• Published 25th Dec 2018
  • 750 Views, 14 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: Shadow Play - MyEcho4

See the Guardians Harmony in an all new adventure as they face news foes and challenges that will test they're friendship.

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Throwback to the Past

While the Guardians were busy with school, on the side of town, Team Avatar Harmony were busy with another certain project. Not much has changed with the heroes since the friendship festival besides age. Mako now has a goatee while Bolin has a full grown beard. Asami. has already small traces of grey in the very back of her raven black hair and Queen Korra the same though its not as noticeable thanks to her silver-white hair. But even at an older age, doesn’t look a day over 20, same with her soul sister, Queen Twilight, who’s hair was starting to wave just slightly but not too much. The other elements have also shown some aging as well but all still look beautiful and attractive as if they were back in their teen years. Along with them was the retired Queen of Equestria, Leilani who still looked beautiful as ever as well as her daughters who have now become the new queens of Equestria in her stead.

On the other side of the hall, Nova and Sunset were helping moving stuff to different sections of the building. Sometime before the friendship festival, Nova had begun to show signs of aging as it began to catch up with him. A small beard was beginning to grow but he prefers it to be shaven just so it can be barely noticeable. As for Sunset, she still had the fire in her eyes and hair as she did all those years ago. She lowered own the boxes and blew her red strand of curly hair away from her face, wiping her sweat from it.

“That's the last of these.” she said as Nova placed down his piles of boxes next to her. He groaned and stretched his back, trying to get the strain from the carrying all those boxes out.

“Ugh. I these boxes are killing me!”

“Aww, is the big, strong, sorcerer a little tired from a couple boxes?” Sunset teased as she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him on the cheek.

“Ha Ha” he said sarcastically as he placed a hand on her cheek and gave her a small passionate kiss on the lips. “Says the wrinkly candle.”

“I hate you.”

“I love you too.”

“Yeah mind saving the love insults till AFTER we finish for today?” called Rainbow Dash as she flew in between the two, pushing them away slightly.

“Whatever you say, Crash.” Nova replied, which in turn got a punch to the arm.

“Okay you guys knock it off.” said Korra as she and Twilight flew down beside Sunset. “Lets save this for tonight alright? Nova?”

the sorcerer raised an eyebrow at the Avatar Queen “Wait why me?”

“Anyway…” Starlight began. “Is everything in the right place over there?”

“We just got the last shipment in a couple minutes ago.” Twilight replied. “I still can’t believe that there was that much stuff inside that little room.”

“Well remember they did find a storage bay underneath the floorboard.” Korra replied. “But honestly, I'm more surprised that this existed. I heard myths about a lost laboratory years ago but never thought it was real.”

“A lab used by Starswirl himself…” Twilight reminiscing the moment of discovery. “Research and spells which was thought to be lost was literally right under our noses! Ohhh! Just thinking about it makes my wings flutter!”

“Hopefully we don't have to drag you out of here like we did at the lab.” Nova muttered, which got him a jab in the side from his wife. “Hey!”

“Making a museum dedicated to Starswirl and the ancient history if Equestria was a great idea, you guys.” Mako said to Sunset, Starlight, Nova, and Sunburst. “

“Well we just figured since we had all this history lying around, why keep in sealed off rooms when we can just display it to all and have them see how the history of our home evolved. Of course safety spells included on the “bad stuff. Like the Alicorn Amulet and the remains of the Twilight Blade.”

“We got so much donations from all over Equestria.” Starlight brought. “Last week, Princess Skystar gave us a piece of the pearl from Sequestria and Scorpan let us keep his staff.”

“But let's not forget the crown jewel of this museum.” Twilight brought up as she flew over to the center of the room. There layed a crystal glass case that shined in the afternoon sun, prisms of light dancing around the room like little beams of rainbows. Inside the case, was a book but due to the millennial storage it lost its bright blue color and was more of a brown-bluish color though the symbol in the center was no denying that this was indeed the lost journal of StarSwirl the Bearded.

“I can’t believe we actually have Starswirl’s journal!” Twilight exclaimed, getting all giddy with excitement. “It was said to have been lost in the great Canterlot Fire along with the other half of his research and spells but it’s actually here! Right in front of us! Eee! I just wanna throw this case off and read it!”

“Woah Woah Woah! Easy there, Tiger.” Korra said as he placed her hand in front of her. “As much as I would love to see what Starswirl wrote, There is one thing in the way of doing that…”

Twilight’s excitement quickly died as it grew as she remembered. “Oh..right. The lock. Are you sure there isn’t a way to open it?”

“Unfortunately no.” Leilani said sadly. “Me and Nova tried every spell we could think of but nothing worked. It’s like a special lock was made that only Starswirl could open.”

