• Published 1st Feb 2019
  • 1,226 Views, 21 Comments

Sunburst and The Shadow Pony - Miner

Sunburst adventure with an unexpected ally.

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And then he sneezed

Sombra, the Evil King of the Crystal Empire, has returned. This is an unfortunate event that Chrysalis was trying to avoid when she wanted his power for herself. When she found the crystal in this cave, it's magic power was in a deep sleep, and she couldn't awaken it. That is why she needed Sunburst. She needed him to awake the energy within and take the ancient dark magic for herself. She knew there was a small chance for Sombra to come back, but she was willing to take that chance. However, it looks like luck wasn't on her side.

"Well, I had a feeling that when that crystal broke. That there was a chance for you to be revived Sombra."

"That is KING Sombra to you bug!" He said as they started circling each other,

"Who are you calling a bug? You good for nothing shadow pony!"


"Black pony."


"You know what. Enough of this smack talk." Chrysalis then sends a magic blast at Sombra. But Sombra dodges it by turning into a shadow and move across the floor. "Get back here!" Chrysalis shouted, giving chase. She follows him and blasts at his shadow whenever it would hold still for a second only to miss. But she continues to blast at him it all her might in rage destroying what was left of her lab. Chrysalis notice that Sombra has only been dodging. There may be a chance that he hasn't regained his full power yet and is just paying time. She can't have that. And what better way to get under someponies skin than to hit their ego.

"Some King you are! Stand up and fight me! Or are you afaird of a little bug?"

"Well. If you insist." Once Sombra was solid again. Chrysalis then blasts him with magic and notice something very wrong. He is unhurt. He didn't even flinch. Sombra dust his coat here the blast hit him and looks at Chrysalis. "Is that the best you got?"

Chrysalis wasn't expecting for Sombra to be this strong already or is she that weak at the moment? She doesn't know; she was already low on love when she was working with Sunburst. She was hoping that she would have absorbed all the dark magic before she got into any fights. In truth, Chrysalis could transform into a dragon and fight Sombra like that. However, she only has enough magic reserve left to change one more time. Leaving her with two options. Runaway or win this fight. And there is no way Sombra is going to let her run away. So how is she going to finish this fight?

Before she could figure out a plan of action, Sombra rushed her, and slams her into a wall. Sombra backs up as he causes black crystals to come from the wall behind her trapping Chrysalis against the wall.

"You are rather weak your highness," King Sombra said with a smug grin on his face, "You should have run when you had the chance."

Not wanting to go down without a fight Chrysalis puts on a face and challenges the king, "A Queen never runs away from a fight."

"Then this is the end for you." Sombra horn then starts glowing as Chrysalis closed her eyes.

"What? OW! Get off of me!"

Chrysalis opens her eyes to see Sombra trying to get a rat off of his face, taking this moment of opportunity. Chrysalis then begin to pull herself free out of the crystals. Once she was free, Sombra had just thrown the rat across the room hitting the wall hard and falling behind some debris.

"MAX!" Chrysalis charges at Sombra and starts a hoof fight with him. However, it soon became clear to her that she wasn't going to win this fight as she continues to struggle with Sombra. He grabbed her by the neck and threw her over his shoulder and landing hard behind half a table. She looked back at Sombra from around the corner to see his horn glowing again.

"This has gone on long enough- Aug- ah... ah... achoo!"


What happened to Sombra after he sneezed makes utterly no sense to Chrysalis. King Sombra had changed colors. His grey coat turned a light orange, and his black mane turned into a red-orange. And his eyes turn from red to blue. Where once stood the Great King of Shadow now stands Sunburst. Granted that he now has the body of a muscle stallion, it is him. Sunburst looks confused to what he was doing and removed the crown on his head and places it on the floor. He looked around to see what had become of the lab before he called out for his partner.

"Crystine where are you?"

'Right that what Sunburst knows my disguise from as.' Quickly changing back into Crystine, Chrysalis called out to Sunburst.

"I am behind the table," Crystine came out from behind the table.

Sunburst greets her in a hug. Crystine was caught off guard by this but decided to let it go. Considering that she is to injure to fight back anyway. "I am glad you are alright, Crystine."

"Same to you." Crystine then breaks the hug, and they both walk over to where the Crystal of Dark Magic once stood. There is nothing left except for a few shards no bigger than a bit.

"It is a shame about what happened to the crystal though," Sunburst said.

"Well, at least now no pony can use it for evil proposes." Like herself. "And I guess it is safe to say that I am no longer in danger of Sombra taking over my body know."

