• Published 26th Dec 2018
  • 34,753 Views, 1,716 Comments

The Human Pet - RushyFiction

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Chapter 36

Winter frost has finally fallen on Ponyville, thanks to the typically methodical and precisely coordinated pegasi. With farmwork taking a backseat and the winds too sharp for casual flying, the ponies began to simmer down. Which isn't to say they became quiet and withdrawn, but rather their buoyant personalities were subdued to "human on espresso" level.

Following an invite from the perky party pony Pinkie Pie, you and Sweetheart have gone over to Sugarcube Corner(closed whilst the majority of the family were seeing relatives for their equivalent of Christmas). There, in the warmth of baked goods, the three of you hang out upstairs in the living room. You and Sweetheart, stuffed with muffins, cakes and other sweets, are sprawled out on the couch. She has already dozed off to sleep, using your leg as a makeshift pillow. You can't resist occasionally running your fingers over her fluffy sunny yellow ear and cheek, eliciting a few sleepy hums.

Your other hand is occupied with the chess game set up on the table between you and Cutie Pie. It is the same delicately carved and toothpainted(that is, the painters did not use magic, but rather their mouths, which is considered quite the artistry here) game that Princess Celestia gifted to you following your initial arrival to Equestria. The pieces were different, but you'd adapted admirably. You frown exaggeratedly as Cutie takes her king and jumps to the other end of the board with it. "You can't do that!" You cry out. "It's against the rules."

Cutie huffs. "Think outside the box, Skinny. It's the only way to move forward in life!"
It takes you a good few seconds to process that. "Cutie..." (she'd insisted you call her that ever since she found out it was her nickname - apparently it made her feel 'super gooey and cozy like cinnamon buns frosting, specifically the yellow kind') "... if we all thought outside the box, nothing would ever get done."
Her pink fluffy grin widens. "I know! But I am, and that's why I'm unequivocally... the winner." She beams a thousand-dollar smile that almost, almost tempts you to crown her chess princess.

But not quite.

You take the king and move it back. "Noooo." you whisper melodramatically.
The pink pony's eyes narrow, and she pulls a frosted donut out of her incredibly curly cloud of mane, sticking it near your nose. "Sense the sugary goodness... it can aaaaaall be yoooouuuurs if you concede this victory...."
Who could resist a Pinkie Pie confection?
The king moves back to where it belongs and you chomp down the donut. Everybody wins.
"This was so much fun!" Cutie declares in a squeaky voice, hopping around. The sudden loud noise makes Sweetheart briefly fly up to the ceiling in a fright, before flopping down confusedly into your arms. Her fuzzy yellow face blushes a deep red as she realises what happened, and her ears pin themselves against her head. "Eh, hehe..."
You stifle a giggle, and poke your nose against hers fondly before letting the small embarrassed pegasus drop to her hooves.

"What else can we do?!" Pinkie exclaims, completely ignorant of the little moment. "I was going to the spa in the afternoon, Skinny, do you wanna come? I mean, between you and me, you look like you could use a little fixer-upper after crawling around with worms and tentacle monsters all weekend."

Sweetheart rubs her hooves together awkwardly. "Actually, I've got to get back to feed the animals... I didn't realise I'd slept so long." She titters. "Anon makes quite the pillow." The yellow pony looks up with adoring eyes.
"Pssht!" Cutie makes a dismissive gesture. "I'll look after Skinny! Right, Skinny?" She nuzzles the palm of your hand.
Sweetheart blinks. "I suppose that'd be ok... but please make sure nothing happens to him."
Cutie gives her a military salute, and you shrug. "Sure. Spa. I can do that."

Apparently unable to stop bouncing, Cutie hops alongside you all the way to the other side of town, where indeed two vaguely Asian-looking ponies with inverted fur and mane colors(blue and pink, respectively) run a relaxation health spa. The place is extravagant, its burgundy exterior more reminiscent of a small castle or mansion than the more conservative thatched-roof pony dwellings around it.

"So, what exactly is gonna happen in there?" You ask cautiously from your cheerful companion. The pink mare smiles widely.
"Only the most super-duper chill-out experience of your LIFE!" She exclaims, throwing her bushy cotton candy mane about. "Aloe and Lotus have the soooooftest hooves in Ponyville, and they'll turn you into jello in 15 seconds flat!" Without further ado, she pulls an oversized timer out of... somewhere... and taps the button on it. "Starting... now!"

