• Published 21st Dec 2018
  • 15,184 Views, 1,115 Comments

Kitchen Nightmares: Equestrian Misadventures - Spettro138

Everyone's favorite raging Scotsman comes to Equestria at the request of Twilight Sparkle to sort out the country's bad restaurants and bad hotels.

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Greta's Baking Company part 3

Author's Note:

I hope you guys like this one! The conflict is beginning to steam over and things are about to get violent!

My computer has been acting up and I had to do most of this on my phone, so let me know if you find anything that badly sticks outl

After arriving at Greta's Baking Company, Gordon met with Greta and Garai to get a first impression of them to see what he had to work with. It seemed that Twilight and her new companion Count Le Grand were already on edge from a prior run-in with the duo. He didn't directly see exactly what happened, but from what he was able to see upfront, it couldn't be good at all. Sitting down with Greta and Garai to get an idea of what their personalities were like was a surreal experience for him. Both seemed very similar to another failed restaurant duo he had tried to help years ago. Twilight wanted to outright arrest Greta and extradite her to Equestria to stand trial, but Gordon held off her wrath until he got more definite proof of her negligence other than hearsay. He wanted to be civil as possible and not just come out guns a-blazing.

"Okay, give me one of your menus, and I will see what I have to work with here," Gordon said. "All you have to do is just do what you do normally every day with every other customer."

Greta did as he asked, as she uncaringly left a big white menu on his table before moving off to the kitchen. The first thing that Gordon noticed about the menu is that it was horribly formatted and written. Menu items and entries were far too close together and much too small. The size of the text forced Gordon to pull out a pocket magnifying glass just to read it. Goldie Pheasant, the server of the restaurant came over and offered him some water while he waited for someone to take his order. She quickly brushed her head feathers back, in an attempt to look good for the restaurant's esteemed guest.

"Hello there. How are you my darling?" Gordon asked the hen kindly. "What's your name?"

"Goldie sir, Goldie Pheasant," she said with a little curtsy.

Gordon couldn't help but smile at the girl. He could tell that she was young and trying her absolute hardest to do her best at her job.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet a lovely young lady like yourself, Miss Pheasant," Gordon said as he kissed her claw.

The shy griffin giggled and blushed as she started to set up his table.

"Is it just normally you and Garai in the lobby here?"

"Yeah, pretty much," she replied with a shrug.

"How long have you been here exactly? Cause I hear many here, unfortunately, don't stay around very long."

"About two months roughly," she replied.

"Do you get any good tips through here?"

She seemed to look irritated as she looked around for someone or something before leaning in closer to Gordon while she was carrying the pitcher of ice water.

"I uhhh....don't get tips here Chef," she replied nervously and quietly.


"I make daily here," she replied with restrained frustration.

"D-Daily? Are you serious?" he asked surprised. "I don't know how different things are between worlds, but in America, we tend to tip our servers. And as far as the pay, it's supposed to be hourly as well."

"Yeah, it works like that in other places too. Just not...here for some reason."

"Where do the tips go then?"

"....To the owners," she said with a disappointed shrug.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, and I've tried to tell them, but you can probably guess how that goes".

Afterward, Goldie went off to help someone else, while Gordon spotted Garai wandering around the lobby, talking with other patrons there. Calling the griffon over, he decided that his first order of business would be getting an explanation.

"We spoke earlier about problems in the restaurant Mr. Garai, but lo and behold, I already come across one that is pretty major. You don't give your employees their tips?"


"Garai, you cannot take away tips from servers who earn them," Gordon scolded. "Especially not from a nice girl like Goldie."

"Then bring me some damn employees that can do their jobs properly, so I won't have to interfere." Garai retorted.

"If you saw in front, I already took three orders and sent them already to the kitchen."

Garai motioned to a table near the front door with snooty-looking griffons in formal wear.

"You're the OWNER! You aren't supposed to be doing that," Gordon replied as calmly as he could.

"I'm doing most of the jobs around here!"

Gordon rested his head in his hands with his elbows poking into the tablecloth as he rubbed his temples and gave a big tired sigh.

'I don't feel like arguing with this literal cock head right now' Gordon thought annoyedly.

"Okay, let's just order right now, shall we? I'd like to get down to brass tacks and see what I have to deal with right now."

Garai pulled out a pad and a pen and started writing down everything that Gordon was saying.

