• Published 25th Dec 2018
  • 748 Views, 14 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: Shadow Play - MyEcho4

See the Guardians Harmony in an all new adventure as they face news foes and challenges that will test they're friendship.

  • ...

Late Again

Author's Note:

Hey all! Merry Christmas! Hope you all had a great day today! And what’s this? A Little Pony Legend Story? But I thought it was all over?! Wellll not quite yet.

As some of you probably know, I was originally gonna do a crossover involving Sonic the Hedgehog which involved LPL, Amazing Spiez, Megaman, and Voltron but after some thinking, especially when working on the story for this, and I decided to drop Sonic from it entirely though the story still remains but modified to fit with this new universe of stories. I don’t want to reveal all of it yet but let’s just say, The Guardians of Harmony are not going anywhere anytime soon. I wanna thank Maggie for giving me the chance to continue this adventure one last time as she focuses on her own proejcts. I won’t let you down. I promise.

I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter of this new adventure and expect the next chapters sometime next year. So with that said: Welcome to the next chapter of the Little Pony Legend Saga: Shadow Play!.

Chapter 1: Late Again

The sun shined through the small apartment window of the Nightshade resident, The rays of the sun bounced off different parts of the room such as the desk, a pile of dirty clothes to and a large pile of blankets piled on what looked like a self-made hammock. The sound of loud snoring was heard as a figure moved beneath the covers, a hand and leg draping over te opposite sides. Lying inside was none other than Chi the Wisp, sleeping peacefully, drool oozing out of her mouth as she slept in a deep sleep. She looked so peaceful that not even the single drop of a pin could wake her up. In fact, practically nothing could wake up this spunky little-


Well maybe that.

The wisp groaned as her alarm on her bedside went off, sounding like a car alarm that was parked in her room. She slowly raised her head up and looked at the clock. it read 7:00am. She rolled her eyes, raises her hand up and just as you think she was going to simply turn it off, her hand turns into a large bule mallet and she simply smashes her alarm before reverting it back to normal and going back to sleep.

She groggily opened her eyes and sat up in her bed. she had dark blue bags over her eyes and her hair was a complete mess, looking as she just stepped right out of a tornado. She stretched her arms out, literally, and let out a long yawn before looking at her phone. The clock read 8:25am before shrugging and going back to sleep. She She rubbed her eyes quickly before gazing at her screen to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Unfortunately, she wasn’t. Her eyes bulged out of her sockets.


She dashed out of her bed, only to have to the blanket wrap around her ankle, causing her to trip and fall and spin around in her hammock. It spun a couple times before coming to a stop, a now tangled Chi wrapped in what looked like the most uncomfortable way possible. She groaned as she tried to release herself from her hammock but to no avail. A flash of blue light appeared beneath the covers as the hammock and covers slowly lowered down and small ghost-like creature flew out and into the bathroom near the bedroom door. It transformed back into the human girl as she was about to take of her clothes and head into the shower but she quickly looked at the clock and back at herself and gave a quick sniff under her arm. She shrugged.

“No one will know” she muttered as she went to the mirror and, using her super speed, brushed her teeth and washed her face. She took the hair brush that was laying on the counter and quickly brushed her messy blue hair until it was at least halfway decent. After brushing she quickly ran out but ran back to the bathroom and checked her hair. Something wasn’t right. She took her thumb and blew real hard into it until a small *pop* was her and a small strand of hair was sticking out from the rest of hair. She smiled with satisfaction before zooming into her closet and putting on her casual clothes she usually wears for the day. She quickly grabbed her orange converse and tried to place them on while placing her sweater on but it proved to be useless as she fell on her butt. Meanwhile, the kitchen where Nova and Sunset and they’re son, Eclipse, were just finishing they’re breakfast. Sunset was having a stack of pancakes and Nova a bowl of fruit salad and a nice hot cup of coffee while Eclipse had his favorite cereal “Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs”. Just as Sunset was about to take another bite of her pancake, a blue blur of wind, still having the small scent of morning on her swiped the fork from of her hand. Sunset chomped down on an empty fork and instantly looked down at her plate to see her stack completely gone. She narrowed her eyes and looked at the wisp who was standing besides, giving her a small smile before quickly swallowing it whole..and then burping

“Um….excuse me?”

Eclipse giggled at his aunt’s action while Nova simply continued reading his paper as if nothing happened.

“Well good morning, early bird.” he said. “Should you be somewhere right about now?”