Suddenly, Cutie headbutts you and it's at that moment when you truly get a sense of the reserved strength all earth ponies hide as she somehow manages to be strong enough to fling you through the spa doors. You scrunch up, bracing for impact, only to find your landing cushioned by two sets of mattress-like hooves. You're not sure whether they've been informed about your arrival or not, but with lightning speed, you find yourself stripped down to your underpants and lying on two massage tables(accounting for your greater height).

Before you can so much as squeak, Aloe and Lotus put their hooves on you and it is... unspeakably good. Clearly experts of their craft, the pony sisters handle your muscles as if they're clay. On the bed next to you, Cutie Pie taps her hoof impatiently, though her voice carries humor. "Hey! What's a girl gotta do to get some service around here?"
Snapping out of their enthusiasm, Aloe and Lotus share a brief mental tug-of-war over who gets the cool alien and who has to look after a boring old pony, and eventually, one of them(you have no clue which is which) concedes.

As you enjoy the massage, Cutie sneaks a peek at the Amulet chain still around your neck. An idea pops into her head. "Ooh, have you tried the barrel bath here, Skinny? It's super fun. There's a bubble bottle too!"
"A bubble bottle?" You mumble sleepily, having nearly dozed off under the treatment.
Cutie nods extremely fast. "Yup-yup-yup! Just one little squirt of magic and BOOOOOM!" she spreads her front hooves wide. "Bubble City!!"

"Suuure... we can do Bubble City..."
You regret the decision as soon as you say those words, as the masseur takes her heavenly hooves off of your back to go set up the large wooden barrel. You push your lazy ass off the table and rub your chest. Even though it is exceedingly warm inside the spa, the Amulet is still cold to the touch.

Suddenly, you feel something tapping on your neck and instinctively jump off the table. There, splayed out on the table is Eris, chewing on one of her talons. You're about to tell her off for scaring you, only to remember you're in a room with three other ponies.
"Hiiiiii!" Eris waves. "Whatcha doin?"

You ignore her and move towards the bath, watching the water rush in from the tap and trying to ignore the untimely appearance of your strange spirit daughter. "Non?" Her little wings flapping, Eris floats over to you and starts poking you, singing obnoxiously: "I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here..."

"Anon?" Pinkie gives you a worried look, obviously noticing the pensive expression on your face. "I said the bath's ready."
You take a deep breath. "Right."

All three of you sink into the hot, steamy waters inside the barrel. It's almost scalding, and makes you feel like a boiled lobster. "Oh, that's nice." you mutter.
"Did I mention I'm here?" Eris purrs. "Let's get outta here and play somewhere! I checked that last memory of yours and I wanna try chess, pleeeeease? Pleasie-weasie? Non? Helloooooo!" She blows air into your ear. Unable to do anything else without alerting Pinkie, you simply scowl at her.

Meanwhile, the pink pony plays submarine, her usually curly mane suspended in the water, giving her a rather ethereal appearance. Popping out, she spits a nice stream out of her mouth, giggling afterwards like a schoolgirl. "What's the matter, Anon? Don't you like the bath? OOH! I forgot! The Bubble Bottle!"
Cutie grabs a green bottle from the side and spurts some liquid into the bath. Within seconds, massive amounts of foam start spreading, to the point where you lose sight of her.

But not Eris, who takes to dancing the cancan in an effort to gain your attention. It wouldn't be so bad if she also didn't have background music. Fucking magic...

"Anon?" Cutie's voice asks somewhere in the world of foam. "Where aaaare youuu?"
You squeak as she blows a raspberry on your stomach underwater, before emerging. "THERE you are!"
Seeing you unamused and tense, she raises an eyebrow. "You know, I've seen a lot of strange stuff in my time, but I've never seen bubbles make anyone crankier."
Cancan music blaring in your ears, you breathe heavily, wishing for Eris to just end her weird sugar high already. Did she skip all my memories about manners?
"I'm fine." You mutter.

Cutie pouts. "Are you, though?" She pokes the Amulet, and you slap her hoof away. "You've kinda been on edge ever since you started wearing jewelry. And it's made me wonder..."
You interrupt her. "Pinkie, can I trust you?"
"Abso-tootly-lutely." She pulls a nurse's cap out of the water and plants it on her head. "Doctor-patient confidentiality, GO!"
"Ok. Eris, SHUT UP AND GO AWAY!! ... NOW!"

