers - in total love with the Emperor. Only he happened to be, well, the Emperor. Life would truly cease to have a point then. It'd be one great big nothing. A machine that kept going until they all died out. And why? Because one pony wanted to have fun instead of doing the right thing.

"I still care..." Crimson mumbled.

Redheart smirked. "Why can't you just push me over the edge?" Her pony self disappeared into a puff of smoke and transformed into something far larger. Crimson Star had never met this creature before, but he'd seen the drawings, he'd seen the statue and he was familiar with the tales.

"Discord!" He gasped. "Guards!"

The male draconequus waved dismissively. "Oh, don't waste your breath. There's nopony here except you and me. There never has been!"

"I don't need anypony to fight you." Crimson growled. "Unless of course you fight dirty."

"Oh, always." Discord said matter-of-factly. "Temper-temper, my 'Emperor'. I'm not here to harm you. Quite the opposite, I've been putting in a lot of effort to keep you around. And now it's paying off."

The bat pony's one remaining ear flattened against his head. "Don't speak in riddles! What have you done?!"

"Do you remember that spectacular battle against the Changelings? The one that cost you one of your adorable little ears?"

Crimson nodded slowly. "It was the start of everything. Of my rise to power."

"Mmmmyes, well, forget about all that, because it never happened. Oh, the battle did. And you won quite valiantly. But ever since then, for the past three days and nights, you've been lying in a coma at the Canterlot Castle infirmary. Your friends have hardly left your bedside." He stroked his goatee as he spoke.

"... why? Why this dream? Why this false life?"

Discord's playful eyes gleamed down at him. "Because your own life was woefully inadequate for the task at hand. The task... of keeping you alive. You see, Shaggy - I may call you, Shaggy, may I? - you see, you've been made a selfless, self-sacrificial type. When you had to rise to the occasion, you did so without a moment's doubt. That... is what nearly cost you everything. You have no will to survive. You're ready to lay down your life for anyone, in any situation. But a body needs its will... so I had to make you one. As you withered in your hospital bed, I gave you a life where you could have a-ny-thing you wanted. Where you thought of nothing but yourself. And you did. You've pre-occupied yourself with yourself. Almost to the point of insanity. But it's brought you back."

Crimson stared at him in disbelief. "What I did... what I almost did... you tried to turn me into a monster just to keep me alive?!"

"No, no, no, no! If you'd have turned into a monster, you'd have betrayed your core self. You'd have let go as surely as if you were a hero. Now you're neither. You are what I'd always hoped you'd be in the end... a really, really nice pony. And when you wake up, you'll remember none of this. But in the back of your head, you'll always make sure to look after yourself as much as you do your friends and your family." The world around them began to disappear. "Oh, well, I guess it's goodbye. For now."

"Wait! There's one more thing I don't understand. The Princesses froze you! You're a statue. You're in the garden! How can you possibly be doing any of this?"

Discord smirked, and pressed a paw against his chest. "Spirit of Chaos, remember? Where I am and what I do is all relative."

Crimson could barely crack his eyes open from the amount of sleep dust that had gathered on them. But he could already feel Redheart hugging him. "Oh, Crimson... it was so touch and go for a while. Are you okay? How do you feel?"

"... like I've been to Tartarus and back." He groaned, and hugged her back.

Redheart tapped his shoulder angrily. "That's what you get for playing hero!"