“Oh right!” the wisp exclaimed before she zoomed across the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the small fruit basket and her books from on the counter. She said her goodbyes and she ran out of the apartment, leaving the door open in the process.

“How long till you think she realizes?” asked Sunset as she was picking up the dishes on the table. Chi was nearly a block down the road before she remembered.

“ECLIPSE!” she shouted before looking down and seeing her body continuing to run down the street. She whistled to it, causing the body to stop in its tracks and retract back to her stretched neck and head, only for it to run in the opposite direction back to the complex. She ran back up the stairs and into the apartment, snatching the little unicorn from his chair and cleaning up him up in lighting speed before zipping out of the building once again but not before kissing Nova and Sunset on the cheek as well as Eclipse. The little unicorn giggled with glee as he rode on his aunt’s back as she ran at super sonic speed across the city towards the school campus. In a few minutes, the two made it to Eclipse’s Elementary School, which was conveniently right down the street from Harmony High.

“Alright, Mister. You remember what we talked about, right?” she asked as she cleaned and straighten his hair out from the wind.

“Yes, Auntie” he replied.

“That’s my favorite little nephew!” she said as she rubbed his hair, messing it up but just slightly so it's still presentable.

“But im your only nephew.” he replied.

Chi rolled her eyes before she gasped at the sound of a bell down the street. She gave him a small kiss on his forehead. “You have a good day, alright? I love you.”

“Love you, too!” he said as he kissed her back before running inside. She quickly got up and ran towards her own campus. She quickly looked down at her phone.

“Okay, I might be able to make it without anyone noticing I’m tardy. All I need to do is-”


As if it jumped right out of a cartoon, the wisp slammed face first into the main doors of the school. Her body literally flattened like a thin pancake instantly as her face had the look of shock and embarrassment on it before she slowly peeled off the door and floated to the ground, stuck in the pose she was in when she hit the door at high speed.

“Right...Pull...not push….” She said as she slowly raised her paper-like finger up to the air before it lowered back down. “Ow…


The classroom was bustling as the students were talking to their friends before class officially started. Part of them was our heroes; The Guardians of Harmony. They’re leader, Princess Avatar Iris was talking to Gallant and Mai about they’re science finals while Hiro was talking with Akari about the new hoverboard coming out soon. Being Hiro of course, he was bragging about how awesome it works while Akari rolled her eyes but not denying that she was interested in the new product. Well that and how many times Hiro will fall on his face. Finally, Nori was putting her morning makeup on while Chrysalis was braiding her hair. Not much has changed with the Guardians since the Friendship Festival a couple years ago. Though they did have a new addition to the team being Hozu. Hozu wasn’t the type of person to go to school, especially at his age. He basically home schooled himself the past several thousand years. That and Iris has tried to take him some days even dragging him into the school..literally. After many times of Iris yapping at him to go to school, he finally agreed to go but instead of being a student, he helps out the gym teacher, Bulk Biceps, with P.E., taking a huge but also disturbing liking towards dodgeball.

“Alright class! Settle down!” shouted the teacher as she walked in the room and towards her desk. The class instantly began to settle down and go back to they’re seats. Gallant looked over to see a desk still empty beside Iris.

“Has anyone seen Chi?” he whispered.

Akari shrugged. “Not since last night. I sent her a text this morning to meet up with us at school.”

"I can probably guess where she is." Mai muttered to Nori.

“Alright everyone, time for attendance.” said P’Li as she grabbed her Geo-Slate and began walking down the aisles, calling out everyone names.


“Here!” she called out.

“Mai Sato”

“Present for learning and fun ma'am!” she called out as she gave a small two finger salute.

"Hiro Sato."

"Sup, teach!"



“Nori Posidonia”

“Heeeere” she said a sing-song voice.

"Gallant Steed."

"Here, ma'am!"

“Chi Nightshade?......Chi Nightshade”

P’Li lifted her head up from her slate and scanned the room. The Guardians looked at each other with concern about they’re friend. She let a sigh. Late again as usual. She was about to put a “x” by her name before the door burst open.

