• Published 21st Dec 2018
  • 15,187 Views, 1,115 Comments

Kitchen Nightmares: Equestrian Misadventures - Spettro138

Everyone's favorite raging Scotsman comes to Equestria at the request of Twilight Sparkle to sort out the country's bad restaurants and bad hotels.

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Burger Princess Shack Finale

Outside in the alleyway, Gordon and Twilight went out to meet with Ayers who was sobbing uncontrollably on the side of a trashcan. Breathing in dust particles from the filth around him made him worse as it started to sound more like disgusting snorting and crying. It was a mess of a situation to get into. This poor fella was on his last legs and the last bit of his sanity was slipping away. One last push could send him over the edge, which meant Gordon and Twilight would have to be careful and treat Ayers as gently as possible. At the same time, however, Ayers needed to hear the truth about what was going on and what needed to be done to fix it all.

"I'm sorry for this unseemly behavior, your majesty," Ayers cried to Twilight.

"I don't mind," she replied gently. "Just let it out."

"What they are doing to you is not fair buddy," Gordon stated.

"Yeah, you see the first thing they ask for? "Ayers, can you put more money in?" What the buck is that about? Are they treating this like a game? Is this business a game to them? It's like, let's see if we can't get him to crack tonight!"

Twilight rubbed her head and materialized a sheet of paper and a quill. She wrote down a quick Guard report and sent it off to Canterlot for evaluation.

"My head is so damn messed up right now. I want to laugh and cry at the same time."

"We see what you are going through Ayers. This place is a disaster and it happened right in my own city!" Twilight exclaimed. "A fragmented family business like this could affect every pony else in town!"

"And the Chef was so pressured that he felt the need to lash out at you? That's ridiculous!" Gordon added.

"He threatened me, and that adding to everything else just broke me tonight," Ayers sniffled. "Clementine just warned me that it's been bottling up and I was just going to have a breakdown."

"You have an implosive temper," Twilight surmised.

"A what?" Gordon asked.

"There are two kinds of tempers. Explosive and implosive. Ponies with Explosive tempers like Rainbow Dash have short fuses and burn out their anger quickly. Implosive tempers like Fluttershy's are a bit more self-destructive because they hold everything in until their composure collapses and their temper goes much longer like water out of a faucet."

Gordon suddenly was reminded of a certain Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler movie from that statement.

"That certainly describes me," Ayers replied forlornly.

"The good thing is we picked it up quickly. Come by Fluttershy's cottage when you have the time. Implosive tempers in Ponyville can lead to severe friendship problems. I would rather you didn't start screaming at ponies on the street. Consider it a royal order."

Ayers only nodded obediently with his head hung low.

"Here's the sad news. None of this seems to be your fault. Twilight and I have a suspicion about your father but I don't think you are involved in that either. You are the only one in this restaurant that seems to be taking any semblance of responsibility." Gordon said. "Your Mom and Dad are delusional, I hope you know that."

"I do, I do..."

"I always encourage ponies to follow their calling and their dreams, but this is not that." Twilight agreed. "You have been feeding their delusions of grandeur and falling deeper into this whole you all made for yourselves."

"You finally realized what's been happening haven't you?" Gorden asked rhetorically. "You've got to take the reins on this situation. If you'll pardon the expression Twilight."

"None taken."

Ayers just continued crying with shallow breaths, trying to control himself and calm himself down. Gordon could tell what the restaurant meant to him. He didn't want it, but inadvertently Red Skillet and Tulip forced him into a position of loving it. So now that's exactly the result. Ayers thanked the both of them for being the only ponies to actually care. Complimenting Gordon on how he actually seems to have a big heart despite his outward demeanor.

"You're lucky to have found a friend like the Chef, Your Majesty," Ayers sniffled.

Twilight and Gordon looked at each other and smiled.

"Yeah, she's pretty good," Gordon nodded.

"You too," Twilight replied sweetly.

They helped Ayers calm down enough and ushered him back inside so they could finish dinner service before closing out for the day. Twilight and Gordon went back to the Castle to speak with the others on what they had found out and to gather together intel every pony had discovered individually. Gordon's production team however remained at the restaurant to mount their recording equipment for what was assumed to be the last days of this particular Nightmare.

Twilight and Gordon arrived back just in time for dessert, which Pinkie had provided in the form of a large bundt cake served with Orange pop. Meeting once again in the main living room to discuss their findings and what would happen next. Spike had another message from Princess Celestia that appeared shortly before they arrived back. It had confirmed everything that Twilight suspected about Red Skillet's father.

"So what's the dealeo with Red and Tulip?" Applejack asked.

"I bet they're like conspirators or something. They've always been shifty looking." Rainbow added.

"Oh, pish posh Rainbow, I bet it's nothing like that," Rarity shot.

"Actually that's not too far from the truth," Gordon stated.

"WHAT?" the others exclaimed.

Twilight went through the journal that she had discovered in Red Skillet's apartment and seized it as evidence in an official investigation.

"Red's father was a local Baron in control of Marebourne's shipping lanes and distribution of all goods coming to and from Clawstralia."

"Why is it called Clawstralia anyway? I figured It would have been called something like Oatstralia since you ponies seem to thrive on those stupid puns of yours," Gordon chuckled.

"Oh yeah, then what's up with Hell Hole California, Truth or Consequences New Mexico, Scratch Ankle Alabama, Bitch Lake Idaho, or Whynot Mississippi?" Rainbow huffed.

"Why not Miss Sippy?" Pinkie asked innocently.

"That's what I said. Whynot Mississippi?"

"Is there something wrong with Miss Sippy? Did she get sick?"

"What? Pinkie the town is called Whynot?"

"Why not what?" Pinkie huffed comedically.

"It's Whynot!"

"That's what I asked," Pinkie snapped out.

"I can't even with you," Rainbow replied.

"Why not?"

"That's what I want to know!"

"Isn't Why in Arizona?" Applejack asked.

"Why what in Arizona?" Pinkie asked.

"There's no Whywhat Arizona!"

"Why are you deaf?" Rainbow asked in disbelief.

"How can a city be deaf?"

"They might be blind..."

"It can't!"


The others went silent and blushed in embarrassment as the room quieted down again.

"Thank you. Now to answer your question Gordon, the island continent used to be the territory of the Southeastern Giao Long Water Dragon Empire but constant droughts drove them back North to the mainland due to the lack of water magic and the overabundance of Earth Magic." Twilight explained. "Colonial Ponies there associate the continent with its former inhabitants so much that the name just stuck. Thank you for the suggestion Oatstralia though, maybe I'll put in a query with the Princess..."

"If I had to hazard a guess, it sounds like the grandfather was involved in some nasty criminal activity. You said something about a coup?" Gordon asked.