"I'll start with the pear, fig, and pork salad, and then I'll try that mountain ram burger of yours. I'll try the trout cakes at the same time. Then I'll go to that red pepper and beef ravioli. For the main meat entree, I'll go for that seasoned rack of lamb ribs."

"Excellent! We shall have it out right away. Although, the ravioli may take some time. We did not have time to prep them earlier in the morning." Garai attempted an apology.

Gordon simply looked at him with disbelief as he grabbed his menus and walked back into the kitchen, leaving the human with his thoughts and a purple alicorn who came up to the table to check in on his progress.

"So how are we doing?" Twilight asked hopefully.

"Not too good I'm afraid my darling," Gordon lamented. "The story with what is going on in this place is starting to become clearer and clearer the longer this goes on. I can only hope that the food I get isn't tainted or something."

"That bad huh?"

"And it's probably only gonna get worse."

Twilight deflated and mimicked the human's anxious actions as she sat down in the chair across from him. She began to rub the bridge of her snout with her hoof and hold her eyes closed. He could tell that she was upset or having some unresolved anxieties that were eating at her. Her eyes were beginning to get bloodshot and ragged and upon further inspection, he saw that her fur was hastily brushed and somewhat unkempt.

"Why don't you just sit right there and keep me company while I go through some of this food?" Gordon suggested. "Or better yet, join me in my process once again? You seem a little stressed out. Giving you something to do might help you with whatever is going on with you."

She looked up at him and gave a tired smile.

"I'd love to," she replied, "It might even be cathartic to scream as you do."

Gordon called Goldie back over who gave her a glass of cool ice water to sip on as they conversed with one another.

Suddenly, a loud bellowing gong rang throughout the restaurant, making Gordon and Twilight nearly jump out of their seats. Twilight was drinking her water when it went off, causing her to breathe in a bit of the water, sending her into a coughing fit. Pinkie Pie and the other girls were startled themselves, as they had various reactions ranging from mild surprise to nearly violent reactions.

"What the fuck was that?" Gordon asked no one in particular.

"I'm not....sure," Twilight replied looking around.

The same gong rang just two minutes later, forcing Gordon to attempt to get an answer out of somebody.

"Goldie! What the hell is that?" Gordon exclaimed.

"Oh, whenever we have dirty dishes, the busser is supposed to come out and grab them. Garai implemented it not too long ago." she humorously explained.

"Isn't that a little, I don't know, disruptive?" Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow. "That scared me! I nearly sucked water into my windpipe because of that."

"If people get startled by that like you just did, I would probably say so," Gordon added. "Why wouldn't you just walk around to the kitchen to wash them?"

When Goldie started to look embarrassed, Gordon shared a little laugh with her.

"Nothing to feel ashamed about my darling. But I will admit that this is the first time in my career that I have seen a gong used to pick up plates," he chuckled. "Cause that is pretty funny".

A few minutes later, Gordon saw Goldie walking up to Garai at the counter and tell him what the orders were. Every time she walked back and forth between customers, it seemed to waste valuable time. Instead of writing down the orders herself, she was forced to go to someone else to input the orders.

"Table G2 wants three foie gras salads"

"Ah, yes. Those are very popular lately,"

Twilight was following what Gordon was looking at as she tried to understand more of what he was looking at.

"Doesn't that take up time?" she asked. "I may not know that much about restaurants, but if I'm doing an important experiment in my castle, I don't want to have to walk all the way back downstairs to where Spike is and have him write observations down."

"Slightly different, but a good example nonetheless," Gordon replied. "Yes Twilight, that definitely wastes time. When you have a big rush of people, and orders constantly coming in, you don't want to rely on another person who could be too busy just to take down order."

Calling the Neighgyptian Griffon over, Gordon decided to look into why the restaurant used this poor method of taking orders.

"Garai, does Goldie fill out your P.O.A forms?" Gordon inquired.

"No, she doesn't know how to do it. Nobody does, I'm the only one who does it," he replied.

The statement only served to make Gordon laugh at the griffon's stupidity.

"Wouldn't it be better if she actually knew how to fill them out so you can take orders much faster?"

"She will be taught when the time comes that she is ready."

"And while you are waiting for her to be "ready", things slow to a crawl," Twilight muttered.

To prove his point, Gordon called Goldie back over who looked flushed at being put on the spot.

