• Published 21st Dec 2018
  • 15,184 Views, 1,115 Comments

Kitchen Nightmares: Equestrian Misadventures - Spettro138

Everyone's favorite raging Scotsman comes to Equestria at the request of Twilight Sparkle to sort out the country's bad restaurants and bad hotels.

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Burger Princess Shack part 2

Its the most intense Kitchen Nightmares of the year. Chef Ramsay is tasked with heading to a Ponyville Burger joint. Little does he know that he will find a family of unicorns at war. The Clawstralian immigrant Red Skillet and his son have lost the bond they once had. Red Skillet and his wife's relationship is tested every day, and Tulip can no longer communicate with her son. There are so many leaks in this family business, that it might be impossible to stay afloat. Stay tuned to find out how Gordon will deal with this severely dysfunctional family.

On the east side of town, Gordon was following Spike through the open green streets of Ponyville, towards Carousel Boutique. The human's presence was still something of an oddity in Ponyville as some of the ponies couldn't help themselves but gawk in fascination at the blonde Scotsman. He didn't mind though, as most of the ponies he had come across in Ponyville were friendly and welcoming as can be. He ran into Applejack and Rarity's sisters Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom digging holes in the middle of the street. Apparently, they hoped that they would find buried treasure under the town. Goldie followed alongside to be introduced with her new place of employment. The idea of working with not only an Element of Harmony, but also one of Equestria's premiere fashion designers excited her greatly.

A few minutes later, the group arrived at Carousel Boutique. It was a large three story building colored in various shades of lavender, white, pink, and yellow. The doors were a deep violet with large glazed windows placed in the center. The primary windows of the ground floor were tall and circular, giving them a vaguely gothic style. A construction crew was busy setting up two separate new sections to the Boutique on either side of the building. The sounds of jack hammers and saws echoed through the area, almost blotting out the sounds of their own voices.

"Is this Carousel Boutique?" Gordon asked Spike.

"I hope it still is," he replied unsure. "Where did all of these guys come from?

"Perhaps we should inquire within?" Goldie suggested.

Making their way through stacks of lumber, irritable worker ponies, and tools laying about all over, the three went inside. All they found however was more of a mess as the door opened too rolls of fabric, boxes of needles and pins, mirrors, sequins, collars, and all sorts of various tools and objects thrown all over the inside of the room. What Gordon was able to make out through the mess is the inside of the boutique was stylized in a vaguely classical French style with golden Fleur De Lis emblazoned upon many of Rarity's crimson red tapestries and curtains. Much of the white walls were inlaid with gold leaf and swirling patterns of the sort. Unfortunately, all of this was overshadowed by the abysmal mess in Rarity's home.

"Shit, does she ever do any cleaning or organizing?" Gordon asked. "It looks like my living room after I let my daughter fool around with the laundry bin."

"Rarity likes to call it organized chaos. She can't find things if they are organized," Spike stated.

"Oh I can Spikey, I just like having my things in certain spots, but maybe I should pick up a little bit," the unicorn in question said.

Rarity strode into the main room of the Boutique wearing small purple glasses and a roll of measuring tape.

"Miss Rarity! How are you this fine morning?" Goldie politely asked with a small bow.

"Quite good! I have had a few ideas bouncing around in my brain for days that I must attend to and a few curiosities that I must sate," she stated.

"What are you?--" Gordon tried to ask as Rarity approached Gordon with a look of mischief and determination.

She dashed up to Gordon who tried to protest her advances but was silenced when she wrapped the human every which way in measuring tape.


"Oh quit being a big baby, you are my first celebrity client from Earth, I must make a good impression," Rarity sassed.

Gordon yelled incoherently and made an uncomfortable noise when she tied her tape too closely to a sensitive spot on his lower body.

"Rarity who were all of those ponies out there?" Spike asked.

"For dear Goldie of course," she replied. "And for myself I have to admit."

"For me?" Goldie reiterated. "Really?"