Twilight shuffled nervously where she was standing which made everyone feel uncomfortable.

"Yes," Twilight breathed out nervously. "We should have seen it too. All six of us. After reading through it, now I know why Red's grandfather had such an odd obsession for Clawstralia's magic-resistant wood. He was gathering it for his master."

"Someone else was pulling his strings?" Gordon asked.

"Yes, and girls, it's someone we know far too well. Tirek."

"Tirek?!" they exclaimed.

Gordon didn't recognize the name so he turned to Twilight with a confused look.

"That's right, you weren't there for the smackdown," Rainbow added. "Tirek was one of the biggest jerks we ever faced. Among our Legion of Doom who keeps coming back!"

"We are not calling them the Legion of Doom Rainbow, but she's right. Lord Tirek was a centaur who felt betrayed when his brother Scorpio favored pony kind's peaceful ways over their warlike tendencies. So he vowed to take our magic all for his own and turn pony kind into slaves for his twisted desires. If it wasn't for us, he would have succeeded. I nearly died trying to fight him off at full power."

"Shit. I'm glad you came out of that alright," Gordon consoled. "Good to know you can throw down with the best of them."

"That's sweet Gordon, thanks. But it didn't stop there. Tirek had been gathering followers long before we were even born. Several cells all over the planet are dedicated to carrying out his will and finally releasing him from his imprisonment. Princess Luna and my brother have been investigating these cells to eliminate them"

"From what I can gather, it sounds like Red's father was going to use that wood to help this Tirek somehow." Gordon surmised.

"Magic resistant prisons and corrals to trap ponies," Spike interjected. "Not a pleasant thought."

"So how does Red fit into all of this?" Applejack asked apprehensively. "If that varmint and his family are here to pull some sneaky little trick, they've got another thing coming!"

"What about Ayers? Does he know anything about this?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

The alicorn shook her head.

"No. I don't think he knows a thing about his father and grandfather's criminal activity. He sounded genuine in the fact that he's been in the dark his whole life..."

"Which brings us to the dreadful topic of this coup de tat," Rarity said. "May we please know about that now?"

Rarity grabbed the tea she was drinking and leaned in to express her interest.

"On the mark as always Rarity. Red's father led a coup against the local government sometime before Tirek began to re-enter Equestria. Thanks to the Princess and my brother's predecessor Captain Hidalgo, that coup was thwarted."

"Hidalgo?" Gordon's producer asked. "Isn't that the legendary racer?"

"Racer?" Rainbow asked with interest.

"Yes, the legend goes he was a wild Paint Mustang of incredible strength and stamina rode by a half-native man in a race against the fastest Arabian horses in the world. The race went across the desert and they nearly died finishing the race. But they beat the horses who were considered from a superior breed and became legends."

"I have a few Paint Mustangs in the family. Maybe I ought to talk to them about endurance training a bit more," Applejack thought out loud.

"How extraordinary. I love a stallion who proves that blood and lineage isn't everything," Rarity marveled.

"Awesome! Maybe I'll give this desert a look and try my luck at it," Rainbow pumped.

Applejack rolled her eyes but internally started planning a trip to Earth to set up another Iron Pony Competition.

"The parallels between our dimensions are astounding as always. Hidalgo here was a Paint Earth Pony also of incredible strength and stamina. The nobility objected to an earth pony becoming a Captain of the Royal Guard, but the Princess made an exception in his case. Shiny often told me his legs could break through solid iron when he went full gallop. "

"Which brings us finally to Red himself," Gordon said to get the conversation back on topic. "Is he involved with any of this?"

Twilight flipped through the journal again with her magic and scanned through it quickly before snapping it shut again.

"Unfortunately I don't know. Red may be a terrible businessman right now but he's not stupid. I feel stupid myself visiting his restaurant all this time and not suspecting a thing."

"It's, not your fault Twilight, he fooled all of us," Spike said.

"So we're gonna have to go right to the man himself to find out his intentions..."

"What is the plan then? We have to deal with both the restaurant and interrogate him."

Twilight put her forehoof to her chin for a moment, rubbing it back and forth in thought. A smile came to her face and the Scottish man could have sworn he saw a lightbulb appear over her head.

"I know just what to do!"

The next morning, she and the girls sent a message to Ayers, Red, Tulip, and Clementine to meet at Ponyville's local amphitheater. Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity all went off somewhere else to deal with the plan they had concocted. Why she had called a meeting at such an unusual place, they couldn't tell. He greeted them and they all sat down in the same row, waiting for whatever the Chef and the Princess had in mind for them. Little did they know, they were all in for a not-so-subtle wake-up call.

"Good morning. First off, Twilight and I wanted to get you all out of the restaurant. That was important. What better way to do that than to bring you to an amazing little theater and a show. We all love a show. Because this will be the show of your life."

"Mares and Gentlecolts," Twilight proclaimed. "I would like to present to you, the Neighers."

Twilight pointed off to the right, signaling a large group of ponies to start walking onto the stage in single file. Neatly lining up in rows to show just how many had arrived. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity followed behind the small crowd and subtly made their way to the back of the amphitheater to watch the unfolding spectacle.

"Good morning every pony. There sure are a lot of Neighers."

Red Skillet felt himself making a grateful frown at the sight before him. Tulip shared the same sentiment along with him.

"The Princess and this human had the absolute nerve to invite these Neighers here! They are deliberately attacking my restaurant. Every Neigher lies. They hurt and damage restaurants by doing this."

"Red, now that we have your attention, I want you and Tulip to listen carefully," Twilight said strictly. "You were one hundred percent convinced that these ponies were part of a conspiracy out to get you and your restaurant."

"Red, there is some pony I would like you to meet," Twilight said. "This mare is the community manager for the bulletin board Neigh. We know her and her son very well, but you might not. Meet Cream Heart."

A mare with a cream-colored coat and a caramel-colored mane with light blue eyes stepped out into the center of the stage with a controlled, neutral glare on her face. She stared down at Red and Tulip emotionlessly for a few moments. For some reason, Twilight could tell that this was a mare not to be trifled with. She was no telepath, but she could tell that she had a lot of pent-up anger that she was controlling exceedingly well. Anyone that made her snap would no doubt face a raging fury. Twilight felt herself nearly jump out of her skin when Cream flashed her a quick good-natured smile before going back to her controlled glare.

'Button is a trooper dealing with this mare every day,' Twilight thought nervously.

"Cream has such a divine form. I must invite her to the Boutique again," Rarity murmured.

"Mr. Skillet," she began. "I can tell you are very frustrated. We, however, are very real, the reviews we have posted in front of City Hall are very real, as it is our job as members of Ponyville's community to express what we think. It is feedback to use however you choose if you choose to use them at all."

