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Chapter 18

Cassiel POV

I haven't exactly been a decent companion since we went searching for the gem, I was shaken up by the voices for days actually. Eventually everyone had enough and wanted answers, Raphtalia and Filo especially. When I said before that me and Raphtalia shared life stories, I meant we both got the basic gist of each others., I just deduced everything else from what she told me. Lost her family and home to the first Wave, then enslaved. I lost my family, saw things I shouldn't have known about for years, and spent the rest of my life in an abusive home while attending what had to be the worst school in the country. I told Filo to go away unless she wants nightmares from what I told Naofumi and Raphtalia, I could tell Naofumi wanted to ask how I knew about most of what I said, but he let that go. Raphtalia on the other hand pulled me close and tried to assure me everything was alright, that I'm with friends, and no one blames me for what happened all those years ago. Maybe I do have friends and just don't know it, maybe everything will be alright and I just have too much doubt, but she was wrong about one thing.

I've always blamed myself.

Remember that seed? The cursed one? Have I ever said how much I hate being right all the time? Motoyasu fucked up again and at this point I'm not even surprised or mad. Anyway the village needed a fuck ton of herbicide because it was overrun by plants, doesn't help the plants were carnivorous and in several cases parasitic. Now let's add in that the herbicide did absolutely nothing unless Naofumi used it, even Dark Fira was doing next to nothing because it regenerated so quickly. After the abominations were dealt with we collected the seeds and the reward afterward. Naofumi wanted to try out a new shield which let him modify seeds and I'm assuming actual plants with the end result being he 'purified' the seeds so the still grow quickly, but no longer become monsters. If he has as much control over them as I think he does then he should be able to create loyal pets among other things. At least we got some food out of it.

Fast forward a little while and we encountered a plagued stricken village. I don't think there was nearly this much death anywhere else we've been. Naofumi almost immediately got to work giving medicine, but that's just it, the symptoms are being treated, I don't think we have anything for the illness itself. That night the doctor rewarded Naofumi with what he could.

"50 silver huh?" Naofumi asked.

"We can't thank you enough sir." The docter said.

"Well actually it's a bit short, but I'll take it."

"You were a great help, now we've staved off the immediate crisis."

"That's enough for you? All I did was treat the symptoms, I didn't cure them. In no time they'll be right back to square one."

"I'm afraid you are indeed correct." The doctor said in a defeated tone.

"Not that I mind since I'd make good money anyway. Let's just see which dies out first, you, or your pocket book." That sounds like something I would say.

"We know we can't let this go on, but ther- there's nothing we can do." The nurse said.

"What do you mean?" Raphtalia asked.

"We believe it's the wind coming from the mountain that's the cause of the plague in our village. The mountain that's home to the monsters." The nurse responded.

"Home to what monsters?" Naofumi asked.

"Around a month ago a large dragon that nested there was killed by the Sword Hero, that at least was the good news." The doctor answered.

"Yeah, I did hear some rumors about that a while back. But wait a second, how does that connect with the plague that's here?"

"Many adventurers came to our village, mostly in order to see the dragon's corpse as well as to purchase supplies. That certainly did help the village to flourish of course, but one day one of the adventurers collapsed and more followed. The dragon's flesh had begun to rot and began emitting some kind of poison.

"So in other words, he fucked up by not disposing of the corpse, and all of you fucked up by not cleaning up after him. Stupidity really should be added to the Deadly Sins, though I guess Eight Deadly Sins doesn't exactly sound right." I said.

"Do you think we don't know that? There's nothing we can do now because of all the monsters!" The nurse said angry at the situation and me mosg likely.

"And perhaps due to the dragon's poison, the very ecology of the mountain has changed too. Given the consequences, the average adventurer won't go anywhere near the corpse." The doctor said.

"Have you informed the Royal Court yet?" Naofumi asked.

"Yes, we're supposed to receive a delivery of medicine shortly."

"But they said the Heroes are still too busy to help us yet, so all we can do is wait." The nurse said.

"They're too busy to help?" I heard Raphtalia say quietly.

"Cancel the request, tell them you don't need it. Raphtalia, get ready, we're moving out." Naofumi said.

"Wait! You don't mean to say you're planning to go out there yourself, it'll be far too dangerous!" The doctor protested.

"Oh you don't need to worry about us, we're used to danger." Raphtalia assured him.

"I just can't find the words to express our gratitude."

"You can keep your thanks, what I want is your money. 500 silver will do it." Naofumi walked past them.

"500??!! That's too much!" That reminds me, I still need to raid the king's vault.

"That includes hazard pay, so you can just pay me what you were going to pay the court. Or were you hoping for a discount?" Naofumi reached for the door.

"Savior my foot! He's just a lousy money grubber!" The nurse said.

"You mustn't speak like that!" The doctor scolded.

"I don't recall asking anybody to call me their savior." Naofumi said before we left.

