• Published 21st Dec 2018
  • 15,186 Views, 1,115 Comments

Kitchen Nightmares: Equestrian Misadventures - Spettro138

Everyone's favorite raging Scotsman comes to Equestria at the request of Twilight Sparkle to sort out the country's bad restaurants and bad hotels.

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Hotel Hell: The First in Ponyville part 3

After their enlightening conversation with Lily Valley and the bombshell that was dropped following, Twilight and Gordon went back to the castle for proper food and a good night's sleep before the next day. Jay and the other members of Gordon's crew and production team remained behind at the hotel for another hour to set up lights, microphones, and cameras in the primary dining area. Whatever they were going to record in the morning was going to be spectacular and they did not want to miss a single moment of it. Silently following Gordon and Twilight around Ponyville while also doing the new episodes of Kitchen Nightmares and Hotel Hell that were to come. The opportunity provided countless hours of content Jay was relishing the thought of finally airing back on earth. There were no computers readily available in Equestria, so they would have to return at one point soon to deposit the footage they had already captured. The ponies unfamiliar with Earth and its technology only looked starstruck as they carefully calibrated everything.

Meanwhile, Gordon was thoroughly enjoying another evening in Friendship Castle. He had made a delightful parmesan veggie souffle with a side of home fries and the three were once again deep in discussions about each other and their experiences. The frequent lonely quiet of Friendship Castle was thankfully now muffled with good food, good friends, and good conversations. Spike shot another barrage of questions at the human about cooking and what to do and what not to do. The little cook in training always wanted to learn more, especially being Twilight's primary caretaker. Gordon smiled and was continuously patient with every question, ready and willing to teach Spike everything he knew whenever the drake asked. Gordon idly considered offering to Spike and Twilight that he could spend a year or two on Earth studying under himself and his mentors.

Jay and the rest of the production team came back to the castle close to midnight. Gordon had worked himself to the bone after their dinner to make sure the rest of the men had something to eat before everyone. Before they all turned in, Jay went over the game plan once again to make sure everything was in order

They went to bed much later, but comfortably and full of food, ready to face whatever was going to happen.

The next morning, Gordon, Twilight, and Spike pensively meandered back towards the hotel.

"So what's the plan?" Twilight asked nervously.

"I don't think Rose and Daisy have a clue as to how much they've been upsetting Lily and the rest of the staff. We need to get everything out in the open before there can be a step in the right direction. If that's even possible for them."

"That's gonna be a little hard considering how crazy those two are," Spike said shaking his head. "You set up your cameras in their big dining room, right? Is there a purpose to that?"

"Yes. Plenty of space first off, and it gives the cameras a wide enough space to capture everything as accurately as possible. Makes for great drama when the editing team gets ahold of the footage." Gordon replied. "Knowing them, they'll probably inject a million of those ridiculous sound effects."

Twilight giggled under her hoof when she began to notice that every time he counted things, Gordon held up his...fingers and flicked his hand forward like he was casting a spell. An amusing little mannerism.

"It's a little jarring to hear that that's something common in your world. Reality Drama? I can't imagine having someone recording EVERY aspect of my life for billions of people to see."

"Thankfully, I only do it with my job. I make sure to keep the cameras far away from my home and my family. We do the little clips and cooking videos for Youtube, but my team and I have full control of those."

"Is that what Mr. Rick Harrison does? Reality Drama?" Twilight asked. "I was quite fascinated with all of the interesting things in his pawnshop. The cameramen everywhere threw me off a little bit though."

"Rick? Oh! The Pawn Stars fellas on the History Channel. Yes, we have a similar style. I've only met Rick in passing a couple of times at my location in Vegas, so I can't attest to him personally. He does seem to have a grasp on it though." Gordon replied. "I do like him, so maybe I ought to see if I can't pop in soon to say hello."

Most of the citizens of Ponyville had completely been accustomed to the humans' presence by then. Ponies walking by, including Twilight's friends at their respective jobs, waved hello as they passed down the street.

When they made it back to the hotel around seven in the morning, everypony had already arrived including all three Flower Sisters which were the stars of the coming segment. So to speak. When Twilight, Gordon, and Spike entered the old hotel, all they could hear was complete deafening silence. It was rather unsettling, to say the least. The three looked at each other and sighed simultaneously, steeling themselves, and entering the main dining room. Everypony was already in their chairs and Gordon's team was patiently waiting far off at different places in the room and began recording.

Twilight noticed the red lights on the cameras turn on which indicated to her that the cameras had begun recording. How curious, she thought.

