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Chapter 49.

Cassiel POV

I got up early the next day, Blake intended to continue trying to recruit Menagerie into defending Haven at around 8 in the morning. I worked around that and got up at 6, I left a note on her nightstand before leaving the mansion and opened a portal to Mistral. Everyone was already up and about it sounded like, I heard something outside, so I decided to check it out from above. Ruby is training in hand to hand with Ozpin's new skin suit. I'm probably going to kill Ozpin in the future depending on how badly he screws up his current/ last chance. So long as his heart hasn't molded with Oscar's, I should be able to separate them, and if not, I'd expect Raven's Keyblade of Hearts to be able to do it.

The match is actually pretty sad to watch. Slow and predictable, so many openings. I'm tempted to go doen there and show them how it's supposed to be done, but I have more important things to do. I will at least point out the mistakes both keep making; going airborne is a very bad idea because it leaves you wide open, no part of the body is off limits, putting that much of your weight into a punch is also a bad idea, and it looks like Oscar is forgetting to use his aura if him recoiling that much while he's down is anything to go by. He got back up, I didn't hear what he said, I do know I heard Ozpin before he showed Ruby the difference between them. I turned away and saw Qrow leaning against the doorway.

"Not gonna say 'hi' to your friend? Or sister I guess in your case?" He asked.

"I have a meeting with some people that are shall we say less than friendly." I answered. He put his hands up.

"I'm not one to judge, I have a good idea of who you're referring to since I've more than likely dealt business with them before. Actually, there's a few things I wanted to ask you, but wasn't goven a chance."

"And they are?" I asked. He pulled out his canteen and downed what had to be about a third of it's contents before looking at me seriously.

"I only know of one other person who used a weapon like yours. Not the knock-off on your back, but the ones you pull out of nowhere, and you seem to know more than she did. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're younger than Ruby, and she was too young to remember her. Do you have any connection to Summer Rose at all?" Wait, she was a keyblade wielder??!!

"No, I've never met her. Now I have a question of my own, was that the real reason why Ozpin enrolled me in Beacon?" A weapon? Really???

"No no no... Do you really think that poorly of him? I mean, he let Jaune in, and even made the newbie a leader." He pointed out.

"I see that as him allowing another potential meat shield to work for him. Besides, I'll let what happened to Vale, Beacon, and everyone else speak for themselves as to how poorly I think of him." I countered.

"He made mistakes, but he's still trying to-"

"There's a difference between a mistake and a fuck up! Mistakes can be corrected or made up for, mistakes don't cause permanent damage nor do they get people killed! Now hurry up and ask your other questions, or I'll be leaving now."

"Do you really think you can beat Salem when Ozpin's been tryin' for millenia? Ruby and Yang don't know about this, but I was there when Summer..." He looked back at his canteen and drank more than he did the first time.

"Well that confirms my suspicion that Salem killed Summer." I commented. "Summer had silver eyes, a keyblade, likely had magic thanks to it, but I have 6 things she didn't:

  1. A teacher who I was being serious when I called her a Goddess because she literally is one, said teacher has a keyblade of her own.
  2. Power over curses.
  3. Power over Light and Darkness.
  4. Extremely fast progression considering I started training less than a year ago and have advanced enough to beat Adam, Hazel, and I would have beaten Cinder if it weren't for Pyrrha's interference.
  5. I can at least partially summon my own creatures of Darkness.
  6. Last but not least, like Salem, I can tame Grimm.

I'm not claiming to be better, especially not morally speaking if she was anything like Ruby, just better equipped. Besides, if I can't kill her," I opened the SR. "I can at least seal her away until she somehow breaks out on her own or someone else does so, which shouldn't be possible to my knowledge without a keyblade." I answered. "How much did she know about the keyblade?" I asked.

"No more than Ozpin. Even she thought it was her Semblance until she actually found it during our last year at Beacon. Though As far as I remember, she never used magic." He answered. "You're certain you never met her?"

"If I did, that would mean she visited my home before I was old enough to remember, and she would have needed a keyblade to reach it. Besides, keyblades are sentient to the extent that they choose their wielders, and I'm sure I've heard mine speak to me a few times."

"You don't suppose Ruby might get her own, do you?"