Cream stepped aside and allowed the ponies that had come to express their opinions. One claimed they had spent thirty bits on a hayburger, which Gordon felt himself internally protesting at. Even at the ritziest restaurants, having a hamburger worth that much was overkill. A griffin that lived on the outskirts of Ponyville expressed how his burger had the consistency of a soggy piece of meatloaf. Which made some of the ponies feel sick, some being vegetarians after all.

Twilight saw Tulip began to rudely lie down and sleep in the middle of their testimonials as if she was not listening. She even began to hold her hoof up to her mouth and yawn. A cold sweat went down Twilight's brow. The alicorn went stiff and her eyes darted to Cream Heart who was starting to shake with rage. This was going bad and they had to reign it in quick before a fight broke out.

Other ponies had revealed Red was leaving counter-notices on the bulletin board, threatening legal action, and every kind of insult under the sun. One even It had convinced them that perhaps Red was too far gone. Tulip had hammered in this point by looking like she was fully asleep. Gordon noticed Cream's demeanor too and tried to interject.

"Tulip, are we keeping you up darling? Do you need a blanket? A binkie, maybe a little warm milkie?" Gordon mocked.

"I don't know what you are trying to pull there Miss Tulip, but we've been here for ten minutes and to watch you sleep and snore, it is the height of bad manners." Cream Heart sneered. "The last time my little Button did that to me, he was hanging by his back hooves from the laundry line for hours."

"Unbelievable," Gordon agreed. "Unbelievable. They're customers!"

"No! No! No! No! You're missing my point completely!" Red interrupted. "Every single one of these ponies here. you, you, you, you, you--"

"ENOUGH!" Cream and Ayers screamed.

Ayers looked at Cream, surprised to have the support who only winked at him and gestured for him to continue. When Tulip tried to interrupt, Cream intimidated her into silence with a death stare.

"You are so focused on being fancy with our "native" dishes and being rated three hooves, four hooves, five hooves. It's an arbitrary number! These ponies are being honest when they are telling us that they had a terrible time! Princess Twilight used to come to your restaurant all the time when she first came to Ponyville! Now it seems like you don't give a crap anymore!"

"You aren't listening to me!" Red tried butting in.

"I don't want to! None of us want to!"

He held up his forehooves in resignment and leaned back with a sour look across his muzzle. Ayers put his head in his hooves, anxiously while Clementine rubbed his back and consoled him.

"I'm afraid to talk anymore," he grumbled. "Am I gonna get snapped at again?"

"Oh, go shove a kangaroo up your flank," Clementine growled.

"You are being completely unreasonable Red," Twilight scolded. "Ayers was not snapping at you, he was simply telling you that you were focusing on the wrong things."

"I don't appreciate unfairness, your majesty. You know this! You used to come to my restaurant, but you're too busy for us little ponies anymore," Red spat back. "It had to have been you that influenced those ponies to say all this!"

Twilight felt hurt by that statement and froze, feeling her jaw clench and her eyes start to water. Rainbow nearly leaped out and tackled Red but Gordon held his hand up stepped in front of the alicorn, patting her on the head.

"Those reviews were never personal Mr. Skillet," Gordon stated. "If they were, and good gravy I am tempted to myself, they would insult you straight to your face. My restaurants back on Earth have gotten the whole board of poor to excellent reviews. If over a dozen people tell me that something is wrong with my food, there has to be a problem. I see the problem, and I take that opportunity to change course. You must listen to some kind of consensus."

Gordon could tell that what he said was starting to work on Red. But he needed to push him just a bit further. This was an unusual circumstance. An interrogation, along with changes to a restaurant's enterprising. Something the man never had to deal with. Sure he came into contact with plenty of people who were being arrested during a Nightmare but never had he actively investigate a man while he was trying to fix his business. It certainly was going to become a conflict of interest if they didn't resolve things quickly.

Twilight luckily regained her composure by practicing her breathing technique.

"Let's reconvene back at the restaurant. There are some serious things we really need to discuss Red. Tulip." Twilight glowered.

"Well said, let's just hope this doesn't end as badly as the last one did," Gordon gulped.

Gordon, Twilight, Applejack, and Spike went home with the others alone, leaving the rest of the girls to fulfill their own roles.

Heading back to the restaurant, they all sat down at one table while Applejack lingered close to the table keeping an eye on everything. Now that Red's so-called "conspiracy" was properly debunked. It was high time that they dealt with my more serious problems that had sprouted up in this Nightmare.

"We really need to speak honestly Red," Twilight stated. "There is so much tension in this restaurant from this family and it really does fall into a severe friendship problem. Family is just a stronger form of friendship after all. So many things need to be cleared up and as your ruler, I am commanding all of you to be one hundred percent honest with me. Applejack as the Element of Honesty will call you out if she senses even the slightest flicker of a lie or holding back on the truth. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, your grace," they mumbled in unison.

Applejack smiled and laughed internally at how hoity and high Twilight was acting with her princess persona.

"Gordon. You may begin your questions," Twilight said.

Gordon made the same face Applejack was making for a moment, but brushed it aside and nodded as he leaned forward in the booth they all sat at and clasped his hands together across the table.

"Who runs the restaurant? Really?" he pressed.

"It seems by default, I am the owner, but I don't want to be," Red replied with a groan.

Gordon noticed Ayers and Clementine scoffing at that but ignored them.

"Come on," Gordon asked with a little more intensity.

"He wanted full control," Clementine added.

Red was already starting to boil, but Twilight's glares were enough to keep him cool.

"Don't you trust him at all?" Twilight asked pointing to Ayers.

"I trust my son completely. Of course, it seems Clementine and Mr. Ramsay here believe I don't."

"Ayers, I think it's time you told your Dad why the feeling isn't mutual," Gordon said.

"I don't trust you because you took the money I was inherited for something I never supported! I don't even know why the grandfather I never knew had 100 million bits worth of opals on him but I wanted to put it away for MY foals! I wanted that decision and you took that away from me!"

"On that note, we have something even more pressing than the restaurant that we discovered just last night." Gordon reminded Twilight. "This something may shed some light on your questions, Ayers."

Twilight pulled the journal she had snatched from Red's study before the Fire Storm Cone incinerated it.

"I KNEW IT! I WAS WONDERING WHY MY STUDY WAS SCORCHED! GIVE IT BACK!" Red shouted as he tried to lunge for her.

Applejack saw this instantly and roped him and Tulip to the booth, wrapping them up tightly in multiple knots.

"That's quite enough out of you." Applejack spat. "After what we found out about you slimy little roos, I wouldn't count on any patience."

"What are you talking about?" Ayers asked.

Twilight opened up the journal to a specific page.

"Maybe if I read a few entries, things will start to make sense and just maybe, your lips will start to loosen Red," Twilight stated.