Shocked to the core, the dancing girl drops out of the air, though she materialises an imaginary mattress to fall on. "... A-Anon?"
Seeing red, you snarl, enjoying the dead, gratifying silence in the room. "I don't want to play with you. I don't want to see or hear you. Just-"
Eris vanishes in a white flash.
"Yeah. That. Good." You turn back to Cutie, who's been taking notes on a professional pad. "Look, I know this is gonna sound crazy and maybe I am just losing my mind, but... there's somebody else living in my head."

The pink pony blinks. "Like a poltergeist?"
You shrug. "I guess... something to do with Luna splitting my mind open. Me and magic didn't mix well... maybe I have a tumor, I didn't even think of that! Anyway, ever since then I've been seeing this... girl. And she looks just like that statue at the castle. The one that's made up of all the different parts of other animals."
"You've been seeing a girl in your head that looks like Discord?" Cutie asks.
She nods. "Discord."
"What's a Discord?"
Mulling for a few moments, Cutie then reaches into the water and pulls out a dictionary and reading glasses. "Discord... Discord... ahh, here we are! Discord. Meaning one: the mischievous spirit of disharmony. Meaning two: Granny Smith when someone eats the pie she left out to cool." She shudders dramatically and throws her glasses and the book back into the foam. "Never. Touch. The pie."

You rub temples. "I'm definitely losing my mind."
"Pfft. No, you're not!" Cutie exclaims. "Crazy ponies don't think they're crazy. They think it's normal to eat cheese. And I swear, if I ever marry someone who eats cheese, I will touch Granny Smith's pie!" She shudders again. "But that'll NEVER happen. Nuh-uh."
"But you tell cheesy jokes all the time." You point out.
Cutie gasps. "I do? ... I do! I'm DOOOOOOOMED!!" she shrieks and splashes into the water. A few seconds later, she shows up again. "Anyway, you were saying?"
"Yeah, I just... I guess I just don't know what to do with all of this..." you gesture vaguely. "I just want things to get back to normal, but it's not gonna happen while I have mischievous spirits of disharmony dancing the cancan in my brain. Or when ponies think I'm gonna take over the world just because I'm wearing a necklace."

Cutie snorts. "Silly colt. Ponies don't think you're gonna take over the world just because you're wearing a necklace! They think you're gonna take over the world because you didn't mention the cancan-dancing mischievous spirit of disharmony in your brain OR why you went to the Everfree Forest OR how you found the Alicorn Amulet OR why you don't have any fur! You know what would solve all of these ORs?"
"Enlighten me, wise one."
"A great... big... PARTYYYYY!!!" she exclaims, splashing water again. "We'll call it the 'Welcome-The-Hyooman-And-Celebrate-His-Birthday-And-Listen-To-Him-Explain-What's-Going-On Party!!"
You pause. "... huh. Now I do feel kinda silly."
She boops you on the nose. "But better, right? You don't hafta worry about things in Ponyville, we got each other's back! We'll figure things out, cause we like you and we want you to like us too."
"Aww, that's a nice thing to say." You grin.

Cutie nods with a self-satisfied smile. "And now, until this spa session is over, you gotta give me ear scritches."
"I what now?"
She rolls her eyes. "You don't think healthcare is free, do you? You owe me at least two hours in scritches, plus interest."
"... I can live with that."
"That's the spirit."

Twilight Sparkle hummed cheerfully as she trotted through her library, levitating a select few textbooks behind her in a magenta glow. On her work desk underneath a window shining light was a cluttered mess of papers, a microscope and chalk. Next to the desk was a blackboard with calculations scribbled on it. Excitedly, the purple unicorn floated one of her books in front of her snout and began magically turning pages to find what she was looking for.

"No... no... ooh! ... no." she mumbled under her breath, the delicate ears springing up and drooping in synch.

Spike had gone to hang out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, which left her alone and solely responsible. So, when the creak of the library's doors alerted her to the presence of another pony, Twilight sorrowfully put down her research and trotted downstairs with her most inviting customer smile on. Might as well try to get someone to read if I can't!

The smile dropped instantly as she recognised the aging pony in the black suit. "Care Taker! What are you doing here?!"
Twilight hopped off the stairs and got into a vaguely defensive posture.

