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Chapter 25. New school.

Cassiel POV

I woke up alone, the bed much more comfortable than my "family's" or Fluttershy's guest bed. I tried to recall when I fell asleep and what I dreamt about, but I couldn't. I know it wasn't a nightmare or the void, but I can't remember. No matter, I went through the morning routine as usual. Once I was finished putting everything back on, a servant just walked into the room and informed me that I was expected for breakfast. I took a look around the room and couldn't find Lionheart, I'm guessing Raven has it.

Upon entering the dining hall, Celestia turned from Nevermore who was also present to greet me.

"I trust you had no trouble settling in?" Celestia asked.

"None." I answered. She handed me a paper. Basically the same thing that Fluttershy handed me on my second day here, school transfer to "Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns".

"Give this to the headmaster, I've already informed him of you and convinced him to accept you, though not at the level you claim. Instead, where you place in some classes will be determined by a placement test when you go in, you could land in a low grade class on that subject, or a high one. I will allow some leeway depending on your actions and the reasons for them. School starts in an hour." She said seriously. "Afterward, you're free to do as you please within reason."

"Alright." I read over the paper, apparently there's a dress code. "Did you make sure to tell them about a certain detail regarding my eyes?" I asked.

"I saw no reason to."

"My mask and cloak would be violating the dress code. Unless they want to clean up my blood and sanitize everywhere and everything I touch, there's going to be a major problem, especially if the teachers are strict or racist." The look on her face told me she overlooked that detail. She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, as if to say 'it's too early for this'. Immediately after, she teleported out.

"Heh, well this morning is off to a great start." Nevermore said. I can't tell if she's being serious or sarcastic with that one. "So I'll ask again, how was your first world?" She asked.

"It was... Actually pretty good. Made some friends if you can believe it, learned some of what darkness can do, and got myself cursed." She quickly closed the distance between us.

"And you didn't think to tell me this sooner???!!!" She said, panicking as she checked me over.

"It's not the kind of curse you're thinking. Apparently there's a class system of sorts on that world and when I went to get a class upgrade, I went from 'Darkbringer' to 'Cursebearer'. All my upgrades also came with a curse. One turned me into a walking bad luck charm while another took away my magic, but would send all offensive magic back at the caster to name a few." I explained.

"Your curse doesn't affect you too much I hope?" She asked, concerned.

"Power cut in half again, but improve 35% more and just as fast. Thank you for last night by the way, even if the timing was off a bit more than you thought." I said.

"It was?"

"10 days until my birthday when I came here. School the next, so 9. Heartless the next, so 8. Then I think two or three days in the hospital, so 5 or 6." *Poof* and Celestia's back.

"It's done, the headmaster knows to make an exception with you about the dress code. I should probably try to get rid of that." She mumbled the last part to herself as servants came out of the kitchen to deliver the food. We ate our food in silence, me and Celestia anyway. Once we were done, she had a servant bring in and sort all the necessary supplies for school, then Nevermore started escorting me there.

"This is it kid, I'll see you soon." Nevermore said after showing me the way. "Just hand that slip to the headmaster and do what you do best."

"Piss everyone off and help them wake up with fewer teeth?" I asked.

"Hahaha... Have fun, I know they won't." She said before leaving.

"Yeah... Fun." I said to myself. I walked in and the office was in the front lobby, the someone had just walked out, but saw me and stopped.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"New student, supposed to give this to the headmaster." I answered and he gained a look of realization.

"You must be Cassiel then? I'll be with you shortly, restroom, just wait out here for a moment." After that, he went down the hall and around a corner, I heard a door close almost immediately after. I leaned against the wall by the office door. Not long after, 5 ponies came from the opposite hallway, each had an evil smile on their faces.

"Well what do we have here? I though this was a school for unicorns. And I see no horn on you freak!" The one in the lead said, getting a laugh out of his friends. I showed the papers to them.

"Your princess seems to think otherwise since she's the one who enrolled me. If there's a problem, then take it up with Celestia, you dickless piece of shit." His friends had different reactions, from laughter, shock, and anger. Anger being the most evident on his face.

"Do yo-"

"I've through this song and dance at my last school, so let me cut to the chase. I don't know nor do I care." I interrupted.

"I am Swift Cast, son of one of the biggest donators to this school, Platinum Crest! Surely you've heard of her?"

