• Published 25th Dec 2018
  • 749 Views, 14 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: Shadow Play - MyEcho4

See the Guardians Harmony in an all new adventure as they face news foes and challenges that will test they're friendship.

  • ...

A Bone to Pick

Author's Note:

Hope you guys are enjoying it so far! I apologize for this one being short. I did want to make it longer but I figured where I ended felt like a good place to just end here until the next one. Now hopefully I will be able to work on the next one soon. I am planning on moving to a new apartment in a few weeks so things have been pretty busy over here plus my job so again. Here’s hoping.

Until next time!

Chapter 6: A Bone to Pick

Bulkan growled as he finished slashing again the walls of their hideout, now full of the faint red marks of his geo-blade. When Nadare told them about what happened to the book, the jackal wolf did not take the news lightly and this was the result of it. After several minutes and praying he doesn’t start another tantrum, Hadari finally spoke up.

“Are you done now?”

Bulkan didn’t say anything, only pressing a button on his hilt, causing the blade to disappear back inside like a laser pointer. He placed it back on his belt before turning out.

“Yeah...Yeah I am.”

“Good. Now that we've all calmed down we can-”

“Ohh just because I'm finished here doesn’t mean I still ticked at what happened!” he shouted as he marched over to the meeting table in the center of the room. “Nadare shouldn’t have persuaded that blue brat on his own! What was he thinking?!”

“Being what a leader does.” Mona spoke up. “Completing the mission.”

“By tearing and losing the only thing that can complete the mission?!” Bulkan shouted at the cat. “Then oh yeah, we definitely completed the mission thats for sure!”

“Bulkan would you calm down for just a second!” Hadari exclaimed. “Like seriously, what is the deal with that book anyway?”

“Yeah! Were you gonna sell it for money or something?” said Doku.

“No!” he shouted. “That BOOK….” he took a deep breath to regain his composure. “That book can make all our hopes and dreams a reality, but now with some pages missing we might not have that opportunity anymore. I spent all my life trying to find this book and now when its in our grasp, those...those…”heroes” took it from us! And now we have nothing. NOTHING!”

“Wellll maybe not nothing.”

Bulkan looked over at the small wolf girl who casually adjusted her glasses before speaking. “While you were busy slashing at your tantrum wall, I was looking over the pages Nadare brought back.”

“What did you find?” asked Hadari

“You want good news or bad news?”

“How much more bad news can there be?”

“Good news it is!” she exclaimed before holding up the paper. “It seems we may have the advantage even without the map. This page shows us not only the picture of what we are looking for and if my knowledge of ancient ponish language is correct, down here might be the location of where these are. Again, only if i'm correct. Which now leads into the bad news.”

“And that is..” Bulkan groaned, rubbing his temples.

“While I know some ponish from our travels, whatever this Starswirl guy wrote in here really made sure to not have anyone read it besides him so it may take awhile for me to translate all of these words.”

“How long are we talking?” Tiupan questioned. Kam adjusted her glasses and lowered her head and ears a little.

“Two to three days? Five tops?”

Before Bulkan could start slashing at his wall again, Nadare walked into the room, his mask now off and his jack taken off, hanging on a chair in the corner of the room. His eye was nursed also, since it wasnt too bad of a scratch, Hadari was able to use her waterbending to heal it pretty quickly but it left a scar in its place but he didn’t really mind.

“Make it one day, Kam. We can’t waste anytime. I don’t care if you have to stay up all night in order to figure it out, get that piece of paper translated as much as you can.”

“Aye aye, Ring!” She saluted before heading over to her workspace to get to work on translating it.

“As for the rest of you.” he said. “Go to bed. I want you all full of energy first thing tomorrow morning. I'll stay up and take the watch.”

Hadari looked her friend with a little concern “Hey, Nadare. Don’t beat yourself up too much okay? We’ll get them and that book next time.”

“If they decipher that book before we can with that page, I dont think we’ll have a next time.” Bulkan growled before pushing Doku and Cya to the side and headed out the front of the hideout. “Im going for a walk.”

The door slammed, sending an echo throughout the hideout. Mona then yet out a cat-like yawn and stretched herself a little. “Yeah. I should probably get some sleep too. That fight made me exhausted” she said before jumping down from the table and walking over to her room. “Peace!” she said before closing her door.
The others soon followed behind and said their goodnights and headed to their rooms, the only ones being Nadare, Hadari, and Kam who was at her workshop. Nadare sighed before looking up to see Hadari still there with him.

“I gave you an order, Dari. Im fine. Now go to bed.” he demanded before walking back up to the rooftop of the hideout. Hadari looked on before sighing and walked into her quarters. Something is going on with her friend. Being the “mom” of the team, it was always her duty to find out what was happening with someone and would not stop until she figured it out. It was just instinct for her. She wants to make sure her team has no distractions when doing a mission. From what she learned while in the Triads, a single string can ruin the entire blanket, meaning just one person distracted can lead to the failure of an entire mission. She wants to make sure they are safe and that nothing will ever happen to them. That was her job as “second in command”, or in Bulkan’s eyes, third.

Speaking of which, what was going on with Bulkan? Ever since he told us about this “untold power” mumbo junk, he literally said nothing else as if it was supposed to be a secret. Not even Nadare knows this whole thing and he’s never questioned since he trusts Bulkan. But does Bulkan feel the same way back? Well whatever the case is. Its time to put her mommy powers to work and get to the bottom of this. Hopefully, very soon.