"Why yes darling, you must have a suitable room and living area here in Ponyville. You are now my top assistant and my first model, I won't have anything but the best for my new friend. Also, since business is booming more than ever, there is need for me to expand the floor. I'm just killing two birds with one stone, so to speak."

Goldie yanked Rarity away from Gordon and lifted her into the air, hugging her tightly. The sudden action surprised Rarity's vital organs. The bad kind of surprised.

"Oh, thank you so much! You are so wonderful miss Rarity!"

"You...are quite welcome. I am always happy to help. Now...if you don't mind, can you....please....put me...down?" Rarity gasped out. "I am having a hard time...breathing."

"Oh, yes! Yes! Of course! My apologies."

Goldie gently placed Rarity safely back on to the floor and coughed politely as she blushed in embarrassment.

Rarity composed herself and made a short little giggle.

"I'm glad you are grateful anyway Goldie," Rarity said. "This is taking a bit out of my pocket book."

"Oh, I'm sure," Gordon rebutted with an eye roll.

The pitter patter of a small set of hooves came down a nearby stairwell. Gordon wondered if it was a dog Rarity might have owned.

"Rarity, have you seen my shovel? Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and I are digging for jewels this afternoon," a sweet little voice asked the white unicorn.

"Oh Sweetie, must you always pick the most filthy of activities in the middle of the week? Cleaning your coat takes two hours and I have a lot of work to do today!"

"I promise I'll use more shampoo to--night,"

Gordon watched as a tiny unicorn filly with lavender and pink hair and a white mane step around the corner and take in the view of her new house guests. The filly's eyes widened and her pupils shrunk in surprise as they darted from person to person, trying to process everyone's presence.

"Rarity? Is there a human in our house? Or am I still feeling the effects of that funny looking drink Miss Berry gave to me?" the filly asked.

"Yes, Sweetie Belle, he is real. This is Chef Gordon Ramsay, and this is the newest member of our household. Goldie Pheasant. She just came down from Griffonstone. She shall be working as my assistant from now on."

Sweetie Belle walked right up to Gordon with a raised eye and touched his leg with her hoof, half expecting him to be an illusion.

"So you're a real human?" the filly asked puzzled. "Not some dream?"

"You never can tell can you?" Gordon replied with a hint of snark. "Nice to meet you regardless Sweetie."

Gordon grabbed Sweetie's hoof and gently shook it. She was apprehensive for a moment but then reciprocated the gesture.

"Nice to meet you too Chef. Do you think you can teach me a few pointers? My Mom is coming over next week and I'd like to cook for---

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Rarity shrieked. "Do you have any idea how long it took to clean the kitchen last time?"

She grabbed Sweetie Belle with her and shoved her out the door, despite her loud protests, encouraging her to find her friends. The action startled Gordon and Goldie, leaving them with a large variety of unanswered questions.

"Something I'm missing Rarity?" Gordon asked concerned.

"That seemed...a little harsh perhaps?" Goldie offered.

"Eh, she's like that with everyone sometimes," Spike added.

Coughing into her hoof, Rarity opened a nearby drawer and pulled out a roll of black cloth, beginning her next creation. She talked as she was working to try to defuse the oddly tense atmosphere.

"My apologies Gordon. I love my sister. She has the most beautiful voice and an imagination that rivals my own, but her cooking is absolutely appalling. Or you might say her ability to ruin food is absolutely extraordinary. Her idea of toast was a black glass of burnt mush."

"I'm sure it isn't that bad, but if you want, I could spare a little time to assist her with a short beginning cooking course after my next Nightmare. Twilight is busy scouting the place downtown."

"I would hate to take up your time Gordon, you are quite busy after all."

"Ah dont worry about it. I love working with kids. She seems like an adorable young lady," Gordon said with a smile.

"She is at that," Rarity giggled. "I only wish she and her friends would stay out of trouble."

Just then, five flowerpots fell from off of the roof, followed by a cheer from three fillies.

