• Published 1st Feb 2019
  • 1,222 Views, 21 Comments

Sunburst and The Shadow Pony - Miner

Sunburst adventure with an unexpected ally.

  • ...

The end?

Princess Celestia walks to her throne join by her fellow Princesses and Twilight (Viewing orb). She looks ahead and speaks out loud. "Bring her in."

The doors to the room open up as four guards escort Chrysalis in chains. They stop in front of them all the while Chrysalis has her head down. "State your name."

Chrysalis looks up, keeping her head low, "Que- no, Chrysalis."

"Chrysalis," Princess Luna spoke up, "you are charged with terrorizing the city of Canterlot and Ponynapping the rulers of Equestria along with its heroes. How do you plead?"


"Before we sentence you for your crimes," Princess Celestia spoke up, "I have a question."


"Do you regret any of it?"

"Yes and no."

"Explain," Twilight said,

"No, because of the fact that I was just trying to do what was best for my hive. And Yes, because it cost my children."

"Sympathy will not get you, anything creature," Luna said,

"I am not looking for your sympathy."

"Chrysalis," Twilight said, "You do know what is going to happen to you?"

"I do."

"So why did you turn yourself in?"

"Because I want to make right the wrongs I have done." She said,

The royal ponies looked at each in confusion. They always knew that they would capture Chrysalis and be punished for her crimes. However, they never thought that she would turn herself in without a fight.

"Chrysalis," Celestia said, "For your crimes against Equestria you are sentenced to twenty years in prison. You will be escorted to your new home in the morning. The court is adjourned."

The guards quickly took their prisoner to her cell. Three guards were watching her, two at the entrance of the cell and one nearby. Soon after they put her inside a pony came to visit her. Generally in a case like this, no pony is allowed to be close to the prisoner after a sentence in fear of a breakout. However, this was an exception. This pony came here to follow up on the prisoner for information they may have. In this case, the pony going to talk to Chrysalis is Starlight, and neither one of them is happy to see each other.

"Chrysalis," Starlight said to her through the bars of the cell,

Chrysalis has her back facing her visitor. She lets out a sigh before looking at her over her shoulder, "Starlight. The pony who cost me, my family. What could you possibly want from me?"

"Where is Sunburst?!"

Chrysalis looks away, "I do not know."

"Do not LIE to me!" Starlight hits the bars to the cell, "You were the last one to see him with Melody. What have you done with them?!"

"I have done nothing to them. I just wanted to be with my children. Starlight you can't possibly understand the pain I felt when my children disown me! I raised every single one of them from larvas, and they all left me alone to starve. Even if I can never be their mother again. I want to see at least still them grow up outside of shadows."

"Chrysalis what happen to you? You are not the same changeling I meet at the hive."

"My eyes were open to what true love for a parent to a child is like. If you wish to know what happened to them, then please listen to my tale."

Chrysalis told Starlight about Sombra being controlled an Umbra, and that Melody was his daughter before his reign of power in the Empire. But What got her attention was when She told her about how Sombra broke free of its control and attack it when it threatened his daughter.

The Umbra laughs out loud, "YOU! Save your family of the past?! Don't make me laugh." The Umbra shoots a blast of magic at Sombra who pull up a shield of magic to protect himself and the ones around him,

"Sunburst take Melody and leave!"

"But what about you?"

"This Umbra may be powerful. However, it has a weakness. Now go!" Melody didn't want to go and leave her father behind, but Sunburst wasn't going to let her have a say in the matter as he lifts her with his magic. Sombra lowers the force field behind them to let everypony out and escape; however, Crystine remains behind as Sunburst took Melody away. Sombra notice that he not alone, "Why are you still here?"

Crystine rows her eyes, "What else? To fight. An Umbra is an enemy to all living creature, even if it doesn't have a real body." The shield starts to creak, and Crystine uses her magic to help strengthen it as Sunburst and Melody escape the mindscape. they power up the force field with their magic to protect them from the Umbra's attacks, "So what was this weakness you were talking about?"

"It is a being composed of pure shadow magic. However, if it doesn't have a vessel to return to it will disappear. That is why it must take over the magic of another living creature to stay whole."

"So what is the first step?"

"To serve the magical connection it has to its host. If the host can no longer use magic, it will fade away before it can find another vessel. In other words, I must lose the ability to use magic or give up all my magic to another creature."

A smirk came to Crystine, "I believe I can help with that."

"I expect nothing less from you Chrysalis."

Chrysalis was caught off guard, "How long have you known?"

"There are no secrets in the mindscape."

She sighs as she returns to her original form. "You do know if I take your magic away, you will also fade away. You know that, right?"

"I do."

Chrysalis is confused, "Then why?"

Sombra looks at her with sad eyes, "I was helpless to save my beloved Amber Leaf all those years ago. However, I will not stand here and let this creature take control of this body and hurt my little girl when I can stop it." Sombra cringes and opens his eyes to show that one of them has turned red again, "I don't have much time. You must remove my magic quickly."

