• Published 25th Dec 2018
  • 750 Views, 14 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: Shadow Play - MyEcho4

See the Guardians Harmony in an all new adventure as they face news foes and challenges that will test they're friendship.

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“Give all your worries to Him, because He cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7

Unknown Location: One month after Storm King Invasion

The hooded figure placed his cup down after finishing his drink. The calming music coming from the radio merged with the tipping of silverware and the many murmurs of small talk amongst the customers. The bartender stared at the figure, taking a closer look and noticing his faint glowing blue skin. The figure didn’t say much other than when ordering and getting a refill on his drink. He was kind of nervous to start a conversation with the “mysterious stranger” person/pony ever since his last encounter. ,After gathering the courage, He cleaned the inside of another cup and prepared to refill his cup and speak with him.

“Thanks” he said quietly, his voice sounding like a young adult.

“New around here huh?” he asked calmly. The figure didn’t say anything since he was drinking his cup before placing it back down on the table.

“Just passing through. Waiting for a friend.”

“Ah” he replied as he poured him another glass.

“You seem troubled.”

“Oh its nothing.” said the bartender. “It’s just the last time I tried having a chat with a out of town stranger things really didn’t go well.”

“I see.” said the being before pulling something out of his coat. He placed down a wad of cash on the table before getting up. “Keep the change. Get some better lights. And a radio.”

The bartender nearly had a heart attack at the sight of all the cash he was just given.

“Uh...thank you mister…”

“Atlas.” said the figure. “Call me, Atlas.” he said before walking out of the store.

“Now then. On to business.” he replied as he walked into the dimly lit street before him going who knows where.


The moon shined in the clear night sky as the luminous light glowed over the small town museum. Security guards were patrolling the halls and outside to keep out unwanted late night guests. Unbeknownst to them, on the roof flew by several dark figures. One of guards noticed the shadows and looked up, only to see nothing was there. He shrugged and continued on his route. What he didn’t know however is that a figure had already entered the building and landed so soft on the ground, its like he didn’t even make a sound. Making sure the guards stayed on they’re route, the figure ran across the room towards a door. Using his thieving techniques, he was able to unlock the door easily and slipped inside before anyone could see him. Running down the hall, he went towards a door on the left and once again picked the lock. He opened it and a smile creeped on his lips as he gazed on the targeted object.

It was a piece of paper, though it may not have sounded like much, it seems quite valuable in his eyes. Before he stepped in he notice a faint red beam across the floor. Looking up at the camera, he waited. Suddenly the green light turned red and flashed. he nodded before pulling something out of his pocket, he tossed a small orb on the floor when then released a gas into the room, revealing the lasers scattered all over the room. Once he had a plan, he began to perform amazing acrobatic moves and poses to squeeze by with ease, even nearing a single beam, he was able to twist and stretch his way to the glass case. Once there, he held up his figure and with a small *shing* a razor sharp claw appeared, confirming that he was some sort of humanoid spirit wolf. With a simple circle, he cut open the glass box and pulled out the paper before placing it in his coat pocket. Smirking he pressed his ear and began talking.

“This is Shadow Leader. Ive secured the objective.” he said. His voice sounded like a young adult.

“Nice work, boss!” said a young but bubbly voice on the other end. “Never doubted you for a second. We’ll meet you at the rendezvous point.”

“Copy that.” he replied before turning off his comm and heading towards the door. He began to do his acrobatic tricks only this time, he was unaware of a single strand of fur that fell from his tail, by the time he got to the door it was too late as the fur landed on a lone beam, causing the alarm to start blaring in the room. He cursed under his breath and pressed his comm.

“We got a bit of a situation”

“Don’t tell me…” said another voice which sounded like a young adult woman.with a little spunk.

“You! Thief!” shouted a guard down the hall.

“Time for Plan X.”

He turned off his comm and pulled out what looked like a mask. He placed it on and adjusted his gloves. He then suddenly dashed down the hall, running up the walls and backflipping over the guard, he gave a salute and burst through the door into the main hall, where he came face to face with several other guards. He sighed and began to dodge all they’re tasers and and clubs jumping on top, below and in between as he tried to get to the place where he entered. Finally he was able to make it to the exit but he was suddenly hit was a taser beam and fell to the ground in shock. The guards surrounded him and pointed they’re weapons at him.

“Nowhere to run thief.” said the guard. “Off to the slammer with you.”

Meanwhile, eight figures watched from somewhere outside thanks to the security cameras.

“I told him that he needed backup!” said one figure, who voice was gruff and aggressive.
“Im going in!”

“Wait!” said the young one. “He said just followed the plan.”

“And..uh...whats plan X again? Heh heh.” said a voice that almost sounded like it belong to a crazy psychopath.

The black figure in to museum, began to growl and to the shock of everyone, in a flash changed form and took out nearly all of the guards in an instant. He changed form again and brushed his jacket a bit before walking over to what looked like the leader of the team. The captain cowered in fear as he began to walk towards him.

“S-sstay back!” he said trying to fire his gun but it was all out of juice. The figure towered over him, the moonlight shining over him. The guard closed his eyes and waited for the end but when nothing happened, he opened his eyes and saw that the figure was gone. Nowhere in sight, he looked around and all he can see were just his team, knocked out and groaning. Though when he looked down, something caught his eye. It was a card. A black card with red a black patterns all over it. Picking it up and turning it over, he gasped at what he saw.

“Get up! Search the premises! He couldn’t have gotten far!” He shouted. He quickly pulled out his radio and dialed a number in it.

“This is the officer over at the Sae Town Museum. Deliver a message to Chief Mako at Harmony City PD….they’re back.”


The figure stood on top of a roof of a house looking over the village. He picked out the page from his coat pocket and held it in his hand before pressing a button on his intercom.

“Plan X successful. Returning to base.”

“About time! I was about to bring in the cavalry!”

“Bulkan Shuddup! You weren't gonna do jack-”

“Kam! What did I say about language!?”

“Oh YOUR the one to talk, Mom!”



“You do know he can hear us over the comm right?” said another person whose voice was calm yet fierce.

The figure rolled his eyes and took off the mask he had on, revealing his handsome, yet fierce face, his messy hair blowing in the night breeze.

“That makes three….one more to go….” he said before jumping into the sky and disappearing into the forest below. A lone howl of a wolf can be heard as a blue light ran deep into the world.