“Wait! Im here! Im here!” Chi called out as she tried to run to her desk while blowing in her thumb to inflate herself. She was half way inflated but her left leg, right arm, and half of her head was still two dimensional. She was too busy running/dragging herself to her desk that she was unaware of the girl, who looked much more taller and muscular than the wisp and Iris combined placed her foot out and stepped on the wisp’s flattened leg. The leg stretched out a few inches before Chi lost her balance and fell face first onto the classroom floor with a loud thud, her books and papers scattering across the floor. The Guardians winced at the sight while the rest of the class began to laugh at her, some even taking pictures of her goofy state and face. The wisp’s eyes rolled in her head before she knocked her head a couple times to get her eyes back in place. The gang, being the only ones not laughing along with P’Li and a certain boy in the classroom who wore glasses, had black messy hair and wore a leather jacket which a white t shirt and blue jeans and converse shoes. He didn't say anything but simply got up from his desk and began to help pick up her stuff, the Guardians following behind. Iris snapped her fingers and instantly, Chi began to feel a rush of air as her body returned to its normal shape and size. Once her vision cleared, she saw where she was and looked at her fellow classmates who were laughing non stop at her accident. It was also noticeable that her skin was turning a lime-green color and grabbed one of the books off the floor and covered her face before walking to her desk without a peep.

“Okay, class that’s enough!” P’Li shouted as she clapped her hands. The class quieted down once again and faced the teacher. Chi lowered the book down from her face while her skin returned to its normal color. “Okay, now that’s been taken care of, let’s begin with a couple announcements…"

Suddenly Chi heard a buzz from her phone and pulled it out to see a text from someone named Aku:

Watch where you walk, flat face.

the wisp looked up to see the same muscular girl at the other side of the room snickering under her mouth. Chi however was not phased by her insult, instead she just narrowed her eyes and growled before sending a text to Iris.

Thanks again.

a speech bubble appears for a few seconds before an image of her, Iris, and Akari doing silly faces at a camera.

No texting in class. we'll talk later...

The wisp looked up to her friend who shook her head in disapproval, mouth to put it away before she gets into trouble. While she maybe the oldest of the group, Iris was the leader and it usually seemed like she was the big sister sometimes. Chi sighed before placing her phone her her back pocket before looking back up at the teacher who continued with the subject. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see the same boy handing her a book she forgot to pick up. they shared a quick smile for "Thanks and You're Welcome" before turning back to the class, though Chi continued to smile as well as two red spots on her cheeks.


The lunch bell rang as the students walked towards the cafeteria/courtyard. The Guardians however, always go to they’re usual hangout spot during and after school, Pinkie’s Ice Cream shop just down the street from the school. Lunch was usually an hour long for them so it gave them enough time to walk they’re, have some food, and then walk time just in time for next class. Along the way, they met up with Hozu who has just gotten out of PE class around the same time, having another glorious day of pummeling the students with dodgeball. Upon entering the cafe, they were greeted by Pinkie and her husband, Cheese Sandwich.

“Hey, guys!” Pinkie shouted across the diner. “The usuals?”

“You got it, Auntie!” Akari said, flashing a thumbs up. The group sat down at the front table, waving to Cheese who was manning the kitchen.

“Usual’s coming right up!” he called out as he began to prep the food at high speed before it sped out on the table in a mere ten seconds. While sipping on they’re drinks, Chi decided to bring up that little event in class earlier.

"Thanks guys." she said. "Again.."

"Where were you?" Iris asked. "And don’t say you got caught in traffic again. You missed our early study time in the library..again."

"I'm sorry guys. Its just-

"Lemme guess. you slept in again, didn't you" said Hiro leaning on his chair.

"No I did not!" Chi exclaimed.

Akari raised her eyebrow. "Chi.I can see you glowing purple even if your not that color."

"Okay maybe I did a little bit but I forgot Eclipse and had to run back and get him okay?"

"And lemme guess. You forgot to pull on the door again didn’t you?" Nori added, crossing her arms on the table.

"okay...maybe a little bit." she admitted, pinching her fingers.

"That explains the loud thump we heard after the bell rang."

"They way you walked into class did not look like a little bit" Gallant added.

"Leave it to Chi to be the late on the week before Graduation." Chrysalis replied.

"Gee thanks Chrysie" she muttered under her breath before taking another gulp of her milkshake. Iris sighed and placed a hand on the wisp.

"Look Chi. You can't keep doing this. All these excuses and absences is affecting your report. I just don't want you to repeat the year because you were late almost every day."

"Im so sorry, Iris. Its just these last couple months have been stressful for me. The finals prep, Sports Championships, and Eclipse. Not saying he is stressful but you know how much he loves us." she admitted before placing her hand over her sol. "But I promise I won't be late again from now until the last day. Wisp's honor."