"Ma'am." Care Taker nodded politely, ignoring her distress. "I was hoping to have a word. I didn't really have time for idle conversation back in the Castle, but now I'm here. And I could use your help."
Twilight narrowed her eyes. "Who are you?"
"When you asked Zecora to guard the Alicorn Amulet, she trusted it to me. That is who I am. To you, I will have no further significance."

The purple unicorn shook her head, her inquisitive nature bubbling to the surface. "You don't wiggle out of the question that easily! I want to know exactly why she picked you. What have you got to do with the Amulet?"

Care Taker's lips curled downwards. "She picked me because I lack two things: a horn and anything better to do with my time. Now, are you going to keep asking wasteful questions or shall we get on with why I'm here?" The ice in the old pony's eyes restrained Twilight's curiosity for the moment.

When she simply nodded, Care Taker took a moment to compose himself. "Your friend, whatever and whoever he might be, did not just find one of the most powerful dark objects known to Equestria by accident. It would be better for everypony's safety if we removed the Amulet."
"Shouldn't you be telling this to him? The Amulet can't be taken off by anyone besides the wearer. Trust me, I know." Twilight argued.

The old pony's eyes bored into her. "I'm sure you do. Which is why it'll be your task to convince him. You already have his trust. You have the experience. And you have magic, to protect us if something should go terribly wrong."
"The Princess will decide-!"
"The Princess will decide!" Care Taker mocked. "Yes, well, let's just leave all our troubles for her to deal with. Perhaps you'll delegate dusting this old bookshop to her as well? She might just find the time between raising the sun and keeping the peace between nations. If you're lucky, you might squeeze doing the laundry into her afternoon. No. Leaving the Amulet in the hands of a literal alien is far too risky for my liking."

Twilight finally had enough. "Lucky for you, you don't make the decisions around here." She hissed. "You're welcome to leave Ponyville at any time. I think the next train goes at 4:30 PM."
Seeing that he'd pushed her too far, Care Taker bit his lip. "Alright. You're the Element of Harmony, not me. So I'll trust you. If he is harmless and all of this has a good explanation, then... well, lovely. But if you notice anything offputting, anything at all about your friend..."
Twilight interrupted. "Then me and my friends will handle it."

The two stared each other down for a few moments, then Care Taker relented and turned around to leave.
"Wait." Twilight said firmly with authority that she didn't even know she had. The old pony stopped and turned his head over his shoulder. "Honestly, why did Zecora get you to guard the Amulet?"
"... I didn't want to see it affect anyone else the way it did Trixie Lulamoon. She is family."

Crimson Star soared through the chill and darkness of the Canterlot mountains, within the mountains to be exact. This was an extension of the capital city that few ever discussed due to its intrinsic connection with the feared nocturnal aspect of pony society, and it was known as Nightsteed.

Like Canterlot and its unicorns, Nightsteed carried the upper class of thestrals. You'd find no mangy, chip-toothed menials here. The majority of the population were either descendants of Nightmare Moon's army or obscenely wealthy enough to fake it.

What the city itself looked like was actually quite unknown, as the enormous cavern Nightsteed was in enveloped it in a perpetual, comforting darkness, broken up only by occasional specks of light - lanterns - for the benefit of rare daytime visitors. And even though foals liked to tell each other that the fearsome bats' slitted eyes pierced through the dark to snatch up their prey, they actually couldn't see their homes any more than the rest could. They used their ears more than their eyes.

Sound, as any nighttimer will tell you, is like water. It's fluid, but it has shape and molds to the location it's at. Through perpetuating sound, any self-respecting bat pony can construct an image of his immediate surroundings within his mind. As such, Crimson Star knew he was part of a line of 38 thestrals moving towards the east block, at least until he broke off to land at a particularly favoured restaurant. The interior, draped in exotic cerulean curtains that cascaded off the walls like waterfall, glinted with light from candles on each table. Part of the aesthetic, they also burned blue from a special wick.

In the center of the restaurant was a table, where she was waiting, standing out amongst the thestral couples by scent and posture and deep, round irises in her smoky eyes. Her bubblegum pink mane, usually tied up in a neat and professional bun, now flowed down her back. The frogs of her hooves rested against the table, as if she was about to leap off. She grinned as she saw him.