Everypony turned their attention to Gordon as he began to speak.

"Ok, when's the last time all of you had a proper meeting like this?" Gordon asked.

"When we first purchased this place?" Daisy offered clumsily.

"So a year ago?" Twilight inquired to which she got a few nodding heads and no affirmative.

"We're just so burnt out, your highness," Daisy replied.

Twilight immediately noticed everypony's glare into the back of the Sisters' heads. Excluding Lily, of course.

Thimbleweed furrowed her brow and ground her teeth with a scowl.

"So are we ladies," the server pony added spitefully.

"First off, I think you girls need to understand, we live in four corner walls and there's no escape for us--" Rose began.

"NOPONY MADE YOU STAY AND LIVE HERE!" Thimbleweed spat back.

Rose scoffed and leaned back in her chair and wiped her head with a patronizing face.

"I think we know what the problem is, we stepped in THEIR territory and THEY can't let go of their egos."


Spike nervously took a few steps towards the doot to ensure he wasn't trampled or beaten to death by angry mares.

"I know one thing Mr. Human, when I get to work, I do my job the best I can, where the buck is she all the time? That's what I want to know!" Dandy told the interviewer.

Twilight pointed to Lily to get her attention. The mare's ears lifted and she tiredly straightened herself in her chair.

"Lily, be honest with me, what kind of effect does that have on your team when you can't get a word into your sisters?" Twilight asked.

Lily looked at everyone and shook her head, laughing sadly.

"It's really tiring Twilight, its passive-aggressive behavior. It makes the ponies who work here very unsociable with them. Fine then, you don't want to talk to us, then we won't talk to you."

"There's the attitude," Rose cut in. "When we do, there's attitude."

"Ok, first of all!" Dandy interjected. "The attitude starts with both of YOU then."

Dandy crossed her hooves pointing at both Rose and Daisy to punctuate her point.

"That's fine..." Rose rolled her eyes. "We just want to know that all of you are committed to the hotel. Especially you Lily, what's going on with you?"

Gordon saw Twilight's horn start to glow, which made him start to sweat. Lily had gone past the boiling point and there was no going back.


"We just want to know that you'll actually be here as our sister instead of playing house with that little colt toy of yours," Rose hit back.


Lily's eyes filled with tears and rage as she kicked the table at Rose and Daisy. Twilight acted quickly and caught it before anyone was hurt. Lily took the chance to tackle her sisters to the ground as she started wrestling them violently. Gordon wouldn't dare get in the middle of a brutal fight between females so he let Twilight be the referee in that as she pulled Lily and the other two away from each other. They were levitated six feet away from each other to stop the fight.

"Put me down Twilight," Lily growled as tears streamed down her face.

"No! I'm not letting the three of you rip each other's throats out. We need to resolve this calmly without any fighting!" Twilight snapped.

"You should be focused more on her then," Daisy replied sarcastically.

Twilight summoned a zipper and closed Daisy's mouth shut before she said anything else that she might regret.

Lily hid her eyes beneath the shadow of her mane as she lowered her head.

"I'm bucking done with the two of you," Lily roared. "Put me down Twilight, I'm leaving. I'm out of here." "You buckers don't give a shit about your niece and nephew, who I work to the bone to take care of, and I've obviously outgrown YOU. On the next train to Manehatten, I'm leaving. You two can go to Tartarus for all I care."

"I work 70 hours a week, sometimes 80, and I have two kids that now take top priority for me. With those two numbnuts here, Ponyville isn't for me anymore," Lily said. "I may have been their sister, but I'm a mom first."

Twilight thought about saying no, but Gordon put a hand on her shoulder and nodded. The alicorn didn't want another fight to start, and she didn't want to make this friendship problem worse, but she knew he was right. Lily would need space and time before they could talk to her again. She gently put Lily down who stormed out of the hotel angrily. Twilight and Gordon looked on at the situation in awe and sadness at what had just happened. Gordon had just about had enough with Daisy and Rose himself, but he knew for Twilight, he had to keep himself as calm and controlled as possible.

The rest of the staff in the dining room looked like they were about to have a panic attack from what had just happened. Thimbleweed was breathing hard and holding her hooves up to her head like she had a massive migraine.

"I know many of the staff here including me were thinking, "If Lily isn't here to keep the staff together, then ponies will be saying, I'm gone, I'm gone, I'm gone," Thimbleweed said. "I'm really starting to freak out!"