"Oh dear."

Gordon and Goldie spent an hour talking with Rarity about a variety of things. Spike just lurked around the room rummaging through Rarity's belongings whenever he thought nobody was looking. Gordon could already tell that the young drake had a rather unhealthy obsession for the mare. He thought about discussing the sensitive topic with Spike later when they weren't in the presence of other women. When Gordon asked about their parents, Rarity had explained that their parents were cruise liner agents and were almost always away from home.

After two hours of friendly conversation had passed, until they finally had to go. Rarity gave Gordon his gift which he was ever so honored to receive. Gordon tried to insist on paying for the expensively made item, but the mare would not have it. Relenting, Gordon helped tidy her main work space a little bit before heading back out to his next Nightmare in Ponyville. Goldie decided to go back to the castle with Spike while he took care of the first phase of his new Nightmare.

Walking down the streets of Ponyville, soon he came to the location of the Burger Princess Shack and immediately noticed the beautiful surroundings of this particular part of Ponyville. Emerald green grass lining the streets, tiny little trees on either side of the building attracting all manner of birds, and a view of Twilight's Castle and the distant mountains in all directions.

"Quite the gorgeous spot for a restaurant actually," Gordon stated to himself, thoroughly impressed. "Smack dab in the center of Ponyville."

While he was enjoying the scenery, Mayor Mare was once again, busy stalking the human, watching his every move from the bushes, peering right through a pair of binoculars.

Not noticing the creeping politician pony, Gordon went inside the front doors and noticed how nice and decent the interior decor was. Very bright and vibrant, as the sun shined through, the colors seemed to pop even more.

"Promising, not a bad start," Gordon mused.

Gordon saw Twilight sitting by the entrance on a long red plush bench. Her face perked up once she laid her eyes on the human.

"Gordon! You're here! I was starting to get worried." Twilight stated cheerfully.

"Rarity isnt Pinkie, but she can still talk a man's ear off with the best of them."

"She gets like that when she gets excited."

"I know I certainly am. Do you know where the owner is my darling?" Gordon asked patiently.

"He went back into the kitchen before you showed up to check on something, I hope he doesn't take too long. I helped Jay set up your cameras and lights around the restaurant. I believe we are all ready to get started."

Just then, a light green unicorn stallion came out of the double doors to the Kitchen into the main dining room. He came bounding over to Gordon. Gordon walked over to him, to meet the stallion halfway.

"Good morning," Gordon greeted.

"Mornin mate, I'm Red Skillet, yeah I know, color is a bit misleadin aint it? Green Skillet was my father and you can guess what his color was", Red Skillet said laughing at his own joke.

A pink pegasus mare came from around the corner and shook Gordon's hand warmly.

"I'm Tulip Mr. Gordon, Its a pleasure to have you," she said.

"Likewise, why don't we sit down and have a chat?"

"We have a great opportunity here! We have Princess Twilight and a great human chef to improve us!" Red Skillet exclaimed to his interviewer. "Otherwise, what the hell are they here for?"

Twilight came over to the table and sat down next to Gordon.

"How long have you been open here?"

"We came here not long before the Princess first moved here, so about five years," Red Skillet explained.

"So you're acquainted with the area then? Good, good. Would you say that the business here is making money?" Gordon asked firmly.

Red Skillet gave a big depressed sigh as he prepared to respond.

"I am afraid not Chef, we have been losing nine to ten thousand bits a month. Every month."

Gordon was surprised by this, especially with a restaurant in such a beautiful town like Ponyville. Twilight even more so, not knowing how much her former favorite hang out place was suffering.

"What happened exactly?" Twilight asked.

"How did everything go so wrong?"

"It may have been a combination of a lot of things that we did wrong. I think it might be because that we changed the menu too many times."

"How many times did you change the menu exactly?" Twilight asked.

"Thirty times your majesty," Tulip replied.