Year 974 of Celestia's Reign
"Father is so insufferable. He hates being called out on anything, especially by his own son. Every day is a nightmare at home and work. I'm constantly in a tug of war between both mother and father. He doesn't listen to anyone, and just does as he damn well pleases, thinking he's the king of the world!"

Year 975 of Celestia's Reign
"This can't go on for any longer, we are poking a bull we can't hope to fight back against. Father just won't stop. He keeps going on and on about how the master will lead us into a new era where only the strong will be allowed to use magic. How the weak will be stripped of it and forced to be subservient to us. I want to say something, but I can never work up the strength to."

She looked up and saw it was beginning to work. Ayers was looking at his father in horrified confusion and Red himself was flushed, clearly disturbed by what was happening. She would only need another push to finally break him.

Year 976 of Celestia's Reign
"I can't believe he actually did that. Father killed some pony. A reporter from Canterlot. She was snooping around and I tried to sneak her out, but she was caught. He trapped her in the corral and sucked out too much of her magic. It must have been too much for her heart. I can't take this anymore. I have to get away before this Tirek of his kills us all"

Looking up again, the faces everyone was making changed drastically. Ayers only cried silently and shook his head in disappointment while Clementine looked at Red with horror. Skillet's face looked empty. Defeated. Like he had been stabbed through the gut and all trace of life had left his body. His eyes were glazed over.

"Pretty fucking horrific," Gordon said. "I don't know anything about your father or this Tirek character, but I know an egomaniacal maniac when I hear about one. We got a handful left on Earth ourselves despite our best efforts. So I suggest you remain cooperative with us."

"My thoughts exactly," Twilight echoed. "At this point, the restaurant is no longer our concern. With this journal, you are suspected of accessory to insurrection, high treason, and murder of a pony. That is unless we like the answers we hear. Even after that, you will be escorted out of here by the Elements of Honesty and Loyalty before being escorted to Canterlot by a contingent of Royal Guard. There you will re-answer every question we ask the Royal Sisters themselves. If you are found guilty of all charges, I will leave you personally in Princess Celestia's judgment."

Red only vacantly nodded his head before Twilight loosened up and cracked her own neck. The satisfying pop cleared her head and focused her attention.

"Now. Red. Did you and your father abandon your loyalties to Equestria for the dominion of the conqueror known as Lord Tirek?"

"F-Father did yes," Red replied in monotone. "I had no choice in the matter. Even in those days, my father always had a tight grip on me. I was his errand boy. I helped with the day-to-day operations of his shipping business. He was Clawstralia's shipping tycoon and I was his dutiful son. I hated it, but what could I do? When he got word that Lord Tirek was going to re-enter Equestria after hundreds of years in exile, he was ecstatic."

"I'm guessing this magic resistant wood I keep hearing about was his contribution to Tirek?" Gordon asked.

Twilight nodded but then went forth to continue her interrogation trying to contain herself at the thought she was trying to bring up.

"Why are you in Equestria? Do you have any intention of carrying out Tirek's will or your father's mission?"

Palpable silence filled the room for a few minutes until Red let out a short and quiet "no". It relieved some of Twilight's stress, not wanting to worry about a Tirek worshipping cult hiding in Ponyville, but that's what the Princesses' job was. To know for certain if he was telling the truth.

"When the princess arrested most of us, Tulip I had already escaped Father's clutches and stowed away on a ship heading for Equestria. I smuggled a large portion of Father's money with us, hoping to make a new life for us and start over while we still could. We lost all contact with the organization, and I have no idea who is running it now. I have been contacted over the years, but I always turned down the offers to rejoin. When we had Ayers, I tried to keep him out of what had happened back home, but there was always the risk of discovery. That's why...I haven't been myself for a while. After Tirek was defeated, I've been looking over my shoulder, looking out for any of his cultists."

"We don't know that," Applejack interjected. "So forgive us if we sound a little hostile to ya. Equestria nearly bit the big one because of that two-horned monster and I'm not too keen on just believing one of his followers! Twilight can't we just blast this varmint and search the town for others? MY LITTLE SISTER IS WALKING AROUND IN THE SAME TOWN AS THEM!"

"Unwilling follower!" Red insisted.

"That, unfortunately, makes this even worse," Twilight replied. "We have no way of knowing whether or not your father placed some kind of observation spell or mind control on you. You and your wife are a clear present danger to the population until we discover otherwise."

"Everything makes sense now..." Ayers whispered.

"Come again?"

"All the raised voices, never knowing who my grandfather was, the kind of money that Canterlot nobility put on their toasts every morning, none of it added up," he said aloud.

Everyone watched him in concern as he slowly stood up from his chair and began to pace around the room. Twilight went with her last question for Red Skillet before she was to carry out her judgment.

..."Did you help hide the body of Poinsettia Neighsan?" Twilight asked judgmentally.

"No. I never touched Poinsettia. She was nice to me. I tried to help her. I wish I could have..."

Twilight stared into his eyes and Red only looked back, crushed. She didn't have the kinds of senses that the other princesses had, but she had fairly good instincts after learning from the Princess all these years.

"Alright..." she conceded. "I believe you this time. RAINBOW!"

The multicolored pegasus burst in through the doors with her hooves held up like fists ready for action.

"What do?" Rainbow asked in a salute.

"Take the both of them to the train station girls," Twilight commanded. "We don't want to keep Celestia waiting."

They did as she asked and grabbed each end of their bonds in their teeth as they hauled the two aging ponies out of the restaurant and into the streets. Before they left, the two old ponies looked back at Ayers with an apologetic look.

"I am truly sorry for being so stubborn with you son. I guess father rubbed off on me more than I care to admit. With all of my heart, I have wronged you. But you should know that your mother and I do love you. I just hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me someday."

Leaving everyone behind in silence.

Gordon could feel himself breathe a sigh of relief but still found himself terrified at the idea that there could be a terrorist organization hiding nearby. Twilight went over to Gordon and hugged him.

"I'm sorry Gordon. This is a disaster. I was just hoping you would help us fix a national sanitation and enterprising crisis, not getting hurt by our criminals and become a potential victim of our supervillains. I feel personally responsible for putting you in harm's way."

"I don't blame you Twilight, I'm quite used to it. I've had guns pointed at my face a few times in my life, the human encouraged. "I'm not a hero, or a warrior, or even a sorcerer, but I'm happy to help however little I can."

"Thank you, Gordon. I appreciate that. Still, as Princess, I will try harder than ever to make sure no harm comes to you while you live here."

Gordon looked back at Ayers and Clementine, the former of which was slumped back into his booth seat trying as hard as he could to process the last few minutes. He looked like he had his heart ripped out of his chest and Gordon could tell that it was all downhill for the colt if he didn't do anything.