Gordon once again felt that familiar feeling of his jaws begin to tighten and tense up that went to the base of his neck. It was a feeling he got every time he was about to explode himself. Twilight looked at him and showed him a breathing technique that the Scotsman did his best to mimic. Afterward, he was still visibly angry, but not at the point of screaming anymore.

"Your sister, and General Manager, have just walked out," Gordon said slowly and deliberately.

"You know, the funny thing is--" Rose began.

"Rose, are we laughing?" Gordon asked incredulously. "That poor girl dedicated her life to keeping the both of you in a hotel while trying to support two kids and a loving husband halfway across your country."

"Have the both of you ever employed even a single member of staff?" Twilight asked sternly.

Rose and Daisy were silent.

"Like if they ever worked a day in their lives," Dandy snarked.

"How could you say that? You don't know me, you don't know what I do."

"If you were here for two minutes instead of piddling around with your flowers, you'd know I've been running my plot off every bucking day!!!" Dandy yelled.

The entire dining room erupted into screaming and shouting that filled the entire hotel with nonstop noise for five whole minutes. Ponies walking by the hotel could hear the commotion from all the way across the street. Some trotted over to check out the excitement and some ran off in fear.

"For Celestia's sake! One of you needs to grow up! You've turned into something really awful," Twilight stated. "You're my friends, but if I had the power or the permission, I'd be kicking you out of here."

Gordon was surprised at Twilight for the gravity of that statement. Twilight frowned when Daisy simply smiled a smug smile back at her.

"You can smirk and laugh at us all you want to Daisy. We're not you're parents, but I know for a fact...that you don't deserve any of this," Gordon added.

The room went so silent that you could hear a pin drop miles away.

At Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie was tending to a group of customers when she pulled a sewing needle out of her mane and dropped it to the floor. She watched as it clinked to the checkered tiles and stuck out her ear comedically listening for something. Her customers humored the earth pony, being used to this behavior for years now.

"Something should be happening," Pinkie whispered to the ponies comedically.

Back at the hotel, Gordon and Twilight walked upstairs to speak with one another when they heard something tinkling far off in the distance but wrote it off as tinnitus. Jay and one of the cameramen followed the duo up the stairs and wondered what they were talking about.

"That was weird..." Twilight said.

They went into one of the rooms and Gordon sat down on the bed thoughtfully as Twilight leaned back in one of the chairs. Jay signaled them to give their responses to what had just happened back down in the dining room.

"That was extraordinary," Gordon said to the camera. "The only person, or pony rather that actually cared about this place, Lily Valley, their general manager, and sister...has gone. And she may be leaving the city entirely too. Shit. Those two mares are absolutely screwed."

"We need to talk to Lily. I can't just let her leave Ponyville forever and let a friendship problem fester like this," Twilight said anxiously. "What kind of a Princess of Friendship would I be if I let three of my own friends and citizens end up hating each other like that?

"Let her cool off Twilight. Give her time to get a good night's sleep. You won't get through to Lily immediately," Gordon urged. "Family squabbles are complicated problems."

"Oh, I know that," Twilight agreed. "I'm the one who has to deal with them every week as a ruler."

"I need something to work off the tension and stress from all that screaming. You got a gym or anything physical around here I can do until this afternoon? I feel like working up a sweat."

Twilight lifted her hoof to her chin and looked out into space thoughtfully.

"We could go see Applejack and help her with a few chores?" she offered. "Her family farm is always needing assistance."

"A farm? Great idea! Might give me an idea of the kind of produce Ponyville grows locally." Gordon agreed.

"She'll work you to the bone though, so be ready for that," Twilight warned.

"I lost thirty pounds at an Iron Man Challenge in the Hawaiian Islands. I think I can handle a little farm work."

Twilight remembering an important step in the next part of their plan quickly threw together a dozen letters to ponies all over Ponyville who had recently stayed at the Butter Mellow Cafe and Hotel. At Gordon's request, they were to arrive at the hotel ahead of their return and go to the designated room that he specified.

After changing into suitable clothes, the trio and their camera crew escort began walking to Sweet Apple Acres to spend their time until early afternoon. Then they would come back to the hotel to continue their evaluation and process of restoring the hotel. While at the same time, Twilight had to work even harder to fix a friendship problem she had allowed to occur in her own city. She created a mandatory reminder for herself to catch Lily before she left Ponyville for good.

The mention of the familiar sporting even comparable to their own Iron Pony Challenges piqued Spike's interest.

"Oh! You have a challenge too?" Spike asked. "What's it like?