"That's gotta be multiple times a month!" Gordon exclaimed. "What about the Head Chef? You normally only change when the Chef changes. How many Chefs do you have?"


"Jeez. What about the front of house? Has it been as bad?"

"Yeah, we've been through about 40 servers." Skillet replied.

Twilight was taken aback. She knew they were having problems, but she couldn't imagine that her former favorite restaurant was in this bad of shape. It pained her to think that there were many more friendship, marriage, and family problems in Equestria that the map never told her about.

"So thirty menus, ten head chefs, and forty servers. What the hell is going on?" Gordon asked concerned.

"Neighers killed us," Skillet said bluntly.

"The what?"

"Neigh is pretty much Equestria's version of Earth's Yelp." Twilight whispered to Gordon. "Its kind of strange how similar they are actually, just without the use of a smart phone over here. Instead, its more of a physical message board placed in Town Hall.

Gordon nodded, starting to understand what was occurring at Burger Princess.

"The Neighers trashed us terribly. They are also taking down and ripping up five star reviews that we once had." Skillet continued angrily.

"Oh come on--" Gordon groaned in disbelief.

"I can prove it! I can show you the bits of paper that used to be our reviews!"

"Are you seriously telling us you think that there is a plot against you, from Neigh?" Twilight asked sternly. "To close your business?"

"No question about it Princess," Skillet nodded.

"He's been reading too many Con Mane books, cause that is highly unlikely Gordon," Twilight discreetly whispered.

The tension started to rise as Gordon and Twilight slowly started to build a concrete picture in their heads about the overall situation.

"How did you come to build a restaurant here in Ponyville?" Gordon inquired. "I would imagine building in a prime location like Ponyville would be costly. Back on Earth, its expensive as it is. Especially in America. Where did the money come from?"

"Skillet inherited 500,000 rainbow opals from his father's estate." Tulip explained.

"Nice, those are quite rare and extremely valuable on Earth, good to know there's at least a bit more of them here." Gordon mused.

"They are very valuable to unicorns in enhancement of earth elemental magic spells as well," Twilight added. "I wouldn't mind acquiring a few of my own if possible. Spike's species can apparently breath 4 elemental magics other than fire."

"So he put all of them into it, but then we soon started running out of money, and in order to open, my husband turned to my son. My son Ayers is also in for another 500,000 of the rainbow opals, because he inherited some as well."

Twilight notice that Red Skillet was starting to fidget around in his chair.

"I was managing his money, so I actually took part of the money to put into the restaurant," Skillet explained.

"And as the manager of his funds, you invested it into the business?"


"Did Ayers even know about it?" Twilight asked feeling anger start to boil in her.

"Of course, he knew about it! .....Eventually at least."

Twilight and Gordon gave each other a disbelieving look, about ready to rip into the two ponies.

"What do you mean eventually?" Gordon asked.

"I told him after the fact."


"It was necessary to sort of coax him into it Chef, we had no other choice," Tulip added. "Taking a bit of his money was a necessary evil."

'Remain civil, remain civil,' Twilight thought to herself. 'I have no idea how Gordon has managed to deal with humans like this for years, let alone for a few days.'

Gordon rubbed the bridge of his nose and brushed his hand through his blonde hair in irritation.

"Seriously? Is Ayers here? I would definitely like to talk with him," Gordon requested.

"He does the evening shift,"

"I assume then the both of you work the daytime shift?"

They nodded vigorously.

"You don't work together at all?"

"Not that much no. As typical Clawstralians we tend to lock our horns like a couple of crook mongrels."

"My son has a great deal of resentment towards me and I have no idea why," Skillet explained.

"How do you think the food you serve is here?" Gordon asked honestly.

"I think its pretty ripper!," Skillet replied with zeal. "I would say its four to five star. Worthy of being within proximity of our newest ruler. I know for a fact she shall love the food now just as much as she did when she was still visiting."

To punctuate his point, Red Skillet bowed his head to Twilight in subservience. The lavender alicorn raised her eyebrow at the display and felt strangely sick to her stomach by it.