"So that you know, I was planning on doing from the very beginning."

"Then you should have no problem with doing this. Now stop wasting time, and help me protect my family."

At the word family, Chrysalis felt an ack of pain within her own heart. A tear wells up in her left eye as she charges up the spell, "I know your pain," she then drains Sombra of all his magic.

"What happened after that?" Starlight said,

Chrysalis moves towards Starlight as the guards moved their spears at her when she got up. She stops a foot away from the bars and sits down looking at Starlight, "I took Sombra's magic into myself. The Umbra faded away into nothingness along with Sombra." Chrysalis looks away, "I had finally achieved my objective of taking his power for my own. But I will never forget his last words to me."

"What were they?"

"He said, thank you. Thank you. Of all the things he could have said to me. He said, thank you." Chrysalis lets out a small laugh, as a tear rolled down Chrysalis's cheek, she wipes it away, "All my life. I was raised to rule the Changelings with an iron hoof and survive no matter the cost. And I did it, for Twenty-two years I did everything I need to do to save my changelings from the dangers of these lands and not once was I ever told thank you." Chrysalis moves away from Starlight, "Can you believe that? Me ex-queen of the changelings getting all emotional with a simple thank you. It is pretty sad, isn't it."

"Do you still have his magic?"

Chrysalis lays down on her straw bed in the corner, looking at her, "No."


"Soon after I gain his magic. I left the mindscape. Sunburst and Melody were waiting for me. But I forgot that I wasn't in my disguise anymore. Sunburst was angry when he saw me."


Chrysalis looked at Melody first. Melody was looking behind her for her father but notice that the portal had closed behind her. She looks up at her in tears.

"Where is my dad?" she asked,

Chrysalis said nothing to her before turning her attention to Sunburst. "Hello, Sunburst." Normally I would have laughed in his face and boast at what I was able to accomplish right under his nose. But I didn't feel the joy of victory. I didn't feel anything but emptiness inside me. I have gotten what I wanted, but I felt like I had lost something, even more, meaning full.

"How long... no... was Crystine a real pony?"

Chrysalis shakes her head, closing her eyes, "No Sunburst. It was me from the very beginning."

"Then what did you wanted from that Crystal?"

"This." Chrysalis made a black crystal appear on her hoof. "I wanted Sombra's magic for myself."

"So, now what? You are going to imprison us and take back control of the changeling's and then Equestria?!"

Chrysalis didn't say anything to him. She turns her attention back at the little filly hiding behind him. "Melody, please come here."

"What do you want with her!?"

"Sunburst. I know we don't see things eye to eye. But know this. I would never harm her. Please, I want to give her something."

Sunburst looks back and forth between the two unsure at what to do. Melody made the answer to him when she walk in front of him. "Melody don't!"

"It is okay Sunburst. She justs wants to give me something. And I believe in her."

Chrysalis lays on her stomach, facing her, "Melody," Chrysalis started, "I know you want to be reunited with your father, but you must first free him from his prison." Chrysalis places her hoof on Melody's head. "He told me that for an Umbra to live in this world, they must first take over the body of a pony for a constant supply of magic. In other words, for that Umbra to be alive, your father must still be alive somewhere." Melody can feel a warm feeling covering her whole body. "I give you your father's magic to help guide you to him." Chrysalis removes her hoof. "Go and be with him."

"Thank you,"

Sunburst is dumbstruck as to what just happened. Chrysalis had the power of King Sombra himself, and she gave it away. "Chrysalis why?"

Chrysalis stands up, "I too had lost my loved ones when I was very young. I became angry and jealous of everypony around me. How they can smile and love each other without a care in the world. I wanted the love they had for each other for myself. So that they too may know what it is like to lose the one they care for the most. I may never get my family back for all the evil I have done. But I think this world has had enough of creatures like me."

"What are you talking about?"

"What I am saying is that I am done. I am tired of all the lying, all the stealing, and all the hate. I want to rest."

"You know we can't let Melody go on her journey on her own, you know."

"Then I will give you two a head start."

"What do you mean?"

"Twilight's guards will be coming here soon and if they get Melody. They will remove the Magic inside her. And she will never find her father."

"Chrysalis you do know what will happen to you if they get you."

"I know. And I don't care. I am done running. I want to rest. Sunburst I ask you as a friend, please take care of Melody."

"Of course. Crystine."

"Thank you."

"So what you are saying is that Sunburst and Melody as missing because they went to go find Sombra?"

"That is why I do not know where they are. They can be anywhere by now." She lets out a yawn, "If you excuse me, I would like to rest now."


"I don't want to talk anymore. Please, I want to rest."


Author's Note:

This may be a disappointing ending for some people however this is not the end of the story. There is one more bonus chapter for anyone who wanted more from Chrysalis. As for what happens to Sunburst and the little filly? You will just have to wait for their sequel. I will add a link when I am done. Until then have a good day everyone.