"In truth, it's a triathlon. A 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bicycle ride, and a marathon 26-mile run raced in that order. It's widely considered to be one of the most difficult one-day sporting events in the world. Most Ironman events have a limited time of 16 or 17 hours to complete the race, course dependent, with the race typically starting early in the morning. Each event has mandatory cut-off times to speed up performance. Any participant who completes the triathlon within these time constraints is designated an Ironman. "

"Even for ponies, that sounds rough," Twilight said. "That's pretty impressive Gordon. Mostly our Iron Pony Challenges are just simple small events of strength, speed, and endurance. Perhaps I could inform the other Princesses of this to update the tradition."

"Kicked my ass pretty hard at that. I lost twenty pounds, but I'm glad I was invited."

When they arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, Gordon had the pleasure of formally meeting Applejack's talkative grandmother Granny Smith and her rambunctious little sister Apple Bloom. Her big brother Big Macintosh was calm and subdued, unlike the rest of his family. He didn't mind so much. If being a little too loose-lipped is all they were guilty of, then Gordon had nothing much to worry about.

They were a little put off by the massive cameras and the men working them trying to be as quiet as possible, but a quick explanation sorted everything out. Apple Bloom wouldn't stop asking them a million questions about how they worked and Big Mac just nervously dug at the ground with his hoof after learning billions of people would be watching them soon.

"Pleasure to meetcha Chef Ramsay!" Granny Smith greeted. "Applejack told us so much about you and the wizardry you can cook up in any kitchen!"

"Only the good things I hope," Gordon joked. "I've also heard a lot about your lovely home from Applejack. I'm looking forward to seeing all of it!"

Twilight felt herself sweat nervously when she saw Granny Smith cackle like an evil witch.

Applejack took him through many of the various sweets that they personally baked right there on the farm. He was impressed, to say the least, but he had to stop before the earth ponies made him blow up like a balloon from overeating.

Applejack preened at hearing Gordon's praise. She was already quite proud of her family products, but with a celebrity from another world complimenting them, it added a new layer of accomplishment for the Earth Pony family. While they were eating, Gordon and Applejack idly threw a few ideas back at each other for marketing the Apple Family's products back on Earth.

Their crops were rather an impressive spectacle to behold. Sweet Apple Acres stretched out a mile towards the Everfree Forest to the east and four miles to the north. They had to have planted and maintained these crops for generations for that many trees to have been there and have an abundance of apples as they did. Their neighbors surrounding the farm had small farms of their own and grew other various crops. A mare who lived just next door grew a sizable Carrot crop and the next one down had a decent patch of berry bushes growing all over their front lawn.

Gordon was put to work helping out in the orchards pulling weeds, watering her small vegetable patch, hauling any fallen apples away, and scaring off any fruit bats that had made their way closer to the barn. It was tough, but nothing the human hadn't done before. Twilight and Spike helped out with other menial tasks around the farm while Gordon did his. Applejack worked closely alongside Gordon to make sure he got the job done. He certainly did that as he was quick, efficient, and thorough in every task he did. Especially for his age, the earth pony was impressed.

Around the time 2 in the afternoon arrived, the trio was sore, dirty, sweaty, and were breathing quite hard. Gordon still felt quite fine even after all the work, but it was a vigorous workout, to say the least. The same couldn't be said for Twilight and Spike who look like they had just finished sprinting up the side of a mountain and were begging for their lungs to take in more oxygen.

"Well, I think that's enough for now," Applejack said. "Thank you kindly for helping out Mr. Ramsay. "You humans sure can reach up pretty far with those dangly hands of yours."

Gordon just chuckled.

"It's been a while since I worked on such a nice patch of land. Certainly beats searching for spiders in the jungle to eat or hanging off a cliff."

"Looking for spiders in a jungle? Geebers criminy, I gotta hear that story soon. For now though, don't y'all need to head back to yer filming thingamahoochy?"

"Oh yes!" Twilight exclaimed. "We almost forgot. We have to move forward with the final stages of our evaluation. Before we go though, can you help us with something?"

"Sure! What do ya need me for?" Applejack asked.

"We need help with Ms. Lily Valley if you aren't too busy," Gordon asked politely.

Applejack silently listened to the whole story of what was happening at the Butter Mellow Hotel and Cafe and the Flower Sisters' falling out. Gordon watched her tense up when she heard Twilight tell her about Lily Valley's foals that nopony in Ponyville knew about. How Rose and Daisy's lack of understanding to her new responsibilities as a mother and her difficulties moving back and forth across the country just to see her family negatively impacted her.