"Four to five stars wow! Okay, so you are one star out. I got the background thank you, and now I think my royal friend and I would very much like to start ordering."

Red Skillet and Tulip got up out of their chairs slowly and started making their way back into the kitchen to continue their work and await Gordon and Twilight's orders.

"I'm sure this Dag human chef will love my burgers. And I know the princess will continue to support her favorite restaurant. She has been one of my most faithful patrons ever," Red exclaimed with pride. "Without a shadow of a doubt."

One of the waitress ponies came around to take the duo's orders. It was a brown pegasus pony with a large black mane shaped like a butterfly. It was all held together by what appeared to be a golden bow. She wore a long sleeved peach colored shirt with light pink accents and a tightly worn pink scarf around her neck. She seemed friendly enough, if a bit tired.

"Hello there my darling," Gordon greeted.

"Oh my! I didn't realize we were having royal guests here today!" the mare said startled. "Please forgive my ignorance Princess Twilight."

"Just Twilight Iris, we've known each other for a few years," the alicorn replied gently. "Your cousin Daisy has been a dear friend for ages."

"Oh, sorry! Its just so weird to see you as royalty now. I want to show my respect after all."

"Iris huh? Pretty name. A lot of mares here seemed to be named after flowers," Gordon quipped.

Iris shook Gordon's hand firmly and gained a big smile on her face.

"Oh yeah, but I'm lucky enough to be the only Iris. Its nice to meet you Mr. Human."

"Gordon is fine," he chuckled. "Now on to business I'm afraid. What would you say is the problem here at the restaurant?"

Iris' smile left in place of an exhausted frown.

"There's a serious lack of management in this place. The hay burgers used to be delicious, and now they are never cooked right. They are always sent back. Whatever mixture Red is using for these burgers smells funky and tastes as bad as it smells."

"Oh wow," Gordon groaned out.

"That sounds like a health issue we should probably look into Gordon," Twilight suggested.

"I am finding myself apologizing to our customers probably three dozen times a night. It gets really bad really quickly." Iris told her interviewer. "As a pony, that seriously wears on my patience and my spirit.I go home and I always feel guilty for selling bad food to hungry ponies."

"There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to the way anything is made anymore. I'm not exactly sure what happened myself."

Gordon looked over to Twilight while twirling around a straw from a container on the table between his fingers. She nodded tiredly back at him signaling that they should probably begin with their ordering.

"Alright well, let me go for an old classic to see if it still holds up. Give me a Las Pegasus Hay Burger with extra avacado. Light on the Fat Free Cheese please." Twilight instructed. "A side of Phrench Fries as well please."

Iris pulled a notepad seemingly out of nowhere and pulled a quill out of her mane and started writing down their orders.

"What about you chef?"

Gordon picked up one of the menus left on the table and browsed the selections until he found something potentially promising.

"I think I will try the Cowpony Veggie Burger. Fully herbivorous food isnt my style but it can't hurt to try out," Gordon stated.

"How would you like it cooked?"

"Medium rare please. And I should definitely take a gander at that Clawstralian Meat Pie."

"Oh, are you omnivorous?" Iris asked. "I hope you enjoy that one, its exceptionally popular with Griffon, Diamond Dog, and the occasional dragon we get through here."

"I will certainly try my darling thank you. To end off my selection, I will try your award winning Wagyu Hay Burger."

"Did you want to order anything else?" Twilight giggled.

"Oh don't you worry about me Twilight, I can take a few extra hours to work out," Gordon replied humorously. "I think we are done here Miss Iris, thank you very much.

Iris gave a quick bow to the duo and took their menus, heading back into the kitchen to relay their orders to the cooks. The head chef Jack Pot was completely exhausted and tired of everyone in the kitchen constantly making mistakes. The stress of every continuing day was beginning to wear on him and his temper. He had just come back from a supply run to the local market and found the kitchen littered with filthy cook ware. The kitchen staff was cooking in piles of food, plates, pots and pans that were stacked up everywhere.