The school bell rang for the end of lunch time. Student began to flood the hallways of the highschool as everyone began to head back to their respective homerooms to continue on the rest of the day. Fortunately for the Guardians, they had a free period now since P’Li has given the senior class some free time to prep for graduation in the coming days, Which meant the Guardians planned on using that free time in the library to try and decipher more of the pages. Over the course of the day before, they had little to no luck in the library. While Starlight’s family knew some of the ponish language, it just seemed like Starswirl was careful of what to write and how to write in his journal. As if it was only for his eyes only. Talk about privacy. While some of the Guardians were inside the library, Chi and Hiro were just heading out of the cafeteria, staying behind to pick up the prank they made on their history teacher, heading over to meet up with the others. Chi looked much better than she did the last couple days, back to her bubbly spunky self put a sigh of relief on everyone’s faces. With her energy back, she decided to pull one last prank to end the school year with a bang. Literally. Fortunately it took them not as long as before Chi gained her super speed.

“I think that was our best prank, yet!” she exclaimed, as they both walked out into the hallway. “The look on his face when you gave him that pie!”

“Nothing’s better than a good ol’ “pie in the face” joke” said Hiro, his hands resting behind his head.

“More like a dozen. Guess that Home Ed guess finally paid off!”

“I can’t wait to tell Aunt Pinkie about this!” Hiro exclaimed as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and took a look at the pictures. “She’s gonna be so jealous!”

“Heck yeah!” said Chi, showing her recent post on her page. “This is my most liked video yet!”

“Man I wish the others were here to see this in person. “ Hiro sighed. “Yeah we’d probably get a scolding from Iris but even she would’ve giggled a little bit.”

“Yeah but remember, they still had to translate the rest of those pages from the other day.” Chi brought up. “I wonder if they got any more deciphered?”

Hiro shrugged. “Guess we better head over there and find out ourselves”

But it seems they would be a little more late to meeting up with the others when the two suddenly saw Aku, jock of the senior class and the school bully, pinned a freshman pegasus to the wall. Chi and Hiro figured that it was the last days of school so it would make sense for her to go after the underclass a few more times, tripping them, stuffing them in a locker, or even giving them a wedgie like all school bullies do But when they got closer, they realized that Aku was much scarier than usual and by the looks of it, was going to rip the heart right out of this poor freshmen.

“Hey, Silverstreak!” Aku shouted, even though she was literally face to face with the freshman. “You owe me remember?! Time’s up!”

The poor silver pegasus shivered in pure fear as he stared into the human firebender’s eyes, his wings rattling like a pair of maracas.

“I’m sorry, Aku!” he squeaked. “Its just been a rough couple of weeks, I’ll pay you back! Promise!”

“That’s what you said, last week!” Aku bellowed. “And the week before that, and before that! I'm getting sick of the excuses! Where are my bits?!” she banged the locker beside him, leaving a small dent in it. He squeaked a little as it nearly missed his ear, thought the force of her punching did leave a high ringing in his ears afterwards.

“I-said I’ll pay you back!” he said. “When you graduate! O-okay?”

“Nope! You’re too late for that, pal!” she said. “You know what happens to those who mess with me?”

Silverstream could feel tears coming down his face and his eyes cowering behind his head as he closed his eyes and awaited his fate. Chi an Hiro saw this and they knew for a fact that they were not gonna stand by. The two marched over to the senior and freshman and stepped right in between the two.

“Aku. Let him go.” said Chi in a commanding voice.

The senior looked up and growled at the two, letting the freshman go and instantly he zipped on out of there to his homeroom.

“Gah. I told you guys not to get in my way again!” she exclaimed as she cracked his knuckles.

“Look, Aku. I know its the last days of school and you wanna get your last bit of bullying out of the way.” said Hiro, crossing his arms and shaking his head. “But this? This is too far. He’s just a freshman.”

“Freshman or not, he owes me, Sato!” she said in protest. “You should know how it feels when people owe you some money!”

“Yes. Yes I do.” he said calmly. “But I don't threaten them to pay me back. I go and talk to them like a normal human being I am and try to work things out normally. You don’t see me hovering a rock over their head now do you?”

“Well that’s you” she said.

“Thats everyone including me.” he retorted.

“Now why don’t you just back off, will ya?” Chi said.

Aku was reaching her breaking point with these guys as she clenched her fists.

“Yknow. Im really started to get sick of you “Guardians”. Just because your family is famous and important does NOT mean you have to be high and mighty!”

“What are you talking about?” Chi asked, confused, not noticing a group of students surrounding the three.

“You guys are nothing but a bunch of bucking nobodies who only save the world to get attention.”

“Hey, Aku. Calm down okay?” Hiro said, his voice now calm and reassuring. “Here, I’ll pay you back from what Silverstreak owes-”

“Don't you DARE give me ANY of you money, rich boy!” she bellowed.

“Hey woah!” Chi manifested between the two. “No need to get riled up! Were just saying to cut it out alright? We don't want any trouble! He’s just trying to help!”

“Should’ve thought of that when you stepped in, blue freak.”

Chi could feel her anger beginning to boil but she tried to keep it from showing, both in emotion and skin color.

“it's time I show you guys how much of a faker you are. So i'm gonna ask one more time, wisp.” she growled. “Get out of my way or do you wanna prove that your as loyal as they say?”