"Now that the immediate threat to our safety has been dealt with, I think I can finish this week on a more pleasant note," Gordon stated to everyone. "That is if all of you are up for it. We need to draw a line in the sand, forgive, and move forward. Especially if there's a chance your parents are completely innocent. Regardless of what happens, the most important thing is family and you need that stable foundation Ayers. Now that we are free though, you have to take the reigns now. You're a man--er, stallion. It must be you that takes back control of your life and your business. Don't let your father's mistakes ruin your life."

Twilight giggled a little at Gordon's gaffe but said nothing.

"He's right Ayers. I know things may seem a little less than ideal right now, but we need to focus on something positive while we wait for the news. Getting your restaurant back on track is a good way to do that. I may not always have time to visit here, but this will always be one of my favorite places to eat in Ponyville," Twilight said.

Ayers smiled slightly as his tears began to subside somewhat.

"I'll try your Maj--Twilight. I promise I'll try."

"That's all we are asking for."

Clementine hugged and supported her colt friend, encouraging him to move on.

"There's no question in my mind that this day should have happened a long time ago, Clementine verbalized with certainty. "Nowhere to go but up from here."

Now that the duo had gotten the confession, there was nothing else Twilight and Gordon could do but wait. Twilight had the rest of the girls gather some ponies they could trust and discreetly search the town for any suspicious-looking characters. So Gordon did the job he was tasked to do and pulled Ayers into the kitchen to teach him the correct way how to cook. He gathered their staff and everyone piled into the kitchen, mesmerized with the way Gordon zipped around the kitchen and pulled seemingly random ingredients off the shelves. Sometimes he would smell them and shake his head, and other times he would nod pleasingly and place them down onto the counter. He grabbed a bowl, a decently sharp knife out of his coat, and went to work.

"So, we'll go through and train, ok? So we all know how to cook a proper veggie burger. Even though I don't specialize in that subgenre, I am familiar with successful recipes." Gordon explained. "We'll do some good black bean burgers which will be your new classic for the town. I'll make a real burger from Earth for you later Miss Sparkle."

"Oh, I'll try but I can't promise I won't lose my lunch," Twilight giggled sheepishly.

Ayers in particular was completely enthralled in the human's process and was taking more mental notes than Twilight was. It was cathartic to watch someone competent in his field doing what he loves after the intense stress the day was throwing at them.

"First off, we are celebrating the mushrooms here," Gordon said showing the bowl of mushrooms he had gathered together from around the kitchen. "These were going to waste and you had a lot of them, so we are going to use them properly. "Oyster, Some big Portabello, Shiitake, Maitake, Beech, Button, and Cremini. It was like that on Earth, but I would assume Farmer's markets here have a good selection of mushrooms for you to pick from. You can mix and match any combination you want.

Twilight was confused for a moment when he dipped the blade into some water but watched as Gordon continued. He grabbed the Portobello and button mushrooms, a big red onion nearby, and rapid-fire chopped them until they were fine. The mixture was turning into a coarse pate consistency which suited his needs perfectly. Since using a food processor was out of the question, he would have to be thorough. Grabbing the salt, pepper, and ground coriander, he seasoned them to perfection.

"Then we put all of that mixture into a bowl with some black beans, and beat it thoroughly," he continued. "The black beans have a rich flavor and will be a good binder for the burger alongside the next ingredient."

Grabbing the bowl, with the back end of his knife, he pushed the mixture off of the cutting board and began vigorously beating in the black beans. He then grabbed a loaf of rye bread in a nearby basket and soaked it in water before dicing it and beating it into the mixture. The process was long and arduous, working his arms until they were sore but he managed.

"Last but not least, a good three ounces of bread. which is the second binding agent."

He mixed everything and then put the globby mix onto a baking sheet before forming out a good dozen burgers.

"I feel like I'm learning a lot watching Chef Ramsay. It's amazing what he does." Ayers beamed.

Gordon placed all of the burgers onto the hot grill, listening to them sizzle and sputter. The fire underneath was nice and hot, but not too hot to burn the outside. He demonstrated the pate's specific colors, which determined if the burger was rare, medium, or well-done. Hammering it into their memories so they would not forget it any time soon.

"First off, a little season of salt, then a light brush of oil, sear it for fifteen minutes, and then assemble it," Gordon instructed.

Grabbing a nice head of Row Mane lettuce, the rest of the red onions, a couple of dill pickle chips, big, juicy tomatoes, and a slice of nice asiago cheese with a thousand island sauce, he assembled twelve burgers and stuck toothpicks with cherry tomatoes through their toasted buns to keep them from falling apart.

"And there we are, delicate little black bean burgers."

"Mmmm!" Twilight sounded.

"Tasty, juicy, scrumptious, warm, steamy flavor," Gordon said.


"All combined with fluffy toasted brioche buns and lightly glazed with olive oil."

Twilight felt something snap in her as her wings went 'POMF'.

"YES! YES!! YES!!!! COME TO MAMA!" she shrieked as she leaped at Gordon to get her precious burgers.

"HOLY SHIT!" the man swore as he side-stepped with the tray.

Twilight missed her mark and comedically smashed face-first into the oven.

"Calm the fuck down would you please Twilight? I'll make you a big batch later. Are you alright?"


After a draining few days, Gordon has Twilight gather some construction crews at the behest of the Mayor. If the next day is going to improve Burger Princess Shack's reputation, they need a fresh public face for the restaurant. Applejack and Rainbow Dash return from their duties to help with the renovations and reworking of the restaurant. An hour after dusk, the last train bound for Ponyville arrives at the station and an unusual group pours out, heading straight for the reconstruction site. Twilight is the first to spot them as she waves them over and they come closer. When Gordon sees them step out into the light, they appear to be more royal guards, but he hadn't seen an unusual batch before. Dark fur and manes with slitted irises, pointy ears, and batlike wings. Blue and Silver armor adorned their bodies, giving Gordon a clue as to who they worked for. The guards bowed to Twilight who greeted them graciously.

"We have arrived your majesty," one said. "We were told to help thou and the human known as Gordon Ramsay."

Gordon stepped forward and shook the main guard's hoof firmly. The guard smiled lightly and returned the gesture gladly.

"Our lady wished us to assist you with anything you may need tonight," another said. "She wished for her "potential prospect" to receive all the special treatment and assistance he may require."

"Potential prospect?" Gordon and Twilight asked in unison.

"We shall say no more! Make haste squad and get to work!" the commander bat pony barked.

They all scattered as each of them hammered in nails, hauled lumber, painted the walls, and did other odd jobs. Twilight and Gordon felt confused like there was something obvious they were missing from the odd conversation that had just occurred.

"Oh well, it's probably just the Princess being weird again."

"Weird doesn't even cover, you ponies," Gordon quipped.

