• Published 26th Dec 2018
  • 34,890 Views, 1,717 Comments

The Human Pet - RushyFiction

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Chapter 31

Author's Note:

Musical score for when our heroes approach the Castle of the Two Sisters

Your mood increases dramatically as you emerge from the thick woods and observe the grey ruins of the Castle across the rickety wooden bridge, glowing fiery in the shine of the setting sun. Though you had no doubt the environment had been dramatically different when the place was built, it seems to you as if the Castle had been built at one of the few peaceful spots in the entire forest;, right between the steaming hot swamps and the frosty hilltops. Fortunate too, as your tuxedo is nothing but torn up rags at this point. The jacket is just gone, and the sleeves of your shirt hang open, with half of the buttons missing. The length of your trousers has been cut in half. Still...

"Look, guys!" You exclaim with a giddiness in your voice. "We're almost there!"

At the moment, it didn't matter that you were dirty, unshaven and talking to fluffy minotaur-snakes in your dreams. The rush of accomplishment was burning through your veins. You take a deep breath of the crisp evening air and feel like jogging across the bridge and over the road of the entrance.

Shaggy was behind you, floating in the air as his hooves had finally given out several miles back.
You'd just spotted the peaks of the towers through the foliage when a whimper behind you gave it away. You turned around to see Bunnystorm(third of his name, but not really) pointing rapidly at the painfully limping bat pony behind him. Shaggy collapsed on his stomach with a miserable whine, his tongue sticking out from between his teeth in exhaustion and pain. Frustrated with his inability to keep moving, the bat pony was reduced to thumping the ground with his front hooves in a childish tantrum.
"Shaggy! Hey!"
You ran to him and wrapped your arms around the pony's grey-furred body to pull him up into a sitting position. "Come on now, buddy, we're so close! You can rest at the Castle!"
Shaggy shook his head and dug his jaw into his chest fluff in a display of embarrassment and shame instead, his ears drooping low.

Frustrated at the hold-up, the bunny deftly kicked Shaggy on the side with his tiny foot to get him up and moving again. You felt protective over your bat pony friend and pointed at the little one with as hard of an expression as you can. "Cut. It. Out."
Turning back to Shaggy, you place your hand under his jaw and pull his head up to your eye level, scratching his leathery neck with your fingers. "I can see the Castle. We're nearly there. I believe in you."

Shaggy scrunched his face in determination and took to flight, levitating alongside you the rest of the way.

And now you are here. The bat pony flies right over the bridge with the bunny cheering loudly on his head as you test the integrity of the old bridge by pressing your foot against it.
It sounds awful, but it holds. For now. You take the risk and let go of the safe ground, your entire body weight now resting on the old thing. The bridge wobbles horribly under you and you grip onto the ropes on both sides of you. Slowly, you make your way forward, hyper-aware of the strain you're putting on the aged wood.


You freeze, and look down at your feet, but you can't see what broke and where. Suddenly, a pair of hooves grip around your abdomen and pull you off the slowly disintegrating bridge. Shaggy drags you over to the other side of the canyon and plops you down on the ground. You grin at the bat pony. "Thanks, man. That probably is smarter."
The bunny rolls his eyes and facepaws.

Together, the three of you turn towards the path leading up to the looming castle up ahead. Despite its many years of neglect, it's still an impressive sight, with its vast walls dressed in growths and gnarled trees, and intricate cracked spires like broken teeth sticking out.

Tiring fast from having to float around rather than flying freely, Crimson resolved to quit flying altogether and instead latch onto Skinny's back as he walked towards the large grey doors of the Castle. The lanky alien jumped a little at the unexpected sneak hug and scratched Crimson's cheek behind his head without turning around, making the bat pony smirk victoriously.

Skinny gave the doors a good push, but they didn't budge. "That's odd..." Crimson murmured. He knew there was no internal lock, so someone must've wedged them shut from the inside. Skinny ran his protuberances over the stone bricks around the doors, as if trying to find a bell or a secret switch. Becoming frustrated, he grabbed the handles and rocked the doors back and forth, achieving nothing but noise. Or so he thought.

Crimson's ears twitched, picking up a faint recurring sound on the inside and he tapped Skinny, who promptly stopped. "Hoofsteps... hoofsteps on the inside!" Crimson exclaimed in surprise. Squatters in the princesses' property? Soon enough, Skinny heard them too and took a step back as something shifted right behind the door. The left one then opened with a squeak.

A very old and tall earth pony stallion stepped out, with crow's feet next to his azure eyes and a spotted scalp. His fur was a pleasant baby blue and he had a thinning white mane combed back. He was also wearing a dark jacket with lapels and a deep, evening blue tie around his neck.
The pony squinted at the odd pair. Despite his age, his voice sounded melodic: "These are very old doors. It wouldn't do to tear them down just to get my attention... is there anything you need, sir?"

Crimson frowned, and scratched his head. "Who are you? Nobody's supposed to live in the Castle of the Two Sisters."

"Conveniently, I don't. I'm Care Taker. I look after this place. Now, I assume, given that you're here, that you and your... rabbit and your unusual travelling partner have some business in the Castle." The old stallion said, with an unreadable expression.

"Well, yes-"
Care Taker cut him off. "No, sir. Castle's not open for tourists, I'm afraid." He chewed on his lower lip. "Bat ponies like to c'mere all the time, snatch a few artworks... keep a few books. I've implemented a, shall we say, change in policy? I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." He gestured towards the stairs with his hoof, which brought a worried look on Skinny's face.

Scowling, Crimson Star carefully shimmied down his friend's back whilst the old pony watched with some amusement, and dropped onto the stone floor so he could face Care Taker. "Well, I hate to be contrary, but I am a Lunar Guard. And if the princesses had assigned a servant to the Castle, we'd be the first to be informed! So I must assume that you're not here on their instructions. You have to let us pass."

Care Taker smirked. "According to Equestrian law, royal guards only wield authority in the line of duty, sir. And I don't see your armor. Which means this door stays closed unless the princesses themselves show up. I'll be right here waiting."
The old stallion's arrogant demeanour was beginning to ruffle Crimson's feathers. He pulled out his shining white half-moon necklace, concealed under his chest fluff. "Do you know what this is?"
Suddenly, the pony's posture straightened, and he became visibly concerned. "Nightmare Moon's inner circle used to wear them."

The response caught Crimson off guard a little. Nightmare Moon? But I thought-? He ignored the questions in his mind for now, and pushed ahead: "Right, it's a symbol of Princess Luna's trust. She's given me the power to overrule anyone, but herself and her sister. And if you don't believe that, I suggest you find a way to ask her. But I doubt she'll be happy you kept her servants waiting... sir."

Crimson could see the veins pulsating in the bewildered old stallion, but despite a gloriously foul expression, he stepped aside, and began to walk off into the hall at the steady, sure pace employed by those who've lived long enough to have learned the value of not hurrying. "I suppose I have no choice... you're free to stay. Dinner is in an hour, if you're interested."

The unlikely trio entered the main hall of the Castle. It was a damp place where algae grew steadily on both sides of the floor, and even a few white flowers had bloomed. Dark, foreboding portals stood on both sides of the room, leading to other areas. On the opposite side, a small flight of stairs led up to two thrones, one dressed in golden velvet whilst the other was dressed in blue. Matching, moth-eaten banners hung over them.

Crimson and Angel Bunny looked up at their awed friend. "Well, Skinny, you got us here... now what?"