"It's possible considering Summer had one, it's also possible that she won't get one for one reason or another. When I got mine, I basically just unintentionally passed a test and one of the things I got as part of my reward was weapons that would suit me best. Whether that means He chose these weapons or if they actually chose me, I don't know." I walked towards the Corridor. "I will avenge her, and if by the off chance her heart still remains, it's possible she can be brought back, though for how long is another matter entirely." I could almost feel his eyes widen.

"What do hearts have to do with this?"

"That's for me to know. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a possible ally to meet. Do me a favor and keep this between us. I don't need Ozpin or god forbid Ruby and Yang getting on me about this." I walked through the Corridor as I summoned Nightfall as wingblades and flew towards the Spiders. The streets were pretty quiet, not very crowded either. I found the tavern and saw there wasn't much going on here either. I saw Malachite just sitting down, about to be served breakfast. I looked around to see if Neo was here already, if she is, she's using her Semblance to hide, if not, I can wait. I exited the SR and approached Malachite, startling everyone here.

"Kid, it is too early for that." Malachite said, displeased.

"Sorry, but I'm kind of in a hurry, so I'll make this quick. Have you found Neo?" I asked.

"As a matter of fact, we did. She was lookin' for you too." She said looking past me on the floor above. I turned around and thought 'shit, it really is too early for this'. She was standing on top of the railing with an unsettling smile (where the fuck was she?).

"So what are- OH SHIT!" She leaped at me with her parasol, but she broke on impact with Lionheart. Okay, she either improved or I was wrong about her Semblance before because that should've been impossible for her to my understanding. She reappeared by the stairs to my right and started attacking me rel-... Where'd that hat-... That's Roman's hat... She genuinely wants to kill me! The fuck did I do??!! Oh! Right.

She pushed me back to the table occupied by Malachite, I was blocking most of her attacks, I can't go all out if I want to recruit her. I stabbed Lionheart into the floor with Blizzara to have ice spikes extend out of the floor force her to back off like on the train. She jumped backward to avoid being impaled before jumping over the spikes to attack me. I dodged to the left and shot her with Lionheart, which she blocked by opening up her weapon, then lunging at me again. I casted Barrier right in front of me, but the Neo that hit it was a fake, and she thrusted at me with the blade she hides in her weapon. Probably against my better judgment, I caught her blade, my hand going up to hers as I casted Blizzara at her feet. She tried to hit me with the other part of her weapon, but I caught her other arm with my own.

"I'm not here to fight, Neo." I told her. I was expecting a longer fight, but I'll take it.

She glared at me, struggling to move.

"We both want revenge, but your hatred is misplaced. I have a good idea of when and where we can have our revenge." I can almost feel her pain as I look into her eyes. Roman meant a lot to her. "I have much to tell you, answers you want, and more, but first, I need to to calm yourself and not attack me or the people I'll be working with."

She looked to be contemplating my offer as she struggled less.

"Ruby didn't kill Roman, he died to a Grimm that swallowed him whole. At least, that's what she told me." I jumped back and shot the ice holding her in place with Lionheart. "From what I understand, he died because of Cinder and her master. Before we continue, can you please pull out your scroll and use that holographic text feature or whatever it was called?" I asked. She spent what felt like minutes deciding what she wanted to do, but sheathed her weapon and pulled out her scroll. I paid close attention in case she used her Semblance again.

"Tell me everything, then I'll decide what happens." She wrote.

"We both know you can't kill me. But let's move this elsewhere." I opened the SR. and walked through, keeping an eye on her as she followed. Once she was inside, confusion became evident on her face. "I would say this is my Semblance, but then I'd be lying. I'm your only way out right now, so attacking me isn't exactly a good idea." She looked ag me angrily.

"So you're holding me against my will?"

"Not exactly, this is more like a safety precaution. Besides, as if you and Roman were above such methods." It looked like I struck a nerve as she lunged at me again, I dodged to the side and shot her halfway, hitting her shoulder. She didn't move as I kept Lionheart aimed at her. She started typing again.

"Get on with it. Why were you looking for me?"