"Thank you." Iris said with small smile. Right on cue,Pinkie brought out they're lunch for them and they all began to eat. Sometime after they finished though, Nori noticed Mai looked a bit giddier than normal.

“Um. Are you alright, starfish?” she asked. “You haven’t looked this excited since you're mom got you you’re own workshop for Hearths Warming.”

“Nori..What Im about to tell you is something that will blow my workshop out of this world!”

“Oh boy..” Hiro muttered. “Whenever she says that, that means irony is not too far behind.”

“What did you wanna show us?” Iris asked her cousin.

“So..you guys remember when I told you that I was working on a top secret project several months ago? Well its done!” She pulled out her Geo-Slate and turns it on. On her home screen was a new icon that had the image of what looked like a female head with an the chinese symbol for “soul” inside of it.

"Now check this out!" She pressed the icon and placed the Slate on the table and instantly the screen flashed and what looked like pixels began to come out of the screen. The group saw the pixels take shape and once they were in place, it glowed for an instant before revealing its form. The being appeared to have a body of a girl, around Akari’s age, with raven black hair, dark tan skin, and bright green eyes. She had on a purple toga and below the knee black boots. The team awed at the sight before them as the being looked up and smiled.

Hello, Guardians. My Name is the Magical Artificial Geo Generational Intelligent Entity but you call me-”

“M.A.G.G.I.E.!” Mai finished who giggled with excitement. “I finally finished her last night! And I wanted you guys to be the first to see her!”

Iris awed at the little being. She has never seen something like this before in her life. This was truly a sight to behold. “Wow, Mai..this is…”

Princess Avatar Iris. Age 19 Height 6’7 Weight 150 Ibs. Favorite Color: Purple, Favorite Food: Spicy Noodles with a slice of fresh lime on the side and extra soy sauce.

“Woah!” Iris said in shock. “How did she know all that?!”

“That’s part of her programming” Mai explained. “She’s a thing called “Artificial Intelligence”. Its something I learned while in the human world several years ago at Camp Everfree. Aunt Sci-Twi is a genius at this stuff. She’s not only very smart but also has feelings and emotions like us! She can even scan you to know all your information instantly! Here lemme show you. MAGGIE, Give me info of the Guardians.”

MAGGIE eyes changed to blue as she instantly began to scan to group, her database began to fill with dozens of info about them. After several seconds, her eyes flashed before giving a thumbs up to her creator.

“Now. Give me info about Akari.” she commanded.

“Princess Akari Blaze. Age: 18 Height: 6’2 Weight: 195Ibs.”

“Woah, Mai! That is pretty cool!” Akari said in amusement.

“Fun Fact: Up till 11th grade, she sang in the shower-“

“Pfft. Well everyone knows that!” Akari stated waving her hand.”

“-Mostly tothe theme song of her favorite radio show “PonyPuff Fillies”

The princess’s ears shot up in the air and quickly covered her face due to her intense blushing. The others couldn’t help but stare at disbelief or trying not to laugh, including MAGGIE.

“H-Hey! no one was supposed to know that!” she exclaimed through her wings… “and it was a catchy song, okay?”

“Wow, “Miss. Awesome Warrior Princess” likes a girly show!” said Hozu, giving her a friendly elbow bump.

“Oh shut it, Air head!” she snapped back.

“Come on, Sis. its okay.” Iris said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “It's not like its that embarrassing.”

Hozu tends to use Iris's toothbrush to brush his teeth

Iris looked at her boyfriend and gave him a look of disgust and anger, while Hozu's eyes shot open.

"Wait...that's your toothbrush? That explains why its still wet every morning."

dude...I told you yours was the dark purple one!

"All kinds of purple look the same to me okay?!" he said in defense. "They're like the exact same shade!"

"No they're not! Did you even go to school!?"

Funfact: Iris tends to pluck her own feather to use as a quill.

Iris squeaked at the sudden fact. “N-no one was supposed to know that!” she shouted, narrowing her eyes.

Chi, when no one is around, likes to shapeshift her hands into puppet versions of Lady Mare and Stal Noir

The wisp’s skin turned into a mixtures of lime-green and pink. “I-I get bored sometimes okay?”

Hiro Sato knows how to sing opera and when his sister away, plays cowboy with her hat.

Mai gasped “So THAT'S where my hat goes when I lose it!” she stares daggers at her big brother who sleeplessly smiles and blushes “I-I mean..cowpoines are cool. Who wouldn't want to be one, am I right Gallant?”

“You’re on your own, dude.”