"Dirty plates everywhere! Come on you damn slackers, I'm working the hardest here," the buff unicorn snapped.

Jack Pot jeered at his staff as they hurried to clean up their work stations before doing their next orders. When Iris trotted in, the stallion's face lit up slightly and waited for her patiently to approach the line.

"We got two royal guests and a lot of food. Princess Twilight and that human chef from Earth want a good meal," Iris said confidently.

"I'll certainly do my best," Jack Pot sighed tiredly.

"Working at Burger Princess used to be a great experience, and now I am always battling with the management." Jack Pot said. "In many particular cases, Tulip can't keep her muzzle out of my kitchen and constantly hovers over everyone. It has turned into a runaway restaurant and I just have no control."

"Chef Jack for whatever reason does not like me," Tulip stated to her own interviewer. "He doesn't want me in the kitchen. And I notice that he tends to gossip and blame me for a lot that is going on. I would certainly say we have made some errors here...in staffing."

When the duo's meals were being cooked, Red Skillet hobbled out of the kitchen and sat down across from them.

"Chef Ramsay, I noticed that you ordered the Coypony Burger. That one may take a little longer," he warned the human.

"Don't you worry, just let me worry about that," Gordon replied.

"Why is that one gonna take longer?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Its a one pound burger your highness".

Twilight then looked down to the menu and scanned all of its other selections for a few minutes until her eyes came across something familiar at the bottom of one of the pages. A name that she had heard of from some of her friends.

"Executive Chef: Jack Pot?" Twilight asked in disbelief.


"Someone you know Twilight?" Gordon inquired.

"The...pony illusionist?" she asked carefully.

"No, not him." Red chuckled. "Just a humorous coincidence. He was the head pastry chef at the Cliff Hotel outside of Canterlot. I believe Miss Pinkie Pie trained him for a few months."

"And now he's the executive chef for a burger restaurant?"

"Is Hoofdini your desert chef or something?" Twilight asked with a bit of sass.


Twilight and Gordon looked at each other and got the instant urge to rub their faces in annoyance.

Back in the kitchen, Iris and Chef Jack Pot were overhearing their conversation.

"Jack, the princess was like Chef Jack Pot? Like the illusionist?" Iris laughed.

Jack Pot had a nice little belly laugh that made his day feel a bit better.

"Too bad that I can't really disappear from here," he snarked.

"When I came here, the food was amazing at first and Red and Tulip were great, but then, they wouldn't let me use any of my recipes, I had to do exactly what Red told me to do. Even if I knew it was wrong, I still had to send it out or...ya know. Crazy Clawsies screaming down my throat."

"Boy, I really am starting to rub off on you aren't I?" Gordon laughed. "From what your friends tell me, you get flustered, but this is the first time I've seen you start to get irritated."

Twilight smiled as she took a sip from her glass of water.

"Well, I'm your partner in this whole thing now Gordon, I suppose it kinda comes with the territory, she replied.

"You know what Twilight? You sort of remind me of my daughter," he stated.

"How so?"

"Extremely cheeky and brutal, but a great, kind person,"

"Aw thanks,"

Soon their orders were up as Iris brought the duo's meals quickly to their tables. What came out first was Twilight's unique burger and Gordon's odd pony rendition of an Earth favorite. Iris went away and came back with a hollow cone filled with what appeared to be fries.

"I got the Las Pegasus Burger for Her Highness and the Cowpony Burger for the Chef," Iris announced as cheerfully as she could muster.

Red Skillet left their table and went back into the kitchen to give them a bit of privacy while they ate their meal.

"So how is yours?" Twilight asked.

Gordon looked at the strange concoction as he grabbed a knife the restaurant had provided and sliced lengthwise down into the burger. When he lifted one half of the burger, he found that the patty was completely un cooked.