“Yen Sid has told me Starswirl was very protective of his private writings” said Nova. “Whatever was in his journal must’ve been very important or very dangerous. Maybe he never wanted anyone to open it at all.”

“Aww.” Twilight moaned in agony. “I was so excited to see what he wrote before he vanished.”

“Hey look on the bright side!” Bolin chimed up, wrapping an arm around Twilight. “At least you can look at all of his other “unlocked” research. We did find a ton of stuff down there.

“Yeah. I guess.”

“Hey uh, Nightshade!” called a voice from the door. Nova turned to see a couple of workers carrying several boxes inside the building. “Where do you want these to be put?”

“Those can be placed right over at the entrance to the sorcerer exhibit!” he answered before his eyes caught site of a certain old box at the top of the pile. “Actually hang on!” He ran over and pulled a box from the top of the stack and carried it back over to the group. He placed it down and summoned a magical box cutter from his horn.

“What’s up honey?” Sunset asked.

“I just need to see if its in-aHA!” Nova shouted. Inside the box is what seemed to be various pieces of items. It ranged from old clothes to dolls and books. “I was wondering where this thing went!”

“What is it?” Korra asked.

“Back when Chi was still a young little wisp, I kept a box of all different types of stuff that she used to use or play with. Kinda like a memorabilia box.” Nova then proceeded to pullout a small silver coat. “This was a coat I gave her on her first birthday along with the necklace. She always wanted to wear my coat, even growing taller just to use mine so I wanted to give her own.”

“Aww thats so sweet!” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah” he replied before pulling out what seemed to be boots. “And these are boots I gave her to wear. I got sick of her walking barefooted and making a mess in the lab. Plus her feet stinks sometimes. So I gave her these. Didn’t even wear them for a day.”
“Lemme guess. She prefered flying instead of wearing them because they dragged her down?” Applejack guessed.

“You guess well, Einstein.” Nova chuckled before digging deeper inside and gasped at what he saw. “No way! I thought I lost this!”

He pulled out a wolf plushie...well what seemed to be a wolf plushie. Rarity couldn't help but nearly throw up at the sight of it. It was hideous. The eyes were in the wrong place entirely, the tail looked like it was about to fall off, an ear was already missing and the silvery blue color was now a dark grey-brownish fur.

“This was one of the first things I’ve ever gave her. She named it Mr. Wetnose. She would not put this thing down no matter how many times I had to pry it from her hands...or jaws”

Rarity couldn’t take it anymore. She may not be the element of honesty but she needs to say something.

“ Im sorry to interrupt but who DARED stitched this...this HORRIBLE thing together. Its like they started out well then they had a seizure ten seconds later!” Unbeknownst to her, the others, especially Sunset were giving her the cut throat gesture telling her to stop.

“Uhm….that would be me.” Nova said raising an eyebrow.

Rarity instantly regretted what she said as she turned red “OH! Uhm..I...sorry I meant it looks...um like you put effort...uh...oh dear.”

To her surprise though, Nova actually laughed “Ha ha! you’re cool Rare. Believe me it sucks. Chi was the exact same way when I gave her this for Hearths Warming.”

“Well not to worry, Nightshade. Rarity will have this fixed faster than Asami drinking an entire barrel of Cider in 5 seconds.”

“Hey! Its 5.5 seconds get it right!” she protested.

Nova handed the doll to Rarity before continuing digging deep inside the box and pulled out a pile of old drawings.

“Ah. yes. I definitely remember these. These were some of the drawings she did when she was young.”

“Wow…” Sunset was amazed by some of these drawings she did. “You never told me she was a drawer.”

“Well actually she wanted to keep it that way.” he replied. “She never considered herself to be the best drawer in the world.”

“Are you kidding?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “These look awesome! Chrysalis would be so jealous!”

“Heh. Yeah I guess. She has been practicing for 1800 years.” he said before placing it back inside the box. He sighed. “Man this brings back memories. I still can’t believe how much she’s grown up.”

“Yeah.” Sunset replied. “She went from a wisp who lost her entirely family to a strong, loyal, and incredibly spunky young woman.” She wrapped an arm around her husband and gave him a kiss. “You raised her well.”

Nova blushed before returning the gesture.

It was then something popped into Mako’s head. “Wait..isn’t today the anniversary of her parent’s passing?”

The kiss ended as soon as it started as the couple looked down in sadness, they’re ears matching the current change of mood. Sunset sighed. “Yeah. we all volunteered as a family to go support her, even Eclipse but she insisted that she needed to do this alone. The best we can do is respect her wishes.”

“You know if Iris and the others asked yet?” Bolin mentioned.

