• Published 26th Dec 2018
  • 34,888 Views, 1,717 Comments

The Human Pet - RushyFiction

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Chapter 42

"I don't know, princess. You sure you wanna go there? Cause once you make that move, you can't unmake it."

The sun horse lets out a defiant whinny, and uses her snout to nudge a pawn two spaces ahead. She smirks knowingly, probably to unnerve you into making a mistake. You smirk right back. You know the chessboard like the back of your hand.

"Well, I hate to do this to royalty... actually, that's a lie. I take immense satisfaction from this."

Satisfaction is putting it lightly. There are some similarities between this world and your own. The rules of chess, for example, appear to be identical. And today you have a very special opponent: the Princess Tia herself. She has dropped by Sweetheart's cottage for a visit. Probably to check up on you, now that you think about it. You pick her queen off the board. Tia blinks curiously, as if mentally digesting the move.

"Whatcha gonna do now? I bet there's not anybody else who's beaten you at this. Who'd dare? Me, that's who. Anony of the mous, the legendary queen slayer."

Not being understood by anyone does have its advantages... you can babble any baloney you want. Tia picks up one of her bishops with her teeth and drops it near in front of your king, trapping it. Checkmate. The sun princess - being the ever so humble soul that she is - jumps up to perform what is unmistakably a smug victory dance. You stick your tongue out, but the truth is that you don't mind losing.

"Bah, whatever, I can never stay mad at you people. The truth is, Princess, that as much as I miss home, I don't think I could ever give up what I've found here."

Tia looks up, detecting the sincere content of your words through their tone. You stare deep into her deep violet orbs.

"You know who you remind me of, Princess? A doe. Ever seen one? No, of course you haven't. But they're these big, caring, beautiful creatures... but of course they aren't people, like you. With brains, I mean. And thoughts and aspirations and whatnot. But they have these big eyes full of heart. Never seen eyes like that on a man or a woman. Maybe I should have, but I didn't. Never thought anybody could be special like that. Now I see those eyes everywhere I turn, on everybody here. Everyone's special in Equestria. Makes me wonder what I'd see if I went back home. But I don't want to. I was never one for taking chances. I couldn't go back to not seeing these eyes."

To your surprise, Tia nuzzles you under the jaw. She knew.

"Hello, Sombra." Celestia said politely as she watched the hyooman fearlessly saunter towards her throne. Her face was totally without expression. Anon looked amused.

"Sombra? Is that some kind of pony swear?"

"It is the name of who I'm talking to." Her snout lowered a little, aiming towards the Alicorn Amulet proudly displayed on Anon's chest. "The memories are still yours, no doubt, but the voice and will of Sombra possess you."

"Let me guess - this is the part where you urge me to muster whatever inner strength I have left to surrender the Amulet to you? Come-come now, Princess, you're being transparent. I'm not a magical being, therefore this thing has no effect on me. I cannot cast spells or take over the world. It's just a glorified translator, that's all. But for you, oh, it must be jackpot. You're already an alicorn. With this, you'd have the might of two. No wonder you want it off my neck."

Celestia's eyes narrowed. "It is for your own good."

"There it is!" Anon exclaimed victoriously, jabbing a finger at her. "You're an excellent manipulator, Princess, and I admire you. You must be, otherwise you would not have stayed in power for so long. The Sun religion, the Shadow Party, your 'benevolent oversight' of every leader in the realm. You have made yourself indispensable. Your policy on having the weather controlled employs half the pegasi! But you didn't fool me! I'm like you, I see these ponies for what they really are - cattle, waiting to be herded! Waiting for someone to crack the whip!"

"Enough." Celestia said coldly. Anon took an involuntary step back, and cursed under his breath. He had not intended to show weakness. "I will wear the Amulet. Please hand it over."

Anon meant to laugh out loud, but to his surprise, his body was magically puppeteered towards the Princess as if he was held by invisible strings. "What is this? What have you done, you overgrown ass?!"

"I warned you. What you wear is no child's play. Since you do not have it in you to resist its power, I will pay the price that is needed to stop it from consuming your soul. I will wear the Amulet."

Concentrating heavily, Anon was able to hold his hand back from grabbing the chain around his neck. "No! No, no magic can force someone to give over the Amulet! You shouldn't be able to do this! You can't do this!"

Celestia gave him a sad smile. "I'm not doing this. You are fighting Sombra, not me. It's my powerful, immortal body he craves." She bared her neck towards the red gem eyes of the Amulet. They glinted with a hidden passion. Anon's arm shook heavily as he struggled not to let himself hand the necklace over.

"Celestia!" Anon growled. "Stop this! You cannot wear the Amulet, it's too much of a risk! Equestria depends on you!"

"My, my, is that chivalry I hear?"

Anon couldn't help himself. He pulled the chain from around his neck and held the Amulet up high, close to Celestia's face. Sweat poured down his forehead as he struggled - with all his might - to not hand it over.

"I will wear the Amulet." Celestia repeated calmly. "I will corrupt myself. The only person who can stop me is you. Reject Sombra and his power, and he will have no hold over either of us."

The chain shook in Anon's bruised hand, the links digging into his tight fist.