"Its fucking raw!" he swore. "Real meat or veggie patty, that should not be that pink in the middle like that. I mean come the fuck on!"

Trying to take a bite out of it to see if it tasted better than it looked, his taste buds were assaulted immediately with an overpowering sweet flavor followed by the overly chewy dough of the buns. Multiple things came falling out of the burger in a wet soppy mess.

"What a mess!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Whatever bread that is, its too sweet! Sweet and doughy. You want a nice tasty bun on a good burger, but nothing overwhelming. Just a nicely toasted brioche bun would do. Bland, tasteless, raw, no good flavor at all," Gordon said grimly. "That's nasty."

Iris saw his distaste for their food and quickly trotted over.

"How are you doing?" she asked with dread.

"That's rough," Gordon said as he pushed his plate towards her. "Doesn't anyone ever season anything in this place?"

"I know they throw a little bit of salt in there, but other than that, I don't think so Chef."

"They are obviously blind then, cause that is really ghastly."

Red Skillet watching the scene from afar did not like where this situation was going and went to confront Iris about it. The mare in question took his plate as she started heading back into the kitchen. Red Skillet headed her off in the hallway to try to get some answers.

"Stop, Stop, Stop, what is wrong with this one?" he demanded.

"No seasoning, he doesn't like it," she replied bluntly.

"What? That is one of the best burgers I've ever tasted in my life!"

"Well not to the chef I suppose," Iris said as she rolled her eyes.

Back in the dining room, Twilight started to get into her own meal to see how it fared. She was deeply disturbed by how Gordon's was poorly cooked and didn't have very high expectations for her own meal. Upon further examination, she had found that her burger was overflowing with too much avacado and pickles, creating a goopy mess.

"So what is the verdict my darling?" Gordon asked.

She grabbed her fork and knife and sliced into it like Gordon did. Just like before, she found that her own burger too was raw, but to an even worse extent this time around. The hay patty was as red as a strawberry and extremely slimy. The alicorn started feeling sick to her stomach. The smell of the undercooked patty was revolting as well, making her nose itch and her eyes water.

"Oh that is so gross," Twilight whined. "I don't feel too good--urp."

Twilight's stomach gurgled in a bad way as she started to hold her mouth closed. Gordon witnessed as the fur around her face started to turn green.

"You alright there my darling?" Gordon asked concerned.

"Yeah, I...think I just need to sit down, and not think about anything. Maybe I should take a bathroom break after this."

"We're in no rush, I don't want a princess fucking throwing up on me," Gordon giggled ironically.

Iris came back and retrieved their plates, seeing how unsatisfied they were with their meals. Red Skillet saw this as well and slammed his face on to the counter.

"I had no idea that my burgers were that badly cooked!" Red Skillet lamented. "It was just shocking!"

Heading into the kitchen, Iris left the plate on the line to show Jack Pot.

"Its entirely raw Jack Pot," Iris said cautiously. "The princess said she was starting to feel sick.

Jack Pot yanked the plate off of the counter forcefully and looked down at the burger. His face contorted to one of rage as he started going off on his kitchen staff.

"I was extremely embarrassed that one of our rulers had to taste such a horribly cooked burger. Especially since I was the one who sent it out. But this is NOT my fault. We are under so much pressure and stress from Red and Tulip and I just know that they are going to lay all of the blame on me," Jack Pot tried to explain. "Instead of looking at their own deficiencies!"

"Come on Jack! That was awful! Get your act together!" Red snapped.

"AND I'M ABOUT DONE WITH ALL OF THIS CHILDISH SHIT FROM YOU!" Jack roared as he threw six pots at the wall.

Jack started fuming as he walked out of the kitchen and into the back alley of the restaurant, completley ignoring the pleas and shouts from everyone else.

Next Time: Burger Princess Shack part 3

Author's Note:

Sorry, this one took a while but I hope you all find it entertaining. As always, like and tell me what you think below and give me any creative tips on what you think I could do to improve each past and future chapter.

Cook on my foodies!

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