"True. And sorry about destroying your research," he said looking around the lab,

"Eh, it alright."She dismisses the idea by waving a hoof, "I will find another way to get my name out there." She then turns her attention to Sunburst physic, "Say Sunburst."


"Do you feel any different?"

"No, not really. Why?"

"Well, I can sure see something different about you. I say you gain about thirty pounds."

"What are you talking about- goodness!" Sunburst then notices that his body is indeed different, and not in a bad way.

"About Thirty pounds in muscle." She said laughing as he continues to look over himself,

"I don't understand."

"Well, you were the closest to the crystal when it went boom. Maybe it did something to you."

"This is well. I can't say that I don't like it. I wonder what else has changed has happened to me besides my looks?"

"I don't know, but can we find Max first?"


Sunburst then begins searching for Max as Crystine thought to herself. ' What happened?! When that Crystal of Dark Magic went boom. All of its magic should have been scattered across this area. And Sunburst should have been six feet under! But for some reason, all the magic went inside Sunburst and recreated Sombra. It must have something to do with that fact that he was wearing the crown when it happened. But that doesn't explain why he turned back to normal when he sneezed... Wait a minute.'

A few minutes before the experiment.


"Coming down with something Sunburst?"

"Maybe. But it shouldn't interfere with my performance today."

"If you say so."

' Don't tell me that the fact he had a small case of the sniffles that he unconsciously changed the spell he was trying to cast in the first place? That might explain the explosion earlier. Magic is such a delicate thing.'

"I found him!"

Crystine then walks on over to Sunburst. "Come here, Max." Crystine then grabs Max and hugs him. Max, however, was bitting her hoof.

Sunburst noticed this and put a little distance between him and the rat for some reason. "A little fisty, isn't he?"

"He is just embarrassed that is at." Crystine then put him in his cage and turns back to Sunburst. "Now then what are we going to do with you Sunburst?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, you can't go back to the Empire as you are now."

Confused, he askes again, "What are you talking about?"

Crystine shakes her head move in close to sunburst and get him a flat look, "Sunburst what just went kaboom earlier?"

"A Crystal of Dark Magic," he replied dumbly,

"Correct. And where were you when this happened?"

"In front of it."

"Good job. And now since there is no evidence that the magic inside the crystal is all around us. And you suddenly have gain muscle mass. Where do you suppose all this dark magic went?"

Sunburst eyes started to get bigger. "In...insi- inside me."

"Good," She said, patting him on the shoulder, "And what happens to creatures full of dark magic when they enter the Crystal Empire?"

Sunburst then starts shaking at the thought. "They...they..."

"They die. Come on Sunburst it not that hard to think about."

Sunburst starts running around the room panicking. "What am I going to do! What am I going to do! What am I going to do! What am I going to do!"

"Calm down Sunburst," Crystine said, stopping Sunburst in his tracks with a pile of pillows. "Now the only logical thing we can do right now. Is to find somepony that is strong enough to remove the dark magic within you and what is left inside me. It will be painful, but at least it will save our lives."

Sunburst sticks his head out from the pile. "Your right."

"And since we have no way of getting close to Princess Candance without committing suicide. We must find another Princess."

"Perhaps Celestia can help us?"

"You want to walk into the capital of Equestria with a body full of dark magic? Oh, brilliant idea," she said sarcastically,

"Alright, so what do you have in mind?" Sunburst said, leaving the pile of pillows.

"Princess Twilight is the Princess of Friendship after all. The strongest form of magic in all of Equestria. She is the best choice of the four Princesses right now."

"Alright, then we better get the next train to Pony Ville." Sunburst started moving but notice that his movements were being stopped by Crystine magic. He sighs and looks back, annoyed, "What!? What now?"

"Did you forget where the Train station is Sunburst."

"It is in the- oh."

"Yes, it is. And we can't go near the Empire, remember?"

"So how are we going to get to Pony Ville then?!"

"Oh, there is this great new invention called hooves!"

"You want us to walk all the way there!"

"No, we are going ask rides from a dragon to help us get there," She said sweetly before she shouts at him, "Of course, we are going to walk," Sunburst adjusts his glasses at her outburst only to see that they are broken and for some reason doesn't need them. He puts them away from now as Crystine starts packing, "But we are just walking to the nearest town then get the train from there."

"That makes much more sense."

"What! Did you thought we were going to walk the whole way?"

Sunburst looks away for a second before responding, "Maybe?"

"Start walking before I hurt you. On second thought." She did hit him.