• Published 1st Feb 2019
  • 1,226 Views, 21 Comments

Sunburst and The Shadow Pony - Miner

Sunburst adventure with an unexpected ally.

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Bonus Chapter: The Queen and her family

Chrysalis lays her head down as the guards leave her in the dungeon. Her new home. Forever. She can feel something trying to get her attention. Weakly she lifts her head to see her pet, Max.

"It is good to see that you are okay, my pet. But now is the time that we must part ways. This is my new home. There is nothing left for you here. You must leave me."

Max looks at her before leaving and returning with a set of key for her. To which she tossed out the cell. Max tries again to help his owner escape, but again she tosses the keys out. Max rubs his head before he grabs the keys open the door, and trying to push her out of the cell to no avail. She uses her magic to close the door and lift Max and puts him out of the cell. "Max, please stop. This is what I desired for what I have done. I am done running. I want to rest."

Max was going to try again when somepony else grab him. "What is a rat doing here?" Pharynx said, looking at Max.

"He was my pet. Please see him away. I don't want him to be stuck here with me."

"That not really up to me. Anyways you got a visitor. " he steps aside for somepony else to enter the room. Someone that Chrysalis thought would be the last pony that would what to see her.

"Twilight Sparkles."

"Chrysalis," She turns to Pharynx, "Leave us."

Usually, Pharynx would have argued that it was a bad idea to leave his queen with the ex-queen in the same room together, even with antimagic bars separating them. But the way she said it made him put his trust in her judgment and left without a word.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"Quite," Twilight said, moving in front of the cell, "But this is not the way I saw things ending for you."

"What did you have in mind?"

"I thought that you would have put up a fight at least before you were defeated. Not show up one day and turn yourself in. That is not that same changeling Queen that I fought in Canterlot. What happened to you?"

"I was reminded of the pony I once was, and what I lost. I wanted everything back that I lost track of who I was. You should understand what I am talking about."

"The Hive?"

"My family."

"Were you always like this?"

"Sometimes ponies put up a strong face to hide from others."

"So this is the end for you?"


"Not even going to put up a fight?"

"There is no need to fight for what you can never have back."

Twilight sighs, "I want to be mad at you. I want to stand here and feel like I must hit you because you deserve it. But as I look at you now. All I can feel is pity for the fallen Queen."

"It is just as you said, your highness. I have fallen, and I won't get up."

Twilight got up and was going to leave the dungeon when Chrysalis spoked up, "Queen Sparkle." She stops and looks back to the cell seeing Chrysalis reaching out to her before she brought her hoof back, "I know that I have no right to ask of this. But can I please see them — my grandchildren. I would like to see them. You can banish me to Taurus for the rest of my life if you want. But I would like to hold my grandbabies even if it is just once. Please."

Twilight looks away thinking for a moment before leaving without saying a word. The silence crushed Chrylias as she fell to the floor in tears. She thought that even if this is the end for her. She could at least see her grandchildren. Now she will never know.

Minutes past as Chrysalis cried before the sound of hoof steps could be heard coming towards her. She lifts her head to see Thorax entering the room.


"My baby."

"Don't call me that. You lost that right when you left the hive."

"I had no choice."

"You could have stayed, you could have changed like the rest of us, and you could have still been our Queen. Then we wouldn't have lost our mother." He stomps a hoof the floor in anger, "What did you think would happen when you left? You were our Queen, our mother. And you left us alone. Do you have any idea what that feels like!"

"I am sorry."

"What you say doesn't matter anymore. Twilight is our Queen now. And you will spend the rest of your behind bars thinking about what you could have if you only wanted to stay with us."

She looks away in shame, "I am sorry my King."

"And then you dare ask her if you could hold onto my children! Do you have any idea how ridiculous of a request is that?!"

"I just want to see them once."

"Why is it so important for you to see them? You could have disguise yourself as another changeling and acted as a maid and got to see them that way. But you choose to turn yourself in. Not knowing, if you will either see them. Just what are you trying to prove here? You know that no changeling here would consider helping you out, even if you wanted to escape. So why are you doing this? What do you want to be here?"

"Becuase, this is where I belong. This is where my family is. And if that means I have to spend the rest of my life behind bars just to be myself near my children. Then so be it."

"And If I were to send you to Taurus without seeing my children or any changeling as you are left to rot. What would you do?"

"I would die of a broken heart. My King, Please, I just want to see them. I will never ask for anything else from you. Not even love. I want to see my children's children. Please, my heart would not be able to handle not seeing them when they are so close to me. Please, I will do anything. Just let me see them just once."

"No," Thorax said, letting a moment of silence filled the room.

"You can't see them." Chrysalis hopes were shattered as she fell to the floor, crying. Thorax let her cry for a bit before speaking up, "Becuase they haven't hatched yet."

Chrysalis lifts her head to see Twilight bringing in eggs into the room in a basket. She nods to Thorax as he opens the door as Twilight enters the cell. "Five minutes Chrysalis," Twilight said, leaving the basket in front of Chrysalis, "That all I am giving you."

Slowly Chrysalis lifts a hoof to the basket but stops herself from touching them. Instead, she grabs the basket and hugs it as she lies on the floor. "Thank you." She said as more tears fall from her face. But not tears of sorrow, but of joy.

Chrysalis lost track of time as she hugs the basket tightly. During those precious moments of joy. Twilight notices two things. One, she is a big softly for family moments, and two Chrysalis appearance was changing. Her holes in her legs and wings were filling up becoming whole. Thorax saw this, but a look from Twilight made him be quiet.

Chrysalis heart has finial felt something that she never thought that she would ever feel again. She felt complete and whole. Chrysalis was startled when the basket was lifted away from her. But then the eggs flouted to place back to her by Twilight's Magic. Twilight moves in front of her before she hugs the eggs, making a circle of Queens surround the children. Chrysalis had no idea what was going on, but she wasn't going to argue. Thorax watches them for a moment longer before joining them hugging Twilight from behind, as they lay their heads on the floor enjoying the moment of peace. With smiles on their faces.

What happens for the ex-queen is up to Twilight and Thorax. But something tells me that Chrysalis is going to be okay. For now, everyone can agree that for this one moment. Everyone is safe, and everyone is home.

Author's Note:

If you have read this far then I thank you for enjoying my work. This is a spin-off from the Our New Queen series. With another spin-off book about Celestia and Fluttershy love life. These stories are going to be important for the official sequel for Our new Queen series. So I would encourage you to pay attention to what I add in the stories as compare to the T.V. show. Have a good day everyone.

Comments ( 2 )

daw a perfect ending. to a grate story

compared to the stone ending of the show.

Saw cute 🥰

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