Twilight smacked him on the back of the leg good-naturedly before going back to work themselves.

The next morning, after a sleepless night of working, everyone meets back at the restaurant which seemingly hasn't changed all that much from the outside, except for a fresh coat of paint and a newly restored sign.

"Let's be honest," Twilight announced. "Yesterday, we clearly took a turn for the good."

"Absolutely," Gordon echoed. "Today is about saying goodbye to the past and opening a new chapter for your restaurant."

Once everyone stepped through the new glass double doors, Ayers and Clementine gasped in delight as they came into several pleasantly new sights. Gone were their old single-color walls, now replaced with chalkboards on one side, and a colorful mural depicting the many local foods Ponyville had to offer, many of which were Pinkie Pie's contributions.

No more depressing colors, now we have pop art. Hip, trendy, and eye-catching," Gordon explained. "Thanks to Miss Pie and Miss Rainbow from what I understand?"

"Aw thanks, Gordy!" the pink mare replied. "I have to be able to paint if I want to decorate cakes. Oooh! I wonder if I can make an edible painting? I gotta get right on that!"

"I didn't know you painted Rainbow?" Twilight asked.

"Cloud sculpting isn't too much different from moving paint around. It's kinda fun actually. I feel all high and airy," Rainbow breathed dreamily.

"Don't get high around me or my sister at least," Applejack joked.

"And now instead of the booths, we have something a bit easier for ponies to access," Twilight displayed. "Glossed aluminum benches powder coated.

Long benches sat at the main tables, giving more capacity to the restaurant and adding a chic, rustic feel.

"This is incredible!" Clementine mused.

"It's beautiful..." Ayers cried happily.

"The chalkboards over here are something we have in many diners, delis, and bistros back on earth. Old fashioned, but a fun interactive way to leave messages and allow the customers to put up their thoughts." Gordon explained.

Everypony noticed that the new tables were included with aluminum cups filled with thick sticks of chalk which the customers could use on the board if they wanted to.

"The atmosphere before was depressing and boring. Now everything is modernized to reflect this expanding town. Do you feel like you can bring your mare friends now Iris?"

The server pony nodded vigorously with a happy smile across her face.

"Absolutely," Iris replied. "This is a place I can feel proud to work at again."

Ayers and Clementine shed tears of joy and gladness as they hugged each other and thanked Twilight, Gordon, and the others a thousand times over.

"This place is incredible. I never would have imagined it looking like this. I used to hate this restaurant. Now it's so awesome!"

Gordon and Twilight quickly went into the kitchen and brought out ten trays filled with various new food items to add to the new menu to replace the odd Aboriginal food that Red had on the menu. Pinkie humorously placed a cover over Twilight's face to keep her from going crazy.

"Hey, I can control myself! What am I, an ostrich?"

"Probably for the best, because these will be on your new menu!"

He went down an assortment of hay fries, garlic, sweet hay fries, and salsa verde fries.

"Next up we have a Hard Cider Battered Onion Rings, with all thanks to the Apple Family for allowing us access to their reserves," Gordon displayed.

"Thank you kindly, Gordon. I'm glad our product was used in something darn good looking to eat," Applejack said with pride.

Then, he went through all of the different variations of the initial black bean burger he had come up with. Twilight helped him with the inspiration, based on various dishes and regions that were similar to the ones back on Earth. It certainly helped smooth things over in the transition.

"Most of all though, you have an opportunity to redeem yourselves tonight," Twilight explained. "Because we have personally invited the Neighers back, along with several journalists from nearby cities, including Canterlot to help you repair your reputation. We also have a personal announcement from Rarity here."

The alabaster unicorn stepped forward and brushed her bangs outwards dramatically for effect and daintily cleared her throat.

"I hope you appreciate the lengths I went to do this, it's not easy being me and schmoozing with the elite to come to Ponyville," she boasted.

Rainbow and AJ rolled their eyes at her, but glad she was soaking up the attention the way she was.

"I managed to convince my old friend Fancy Pants to take a trip down here to "explore and experience the rustic charm of our humble town." I love Ponyville and everyone here, but admittedly, even a Canterlot pony like Fancy Pants will be hard to please. So please, work hard everypony. Your success will in turn be mine as more clients flock to Ponyville."

"I guess not all of us can be completely altruistic," Rainbow snickered. "I bet you're just trying to get him away from Fleur long enough to steal him!"

Rainbow laughed until her gut hurt while Rarity's face turned as red as a tomato, going right through her fur and started chasing the pegasus around the room, cursing and throwing pelting her with pieces of food.

Everyone gasped in delight, hoping to make a good impression with the night to come. Gordon though had to remain calm and neutral and remind them what was at stake.

"There's no rehearsal here, this is your night Ayers. Get real, and get a grip," he warned firmly.

"Absolutely Chef, thank you."

Later that evening, ponies from all over the area had gathered into the restaurant, including the resident king of charm in Canterlot, Fancy Pants. After Rarity had calmed down enough, she took the time to meet him and his supermodel mare friend, Fleur De Lis. The server ponies, including Iris, were smiling, happy with their jobs for the first time in years. Finally glad that there was somepony competent leading them at the helm of the business. They all took orders at light speed and as soon as their VIP guests Fancy and Fleur arrived, all five mares prepared a separate table for them, filled with every amenity. A small vase filled with local fragrant wildflowers, ornate glass jars for condiments, instead of the bottles, tall glasses of champagne still bubbling and ready to accommodate them.

"It seems we are the special guests of the evening, my dear," Fancy Pants observed as many of the ponies greeted them respectfully. "I do hope we can see that delightfully different human chef again. A nice chap if I do say so myself."

Some stallions even took the time to kiss Fleur's hoof, gentle colt-like. She received their gestures politely and even winked in return, making them blush and begin to stutter and ramble to themselves nervously

"Everypony here is charming at least." Fleur giggled. "Your town and its people are quite welcoming Rarity, thank you for inviting us to this dinner event. We were craving something a bit different from our usual sustenance."

"Thank you, Fleur. It has its issues from time to time, but I love Ponyville, and I love seeing it grow and progress every day. It's my home after all." Rarity said happily. "I certainly hope Gordon and Twilight's efforts with this place were not unfruitful."

"We both hope to share in that sentiment, my friend. Just from what we saw coming up the main street, it seems this charming town has progressed rather rapidly. Princess Twilight has certainly done an excellent job here."

"It's a team effort," Rarity agreed.

"The fresh smells, the feeling of fresh grass beneath our hooves and little breezes were quite a refreshing change of pace," Fleur added. "The countryside certainly has its beauty. I am ashamed to have not seen it sooner. Perhaps we shall stay the night at the Castle if the Princess will have us."

"I'm sure I can butter her up enough to come to some kind of arrangement," she tittered playfully.