“I think we both know the answer to that.” she replied, her voice shaking but not from fear, but from not letting her anger coming out. Hiro peered over her shoulder, only to notice that her skin edges were now a small faint red and...magenta? Come to think of it, her sol, which glowed dimly underneath her shirt was looking more red than blue.

Chi took a deep breath and exhaled. “Come on, Hiro. Lets go.” she lowered her defenses and the faint color and sol returned back to their normal blue color. Hiro sighed in relief and walked behind Chi as they headed back on their way to the Library. Aku seeing this, finally had her rage boil over as her hand began to glow. Hiro looking down, saw this as looked over at Chi. He realized what she was gonna do and ran over to Chi.

“Bubs look ou-GAH!” he screamed as the ball of flame made a direct hit into Hiro’s chest and launched him several feet down the hallway, hitting the floor and sliding across it a couple more feet before coming to a halt a few feet from the library. Chi gasped in shock and sped on down to his side to check him. Aku looked on, looking stunned and instant guilt at what she did.

“Hiro!” she exclaimed. “Hiro! Are you okay?!”

At first he didn’t say anything, but after a few seconds he coughed and wheezed before letting out a groan, clutching his stomach.

“Oooh” he whispered. “That’s gonna hurt in the morning for sure.” he winced as he tried to get up, but the pain was too much for him to stand. Chi couldn't believe what he had done, he could’ve gotten himself hurt or even worse. He knew she could take it more than him. Why did he jump in the way?

Questions upon questions flooded her mind as her anger began to boil over, her bright blue skin now becoming a mixture of magenta and redish color. Her eyes changed from her bright purple pupils to a dark red and her sol now glowed much more than normal, but now in the bright color of magenta. Electricity suddenly began to surge out of her fingertips and hair, hitting the wall, lockers and ceiling lights as several students stepped back as she got up and looked over at Aku, who began to have fear in her eyes.

“Chi…” Hiro called out but it was too late. The wisp zipped on back to the senior, her hand enlarging and grabbed her before slamming the hand into a row of lockers, leaving a much bigger dent that what Aku put on there.

“You made a BIG mistake, mutt.” she spoke, her voice now eerie and cold, the magenta bolts of lighting now surging and getting bigger and more dangerous as Aku and several students could feel the hair on their arms, legs and head stand straight up as if they were touching an electric ball in science class.

Aku tried to best to keep her cool and used her strength to break free from the wisp’s enlarged hand and landed on the ground. She was a little sore from the impact of the wall but not as much to where she was in pain. She cracked her neck and knuckles before getting into a fighting stance.

“I’ve been needing a rematch from last time.” Aku stated before reaching her hand out and giving the wisp “Come at me” action. Hiro, with the help of some classmates, finally got up and looked at the fight that was about to happen.

“Oh boy” he whispered before running down to the library to tell the others about the impending fight about to happen.

Mai groaned as she finished another book and tossed it on to the ever growing pile of useless information the group found.

“Nothing there either?” Iris asked. Mai shook her head.

“What about you, Chrysalis?” the changeling sighed sadly and shut the book she was reading before placing it on her own pile. Hozu groaned and tossed his book aside, getting a group of glares from the other student from the loud noise.

“Nothing. I mean, Star Swirl was a genius, obviously. But forget Olde Ponish. There's parts where his hornwriting is like another language!” Mai exclaimed as she groaned again and banged her head on the table, earning an angry glare from the librarian. “Like, what is with this pony?!”

“Starswirl has been known to have extra security measures to make sure nobody took his stuff.” Iris pointed out. “His journal was no exception. He really REALLY wanted to make sure nobody stole what was inside.”

“Ugh. I haven't spent this much time reading since we had to do that book report about the 100 year war.” Nori sighed as she closed a book and rubbed her eyes, though making sure she didn’t remove a eyelash or messed up her makeup. “Perhaps it is time to take a break. This mystery is over a thousand years old, after all. Another day or two won't make a difference.”

“Two days?!” Gallant shouted, before earning a loud “shush” from the librarian. “Two Days?!” he said again but whispered. “I don't want to waste two seconds! I'm close to an answer. I can feel it! Besides, Nori remember, we have to get this before the claws figure it out.”

Akari placed her book down. “Wow. Gallant, I haven’t seen you this determined since our class elections.”She then leaned over and placed a hand on the unicorn’s shoulder. “But Nori’s right. We've been studying' and referencing' and cross-referencing' for almost three days straight. If we keep this up, the claws might as well be in the lead. A break for at least a few hours or a day could do all of us good, you think?”

Gallant wanted to protest, but besides knowing that his girlfriend would always win the argument, she was actually right. They needed to take a step back if they wanted to go forward and if it means taking a break and possibly letting the claws get it first, then so be it. Besides, they always bounce back from falling down. Gallant sighed and closed his book and the geo-slate.

“Yeah..yeah maybe you’re right.”

“I know I am.”

While the two lovebirds were cooing at each other, Mai felt her geo-slate buzz from inside her backpack. She pulled it out and pressed the button to turn it on. MAGGIE then appeared on the screen along with a holographic version of her boyfriend, Lu Ten.

“Hey guys. Find anything yet on your side?”

Lu shook his head. “No. we didn’t.”

Mai lowered her head. They really were in a pickle this time.