"Can you just talk to her?" Gordon asked. "I understand your anger, I really do. But let us do that. Okay? Daisy and Rose are in trouble with us already. We need you and Miss Fluttershy to talk to Lily and calm her down."

Applejack looked like she was ready to gallop off in the direction of the hotel and beat the snot out of those mares. Knowing her background and her own family, Twilight wouldn't blame her if she did. Unfortunately, she needed her help to fix this severe friendship problem.

"Alright, I'll do it." Applejack relented. "But please promise you'll smack those good-for-nothing rats upside the head?"

"Oh, believe me, that's a given," Gordon replied. "That is if Twilight doesn't hang them upside down by their hind legs in a dungeon or something."

"Who do you think I am?" Twilight huffed indignantly. "Some kind of fire-breathing demon pony?"

"At this point, I'm still not entirely sure you're not," Gordon joked.

Applejack felt herself smiling slightly but kept her mouth shut at that comment, opting to telling Gordon later.

They left the farm and quickly headed back into town and back towards the hotel to continue with the next stage of their plan. Twilight needed to not only help Gordon restore her favorite hotel/cafe back to its former glory, but she also needed to quickly fix the Flower Sisters' relationship. This was the first friendship problem that had happened in Ponyville without her knowledge and Twilight didn't like it.

Heading back inside, Gordon and Twilight found the two mares almost immediately wandering about the lobby lazing about while their employees were still busy slaving away at their various jobs. They told the girls to meet them upstairs so they could speak to both of them privately.

The duo led the mares into one of the rooms and went inside where they found twelve different ponies standing there patiently, each with neutral looks on their faces. The Flower Sisters could feel themselves internally screaming wondering what they were going to ask and what they would say in return.

"These are some of your guests," Twilight stated. "All we would like to hear is nothing but the plain truth and give these owners an insight into what your experiences were staying here at the Butter Mellow Cafe and Hotel and what you are all paying for."

Gordon couldn't help but notice how Twilight was learning to carry herself the more she was in front of the camera.

A mare and colt couple stepped forward and began to recount what their experience was during their stay.

"We're from Las Pegasus your highness and we love to check out old historic buildings whenever we stay somewhere. The room we had was very disappointing. It's like it was neglected."

"The building was run down when we acquired it from the original owner," Daisy said. "For quite a long time."

"The two of you have to stop blaming people!" Gordon exclaimed as he slapped his own face in annoyance.

Gordon called up another couple who stepped forward and said their piece.

"I have a number of severe allergies and get allergic reactions to a number of plants, insect stings, and foods," she explained. "When we came into our room, it was not only caked with mold and hunks of dust everywhere falling off of everything, we found some thorny stems from flowers I can go to the hospital if they so much as touch my fur."

"It went beyond a comfort issue," the colt added. "It went right into a health hazard issue. I was worried for my marefriend's safety. The last thing this place needs is some kind of wrongful death investigation from the Royal Guard."

Daisy and Rose felt their hearts jump into their throats and their blood thicken.

"Buck," Rose swore.

Twilight escorted the group of ponies out of the hotel while Gordon remained behind in the room, promising a Pinkie Pie Party to all of them for their troubles. Celestia knows they needed it. Twilight trotted back up into the room where she found Daisy and Rose reclining back into low chairs with Gordon looming over them like some kind of ravenous beast about to devour its next meal.

"Now I want the both of you to be very honest with us after all of that," Twilight sternly commanded. "Do you honestly believe that the two of you are completely capable of running this hotel and the cafe?"

"When we put our minds to something, we always accomplish it, your highness," Roseluck replied.

Gordon inwardly groaned at the mare, but proceeded forth with his question.

"So then tell us this ladies, in your whole life, what would you say is something you have accomplished? Or a major goal that you have reached?"

When the two mares only stared back at him like a pair of deer caught in a set of headlights on a nighttime drive, he already had his answer. Twilight only shook her head, expecting this. Lily having had reality forced upon her was the only one of the group to really grow up.

"Once again, I will ask," Twilight repeated. "Do the two of you honestly think that you are capable of running this business? Especially without Lily."

They looked defeated as they only glumly looked back at the alicorn and shook their heads.

"Maybe though I think if we--" Rose started.

"You shouldn't think anything!" Gordon snapped. "I would shit myself asking the two of you to run my dog up a hill, let alone running a hotel. After today, I'm surprised you two girls get out of bed without sucking your hooves and shitting on the floor. The fact that you two have the balls to say ANYTHING at all to Lily makes that even worse. She's the one actually doing something worth a fuck, and you two are completely useless."