Crimson gulped and trotted to the table. "I'm sorry you had to wait, I-" he couldn't finish as Redheart pushed herself up, snaked a hoof around the back of his neck and pressed her lips against his. Caught totally off guard, the bat barely managed to balance himself against the table as Red lustfully ran her rough tongue over his sharp canines, exploring. Closing his eyes, the bat gave himself into the moment, enjoying the feel of her careful nurse hooves around him. It was only a moment though, and finally Redheart receded. Crimson opened his eyes to look at the beautiful pony.

It was Princess Luna.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!" Crimson yelped and toppled to the floor. Luna looked down at him with her usual worldwise eyes(the same color as Redheart's, he uncomfortably realised), and though she didn't open her mouth, words began to echo in the bat's head.

"Child of the night. Listen to the voice of Luna. Thou art dreaming. This is an unreality. Dost thou understand this?"

As he began to think, to really think for the first time since arriving in Nightsteed, Crimson knew she was right. He had no memories of leaving the hospital - or recovering at all for that matter. The restaurant around the two melted away in an instant, leaving nothing more than unclear nothingness around the two ponies. Using her magic, Luna levitated Crimson up from the surface and onto his four hooves.

"Judging from thy distress, we intruded at a bad time?"

The bat forced his rapid breathing to slow down. "Duty can call at any time, I suppose. Still... phew." He was about to pray that the Princess hadn't realised whose visage she took over, before realising he'd be praying to the very mare standing in front of her. So he settled for a weary frown.

"Dost thou realise why we are here?"

Her unexpectedly sharp tone flattened Crimson's ears onto the back of his head, and he shook his head, jittery all of a sudden. He really didn't know.

"We received a letter from the one called Anon. We did not receive thy report."

Crimson cocked his head to the side, confused. "But I sent it in post. It should be arriving at any time."
Luna raised an eyebrow.

"There is a small dragon living in Ponyville, with a direct magical link to our sister and ourselves. Anon is clearly aware of this, so we do not understand why our Guard is not."

He stared down at the vague surface he was standing on, wishing he could wake up and never have to go near the Princess again. "I... I hadn't thought of that. I'm sorry!"
Though he wasn't looking, he could feel Luna's gaze boring through him.

"Since this is thy first solitary assignment, and a stressful one at that, we forgive thee. But good resources are never to be ignored. Thou will give the report now."

Crimson blinked. "A-all of it?"

"Start from the beginning, and when thou hast reached the end, stop."

And so Crimson Star did. He told her everything - how Anon had disappeared into the Everfree without prompting, how he'd found him and protected him from the monsters within, how they had found Twilight Sparkle's saddlebag at the site where Anon arrived to Equestria and what they discovered within the Castle of the Two Sisters. Crimson explained in detail about the mysterious and taciturn Care Taker who harbored Queen Chrysalis's Tradestone as well as the infamous Alicorn Amulet, how Anon had taken the latter for himself, with supposedly good intentions but keeping a lot of uncomfortable secrets.

All throughout, Luna listened without any discernible reaction until Crimson spoke of an event closer to his own heart than any of the others. "When I first saw this Care Taker, he told me this medallion you gave me..." he held up the white stone wrapped around his neck. "He said it was a mark of N... N..." the bat paused briefly, unsure whether to continue.

"Say the name."

"He said it was a mark of Nightmare Moon's inner circle!" Crimson blurted out on command, and blushing fiercely. Luna squinted, and the bat could almost imagine her eyes slitted like in the old drawings his mother kept at home.

"It is so."

When she could see the fear and worry in Crimson's eyes, Luna's expression melted slightly and she gave the bat a reassuring smile.

"The Nightmare is over. She will never return. Thou wears the symbol of her trust, because it is now our trust. We own her, completely, and her existence will be made a force for good in our hooves. That we promise."

Crimson tried to return the smile. Though it was weak, it warmed the Princess's heart. "It did get me past Care Taker." He mumbled nervously. Luna extended herself down to the smaller pony's level and rubbed her elongated snout against his fluffy grey cheek comfortingly.

"And thou shalt pass by many more... in thy next assignment."

'But I haven't even recovered from this one!' Crimson wanted to exclaim. He'd been looking forward to returning to his routine Guard duties at Canterlot. When did he become the Princess's personal Daring Doo? "N-next... assignment?"

"It will be given when thou hast returned to the Castle in flesh. Bring Anon as well, to pass thy guardianship of him directly over to us. If he shall not answer to Twilight Sparkle, he will answer to us.