“But your parents did.”

Instantly, Mai’s head shot, a glimmer of hope began to grow. She whispered to the others to come over.

‘What is it?” Iris asked.

“Lu and MAGGIE said that our parents might’ve found something!”

Gallant eyes lit up light dinner plates. “Well, what are you waiting for?! Patch us through!”

“Gimme a second, stallion.” MAGGIE retorted. “Securing a secure connection on a completely different network is not as easy as it looks. Not to mention I have to delete it everytime we finish talking.”

Maggie pressed some buttons beside her before finally giving the thumbs up as Sunburst, Nova, Korra, Twilight, Leilani, Asami, Bolin and Starlight showed up on the screen.

“Hey, Mom.” said Iris. “Wait where’s Dad?”

“He had to check up with the squads.” she replied. “Him and your dad too, Akari.”

“Lu said you guys found something?” asked the pink pony.

“Well more like we might have solved it!” Sunburst bursted out, holding up the book. “I think we translated almost all of what Starswirl said here.”

“Thank Raava!” Nori exclaimed. “Because we couldn’t find pearls in these books here. Like...you don’t have a book for ponish translation but have one for Old Ponish knock knock jokes and pedicures? Come on.”

“Yeah it took some time, and thanks to the help of Leilani and Nova’s knowledge of the language. We were able to decipher what was said here.”

“I have to admit. This was kinda a challenge for me.” Leilani pointed out. “I haven’t spoken that language in a long time so I was a little rusty.”

“Ditto.” Nova added before looking over and noticed a couple people missing.

“Wait. Where’s Hiro and Chi?”

Iris rolled her eyes. “Take a guess?”

Nova didn’t even have to think twice when she said those words. “Oy. Well can’t say I'm surprised since school’s almost over. They better have not done something too stupid though.”

As if right on cue, the library doors bursted open, Hiro running to the group still clenching his stomach from the sharp wince of pain every time he took a step.

“Um guys!” he shouted, getting one final loud angry shush from the librarian who closed her book and walked away. Muttering some words under her breath on how she was not being paid enough for this job along with some other “dirty” words.

“Sorry!” he whispered to her before he continued to run over.

“Hey guys!” he said. “We uh..Oh-uh h-hey! Mom Dad!....Nova.”

The way he said Nova’s name gave him some glances of confusion and sternness from the others. The sorcerer placed a hand on his hip and arched an eyebrow.

“Hiro. Where’s my sister?”

“And what happened to you?” Mai asked.

Hiro rubbed his hair a little as sweat was coming down his face.

“Wellllll funny story. You guys remember Aku right?”

Aku grunted as she crashed into the wall, dusting off the pieces of rubble from her head and body. She glared at Chi, who was still looking as angry as ever. While the students could’ve been running or getting help, they were busy chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

Aku was beginning to feel tired. Even in a sparring match in gym she could always tell Chi’s next moves and beat her with and without her powers. But now it was like she was a whole new person. Sweat poured down her face and neck as she staggered to get back up and try to land a hit but everytime she tried, the wisp got the best of her and knocked her down.

“What's the matter, jocky? Thought you could take me on?” taunted Chi. “Heh. You think you're so tough taking advantage of these students. OUR student body. You’re pathetic. It just shows how much on the outside your a big strong bully but deep down...you are nothing. nothing.

“Shut up!” she shouted firing a blast of fire at her, in which the wisp dodged easily by leaning to the side.

“It's time you finally realize how it feels to be like them.” said Chi as she zoomed up and pinned Aku to a wall. The muscular athlete was too tired to even defend herself at this point as Chi was about to deliver the final blow. “Open wide.”


Instantly the wisp froze, her enlarged fist just mere inches from her face as the booming voice of Iris echoed throughout the halls, silencing everyone within the area. There was no doubt she got that trait from her mother. As if right on cue, the red-magenta colors surrounding her as well the lighting began to disappear from her, returning back to her normal blue self. She shook her head and blinked a few times before realizing what happened and what she was doing.

“Wh-Aku? How did you-?”

She felt a sudden grip on her shoulder as she was pulled off the firebender and was met face to face with the school principal, who did not have the happiest look on his face. The wisp got a quick glance of her surroundings, as well as her friends who either looked concerned, or shook their heads in disappointment. She looked up and chuckled nervously.

“Uh heh heh…...oops?”


“Get out!” Shouted the principal as the two figures from his office walked out the door and went their separate ways. To say the principal was not happy was an understatement of the school year. Everyone could hear him shouting from the other side of his big wooden door as he told the two that this was inexcusable. Fortunately, he did not expel them since that would be pointless because of school ending and they allowed them to graduate still. But their parents,or in this case Chi’s brother and sister in law will be told about this, and while the Sato’s have agreed to pay for the damage, they will fix the everything that was destroyed or broken when summer hits and finally they were suspended for the rest of the day. As they walked out Chi tried to walk over and apologize to Aku, but the look of fear in her eyes prevented that. She didn’t even threaten her or anything. She just walked away, not saying a word hitting the entrance door on the way out of the school. Chi sighed and walked out the door just as the second to last bell rang. She felt a vibration and picked up her phone from her skirt pocket to see it was Iris from the group chat. She sighed and opened it up.

So? What did the principal say?

Good news: I'm still wlking. Bad news: Summers gonna suck


What were you thinking? It's not like you to do something like that. You’re better than this.