We had to bring the wagon up the mountain, tools and Filo's "lifetime of memories" which as Naofumi pointed out is a month. We also had to wear makeshift air filters so I had to wear a second mask as we neared the corpse. I'm not going to ask how Filo can withstand the air much less bring herself to eat under these conditions, my stomach contents would've been non existent if I tried that. Paying her no mind we neared the dragon, then every red flag was raised at once. Now a little while ago I got my own HUD, only had a mini map with a compass, party display, mana, and level counter which had a downward red arrow by my level. I just woke up with it one morning, anyway the dead dragon now had glowing red eyes, blood flowing back into it, it's wounds were regenerating, and to top it off it's level was "??". Naofumi and Raphtalia had the same idea as me and we noped out of there. Filo on the other hand decided it needed to die again now.

"A dragon? I hate dragons!" She jumped up and kicked it hard enough to stagger it. Okay so we might be able to kill it.

"There might just be a way to fight it." Naofumi said. The dragon got ready for a breath attack. "Get behind me everyone!" I entered the SR and waited behind the dragon instead, nothing out of the SR can effect me so I was safe, Raphtalia wasn't even behind Naofumi's defense.

"Now I'm mad!" Filo charged at it as Naofumi tried to stop her. He tried calling her back to him, but while she was distracted the dragon ate her whole. I stopped paying attention to Naofumi and Raphtalia as I just stood there. I may not have really liked Filo, but she was just a little girl, and that dragon just killed her. I felt the darkness flowing out of me as I once again cried. I let loose a single tear as I summoned the shuriken forms of Dawn and Nightfall and used Aero for a boost like I did for the chimera before throwing both Fira enhanced weapons from above it causing scream as it lost both it's wings. To say I was pissed would be an understatement.

"Why is it everything I come to care about even a little dies?" I asked as I switched to the regular forms. The darkness continued flowing out of me more intensely now. "You took something from me, so I'll take everything from you, starting with one of your eyes!" It tried to breathe on me, but I shot Blizzara into it's left eye which stopped it so it tried to slam it's claw on me, but I felt like I barely moved at all to the side, like it was a small step. In the next instant I was near it's head and close enough to stab the other eye. Darkness was enhancing everything so much I didn't feel like I was moving much at all. I continued making it suffer as I slashed at it's legs and the stumps that used to be wings, I was on one side one second then the other the next.

"Master Naofumi!" I heard Raphtalia shout. I paid no more attention to it as I slashed it's throat and passed Naofumi who was just walking to the dragon. I could almost feel his Hatred, he deserved a crack at it. The dragon turned it's attention to Naofumi and slammed down on him, he didn't even flinch as he blocked the attack, the dragon even pulled back. Naofumi's shield changed and was ablaze, something felt off about those flames I thought as the dragon tried to swipe it's tail at him only to regret it shortly after. This Hatred has turned to Bloodlust, I certainly had no intention of stopping Naofumi as he moved closer to the dragon, Raphtalia did though and she collapsed almost immediately after bringing him back to his senses. While he spent his time trying to heal Raphtalia I decided to continue where I left off. As I was about to strike it again with the scythes I was stopped unexpectedly.

'As the Darkbringer, source of thy power,' A voice said.

"As the Darkbringer, source of thy power,"

'I order thee.'

"I order thee."

'Heed the Raven's Call'

"Heed the Raven's Call"

'and rain Death upon my enemies.'

"and rain Death upon my enemies."

'Let not Blood nor Bone nor Ash remain.'

"Let not Blood nor Bone nor Ash remain."

'Abyssal Cataclysm!'

"Abyssal Cata-" Just before I could finish it the dragon collapsed. A few seconds later Filo rolled out of it's stomach. I went back to the wagon and just waited for them to come back. After seeing Raphtalia's state I tried Esuna and Cure, even Cura, nothing worked. Whatever this is I don't think magic can do anything for her, our magic at least. The village doctor said she was afflicted with a curse, one more powerful than this town's holy water can cleanse. I left those three to talk to each other and went up on the roof in the SR. I summoned Dawn and Nightfall to try something again.

"You're the voices I hear every so often right?" I asked, but I didn't get an answer. "Why did you choose me?" No answer. "If you're not going to answer at least let me know you're listening." Nothing. "I shouldn't have expected anything from this." I dismissed them and went back inside, sleep came quickly tonight.

Author's Note:

This covered episodes 7 and 8. Also now Cassiel can use his own version of this world's magic. I thought of a cool incantation a day after the last chapter was posted and wanted to use it (it has nothing to do with Raven despite her name being in it), and since Cassiel's magic affinity is "all over the place" I thought he should technically have his own variation.

Also one last thing, I should clarify something because someone PM me and asked it a few chapters ago. The shuriken Cassiel uses, those aren't the small ones, those are the big ones like what Yuffie from FFVII and Naruto/ Boruto use.

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