"Miss Pheasant, have you ever used a P.O.A. system before?"

"Oh yes, every restaurant that I've worked at," she meekly replied.

"That sounds about right, and how many jobs exactly have you had before coming to work at Greta's?" he asked.

"Five Chef, All of them in the restaurant business. I came back to Griffonstone for my sixth job to be closer to family."

"Five! She doesn't need training of any kind."

Garai simply scoffed and brushed him off, storming back into the kitchen while Gordon just sat there aghast.

"That would be strike one for him," Gordon whispered over to Twilight who snickered back at him.

"Honestly, I'd prefer if they stayed just inept and stubborn as opposed to screaming and violent," she replied while rolling her eyes.

Gordon continued waiting for his food which was taking well over an hour to come out of the kitchen. Looking around, he didn't see that many patrons in the restaurant to cause them to slow down that much.

"Is your order even getting made?" Twilight asked with disbelief. "The castle kitchen staff don't take this long on their biggest Octuple tiered chocolate cakes."

"Octuple tiered chocolate cakes?"

"The Princess...has a...weird...somewhat disturbing problem-- anyway," she continued. " Why isn't your food out yet?"

"That I intend to find out in due time my darling," he assured. "I'm really hating how familiar all of this is starting to get."

"I read up on some of your past exploits and I heard something about your only failure in a restaurant located in Arizona?"

"Yeah, I prefer not to remember that. It was a very unpleasant experience. Why do you ask?"

"No reason right now anyway. I'm doing studies on different realities and the similarities between two or more of them."

"Actually that sounds interesting," Gordon said with a thoughtful look. "Right now though, I'm very hungry and the only exploit I want to have is filling my stomach."

Finally, as if on cue, his food came out of the kitchen after an hour and a half of waiting. Twilight began to feel sick when she saw the giant mass of meat slabbed right onto the big plate coming out. Gordon noticed how much it distressed her, despite how controlled Twilight's emotions were.

"Is that?

"You can step away for the moment Twilight. I'll call you back over when I'm done with this. Or if I need to toss it out."

"Are you sure? Do you need any help--urp" she forced out.

"No, you just step outside for a moment to see how things are going. This probably won't take long," he chuckled.

Twilight nodded and stepped away while Goldie came out with his food. Garai was close behind as he came out to see how the Chef would respond to their food. Each plate was set down upon the table as the Griffon went through a short description of each dish.

"A rack of lamb encrusted with macadamia nuts, fresh herbs, and a little bit of Griffon mustard," Garai stated. "It is served with a mountain berry vinegar reduction."

Picking up his utensils, Gordon began to saw into the lamb and his expression darkened when he saw how pink the meat was.

"That is just so undercooked." he lamented. "It is definitely not a good sign when you see that much white fat. Especially when it's on the side of the rack like that."

"Is it to your liking?"

"It's raw in the center and whatever that reduction is, the sweetness just overpowers everything else. It's like it's smothered in sugar or something."

"I don't know what happened," Garai insisted. "It is usually well made and people usually love it!"

"Well, I'm telling you that I got it raw, dangerously raw in fact. Just touch that."

Garai inspected the meat and grumbled when he saw how badly it was cooked.

"I'll take that back..." he muttered angrily.

"Yeah, you do that. And I have a feeling that's gonna be happening a lot in the next few hours!"

Goldie picked it up for Garai as she sneaked into the kitchen as best as she could and laid the ruined lamb rack right by the trash can. Unfortunately, Greta quickly caught this as her rage began to quickly bubble back up to the surface for all to see.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Greta asked.

"Nothing happened my darling!"


"I feel like Garai literally and figuratively sugarcoats everything that goes on in the restaurant," Goldie says to her interviewer. "So Greta gets a lot of false feeling about how she does absolutely nothing wrong and everything that she does is absolutely perfect."


"Don't worry my darling don't worry." Garai encouraged. "Everything is okay."

"I'm not worried. I just have a feeling this upstart human is going to say something bad," she replied.


"I know my hen friend quite well, I assure you. She doesn't take criticism very well. If someone tells her something that she doesn't like, it goes very badly for the other person."


"I will tell you all about it afterward, I promise. Just do what you do normally."

"What I'm gonna do is start tearing their throats out if I don't get some good reviews. I'll fuck him and that pretty alicorn up." Greta growled.

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