Rarity led them to their well-prepared table, which they were thoroughly impressed by. The dedication of the mare who waited on them humbled them and allowed them to relax even further.

"What do you recommend? I'm afraid we are quite unfamiliar with the hay burger crowd as it were."

"Perhaps try our new black bean burger with a freshly blended mix of gouda and asiago cheese, with fresh emerald cabbage, Early Bird giant tomato slices, house-made pickles, jammed onions, buttered and toasted brioche buns and served with a side of our best hoof cut parmesan hay fries." the server suggested.

Fleur's stomach growled at the description as she felt herself licking her lips hungrily. Fancy Pants laughed heartily at his wife's enthusiasm before taking a sip of the champagne they were served.

"I think we will take that thank you. A good starting point to test out the waters."

The servers bowed respectfully and left to give the order to the kitchen while Fleur and Fancy Pants basked in the atmosphere and ambiance of the restaurant.

Princess Luna's bat guards discreetly arrived in the back door, secretly keeping watch over the others as security. She was busy prying the dream realm for any traces of malicious activity tonight. They did not understand their lady's obsession for the human, but questioning her was the last thing on their minds.

Meanwhile, Gordon was overseeing the dinner service while his dutiful "student" Twilight was busy taking notes down in one of her thousands of journals. The influential journalists were piling into the restaurant faster than ever and their orders were being taken quickly. Soon, the entire serving line was wall to wall with orders and the cooks were working at blinding speeds to get them out on time. Gordon would get their attention or shout warnings to keep them on their toes.

"You're always aggressive with every chef like that?" Twilight asked nervously.

"Only with those who already should thoroughly know what they are doing. I've gotten a lot of criticism from people for my "attitude" unfortunately, but I've worked under chefs in my early years that busted my balls every day. In the workforce, you can't expect people to coddle you. Especially when you work with food. A million things can go wrong. Burning food, raw food, food allergies, moldy or stale product, accidents in the kitchen, countless diseases that are still in the food because you didn't cook it long enough, a chef taking far too long to cook something. That's only a few off the top of my head alone. Cooking is an uncaring art, science, and way of life. Get one thing wrong in the process and everything you do goes to shit."

"I suppose I can relate," Twilight pondered. "Ruling a country, in the same way, has millions of taxing risks and problems all the time. I suppose I understand why Celestia never coddled me either when I made mistakes."

The food left the kitchen at a steady pace, and so far the early reviews have been nothing but promising. Ayers had the kitchen running smoothly well into the late evening when the sun was starting to sink in the Western sky. Unfortunately, the last words his father told him before being hauled off left an impact on him. It was starting to impair his concentration. After all, how can you focus on something when you are essentially told that your own parents were likely involved in a plot to overthrow Equestria? That, unfortunately, drove his attention away from the burgers and the unsupervised food began making its way out to influential journalists.

He had wandered into the back corridor when Gordon entered the kitchen, just in time for the next orders to come up.

"Two Las Pegasus Naturals for Table 31," the chefs called out.

"Where's Daniel? He should really be here right now."

Outside, two journalists were already having issues with their food. Iris quickly trotted over when she saw that there was clearly a problem.

"Miss, we ordered our hay burgers to be medium-rare, these are too rare."

"I'll get those fixed up for you lovely folks," Iris sighed.

Iris rushed back into the kitchen and found Gordon there talking to the other chefs, hoping to get the human's help in dealing with their growing problem. Ayers dashed back in to find Gordon glaring at him in a disapproving manner.

"I'm sorry Chef Ramsay, I thought I should show you this," Iris interjected.

"What do you have there?"

Iris lifted up the bun with her magic to show Gordon the poor quality that had quickly come out of the kitchen, just after a couple of hours of doing so well. The pate was dripping wet and hardly cooked at all. It was scorched on the outside in fact, leaving it to look like a piece of wet garbage.

"Oh, come on guys. Look what you are doing to us! ITS RAW!!!!!! FUCK!!!!! SLOW DOWN AND KEEP YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME AYERS!"

"With my daily reports to the other princesses, I always check them dozens of times to keep control of their quality and clarity. I would imagine the same should apply to quality control of food." Twilight scolded. "You need to be in here Ayers."

"Your father may have been so dead set in his ways and contributed nothing but causing mayhem. But you are at the helm now. Everything goes through you. You are strong Ayers. I can see that what your Dad said is bothering you. But you can rise above it. All of that now is irrelevant!"

His balding head hung down shamefully before looking back up and nodding understandingly.

"Alright. I'm sorry..."

"It was really nice to know that both the Princess and Chef Ramsay believed in me. It woke up something I haven't felt in a long time. I hope this feeling sticks around because it's a good feeling." Ayers said. "He's right though. I have to take the reigns, That's the only way that this is going to work."

Ayers soon gained back control of the kitchen, orders are quickly making their way to the hungry customers. Including the VIP guests, Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis. They had already drank three glasses of champagne, just enjoying each other's company and meeting many new ponies that had passed by their table to greet tham.

The unicorns in question were enraptured by the dish they never had to pleasure to sink their teeth into. It was quite an alluring experience. They were impressed by the smell, combination of colors, and gloss on the bun and patty. Even their sides, the well-done hay fries had a wonderful golden brown color and a wonderful scent of peanut oil, and salt which Fleur herself secretly loved her salads drizzled in back home.

"I do say, these gourmet hay burgers are quite the artistic little sandwiches. Delightful portions as well. Why won't we take a bite and go on a new oral adventure dear?"

Rainbow could barely contain her laughter nearby at that comment.

"I agree. We mustn't disappoint the Princess by opposing. The smell is making my mouth just water, if you'll pardon me for saying so." the tall white unicorn agreed.

They grasped their burgers in their magical grip and gingerly bit down, taking a small piece of all bun, patty, and veggies. Suddenly, their eyes grew three sizes as their minds were transported to a higher plane of consciousness.

Floating through a cosmos of hay burgers and nebulas made of ketchup and mustard. Shooting burger stars and Ringed burger gas giants went by in an instant as they found themselves turning into burgers, floating back down to earth on a rainbow for miles upon miles until they entered their own mouths and basked in the ethereal flavors which had changed their lives forever.

They looked at each other, realizing where they were, and looked down at the food they were holding in front of their faces. Both began to tear up and then sob into each other's arms weeping with joy.

"ALL THE WASTED YEARS!" they cried in unison. "We must have more! We must have more! WE MUST HAVE MORE!!!"

The couple quickly wolfed down their burgers and lost their composures quickly, cackling madly for their newly discovered obsession. They barrelled their way through confused waitresses and into the kitchen where their feral instincts for their new favorite food were getting the better of their better judgment. Fancy and Fleur hounded at Gordon and Ayers for more burgers after they had eaten all of the prepared ones in the kitchen. The bat pony guards saw this as a threat and jumped into action.