“But I thought bros got each other backs?”

“That's for when the world is in impending doom. Family...that's a whole new cake to bake.”

“Did someone say cake?!” Pinkie said as she popped up behind the counter, startling the team. Even after all these years, they are still not used to her doing that.

“I think its time to turn her off, Mai.” Chrysalis said, a bit worried that she may be next one on the list of hidden secrets.

“Yeah. good idea.” Mai quickly agreed before she tapped a few buttons on her slate. “Sorry, Mag. got a few bugs I need you fix."

A few is an understatement. She replied You really dont wanna know what Nori does with Seaweed she shivered at the thought before she instantly disappeared in a flash of blue light. Mai sighed as she placed her geo-slate back in her backpack. “Sorry guys. I guess I need to make a few tweaks.”

“Eh. Its fine, Gal” Akari replied. "But you better delete everything she knows about me."

“I’ll see if I can fix her up this weekend.”

“Oh! Which reminds me!” Hiro exclaimed as he finished his burger. “Lets go over the plans for the party tonight! Is everyone ready?”

“Songbird and Rara will be on their way!” Nori confirmed.

“Gallant, Akari, and I will bring the refreshments.” said Iris.

“I will be taking pictures over the course of the event.” Chrysalis said. “Thankfully I got extra film last night after school. The shop was nearly sold out because of graduation.”

“And I’m the bodyguard" said Hozu before realizing his job at the party. "Wait why did I sign up for this? Why can I help with the pictures of something?”

“Because last time you did, nearly all my film was gone and it was YOU taking pictures of yourself at the beach party!"

“Hey I wanted to make sure it was operational okay?” Hozu protested.

"By wasting nearly all my film?"

"Well...that and also I needed some pictures on my Magi-gram page.”

“Sometimes I regret ever showing him that page” Iris whispered to Chi but noticed that she wasnt paying attention at all. In fact, she hasn’t even touched her food since it arrived besides her milkshake. “Hey, you alright, Bubs?”

Chi snapped out of her trance and looked up at her friends. “Oh! Uh yeah..I’m fine.”

“Great! Cause I hope you remember what you need to do tonight.”

“Actually Hiro...I won’t be able to come tonight. Something...important is happening.”

“Really? What’s happenin-” It was then Nori remembered. “Oh cuttlefish! It’s tonight!”

The rest of the team were confused at first but soon it hit them as they gasped and groaned. How could they forget this important day of they’re friend?

“That’s right. Tonight marks the anniversary of your....well species.” said Akari. “Im so sorry we forgot, Chi.”

"That's what you meant for being stressed out." Hozu remarked.

“Yeah and now I feel even more stupid now.” said Hiro “You know what? I'll move the party to tomorrow night or after the ceremony.”

“No no don’t do that.” Chi answered, still looking a little bummed. “Besides, I don’t think you’ll be able to afford Rara and Songbird pushing they’re schedule back a day. They are pretty busy.”

“But..We don’t want you to be alone” said Akari, wrapping her arm around Chi. “It just won’t be the same without you.”

“Guys I really appreciate it.” said the wisp “But really, you guys planned this for months and I dont wanna ruin it for you. Besides, I need to be alone for this.” She said as she finished her drink and placed her glass to the side.

Gallant became a little hesitant but got the courage to ask her. “Hey uh Chi…”

“Gallant..I’m doing okay…”

The unicorn was shocked at her reply. “Bu-But how did you know what I was gonna ask?”

“Dude. I’ve been hanging with you and Hiro since you could say the entire alphabet of both equine and ancient. Its not hard to see you know.”

“I..I guess. But seriously how are you?”

“Again..I’m fine..” the wisp replied before she felt a hand on her shoulder and look next to her to see Iris.

“Chi its okay..we're your friends.”

The wisp sighed in defeat. “Honestly, it still hurts. I know Its been 1200 years since they passed but...not a single day passes where I don’t miss them, especially the one responsible is still alive." she said clutching her fist and her skin turning a faint red before calming down and taking a deep breath. "Though I know they’ll always be with me, no matter what, but I just wish I could see them again. Just for a moment.”

She suddenly felt herself in a warm embrace by all her friends and family. The sudden but loveable embrace was enough to make her feel better almost instantly.

The only one who didn't hug however was Chrysalis. The changeling felt a little uneasy after what Chi said.

“Chi..Its okay. We cannot imagine what you’re going through but we know this.
You are a the strongest, bravest, funniest, and..”interesting” wisp/friend we could ever ask for.”