“They probably did too and got the same answer.” Nova replied. “But knowing them they will find a way to support her no matter what. That’s Iris for you.”

“Don’t worry about Chi.” Twilight reassured. “Like you said yourself. She’s grown and if she needs to do this alone, then we accept that.”

“Oh believe me, I’m not worried about her.” the sorcerer. “Its just...when we first met, she never really showed any feelings towards her parents death. She remained a spunky spirit but whenever she saw Shade, her personality changed entirely like...like she was a different person. I never bothered to ask since I knew she would brush it off but..its been bugging me for awhile now. She just shrugs it off and I dunno why.”

Korra then placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled. “Nova. people grieve in their own ways, It could be right there or months afterwards. Remember when…”Korra choked for a moment before quickly swallowing it. “......remember when Tenzin passed away. Yes, we were all affected by this but while the kids and Pema were able to move on. Remember how Iris felt during that time?

Nova tried his best not to think of that day. He remember seeing the look in her eyes. seeing all the color and life vanish in an instant when she heard the news. Yes, he went away in peace in his sleep but it still a huge dent in everyone especially Iris since he was a big impact on her lives and while she may not show it, it was pretty obvious. She wouldn't eat, sleep, or even fly for days after the funeral. She was an entirely different person afterwards “It wasn’t until me and Mako sat down with her one day and I told her how I felt when Katara passed. She was like a second mother to me when I was in the compound in the south pole. She was kind, funny, strict but caring and loyal. Honestly, she was literally all the elements wrapped into one being before I met the girls. Seeing her past left a hole in my heart but then I realized soon after that she was never gone..she was always with me and all that she loved and that was the same for Tenzin.” She quickly wiped away a small tear before continuing. “Anyway, Chi is just like every other person. Who knows? Maybe tonight will be her night where she lets it out or it may not be but the main thing is you should respect her and give her some time alone.”

Nova sighed and nodded before giving a small smile. “Yeah. Thanks, AK.”

She was right, maybe she just needs some time to herself to grieve and tonight might be that night. The best he can is respect her wishes and support her when she gets back. He began to place the stuff back inside the box before he saw to his left to see Starlight and knowing the glimmer in her eyes she had an idea.

“Actually, You think you could ask to see if she wouldn’t mind if we….displayed some of these here in the museum? More so over at the Guardians section.”

“Hmm” Nova pondered as he rubbed his chin. “I mean I could ask her, I think she won’t mind.” I’ll ask her when she gets home tonight before she leaves.” He then picked up the box and got to his feet before looking at the clock in the main entrance hall “Welp I think it's time to head home now. Gotta get ready tonight. Pai Sho at 6 still, Sato?”

“You know it, Nightshade!” Bolin replied. “I’ve been practicing my secret move and it's time to put it into fruition.”

“You talking about the move that lost you the game last Saturday? Cause if so, you might as well give the trophy.”

Ha ha” Bolin sarcastically said getting a chuckle from the wives.

“Okay. I’ll see you later this evening, Sunny.” he said giving a goodbye kiss to her before waving to the others and walking out but as he got to the door he accidently bumped into someone, nearly knocking the box out of his hand.


“Oh! Sorry mister!” said the figure as he grabbed him to keep his balance. By the sound of the voice it seemed to be a woman and by how she caught him with one hand she was pretty strong. Though it wasn’t a huge surprise since all the girls he knows are twice as strong as he is. Three times if you wanna count Applejack and Korra.

“Nah you’re fine.” he replied as he balanced himself. “My fault.”

“No no Its mine!” said the girl, who was revealed to be a security guard. “Its my first day on the job and im trying to get used to this but here I am screwing up. Gah! Im such an-”

“Hey don’t worry about it. It was an accident and accidents happen, alright?”

“If..if you say so.”

Nova smiled before realizing he was going to be late. “Hey I gotta run but it was nice to meet you uhhh.”

“Hadari. Officer Hadari.”

“Well it was nice to meet you, Miss. Hadari.” Nova said before walking off. “And thanks again.”

Hadari waved to the sorcerer before heading back inside, her innocent face turing now into a more sinister, smirk.

“No..thank you.” she whispered as she opened her hand to reveal a key card for the museum security.

Nova’s keycard.

Author's Note:

Seems trouble is a brewing here! Just who is this mysterious Hadari and what does she need Nova's card for anyway? Well that will be answered soon so stay tuned for the next chapter.

NOTE: the next chapter im hoping to be out within the next couple weeks but with Kingdom Hearts III coming out soon, It may be delayed for awhile (I've been waiting SO LONG for this so lemme enjoy it alright?!) ahem anyway expect the next one soon! Write on!