"Have at thee you curs!" they bellowed as they leaped through the doors and into the kitchen.

A fight ensued, kicking up a comedic dustcloud of chaos which a fearful Ayers, a cursing Gordon and a flustered Twilight were unfortunate enough to get caught up in. Rainbow heard the commotion and jumped right in just for the heck of it, hoping to get in some action for the evening. Pinkie came in and cannonballed into the cloud with a 'whee!' and disappeared. Applejack, unable to stay away from a good brawl 'yeehawed' and charged in without thinking. Rarity and Fluttershy thankfully managed to stay far away from the hostilities as they looked on from a distance with mild concern. Cantrip spells, punches, kicks, bites, headbutts, and chest bumps to anything, and anyone made it an all-out battle royale to the finish.

The back door opened up and five robed ponies in hoods marched in the front doors, wearing amulets in the shape of centaurs. They kept trying to get the attention of the main crowd but were unable to over the constant noise.


They, unfortunately, got their wish as the cloud of chaos came their way and before they knew it, they were sailing across the horizon and disappeared into the distance.

After Twilight managed to calm everypony down and separate the brawl, the last orders were given to the ponies left and everyone either went home or to their lodgings. Fleur and Fancy apologized a thousand times to Twilight before they were confident enough to re-accept the offer to stay for the night at Twilight's Castle. The bat ponies stayed behind as penance and helped the gang clean up the mess their little brawl had made in the restaurant. Everypony gathered together in the main dining room for one last time, as Gordon and Twilight addressed them all.

"Despite...that little hiccup," Gordon grumbled, much to Twilight's amusement. "I hope your friends are feeling better now Miss Rarity, because that was quite the reaction to our food."

"Oh, I'm sure they'll work it out. Just give them a bit of time to themselves," the alabaster unicorn assured.

"Reminds me of the first time Rainbow tried my family's Zapp Apple Cider." AJ remarked slyly.

Rainbow felt herself huffing.

"Hey! I wasn't that bad!"

"Tonight was a step forward in the right direction. Let me tell you that. And Burger Princess Shack is back on its feet finally. This restaurant can work, but we cannot afford to go back to our old habits. The minute we do, we're screwed. Ayers has proven to me and Twilight that he has the capabilities of running this restaurant. He needs to be allowed to do that."

Everypony nodded and Clementine hugged and kissed Ayers right on the lips passionately. Ayers returned the gesture lovingly and nuzzled her.

Twilight was confused though when Gordon beckoned for Ayers to come to talk with them privately. All three of them went outside into the cool nighttime air of Ponyville, taking in the glowing full moon and the gentle street lamps of Ponyville's 2nd Street. She noticed Gordon now had a sad, solemn look on his face that she had not seen on her bipedal friend before. He was hurting inside from something. Very deeply.

"A few words of advice kid," Gordon said forcefully. "I hated my father. We had a very bad argument, and we never really recovered from it. I saw him occasionally off and on over the years, but I never forgave him for what he said to me. I held on to those bitter feelings and he in return did the same."

The purple alicorn's heart was welling up, feeling sorry for Gordon. It made her realize just how lucky she was to have a family that loved her and she loved in return. They had problems sure, but they never got in the way of the love for each other. Humans must hold grudges a lot easier than ponies did.

"My father died at 53. I didn't get the chance to fix things properly with him before he passed away. I regret that to this very day."

Ayers looked down blankly, staring at the grass and pawing at it thoughtfully. Wrapped up in his own little world.

"I'm so sorry Gordon...I didn't know."

She began to cry herself and buried her face into Gordon's white jacket, wrapping her hooves around his torso. The human didn't know what to do at first but quietly returned the hug before setting her back down.

"It's...fine Twilight. I eventually came to accept it."

He turned his attention back to Ayers.

"But that doesn't mean you have to." he finalized. "Ayers. I honestly don't think your parents are guilty of anything, but I could be wrong. You have to be ready for them to come back. Rest assured, I'm sure those crazy alicorns have concocted some kind of punishment for them already. You may never forget what your parents did to you, but you have to be the one to forgive them. That is the only way you can take back the power they stole from you. Be the bigger colt. You have to forgive them, and you have to move on. Love and Forgiveness will always be better than hatred."

"You should never be ashamed of where you come from Ayers," Twilight agreed. "Our family connections are what make us who we are. We cannot change them, but we can come to grips with them and do the best that we can as individuals to love and respect them."

"Don't forget, but forgive," Gordon repeated. "Ok?"

"It will be hard...but I think I can do that. Thanks..." Ayers replied

"Just know, if everyone else does not. I believe in you, Ayers."

"So do I," Twilight added. "I know you can make this place a success. Bring back and expand the hangout I used to adore."

The stallion began to feel wonderful feelings and tear up, knowing someone of Chef Ramsay and Twilight Sparkle's caliber was rooting for him every step of the way. He couldn't contain his emotions and wrapped them into a big hug which they accepted gladly.

Afterward, Ayers went back into the restaurant while the girls and Gordon's production team followed the duo out into the streets of Ponyville. Everyone talked amongst themselves, recounting the events of the past couple of days. Twilight though was walking closely, side by side with her new human friend, filled with a new sense of respect and love for him. She even could begin to understand his short temper for ignorance and mistakes a lot better. It was a refreshing, new perspective she was glad to have in her life.

"These Kitchen Nightmares in Equestria are the most exhausting I have ever done. Nothing on Earth ever came close to the headaches you ponies cause."

"Thirty disorganized menus certainly give me nightmares," Twilight shivered.

"Thank you though Twilight."

"For what?"

"You've put up with my personality and...quirks in stride and have already helped me a lot. I just wanted to say thanks for that."

She only shook her head and smiled back at him.

"You're my friend Gordon. My mate, if you like that word. While I may have been a little skeptical of you at first, you proved yourself a good person really quickly to all of us. I love learning from you every day and I look forward to learning more."

Gordon smiled back at her and rubbed her haunches with his left hand as they walked along.

Meanwhile, back at the Castle, Spike walked into one of the rooms to find two Noble ponies snoring in a pile of burger buns without a care in the world.


Next Time- Interlude: Interrogations, Zebras, Humans, and Newscasts

Author's Note:

I'm back! Did you miss me? This story is back on my priorities and I'm gonna be creating chapters like crazy now, soon moving into another certain famous show of Gordon's. This finale was just a lot of fun for me to make. I hope you enjoy it.

Oh yeah guys, this was connected to something very real. The episode this arc was based on and the character Red Skillet is based on Allan Saffron, son of the very real Abe Saffron who was Australia's most notorious mobster up until 2006. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abe_Saffron

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