IDK. it just...came over me, One minute I was at Hiro’s side and the next thing I knew I had her pinned to a wall. That’s all I remember. Btw how are you doing, Richie?

Eh. it's no big deal. I've felt worse. Though it still stings to breathe

Are you sure you’re alright, Chi?

Guys. Dont worry about me. I’ll see you after school alright. I really dont wanna talk about this right now.

Were not done talking you know that.

Yes, mom. See ya later this evening.

Chi was about to put her phone away when she got another buzz, this time from Nova who simply told her to come home instantly. Chi rolled her eyes and placed it back in her pocket before walking out the door.

"Hey Chi!"

The wisp shrieked at the voice of the person calling her name she frowned before looking up to the heavens and mouthing "Why me?" before turning around to see Akira walking to her, putting on a fake smile.

"Oh! Uh hey, A-Akira!"

"Thank goodness I caught you before you headed home." He said before digged into his pocket, pulling out an object and handing it to Chi. She gasped when she saw it was her necklace before looking down and finally noticed that it was missing.

"M-my necklace!" She exclaimed. "Where did you get this? How did you get this?"

"It fell off during your little tango in the hallway with Aku." He replied. "I tried to find you but class started and I missed you."

"Oh..OH! yeah I had uh...well...y'see um..how should I put this."

"Principal's office I presume?"

Chis eyes lit up. "How did you-"

"Kinda impossible to dodge a event like that WITHOUT being sent there. Well...that and our class could hear him screaming from down the hall. Got so bad teach just decided to do a study hall. Well tried too"

The wisp could feel her face and skin begin to warm up. She tried her best to cover it up but her body was saying otherwise.

"Hey uh, Chi? You're-"

"Glowing? Pft! What? No it's just does that when I get hot and phew wow is it hot out here or is it just me because man I should take me jacket off don't wanna melt y'know and that's a total pain of course you might not know what it's like to melt since I think your kind of spirits can't do that y'know?.......pal? Hehehehehe"

She gave him a crooked smile at the end making Akira look a little uncomfortable for his liking. She noticed something different about Akira’s face.

“Hey..what happened to your eye?”

“Huh?” he replied. “Oh! Yeah uh. Remember my cat right?”

“You mean the ball of fur that tried to scratch me?”

“Yeah. He was kinda grumpy the other day. Guess he didn't get a goodnight sleep.”

“Oof” replied Chi. “Well at least its not worse than the trouble I’m in.” she slouched a bit a frowned. “Nova and Sunset are gonna turn me into a coat hanger after this.”

Akari frowned. He honestly felt a little bad for her. She really felt guilty about what happened and looked innocent. He placed his hand on her shoulder, which instantly caused her to tense up and blush a deep red.

“Hey. If it's alright with you, we can go back to your house together.”

Chi tried to say something but her words were stuttering as she stood in place. “M-M-My place? But I need to get my house cleaned up y'know with my nephew and my room is a pigsty and I really don't want you to smell my gym shorts . Gah! No no I mean my week old t-shirts! Nono I mean my uh….”

“Its okay. It okay.” Akria replied. “Look tell you what.” Akira reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. “Can I see your phone?”
Chi nodded and pulled her phone from her pocket, handing it to him. Several seconds later there was a ping on her phone as he handed it back to her.

“Theres my number and chat ID. If you ever wanna talk Im here.”

“Oh...thanks.” she said, her voice a little eyes as she blushed even more. She was startled as she got another buzz from her phone and looked, only to cringe when she saw who texted.

“Oy. I better get going. Uh..have a good evening pal UH Akira! Bye!”

And with that she zoomed off campus. Akira looked on at the blue streak and chuckled lightly.

“She is one strange gal that's for sure.” He said to himself before he got a ping from his phone and opened it up. He sighed before pushing a button and placing it up to his ear.

“Sup? Really? Already? Heh. Remind me not to judge you, sis. Alright on my way.”


Chi has seen both Nova and Sunset angry before. I mean living with a almost 2000 year old sorcerer she got used too and she has seen Sunset’ fury in person plenty of times but even she wasnt prepared for what happened. It felt like forever Nova shouted at her, his wife letting him release it all out. By looking into his eyes, Chi could tell he was not only furious but also dissapointed in her for doing this. Fortunetly, Eclipse was at his training with Iris today so he didnt have to hear any of this. Finally, Nova stopped shouting before he could pass out. He sighed and rubbed his temples, placing a hand on his hip.

“So….what do you have to say for yourself, sis. Hm?” He asked, his voice while not having the echos of all the demons in tartarus still had sense of anger inside of it. The wisp slouched in her seat before looking up and giving him a small nervous smile.


Nova growled as his face and horn glowed a bright red and purple. Chi squeaked and turned into a mouse to hide underneath the pillow on the couch. He was about to let the hounds out of the gate before Sunset grabbed his hand, making him calm down and take in a few deep breaths. She then used her magic to pull the wisp-turned mouse from under the pillow and bring them up to their faces, laying her on her palm.

“Chi...what were you thinking?” She asked.

“I dont know! I swear!” She squeaked. “Its just one moment, Me and Hiro were walking away and the next Im standing in front of a dent in the lockers>”

“Chi I want to believe you but-“

“But ever since that night you have been acting strangly!” Nova exclaimed. “You said you were alright but clearly you are not after whatever happened.”