“Mhm!” they said in unison.

“Aww thanks guys!” she said with a smile. “But..do you ever think my loyalty is-”

“Nope!” Akari responded.

“How did you-oh right”

“They’re is not one moment since we’ve been together we ever doubted your loyalty. Ever since we first met I honestly couldn't imagine who would be the next element of loyalty after Auntie Dash but when you sacrificed yourself for me, Sunset, and Iris, I knew deep down that you were the perfect heir to the element no doubt. You’re family would be so proud of you. Not only forgiving the past and moving forward but also becoming a strong and brave wisp and honoring your species history.”

Chi couldn’t help but hug her best friend right then and there. She knew that wasn’t just some mushy talk to make her feel better but instead true words from a true heart. A true princess. She knew Akari always had struggles accepting her role as a princess but ever since the Friendship Festival, she changed, embracing her princess side more and accepting who she is. though she still had her tomboyish personality like Chi does. That will never go away.

Mai suddenly heard a buzz coming from her backpack and pulled it out to see MAGGIE on the screen

Sorry to disrupt the moment but practice starts in about five minutes

“Thanks, MAGGIE.” Mai said before placing her slate back inside. “We better get going guys.”

The team nodded and began to head out of the shop, waving goodbye to the Pie’s. Hiro began to walk out before he bumped into Iris.

"What?" he asked. He then noticed they're eyebrows raised. He let out a big sigh. "Oh right. its my turn. I knew that!" he said before zipping back inside to pay for lunch.

“So are you sure you’re okay with us continuing the party?” Chrysalis asked. Chi nodded.

“Its fine..don’t worry. You guys have fun.”

“Hey I know what will make you feel better, Bubbles!” Hiro replied after walking back out from the store. He pulled his hoverboard out of his backpack. “Last one to the school gets to clean the other one’s locker on the last day! Usual route of course”

“Oh your on, rich boy!” said the wisp, gaining her energy back instantly as she revved up her feet. “But you might as well get your gas mask and shovel ready because you’ll be 80 when you’re finished cleaning my locker!”

“I hope you know how to turn into a vacuum!” Hiro shot back before the two sped off at high speeds down the street, the other just rolling they’re eyes. Same old Chi and Hiro.


The earthbender was in the lead as he flew high over the streets of Harmony City, occasionally moving side to side to dodge incoming birds and spirits. Meanwhile Chi was a little behind as she ran as fast as her feet could carry her, she jumped and dodged as she sped by different people and ponies going about they’re normal day. She had to catch up with Hiro or else she’s gonna be coughing up sweaty gym shorts and socks for a week! It was then she came up with an idea. She quickly transformed into her wolf form and began to run on all fours, doubling her speed and strength. She easily ran past Hiro with no issues as he saw run by with his jaw dropped.

“Catch me if you can, Sat-OOF!”

As if karma was her best friend, she found herself running into an hooded man on the street, knocking him and her into a pile of cabbages, fortunately, thanks to Chi’s elastic soft body, it broke the man’s fall. The shopkeeper however wasn’t so lucky.

“My Cabbages!” he shouted. “You’re gonna pay for that!”

“Uh...Sorry about that.” she moaned as she helped the man up. “Are you okay, mister?”

“Y-yes I’m fine.” he replied as he dusted himself off. “But you should be more careful where you run.”

“Yes sir, sorry sir!”

The man however didn’t sound or look angry but simply chuckled. “Oh do not worry, Chi. But maybe you should consider racing when it isn’t lunch hour.”

“Eh heh heh. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Hey! Are you gonna pay for these?!” shouted the shopkeeper. “Guardian or not I want payment for these cabbages!”

“Oh calm you’re wrinkles, Tai!” said the old man. “I’ll take care of this.”

“Oh no you don’t have to do that!” Chi protested. “I can take care of this!”

“No it’s quite alright.” he retorted before using his magic to pull out his wallet and payed the shopkeeper a few bits. “Besides, I’m just a old man. What else do I need all this money for? hehe.”

“Gee thanks mister!” Chi said before looking at her phone. “Oh shoot! I’m gonna be late. Again! Hey I gotta go but I promise I’ll make it up to you Mr….”


“Mr. Atlas. Thanks again! Again I promise I’ll make it up to you!” she shouted before racing off into the crowd. The old man watched as she disappeared into a blue blur of light. He then placed his hood back on and walked into the other direction.

“Hmm. I wonder....”