"No, not that I'd want to hear of much less meet her considering she has to be ridden with disease to have spawned something like you."

"You- you're DEAD!" He charged up his horn, but we all heard something down the hall and stopped what we were doing. The headmaster turned around the corner and greeted us when he neared the office doors.

"Good afternoon, Swift Cast. Your day is going well I hope?" The headmaster asked.

"Oh, absolutely wonderful today, headmaster Shade." Swift answered, from typical bully to kiss ass that can do no wrong. I'm going to enjoy kicking him down to the ground.

"That's good to hear. Now move along, I'm sure you have classes to attend." Shade said.

"Always a pleasure speaking to you sir!" Swift said, taking his leave with his friends. Shade turned to me.

"Follow me, I'll lead you to the placement testing room." He continued down the hallway that Swift came from. "Fair warning, I will not tolerate any misbehavior in this school. We have a reputation and it is one we would like to keep! Am I clear?" He asked.

"I understand that if there is any trouble that it is the staff's job to stop and prevent it if possible. Not that you'll believe me, but Swift and his friends immediately started harassing me after you went to the restroom, made himself out to be untouchable because of his mother's donations, threatened me, and was about to attack before you left the restroom." We turned around the corner. "Judging by how you spoke to each other, it's safe to assume either the school cares more about money and it's reputation than the rules, duties, and it's students, or he's so good at covering up and probably playing the victim that someone else gets in trouble because he did something he wasn't supposed to."

"I would recommend you stop that right now. I will not have you lie to me and slander another student, and certainly not on your first day here!" He warned.

"And if I'm telling the truth, then it's not slander, and he deserves a very serious punishment. Let me make one thing clear. If I have a problem with another student, a problem that's supposed to be resolved by school staff, but they can't because of one stupid reason or another such as my personal favorite 'I didn't see or hear it happen', I will resolve it personally. If he is stupid enough to go through with his threat, I quote 'you're dead', I will defend myself as legally speaking, I would expect that be considered attempted murder." We went up the stairs and stopped outside a set of double doors not far to the left. "If you took basic psychology and child psychology as should be a requirement to work in the school system, then you should know that running will more than likely not be an option as well as several rule violations and letting myself be hurt is also out of the question. If you're unable to uphold and properly enforce your rules, don't expect your students to follow those same rules."

"I don't expect you to last a week here with that mindset." He commented.

"Already breaking your own rules? We'll see about that won't we?"

We entered the room and three judges awaited us inside. "Normally, this would be an entrance exam, but Princess Celestia told us what she knew of your magic as well as how you almost single handedly saved Ponyville. So instead, this will determine where you'll be placed in our school. I'll stay as a judge too this time as I'm interested in seeing what you can do."

"The test begins now, Cassiel was it? Show us something worth allowing entry into our school." One of them said.

"Will projection magic, time magic, transformation magic, protective magic, and offensive magic work suffice?" They all started laughing for several minutes. My patience ran out so I gave a demonstration which caused them to stop laughing. I summoned Dawn

"Magnet!" They were far enough away to be safe, everything near me? Not so much.
"Stop!" All the objects were now held in place. I turned Dawn into a few wingblades.
"Fire!" I shot one from each wingblade, but the objects were still intact thanks to Stop.
"Barrier!" One in front of everyone including me. Stop ended, resulting in wood, glass, and metal being thrown everywhere in the room. The barriers protected the judges, though somethings found themselves embedded in the walls. They could do nothing, but sit there with gold fish impressions.

"So did I pass?"

Author's Note:

If you've read my other story (Im)Mortality, then you might remember what stories I said I MIGHT update. First Curses, New Life, OR the mature chapters. I at least updated 2/3, so now I'm picking this back up. Remnant, coming soon! Very soon.

The bully is heavily inspired by Gale Mist in "A mother, a lover, and a man with nothing to lose", shame it's canceled.

Also making a change to the world order. I won't do Aeon: Dark Revolution as it would probably be better to not do that one and not for the reasons you might think. No one voted for Castlevania, though I didn't specify the tv series so that might be a fault of mine. And I'm sorry if you're reading this Darkraven83, but not doing Diablo either. To anyone who voted for it, I don't think I'll be able to do Undertale either, too many ways to go about it and too many alternate universes to choose from, sorry. Instead we'll have the following after RWBY. The likes will decide the order:

Overlord (the anime, not the games)
Avatar TLAB
Black Clover

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