“Nova, Sunset You have to believe me! I swear that I have no idea what happened...Wisp’s honor!”

The couple shared a quick glace at eachother. They both knew about a wisp’s honor and what it holds. If she’s pulling that card, then its no doubt she was telling the truth. Even if it still sounded a bit fishy.

Nova sighed again. “Okay...okay...I believe you. Of course I believe you. You’re my sister.” He said. “But that doesnt change what happened. You’re lucky Asami was willing to fix the school and I expect you to apologize to her when you see her again.”

The mouse wisp sighed and transformed back into her human self floating down to the couch. “I know.”

“Im not gonna punish you. I think starting your summer with fixing the school is a good enough one for me. Wouldn’t you think Sunset?”

Sunset nodded. “Me and Nova are needed back to finish up some things. Until we get back, you are to stay here. NO going out with friends and NO video games
for a week. Got it?”

Chi lowered her head. “Yes, ma’me.” She said before slowly floating to her room, not even bothering to open the door as she phased through it. Nova and Sunset looked at each other with a frown.

“You think I was a little hard on her?” Nova asked.
“Nova, its okay.” Sunset reassured, sitting down next to him. “You dont have to feel like your her guardian anymore.”

“But I am her guardian.” He said. “I promised Shade that I would take care of her. Be the big brother she lost. But everytime I get angry at her, it just kills me inside. I cant stand to see her upset at you or me.”

“Its not like you’re overprotective or anything.”

“Of course not! That wisp can take on a wild Buffalo Hare without even turning into a Badgermole. I know because I saw it happen. Look the point is, Chi lost her entire race. Her mom, dad, everyone she loved was gone. She got into a fight with her brother which led her to nearly die, she was betrayed. I know she’s tough but its just everytime I get angry and look at her, Its like...its like.”

“You can see yourself? That you suffered because of anger, selfishness, betrayal, and power?”

“Exactly! Now with what happened and the anniversary. She feels much more off than in the past. I could tell when she came home from school that day. I think her emotions are starting to get to her.”

Sunset placed her hands on top of Nova’s, removing a strand of his silver hair away from his face. “Honey, how did you deal with the loss of youre people?”

“Went through my kind of grief which had me hating my friends, being alone, grumpy, and ended with me creating a psychotic version of myself bent of destroying everything good.”

“Have you ever seen Chi…..go through the same thing?”

Nova was about to open his mouth but suddenly it came to him. Besides her shedding a few tears, he has never seen her cry before. He always knew Chi as someone who always try to be strong for her and Nova on their journey and even when she became friends with Iris and the gang. Yes, she would cry but besides that one time when they were locked up with Iris and Akari and that fight, she never really cried about what happened to her people. She must know thats not healthy for her.

“People tend to grief in different ways. Maybe Chi is just finally starting to do hers. Probably not the best way in doing it on her end but still. When the time is right, we’ll all be there to help her grief and let it all out. Until then, I think its time to give her some space.”

Nova sighed. “Yeah. Maybe your right.”

“Im always right.”

He rolled his eyes and gave her kiss on the forehead. “Hopefully this new quest will take her mind off It. Once this is dealt with, lets sit down and have a talk with her, maybe we can get her to open up. Come on, lets go.”

The two got up and grabbed their jackets and the keys to their car.

“We’re leaving now, Chi! We’ll see you later tonight!”

They waited for her to reply but got no answer. The two shared a concerned glance before heading out the door, locking it up.


“And thats what happened.” Chi finished as she was chilling in her hammock, talking to her friends in a group chat on her Geo-Slate, save for Iris who was still training with Eclipse. “After that he just sent me to my room and the two went back to your mom and dad’s workshop to meet up with the others.

“Wow….” said Akari “I know Nova can get angry but they way you described it, was he that mad?"

“Yeah.” Chi replied.

“So are you grounded or something?” Gallant asked

“I dont know, man. I mean, I didnt hear them say grounded so I guess Im not? But i think they don’t want me to leave my room until they get back…..and Sunset said no video games either.......yeah im grounded.”

‘Well it could’ve been worse.” Said Hiro, who was wincing every so often from Mai as she was adjusting his badadge around his gut. “At least your not being wrapped in bandages like a MOMMY!” He glared down at his sister “Can you at least be a little more delicate?”

“Well maybe if you keep still, it wouldn't hurt as much!” The firebender snapped back.

“I said I could take care of it myself! I don't want your Polarbear Dog like muscles to turn my body into a corset!”

Mai growled and tugged on the bandage, knocking all the air from his stomach before tying it up from behind.

“There your highness. Want me to warm you up with a hot bowl of soup?”

“Actually that would be nice. And some bean buns too?”

Mai’s brow began to twitch and the small glimpse of a vein sticking out of her head could be seen. Hiro noticed then and quickly sucked in his lip.

“Right. Sarcasm.”

Chi rolled her eyes. “Hey Hiro...about today.”

“Hey, Bubs dont worry about it.” He said with a smile. “Its not your fault.”

“It kinda feels like it is. You know I could've taken that."

“So you don’t remember anything that happened after Hiro was hit?” Akari asked. “Like nothing at all? Not even a flash?”

“Again no I don’t. Its just a blur.”

“People have said that you looked different too.” Mai pointed out. “Like you were more magenta colored. And I know thats not part of your color library of emotions as far as im aware.”

“I know I know...gah I feel so stupid!”

