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Chapter 2

Cassiel POV

So this pony is for some reason beyond my comprehension still hugging me or whatever she called it. As if her crying wasn't bad enough, I can't move. If this is karma for trying to beat God to death then I guess I deserve it, doesn't mean I accept it.

"Can I leave like I've been trying to do for a while now?" I asked the princess

"Where would you even go?" Do you really need to ask that

"Back to that castle probably. Anywhere away from people or ponies in this case, all I want is to be alone." And now she's holding me tighter, doing the exact opposite of what I want

"You know we can't allow that!" Son of an emerald whore

"Then it seems we're at an impasse, I want to be alone and you all want to force me to be with others. Even after hearing all the shit I've lived through you still don't understand why this is better for me and everyone else." Why does she care so much, she knows nothing about me but my name for God's sake

"Um, princess Luna." The yellow pony said poking her head out of the door

"Yes Bearer of Kindness?" The pony now revealed to be Luna said finally easing her hold on me, not going to ask about that kindness bit though

"Maybe I could take him, if that's alright with you." Timid, less trouble, good

"Are you cert-" Shut up

"How far away from everyone do you live? Is there anyone else living with you?" I asked, interrupting Luna who's hold on me is steadily easing up

"I live just on the edge of town, a-and I live with my animal friends."

"Then lead the way, if it's as calm and quiet as you've implied then you just might be the first person I'd have gotten along with in years, or at least had nothing against."

"Before we go, could you please stay here until the nurse says it's okay to leave?" Sigh, fine

"I'll stay long enough for a physical and that's it."

"Thank you."

I walked back into the room and looked at the nurse "I'm only staying long enough for a physical, afterwards I'm going with whatever her name is until further notice." She looked at me with a look of concession as everyone else was shocked again

"YAY! That means he gets to stay and I can throw him a party and *GASP* his birthday's in just over a week, TWO PARTIES IN ONE!" I just tuned her out at this point, amazing when it's easier to take someone as young as me more seriously than an adult

"Fluttershy you can't be serious! He's dangerous!" Trust me Rainbow, I'm more of a danger to myself than any of you

"Are you sure you're fine with this? Animals are one thing, but a colt is another thing entirely." I'm not a child Twilight

"Do you think that's wise?" The white, purple haired one asked

"Ah ain't too sure 'bout that. What do you think princess?" The orange one asked

"Really, it's fine." Fluttershy responded and the taller white one chose this moment to step in

"I believe that would be a wonderful idea. Fluttershy, from this point on you shall be Cassiel's legal guardian." I never exactly agreed to this

"Princess Celestia?" So that's her name, thank you Twilight

"You must have misheard what I said. I would be living with her until further notice. If it becomes too unbearable then I'll be going back to that castle."

"What? Why would you want to go back there, don't you know how dangerous getting there is? The Everfree forest is no place for a colt your age!" Twilight, back off

"What other reason do I need besides wanting to be alone, to be away from everyone? Worst case scenario I die and say hello again to the Void, best case scenario I'm alone like I've been trying to be all day. Either way I win." Everyone looked at me shocked hearing dying is winning to me and the pink one's hair and tail somehow deflated

"What the buck's wrong with you? How can you call dying winning?" Rainbow asked getting in my face

"There are a lot of things wrong with me in case you haven't noticed, I just don't care enough to correct them. I will have died as I lived, alone, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Now can we please get this damn physical out of the way so we can go?" Redheart decided to get this going as well as she stepped in

"Everypony please, I must ask you exit the room for a moment." Rainbow tried to get an answer to her other question, but backed off as the princesses left with the others

"Will you please remove your cloak and mask?" Redheart asked

"The mask stays on." She conceded and let me keep the mask, once I removed the cloak though her breath got caught in her throat

"What happened to you?" She asked looking ready to cry as she lingered on the scars on my arms and torso, from the sound of it this is a surprise to her. It is a surprise to me though as I would've expected God to heal those when he healed my hands

"Nothing that concerns you, but if you must know then I guess you could call the majority of these a result of tragedy or betrayal." She took a minute to regain her composure before she started with the usual routine of physicals: Heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, etc. She wasn't taking too long with each and it gave me time to think of how to proceed. I could just ditch Fluttershy tonight and go to the castle, but wandering through an unknown forest at night won't end well in regards to reaching my destination. I could just stay with her, she doesn't seem bothersome at all and I'll admit to having a soft spot for animals. I suppose it's at least worth trying.

