• Published 1st Feb 2019
  • 1,226 Views, 21 Comments

Sunburst and The Shadow Pony - Miner

Sunburst adventure with an unexpected ally.

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Chrysalis had just put the last guard on a pile of defeated guards as she smiles to herself. "I still got it." She then notices something wet on her backside. Investigating, she found the wet spot coming from her saddlebag. "Oh, MAX!" She let the poor rat out of the bag, and he moved around the floor for a bit before fainting. "Sorry about that. I forgot that you were in there." Max glares at Chrysalis. "Don't give me that. You were the who eat more than he was allowed to for lunch. And now it is all over inside my bag." Figuring that she would steal another one Chrysalis tosses the bag away and picks up her pet. "Now let's see what happened to Sombra and Melody."

And Back with Sunburst and Sombra,

"Why!?" Sunburst said as Sombra pushed him into the ground.

"I don't have to tell you WHY! Just don't say her name!"

"She was important to you, Sombra. Why is it so hard to talk about her?"

"Because I..." Sombra stop. It has been so long. He never wanted to think about her. "Because I..."

The scene around them changes once again — this time into a battlefield outside the Empire. Sombra is leading a squad of crystal ponies against shadow creatures in the shape of ponies. As the memory continues, Sombra shuts his eyes screams in pain as he moves away from Sunburst. Sombra grabs the sides of his head continues to scream as The memory starts fading in and out. Scenes of the battle, then Sombra fighting them alone, then him casting a spell, and then everything goes dark. Once Sombra stops screaming, a voice speaks to them.

"Now, now, Sombra. We can't have you remember too much now." A creature from memory appears before them. It looks like a pony but with small yellow eyes and a misty shape to its body.

Sombra opens his eyes to show one of them is red, and the other is green. "Get out of my head, Umbrum!" He shouted at it.

"No can do captain." The Umbrum said casting a spell on Sombra making him go to the floor. "After all. You haven't completed your mission yet." The Umbrum spell as undue by Sunburst magic. It looks at the orange stallion. "And what do you think you can do pony?"

"What I can do," Sunburst said blasting the shadow pony with magic.

Outside the mindscape, Melody slides down the face of the mirror for the tenth time and was starting to get dizzy.

She shakes her head and stares back at the mirror. "Why isn't this working! What am I doing wrong?"

"What are you doing?" Crystine said, looking at Melody and the mirror.

"I am trying to go into the mirror, but it won't let me in!"

"Melody, brute force isn't going to get you inside." Crystine gives Melody Max as she gives the mirror a go over.

Melody was happy to meet Max but..."What happened to Max?" She asked Crystine, noticing that he doesn't look very good.

Crystine can feel the magic coming from the mirror. 'Mirror magic is old magic.' Crystine thought to herself. 'Not many ponies can pull it off and in such a short time to boot. Sombra must have done this. I can only imagine what his plan was for.' Crystine then answered Melody. "He overeats."

Melody looks back her in confusion. "But he is a rat."

"A very unusual rat," Crystine steps away from the mirror. "I believe this mirror is a gateway into somepony's mind."

"So how do we get in?"

Crystine moved next to Melody and faced the mirror. "Normally this is the moon princess domain, but I do believe there is a way. Now stand back. I am not sure if this is going to work. And run inside when I give the okay."

"But if that the case won't it be better for us to wait for them to come out?"

"Normally yes, but I am getting a feeling that if we don't act soon. We might lose both of them."

"Then let's hurry!"

Crystine has to be careful. She has already used up much more magic then she wanted to today. If she doesn't get some more love soon, then she won't be able to hold her disguise much longer. Let alone a squad of guards once those changelings get reinforcements. But she can't lose Sombra's magic! She has come too far to fail now. She charges up her magic and blasts the mirror with all her might.

Inside the mirror.

Sunburst has a force field protecting him and Sombra from the shadow pony. It circles them as attacks the force field now and then taunting them.

"Come out, Ponies." It says with a smile. "I want to play."

Sunburst breathes heavily. His fight with Sombra had drained most of his strength. There is no way he can defeat this Umbrum on his own; he needs help. Sunburst looks to Sombra. "Sombra I could use a little help right about now."

Sombra Looks at the ground breathing hard. "I can't Sunburst. That Umbrum is controlling me."

"And why did you just tell me- AH!" Sunburst moved out of the way when Sombra almost blast him with magic. Sunburst dropped his Force field and moved away from the two.

The Umbrum laughs at this. "Ah nuts a little bit longer and he would have been dealt with." Sombra struggles to resist from moving, but his eyes turn back to red, and he attacks Sunburst while the Umbrum watches them. "Don't you see pony. Sombra is my puppet, and all you just did with your mind show was waking him up from a deep sleep. Not that it matters. Soon I will have control of this body, and we will finish what we started." Sombra pins Sunburst to a wall and traps him in dark crystals.

Sunburst struggles to escape but to no avail. "You won't success Umbrum. The heroes of Equestria will stop you!"

"They might be able to stop me, but how can they stop a whole army of Umbrum? I would like to see that."

There as a great crashing sound as Crystine and Melody enter the mindscape. The Umbrum sigh as it looks at its new playthings. "Do you mind? I am kind of in the middle of killing a pony here."

"I don't think so!" Crystine said, causing a high wall of fire to come out of the ground to separate Sunburst from the two. Crystine quickly moves to free Sunburst. "You mind telling me there is a Umbrum in your head Sunburst!"

"I just found out about it!" Crystine frees Sunburst, and they regroup with Melody as the fire died away.

The Umbrum brushes his chest before looking at Crystine. "So the mare has a few tricks neat. Now here is mine. Sombra?" Sombra moves quickly to attack Crystine and Sunburst. "I have to admit it is an old trick, but I never get tired of it." The Umbrum then notice Melody and moves next to her. "Now who do we have here?" Melody tries to move away from the Umbrum, but he caught her in his magic and lifted her to his face. "A little filly who doesn't belong here?"

"Get away from her!" Crystine shouted at it but was silenced by Sombra trapping her in crystals

Sunburst was captured shortly afterward, and both him and Crystine were brought in front of the Umbrum. "You know ponies, I have lived a very long time, but this is the first time I have ever dealt with such an unorganized group of ponies wanting to fight back. Did you think that you could put aside your differences that you could defeat me? I am a captain of the Umbrum army. Amateurs like you all can't defeat me." He then looks at Melody. "But before I do that I this I will have some fun with this one first."

"Leave her alone she has nothing to do with this!" Sunburst said before Sombra hit him.

"Don't you dare!" Crystine shouted,

"And what can you do to stop me." the Umbrum looks to Melody, stops and takes a good look at her. "Do I know you pony?" He then nods his head. "Yes. Yes, I do! You are Sombra offspring. This is perfect. Now I get the chance to kill both the child and the mother."

"NO!" Sunburst and Crystine said before the Umbrum attacks Melody. But his hoof didn't connect. He was stopped by Sombra, kicking him away.

The Umbrum gets up and looks at Sombra. "And just what do you think you are doing?"

Sombra's eyes fade from red to green, "Saving my family."