“Hey don’t beat yourself up, dude.” Said Chrysalis. “Look. We all know you’ve been taking these last couple days pretty hard and its just your emotions got the best of you but you gotta remember that were always here to help you. it could've been alot worse."

“Yeah, Chi.” Said Hozu. “I know were still getting to know each other but from what Iris told me about you, you’ve already done so much for the group. Take my advice as an ex-con/trickster. You dont have to fight your battles alone. If you need to talk to us, then we’ll be here.”

“He’s right.” Gallant agreeded. “We’re here for you. Promise.”


Pinky Promise.”

Chi couldn’t help but give a small smile, enough to where she hoped they didn’t noticed but they probably did. She knew she could trust her friends with her feelings and they can trust her. She is the element of loyalty after all.

“Thanks guys.” She said. “I’ll...I’ll keep that in mind. by the way, How did your parents take the news?"

The group stayed silent for a few seconds before a ring could be heard on Chrysalis’s phone as she picked it up and looked at her screen, silently gasping.

“What is it, Chrysie?” Akari asked.

“Oh sorry!” She said as she put her phone away and placed some books in her backpack. “Its just my “appointment” is coming up.”

“Appointment?” Chi questioned. “Appointment for what?”

“I’ve been doing a...uh...Internship for my psychology degree.” She said as she packed some art materials and a sketch book in her backpack.

“Internship? You’re not even in college yet.”

“You know how I am. Early bird gets the worm.”

Mai raised an eyebrow. “Uh huh. Well good luck at your “appointment”.

“Thanks Bubs. Ill talk to you guys later! Let Iris know I said hi!”

The group waved at her before she disconnected from the call. Nori looked down at her watch.

“Oh, Coral! I better get going too. Its almost dinnertime!”

“Oh okay. Talk tomorrow?”

“Of course, Starfish! See ya guys!”

And with that, Nori logged off as well. Soon after, Hiro, Mai, Gallant, and Hozu logged off as well since they had either dinnertime or continued to do research. Akari and Chi were now in the call but not for as she too got the call for dinner.”

“Hey Chi…”

“No no its fine. I better head off to. Might as well make dinner or something.”

Akari sighed. “Hey. Just remembered what we said. You can trust us.”

“I know….” she said with a sigh. “I talk to you tomorrow. Night, Pink.”

“Night, Chi.”

The two disconnected from the call and Chi was now left staring at a blank screen. She let out a sigh and put her geoslate on the table next to her. She got up from her hammock and went to the kitchen and began to make something light for dinner. Unfortunately , she set the stove to high and burnt her soup. How do you burn soup? Don't ask me.

She was so tired. Today complete love drained her. Even her bright blue glow was beginning to go dim due to her stamina being low. These last several days has been a road trip for her. But even after today she still couldn’t understand what happened to her over there. She glanced down at her hands, still blue and large as ever before taking her second not burnt bowl of soup and sitting down at the table to eat or more like just play with her food.

She still couldn’t believe what happened today, all she remembered was just seeing Hiro down, a sudden surge of energy flowing within her, and then being yelled at Iris to stop. Its like she lost control of her body and it was in control of somebody else. No, something else. But what was controlling her? And why? Chi sighed and looked at her soup at her reflection….only for it to look back her with a big grin on her face.

“It was awesome wasn’t it?”

“GAH!” She screamed knocking the soup at the wall, shattering the bowl, the liquid and its condiments sliding down the wall. She looked down and noticed her shadow on the wall began to shake the food off her.

“Blegh!” She said spitting out some vegetables. “You can’t even make soup without having it taste awful!”

“It was YOU!” She exclaimed, pointing a finger at the shadow. “You turned me into...into….”

“Someone that can finally stand up to that brat?” The shadow finished. “Yep. Thats me. You’re welcome!” She said, taking a bow.

“Why did you do that?!” Chi shouted. “I got suspended because of whatever you did!”

The shadow rolled her eyes. “Oh stop with the whining! Its not like you got exspelled or anything.”

“It made me look like an idiot!”

“Hey I made YOU look awesome, okay?” The shadow snapped back. “Not only did I help you stand up to someone that not even your pal Iris could even do but I also made you much powerful!”

“You did what?”

“Oh come on! Admit it! That sudden surge of energy flowing through you. That felt great, didnt it?

Wait, sudden surge of energy? Chi opened her mouth the protest but soon quickly retracted. Come to think of it, she did remember that happening just as everything went black. Whatever it was, she had to admit. It kinda felt...good. Like she was standing up to a bully who was terrorizing that student and many others. Inlcuding herself. But at the same time, did she really get what she deserved? Like she was mean and has always caused issues so..perhaps it was the right thing to give her a taste of her own medicine. Especially when she hurt Hiro. That was crossing the line.

“See? I knew you liked it.”

Chi shook her head and stretched towards the shadow. “Look. I dont know what game you are playing here and why Im your little puppet but when I tell Nova when he gets back-“

“You’ll what? Tell him that your shadow is the one that made you do it? Like he’ll ever believe you.”

“Of course he will! He’s my brother!”

“Adopted brother, sweetheart.” Corrected the shadow. “And lets face it, that look he had in his eyes kinda shows that he’s beginning to doubt you.”

“Thats not...shut up!” She shouted, banging on the wall. Just what do you want?”

“Its not about what I want. Its about what we both want.”