Twilight held her peace, realizing that these two mares needed to be broken down before they could see reason. Lily needed her entire family, not just her husband and children. They hadn't always gotten off on the right hoof, especially when she first moved to Ponyville, but they were part of her extended family now, like it or not. She left the room with Gordon, leaving the two mares crying their eyes out. This time over something that actually matters finally.

Reaching the lobby once again, they found Applejack standing there on the rug with a more cheerful expression than either of them were carrying at the moment.

"Applejack my darling, hello again!" Gordon greeted. "How did it go?"

"Is Lily ok?" Twilight asked.

"That mare looked like someone she loved had died hating her, but she'll be fine," Applejack said. "Having a number of complicated family issues over the years myself, I understood a bit of what she was going through. I don't have any foals myself yet, but taking care of Applebloom for so long is the closest thing to that. She's still a little glum, but she's not boiling like she was earlier."

"You girls certainly have a knack for talking to people," Gordon said thoroughly impressed.

"We certainly try, thank you," Applejack replied tipping her hat. "Everypony in Ponyville is part of our family clan, even if we ain't blood. We have to look out for each other."

"A friend always tells another friend when they are doing something wrong and we must learn when to say no," Twilight recited.

"Another one of your friendship lessons?" Gordon asked.

"Something like that," Twilight giggled. "Which reminds me. I have an idea how to help fix this friendship problem. We help the sisters, and then I'd like to try something to help Lily's husband and foals."

"Lily is the only one who can help those two save this place. Unless we can convince her to return and take on the role as General Manager again, this place is doomed and we will have to tell them to close the hotel TONIGHT," Gordon concluded. "Can you show us where Lily lives Applejack?"

The earth pony nodded as she went out the front door. The duo followed her as they went back into town near the Market Square where the Flower Sisters' old shop used to be. The stall where they once sold flowers was gone, but the little two-story apartment next to it seemed well kept and clean. It was more comprised of bricks and proper wood instead of the hazardous hay roofed and thin board houses that were sprinkled all over town. A bit of infrastructural progress the human chef was glad to see.

Applejack gave a few solid raps on the front door as they waited for a few minutes. Gordon spotted the well-cared-for flowers and various ferns that sat on the window sills. Dandelions, Hydrangeas, Begonias, Roses, Marigolds, Irises, and many more. It certainly brought a lot more color to the building.

They heard the door begin to unlock on the other side as it swung open and they found Lily standing in the dark with her eyes baggy and her mane all messed up. She gave a small smile when she saw Applejack, but looked uncertain when she saw Twilight and Gordon.

"Lily, can we please come in again?" Applejack asked. "These two want to talk with you."

It took a moment for her to decide but she nodded and stepped aside so they could enter. Gordon did his best to ignore how cluttered the inside of their apartment was and the three suitcases stacked up by the door. The lights were off, so he couldn't see much within the main living room itself, but it appeared to be modified into a makeshift greenhouse will all manner of flowers, ferns, and ficuses. She led them out the back door and onto a small backyard that was pressed up against other buildings.

A modest metal outdoor table and a set of chairs were there that she pulled up and invited them to. After they sat down, with Applejack to Lily's left, the orange earth pony patted her on the back reassuringly.

"You had every right to be angry and walk out. How are you now?" Gordon asked.

"Bitter, but after Applejack talked with me, I'm ok." she laughed sadly.

"While we were watching you work and how you feel for the hotel, and how much energy you put into it, you are a bloody good general manager."

"Thank you," she replied quietly.

"I know things have been a bit complicated between you and your sisters Lily, but if you were given complete control of the situation and complete control of the hotel...would you come back?" Twilight asked. "If you do, I also promise I will do everything in my power to help ease your burden, seeing your family."

She sighed heavily and looked back at Twilight with an unamused look. Not at her, but for at the situation she had found herself in.

"That's tough Twilight. I used to love my sisters, but after everything that's been said, I just don't know..."

"Do your parents know what's going on?" Applejack asked.

"Not...yet, but I was planning on telling them this evening about it and my plans."

Twilight and Gordon looked at one another, realizing what they had to do next to finally bring this friendship problem to an end.

Hotel Hell: The First In Ponyville Part 4

Author's Note:

Its been too long! Sorry about that. Its been a bad year and two months but I'm hopeful that the coming days will be better and I will release my chapters and stories more consistently

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