"I thought you might want revenge too. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Cinder forced him into working for her, right? Ruby may have been the last person he saw, but she didn't kill him, rather, a Grimm did. Grimm invading Vale was part of her plan, right? You lost your home, so many associates, but most of all, you lost your only friend to her plans. Sound right soo far?"

She nodded, clenching the hand holding her weapon.

"I have a very good idea of where she's going to appear and when. This gives a chance to kill her and screw over her master in more ways than one at the same time. Though, there are a few things you'll need to be aware of, starting with magic."

She looked at me, almost like she was asking if I was serious. I showed her I don't need Dust to manipulate the elements, that the Corridors are a result of magic (technically true). I told her about the Maidens and the Relics, about Salem and Ozpin. I was doing most of the talking, I saw a tear roll down her cheek once she learned Roman died just so Cinder could gain power and the Relic, that Cinder likely knew he was going to die. I told her about the day we can expect Cinder, that if she or another woman kills her, they will most likely become a Maiden. I don't care who becomes a Maiden, from what I understand, Salem only needs the Maidens for the Relics, she no longer needs a Fall Maiden. Salem shouldn't care to the extent that she'll have to find another Maiden to serve her.

Neo wanted proof, I resummoned Nightfall as wingblades and told her to take my hand, which she reluctantly did. We flew under the school (I love not needing doors and elevators) and in front of the vault. We stood on a long walkway leading to a giant door that looked to be built into a tree, definitely Spring, no way it could be alive down here otherwise. We exited the SR and I got a closer look at the Vault. The tree was real, the door looked like it had glowing light blue vines and leaves carved into it. I looked down below and saw nothing but darkness before looking towards Neo.

"This is the Vault of the Spring Maiden. I could probably use the Corridors to get inside and steal the Relic, but I'm not going to. I don't care which of us kills Cinder, I'm still going to try, but having the Fall Maiden be anyone not working for Salem would be better if that person works with us. If you kill her, you'll have a target painted on your back, especially if you take the Relic. If you work with us, well, safety in numbers. Just for working with us though, you'll have made an enemy of Salem. Is revenge worth it? Or will you put it behind you and start a new life?"

She crossed her arms and turned towards the edge of the walkway, contemplating what to do.

"Revenge doesn't come without a price. I know my nights didn't become any easier after I had mine on the guy who massacred my family and destroyed my life, and I was a child back then, certainly don't regret it though. I'd do it a thousand times more if I were able. In the end though, if Salem wins, you have just as much to lose if you do nothing as you do if you join us, you have more to gain as well if you do."

She took off Roman's hat and held it to her chest, almost clinging to it. Her breathing changed as her face took on a pained expression for a moment. As she was making her decision, I tried to think lf her relationship with him. They look nothing alike, step siblings? Maybe they were lovers? She looks a little young for that, maybe he took her in? Orphan or unwanted child without a voice, adopted by crime boss? I would never expect this level of loyalty, much less love for dead crime bosses from an underling that under any other circumstance would hardly count as a bottom feeder.

"If I were you, I'd do what I told Jaune regarding Pyrrha. Consequences be damned, trade your Sorrow for Hatred, the desire to kill is more useful than the desire to mourn."

She started walking towards me, she looks like she made her decision. She started typing on her scroll again.

"You're certain she'll be here?" She asked.

"Certain? No, the only reasons she wouldn't be here would be if our timing was off or she was replaced. Otherwise, either she'll be here with the Spring Maiden or she'll have claimed the power for herself, though I wouldn't put it past her to stab the Maiden in the back if she brings her instead. She made the Fall happen almost exactly like how I would have, I believe she'll do it this way because I would too." I answered, she looked at me, questioning my reasoning.

"'Because that's how you would do it'? That's all you can give me?"

"This is an opportunity regardless. I'm not forcing you to do anything, I'm trying to convince you to fight against a common enemy who is likely to appear on a certain date." I removed my mask and shut off my aura, allowing my eyes to bleed again. "You can walk away, you can try and fail to get revenge with your misplaced hatred, or you can join us and have you revenge, perhaps more as well." I held out one hand as the other reached for Lionheart. She looked towards the edge again before looking me in the eyes.

"I have nothing left to care about losing regardless." She shook my hand, accepting the offer.

Everything is set. Now I just need to deal with the White Fang in Menagerie.

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