Chi was even more confused and frustrated now. “What are you saying? And who are you?”

“Like i said, Im your conscious.” She replied, her shadow hand stretching out from the wall to shake Chi’s. "But if you really wanna know, names, Salem."

She waited for Chi to shake her hand but realized by the defensive look on her face, she wasn’t buying it. Salem sighed and retracted her hand, her face now becoming more serious and stern. “Look. I only want to help you.”

“By getting me in trouble?” Chi said before scoffing. “Pfft. Some help.”

“No. Listen, I know its been hard for you all these years. Im just here to help. I can help you get what you want.”

“What can you possibly give to me that you haven’t already?”

“You’re family back.”

Instantly, the wisp’s face went from anger to sadness. Her eyes widened at the mention. Could she really...no. Its probably just another trick….is it?

“What are you saying?” She questioned.

Before Salem could talk further, the looked to see the door handle jiggling. Someone was coming.

“Look we can’t talk now. We’ll talk later. Promise.” She said before reverting back to Chi’s shadow.

“Hey wait!” Chi shouted but she was already gone. She saw the handle turning and looked to see the mess made. Using her super speed, she cleaned up the mess in a instant and sat down on the couch, reading a comic just as the door opened, revealing to be Iris, carrying an exhausted Eclipse from his day of practice.

“Oh hey, Chi.”

“Sup?” Said the wisp, not taking her eyes off the comic book.

“Eclipse is pretty exhausted from his training.”

“Oh really? Hows he doing?”

“Well he almost has multiple levitation down and hes just starting to learn how to use spells. The safe ones that is.”

“Awesome!” She exclaimed. “The dudes getting better and better every day!”


There was an awkward silence which was broken by the yawn of Eclipse. Chi put down the comic and flew over to her nephew.

“Aw. Is somebody tired already?”

“What? No. Im just..streeeeeeetching” he said as he let out another yawn.

“He had dinner at our place since it was ready. Don’t worry. Nova said it was fine.”

“Coolio.” Chi replied as she hoisted Eclipse up on her shoulders. “Come on. Lets tuck you in, kiddo.”


After tucking Eclipse in, much to his protest, he quickly fell asleep. Chi gave him a small kiss on the head and quietly closed the door. She then walked back to the living room.

“He’s asleep.” She said.

“Good.” Iris replied. “That kid really worked himself out today.”

“Im not surprised. He did say he wanted to train to become just like us. He really does admire us.”

“I can tell.” Iris said with a small giggle. “He’s has spunk. You’re level of spunk.”

“I guess Im rubbing off on him. Lets just hope he doesn’t do what i did when you were 13.”

“Dont remind me.” Said Iris. “But I did learn a valuable lesson”

“Whats that?”

“Never trust you on a prank again.”

“Oh stop!”

The two giggled at the fond memory. There was another awkward silence before Iris clearned her throat.

“Hey uh….Akari texted me that you guys chatted.”

“Yeah.” The wisp replied.

“Chi...you do know that were here for you. You can trust us.”

“I know I know. But I dont want you guys worrying about me. Today was just an off day alright? Please? Can we leave it at that? I dont wanna talk about it anymore. At least not now.”

Iris sighed. Chi can be pretty stubborn when it came to her feelings. Though to be fair, she should let it slide at least for today. As much as she wants to discuss it, its probably best to let it go at least for today. She’s already been through enough as is.

“Okay. But were not done with this.”

“Oh I know, sister. I know.”

The two then heard to the door open to see Nova and Sunset walking back in.

“Hey girls.” Nova greeted. “I take it Eclipse is asleep?”

“Yes, Sir.” Chi replied.

“Thanks again for feeding him tonight.” Sunset thanked Iris. “If we knew we would be this long.”

“Hey its no problem!” Iris replied waving her hand. “He was really excited to stay for dinner, especially if it meant playing with my mom.”

Nova chuckled. Eclipse always did love to play with Korra whenever he was around. Especially when she took him on a ride high across the city.

Iris looked at the clock at wall and noticed what time it is. “I better be getting home now. Big day tomorrow.”

“Yeah.” Said Sunset. “Its time we solve this mystery. Were going to Ponhedge. ”

As on the mention of that word Chi’s head began to throb as images began to flash in her head. Some from the other night encounter and others she’s never seen before. As if they belonged to the memory of another person. What felt like an instant to her was several seconds to the rest of the world as she groaned and clutched her head.

“Hey Chi...Chi?” Iris called out, shaking her friend gently. Instantly, the pain went away and the wisp was back in present time.

“Hey you alright?” Iris asked with concern.

She noticed the three looking at her with worry, before she took Iris’s hand off and brushed it aside.

“Yeah. Im okay. Just tired is all.” She said before letting out a big yawn and stretching herself out. “Im gonna go hit the hay early now. Like you said, big day tomorrow. Night!”

Before anyone could protest or say anything else, she flew off to her room.

“Uh...goodnight?” Nova called out, looking at his wife and friend both shrugging clearly in more confusion than he is. Nova just sighed and hung up his coat.

“Soooo yeah. I better get going now. I’ll see you all tomorrow!”

With that Iris disappeared in a purple flash. All was silent until Sunset sniffed the air, smelling a familiar but rather funky scent.

“Do I smell burnt soup?”

Comments ( 3 )

Cancelled... Why?

its all explained in the blog i posted

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