"-iel." Redheart called

"Huh?" I was probably to deep in thought

"I said we're done, you can join the others now, and please don't get involved in any strenuous activities." No promises

"Thank you." I said walking out and passing by the others

"Are you ready to go?" Fluttershy asked, I nodded my head in response as we all left

The trip was bearable to say the least. Everyone kept chatting with eachother and left me out of it thankfully, well actually Twilight kept asking questions about Dawn and Nightfall as well as asking me to elaborate on a few things I said earlier. All she got was vague answers at best and not because I didn't feel like answering her. Needless to say she was less than pleased and it took the orange one or Applejack as Celestia revealed to get her to stop, I can already tell that'll only be temporary though. I completely tuned out the still unnamed pink one, I can feel Rainbow's gaze and can tell she's just waiting for me to step out of line (not like she can do anything because of my age), the other still unnamed white one was chatting with Fluttershy, and Luna couldn't wipe that look of pity off her face. I can't even see it and it annoys me just knowing it's there.

We all eventually went our separate ways except for the princesses who stayed with me and Fluttershy until we reached her home. Once again, not going to ask about something that's beyond my understanding (literal treehouse) and the second we reached the door she excused herself to get the animals ready. Luna tapped my shoulder to get my attention.

"If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to ask. Celestia and I shall assist you as best we can." So not at all, okay

"Thanks, but no thanks. I doubt I'll ever be asking for anything from you or even my new landlord." She gained a disheartened look and was about to respond, but Fluttershy poked her head out just before she did

"Everything is ready. You can come in, if you want." She said, welcoming us in. One step inside and I could see animal friend was being taken a little too seriously. How many people can you name have foxes, rabbits, a bear, several birds such as crows, finches, and ravens, ferrets, snakes (including venomous ones), and a wooden wolf all as pets? I couldn't tell if this place was safer than the castle considering the number of things that could kill me with almost no effort.

"Are you coming?" Fluttershy asked the princesses who still outside

"As much as we would like to, we must return to Canterlot. We will send you guardianship papers within the week." Celestia responded

"Oh, alright. I hope your day goes well." And with that they were finally gone. Now it's just me and my new landlord until I can't stand this town or her, whichever happens first.

"So what happens now?" I asked

"I guess we get to know each other? I-I'm sorry, this is new to me." I know, more so for me than you

"Well there's not much to say in that case. You're an animal care taker and whatever Luna called you and I'm an asshole who wants to be alone with his weird swords." She flinched when I said asshole

"Could you please not use such language?" She asked

"It's just words, besides is it really so wrong to speak the truth, regardless of how brutal it is? Honesty I could have sworn was a virtue, but I've been wrong before." One of the snakes started climbing my leg so I reached out my hand and let it climb up a little further before letting it on my shoulder

"It's not nice, it can hurt ponies feelings and send the wrong message." Now that's just precious

"Feelings? I don't see the point behind those, all they do is hold us back or get us in more trouble than they're worth. I'm very particular in my choice of words anyway, what I say I cannot word anymore clearly. What I say is so clear a child with a severe case of I don't know, name a mental disorder would understand perfectly. Aside from all that I've found that for some reason contadicting what everyone keeps telling each other and me that being an asshole not only gets my already clear point across more effectively, but gets better results as well." She flinched again hearing this

"Please, at least try to be nice to ponies. I don't know what happened to make you like this, but-"

"And I don't intend for you to know." I interrupted

"But please try, Equestria's not like your old home!" She practically begged

"I'll try if I find it worth the effort, until then you're stuck with this." I gestured to myself "Is there a guest room? I'm surprisingly tired after today."

"Up the stairs second door to the right."

"Thank you." I set the snake back on the floor and followed her directions, I could feel everyone's gaze as I did so. I can already tell a few don't like me, not that I care so long as they don't attack me. Entering the room I locked the door before removing my cloak and mask. I collapsed on the bed finding it surprisingly comfortable, reminded me of times better forgotten.

"So this is my new life huh? Let's see if it was worth it." I said drifting to sleep

Author's Note:

Will still be an asshole for a while

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